Competitions for the New Year. Game "New Year's Tale". New Year's competition "There are Christmas trees"

Svetlana Ermolaeva
New Year's corporate party 2017 “Year of the Fire Rooster”

Corporate Party 2017 – Year of the Fire Rooster

For all competitions you need to stock up on prizes in advance - lollipops in the shape of cockerels


Good evening gentlemen.

How did you get here?

Happy New Year,

I wish you health and happiness!

It is impossible to imagine celebrating the New Year without its main attributes - Grandfather with a long white beard, a young girl - his assistant and a Christmas tree. In 2017 in their legal rights The Rooster will enter - a symbol of the new, early, unknown. It's time to move away from the usual round dances around the Christmas tree, rhymes on a chair, etc. Very soon we will praise the rooster as a symbol of the New Year and cajole it in every possible way. In the meantime, his year has not yet arrived, I propose to joke with him a little and play with him.

Let's start with a toast:

One old man in the village had a rooster and chickens. One day an old man came out onto the porch and saw a rooster trampling one hen. The old man took and threw a handful of seeds onto the ground. The rooster saw this and abandoned the chicken and ran to peck the seeds. To which the old man said with disappointment: God forbid anyone should get hungry like that...

I propose to raise our glasses so that in the new year 2017 we live in abundance, so that we never go hungry and our tables are always full of treats for family and friends!

Presenter: How should you celebrate the New Year, whose patron is the noble bully Fire Rooster and the most warlike planet of the galaxy - Mars? So: (puts a cap on his head - the head of a rooster, more attributes of a rooster costume).We will organize “Cock Fights”!

Dear friends, now you need to split into two teams. The guests sitting on my right hand will be part of the first team called KOKE (rooster in Japanese), respectively, on my left hand the second team will be formed - QIQI (rooster in Chinese).

So, first competition task! Checking the proud position of the Rooster's head. I invite three participants from each team. Pairs of opponents stand opposite each other, straighten their shoulders, crane their necks and, looking into the opponent’s eyes, loudly pronounce the name of their team. Of the pair, the one who doesn't laugh first wins.

Reward "for persistence" - lollipop "cockerel"

So, test two. The rooster, as you know, is a vocal bird. Vocal abilities For her, it’s not particularly important, the main thing is the strength of the voice, the volume. We stand up, straighten our shoulders, tuck our bellies, stretch our necks. I say the initial lines of the chant, and you say the last phrase in chorus. Each participant tries to drown out their opponents. Go!

Glorious New Year holiday,

People are having a blast.

Let's see off the monkey

We meet the Fire Rooster! (together)

It’s a pity to part with Monkey,

But what can you do, it's time.

Today we, friends,

Meet the Fire Rooster!

Our team, no matter where,

We are always there for each other!

And together with the authorities

Meet the Fire Rooster!

Screamed from the heart

Look at your neighbor.

Smile - right across your face!

Meet the Fire Rooster!

I will award victory to him,

Who will sing “ku-ka-re-ku”!

And a sweet prize for him too.

Glory to the Fire Rooster!

Presenter: It's time to wet your necks! Fill your glasses!

Another competition, very demonstrative, for quick wits. Let's see which of you can guess the tricky riddles.

She herself is sonorous, her waist is thin,

The chest is wide,

And the bottom is thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows, people?

Snow woman, where will she come from? (Zimbabwe).

Almost 40 million people do this at night. (“Sitting” on the Internet).

Big, red, with a mustache and hares. What is this? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body?

Does the sly one have something on his mind?

Seen in hockey

And on the chessboard. (Combination)

Game - winter-cold...

There is one folk sign– when a hen roosts early, what is it? That's right - this is for frosty weather! I invite girls on stage who don’t like frost and prefer to dress warmly in winter.

The girls go on stage. One of the team. In front of each of them there is a bag containing the same things: a hat with earflaps, a sweatshirt, felt boots, a scarf, mittens.

The task of the girls on the team is to put on all these things. Whoever manages it first wins.

But the competition would not have been particularly noticed this way. That's why it has a sequel and two at once. Which one to choose – decide for yourself.

Continuation of the first:

After the girls are dressed, they are invited to take off their clothes while listening to romantic music. That is, in other words, show a village striptease and again remain in your beautiful clothes.

Continuation two:

Three men are called onto the stage. They put mittens on their hands and, at the command of the presenter, take off the girls’ clothes that they wore in the competition. Whichever of the men did it faster wins a prize.

New Year's toast...

Song block.

Before making a music and song block, we will arrange small quizzes.

