Why did you dream about the feast? Why do you dream of a feast: with colleagues, friends, strangers

A feast in a dream predicts a meeting with friends and relatives in reality.

Dream interpretation feast banquet, without me, in a restaurant, in a church, in a forest, in a school, in an old house

If you dreamed that the feast was taking place without you, it means that in your actions you will not be guided by generally accepted norms, but will make a decision prompted by your intuition.

A banquet in a restaurant is dreamed of in real life you will pay dearly for your well-being.

A feast in church symbolizes the need to take a different look at the source of your income.

A feast in the forest symbolizes unexpected news and pleasant romantic encounters.

Dreaming of a feast at school means that you will have to learn generally accepted norms of communication and adapt to them.

A feast in a dream in an old house is a symbol of the fact that in real life you need to pay more attention to your loved ones.

Why do you dream of a feast at work, in a cemetery, on the street, at a wedding, on a birthday, at a wake?

A dream about a corporate feast most likely indicates upcoming disagreements than team unity in reality.

A dream about a feast in a cemetery is a sign that you should remember the dead and visit their graves in real life.

A feast on the street, if you were bored there in your dream, is a series of disappointments in reality.

A wedding feast symbolizes a measured and calm life.

Dreaming of a feast on your birthday foreshadows troubles or illness. Celebrating someone else's birthday is a good sign, predicting joyful events in reality.

A meal at a wake in a dream is a symbol of the negative changes and deprivations awaiting you in reality.

Dream Interpretation feast drinking vodka, empty tables, drinking wine, singing songs

Seeing only alcohol on the tables in a dream is a disappointment. The dream symbolizes that you are wasting too much energy.

Drinking wine is a dream predicting that in real life you may find yourself guilty without guilt.

A feast accompanied by cheerful songs means good news, sad news means troubles awaiting the dreamer in real life.

Dream interpretation of a feast with relatives, with strangers, with friends, with colleagues, with the dead, with classmates, with men

If you dreamed of a feast with relatives, it means you will have to enter into a discussion with them about controversial issues. This dream can also predict separation.

Feast with participation strangers– in real life you will find yourself in a situation in which you will feel “out of place.” On the contrary, a feast with friends, colleagues or classmates is a sign of a fun and carefree pastime in reality.

Sitting at the same table with people who have passed away is a sign of danger. After such a dream, it is advisable to visit church and light candles “for health” and “for repose.”

Participating in a dream at a feast at which only men are present means a serious and business proposal that you will receive in real life.

Dream Interpretation: feast at a friend's place, at a neighbor's place, at a relative's place

This dream foreshadows a non-binding intimate conversation, where you can gossip a little and make a good-natured joke at the expense of others.

Feast dream book Juno

Prepare a feast (food, candy, a lot of food, meat) at home, at work, at a wedding, a feast, a meal - you will be able to get additional income and financially your life will begin to improve.

Tsvetkov's dream book feast

Seeing a tablecloth, a lot of people, a lot of food, how guests gather and there will be dancing, indicates that there will be peace and order in the family.

A noisy company that likes to have fun, drink on a birthday, just like that with enemies, eat a lot - this means that you will have to attend a party or will be invited to an interesting event.

For a girl, a funeral with the dead means receiving good news.

Cleaning up after a feast means that there will be order in the house, including improved relationships in the family.

If the feast is in church, with colleagues, a loved one, with strangers, men, boss, classmates, relatives and it is clearly luxurious and all the guests are happy, then the dark streak in real life has passed.

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If you dreamed of a feast

What could be more pleasant than spending time with friends, relatives and just pleasant people, sitting at a richly laid table? In the current era of computer technology, people manage to sit “at the same table” even when at a considerable distance from each other. Meetings are organized online, using Skype and other programs. This way, you can see the people you care about more often.

Do you know why a feast is dreamed of, and what a feast in a dream will bring to you? To understand this issue, you just have to look at the interpretation of this term in dream books.

What will the dream books say?

Let's look at the dream book; dreams of a feast are usually a good thing. But still, the interpretation in each of them is slightly different.

Miller's Dream Book

If you saw a feast in a dream

Miller's forecast is optimistic. According to him, seeing a feast with many dressed people in a dream means prosperity, goodness, and happiness. The sleeper can expect peace in the family circle.

Vanga's Dream Book

For a girl, the presence of such dreams signals an imminent wedding. A woman dreamed of a feast - expect the birth of a child. In general, see merry feast, to the harvest, profit.

