How to preserve corn grains and cobs in jars at home for the winter. Homemade canned corn

How to prepare corn for the winter

Corn for the winter is canned or frozen, which you can prepare at home without any hassle. Grains are added to salads, sauces, first and second courses.

Corn on the cob for the winter

After freezing, the grains retain their taste and aroma.

Source: Depositphotos

Corn cobs keep well in the freezer all winter.


  • corn - 6 cobs;
  • water – 1 l.
  1. Place the corn in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer the cobs to ice water, then dry them with paper towels.
  3. Place the pieces in freezer bags and remove the air from the packaging. Place the cobs in the freezer.

Use blanks as needed.

Homemade pickled corn for the winter

Prepare an unusual snack with a sweet and sour taste using our recipe.


  • young corn - 6 cobs;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf– 2 pcs.
  1. Cut the cobs into 3 parts, put them in boiling water and cook for 30 minutes.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in 2.5 liters of water. Boil the marinade, add pepper, cloves and bay leaf. Lie it for 5 minutes.
  3. Place the corn in sterilized jars and pour boiling marinade over it.

Cover the dishes with nylon lids and cool. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar.

Canned corn for the winter with tomatoes

Sweet corn kernels prepared at home do not differ in taste from those sold in the store. You can serve the tomatoes separately or add them to a salad or soup.


  • tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • corn – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • vinegar – 45 g;
  • currant litas – 5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • dill – 3 sprigs;
  • basil – 2 sprigs.
  1. Place on the bottom of a sterilized three-liter jar greens and pepper. If desired, you can add dill umbrellas, cherry or grape leaves.
  2. Cut the cobs into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Place the pieces in a jar, alternating with tomatoes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the food and cover it with a lid. After 5 minutes, pour the infusion into the pan and boil it again. Repeat this operation 2 more times.
  4. Add salt and sugar to the broth and bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour the vinegar and marinade into the jar, close the container with a lid.

Turn the workpiece upside down and cool. Send the workpiece to the cellar or pantry for storage.

Canned or frozen corn kernels are removed from the stalk with a knife before consumption. They can be immediately added to a hot dish or salad.

Canned corn for the winter at home turns out very tasty, juicy and sweet, unlike the store-bought version! And this preparation costs several times less, so don’t forget to seal a few jars of this vegetable to prepare a delicious salad in winter.

Remember that young corn, from the cobs of which juice is released, is cooked for only 15-20 minutes, but mature heads of corn must be cooked for at least 1-2 hours until the grains become soft. You cannot salt corn when cooking - salt compacts the surface of the grains and they become harsh in taste.

You will need a 0.5 liter container:

  • 5-6 corn cobs;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar and 1 tsp;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

How to can corn at home

1. Clean the cobs from leaves and plant hair. Place a small part of the washed leaves on the bottom of a saucepan or cauldron and place the peeled and washed cobs on them. Add 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. We won't add salt.

2. Fill with water and place the container on the stove, covering with a lid. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium, boiling the cobs for 15-20 minutes.

3. Then remove the container from the heat and quickly transfer the cobs into ice water. Once they have cooled slightly, cut off the grains with a sharp knife.

4. Wash several 0.5 liter jars and pour boiled sliced ​​corn into them up to the shoulders - no more!

5. Place the jars in a pan for sterilization, pour 0.5 tsp into each of them. salt and 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

6. Fill with hot water to the top. Fill the pan with hot water up to the hangers of the jars. Place it on the stove, bring the water in it to a boil and reduce the heat to medium, covering the jars with lids. In this position we will sterilize them for about 1 hour.

7. After the specified time, remove the jars from the pan and pour 1 tbsp into each of them. 9% vinegar and immediately seal with a conservation key or screw the lids on until they stop, if the jars have threads.

8. Carefully turn it upside down, making sure the seal is good, and let it cool at room temperature. If desired, you can add 0.5 tablets of aspirin to each jar of canned corn to prevent fermentation.

Every housewife prepares vegetables and fruits for the winter in the fall. Thanks to this all year round there are always summer products on the table that can be used for cooking various dishes or serve separately.

Almost every salad contains an ingredient such as canned corn. We all buy it at the store. But industrial manufacturers add to it large number chemicals, so there is no point in talking about the benefits of such a product. While you have the opportunity, you can pickle or freeze grains or cobs for the winter.

