The script for the New Year's theatrical performance “At the command of the pike. Scenario of a New Year's party for children of the preparatory group based on the fairy tale "At the behest of the pike"



Scene 1.

Village hut. Bake. On the Emelya stove.

As in our side
Known throughout the world
Emelyushka is lying on the stove.
And everyone keeps telling him
And he speaks strictly;
“Your work is waiting and waiting.”
Emelya will scratch his nose first
And he will say:


It's frosty outside
And work in such cold weather
Maybe only a steam locomotive.

The brothers appear.

1st brother: Well, Emelya, we’re going to the city and leaving you at the farm. Clean the house, heat the stove and bring water.

Emelya: What are you doing, brothers! I will never be able to cope with such a pile of work. Yes, and this is not a man’s business - a house of revenge and heating a stove.

2nd brother: Oh! Well, can you at least bring some water?

Emelya: And what I get for this?

1st brother: We'll bring you a treat from the city.

Emelya: Which one then?

2nd brother: It depends on how much water you bring.

Emelya: Well...( shows with his hands a little) That's how much.

1st brother: This will be the same gift for you.

Emelya: Yes? Well then, I'll bring two buckets.

2nd brother: Well done, Emelya. Wait for us with a gift.

The brothers leave. Emelya reluctantly gets off the stove. Sings.


If the ax itself chopped, and the saw sawed,
We wouldn’t have to go to the forest to get firewood.
If only the buckets would run up the hill on their own,
They would quickly bring water to our house.

Getting dressed. He goes to the well. Draws water.

Emelya: Who is this talking to me?

Emelya: This is the first time I have seen, that is, heard, a fish speak in a human voice.

Emelya: Of course, you will come in handy: you will turn out to be a great fisherman.

Emelya: Aren't you going to cheat?

Emelya: It’s magical, but still scary.

Emelya: That's all? Can't be.

Emelya: But I'll take it and check it. What would you like to wish for? ABOUT! By pike command, according to my desire, let me have a Mercedes (A Mercedes appears.) But what do I need a Merc in our wilderness? Take it back. ( "Mercedes" disappears.)

Emelya: Where to go? I'll have to let go. Live and live, but don’t fall into the bucket again. ( Releases Pike.) Well, I was left without fish soup. Come on, it's time to go home. Oh, the buckets are heavy... But what am I? Well, I'll try. At the behest of the pike, according to my desire, go home the buckets yourself.

The buckets are jumping. Bucket dance.

Scene 2.

We have a princess
And she had countless tears.
She's been in tears all day.
And everyone keeps telling her
And he says sternly:
"Don't cry, don't cry, beautiful Marusya."
Marusya sheds tears all the time,
She cries out of sadness all day.
Drip-drip-drip, from the clear eyes of Marusya
Tears are dripping onto the handkerchief.

Castle. Tsar, princess, courtiers. Dance.


Oh, my little princess, you are unhappy,
Your condition is terrible.
I'll take care of you.

Princess: I do not want anything.


Your state is hysterical,
Eat a dietary egg, daughter.
Or maybe we should see a doctor?

Princess: I do not want anything. (Cries.)

Tsar: Well, what's wrong with you, daughter?

Princess: Oh, I'm bored.

Tsar: And you do something.

Princess: How?

Tsar: Well, read it.

Princess: I've already read it.

Tsar: And what?

Princess: Boring.

Tsar: Go for a walk.

Princess: I was walking. It's also boring.

Tsar: Let's call the buffoons.

Princess: Come on.

Voivode: Buffoons to the Tsar. (The buffoons arrive).

1st buffoon: Did you call us?

2nd buffoon: We came.

1st buffoon: Should we make you laugh?

2nd buffoon: I'm Ivan

2nd buffoon: And I'm Ivan.

2nd buffoon: Get ready, people!

Tsar: Nurses, stop her! (The nannies run out and surround the princess.)

Princess: Well, why did you wave? I'm cold now. Cold. (Nannies bring fur coats, blankets, cover the Princess.) Yeah, and now I'm hot, terribly hot . (It is opened and fanned.) Well, now I’m cold again, it’s completely frozen. Cold . (They cover again.) Ah-ah-ah, it’s hot again, so hot that I can’t stand it. I want ice cream . (They bring ice cream.) Not like that! I want black!

All: Which?

Princess: Black

Nurse: Your Majesty!

Tsar: If the princess wants it, then she can get it ! (The nannies run away. They bring ice cream.)

Princess: What is this?

Nurse: Ice cream.

Princess: It's black.

Nurse: Well, yes! Black. As you requested.

Princess: I? Are you kidding me? A? (Cries.)

Tsar: Nurses, stop her! I have no more strength ! (The princess is taken away.) Voivode, what are we going to do?

Voivode: It's hard to say, Your Majesty. You can issue a decree.

Tsar: Decree? And what? This is a thought. Write.

"A royal decree. I, the King of the reserved kingdom, the thirtieth state, will reward half the kingdom, the princess's hand, and... what would I reward for good measure? Ah, a fur coat from the king's shoulder." Well, do you think it will work?

Voivode: I think it will really work.

Tsar: Well, I’ll go now, and you give the orders.

Voivode: This doesn't suit me! As always, I was left out of work! The hand of the princess, half the kingdom to some rogue! And I? Now we will fix everything here! Half the kingdom for me, the hand of the princess for me too! Well, let someone wear a fur coat, we won’t be offended. And now I need to find someone to put this fur coat on so that I can get everything else! (Servant runs in.)

Servant: Your Mightiness! What news! One eccentric showed up with us, his buckets from the river move on their own! With your feet! What to do with it?