Modern dream book

A feast in a dream promises you some kind of event where alcoholic drinks will be served. Be extremely careful, the dream warns you that you may get into big trouble due to alcohol.

If during a feast you take the place of guests, you will soon meet good people. All troubles and misfortunes will bypass you on the tenth road.

Women's dream book

For women, the interpretation of sleep is very good. Why do you dream of a feast? To joy, luck, peace of mind. For a girl, it promises pregnancy and easy childbirth. When many people are gathered at the table, and the food is plentiful and tasty, there is a very significant event ahead, for example, a wedding or career growth.

You lead the holiday - you will be held in high esteem, everyone will respect you.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Like other dream books, it gives a positive interpretation of the dream. The only correction is that if you don’t experience the best emotions while preparing for the feast, expect trouble. At the same time, she will appear unexpectedly.

Loff's Dream Book

A richly laid table means good luck and prosperity

  • The meaning of a dream with a richly laid table is good luck in everything. You dream of a feast in which a large number of people participate, but you are not invited to this holiday, you are ignored - expect the same in real life. Your loved one may leave you, kick you out of work, or leave your friends.
  • An invitation to a banquet held in a cafe or restaurant promises a business proposal.
  • A family feast in honor of the New Year is a dream of changes, good or bad, depending on how the holiday went.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

After dreams of a cheerful and bright banquet, you will be expected to part with a loved one, and in the near future. But if the feast took place in a calm atmosphere, then this will not upset you much.

Tsvetkov gave great value number of dishes, believing that a meager table means trouble.

Other interpretations

Dreams about merry feasts show us the true relationship between people. This is especially true for those dreams where a feast takes place between work colleagues.

Lots of dishes and abundance white bread, mean strong friendship and mutual understanding.

Eating a lot of white bread means living long

  • If you eat too much white bread during a feast, you will live a long life. Why dream of a feast when you are waiting for the table to be cleared - to big troubles.
  • If you had a dream in which you were sitting at the same table with a deceased person, then listen very carefully to his words. After such a feast with the dead, it would be completely useful to go to the temple and light a candle.
  • Suddenly see that the table is completely empty - you have a black streak ahead with many failures.
  • Preparing for the holiday, setting the table means prosperity. Although, if the guests never showed up for the banquet, you will be disappointed in something in life.
  • If you see a fight at the table, you will voluntarily get involved in an unpleasant situation.
  • There are a lot of alcoholic drinks - a sign from above, change your lifestyle before an irreparable disaster happens.
  • Most of the guests are men - strong friendship, women - gossip and quarrels.
  • A festive table without a tablecloth symbolizes your character. You don't put yourself in certain frames. The tablecloth was stained - a sign of family squabbles.
  • The girl dreamed of a wedding feast - an imminent engagement. Good sign, an abundance of dishes means family life will be wonderful.
  • A meal with relatives dreams of a decision complex issues. It’s bad if all the women are dressed in white clothes, and the men in dark ones - this dream is a big disaster.
  • Sit at the same table with strangers- something unexpected will happen to you soon. Whether it is good or bad, the interpretation depends on big picture dreams

What to do?

Of course, it is simply impossible to take into account all dreams. Sometimes we dream about things that simply “do not fit on our heads.” For example, what might you dream of about an online feast with dead people, or what if you sit at a table with animals, fly over the table, and so on. If it is very important for you to find out the message of these dreams, then it is better, of course, to turn to specialists.

The most important thing is that a good holiday, be it during a dream or in reality, always gives us positive emotions.

Why do you dream of a feast in the company of your best friends or strangers? Night visions in which a feast was dreamed of are interpreted by interpreters mainly in a positive light. According to most dream books, a magnificent and cheerful feast in a dream promises the sleeper the beginning of a bright streak in life, filled with happy changes and positive emotions. But if in his dreams the dreamer experienced anxiety, was dissatisfied or depressed with something, then in reality his life will not be as cloudless as he wants.

Interpretation according to Modern and Russian dream books

Modern dream book considers the feast a favorable sign, foretelling the dreamer happiness, success and good news. If a person sleeping in a dream dreamed that he was preparing dishes for the holiday and setting the table, then in reality he should not be afraid of problems. In the near future he expects financial well-being and stability in all areas of life. Did you dream of sitting at a richly set table with other guests? Fate has prepared for a person a meeting with kind and sincere people who will become his true friends and lend their shoulder in difficult times. If in his night dreams the dreamer was at a table without a tablecloth, then in real life he will be faced with a situation in which he will be able to show his autonomy and independence.

