Forfeits and tasks for forfeits. Comic tasks for guests at the table - forfeits for an anniversary

Have you already tried all the games? Forfeits are what will help you out.

You can play forfeits indefinitely; fun tasks only fuel the excitement. The age of the players is not limited: adults can also join the children's company, and this will only make the game more fun.

Tasks for forfeits can be distributed in several ways

The classic way is that each participant gives the presenter some small item: a scarf, a pencil, a brooch, a key. All the things are collected in a bag. The presenter’s assistant takes things out of the bag one at a time, and the presenter himself says: “This phantom should do this.”

In this case, the presenter stands with his back to his assistant and does not see whose item is in his hands. And the responsibility to come up with fun tasks for forfeits lies with the presenter.

For a children's group, this option will be difficult. Not every child has some small accessory with him. Not every child will easily come up with witty and fun tasks on the fly. Therefore, it is better to use another method.

The names of the participants are written on the cards and placed in a bag. Cards with tasks for forfeits are placed in another bag.
The host pulls out the player's name, and then a task for him.

Tasks can be written not on cards, but on narrow strips of colored paper, and each strip can be folded into stars. This will add charm to the game and fuel the intrigue, because to find out what is destined for you, you will first have to unwrap the star.

How to make stars from strips of paper: video

How to come up with fun tasks for forfeits

The main rule of a successful game: tasks for forfeits for children must correspond to the age of the players, be friendly and interesting. There should be no tasks with mockery, humiliating overtones or “adult” humor.

We offer you a ready-made list of funny tasks for forfeits for a fun company.

  • Draw a self-portrait holding a pencil in your teeth.
  • Looking in the mirror for a minute, tell me how good, smart and the best I am, without laughing.
  • Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  • Say 5 sentences starting with the words “I want that...”
  • Using pantomime, tell about an event known to everyone present.
  • The fant must depict a boiling kettle, a moving train, a flying plane, etc.
  • The phantom must crawl under the table.
  • Eating an apple hanging on a rope without using your hands
  • Pretend to be a kitten and lap up a saucer of milk
  • Draw a mirror and copy the facial expressions and movements of the one who looks at you.
  • Draw seven different emotions on your face.
  • Say a tongue twister quickly. For example: “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don’t chop wood at the edge of the yard.”
  • Play a fortune teller and predict something funny for the neighbor on the right.
  • Move the coin with your nose across the table to a specific target.
  • Play the melody of any song with your finger on your lip.
  • Sit for exactly a minute with an angry face, and the rest at this time should try to cheer him up by any means.
  • While the presenter reads a well-known and simple poem, the fant duplicates it using sign language translation.
  • Sing a well-known song, and instead of words say only “oink-oink”, “bee-bee”, “quack-quack”, etc.
  • Stuff your mouth with sweets and repeat the phrase “fat-cheeked sweet tooth” five times without laughing.
  • You can depict an animal’s activity, for example, how a cat catches a fly, or how a chicken lays an egg.
  • Jump on one leg, actively wave your arms and seriously shout “I am a butterfly.”
  • There is a lemon and very seriously, without grimacing, talk about how delicious it is.

The Fanta game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for both children, adults, and mixed groups different ages. You can play forfeits for the New Year, for a birthday, or just with a group of people to have fun.

The name of the game “Fanta” comes from the German “Pfand” - pledge, mortgage.

There are several varieties of the game:

Forfeits with the presenter. Each player pledges one personal item. This could be an item of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name on it, or any valuable item that you would be sorry to part with. For example, mobile phone or watch. Players place things in a common bag or box. The presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns each phantom his own task. The person who owns the item must complete it. Moreover, the presenter also has to redeem his collateral. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Forfeits with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of forfeits in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Next, either the players, without looking, draw out their phantom tasks, or the presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may encounter their own task. Therefore, it is better not to wish for something that you yourself do not dare to accomplish.