Voivode: Here is our client. What to do, what to do? We need to take care of such people, invite them to the palace, but first we need to find out and scout everything, otherwise you never know what the women will say. I'll scout it out myself! Guard!!! (The guards appear.) Behind me! (They leave.)

Scene 3.

Izba. Emelya is lying on the stove, humming. The Voivode enters with his guards.

Voivode: By order of the king, you, Emelya, are ordered to get ready and fly to the palace at full speed.

Emelya: What? By whose order? Why didn’t I see it there?

Voivode: You must cheer up the Tsar's daughter, for this you will receive a fur coat from the Tsar's shoulder as a reward.

Emelya: What do I need it for? It’s warm on the stove even without a fur coat.

Voivode: What are you doing? Well, from the royal shoulder!

Emelya: Does this make her warmer?

Voivode: Oh, Emelya, Emelya, you don’t know what you’re saying! Yes, I will order you to leave with a baton for such seditious speeches.

Emelya: Don’t you want to bruise your sides??? Come on! At the command of the pike, at my will, dance, club, on the commander’s sides!

Voivode: Spare me, Emelyushka! Sorry! Let's talk!

Emelya: Cudgel, that's enough! Well, Voevoda, what did you want to tell me?

Voivode: Emelyushka, go to the palace! There is no life: tears in the morning, tears in the afternoon, tears in the evening! The walls are covered with mold due to dampness! Help, we ask the whole world! The king will not only give you a fur coat, but also his daughter in marriage and give you half his kingdom in addition!

Emelya: Yah! What do I need a princess for as a wife? She doesn’t really know how to do anything: neither clean nor cook. Although I wouldn’t mind looking at the palace, and even if it’s moldy.

Voivode: Well, good, well, nice! Get off the stove and get ready!

Emelya: No, I can't live without a stove. Move aside, otherwise I'll get hurt. At the command of the pike, at my will, go bake in the royal palace! (Brownie appears.)

Brownie: What more!

Emelya: And who are you?

Brownie: I’m a brownie, I live behind the pipe, what do you want, Emelya?

Emelya: I want to go to the stove in the royal palace!

Brownie: On whose orders is this?

Emelya: According to pike...

Brownie: According to pike? Well, okay then... Eh, I'll pump it up! (They leave.)

Scene 4.

Royal Palace. Emelya on the stove.

Emelya: Honest mother, what a beauty! And mold is nowhere to be seen. The damned Voivode deceived him! Wow for him!!! (The Princess enters. She screams and jumps on the throne.) Who were you afraid of, the red maiden?

Princess: Her!

Emelya: What?

Princess: Her.

Emelya: Well, this is a stove. Haven't you ever seen a stove?

Princess: No never. Why is it needed?

Emelya: In the cold, warm up, bake pies, do you want me to treat you?

Princess: I want... But I'm afraid of you too.

Emelya: Why be afraid of me? I am Emelya, I came to the palace to cheer the Princess, but she is not visible.

Princess: Yes? What if it's me?

Emelya: Yah. They say she’s a terrible crybaby, but no matter how much I talk to you, she hasn’t shed a tear. Is it really you? Well then forgive me if I offended you.

Princess: Yes, when I saw this stove of yours, I forgot to cry. How were you going to amuse me?

Emelya: Oh, somehow I didn’t think about that... Bad luck... Do you want me to give you dancing buckets?

Princess: To me? Buckets? What do I need them for?

Emelya: But really, for what? Just for fun!

Princess: For fun? I want it, I really want it!

Emelya: At the command of the pike, according to my desire, dance the buckets for the Princess. (The buckets are dancing.)

Princess: Oh, that's good! I've never had so much fun! Oh, someone's coming!

Emelya: Let's run away from here?

Princess: How can you run away from here! And how I would like to look at the world...

Emelya: What, you never left the palace?

Princess: Never ever.

Emelya: Well then, stick with me. At the behest of the pike, at my desire, let us immediately find ourselves in the forest.

Scene 5.

Forest. Creek. Dance.

Princess: Oh, what a beauty! It's just somehow empty.

Emelya: At the behest of the pike, at my desire, let birds of indescribable beauty appear here... (Bird dance.)

Princess: How I wish I could stay here forever. I wish I could live here.

Emelya: But there is nowhere to put the palace here.

Princess: But we don’t need a palace. I'm so tired of him.

Emelya: Well, Princess, you surprised me. I imagined you completely different. And I’ll build the house in no time.

Princess: By magic?

Emelya: No, I'll build the house myself!

Princess: Can you?

Emelya: I can’t - people will help!!! Is it true?

Everyone goes on stage.

The hour of farewell has come,
Our story is finished
Everything in our fairy tale ends well.
Emelya became smarter
Stopped being lazy
Without Pike, everything works out for him.
Marusya doesn’t shed tears from sadness,
Her soul sings like a harp,
And now with Emelya in a new home
Lives joyfully and cheerfully.

Scenario New Year's fairy tale"By magic"

3rd grade.

The presenters come out to the music:

Presenter 1 :

Happy New Year, all the guests here today,

We wish everyone happiness, goodness and frosty, clear days.

Let your cheerful ringing laughter sound in the hall today

Happy New Year, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Presenter 2 :

There are many wonderful holidays,

everyone comes in their turn,

But the best holiday in the world

Well, all together - this is... - NEW YEAR!

Presenter 3 :

Opens New Year Fairy doors,
Let anyone who believes in fairy tales come into this hall.

Let the one who is friends with the song come into this house.
Let's start the winter holiday, It doesn't get any more wonderful!

The class dances to the music

Child Bright holiday - New Year

We meet together at school.