If you have already tried to pickle this product, then most likely the jar exploded after a few days. To prevent this from happening, you need to know some nuances:

  • Only sugar varieties are suitable for preservation;
  • Blanching required;
  • If possible, cut off the roots with a sharp knife;
  • We fill the jars only 2/3;
  • It is advisable to add vinegar.

Thanks to these rules, the workpiece will be stored long time, and on new year holidays you have one of the main ingredients available.

So, let's look at the most popular recipes for preparations.

The fodder crop is not suitable for harvesting; we need the sugar variety. The process itself is simple, so even a housewife without experience can handle it.


  • Sweet corn;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.


We peel the corn and place it in a bowl or pan. Fill in cold water and cook for about 40 minutes. If you cook it too long, it will become soft, and we don't want that.

To make the grains sweet, add a small amount of sugar during cooking, about 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water.

When the cobs have cooled, you need to separate the grains. Use a knife first and then you can do it by hand.

To prevent our canning from exploding, the corn should be washed with boiling water. This allows you to get rid of small insects and debris. We do not use the water in which we cooked the cobs, as it contains a lot of dirt.

Now we need to prepare the brine. To do this, pour one liter of water into the pan, add citric acid, salt and sugar. Mix everything and wait for the liquid to boil.

Meanwhile, distribute the grains into sterile jars. Do not fill the container to the top, otherwise the workpiece may explode, so fill it 2/3.

When the marinade boils, fill the jars with it, without adding a couple of centimeters to the top edge.

Sterilize the workpiece in boiling water. For this we will need about one hour, and if you are using young corn, then 40 minutes will be enough.

After the specified period of time, roll up the lids with a special key.

Turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool for a day. It is better to store preserved food in a cool place, but even at room temperature nothing will happen to it until the New Year.

Pickled corn on the cob

You can prepare the whole delicious product for the winter. Many people think that pickling this product is not so easy, but you will need a little time to seal it in jars.


  • Corn;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp table salt;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • 2 tbsp vinegar;
  • Bay leaf;


We select the cobs. For canning whole corn, it is better to choose a small product, and preferably one size. We clear the leaves and remove the hairs.

Then we subject it to heat treatment. To do this, place it in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.

After the water boils, cook the corn for about 5 minutes. And if the cobs are ripe for a long time, then cook them a little more. After this, place in a colander and place under cold water for three minutes.

To get rid of excess liquid Place the boiled cobs on a towel or wipe with paper napkins. If necessary, the cobs can be divided in half.

Place the prepared cobs tightly in sterilized jars. You also need to prepare the marinade. To do this, bring water with sugar and salt to a boil. Add vinegar, bay leaf and pepper to each jar, then fill with marinade.

Sterilize the filled jars in boiling water for at least one hour.

We screw on the sterilized lids, cover the workpiece upside down with a towel and leave for several hours until it has cooled completely.

Frozen corn on the cob for the winter

Freezing food allows you to preserve it for a long time. It does not require any additional ingredients; corn retains its beneficial and nutritional properties. In winter, all you have to do is take it out of the freezer and cook it.

We peel the cobs and try to remove all the hairs. Then we divide them into two parts.

If you prefer to cook the corn with the leaves, then wrap the pieces with them and place them in a plastic bag. Let out all the air and tie the bag.

We put it in the freezer and take it out when we want to cook it.

After freezing, corn loses some of its flavor and becomes less juicy. Therefore, you can prepare boiled cobs. To do this, wrap each piece in cling film.

In winter, it is enough to cook such cobs for about 3 minutes after the water boils. Try preserving the product in two ways and then you can determine which is better.

Freezing corn beans

Nowadays every home has a freezer or a separate chamber. Therefore, products can be stored for the winter without any problems. Frozen corn can be used in baked goods, salads, stews and other dishes. It will only take you a few minutes to prepare.

We clean the cobs, rinse them thoroughly under running water and place them on a towel to dry thoroughly. Then put it in a saucepan with water and cook for 5 minutes after boiling.

Immediately place the corn in cold water with ice cubes. When it cools down, dry it with paper towels to get rid of excess liquid.

Now we need to separate the grains. This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming, so be patient.

Place the grains in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer.

The bag does not take up much space, so this freezing method is very convenient. In winter, add grains to your favorite dishes.

Corn recipe for the winter, just like in the store

It's simple and quick way corn preparations. It can be used not only in cooking, but also in fishing. The canned product tastes no different from its store-bought counterpart, but does not contain harmful preservatives.


  • Sweet corn;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tsp sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt.


Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and place the cobs in it for a couple of minutes. There is no need to cook any longer. Then transfer the product to cold water until it cools down.

