How to calm a nervous state. Mudra that calms the nerves. Observing unpleasant thoughts

We are accustomed to the fact that tension and stress are integral attributes of our lives. Many associate them with work or family problems. However, not everyone knows that their real causes lie in our physiology, especially in the frequency of breathing.

The rate of inhaled and exhaled air for a person at rest is 6 liters per minute. However, we typically inhale 2 liters more. This is explained by the fact that we breathe deeper and more often than our ancestors, who lived 80-100 years ago, breathed. Therefore, we are constantly in a state of chronic hyperventilation.

And this is why we more often suffer from chronic stress, which is the result of a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood. Yoga practitioners claim that rigorous training helps them reduce their air intake and thus improve their alertness, sleep quality and quality of life. Whether you do it or not is up to you. The main thing to remember is that before performing any breathing exercises, you should consult your doctor.

Nutrition and nerves

Per condition nervous system have a direct impact on substances that enter the human body along with food. Having carefully studied them, scientists presented a list of vitamins, microelements and organic compounds, the use of which will calm the nervous system in the safest and most natural way. It included:

  • All B vitamins. They ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system. In the course of research, it was discovered that one of the first symptoms of a lack of these vitamins in the body is tingling in the limbs. This occurs as a result of damage to the myelin sheath that protects neurons. B vitamins, and in particular vitamin B12, help restore it. Vitamin B6 is also important. It is directly involved in the production of serotonin and has a huge impact on the functioning of neurotransmitters - substances responsible for transmitting information from one neuron to another. Vitamin B3 deserves special attention, as it promotes the production of substances necessary for normal brain function.
  • Vitamin E. It regulates the functioning of the nervous system and promotes relaxation and calming of the nerves.
  • Vitamin C . It is responsible for the synthesis of substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and helps calm the nerves.
  • Vitamin A . It has a positive effect on eye health, including the condition of the optic nerve.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They allow a person to quickly calm down, improve the functioning of the nervous system, help to better concentrate, remember the necessary information, etc.
  • Magnesium. It improves blood circulation and has positive influence on the condition of muscles and nerves.
  • Antioxidants. They strengthen the nervous system and help calm the nerves.
  • Selenium. It tones the nervous system and improves its functioning.
  • Carbohydrates . Without them, the production of serotonin, one of the hormones of happiness, is impossible. Its main advantage is that it allows you to quickly calm down and relax. In addition, carbohydrates help the body reduce the level of cortisol, or stress hormone, in the blood.

Top 11 products to calm your nerves:

. Blueberries, raspberries or strawberries will do. They are rich in natural antioxidants and vitamin C. In 2002, in the journal Psychopharmacology, scientists published research showing that foods with vitamin C help regulate cortisol production. Its long-term effect on the body, among other things, increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, depression and insomnia.

Cereals and grains. They have a positive effect on the heart and calm the nerves by increasing the production of serotonin.

. As a result of research at Ohio University, it was found that “the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains not only calm the nerves, but also reduce the production of cytokines in the body. These substances can cause depression."

Brazil nuts. They are rich in selenium, therefore they have a pronounced sedative property. According to research from the University of Wales, “eating 3 Brazil nuts a day is enough to keep you calm and energetic.”

. It contains vitamin K, which affects the synthesis of hormones responsible for improving mood and resistance to stress.

Yogurt or hard cheese. They contain B vitamins, the deficiency of which reduces resistance to stress.

Citrus. They are rich in vitamin C, which reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Meanwhile, scientists say that even the process of peeling them helps to calm down.

. They contain fiber, iron and vitamin C, which have a positive effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the immune system.

Chamomile tea. An excellent folk remedy that has stood the test of time. Helps to calm down, relieve tension and even get rid of insomnia. To improve the effect, you can add a little milk to it.

Black chocolate. Like berries, it is good for reducing cortisol levels in the body and helping to calm you down. According to Dr. Christy Leong, “Chocolate contains a special substance called anandamine, which has a huge effect on dopamine levels in the brain and causes a feeling of relaxation and calm. In addition, chocolate contains tryptophan. It relaxes and helps relieve anxiety.”

. They contain great amount B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. They are recommended to be used before exams, important business meetings, and also during periods when a person quits smoking. After all, they not only help you calm down, but also improve concentration and attention.

How else can you calm your nerves?