Everyone who came to the hall for the Christmas tree

We sincerely congratulate you!
Child - Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With new joy for everyone!

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Child There's white snow outside again!

The time has come for us again - the enchantress,

Call the guys to the skating rink, Winter,

And let Frost blush their faces.

Child - Happy New Year is coming,

Magic holiday New Year.
He brings happy days,

The whole globe is singing.

Child - We were waiting for this holiday,

We knew he would come
Our glorious, our beloved

Happy New Year!

Song "New Year's Carnival".

Child - New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,

To the distant kingdom and to the forest.
It's already on our doorstep

The wizard has arrived - New Year!
Do you hear? The fairy tale walks along an unknown road with a light tread.

Music sounds, Emelya, brothers, daughters-in-law come out to the words of the presenter and take their places

Storyteller: In ancient times, in a distant village

There lived a poor family in a run-down house.

The older brothers are hard workers,

Art. Brother: Impudent, (comes out and shows strength)

Wed. Brother: Savvy, (comes out and spreads his hands)

Storyteller: Each of the brothers has a wife. (The wives come out and bow)

Wives: But for Emela, only the stove is important.

Spends all his time on the stove,

It lay all over the sides and the bricks.

Art. Brother: Eh, Emelya, are you still lying down?

You count flies, you sleep soundly,

When will you work?

You love to eat delicious food!

Wed. Brother: Yes, brother, you're lazy! Oh, you'll get a scolding!

How many years have you been lying there, you’ll sleep through your happiness!

Art. Brother: We go to the market and buy the goods we need.

Well, get up from the stove and help our wives!

(They go to the market to the music)

Daughter-in-law (sweeping)

Hey Emelya, wake up

Go get some wood.

Stop sleeping on the stove!


Calm down, don't scream!

Reluctant to buy firewood -

This is not my job!

Daughter-in-law (knitting)

I'll scold you

If you won't help.


If I bring it back,

What is the reward for your efforts?


The brothers will bring it from the market

A pair of boots for you.

If you sleep on the stove,

There are no gifts in sight!

Storyteller: So Emelya set off on his journey, carrying buckets and taking his time.

Emelya goes to the music river and looks into the hole

Emelya : Yes, but the hole is deep, I wish I could not fall there.

Oh, and difficult work, I’m already sweating.

Well, take some water, don’t overflow.

(the bucket gets stuck in the hole)

What kind of nonsense is this, neither here nor there!

It looks like someone is holding a bucket, what happened there?

I need to pick up the bucket and solve the riddle!

(Pulls out a bucket, fish dance to the music)

Oh, this is just amazing! Pike! How beautiful she is!

I'll give you to my daughters-in-law, they'll cook fish soup for me,

I'll be full for three days!

Pike: Oh, Emelya, don’t destroy! Whatever you want you ask.

Emelya: That's a pike! Well done! Okay, first show me your skills,

But, be careful, don’t deceive me!

Pike: What would you like now?

Speak up, be brave!

Emelya: I filled the buckets with water and didn’t spill a drop.

I want the buckets to walk towards the house together.

Pike: Ah, Emelyushka, my light, nothing could be simpler!

Remember the words, repeat them if necessary:

“At the behest of the pike, at my will...”

Go the buckets to my house yourself!

(Buckets are quietly pulled by the fishing line from behind the scenes and it “moves”)

Pike: I was glad to serve you, I said my cherished words,

Now go home, and don’t forget your words!

I have to swim away now, it’s time to feed the kids!

Fishes swim away to the music

Storyteller: Emelya released the pike, he received a magical gift.

I looked around, what a miracle! The buckets move beautifully!

Emelya: Thank you, pike!

Apparently miracles really happen on New Year's Eve!

(Emelya goes to the hut to get buckets)

Emelya: Hey, daughters-in-law, here's the water, I fulfilled my request in full.

Now I’ll go to bed and replenish my strength.

Wife 1: Well, Emelya, I was surprised! I didn't even spill the water.

Let's cook cabbage soup now, we need to light the stove.

Wife 2: How can we light the stove if we don’t stock up on wood?

You better forget about cabbage soup!

Wife 1: Hey, Emelya, wake up, get ready for the journey.

Emelya: What's happened? What now? Don't let the guy sleep!

Wife 2: The house ran out of wood and the stove had cooled down.

You, Emelyushka, get up and quickly walk into the forest.

Emelya: Well, why are you standing? You go into the forest yourself,

Chop some wood.

I want to sleep now, I don’t want to get up.

Wife1: Well, Emelyushka, get up, quickly go into the forest.

Emelya: Okay, we’ve convinced you!

(quietly) I’ll remember the pike’s words, then I’ll manage in an instant.

Emelya goes into the forest to the music.

Emelya: It's good in the forest in winter! Just why am I standing there?

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

Get the firewood out of the forest and towards the hut!

And I’ll follow, if necessary, I’ll help.

(The branches are pulled by the fishing line towards the hut. Two girls walk towards Emelya, grab him from both sides and involve him in the dance)

Girl 1: Look, honest people, it’s the other way around.

The firewood goes to the house itself and no one carries it.

Girl 2: Yes, Emelya, he did something strange, at least he made the people laugh!

Have you seen this anywhere, so that firewood goes to the hut?

(Emelya waves the girls away and goes home)

(The royal palace. The princess runs out crying wildly. She sits down on a chair. She shakes her head, her face is covered with her hands. She continues to cry loudly. The king comes out next).


Oh, my little princess, you are unhappy,
Your condition is terrible.
I'll take care of you.

Princess: I do not want anything.


Your state is hysterical,
Eat a dietary egg, daughter.

Or maybe we should see a doctor?

Princess: I do not want anything. (Cries.)