Forfeits with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out will fulfill the players' common wish. This game option is not suitable for children. Matches are not a toy for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or a portrait of your neighbor on the left (options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of the birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some fairy tale hero: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Draw some animal: lion, pig, hedgehog, cat, monkey, etc.
  5. Draw a bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. Depict famous person or a movie hero: Marilyn Monroe, Rinat Litvinov, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that refuses to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Draw a mirror (you go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray it).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about the birthday boy.
  19. The birthday boy says any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for it.
  20. Sing a song (you can make the task more difficult - make him sing under the table or with matches in his teeth).
  21. Sing a song about a little Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil to your nose with your upper lip.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns in the text with words derived from the name of the birthday boy or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song “Two Cheerful Geese”, smacking your lips - “sending kisses” to the birthday person or the neighbor on the right.
  24. Play the tune of the song “Let them run clumsily...” with your finger on your lip.
  25. Answer “yes” to any question asked by each player in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with “P” and “G” (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of the little ducklings (possible options: swan lake, Lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with the sound “vzhzhzh”.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, saying “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  31. Say “Oh, how beautiful I am (beautiful)!” 7 times in different ways, looking in the mirror without laughing.
  32. For each player, name 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Give a compliment to the neighbor on your left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute right hand and at the same time pull out left hand forward with your palm clenched into a fist and your thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wow! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players can).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol of the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.
Sample tasks for forfeit.

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth group or a group of close friends:

At home

  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass placed under it.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a floor plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with humorous captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is currently poured into the glasses.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Make a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring them a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water.
  9. Do a “You should marry me” scene with the neighbor on the left.
  10. Enjoy a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a “brudershaft” drink with your neighbor on the right.
  12. Extinguish the lit candle by shouting (you cannot blow).
  13. Put on your flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of the little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head in open window and shout loudly: “I see Japan!!” or “People, I love you!”

Everyone knows such games as “Salki” and “Gorelki” well, they love to play them, despite their venerable age. What is so attractive about the games that entertained our grandparents? Reached modern people I like the games because they can be played by almost everyone, both adults and children. An important element in them is the independence of game actions from the number of players: you can play with two participants, or you can large group, the effect of the game will be equally positive. The rules of such ancient games are simple and accessible even to a preschool child; they do not require labor-intensive preparation. That is why they have not lost their attractiveness and are easily passed on from generation to generation. The game of forfeits is one of these ancient pastimes and is still interesting to everyone who has ever taken part in it. Despite the simplicity of the actions, it develops imagination, attentiveness, and promotes verbal communication, teaches to obey the rules of collective play.

What do you need to know about playing forfeits?

If you translate the name of the game into Russian, it becomes clear that it simultaneously contains rules: forfeit from German is a pledge (object), it is given under certain conditions, then redeemed. This game is good for its variations: you can play forfeits directly, or you can use them as an element of other entertainment. Depending on the choice of option, the following types of playing forfeits are distinguished:

  • Forfeits are like cards: participants write them down on cards interesting task for other players. The presenter collects them, mixes them and invites the players to take turns drawing one of them. The card is read and the player completes the task.
  • Forfeits in the form of lots: players take turns throwing a die with dots (dice). The one who has the smallest (or the largest) number of dots completes the task of one of the participants (the choice can be made through a children's counting rhyme).
  • Forfeits from the host: an item (deposit) is taken from each player in advance. Deposits are collected in a bag. The presenter should not see the players' forfeits. During the game, the presenter takes out each forfeit and gives funny tasks playing, prepared in advance. This version of the game is very interesting for children, but requires careful preparation: funny forfeits, funny tasks for children, funnier prizes.

How to play forfeits with preschoolers?

The game “forfeits for children” is an excellent way to entertain and amuse preschool children. It can diversify family leisure time, enrich children's holidays, for example, playing forfeits on a birthday, New Year. How to properly organize a game of forfeits with children? Parents would like to know that it can be used as:

  • an application to any other game where the rules provide for a fine in the form of a deposit for the player who made a mistake;
  • independent game of forfeits with entertaining tasks.

Such options dictate certain rules for preparing for entertainment.

  1. If in the first case it is enough for an adult (the presenter) to come up with funny tasks for redeeming forfeits, and for children - small items for collateral, then in the second, original tasks are jointly invented, which are the plot of the game.
  2. Forfeit entertainment will be interesting for both children and adults if the tasks are unexpected and funny. But you shouldn’t overdo it; you should pay attention to ensuring that gaming activities are safe and harmless for children.
  3. Engaging activities should be age appropriate for preschoolers to be able to cope with them. Then you won't lose interest in the game.
  4. The ethical side is also important for preschoolers, since at this age children can come up with offensive nicknames if the player finds himself in an awkward situation.
  5. When thinking through tasks for playing forfeits, you should remember that too long and protracted actions of some players can reduce or even lose interest in the game among other participants. Everything should be doable quickly, funny and not offensive!

The funniest tasks for redeeming forfeits

“Edible” tasks for children

They do not require special preparation; you can use holiday treats.

