By summer, winter dreams of snow. The meaning of a dream about summer being out of season. Women's dream book Why do you dream about Winter according to the dream book

Winter in the traditional interpretation is cold, everything around is frozen and icy. If a person dreams of winter, then this dream can have more than one meaning. There may be a decrease in immunity, spiritual and physical condition, and the occurrence of a cold. But winter has such negative predictions, which was dreamed by a person who is in. Also, this time of year in a dream can foreshadow a calm life and silence in the near future. If a person dreams of winter landscapes in the fall, this may mean that he will soon be lucky and his financial well-being will improve. When working on something for a long time and carefully, dreaming about winter may mean that you do not like the result.

If young man If he dreamed of winter in the fall, then it may turn out that his first marriage will not be very successful. For girls, such a dream promises peace and relaxation.

Why do you dream about snow outside your window in autumn?

You can predict what snow means in a dream in the fall based on your personal emotions during sleep. If you liked the snowy weather, it was cozy and warm, then the dream has a positive meaning.

A person will have good luck when he dreams beautiful winter outside the window. The best sign that foretells happiness and joy is if snow falls directly on you. There is no need to be afraid of anything and go straight to your intended goal; the dream predicts that everything will work out.

If you dream about children playing in the snow, then a very pleasant and warm acquaintance may soon arise that will bring a lot of joy.

Snow dreams can also have unpleasant interpretations. The most bad sign may happen if in a dream you fell into a snow hole. In reality, you will need help. It’s better not to start new things just yet.

If you eat snow in a dream, you may be disappointed in many things.

Also, dirty snow does not bode well. This dream can predict betrayal loved one, or deterioration in health, so monitor the condition of your body.

Why do you dream about snowfall in autumn?

You can find out why you dream about snow falling in large quantities in the fall - it also portends well-being. The financial situation is expected to improve soon. If this snowfall was brought with it by a blizzard or blizzard, then this suggests some difficulties in business and problems, but the result may be unexpected.

Success and wealth are promised by the dream in which a large number of snow covered all visible ground.

Why do you dream about winter?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing winter in a dream is a harbinger of poor health and gloomy prospects for the future, taking away your faith in the good fortune of fate. Such a dream may also mean your dissatisfaction with the results of your work, which do not at all correspond to the enormous amount of effort expended.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Winter with severe frost for the young - you will marry an evil one; for married people - fear.

Why do you dream about winter?

Family dream book

Winter in a dream portends poor health and gloomy prospects. Such a dream may also mean your dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing an attack in a dream cold winter if this dream evokes unpleasant thoughts- a sign of general deterioration of affairs and decline. Most likely, you have succumbed to melancholic moods, which in reality threatens to result in many failures and health problems.

At the same time, good winter weather or cheerful winter fun in a dream - portends excellent progress in your affairs and excellent health. Such a dream shows that you are full of strength and can easily use any situation to your advantage.

Why do you dream about winter?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Winter - you urgently need to improve relationships with your family and friends. A harbinger of poor health, possible colds infectious nature.

Why do you dream about winter?

Spring dream book

Seeing winter in summer means a change in health: the sick person will get better, the healthy person will get sick.

Why do you dream about winter?

Summer dream book

If you dream of a harsh snowy winter- to a long-term illness.

Why do you dream about winter?

Autumn dream book

Seeing the raging elements in winter: a snowstorm, a blizzard, etc. - to a stormy but short-lived passion that will become your “swan song”.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing winter in a dream portends calm, serene existence without any prospects, complete resignation to fate, whatever it may be.

Seeing the beginning of winter in a dream, still snowless, but with trees covered with frost, portends imaginary joy and fun, which you will soon begin to repent of.

In general, a snowless winter means that your ambitious desires will bring you undeserved success.

To dream that you are walking through a snow-covered cemetery in winter - this foreshadows your struggle with poverty and deprivation; perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends.

If at the same time it seems to you that you are freezing or have frozen something, in reality you will have a chance to get rich by receiving a large inheritance or getting married successfully.