Tsar: Well, what's wrong with you, daughter?

Princess: Oh, I'm bored.

Tsar: And you do something.

Princess: How?

Tsar: Well, read it.

Princess: I've already read it.

Tsar: And what?

Princess: Boring.

Tsar: And you go for a walk

Princess: I was walking. It's also boring.

Storyteller: At this time the girls came to the palace,

And after bowing to the king, they shared the news.

Girl 1 : Our king, father, allow me to lead this conversation:

Today we saw how buckets move on their own...

Girl 2: And the firewood flowed smoothly from the forest, like a bride...

Tsar: What kind of miracles are these? Come on, call him here!

The girls are “brought” to Tsar Emel (they are taken to the stove).

Girl 1: Emelya is a daredevil, a daring fellow.

Emelya: Hello, king! Did you call me? What did you want to hear?

Princess: What kind of guy is this? Very cute voice!

Tsar: Ah, Emelya! Those are the times when you surprised us, brother!

Well, tell the king your bright secret.

Emelya: I don’t know anything, the king, and I don’t want to admit it.

(Looks at the princess)

What is your name, princess? I definitely need to know.

Princess: They called me Maryushka and called me princess.

Emelya: (Turns to the side and whispers)

At the behest of the pike, at my will

Let the princess fall madly in love with me!

Princess: (Gets up and grabs his heart, approaches Emelya, takes his hand)

Dance of Emelya and the princess

Princess: Here is my groom, dad! Know!

You will quickly marry us!

Emelya: Well then! A wedding, a wedding! Get ready, honest people! The king is marrying off his daughter!

Children run to the polka

Emelya : (comes forward with the Princess)

And to the magical Pike - bow to the ground, for the New Year's miracle and a magical fairy tale!

(they make a Russian bow with the Tsarevna. The others come up to them and also bow)

New Year's polka

Emelya and Princess:

Happy New Year
And with all our hearts we wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything.
Older brother and wife:
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!
Middle brother and wife:

May the New Year bring good things,
And the door to a fairy tale will open,
And he will certainly bring
Take all the best with you.
The king and the girls :
The clock will strike twelve times,
And a miracle will suddenly happen!
May everyone's dreams come true,
Joy will knock on the house.

Song "Hello, Grandfather Frost"

Scene 1. On the street.

There are four buffoons on the front stage. Musical instruments: pots, pans, rolling pins for rolling out dough. One of the buffoons is the “conductor”, in his hands is a “conductor’s baton” - a stick with a palm. The conductor scratches himself, then conducts.

The buffoons dance a cheerful dance, then the buffoons perform an “overture.”

1st: Oh, my enamel pan! (hits the pan)

2nd(plays the rolling pin like a pipe): Tru-lyu-lyu! Play, my dude! Call the people here!

3rd: Dear viewers! Don't you want to have some fun?

Conductor: I am now glad to present the old tale on new way! (They leave while dancing, laughing and tumbling over each other)

Scene 2. Emelya's hut.

There is a stove on the stage with someone lying on it. Identically dressed children are sitting on a bench at a table - a junior studio. In front of each person is a small bowl. In the corner are two buckets and a broom on a long stick. Mother comes out and brings out a large bowl of pancakes and a bowl of honey. The view is overwhelming. He sits down on the edge of the bench. I'm tired.

1st child (stands up on the bench): Mommy, give me a pancake! ( sits down)

2nd child (also gets up): And me ( everyone else - standing up and sitting down): And me! And me!!

Emelya(bass from the stove): And me!

Mother gives everyone pancakes. Emele passes the plate to the stove. The mother sits on the edge of the bench.

1st child: And the honey? (demanding)

2nd, 3rd, etc. (getting up): And me!

Emelya (bass): And me!

The mother pours a spoonful of honey on each pancake. Emelya holds out the bowl. The mother falls on the bench exhausted and wipes herself with a handkerchief.

Mother: Oh, my legs can't hold me up!

1st child(knocks with a bowl): Mommy, take the bowl!

2nd, 3rd, etc.: And mine! ( the rest do the same)

Emelya (in a deep voice, extending his hand with a bowl from the stove): And mine.

Mother (grunting, gets up, rubs his lower back, takes Emelya’s bowl): Oh, my grief! You're a slacker, son, just like a slacker!

Emelya: Well, yes, otherwise the brothers work a lot...

Mother: They are learning! They already read books! And they are small, where should they work! (goes to the buckets)

Mother: But there’s no water! Get off the stove, Emelya, you need to bring water!

Emelya: Reluctance!

Mother(pokes Emelya with a broom): Is blinking hunting? Berivedra, it is said, and run to the river!

Emelya (getting off the stove. It becomes clear that he is grimy): Well, then let’s run!

He takes the buckets and waddles towards the door. The mother tiredly sits down on the bench again and sighs.

Scene 3. On the river.

In the foreground is the river bank. Emelya “scoops up water.” He picks up the bucket.

Emelya: Somehow the bucket is painfully heavy. ( takes a pike out of a bucket): This ear will be sweet!

Emelya drops the pike into the bucket.

Emelya(looking back): Who's swearing here? ( gets into a warlike pose): Come out - I’ll punish you!

Pike: Emelya, look into the bucket.

Emelya (again taking out the pike, without any surprise): Oh, it was you who started scolding me. I miss Mama! Well, they’ll make fish soup out of you and we’ll see how you start swearing!

Pike: You don't like fish!

Emelya: And what about the little brothers? They'll eat your soul for a favor ( Throws a pike into a bucket)

Pike (from a bucket): Take your time, weirdo man. Do you come across a talking pike every day?