To begin, let the guests name New Year's songs. Whoever names the most wins a prize - a cockerel on a stick.

The year of the rooster is coming. Whoever remembers the most songs about birds will receive a prize - a sweet cockerel on a stick.

When you have sorted out the songs, invite the guests to perform a remake song.

1 team – verse and chorus

1 team verse and chorus

2 teams together chorus

Whose team performs the most interesting will receive a bottle of champagne.

song to the tune - the earth is visible through the porthole:

The game is chicken by grain...

We have all seen how chickens and other birds peck at food. And in this competition we will have to do something similar. To do this, one person at a time is called onto the stage. from the team. Each of them is placed on a plate with 10 chocolate M&M's. At the command of the presenter, they must lean towards their plate, stick out their tongue and take one dragee that sticks to the tongue. And thus they need to eat all their dragees.

The game is the name of the birds.

We have already recalled songs that are sung about birds. And in this competition, let's name the most unusual names birds. Two participants (from different teams who named the most unusual names) go on stage.

You know, there is such a bird called alkonost. Yes, the name is interesting. But it is a mythical bird, and it has the hands and face of a maiden. Therefore, I ask two more girls to come up on stage to help the players.

And so, we got two pairs. In front of each couple there is a table on the table with a glass and bottles or decanters. They contain a clear liquid: plain water, sweet water, salt water, vodka, water with lemon. Only the presenter knows where and what is poured.

The players stand next to each other. The one standing behind him stretches his hands forward, pours from any bottle into a glass, the one standing in front drinks and must guess the drink. So, until he tries from all the bottles. Players can change places. The team that guesses the drinks faster and correctly wins.

Prize –

Brainstorming “Question and Answer”

An approximate list (question-answer) of riddles with humor:

What do you usually do when you see a little green man? They are crossing the road.

There is a head, but no brain. Cheese, garlic, onions.

A hunter was walking through the city square. I saw the clock on the tower, took off my gun and fired. Where did you end up? To the police station.

Who always sleeps with shoes on? Horse.

The goat is seven years old. What then? The eighth will go.

A word that contains seven identical letters. Family.

One hundred letters that stop traffic on the road. Stop.

Which peninsula “tells” about its area? Yamal.

Flying city? Eagle.

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, he can't talk.

Capital of which European state spread out on dried grass? France, Paris stands on the Seine River

Leading: You guys surprised me, you guys are crazy. I admit, this was the first time I attended a New Year’s corporate party where, despite how much they drank, people thought so clearly. Okay, brains are stretched, now. First of all, I wonder what mood the guests are in? Combat? Lazy? Drunk? What thoughts come to them on such an evening. All this is very easy to check, so we’ll do a couple of sobriety tests.

Balance test.

Participants are asked to stand on one leg. The one who manages to hold out longer than the rest wins. (one per team)


Agility test.

IN plastic cups, glassware will not fit, it may break, champagne or other drink is being poured. You need to drink it without using your hands; they are hidden behind your back.

Leading: Well done! They completed the task perfectly, and I personally present the winner with a gift (a lollipop in the shape of a cockerel).

Contest " Material well-being in family"(prepared in advance (the day before the corporate event), employees are given sheets of paper with the question “what needs to be done so that the family always has prosperity?”, it is desirable that the answers are humorous)

Everyone knows that the Rooster is an inveterate family man and guardian of the family budget. Everyone present wrote down their recommendations on a piece of paper - what needs to be done so that the family always has prosperity. Then the Rooster reads out the list and gives gifts to the most original advisers.

Summing up the results of competitions

It's hard to single out anyone. And today in the hall there are those who were born in the Year of the Rooster. Here they are, ours won! The stars favor them. The horoscope also did not deprive other signs of attention, but they cannot compare with the smart, beautiful Roosters.

A win-win lottery is being held.

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye,

But so that we can part beautifully

We'll light the lights on the Christmas tree,

And together, we repeat in unison:

So that happiness lasts long,

You light up the Christmas tree,

We cast a spell

May everyone's wishes come true:

One and two and three - the tree is burning fabulously! (together)

Dancing, toasts... The fun continues!


New Year 2017 has the character of the Fire Rooster. And this is a cocky, active bird. Therefore, sadly celebrating this holiday at the table with salads and aspic is not a good idea.

Allow your guests to stretch their legs and spend time not only pleasantly, but also having fun. After all, games New Year's Eve must also correspond to the owner of the year.