Seeing birds frozen in a severe frost in a dream means that you can marry an evil, selfish and calculating person. Feed the birds in winter - you will not be afraid in a dangerous situation.

Meet in a dream New Year, if there is a magnificent winter outside the window - to prosperity in the future, if the winter is slushy and rainy - there may be complications in relationships with close relatives or colleagues.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Winter for the young is to marry an evil person; for married people - fear.

Why do you dream about winter?

Esoteric dream book

Winter (out of season) - improvement Money.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dreaming of winter portends deterioration in health, gloomy prospects for the future, and loss of faith in the benevolence of fate. Such a dream can also mean dissatisfaction with work, the results of which do not at all correspond to the scale of the effort expended.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Winter is out of season - improvement in money matters; severe frost- angry wife (for young people), fright (for married people).

Why do you dream about winter?

Modern dream book

Seeing winter in a dream portends a calm existence, reconciliation with one’s fate, whatever it may be. At the same time, a dream can predict illness and dissatisfaction with the results of work, which are completely inconsistent with the efforts expended on it.

To dream of the beginning of winter, still snowless, but with trees covered with frost, foretells fun that you will soon begin to repent of.

In general, a snowless winter means undeserved success.

Winter with abundant snow and high snowdrifts - to wealth and prosperity.

Seeing a blizzard or blizzard winter in a dream foretells difficult undertakings with an unexpected ending.

A harsh winter with severe bitter frosts means unnecessary worry caused by the apparent cooling of your loved one.

To dream that you are walking through a snow-covered cemetery in winter portends you need and deprivation; perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends.

A dream in which you were caught in a strong storm in winter and lost your way - foreshadows illness and all sorts of obstacles in work.

If at the same time it seems to you that you are freezing, in reality you will have real chance get rich.

Seeing frozen birds in a dream means that you may marry a selfish and calculating person.

Feeding birds in winter means you won’t get confused in a dangerous situation.

Celebrating the New Year in a dream if there is a magnificent winter outside the window - to prosperity in the future; if the winter is slushy and rainy, there may be complications in relationships with close relatives or colleagues.

Why do you dream about winter?

Eastern dream book

Winter is a dream that foretells a deterioration in health. There may be a lull in business - despite all the efforts made.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream What does Winter mean in a dream - You see winter in a dream - your health may deteriorate, and you will see that things are not as good as you thought; you will be visited by gloomy thoughts - like the one that in view of death everyone experiences loneliness, even if surrounded by loving and sympathizing people. You dream of winter coming in the middle of summer - this is good dream; it portends an improvement in your financial situation.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Winter - coldness, alienation in relationships; unsatisfactory progress.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Winter - Cooling of feelings between spouses. It won’t come to a divorce, but your soul will be sad. Imagine that winter is coming to an end, the sun is warming with all its might, the frost is leaving, the snow is melting. Spring comes, leaves appear on the trees, snowdrops grow.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Winter - represents inactivity, depression, old age, death.

Why do you dream about winter?

Creative dream book

You dreamed about Winter, what does it mean? 1. In dreams, winter can represent an unproductive time in our lives. And also represent past times or a period when our energy decreases. 2. When we're emotionally cold, images associated with winter - such as ice and snow (see Ice and Snow) - can illuminate how we feel. 3. In the natural cycle, winter is the time when the earth is fallow before being reborn. Winter can mean death.

Why do you dream about winter?