Emelya: What do I need your conversations for? Should I tell stories? Well, my mom is good at this, and your voice is disgusting! (reluctantly picks up the buckets, preparing to carry them).

Pike(scared): Hey, Emelya, wait, I’ll be useful to you! Whatever you want, I’ll do it!

Emelya (puts buckets): You're lying, I suppose?

Pike: Well, tell me, what do you want now?

Emelya (scratches his head): I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill!

Pike: Remember my words: when you want something, just say: By pike command in my opinion...

Emelya: At the command of the pike, at my will, go home yourself, buckets...

The leitmotif is “Desire”, the lights go out, then come on. Buckets are walking across the stage.

Pike(screams): Where where!

Emelya: Oh, I completely forgot! (buckets): Stand! ( takes out a pike, “throws” it into the river - behind the scenes. There is a splash. To the buckets): And now - home! (buckets go into the wings, Emelya follows them)

Scene 4. The Royal Palace.

The king sits on the throne, dozing. Nearby on the bench is Princess Marya. Reading a big book. The king snores and wakes up.

Tsar: Daughter, we need to talk.

Marya the Princess(absentmindedly, turning the page): A? Then, father, I came across an interesting book!

Tsar(resolutely takes the book from her, slams it shut): And who are you born like? Mother Queen never held a book in her hands! I don't even know any letters. (menacing) This is not a royal matter!

Marya the Princess: What is the king's business?

Tsar: It’s time for you to get married, for me to give birth to grandchildren, so that I have someone to leave the kingdom to.

IncludedVoivode: Hope is king! So the suitors have arrived again...

Tsar: Lead on. ( looks critically at her daughter): Marya! Comb your hair!

Marya the Princess: (she tries to take the book from the king, but it doesn’t work. Out of breath) And it will do!

The king sits on the throne. There is nowhere to put the book; he places it under himself. The governor stands at the throne. One after another, the suitors appear. Everyone carries beautiful gift. The grooms come up one after another, bow, and put down gifts. The king nods graciously, happily rubs his hands and feels the gifts...

This scenario was used in preparation for the New Year's party. After the end of the fairy tale, Santa Claus came to visit the children. The total duration of the holiday is 45-50 minutes (30-35 minutes fairy tale + 15-20 minutes round dances and games with Santa Claus). I recommend! Good luck!



Holiday scenario based on Russian folk tale"By magic..."

Preparatory group


On one side, not Turkish, not French,

And in our Russian outback,

In a village called Belaya Reka

A fun fair is going on!!!

Dance of the Skomorokhs

Buffoon 1: Look, miracles! The public has come to us again!

This means that the holiday is coming and inviting us to visit!

Well, let's start, it's time to show the fairy tale!

Skomorokh 2 : Once upon a time in a small village,

Once upon a time, there lived three cheerful brothers...

Buffoon 3: The elder brothers worked from dawn to dusk,

Well, the youngest, Emelya, almost never left the stove...

Emelya comes out and lies down on the bench... The brothers come in behind him.

Brother 1: What, Emelya, are you still lying there?

Are you counting flies, are you sleeping soundly?

Hey, shameless one, get up!

Yes, go to the pond quickly!!!

Brother 2: Well, brother, you're lazy...oh, you'll get a scolding!

Take the buckets in your hands and go to the pond for water!

But be careful, hold them tight and don’t drown them in the hole!

Emelya . I'm lazy! My back hurts...

My head has been buzzing since morning...

I lay down on all sides,

I don't want to go yet!!!

Brothers in chorus: Don't come without water!!!

Get ready and go!!!

They give him buckets and push Emelya out into the street.

Peasant girls approach Emelya. Dance with rockers.

Emelya approaches the pond and looks into the hole.

1 peasant girl:Don’t go close to the edge… don’t fall into the hole yourself!

Yes, take some water, don’t spill it over the edge!

Emelya bends down and tries to scoop up water. The bucket gets stuck in the hole.

2 peasant girl:What kind of nonsense is this? Neither here nor there...

It’s as if someone is holding a bucket... Oh, it’s hard for Emelya!

Emelya pulls out a bucket, a pike is attached to it.

Pike dance

Emelya: Oh, this is just amazing! Pike!!! How beautiful she is!

What luck! Ha-ha-ha! There will be a nice fish soup!

Pike: Oh, Emelya, let go! Whatever you want, you ask...

What would you like now? Tell me, be brave!

Emelya: That's a pike! Well, that's it... Okay, do it then

So that the buckets walk towards my house together!

Pike: I’ll tell you a secret, there’s nothing simpler in the whole world:

Remember my words, repeat them when necessary!

“At the behest of the pike, at my desire,

Go, little buckets, to my house under the hill!”

Bucket 1: Look, you sly guy, go yourself!!! He gave us orders!

Bucket 2: Okay, okay, we're going... We're bringing water to your house!

Bucket dance

3 peasant girl:Emelya released the pike and received a magical gift!

I returned home and fell back on the stove to sleep!

Brothers appear

Brother 1: Well, Emelya, I was surprised! I didn’t even spill the water...

Let's cook cabbage soup now, we need to light the stove!

Brother 2: Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble! The house has run out of wood...

Hey, Emelya, wake up, get ready for the journey!

Emelya: What is it...what again? Don't let the guy sleep!

They shouted, woke me up...okay, they persuaded me!

(quiet) I’ll remember the pike’s words, then I’ll manage in an instant...

Emelya gets off the stove and goes outside

4 peasant girl:If you are planning to go into the forest, dress warmly!!!

It's so cold outside that you could freeze your nose!

5 peasant girl:Everyone in Rus' knows, both big and small, -

There is nothing warmer than your own felt boots!!!