A bad omen is a dream in which the dreamer during a feast was nervous, angry or experienced any other negative feelings. This development of events warns him of impending misfortune. A dirty tablecloth on the table promises the sleeper problems with children or subordinates. A feast with empty tables predicts financial problems for a person. In the near future he will have to live on a very modest sum and deny himself the most necessary things.

The Russian dream book considers a feast seen in night dreams to be a harbinger of a fun pastime. In the coming days, the sleeping person will have to take part in a gala event, at which the tables will be laden with alcohol. The interpreter recommends that the dreamer be careful about drinking strong drinks, as this puts him at risk of getting into an unpleasant situation and making enemies.

Do you see yourself in a dream as a guest at a crowded, cheerful feast? The dream book is sure that a person who has seen such a picture in a dream will meet kind and decent people in real life who will help him implement his plans and get rid of problems. You should not be afraid of failures in the coming period - they will bypass the sleeping person.

Decoding the vision according to Veles, Miller, Vanga and Online Dream Book

Seeing a feast, according to Veles’s dream book, is a sign of favorable events. But if the dreamer was surrounded by many women at the feast, then his reputation may soon suffer due to gossip spread about him by ill-wishers. Also, a dream in which a large number of representatives of the fairer sex were at the table often foreshadows sadness and tears for a person.

If a person dreams of a feast, good changes await him in real life. This interpretation can be found in Gustav Miller’s dream book. The famous interpreter of dreams predicts true friends for the sleeper, happy turns in fate and financial well-being. For a married dreamer, night vision promises the sincere love of a soulmate and the respect of children.

The dreamed feast in the dream book of the legendary soothsayer Vanga is auspicious symbol. To the farmer this image portends a rich harvest, for a businessman - success in entrepreneurial activity. For a young girl to see herself in her night dreams at a feast - foretells an imminent wedding. If you had a dream married woman, then in the near future she will learn the news about her pregnancy.

Did you dream about preparing for a feast? Online dream book promises a person happy family life And material well-being. To be present in night dreams at a dinner party and see many guests around you is a sign of pleasant leisure time in company interesting people.

Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

What does a feast with colleagues and relatives portend?

A dream in which the table was set at work promises the dreamer praise from his superiors or a cash bonus. If the sleeper was walking with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant, then in reality he will perform interesting job which will bring him a lot positive emotions and a significant increase in salary. Did you dream of a feast at the home of one of your colleagues? Soon the dreamer will be able to establish himself at work with positive side and gain support from superiors and colleagues. If in a dream the sleeping person had a feast with colleagues in own home, then in reality he will be able to achieve success at work thanks to the support of his household.

Why does the dreamer dream about relatives festive table? To see yourself in a dream feasting surrounded by loved ones - to the need to accept important decision in reality. Higher powers They advise the sleeper not to rush into a final answer. His relatives will help him dispel any doubts, so he can safely count on their help and moral support. Some dream books interpret a feast with loved ones as a sign foreshadowing to a person the emergence of any disputes or conflicts in the family.

A person who sees formally dressed relatives at the table in a dream must beware of danger in real life. Ladies in white evening dresses and men in black suits spell trouble for him.

A spiritual feast in a narrow family circle portends a person receiving news from best friend, whom he had not seen for a long time. The dream can also promise him a successful solution to the problem. Did you dream of being invited to a celebration with one of your relatives? In reality, a person who sees such a dream will have to go to long trip.

When interpreting a dream, the sleeper needs to answer the question: “What products do I see on the table?”, and then find their meaning in dream books. Interpreters are convinced that:

What does the dream book say, why do you dream of a feast with a dead person? Dead people in night dreams personify some events related to the dreamer’s past. Finding yourself at the same table with a deceased person in a dream is a sign that promises the sleeping person the completion of an important task for him. A person in difficult relationships with your soulmate, the plot may foreshadow the final separation from her. Did the deceased look cheerful during the feast? The universe hints to the dreamer that he is on the right path. If he continues in this spirit, he will achieve fame and success. But a gloomy or upset guest from other world is a warning sign. A person sitting at the same table with him in a dream risks facing major troubles and disappointments in real life.