Big dream book

Winter – Calm; out of season - improvement in financial affairs; severe frost - an angry wife (for young people), fear (for married people); snow - a love date; walking in the snow is a pleasant surprise; snow out of season - bad luck; falling into the snow - the departure of a loved one; throwing snow is an empty quarrel; blizzard - failure; frost - nothing special.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Winter – Symbolizes the emotions that arise in depression, old age, and anticipation of death. Snow, especially ice, shows the need for feelings. Snow in a cloudy landscape - you will be rejected by loved ones. Snow in clear weather - chastity, beauty, profit. Snow avalanche - unexpected circumstances.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does Winter mean in a dream - out of season - improvement of material affairs. Cold frosty winter - for young people - an angry wife, for older people - boredom, languor, cooling of feelings. A lot of snow in winter - love dates. Walking in the snow is a pleasant surprise. Freezing in winter is a health disorder. Ice cover - confusion. Walking on ice - overcoming your insecurities

Why do you dream about winter?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of Winter - a dream in spring - to melancholy and despondency; in the fall - to despondency, and in winter - to peace. A dream in the summer means that in the coming days you will witness an unusual and difficult to explain incident.

Why do you dream about winter?

Women's dream book

Winter - Dreaming of winter portends deterioration in health, gloomy prospects for the future, and loss of faith in the benevolence of fate. Such a dream can also mean dissatisfaction with work, the results of which do not at all correspond to the scale of the effort expended, as Winter’s dream book interprets.

Why do you dream about winter?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Winter - cold emotions.

Why do you dream about winter?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Seeing winter portends calm.

Why do you dream about winter?

Old Russian dream book

out of season - improvement in financial affairs; severe frost - an angry wife (for young people), fear (for married people).

Why do you dream about winter?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing winter portends calm.

Why do you dream about winter?

Online dream book

The dream book interprets winter as a symbol of peace, acceptance of this world and oneself in it as it is. It may also be a sign that you are disappointed with your achievements, or that you will soon experience a serious deterioration in your health.

If it is with very low temperatures and extremely unfavorable weather conditions, you suspect that you have become indifferent to your chosen one, but in fact this is not the case.

If you dream that there is a high snow cover in winter, you will certainly get rich and become very lucky.

If there are heavy snowfalls and blizzards at this time of year, problems and troubles await you, the outcome of which is very difficult to predict.

In a dream New Year's Eve you see real winter with its best attributes - you will soon achieve enviable prosperity.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream book of symbols

Time (days, years) – most often, emphasizes the literal meaning of what is happening in the dreamer’s life: “winter” – stagnation, inaction, stagnation (freezing), alienation. “spring” – awakening, activity, blossoming, good move business, a good start. “summer” – maturity, busyness, vacation time (rest and relaxation). “autumn” – result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, withering. Late evening time of the day may mean that it is too late (to change or do anything). The more sunlight in the sleep space, the better. However, occasionally the symbolism of very large, significant tragic events can be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates inevitable karmic consequences sent “from above”, for edification, as punishment (from God). “night, darkness, gloom” - indicates the hopelessness of the situation in reality, hopelessness. “light, day” – luck, clarity of goals and thinking. “morning” is a good start, auspiciousness, the reality of opportunities and plans.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream book of lovers

Seeing winter in a dream portends loneliness and disappointment in love. This dream may indicate your dissatisfaction with life.

Why do you dream about winter?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

I suddenly wake up - the bed is cold as ice.

I open my eyes - the window paper is light.

It's deep midnight, the snow is probably heavy:

Sometimes I hear bamboo crunching as it breaks.

Bo JuyiThe primary elements are water. Elements - cold. Properties - consistency of structure. Emotions - fear.