Creative and fun competition, suitable for any company and place. We all know that the symbol of 2017 is Eastern calendar There will be a Rooster, so we’ll make him the main character of our competition. Don't worry, you don't have to look for a live rooster for this. But you will need something: two sheets of A1 format; a board for drawing with a marker or chalk is better. We divide the participants into two teams, and actually set them the task: to draw the symbol of the New Year. Team members take turns approaching a board or sheet of paper and begin to create their masterpieces. One draws the rooster’s legs, then the next team member comes up and draws the body, another the head, the next tail, etc. At the end, the audience decides whose rooster is better and chooses the winning team!


Since the coming year is the year of the Red Rooster, a game with eggs couldn’t come at a better time. For each participating man, three eggs are prepared on a plate. One raw and two cooked. They must be smashed one by one with your forehead. Everyone expects it to be raw. But all the eggs turn out to be boiled. Although the prevailing expectation of “turmoil” amuses everyone, and makes the participants nervous and laugh.


Quite an interesting New Year's competition that can bring a lot of positive emotions and make the mood truly festive. As for the props, you will need several masks of various animal characters. A participant is selected, sits on a chair in front of the audience, closes his eyes, while the presenter puts a mask on his face. The participant must understand what kind of animal they turned him into? The audience periodically gives hints, but only to make it difficult for the hero of the competition to guess. In order to diversify the competition, the task can be slightly modified. Now the player himself will ask the audience about the characteristics of his character, and the audience must categorically answer the player’s questions - yes or no. All this continues until the participant in the competition understands whose mask he is wearing.


Players name out loud the items they would like to take with them on New Year's Day, and they can take both animate and non-animate items. Well, think for yourself, maybe someone will want to take a Toothbrush with them next year, but you and I cannot forbid them to take with them a Wonderful mood. But let's get back to the rules! First, the player must say his name and only then begin to list what he would take with him into 2017. The difficulty of the competition is that these words must begin with the same letter as his name. The one who can name the most words will be the winner.


This competition requires a purchase in advance. new Year gifts! This could be a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates, etc. Now actually how to carry it out: we divide the people in twos, bring the first couple to the table, on which our gifts actually lie. Nearby should be beautiful wrapping paper, ribbons, flowers, bows, etc. What's the catch? - you ask! Here's what: one of the participants right hand takes the other by the left, and they put both hands back, behind the back. As a result, one of them remains free left hand, the other has the right one. These are the handles they should use to wrap the gift. Whoever can do it more beautifully will be the winner! Naturally the audience appreciates it.


Let's try to test the cinematic knowledge of our favorite guests. The presenter asks each person in turn the following question: “What films do you know that in one way or another relate to the theme of the New Year?” The names of both old and new films about the New Year are accepted. The one who names the most New Year's paintings wins.


I’ll say right away that you will need to purchase alcoholic beverages in advance. Suitable: champagne, wine, cognac, beer, whiskey, etc. Non-alcoholic ones are also useful for variety: lemonade, mineral water, juice, etc. We place this entire set on the floor in the shape of a circle, maintaining a distance of 15 - 20 cm between the bottles. We will use a paper ring as a sports equipment. To do this: use scissors to cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm from thick cardboard, and in it there is another one, but of a smaller diameter - about 20 cm. Hooray! So we have a ring! Now about how to actually conduct the competition. The participant takes the ring in his hand, moves away from the place where we placed our bottles at a distance of 2.5 - 3 meters, and throws it! And what he manages to lasso, our cowboy takes with him as a present!


In this competition, we will try to evaluate the artistic talents of our participants! We will need a sheet of Whatman paper or a board for a marker. In advance, on small pieces of paper you need to write certain words. It is best to use adjectives as words: cheerful, New Year's, beautiful, kind, festive, etc. We put these notes in a box, you can take a hat or cap instead of a box. The participant takes out a piece of paper from there with his hand, reads it to himself, naturally does not pronounce this word, but tries to depict it on the board using a drawing. Viewers are trying to guess what this “Picasso” wants to tell them with his art. Well, whoever says the word first gets the long-awaited prize.


You will need several sets of Chinese chopsticks, depending on the number of participants in the competition. Don't worry, call and order Chinese food we won't have to. It will be enough for this canned corn or green peas. But if this is not the case, you can also use grapes, which will definitely be on the table. The participants are seated at the table and each one is given the same ill-fated sticks. Place exactly the same number of peas on the plates, or whatever you decide to put there. The host notes the time and the participants begin their quick lunch. You can only eat with chopsticks! And when the time runs out (about a minute) we begin to count the number of remaining peas. Whoever has fewer of them left wins. And whoever ate them before the end of time means he won in advance!