  1. 1 Change activity. If you get nervous while performing an important task, leave it for a short time. Once you have calmed down, you will complete it without difficulty.
  2. 2 Step outside into the fresh air and slowly take a deep breath. The blood will be enriched with oxygen. And you will calm down.
  3. 3 Take a sip of water. Dehydration of even one and a half percent causes mood swings, absent-mindedness and irritability.
  4. 4 Look at the situation as a whole. Often the feeling of anxiety is aggravated by the fact that a person deliberately breaks one big problem for several small ones. For example, preparing a report involves searching and collecting information, analyzing it, systematizing it, etc. However, this is one feasible task that you can probably handle.
  5. 5 Don't take everything to heart. Many of the problems we hear about don’t even concern us, so wasting our mental strength on them is simply not wise.
  6. 6 Do yoga. It provides complete relaxation.
  7. 7 Do meditation. Imagine yourself far from existing problems and you will instantly calm down.
  8. 8 Use the secrets of aromatherapy. The aroma of rose, bergamot,

At an Israeli resort, a cook's assistant fired from the hotel started a massacre by opening fire and barricading himself in the kitchen. It was only thanks to the composure of the arriving special forces that he was neutralized. Self-control of special forces employees of all countries is taught first of all.

Can we - ordinary people- adopt the self-control technique of special forces in order to be able to control your emotions and not splash out anger, preserving your own nerve cells? I shared my professional secrets only for our readers. Oleg Tarasov, candidate master of sports in hand-to-hand combat.


If you feel that the conversation is threatening to turn into a scandal, do not let yourself be caught in the trap. It’s best to start training on little things - in small skirmishes in transport, in a store, when you just don’t like something, etc. Then in a really serious stressful situation you will be able to quickly control yourself.

Method one. Abstraction.

A very simple way: when you lose control, think about a completely different, pleasant situation or moment. For example, about which tropical island you would like to spend your next vacation on, or about the great movie you watched yesterday.

Result. The point is to distract yourself from the irritating factor. Then the adrenaline will not have time to release and all complaints can be expressed calmly, which will speed up the resolution of the problem.

Method two. Check.

This method is very similar to what psychologists advise: count to ten, for example, for a child who does not obey.

Result. It becomes possible not to show your uncontrollable emotions.

Method three. Physical.

You can help yourself with any physical actions that you do with force: clench and unclench your fists, crack your fingers. You can simply twirl an object in your hands. A necessary condition is to fix your attention on what you are doing (“I clench my fists,” “I twirl the pen in my hands”).

It also helps to freeze and tense every muscle of your body as you inhale and relax as you exhale.

Result. You calm down.


If you are nervous, you can, of course, take a relaxing bath and, covered with a blanket, read your favorite book. But if you are now in your boss’s office or have an important presentation coming up, you need to be able to quickly, simply, and most importantly, quietly calm your nerves. The moment you start to get angry or very nervous, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. All “calming” techniques are designed to quickly reduce its level. When there is a lot of adrenaline in the blood, the heartbeat quickens, the muscles are in hypertonicity, breathing becomes erratic and intermittent. Correct breathing is the most effective method“burn” adrenaline: the more oxygen your muscles receive, the faster the adrenaline will decrease. There are several ways to breathe.

Technique first.

It is aimed at ensuring that during times of nervous tension, breathing comes into line with the state of the body. It is necessary to breathe frequently and deeply. Take 3-4 deep and quick breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then pause for 5 seconds and breathe as comfortably as possible. Then inhale and exhale again. Repeat this 3-4 times.

Result. A lot of oxygen enters the body, and adrenaline leaves. And since there are no stimulating factors, the person calms down.

Second technique.

It aims to use breathing to force the body into a calm state. Breathe a little deeper than usual. Just a little. If you breathe deeply, you will feel dizzy, and you will achieve the opposite effect. Think about how you breathe correctly. This technique is less noticeable than the first and is suitable for those who, for example, this moment the nervous boss scolds in a raised voice.

Result. Oxygen relieves the body of adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help you “rise” above the situation and perceive what is happening more adequately.

Third technique.

It is associated with small muscular movements. But the goal is still the same - to reduce adrenaline levels.

As you inhale sharply, clench your fists as tightly as possible, digging your nails into your palm, and sharply, without pausing, throw your fingers forward as you exhale.

It is enough to make 10-12 such movements. At the same time, you need to think about what you are doing with your hands and concentrate on it.

Result. With sudden movements you “burn out” adrenaline. Focusing on movement and breathing helps distract you from anxious thoughts.

Therefore, it is very important to strengthen yourself physically and mentally in order to withstand any storms in life.