Body tissues - bones. Colors - black. Planets - Mercury. Organs - kidneys, bladder. Each seasonal energy corresponds to one of the five primary elements of creation. They, in turn, are connected with internal organs, so seasonal energies when correct behavior a person has a beneficial effect on his internal organs: on the liver - the energy of spring; on the heart - the energy of summer; on the spleen - the energy of mid and late summer; on the lungs - the energy of autumn; on the kidneys - the energy of winter. The totality of influences throughout the year has a positive effect on spiritual energy, which must be maintained in harmony, because it gives us all: health, creative strength, longevity happy life . A person who knows how to maintain constant spiritual energy is called completely wise. The perfectly wise man is in harmony between heaven and earth; he does what he must do by maintaining serene peace. A completely wise person is able to live a hundred years and achieve a beautiful, rather than decrepit and helpless old age. Perfect wisdom is not the limit of development; following the rhythms of the Earth and Space, one can achieve immortality. But it all starts small: with a well-lived day, when a person did not allow his emotions to overcome him; from a well-lived season. The winter season ends the year, and it must be lived correctly in order to enter the new year not physically and spiritually devastated, but full of strength and creative ideas. The energy of winter requires the conservation of spiritual energy by conserving heat. Everything that has been accumulated in previous seasons must be used carefully and carefully in order to leave strength for spring. Winter is the dominance of yin energy, strong, but inert, cold and fettering all external manifestations, locking them into themselves. A person living between Heaven and Earth should behave accordingly. Three months of winter are called storage time in shelter. The water turns to ice, the earth cracks. You should not disturb the yang substance, you should go to bed early and wake up late, you should sleep before sunrise. Emotional aspirations should be hidden, hidden, as if you had secret intentions in your soul, as if you were expecting some benefit for yourself. You need to avoid cold and strive for warmth. However, sweat should not be allowed to form on the skin, as this leads to a large loss of qi breathing. If you behave according to the recommendations, you will contribute to the fulfillment of the function of preserving the harvest, which corresponds to winter breathing-qi. If you do not follow the recommendations, you will damage your kidneys, and in the spring you will suffer from tendon diseases and circulatory disorders and the circulation of qi energy in the limbs, since in the spring there will not be enough qi energy to promote the birth function - this is what winter is said about in the Yellow Emperor's Treatise on the Inner . Winter is the north. In the north the color is black. Once in the body, it communicates with the kidneys. Of the body holes, these are the front and back yin holes. The seed is stored and accumulated in the buds. The disease is determined at si points (streams). Of the tastes, it's saltiness. Of the elements, it is water. Of the animals, this is a pig. Of the cereals, these are beans. Of the seasons, winter corresponds. The planet Mercury corresponds in the sky. And the corresponding diseases lie in the bones. Of the sounds of the scale, this is yu. Of the numbers, this is six. From the smells - rot, - from the Yellow Emperor's Treatise on the Internal. Thus, the primary element of the winter season is water in all the fullness of its formless properties: not lake water, not water in a bowl, but water, unfettered by anything other than its own property of cold. If personal behavior that does not agree with the rhythms of the season shakes the cold-bound immobility of the water, then the blow of a powerful element is inevitable, but what kind of madman would cause such a blow to himself? As in previous seasons, the correspondence and inconsistency of the rhythms of a person’s life with winter will be reflected in dreams. Winter dreams- result of the year and program for next year, this is how they should be interpreted: how close to perfect wisdom did a person get in a year?

Why do you dream of winter out of season? This means that your financial situation will soon improve significantly. Perhaps you will take a good position or find better job. However, the dream book advises taking into account all the details of what you saw in your dream.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream interpreter claims that winter out of season can mean gloomy prospects and deteriorating health. Certain events will happen that will deprive you of faith.

Do not be sad!

Why else do you dream of winter being out of season? Alas, in a dream this is a sure sign of loneliness and disappointment, both specifically in love and in life in general.

Did you dream that a cold winter had come and it caused you unpleasant emotions? The dream book is sure: you will fall into melancholy, which will greatly harm your current affairs and future plans.

Take action!

If in your dreams you experienced a surge of happiness and joy, then the dream book promises excellent health and successful progress in business.

In a dream great mood when you see winter weather, it symbolizes an excess of energy that you are ready to use for favorable changes.

Think about it!

Why dream that winter has suddenly come, and you are still in summer clothes? The dream book suspects that your words too often diverge from your actions.

To dream that there is snow around in the summer means that some problem will turn into a stupid joke. Sometimes out-of-season winter warns of changes that will occur during the winter season.

The same plot symbolizes in a dream an event or one’s own thoughts that will literally cool a hot heart. Essentially, the plot hints at disappointment in a loved one.

Get ready!