Participants are divided into pairs. Women are “Chickens”, and their men are “Cockerels”. Under cheerful music Each “Chicken” must dress up her own “Cockerel”. Tinsel and plastic are suitable for this. Christmas decorations, confetti, rain - everything should be bright and catchy. Don’t forget that the symbol of the year is a fiery, bright bird. Time to conduct the competition is one minute. The winner is the couple in which the “Cockerel” is the most elegant and beautiful.


For this game you should prepare tasks in advance and air balloons. Comic tasks We write on pieces of paper and lower them into balls. Each participant picks up a ball. You also need to pop your balloon in some creative way. Tasks that need to be completed fly out of the balls.

Examples of tasks:

1. Walk like a rooster.

2. Crow.

3. Sing a song about a Christmas tree.

4. Remember two cartoons or fairy tales in which a rooster is mentioned.

The winner will be the one who bursts the balloon creatively and completes the task artistically.


For this competition you need to prepare paper Christmas tree decorations in the shape of a rooster. Make them colorful and add a paper clip or string so that they can easily be hung on the Christmas tree. Participants are divided into teams. They are given “cockerel” toys. While one of the blindfolded participants tries to reach the tree and hang the toy, the other one tells him the right path and supports him. The winner will be the couple that hangs up their roosters faster.


We will need various fruits: bananas, apples, kiwi, etc. Place them on a large plate. We divide the competition participants into teams, which take turns coming to the table, and from the set of fruits we offer, they try to depict the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Rooster. Whoever surprises the audience with his masterpiece the most wins a prize!


On pieces of paper we write funny and interesting situations that may happen to our guests in the New Year. For example: someone will buy themselves a car, underwear, shave their beard, get a haircut, etc. Participants take turns pulling out our prepared leaves with wishes and reading them out loud. But before these, they always say the phrase: “In 2017, I will definitely...”. Lots of laughter guaranteed!


This competition is more suitable for New Year's corporate party when people are sitting small companies at separate tables. We prepare cards with letters in advance. We write the letters so that they can be used to form words: New Year, rooster, Snow Maiden, etc. We hide our cards on each table, under dishes, or in napkins. At the command of the host, guests begin to look for letters and form their own word from them. Whose table does it faster gets a gift.


Let's try to reveal the artistic talents of our participants. For this you will need: sheets of A1 format in which you will need to cut holes for the hands. The sheet should be positioned vertically, and when the participant puts their hands through it, top part the sheet will have to cover his face. We give out two felt-tip pens in each hand, and ask them to draw the face of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a cockerel, or anyone else. And since you will have to draw on the reverse side, without seeing what you are drawing, the faces should turn out very funny. Well, for yourself talented artist be sure to give a prize.


For this competition you will need many different fruits, mostly round in shape: tangerines, oranges, apples, kiwis, lemons, etc. We randomly lay them out on the table, blindfold the participant, place an empty basket next to him and give him the task: to collect only certain fruits from all the fruits (at your discretion). Naturally, this needs to be done for a while. Whoever does it faster and without mistakes wins.


We divide the guests into pairs: girl + guy. We select musical compositions in advance, and to make it more interesting, we will make a varied repertoire, starting from ballroom dancing and ending with fiery Latin music. We turn on the first composition and ask the couples to show their choreographic abilities. When the song ends, the audience applauds the dancing skills of our couples. The one who receives the weakest ovation is eliminated. We turn on the next composition, and so on until we have a couple of winners left.


In advance, on A4 sheets, we print the names of interesting and strange places in large letters. It could be: “Beer bar”, “Strip club”, “Work”, “Mental hospital”, “Director’s office”, “Sobering-up station”, “Venereologist’s office”, etc. We turn the participants with their backs to the audience and hang them Our pre-prepared pieces of paper are placed on their backs. The presenter begins to ask questions: “How did you end up there?”, “Did you like it there?”, “Do you often go there?”, “How do your loved ones feel about you being there and why?”, “When will you go back there?” Participants take turns answering them!


We put the chairs in a row and close to each other. We seat the participants on them and tell them to clench their knees tightly. The last participant needs to put a tangerine on his knees. We give the task: pass this fruit to the participant sitting next to him, but without using his hands. And so on down the chain. It turns out very funny!


We will need frozen pieces of ice. Guests, at the command of the host, take a piece of ice and try with everyone possible ways melt it quickly. You can blow, warm with your hands, etc. Whoever can do it faster will be our winner!