  1. Blindfolded, without helping yourself with your hands, take a piece of fruit from the dish with your mouth and guess what it is (apple, pear, kiwi, strawberry)?
  2. With caramels in your cheek, quickly say pure sayings, for example, “The tea saucers are about to break,” “The chick grabbed the candy,” “The crow missed the crow.”
  3. Eat a piece of lemon and not wince.
  4. Find the candy in the flour with your teeth.
  5. Make up a riddle about fruits or vegetables on the table, then give a treat to the participant who guessed the fastest.
  6. Make a funny face from pieces of fruits and vegetables (olives - eyes, strawberries - mouth, cucumber pieces - eyebrows, hair - parsley or dill).
  7. Introduce the birthday person as a small child, tie a bib and spoon-feed him yogurt.
  8. Come up with and show what you can drink water from if all the dishes suddenly disappear (from your palm, a paper bag).
  9. Without helping yourself with your hands, drink water from a plastic cup.
  10. Blindfolded, pour water from a small bottle into a plastic glass and drink it.
  11. Pour water from glass to glass and read a poem at the same time.
  12. Draw a kitten lapping up milk (soft ice cream) from a saucer.
  13. Draw a cockerel pecking at grains (small nuts, such as pine nuts).
  14. Using sweets (candied fruits, caramels, fruits) draw a picture of a fireworks display.
  15. Make a salad from pieces of fruit and serve to those present.
  16. Find the hidden fruit on the dish and eat it, for example:
  • The fruit looks like a tumbler and wears a yellow shirt (pear).
  • Blue shirt, yellow lining, take a bite - sweet (plum).
  • He came to us from hot countries, and his name is... (banana).
  • With orange skin, similar to a ball (orange).

"Inedible" tasks

They require special preparation for the game.

  1. Draw a portrait of one of the participants.
  2. Draw a self-portrait.
  3. Draw an object with a pencil held in your teeth: a snowman, a Christmas tree, an apple, a candy.
  4. Draw and color simultaneously with both hands some figure: a square, an oval, a bunny made of two circles and ovals, a kitten, a daisy.
  5. Fold some object out of paper as quickly as possible: an airplane, a boat, a bow.
  6. Blindfolded, draw a pet, for example: cat, goat, dog.
  7. With your eyes closed, determine by touch what object the leader put in his hand.
  8. Find in magic bag to the touch the object is as described, for example, oval, smooth, with pimples (cucumber); fluffy, with ears, whiskers (kitten).
  9. Play the "teaser": in mirror image repeat all the movements and grimaces of the other participant.
  10. Dance with a full glass of water in your hand.
  11. Without helping yourself with your hands, move any small toy with your nose to a certain goal (flag, cube).
  12. Jump from wall to wall with balloon, pinched with his knees.
  13. Climb under the table and pretend to be a dog guarding the house.
  14. Remember as many polite words as possible.
  15. Change shoes from your left foot to your right, and walk like this with a beautiful gait.
  16. Puff out your cheeks and sit like that for a while, trying not to laugh at the jokes of those present.

Creative tasks for forfeits

A thorough preparation of props, music and artistic expression is required.

Playing forfeits for children will become their favorite entertainment if parents show creativity, interest in preparing for the entertainment and take an active part in the gaming activities themselves.

Good luck in your creative search for organizing holidays!

New Year's forfeits for adults are suitable for any group of people, be it a close circle of friends or colleagues working together. Table forfeits for a New Year's company will help not only relax and have fun, but also bring even the most unfamiliar company closer together.
In this article:

Fanta for colleagues at a New Year's corporate party

Colleagues holding a corporate party in public places or in offices most often invite a host. But if they get bored or there is no host at the party, you can bring the time yourself in a fun and interesting way. Funny forfeits for an adult audience will help you with this.

"Kiss the Boss"

This player must kiss the boss, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman.


This person needs to repent of his sins to the boss; think carefully before deciding to take such a step.


Tell all your colleagues about some of your professional secrets.


You need to give your boss or senior person a back massage.


Working in the same office, people rarely hug or even exchange pleasantries. You have this task: you need to good words hug each of those present for the most short time and say something good to everyone.


Confess your love yourself beautiful girl, a woman (boy, man) in the office and invite him on a date.


Depict for everyone a pig in all its glory in your pigsty, show how it eats, how it rolls in a puddle.


It’s very sexy to eat a banana without your hands, you can squeeze it between your assistant’s or assistant’s legs.