We all love lavish celebrations and events that involve a luxurious feast. However, a meal with intimate conversation in a narrow family circle or in the company of close friends can be no less pleasant. What if we saw such a meal in a dream? Should we expect an invitation to a banquet or to visit friends in the near future, or does such a dream have a completely different meaning? We suggest looking for answers to these questions in several of the most accurate and popular dream books of our time.

Eastern dream book: why do you dream of a feast?

According to the compilers of this collection, if in a dream you prepare food and arrange ready meals on the table, preparing for a festive feast, then in reality stability and prosperity await you. If the upcoming meal makes you feel afraid, then trouble may come to your home at a time when you least expected it. Seeing a feast in a dream and yourself as an invited guest is a sign of upcoming meetings and acquaintances with warm-hearted and pleasant people. Empty tables during the celebration are interpreted as a harbinger of misfortune and serious financial difficulties.

Why do you dream of a feast?: Small dream book

Such a dream is considered by this source as good sign, foreshadowing extremely pleasant events. If at the feast you saw there were a lot of loud-voiced representatives of the fairer sex, then in reality you can expect gossip and associated tears and anxiety.

Newest dream book: why do you dream of a feast?

This collection assures that if you dreamed of a feast, you will soon visit fun event with drinking large quantity alcoholic drinks. Similar dream can serve as a warning about the need to restrain yourself in drinking alcohol, as it can cause mass negative consequences and will make you regret what you did.

Why do you dream of a feast? : dream book of Gustav Miller

If you dreamed of a banquet or feast, then you will have a fun time in the company of friends. A dream in which you are among those invited to a banquet of rich and famous people, promises you in real life to gain great success and successfully complete all your endeavors. If the tables at this event are half empty and the guests are sad, then misunderstandings, disappointments and quarrels with loved ones await you.

Dream book for lovers: a feast seen in a dream

A dream in which you see yourself among the guests invited to a cheerful banquet predicts that everything in your life will turn out the most in the best possible way. The relationship with your lover will be harmonious and happy, and life will be full of new interesting and useful acquaintances. If the event was very fun, and the table was full of delicious dishes and expensive drinks, then good luck will accompany you. A dream in which the feast is not fun, and the guests at the table are bored, promises the emergence of problems and obstacles in a relationship with a loved one. There is even a possibility of rupture.

A dream in which the dreamer becomes a participant in a feast is not uncommon, because people traditionally accompany the main dates in their lives - birthdays, weddings, holidays, funerals - with a set table.

A feast can be an omen of both joyful events in a person’s life and future misfortunes. Interpretation depends on details: the dreamer was eating or drinking, sitting at the table or looking from the side where the tables were set, etc. Let us consider in detail the possible nuances of the dream and try to answer the question of why the feast is dreamed of.

Who did the dreamer celebrate with?

It is important who was present at the dreamed feast. Often in reality these people directly or indirectly become participants in the events that the dream predicts.

If you dream of a feast with relatives, that is, a family celebration, then in reality material disputes may arise with those present at the dreamed celebration.

The sleeper can count on a happy incident or a meeting with an old friend- this is what dreams of a feast with friends mean.

With strangers - to an unexpected turn of events that will attract significant changes in the dreamer's life, but what - positive or negative - will be shown by the details of the dream.

Dreaming of a feast with colleagues symbolizes intrigue at work or the dissatisfaction of your superiors.

With deceased relatives - to the dreamer’s illness. S - everything he says is true.

S - to family troubles that go back to the past. S - the dreamer’s affairs will go uphill or he will have to decide on a courageous act.

With artists - to deception on the part of a loved one.

What was the reason for the gathering?

Seeing a feast on occasion in a dream happy holiday- to tears.

Wedding party - the dreamer will have to take care of a sick relative, otherwise he will be in trouble.

A wake means happy changes.

Birthday - the dreamer lacks communication with people dear to his heart.

Anniversary - to an unfulfilled promise.

New Year - to a promising project, starting your own business or a lucrative offer.

Scale of celebration

You dream of a big feast for a grand event, an important event, or a corporate party.

Rich means getting what you want. The important project the dreamer is working on will be successfully implemented, and the author will receive reward and honor.

Small - soon the dreamer will receive a lucrative business offer; if he refuses, he will be short of funds.

Poor - the dreamer pays little attention inner world , he needs solitude to deal with his problems, and perhaps spiritual cleansing.