We will prepare identical cards in advance. On one side of which we will write the name of a lido fairy tale character. Don’t forget, since we are celebrating the New Year, it is better to choose New Year’s characters. It could be: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, wolf, hare, and of course the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster. The player pulls out a card and reads to himself what is written on it. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, he tries to portray our mysterious character. At this time, the audience is trying to guess who it is!

New Year's bustle. And often in it we forget about the most important thing - about entertainment and competitions. But without them to sit New Year's table It will be boring and not fun. How to be? We will help you and show you funny competitions on New Year 2017 for the family, so that your new year turns out this way and that! Or rather, unforgettable for all of you! We have mobile competitions, at the table and seated. And also a new feature - a video contest! All in all. You won't be bored!

Competition 1 – see off the year of the monkey.
So, let's celebrate the year of the monkey. It went differently for everyone. But we were still happy and lived every day brightly and unforgettably. And so the competition.
We divided it into two parts. Part one.
In the first part, each guest takes turns naming objects and things that he associates with the monkey. Whoever does not name is eliminated. And the one who remains last wins.
Part two.
Here you also need to name in turn the events that happened in the life of your family or in your personal life. Events that were memorable. Again, whoever does not name in turn is eliminated. And the one who remains last wins and is given a calendar for 2016 as a memory of the most unforgettable days of the outgoing year.

Competition 2 – the year of the rooster is coming.
Now let's have fun celebrating the New Year 2017! And right away there was a competition about the symbol of the year - the cockerel.
In this competition you need to prepare cards on which tasks will be written. Guests take out cards, read the task and show them. And the guests guess - what is he showing in the image of a rooster?
Examples of tasks:
- The rooster takes care of the hen.
- the rooster is looking for a worm.
- the rooster is hoarse and cannot crow.
- the rooster saw how the grilled chicken was being prepared.
- the rooster went outside into the cold.

Competition 3 – New Year's forfeits.
It's time to play the famous games again - forfeits!
Everything is simple here - you need to prepare cards on which the tasks are written. You put all the cards in a bag and mix them. Guests take turns taking out cards and reading out the tasks they have to complete. The tasks are the most common ones you can think of.
Here are our options as an example:

Competition 4 – film competition!
Do you like watching movies? What about TV series? If yes, then victory in this competition is yours!
Playing this competition is simple: you watch a video where a freeze frame appears. And you just need to guess the movie or TV series. Just? Yes! But in reality it’s difficult - after all, the actors’ faces are hidden under the masks of roosters and hens! When all the guests have answered according to their answer options, a second freeze frame appears, where the actors are no longer wearing masks. And everyone immediately understands what kind of film this is.
The video for the competition is below.

New Year is a holiday that both children and adults look forward to. Despite the fact that this event is celebrated every year, it should remain unforgettable in the memory of every person. For this purpose, careful planning is drawn up. holiday menu, musical accompaniment, interior design, stunning images are created for the participants themselves.

But a particularly important point of an unforgettable new year is entertainment. She is the one who will be able to fill your event with fun and excitement. positive emotions and of course it will leave you with warm and joyful memories of this time. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will help you achieve these results.

New Year competitions for 2017 year of the rooster

2017, to Chinese calendar, is called the year of "Red" fire rooster"Everyone knows that the rooster is a playful, active and cocky bird. This means that the nature of the competitions should correspond to the main symbol of the coming year. So.

"I'm the coolest"

This competition is very suitable for the fiery rooster, because only men and... eggs (boiled of course) take part in it! After approval of the participants, each of them is given a plate of chicken eggs, in the amount of 5-7 pieces. Information is announced in advance that in each plate, among the boiled eggs, there is one raw one. Thus, the participants are misled from the very beginning, because there are no raw eggs does not exist within the competition. Next, the players draw lots and in the prescribed manner hit one egg on their forehead. With each attempt, the tension in the stronger half of the company increases more and more, as when playing Russian roulette! The first one to figure out the trick wins.

"The rooster is a punctual bird"

Everyone knows that the crow of a cock symbolizes the sunrise. In all countries, this bird greets the dawn with its “crow” and is never mistaken in time. This competition is perfect for honoring the symbol of the coming year.

To conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare notes in advance with tasks, the execution of which is scheduled for a certain time. All company members receive one note. Those who miss their task are given a fine at the general discretion. Thus, your holiday will be filled with merry people who unexpectedly jump up from behind festive table, singing songs on a stool, hiding under a table, dancing sambo, or performing any other whimsy you desire.