"Burst your butt"

The player needs to quickly inflate the balloon, tie it and burst it with his butt, leaning with all his weight.


A man needs to collect as many kisses as possible on his face. If the assignment goes to a woman, then she must collect as many small things as possible that every man keeps with him, such as: lighters, cigarettes, keys.

"Work makes a man"

A person needs to collect all the dirty dishes from the table and take them to the kitchen, so to speak, help the kitchen workers.


This fan should go to the kitchen of the establishment (or to the kitchen where the event is taking place) and bring (or organize) some tasty treat in two minutes. Guests should definitely try and evaluate the dish.


The player must make a compliment to everyone present, by which the character of his colleague will be recognized. For example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful.


The girl or guy is blindfolded and employees of the opposite sex are placed in front of him. He or she must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.


The one who pulled out this phantom must dance on a paper napkin slow dance with a neighbor or tablemate, regardless of their gender. You cannot remove the napkin while dancing.


Tell funny joke, if the audience doesn’t laugh, you’ll have to tell a second story.


In this task, you must apologize to those who offended you not so long ago. If there are none, due to your character, apologize to your boss for having different thoughts.


Name the non-deliveries of those present at New Year's holiday colleagues.


Publicly extol your virtues and make sure that each adjective is followed by a question, and guests must confirm whether this is so.

"I am a wizard"

IN New Year's Eve wishes come true. You must make a promise to any colleague on the first day of work to help him with his work.


Depict in the pose or dynamics of anyone present here, whose character is recognizable to everyone.

"New Year tree"

You need to dress up any participant as christmas tree. Make toys using available materials, for example: insert stacks on legs between your fingers, and place napkins on snowflakes.

"Guess the melody"

Perform the verse and chorus of any song (or department anthem, if there is one), replacing the words in the verse with “yum-yum” and in the chorus with “oink-oink.” The rest must guess what the song is.

"Portrait of a Boss"

Draw a portrait of your boss with your eyes closed and give it to him.

"Fairy tale"

Tell the fairy tale “Kolobok”, replacing all the characters with employees, including the Kolobok himself.

“Je ne mange pas six jours..”

Walk with hat in hand and collect as much as possible more money those sitting at the table.


In one minute, collect as much as possible from guests of any item of clothing and put it all on yourself.


Imagine that you are a toad and move around the hall in a squat position, all the time, croaking and eating flies.


Sing the song “I am a chocolate bunny,” inviting guests to try themselves.


Give the birthday dates of those present, at least approximately.

Fanta for friends in the apartment

Guests in the apartment on New Year's feast they will be glad if on New Year's Eve you please them with not only an excellent snack festive table, but also entertainment activities. For fun, you can play forfeits with them. Cool New Year's forfeits will help cheer up any company.



With the help of friends who will be your “paint actors” you need to paint a picture famous artist, for example, “Three Heroes,” if you want a picture “with a little spice,” you can try to depict the scenes of “Sodom and Gomorrah.”


In a minute you must persuade New Year's table at least three girls and perform a “Cancan” dance on them for 20 seconds.

"Without Memory"

Go out onto the balcony and ask passersby what century, year and date it is today.


Depict the animal during molting, how it loses its fur, and how it reacts.

"Lion Hunter"

It is necessary to show a male lion during the hunt for some weak, but very fast animal and “eat” him.


You need to show a male gorilla in the period of maturation with all the ensuing consequences. For example, how he looks at females, how he feels, etc.


Show Adriano Celentano's guests trampling grapes in the film "The Grumpy", only to find manure under their feet instead of grapes.

"Summer resident"

The dacha season will not come soon, but the images of ardent fans of this business are so vivid that they remain in the memory for a long time. Portray the summer resident himself, let other guests guess what you are planting.

"The old moth on the Red Light District"

Even if you have never seen a picture of this kind, it will not be difficult to show you an old “moth” offering itself on the street.

"Symbol of the coming year"

You will need to show the symbol of the New Year in all its glory, walk around the hall in this image, produce an accurate voice sound that would be recognizable.


In one or two minutes you need to compose a poem, stand on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with expression.


Raise any woman in your arms. (Of course, you should choose a woman who is light and thin).


Organize a choir that will perform the Russian chorus folk song“Kalinka” (Kalinka-kalinka-kalinka is mine, in the garden there is a raspberry-raspberry berry...) and the one who pulled out the New Year’s phantom must perform a squat dance.

"Great singer"

In a minute, remember 10 songs about the New Year.