Dance "Valenki"

Screen "Forest"

Axes, chop wood! Load them in the sleigh to me!
I’ll sit down, rest, dream and take a nap...

Emelya sits on the side, dozing

Ax 1: Look, you cunning fellow, chop it yourself!!! He gave us orders!

Ax 2: Okay, okay, we're going... Let's stock up on firewood for the winter!

Dance of the Axes with the Buffoons

Buffoon: Something is obviously wrong here,
You know, Emelya is not a fool!
What nonsense and what nonsense,

To chop the ax yourself?

I'll sit quietly
I’ll keep an eye on Emelya!

A sleigh loaded with firewood appears. Emelya sits on top of them
Emelya (yawning):

Sani, I’m telling you, if necessary, I’ll repeat:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
And with firewood, and with me
Let's go home!

Sleigh and Emelya are leaving

The king appears. Buffoons run out

Buffoon: The king is our father! Trouble!
Never happened before
To drive a sleigh through the snowdrifts
We drove the riders ourselves,
Buckets fetched water,
Axes chopped wood...

Tsar: Who is this cunning guy? Deliver me to the palace!!!

Yes to the dungeon! He will know how to disrespect the king!

Buffoons run to Emelya

Buffoon: I tell you right away:
We are by royal decree!!!
Get off the stove, Emelya

And go to the king quickly!!!

Emelya (yawning)

I have my own concern - I yawn all day...
I’m lying on the stove, spending my time usefully...

And it's freezing outside! I won't stick my nose in there!

Buffoon: Oh, Emelya, don’t be lazy, come to the Tsar urgently!!!

It’s better not to anger him, otherwise he’ll be executed!

Emelya: Okay, since we woke you up... scared you, shamed you...

As if at the behest of a pike, and according to my desire,
Do as I say: Go and bake to the king!

Goes to the stove. The king comes out

Tsar: I can't believe my eyes! Goes to the Emelya stoves!!!

Why are you scaring people? What are you doing, villain?

Emelya: I am not guilty of anything... That's it! I'll go back!

Marya the Princess appears. Dance-out

Emelya: But the princess is pretty, it’s a pity, she looks like a priest...
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Let it be in broad daylight
Immediately fall in love with me!

Marya Tsarevna (approaches Emelya):

Where are you going, my love? I want to be your wife!!!

This is my fiance, dad, you know! Get us married immediately!

King (indignantly):What is it, my daughter? Marry without asking me?
How can this be? Put everyone in prison!

Marya-Tsarevna: At the end of this week I will marry Emelya!
I can’t live without him - I’ll run away from home!

Emelya and Princess Marya run away.

King (stomping his foot):This wedding will not happen!!!

Guards, we need to catch up with them!!!

Everyone's leaving

Emelya: Well, Maryushka, let's go! We will build ourselves a house!

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

I want a beautiful palace for my beloved Maryushka!

They walk holding hands.

Peasant girl:Emelya just uttered those cherished words,

How he immediately saw the domes before him!

Palace scenery. Emelya and Marya are sitting on thrones.

Buffoons in chorus:Emelya began to rule the kingdom, his new


Peasant girls in chorus:He invited his brothers to his place, they had important work to do.


The brothers come in and stand next to the throne.

The king comes in

Tsar: Hello, my daughter! I wanted to see you...

I’m not an evil father at all... well, my character is like that...

Forgive me, children, I’m completely different now!

Marya (takes her father's hand):

Let's forget all the grievances, happiness awaits us ahead!

And we will leave worries and sorrows behind!!!

Tsar (takes Emelya by the hand):

I decided: marry Masha and take our whole kingdom,

It’s time for me to retire... daughter, I’m proud of you!!!

Emelya-Tsarevich: I don't hold it against you
Finally, I’ll just say:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
I found my happiness!
Now everything will be fine!

Final song/dance

Leading: That's the end of our story!!!

Everyone here is happy now!

General bow, introduction of actors

Script for production
Russian folk tale
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 35 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 7.


Marya the Princess

In the foreground on the left is Emelya’s house, in the middle there are several snow-covered trees, on the right is the king’s palace. In the background there is a lake and winter forest. The daughter-in-law leaves the house.


Hey Emelya, wake up
Get ready for water.
Stop sleeping on the stove!

Emelya looks out of the window.

Emelya (yawning)

Calm down, don't scream!
No desire for water -
This is not my job!
You went better than your brothers.


They went to the market.
I'll scold you
If you won't help.

If I bring water,
What is the reward for your efforts?


The brothers will bring it from the market
A pair of boots for you.
If you sleep on the stove,
There are no gifts in sight!

Okay, I'm on my way.

Emelya comes out of the hut with buckets.


I'm expecting you by lunchtime.

The daughter-in-law goes into the house, and Emelya, with buckets on a yoke, slowly walks towards the lake.

Emelya (singing)

A smart person won't get ahead,
A smart person will go around the mountain.
There's a fool lying on the stove
It's good for him anyway!

Emelya stops in front of the lake, takes a bucket and scoops it up. There is a pike in the bucket.

Emelya (joyfully)

What luck! Ha ha ha!
There will be a nice soup!

The pike is trying to escape. Emelya grabs her with his hands.

I barely held it in!

Let me go, Emelya!
Know that I will be useful to you,
If I end up in the river!

Wow, how you got into conversation!
You would be good for my ear.
Why do I need you in the river?
What should I do there with you?

Let go, you won't regret it!

Emelya (incredulously)

Well, what can you do?
I feel like you're deceiving me.
I'll let you go and you'll end up in the water!
Don't flood me here!

Whatever you want, wish!