"Hot news on New Year's Eve"

Despite the fact that this competition is already considered a classic companion to the New Year, it is also perfect for welcoming the fiery rooster. Before the game, you need to prepare cards with 5 to 7 words, preferably different in meaning. For example:

  • Sandwich, Japan, camel, earflaps, snowman, computer, office.

  • Snow Maiden, chamomile, mayor, socket, dog, light, blanket.

  • Blue, sun, shirt, car, neighbor, samovar, feather.

  • Tram, menu, globe, mirror, tailor, guitar, beach.

  • Athlete, supermarket, conductor, champagne, Christmas tree, shooting range, bear.

These cards are distributed to the participants, after which they are given a minute to prepare hot news or an incident that happened on New Year's Eve. The correspondent in his message must mention all the words (can be declined) indicated in the card.


This competition is aimed mainly at representatives of the fair sex. Men can also participate if they wish. The essence of the game is that several participants are selected. Behind them are placed chairs on which various objects are placed. Each “mother hen” must sit on a chair and, without using her hands, determine what is under her. Using your hands or peeking is strictly prohibited! The girl who solves the riddle first wins. She assigns a penalty task to the very last “hen”.

"Magic Balls"

For this competition, prepare balloons in advance. Place a piece of paper with a task in each of them, and then inflate it. During the competition, balls are scattered on the floor in front of the participants, each of whom must choose his own and burst it without using his hands. After the balloon bursts, the participant must begin completing the task, for which the following scenarios can be selected:

  • Stop your table neighbor from bursting his balloon.

  • Take someone else's task and complete it with passion.

  • Dance a twist.

  • Sit in the middle of the room, grab your head and sing soulfully “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

  • Stand on a chair and pretend to be a paratrooper making the first jump of his life.

"Just kidding"

As mentioned earlier, New Year competitions for the 2017 Year of the Rooster should be perky, lively and sometimes cocky. “Just kidding” - despite its short duration, it copes well with all the assigned tasks. The participants of the competition stand in a circle, bend over to the floor and put their hands on it, their heads remaining down (the awkward pose makes the outcome of the game even more fun). Can

The leader sits in the center of the circle and says the same line several times, which all participants must repeat after him in unison. "I'm (person's name - whatever), and I don't know how to play this game." After the last repetition, the presenter nervously jumps up, looks around at everyone gathered and arrogantly asks: “Then why are you all standing like that?!” The one who catches the leader first wins.

"Win-win lottery"

New Year is not only congratulations, pleasant company and a table bursting with food, but also, of course, gifts! However, if the gift is obtained using your own ingenuity, it is twice as expensive! For this competition, prepare sheets of paper with simple riddles in advance (after all, it’s a new year, and there should be no losers!). Riddles can be as follows:

  • To a bald person it’s like a poultice (comb) for a dead person.

  • If you want to drink milk, then you need it (the mug).

  • I know your whole day by the clock (diary).

Participants who solve the riddles receive corresponding gifts.

"Wipe your feet, it's snowing outside"

This is a very funny and active New Year's competition. The facilitator divides the participants into two equal teams. People who open the game stand facing their group at a distance of 15 steps. They are given three sheets of paper (newspapers can be used): they hold one in their hands, and stand on the other two with their feet. Before taking a step, the participant places the third piece of paper on the floor, puts his foot on it, picks up the one remaining behind and places it again to take the next step. Having reached his group, the runner passes the baton to the next participant. The team that reaches the finish line first wins

"To the touch"

The competition is designed for lovers or married couples. Clothespins are used as equipment. At the beginning of the game, five clothespins are hung on the girls of each pair. The gentlemen are blindfolded, and they find them by touch, accompanied by a friendly countdown from the company. After the last clothespin is removed, the girls are also invited to take part in the search.

But since the fair sex has much more experience in handling such objects, the number of clothespins increases to ten. After which the ladies are blindfolded, and two clothespins are removed from the men. The girl who first discovers the trick wins.

"Winter Dance"

For this competition for the New Year 2017, it is necessary to prepare cards with the names of winter items. It can be:

  • A cap.

  • Mittens.

  • Christmas tree.

  • Father Frost.

  • New Year's gift.

  • Snowman.

  • Snowflake.

  • Sled.

  • Snowstorm.

  • Fur coat.

The cards are placed in a container (hat, bag), after which they are taken out by the participants one by one. Then the participants of the competition must dance the object that fell out to them. The most original performance is determined by collective opinion and the most skillful dancer is awarded a prize.