Did you dream about winter being out of season? An event will soon happen that will turn your usual life on its head and disrupt long-thought-out plans.

Another interpretation of the dream, according to the dream book, hints at serious dissatisfaction with the work performed, the results of which clearly do not cover the resources and effort invested in it.

Decoding the nuances

To understand why this plot is being dreamed about, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of the weather conditions in the dream.

  • A light snowball is a modest joy.
  • A little snowfall - sadness, illness of a loved one.
  • Heavy snowfall means drastic changes in your career.
  • A blizzard is a cycle of unsolved problems.
  • A blizzard or a hurricane is a difficult matter with an unexpected ending.

Did you dream of frost in the middle of the summer heat? There will be a thunderstorm in reality. Seeing unseasonable frosts means that the state of affairs will worsen.

Moreover, after such a dream, the dream book does not recommend taking on new projects and implementing ideas. Put your plans aside for a while, now you will definitely burn out.

Don't miss out!

Why do you dream of winter out of season? If the winter cold comes with a blooming spring, then the dream book is convinced that joy will bring even greater experiences.

In a dream, winter in spring symbolizes groundless suspicions and stupid fears. Seeing her literally means that you risk missing out on your own happiness due to a careless attitude.

If you dreamed of winter and you were in summer clothes, it means real life often find a discrepancy between word and deed.

You can’t say that this particularly depresses you, but it still ruins your mood for the whole day.

The reason is that you are an idealist by nature and perceive the world and people around you in a more positive light than they really are.

And if today a venerable politician promised to raise the salaries of all state employees and the pensions of pensioners, then tomorrow you begin to expect the fulfillment of this promise.

You don’t think about the fact that such discrepancies between deeds and words reign everywhere.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of Winter dreams

Dreams about winter speak of melancholy, disappointment, boredom, dissatisfaction with life and the way things are going.

The colder the winter in your dream, the more boring and monotonous your life will be. Such a dream also predicts loneliness and instability.

Seeing ice and snow in winter means nothing, unless something happened to you in a dream.

Seeing winter in the summer in a dream means obstacles in business and trade. For military personnel, such a dream predicts a pleasant pastime; collective farmers - a rich harvest.

A frosty winter in a dream is a sign of the coldness of your relationship with someone. Sometimes such a dream predicts for those who are about to get married that their relationship with their spouse will be cold, reaching the point of rudeness.

See interpretation: snow, ice, road.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Winter

Seeing the raging elements in winter: a snowstorm, a blizzard, etc. - to a stormy but short-lived passion that will become your “swan song”.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

What does it mean to see Winter in a dream?

Seeing winter in a dream foretells loneliness and disappointment in love. This dream may indicate your dissatisfaction with life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Winter

Seeing winter in a dream foreshadows calm, a serene existence without any prospects, complete resignation to fate, whatever it may be.

At the same time, a dream about winter can predict illness and dissatisfaction with the results of work that do not correspond to the efforts expended on it.

Seeing in a dream the beginning of winter, still snowless, but with trees covered with frost, foreshadows imaginary joy and fun, which you will soon begin to repent of.

In general, a snowless winter means that your ambitious desires will bring you undeserved success.

Winter with abundant snow and high snowdrifts - to wealth and prosperity. Seeing a blizzard or snowstorm in a dream foreshadows difficult undertakings with an unexpected ending.

A harsh winter with severe bitter frosts means unnecessary anxiety caused by the apparent cooling of your loved one.

To dream that you are walking through a snow-covered cemetery in winter - this foreshadows your struggle with poverty and deprivation; perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends.

A dream in which you were caught in a strong snowstorm in winter and lost your way, foreshadows illness and all sorts of obstacles in your work.

If at the same time it seems to you that you are freezing or have frozen something, then in reality you will have a chance to get rich by receiving a large inheritance or getting married successfully.

Seeing birds frozen in severe frost in a dream means that you can marry an evil, selfish and calculating person.