Here he fools with miracles.
I want the buckets themselves
They followed me home,
They carried the water themselves.

So that everything becomes your way,
You say it like I said:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my wishes!

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Buckets, come to my house,
Don't spill the water!

The buckets begin to move slowly towards the house.

What a miracle of miracles!
You are not a pike - a pure demon!
If you have such strength,
Why didn't she bite me?

The pike begins to flutter in Emelya’s hands.

Okay, okay, so be it,
You can sail away!
After all, looking from any side,
It’s a hassle for me to cook fish soup!
I'm too kind in the morning
It's time for me to go home and bake!

Emelya throws the pike into the hole and goes to get the buckets.

Emelya (singing)

Even though it doesn't fly in the sky
And he doesn’t bite science,
The fool in the world knows everything
And he is always lucky!

Buckets enter the house. The daughter-in-law looks out of the window.


It’s so wonderful, holy God!
This all looks like a dream!

That's it! I climbed onto the stove.


No, now you’re going to the forest!
You have no time to lie around
Please get ready.
The house has run out of wood,
The stove is barely warm.

Emelya (yawning)

Well, what are you here for?
Do this, do that.
Reluctance! Going to sleep!


All! There are no gifts in sight!

Wow, you are so harmful -
Everyone grumbles and reproaches!
I will receive gifts
I really, really want them!

Emelya leaves the house. A sleigh without a horse appears from behind the house. Emelya gets into the sleigh.

Open the gate quickly!


I didn't care!
How are you going, you fool?
You didn't harness the horse!

Emelya (laughs)

It's okay, I'll do it somehow.
Don't forget to give me some bread!

The daughter-in-law leaves the house and hands Emelya a loaf of bread.

Emelya (to the side)

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Go, my sleigh,
To the dense forest for firewood!

The sleigh starts and goes to the forest. The daughter-in-law goes into the house. A boyar looks out of the palace window.

Emelya (singing)

Oh you sleigh, my sleigh,
I don't need an all-terrain vehicle!
Behind the mountains, behind the forests
Hardly anyone will find better!

The sleigh stops near the forest. Emelya comes out. The sleigh is hiding behind the trees. The boyar leaves the palace, approaches the forest and looks out from behind the trees to see what Emelya is doing.

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Chop some wood, an axe,
If you are still sharp,
And firewood - tie it yourself
And jump on the sleigh
I'll sit down and rest,
I'll eat the crust and take a nap.

Boyar (aside)

Something is obviously wrong here,
You know, Emelya is not a fool!
Where have you seen a sleigh
They rolled through the snow on their own.
I'll sit quietly
I’ll keep an eye on Emelya!

Emelya hides behind the trees. An ax immediately appears from behind them. The boyar looks out from behind the trees from the side of the lake.

Knock Knock! Knock Knock!
I chop wood without hands!
Beware, honest people!

The ax swings at the boyar.

Hey, don't stand here under the pine tree!

Oh you! Lord save me!
Look how he mowed down the forest.
We must report to the king!

The boyar runs away towards the palace. The ax disappears behind the trees, and a sleigh loaded with firewood immediately appears. Emelya sits on top of them.

Emelya (yawning)

Sani, I'm telling you,
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
And with firewood, and with me
Let's go home!

The sleigh goes to the house and hides behind it along with Emelya. The boyar runs up to the porch of the royal palace. The king looks out of the palace window. The boyar points his hand towards the forest.

The king is our father! Trouble!
Never before
To drive a sleigh through the snowdrifts
They drove the fools themselves,
Buckets fetched water,
Axes chopped wood.

Tsar (menacingly)

Who are they? How dare you?

Boyar (bowing)

It's all the fool Emelya!
He cut down the trees
He suppressed the darkness of the people,
Our kingdom is being ruined
And he does this...
Our king, father, trouble!

King (angrily)

Bring him here!
Yes to the dungeon! Will know,
How can you not respect the king?

The Tsar hides in the window, and the boyar goes to Emelya’s house.

Boyarin (sings)

Right hand of the king
I don’t call myself for nothing.
If there is no money in the treasury,
They entrust this to me!
If there is turmoil in our kingdom,
I'll deal with it in a minute -
I'm for every trouble
I'll find the culprit!

The boyar knocks on Emelya's door. Emelya looks out of the window.

I am by royal decree
I'm arresting you right away!
Hey, Emelya, get off the stove!

Emelya (yawning)

You, boyar, don’t shout!
I have my own concern -
I don't feel like it today!

The boyar grabs Emelya by the hair and pulls him out of the window. Emelya fights back.

Oh, you are! Wait for it!
Hey, stick, come out.
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Give the boyar a kick
Break off his sides!

A club appears from the house and begins to beat the boyar. The boyar runs away. The club is behind him.

Oh! Ay! Hurt! Guard!

The daughter-in-law appears on the doorstep.

Daughter-in-law (Emele)

You shouldn't have scared him off.
He will return with the soldiers,
We'll be filled with tears!

The boyar runs into the forest, the club behind him.

Well, okay, I'm not afraid.
At least I can fight the army!
And I won’t get off the stove,
At least promise me rolls!

A out of breath, beaten boyar with a bandaged head appears from behind the trees and walks towards the palace.

What a terrible misfortune
So it won't be long before the abyss!

The Tsar appears in the palace window and looks down at the boyar.

Where are you from?

Boyar (with a sigh)

From Emelya!

King (angrily)

Why are you dragging along barely?
Where is Emelya? Where is the fool?

There is no way to stop him!
On my sore back
He set his club.

King (surprised)

What, boyar, are you talking about?
Bring him as you please!
Otherwise for all the sins
You'll get your own nuts!