Using a sharp knife, cut off the grains and then separate them by hand.

Place the grains in a jar for 2-3, add sugar, salt and fill with cold water so that a couple of centimeters remain from the edge. And screw it on with sterile caps.

Place a towel on the bottom of the pan, place the filled jars in it and completely fill them with water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 45 minutes over low heat. We remove the lid only after the workpiece has cooled.

It is preferable to store jars in the refrigerator, as they can explode at room temperature.

Video recipe for cooking corn for the winter

If you don’t quite understand the harvesting process, you can watch a video with two recipes for canning grains and cobs. We don't need anything other than vinegar, sugar and salt.

There are options for pickling corn without sterilization, but I would not recommend using them, since the workpiece may explode after just a few days, and all your work will be in vain.

To preserve corn for the winter you will need young sweet corn, sugar, salt and clean water- and no additional preservatives. Homemade pickled corn will turn out very tender, sweet and juicy, ideal for all kinds of salads. The jars are well stored in the cellar, do not become cloudy over time and do not explode. In a word, the recipe will be an excellent alternative to store-bought seaming, the quality of which often leaves much to be desired.

Cooking time: 2 hours / Yield: 2 l.


To canning corn at home you will need:

  • corn 1 kg
  • sugar 6 tbsp. l.
  • salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • water 1.5 l

How to prepare canned corn for the winter

We clean the cobs from leaves and remove fibers.

We take a sharp knife and use it to cut off the corn kernels as close to the cob as possible - it’s okay if part of the head of cabbage is cut off; during the cooking process, all the particles will rise along with the foam and will be easy to remove.

Fill the corn with cold water (approximately 3-4 fingers above the level of the grains) and bring to a boil over high heat, as a result of which foam forms on the surface, which must be skimmed off with a slotted spoon. Reduce heat to low and cook for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, we express the water, but do not pour it out! We put the grains in clean sterilized jars - it is most convenient to use 0.5-liter jars.

We fill the jars not to the very top, but approximately 3/4 of the capacity.

Based on the liquid in which the corn was cooked, prepare a marinade based on 2 tbsp per 1.5 liters of liquid. l. non-iodized salt (without top) and 6 tbsp. l. sugar (without top). Bring the marinade to a boil and pour it into jars filled with corn kernels.

Important: The grain should float freely in the marinade. If you fill the jars 3/4 full, then each jar will take about 300-350 ml of marinade. It turns out on average 4 cans, 4x0.35 l = 1.4 l. Calculations are given with a margin, based on 1.5 liters. If you cook in double or triple volume (or more), then the “marinade reserve” may remain unclaimed. Therefore, we recommend measuring out the marinade in several batches. Divide the grain into jars, filling them 3/4 full, then prepare 1.5 liters of marinade and pour into the jars. See how much liquid you have left and repeat the procedure if necessary. This way you will not transfer salt and sugar.

Cover the jars with lids and place them in a pan of hot water for pasteurization - place a small piece of cloth on the bottom of the pan to secure the jars. Pasteurize for 1 hour from the moment the water begins to boil in the pan.

We roll up the finished canned corn with sterilized lids, turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and let it cool in this form.

We send the jars for storage in the dark, cool time. Seaming can be stored for 1-2 years.


  • Any variety of sweet corn is suitable for pickling - it is advisable to choose dense young cobs, where the milk grains are already well formed.
  • If the corn is slightly overripe, then the cooking time will need to be doubled or even tripled, depending on the degree of softness of the cooked grain.

But the period of fresh consumption of this product is quite short - unfortunately, it is not possible to store young heads of cabbage for a long time. But you can extend the period of corn consumption until the next one if you know how to properly freeze corn for the winter in grains and on the cob. You can then use it in salads, side dishes, or simply eat it boiled, just like fresh.

Benefits of freezing

The advantages of this process of harvesting heads of cabbage for the winter are:

  • maximum preservation of vitamins and nutrients contained in corn;
  • year-round consumption of fresh;
  • significant savings, since prices for fresh cobs in winter are very high, and they cannot be found everywhere;
  • options for types and further use of the product. Due to the fact that it can be prepared both in grains and on the cob, the possibilities of its use for various dishes expand.

Preliminary preparation

To freeze this product, you must prepare sugar cobs, while their maturity should be average. If you take corn that is not yet ripe, the taste will be worse. If you choose overripe grains, the grains will not have the juiciness and taste for which we love this product so much.

Freshly picked cobs should be frozen because long-term storage the taste deteriorates - due to the fact that the sugar contained in the grains turns into a starchy substance.