"I am a crow"

Shout out the window or from the balcony 5 times: “I am a crow, caw-craw!”

"Fairy tale"

Organize a fairy tale “Turnip” from those around you. To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance; for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.


You need to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the entire honest company.


Make from any three ingredients delicious cocktail and give it to friends to judge.

Fant “Turn Transition”

You are free from fulfilling your desires, but give the task to another person, and it’s funnier.


Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests, who must guess who exactly you “created”.


Choose a partner and feed him an apple without hands.


In a minute, ask 10 questions to guests and get an answer. If you make a mistake, drink one hundred grams without your hands.


Eat fruit slices laid out on a flat plate with your eyes closed and without hands.


Choose an assistant and try to make him laugh; accordingly, he should not laugh.


You must choose one or a group of people silently, without saying a word, to create a sculpture out of them that will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on horseback.


This person must give one of those present at the celebration a ride on all fours, shouting “yoke.”


You are destined to be the toastmaster at the New Year's party all evening, play a couple of games, make toasts. You can only buy off if someone at the table can voluntarily take on this role.

Fanta on the street

If adult company friends have become bored of sitting within four walls, you can get dressed and walk outside, pulling out funny forfeits. It should be remembered that New Year's forfeits for adults should not only amuse the company, but also be safe for all players.

"Loving Man"

You must confess your love to every passerby you meet on the way. If the task goes to a representative of the stronger sex, then the men you meet should hug and kneel in front of the women. And if it’s a lady, then vice versa.


We need to come up with something difficult riddle and for fun, wish it upon three passers-by in turn.


You are the director, passers-by are your troupe, even if they are not yet aware. Ask strangers friend pretend to be lovers with a friend passing by. To do this, stop any man and any woman.

"Hidden Camera"

Play a prank on a passerby, and then point to any place and say: “Smile, she was hiding you hidden camera" For example, you can faint in front of him, or on your knees and ask for forgiveness for an alleged wrongdoing.

“Not enough for a bottle”

Dress poorer and stand in a public place with your hand outstretched. Without fanaticism, of course, but you still need to bring at least a couple of coins.

"Turn Transition"

Today you are lucky, make a wish and indicate who from your company will have to fulfill it.

"Fell into childhood"

On the central Christmas tree or in a public place, recite a poem loudly or sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The singer must gather an audience, at least a couple.

"Round dance"

You need to organize a children's round dance around a Christmas tree in a crowded square. As musical accompaniment You can choose the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”


Drink champagne with passers-by of the opposite sex at the Brudershaft. You need to take the bottle with you.


Slide down the slide three times in a minute. To cope with the task, you should choose a smaller slide.

"Pair skating"

Slide down a slide, take a person of the opposite sex with you, or ask him for a bun or sled.

"How to quickly warm up"

You need to find your whole group a glass of coffee, “to warm up.”


Play the role of the president under the Christmas tree, give a speech and congratulate loudly like him to everyone passing by.


Arrange a train around the Christmas tree, gather all your friends first, then hook up unfamiliar “cars” along the way. We need to collect as much as possible more people on your New Year's train.


Interview 10 people you meet, who should tell you about their plans and hopes for the next year.


Invite the men to pull the rope and, of course, the winner should receive a prize from you. If the player is a girl, then a kiss on the cheek is enough, and if a man, then the winner cannot be released without 100 grams.


The player must ask at least 3 people they meet to tell a joke.


Arrange a mass ball rolling for a snowman on the square or build a snowman yourself. If there is no snow, then you need to make a snowman from scrap materials.


You should stand on a hill and loudly predict to all Russians their immediate future for the year.


Walk the path from the house to the square where the Christmas tree is located with your back. Friends, of course, should help you for safety.


For men: kiss the hand of 5 women you meet. For women, kiss 5 men on the cheek.

"I made a mistake"

Throw yourself on the neck of a passerby, call his name, kiss him or shake his hand, depending on your gender and his, and then say: “Sorry, I misspoke.”


Make a star out of sparklers and, with the help of your friends, set it on fire at the same time.


Depict a drunk, swinging and singing songs. We must try not to offend anyone.


Scare 5 people by loudly, deliberately sneezing next to their ear. Then immediately apologize.


Distribute sparklers to people with different wishes. There must be at least 10 lights.

"Flash mob"

Organize a small flash mob under the Christmas tree.


Meet a passerby of the opposite sex.


Receive a compliment from 10 passers-by in one and a half minutes.

"Symbol of the Year"