"New Year's Song"

The participants are divided by the leader into two teams, each of which chooses a song associated with the New Year. The performers are then given five minutes to prepare for their performance. At this time, each team is engaged in the distribution of roles: a vocalist and persons participating in the events of the song are selected. For example, in the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” it could be a Christmas tree, a man, a bunny, a sleigh, and so on. At the end of the competition, the winning ensemble is chosen.

"Endless Song"

A fun competition that can excite even the most bored company. The facilitator again divides the participants into two teams. The opening group of the competition chooses a song and sings two lines from it. The next command should pick up and begin its execution with last word previous song. For example, the first team performs: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest. In winter and summer it was slender and green.” The second continues: “There was love. There was, but everything just passed. I’m different in you today.” And so on. The team that is the first to fail to pick up a continuation loses.

"Sports Vocals"

The presenter chooses a specific excerpt from any New Year's song. Participants are given a hoop one by one, which they must spin and simultaneously perform a given musical text. The winner is the vocalist who manages to sing the entire passage without dropping the hoop.

"Guess who I am?"

Each participant is given a card with the name of a traditional New Year's character. It can be:

  • Father Frost.

  • Snow Maiden.

  • Snowman.

  • Hare.

  • Deer.

  • Wolf.

Participants must portray their hero without words. This can be done using gestures, gait or facial expressions. The artist whose character is guessed the fastest wins.

Each of the presented competitions can be diversified with pleasant gifts. You don't have to choose something expensive. Useful things such as mugs, pens, combs, notepads, photo frames, keychains and much more are also suitable. After all, the most important thing is a warm, friendly and funny company, which gathered to brightly celebrate this New Year!

Natalya Kaptsova - expert on psychology and success

Reading time: 11 minutes


A mountain feast with jellied meat, salads, tangerines and wagon chocolates- This is great. But in addition to traditional pleasures, there are also more active and exciting New Year celebration programs.

Well, you must admit, eating “from the belly” and lying on the sofa in front of the TV is boring. Moreover, the patron of the year 2017, which is already on its heels, does not like dullness and monotony.

So, how to entertain yourself, your family and guests: a celebration program for the most magical night of the year!

1. He who sits down is eliminated

The competition is “with a beard”, but still relevant and fun - both for kids and for adults who have already managed to conduct old year and started to meet something new.

We place chairs in the center of the room (one less than the number of guests) in a circle with their backs facing the center. Turning on the music is a signal to start: the contestants actively run in a “round dance” in a circle and, as soon as the music is turned off, they quickly take up free places. Anyone who sat down past or simply did not have time and was left without a chair is eliminated. One chair, accordingly, is removed from the “round dance”. The first one out of 2 wins last participants will occupy the remaining chair.

Naturally, we prepare the prize in advance. Preferably with humor (well, it’s a holiday after all).

2. Funny talent show

If there are a lot of guests and the family is large, and everyone in it is a comedian, then you can hold a competition for the funniest congratulations on the Holiday.

For example, a Soviet poster on the theme “fight against drunkenness,” soap bubbles or a bag of tangerines.

3. “All markers have different tastes and colors.”

This competition is for gourmets. Well, for those who are embarrassed to run with relay mops, sing karaoke and show off the funniest cockerel of all.

Participants are covered with handkerchiefs, and then they are brought one by one for testing. various dishes. Whoever turns out to be the more professional taster will win.

The prize is the obligation to eat all the dishes that the winner did not guess.

4. Since childhood, I have been friends with rhyme, or poetry writers are held in high esteem everywhere!

The presenter asks the contestants (all of them participate!) the first line, and everyone must come up with the remaining three themselves. The poet who manages to make the audience laugh and prolong the guests' lives for at least a couple of years wins (1 minute of laughter, as is known, is equal to an additional 15 minutes of life).

A consolation prize (lollipop) goes to the participant who managed to find the most original rhymes.

The winner has the opportunity to choose his prize independently (hidden in one box Activated carbon, in the other - 0.5 vodka).

5. Recognize by smell!

This competition is similar to the one described above (for gourmets), the only difference is that the dishes will have to be determined not by taste, but by smell.

That is, the task becomes more complicated! The winner, naturally, is the one who guesses the most dishes.

The prize is a large chocolate medal.

6. New Year's toasts

Fun for the whole family. The idea is simple: each participant, blindfolded, points his finger at the first letter on a pre-drawn alphabet. Whichever letter falls out is where the first word of the toast will begin.

Each next word must begin with the next (in order) letter. That is, if the first word begins with “Z”, then the 2nd word begins with “F”, the third begins with “I”, etc.

7. One small but proud bird...

And again toasts! Well, where would we be without them on New Year’s Eve? This entertainment can shake up even the most modest guests at the table.