Feeding birds in winter means you won’t be afraid in a dangerous situation.

Celebrating the New Year in a dream if there is a magnificent winter outside means prosperity in the future; if the winter is slushy and rainy, there may be complications in relationships with close relatives or colleagues.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the dream of Winter predict?

Dreaming of winter foreshadows deterioration in health, gloomy prospects for the future, and loss of faith in the benevolence of fate. Such a dream can also mean dissatisfaction with work, the results of which do not at all correspond to the scale of the effort expended.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See Winter in a dream

Cooling of feelings between spouses. It won’t come to a divorce, but your soul will be sad.

Imagine that winter is coming to an end, the sun is warming with all its might, the frost is leaving, the snow is melting. Spring comes, leaves appear on the trees, snowdrops grow.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Winter dream prediction

Winter in a dream foreshadows poor health and gloomy prospects. Such a dream may also mean your dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Why do you dream about Winter?

Seeing the onset of cold winter in a dream, if this dream brings up unpleasant thoughts: a sign of a general deterioration in affairs and decline. Most likely, you have succumbed to melancholic moods, which in reality threatens to result in many failures and health problems.

At the same time, good winter weather or fun winter activities: portend you excellent progress in your affairs and excellent health. Such a dream shows that you are full of strength and can easily use any situation to your advantage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Seeing Winter in a dream

Symbolizes the stability and stability of your position.

Events in a dream take place in winter, not winter - you will soon experience an improvement in your financial situation, perhaps associated with a transition to a more high paying job.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream Winter mean?

A winter landscape is a sign of peace and prosperity, but if the landscape is gloomy, this marks a deterioration in health and mood, dissatisfaction with the fruits of one’s labors.

To dream about winter at another time of the year means money.

Feel the bitter cold for married people -

to great consternation.

For a young man, it means that he will have an evil wife.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation winter

As the dream book suggests, it is not easy to find out what winter means in dreams. The fact is that the symbol seen has a large number of conflicting interpretations, and therefore it is so important to determine the appropriate one. Cold and winter - these concepts inextricably follow each other, but what role do they play for a sleeping person?

Briefly about the main thing

The despondency that often remains after an unpleasant dream quickly disappears as soon as the sleeper finds the correct wording. If you dreamed about winter, it means that in reality a period of stagnation is expected, which will affect various aspects life, from career to family relations. As the dream book thinks, winter - special image, showing the sleeping person the difficult path to his goal.

Let's turn to specialists

Before making a rash decision, try to analyze everything in detail possible options. If you decide to stop at the first one you come across, you risk getting an inaccurate interpretation that will only be misleading.

I dreamed about the cold season

Not all dream interpreters are full of negative language, but to understand this you will have to do a lot of work. For example, those born in autumn should perceive the winter they see as a passionate but short-term relationship. Vivid impressions will remain in your memory for a lifetime, do not try to deny yourself such pleasure.

Women's dream book

Seeing winter in a dream is a sign of future health problems that can affect various organs and systems. Ultimately, you will have to get rid of not only the disease, but also serious stress. Only the favor of fortune will instill hope for recovery in the soul.

If you were born in the summer, then the dreamed symbol should be taken extremely seriously. The fact is that the interpretation will not be very rosy. Most likely, there will be exhausting responsibilities in life that cause great inconvenience.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dreaming of warmth in the cold

Why do we dream of winter according to the presented dream interpreter? Night dream hides within itself a symbol of something new. The dreamer is able to breathe new life into something old using your positive outlook on the world. The winter period is a harbinger of improvements in financial terms, and therefore the dreamer can prepare for this.

Miller's Dream Book

After reading the interpretation of Gustav Miller, you can understand that the winter cold has a subconscious meaning. Perhaps you had to spend a lot of time on difficult work that did not bring clear dividends.

French dream book

In the presented interpreter, special attention is paid to the features of the period seen:

  • with snow and frost - the beginning of a difficult time;
  • warm - to success in all endeavors.