The king hides in the palace, and the boyar slowly walks back to Emelya.

Boyarin (sings)

The royal service is difficult,
There is only one head.
I feel sorry for my head
You have to be smart
After all, you can’t sit in a puddle
To the statesman!

The boyar knocks on Emelya's door. The daughter-in-law comes out onto the porch.

Daughter-in-law (whispers)

Hush, Emelya is sleeping.
He is terribly angry with everyone.

Boyar (also in a whisper)

What to do? What do i do?
How to persuade him?
After all, this is the order of the king.


Don't threaten him in vain.
He can't stand screaming.
Well, what if they ask him
Yes, they will promise a new thing,
He will be happy to please.

The daughter-in-law goes into the house. Emelya looks out the window.

Emelya (yawning)

It is you again? Come on, dumbass...

Boyar (with a bow)

Have pity on my back!
I, Emelyushka, brought
I'll pack a cart for you.
If you go to the king,
I'll give you a red hat!

Emelya (yawning)

Boyar, I don’t feel like it!
I've been yawning all day -
I'm lying on the stove,
I spend my time usefully.

Boyar (ingratiatingly)

If you go, Tsar Ivan
Red will give you a caftan,
And on two legs
Boots made of morocco!

Emelya (condescendingly)

Okay, you go ahead
Get the people out of the way.
Let the king prepare dinner
I'll follow you!

The boyar runs to the palace.

As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire,
Do as I say:
Go bake to the king!

The house is shaking, Emelya leaves it on the stove and rides through the forest to the palace.

Emelya (singing)

Won't you take me, frost -
My oven is like a locomotive!
Even there are clouds in the sky
They won't catch up with the fool!

The king leaves the palace. The stove stops in front of the palace.

Tsar (menacingly)

What have you done, villain?
Why did you crush people?
He cut down the royal forests
And beat the boyar?

I'm not to blame for anything.
All! Let's go back!

Marya the Princess appears in the palace window. Emelya looks at her.


Baby! How dare he!
He will regret this!
I order from my shoulders
Cut off his head!

And the princess is pretty.
It's a pity, she looks like her father.
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Let it be in broad daylight
He's going to fall in love with me!
Come back, bake, home!

The stove slowly moves towards the hut. Marya Princess runs out of the palace and runs after.


Where are you going, my love?
Wait, what about me?

King (indignantly)

What is it, my daughter?
Hey, set up the chase!
Put everyone in prison!

The king is hiding in the palace. The boyar runs out of the palace, catches up with Princess Marya at the edge of the forest and pulls her back. She resists.


I want it at the end of the week
Marry Emelya!
I can’t live without Emelya -
I'll run away from home!
Let go, otherwise
I'll scream and cry!

The Tsar appears in the window.

What a disaster, what a disaster!
He shouldn't have come here!
Well, what about you, own daughter,
Get out of the house.
You are not my daughter yet
Do you want a fool husband?

The Tsar and Boyar are hiding in the palace, and Marya Princess catches up with Emelya and sits down next to him on the stove. The stove approaches the hut.

That's it, we've arrived. Get off!

Marya Princess (capriciously)

I don't want to go into this dirt.
I want, like with my father,
Live with you in the palace!

Emelya (scratching head)

This is hilarious! Ha ha ha!
Why is the hut bad for you?
Okay, I'll arrange everything now
And I will build a palace for you!
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
Build a golden palace!

The hut disappears, and a golden palace appears in its place.

Marya Princess claps her hands.


You, Emelya, are great!

The stove, together with Emelya and Marya the Princess, enters the palace. Emelya looks out of the window, and Marya Tsarevna goes out onto the porch.

Marya the Princess

What a beauty.
If father finds out,
That we have such a palace,
He will lose his peace
He will envy us
Estimate the cost.

Princess Marya looks at Emelya.

Marya the Princess

Is it possible to wish
So that you can become handsome?

Emelya (laughs)

Look what you wanted!
Beauty without benefit!
But if you want, I’ll help you,
Just wait, I’ll say:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
I wish I could become smarter and more beautiful,
As Masha wishes!

Immediately, instead of Emelya the Fool, Emelya the Tsarevich appears in the window.

Marya Princess (admiringly)

You, Emelya, are simply a miracle!
I'll be with you until death
Lying on the stove together
And adore with all my heart!
In the golden palace together,
We will live like in heaven!

The princess goes into the palace, Emelya the prince hides. The king looks out from the window of the royal palace.

King (admiringly)

Oh, what a wonderful view -
The Golden Palace stands.
I don’t understand anything -
He wasn't there!
What's happened? Who dared?
And when did the villain have time!?
I can't stand this
After all, the land underneath is mine!
Hey, boyar, come out,
Look at this!

Boyarin leaves the palace.

Good God! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The poppies are burning with fire!

You, boyar, do not be baptized,
Go and figure it out!
Take the army and go into battle,
I'm following you!

The boyar and the Tsar go to the Emelin Palace. The king looks out from behind the trees. The boyar knocks on the door. Emelya leaves the palace. Marya the Princess appears in the window.

Do you want to go to jail?
Who are they? Why
Committed a crime -
Erected without permission
Gilded your palace?


Tell the Tsar Father
He loved and favored us -
He came to visit us!


Otherwise, tell the king
I will destroy the entire kingdom!
Ali didn’t recognize Emelya?

The king comes out of the forest.

Is that you? I don't believe!
If so, marry Masha
And take our whole kingdom,
Just don't destroy us!


We'll celebrate the wedding now!
I don't hold it against you
Finally, I’ll just say:
As if by order of a pike,
Yes, according to my desire
I found my happiness!
Let everythnig will be alright!