You need to select the cobs carefully. There should be no signs of damage or rotten formations on the surface.

Before freezing, remove the leafy and hairy parts of the cob, wash it well and dry it with a paper towel.

Did you know? Corn became known to the world thanks to the Mexicans, who domesticated it and began growing it approximately 10 thousand years BC. e (the exact period is unknown). There are facts indicating that 55 thousand years ago corn was grown in Mexico, as pollen was discovered and its age was established. IN European countries Corn appeared thanks to Christopher Columbus, who brought its grains there.

Freezing on the cob

There are several ways to freeze cabbage heads for the winter. Let's look at them in detail.

No pre-treatment

First, let's look at how to freeze corn on the cob for the winter without pre-cooking. This method is the simplest and fastest. When you have selected the necessary heads of cabbage, you should remove the leaves, cut the stem, and remove all hairs. When the cobs are well washed and dried, they are placed in zip-up bags or ordinary plastic bags, tightly closed and sent to the freezer for freezing and storage.

The method is very popular because it is less time-consuming, but at the same time, the cobs take up a lot of space. This preparation option not suitable for those who have a small freezer.


This method of freezing is more time-consuming, but allows you to eat the product immediately after it is defrosted.
The blanching method can be called a kind of “hardening” of the product before going into the freezer, which allows you to preserve the appetizing taste as much as possible. appearance and usefulness.

During this procedure, peeled corn cobs should be Immerse in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then quickly transfer them into a pan with as cold water as possible, into which add ice cubes.

Important! While the corn is in boiling water or cold water, it is necessary to ensure that the cobs are completely immersed in water, then the cooking and cooling process occurs evenly.

Let the heads of cabbage cool in cold water for about 3 minutes, after which you need to dry them well with a paper towel.

Place the cobs in the freezer in a spare bag or plastic bag.

Freezing grains

The main advantage of such freezing is the fact that you save maximum space in the freezer and can prepare much more corn than on the cob.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes longer to complete the process. preparatory work before going into the freezer.

Let's consider step by step process raw grain preparations for freezing:

  1. The first thing to do is to free the cobs from leaves and hair.
  2. Wash all the heads well and dry them with a paper towel.
  3. On a cutting board, using a sharp knife, you should cut the grains from the head of cabbage - as carefully as possible, making smooth movements, starting from the top of the cob and going down.
  4. The grains are transferred to a spare bag or plastic container and placed in the freezer for freezing and further storage.

Did you know? Corn is not only yellow or white, which we are used to seeing. There are varieties in the world with red, purple, black grains, and the most original can rightfully be called a multi-colored variety called “Glass Gem”.

You can also freeze the grains after blanching them.
Advantage this method is the fact that the grains can be immediately used for cooking, without preliminary heat treatment. But at the same time, this freezing option is considered the longest.

Let's look at the step-by-step process of preparing grains for freezing in this way:

  1. The first thing to do is to clean the corn cobs from leaves and hair, wash them well and dry them with paper towels.
  2. Next, you need to place the heads of cabbage in boiling water - so that the water completely covers them - and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. While the grains are cooking, you should take care in advance to prepare a container of cold water and ice cubes.
  4. After 5 minutes, you should quickly transfer the heads of cabbage to a container with cold water and ice.
  5. After the workpiece has cooled completely, which will last about 2 minutes, remove it from the water and dry it well with a paper towel.
  6. On a cutting board, using the sharpest knife possible, cut the grains from the cob, starting at the top and gradually moving down.
  7. Pour the grains into spare bags or plastic containers, place them in the freezer for freezing and further storage.

How long can you store

Those who have at least once frozen vegetables or fruits know how to store them in order to extend their shelf life, but let’s take a closer look at how to store corn in the freezer for the winter.

Frozen vegetables usually have a shelf life of one year, but this product is an exception and can only be stored in the freezer for no more than 8 months, regardless of whether it was blanched or not, whether it was on the cob or in grains.

Important! It must be taken into account that it is strictly not recommended to re-freeze a bag of grains that has already been thawed once, so it is necessary to pack it in such a way that the entire bag is used at a time.

How to defrost correctly

Defrost corn that has previously been blanched (whether it is on the cob or in kernels). Microwave recommended, turning on the defrost mode.
Also, defrosting methods depend on how you plan to use the frozen product in the future. If you add grains to a soup, side dish, or other dish that will undergo a heat treatment process, then the preparation you don't have to defrost, and add it frozen.