Party place

In your home - for an upcoming event: joyful if the guests laughed and sad if they were sad. But what does it mean to dream of a feast in someone else’s house: the dreamer will have to solve problems that are not his own, otherwise he will be drawn into a showdown.

On - to deterioration of relations with superiors or hypocrisy of colleagues. In a cafe, restaurant - to insight for creative people, otherwise to prosperity and change for the better.

Na - to a serious illness or troubles in the family, otherwise the dreamer has not visited his family graves for a long time and is experiencing pangs of conscience about this.

On the roof of a house - to an eccentric act, which you will later regret. In the courtyard of the house - to a rich harvest or money earned by labor.

On the street - to poverty.

On the balcony - to participate in an adventure.

On stage - to deception and hypocrisy. The dreamer should be careful when signing banking agreements and making transactions; fraud may be committed against him.

What exactly did the sleeper do in his dream?

Seeing from the outside means luck will pass you by.

Being in a company with a lot of people means attending a mass event.

Seeing a laid table and a lot of food is worth thinking about proper nutrition, diet or dry food and in a hurry at work have exhausted the body’s resource, and it reminds of itself. Trying desserts is a sign of the sweet life.

Preparing for the feast - the dreamer will have to prove his professionalism overtime work. Serve hot - the dreamer will soon find himself in the center of events.

Saying a toast - the dreamer is a modest person, does not like to get into arguments, he is pushed around, but now the time has come to prove himself at work or in creativity, to say a weighty word in family relationships. Drinking means listening to accusations or making a stupid mistake. Congratulating someone - it’s time to tell the truth to the recipient of the congratulation if he is wrong or something is being hidden from him.

Receiving congratulations is good news. Accepting gifts - you will soon need the help of friends.

Giving a gift means purchasing.

Interpretations for women and men

To representatives of the fair half of humanity such the dream often promises gossip, rumors or intrigue, and, possibly, troubles in the intimate sphere of life.

If a lonely girl dreams of a feast, then the details of her date, which she hid, will become known to the general public.

For the stronger sex, the feast, on the contrary, predicts a fun pastime, although more often in the company of men. If a lonely guy dreams of a feast, then he will meet with friends, the main thing is that there are no women in the company.

For a girl in a relationship - to pregnancy or a quarrel with a guy. For a man, circumstances will be such that he will have to while away the evening alone; a trip to a sports bar or an evening car ride around the city will help dispel his sadness.

For a pregnant woman - to a successful birth, otherwise - to unnecessary troubles.

For a married lady - a meeting with an ex or betrayal. For a married manthe dreamer will spend the next weekend away from civilization: while fishing or hunting, although perhaps it will be military training or a sports camp.

Feast in dream books

According to Miller’s dream book, a person who sees a feast in a dream will in reality expect joyful news or a visit to a special event.

If the sleeper sees his own birthday, then he needs to prepare to welcome guests: relatives will arrive soon. Sitting at someone else's table with strangers in a dream means getting into an interesting story in reality.

Freud considers the feast to be the personification of the female temperament, stormy and generous. For a man, such a dream promises a passionate date in a secluded setting, and for a woman - troubles, the cause of which will be her own unbridled passion.

Vanga's dream book interprets a feast as an image of wealth and well-being. Such a dream foretells the dreamer global changes in life in better side, which will bring a lot of positive emotions and experiences. According to Loff's dream book, a banquet, especially if it is free for the dreamer, predicts good luck and luck in all areas of life.

Interpretations of dreams about a feast, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, foreshadow an invitation to an event. If the dreamer was surrounded by a noisy company at the table, then he will have to participate in a party. If the table is covered with a clean tablecloth, then the sleeper can be sure that there will be peace and order in the family.

The Islamic dream book states that dreams of a feast signify a meeting with a noble and generous person. If the dreamer saw a dream in which he sits down at the table, it means that friends will soon visit him. If the sleeper saw himself in a dream with other men, then he will receive joyful news about a fair resolution.

According to women's dream book, a feast for the fair half of humanity portends an imminent conception. Moreover, the pregnancy will pass without complications, and childbirth will be easy. Otherwise, the feast is a dream of a prosperous life without worries and worries. If the feast is magnificent, and there are many relatives and friends among those invited, then the dreamer will expect career growth, matchmaking and other joyful events.

A feast in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. And although most interpretations of such a dream have a positive meaning, it is worth paying attention to the negative interpretations of the dream. After all, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. In this case, a person will have the opportunity to soften the blow of fate or, if possible, avoid it altogether.