Dreaming of frost and cold

Esoteric dream book

Why do I dream about winter in summer? The dreamer can see a simple and positive formulation: a rapid career or getting a huge win. The dream book says that a dream about winter guarantees an improvement in your financial situation. However, we must not forget that the path to achievement should not violate moral standards.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

I dreamed of a cold and frosty winter - a symbol of decline. The only problem is that your melancholy can become a catalyst for many failures and serious illnesses, so try to avoid this.

A dreamer who sees beautiful weather and interesting snow activities can be sure that things will go uphill and his health will become the envy of other people. In such a dream, you can immediately read a positive connotation regarding your energy: it’s easy for you to start and finish the job you started.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

I dreamed about the beginning of the cold season

If winter begins to appear more and more often in your dreams, then in reality you are at a crossroads. A hopeless and serene existence should no longer continue, and therefore we must try to introduce some innovations. By accepting your fate with humility, you risk living a mediocre and dull life.

Why do you dream about the beginning of the cold season? If frost has covered the trees, then a moment of entertainment awaits you, which will turn out to be big problems. You will have to be aware of what you are doing, otherwise problems will not be avoided.

In the dream book you can see several interpretations related to the characteristics of the winter period:

  • snowless - your ambition will play a cruel joke, bringing undeserved success;
  • with heavy rainfall - a symbol of wealth and prosperity;
  • with blizzards - to the emergence of difficult cases in which it is difficult to predict the ending;
  • with frost - to vain anxiety associated with the cooling of the feelings of a beloved partner.

Seeing a blizzard in a dream

Walking through a cemetery in the cold season means you will have to make a lot of effort to cope with the hardships of need and deprivation. It is possible that you will have to be separated from your hometown and your usual circle of friends.

There is also one key feature in the dream: a person who feels numbness in his limbs will actually be able to become significantly richer. The main thing is to manage the money received correctly.

Why do you dream of a flock of frozen birds? The dreamer will soon marry a selfish and calculating person. If the sleeping person is in a long-term relationship, then let him try to get to know his partner from different sides, and not from those that are shown to him. Feeding the birds is a symbol of fearlessness in the face of a problematic situation.

The dream of winter on the eve of the New Year helps shed light on the interpretation received:

If you understand that you are wrong, then try to take the first step and ask for forgiveness. In this way, you can not only preserve, but also strengthen existing connections.

Winter natural phenomena

The subconscious of some dreamers paints interesting and atypical pictures, and therefore it is so important to listen to them.

Blooming trees

Enjoy flowering trees in the middle of winter, according to the popular dream book, is a harbinger of unprecedented luck and the beginning of romantic adventures. However, fun experiences can be overshadowed by minor troubles.

Having seen fragrant flowers in a dream, the dreamer will want to quickly find correct decoding, but not every interpreter will be able to find it. Such a dream is a confirmation that the current relationship is at the stage of development, and therefore it is better to beware of unnecessary conflicts that could negatively affect them.

Dreaming of flowers among the snow

It is also worth noting that flowers are a reflection possible problems with your superiors, and therefore it is better to completely abandon disagreements with someone.


Feeling drops falling from the sky in winter means receiving good news. If the dreamer happened to be caught in a heavy downpour with thunder and lightning, it means that in reality he will be able to gain not only great fame, but also a stable material level.


If the winter cold suddenly stopped in a dream, and green grass began to bloom, then in reality a long-awaited pregnancy is expected. Spring in winter means receiving new emotions and hopes.

What were you thinking about?

Snow is out of season great importance for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The fact is that the first marriage is doomed to failure, since the spouse will not be what she has been trying to seem for a long time. For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream indicates relaxation.

Who didn't enjoy sliding down a slide in winter? Unfortunately, such a dream is a harbinger of depressive events affecting the sleeper. His constant reluctance to change own life leads to stagnation negative energy, affecting various areas life.

The summer warmth that comes in winter is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. A married man should prepare himself for a serious scare. For married ladies, such a dream serves as an increase in wages.