The point, again, is simple: a switched-on musical toy (preferably with the nastiest or funniest soundtrack) is passed around in a circle from hand to hand right at the table. The one who has finished the music makes a toast.

You can pass the relay toy a countless number of times, but make sure that the guests do not get bored - it is recommended to change the entertainment in time (for example, bring “hot” food, open champagne or say the classic “But we haven’t burned Bengals yet! Let’s all go to the balcony urgently!”) .

8. Dress warmly!

A competition for guests who are not constrained by shyness.

4 participants are required, who are divided into 2 pairs. Each couple (in which one is a fashion designer and the other is a mannequin) is given a bag with a wide variety of clothes, including men's and women's, children's, retro, boas, hats, etc.

After this, the fashion designers are blindfolded - they will create by touch. Moreover, the task of each fashion designer is to put everything in the bag on his mannequin. The couple that manages to empty the bag faster than others wins.

Prize: a glass of champagne. The losers get a sandwich with caviar.

9. Karaoke

You can’t go anywhere without songs on New Year’s Day! Naturally, we collect the most fashionable and fun songs into the playlist.

We select participants through a “trick” with matches (among the whole matches there is one shortened one). Everyone participates, including those who had a bear step on both ears and more.

Winners - everyone!

Prizes are required (you can time the presentation of gifts just in time for this competition).

10. Christmas tree, burn!

Artists' competition. We take out a pre-prepared “makeup” (one that can be washed off without problems), a box with additional “equipment” (clothes, various items from the mezzanine, tinsel, rain, toilet paper, sausage, etc.) and divide the participants into “model” pairs -artist".

Artists must create the brightest and most beautiful image on their models within 5 (or 10) minutes. Namely, a Christmas tree.

The couple with the most beautiful and original Christmas tree receives two fly swatters (or dumbbells) tied with bows.

11. Raise the level of good mood!

We pre-pack small gifts (hairpins, mini shower gels, chocolate medals, keychains, scarves, etc. - whatever we have enough money for) in such a way that it is difficult to determine by touch what exactly is hidden under a layer of gift paper.

For example, a hairpin can be wrapped in a couple of napkins and only then packaged in gift paper.

Each guest puts his hand into the bag and chooses a gift by touch.

12. Surprises on a string

Again, we hide small gifts in identical boxes, which, in turn, we hang at different heights, tying them to a stretched rope.

Each participant is blindfolded, after which he must “blindly” cut off the prize for himself with scissors.

13. “We wish you happiness...”

It is better to carry out this “action” in advance - even at the end of the old year. We take a stack of magazines, scissors, glue and several sheets of A5 cardboard - one for each participant.

We leave all the wealth in the kitchen, where each guest can complete the task without prying eyes - that is, quietly. And the task is simple - to create an anonymous wish from the bottom of your heart on cardboard, cutting out pictures and letters from magazines (a sort of collage from the heart and with humor). You can add a good “prediction” to your wishes.

Each collage is sealed in a white envelope without inscriptions and hidden in a common basket under the Christmas tree.

After the New Year, the envelopes should be mixed together and distributed to guests.

14. The most delicious patron of the year!

Practically - a show of culinary talents.

The task for the participants is to create the most beautiful - and, most importantly, delicious - cockerel from the available products.

15. What to take with you for the New Year?

Each participant uses the “poke” method (by sticking his hand in a bag of notes) to choose a letter for himself (do not use too complex letters like “Y” or “Y”). It is with this letter that all words in the list of things (phenomena, events, etc.) that should be taken with you in the coming year should begin.

16. Chinese among us

The competition is fun and suitable for all participants without exception.

It’s better to immediately divide all the guests into pairs (preferably opposite each other), and signal the “start” command for everyone at once. The essence of the competition: eat green pea(corn, berries, etc.) with Chinese chopsticks in 1 minute.

Those participants who eat more peas than their opponents win.

Prizes: a can of peas!

17. Sniper of the Year!

What exactly you will use in this competition depends on your capabilities and imagination.

You can throw rings on the neck of a champagne bottle, throw darts at a drawn target, or shoot empty ones from a children's crossbow. plastic bottles- it does not matter. The main thing is to do it as a team, one at a time.

The prize is awarded to the team that scores the most points (one for everyone or individually for each.

There is a lot of entertainment and competitions for New Year's fun. Human imagination, as they say, has no limits, and the imagination of a person who has already begun to celebrate the New Year - even more so.

Therefore, you have cards in your hands, and Yandex to help, and wonderful miracles next year!

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