Responsible exam, transition to new job or a rush job in your previous job, problems with your boss or colleagues, quarrels with friends, financial difficulties, discord in the family, problems with children and relatives - you never know there can be situations when you have to worry more than usual! In such a situation, you are not far from a nervous breakdown! How to calm the nervous system and achieve spiritual harmony?

Calm, just calm!

Strengthened physical and mental activity, especially in a stressful situation, often causes the appearance of a persistent focus of excitation in the central nervous system. And if a person, in addition, is naturally endowed with anxious and suspicious character traits, then do not go to a neurologist - he has increased nervous excitability.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress and overexertion from our lives. But it is quite possible to harden your body so that it can calmly withstand any disasters. To bring the nervous system into a stable state, follow simple rules.

1st rule. Get enough sleep. The main symptom that the nervous system has become agitated is insomnia. Accordingly, in order to prevent loosening of the nerves, you need to follow a sleep schedule: go to bed and get up at approximately the same time, and spend at least 7-8 hours in bed. However, these figures are quite arbitrary, since for some people, in order to feel cheerful and rested the next morning, 6 hours of sleep is enough, while for others, they need to spend at least 9 hours in bed. To fall asleep easier and more soundly, you should not go to bed soon after a heavy dinner, or immediately after doing active work (no matter physical or mental). It’s good to give your brain time to prepare for sleep and relax a little. A warm bath with aromatic oils or herbal infusions, light entertaining reading in bed at night is what you need. And here computer games It is better to postpone it to an earlier time. Hawthorn flowers, valerian, calendula, peppermint, oregano, motherwort, stinging nettle leaves, etc. are suitable for soothing baths.

2nd rule. Avoid noise. Many of us get so used to having the TV on that we hardly notice it. But sometimes aggressive information flowing from screens places an additional burden on the nervous system. Turn on the “box” only to watch programs that really interest you, and the rest of the time let music play at home. Better - classic. Recordings of nature sounds are also suitable. By the way, such audio design is more useful than even complete silence. This was found out by Australian scientists who conducted a study with hundreds of student volunteers on the eve of the exam. Experience has shown that those guys who studied in silence had faster pulse and breathing rates and higher blood pressure than those who listened to classical music. So Mozart can help you!

3rd rule. Spend more time on fresh air . Our brain, although it weighs no more than 2% of our body weight, absorbs 18% of the oxygen the body receives. This means that long walks in the park or in the forest are vital for everyone who is forced to exercise their brains a lot and fruitfully. And also for those who are experiencing a difficult psychological situation at home or at work. Too lazy to walk alone - get yourself a four-legged friend.

4th rule. Use medicinal plants. Calendula decoction will help make your nerves stronger than ropes and eliminate insomnia due to increased nervous excitability - 1 tbsp. spoon of flowers per glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink half a glass of warm infusion before bed. Motherwort is no less effective: pour 15 g of herb with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day.

St. John's wort also has antidepressant properties. The course of treatment with tea from this plant is 4-6 weeks. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed grass should be poured into a glass cold water, covered, heat in a water bath until boiling, boil for 3 minutes, set aside, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Well, and finally, a recipe for the lazy: you need to take a pharmacy tincture of hawthorn and valerian fruits, mix in equal proportions. Take twenty drops diluted in half a glass of water before bed.

5th rule. Change your diet. Nerves will become stronger if you enrich your diet with B vitamins and nicotinic acid, which are especially necessary for the proper functioning of neurons. B vitamins help relieve anxiety, relieve fatigue and improve memory, composure and attentiveness, increase learning ability, and prevent stress. The best source of this vitamin is legumes, especially soybeans. By the way, soy is also rich in lecithin, which is beneficial for the normal functioning of nerves and the heart. There is a lot of lecithin in the germs of various grains. Calcium will greatly help the nerves, which promotes the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.

A lack of calcium results in increased anxiety and irritability. Calcium enters the body with milk, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir; from plants it can be obtained in greens, celery, beets and almonds. Another element useful for the nervous system is iodine. Berries are rich in them, cauliflower, buckwheat, sea ​​fish, seaweed.

6th rule. Get some exercise. Daily physical exercise not only develops muscles, strengthens ligaments and the skeletal system, but also disciplines, which means it helps you become more balanced and calm. And, in addition, when muscles work, the body releases hormones of happiness - endorphins. This natural stress reliever, which is secreted by the brain, has a beneficial effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system. So let's march!

7th rule. Look at life philosophically. Learn to be reasonable and accept failures and mistakes as a natural part of life, do not go to extremes, do not despair. To have strong and healthy nerves, try to think positively.

Negative emotions weaken the nervous system and weaken internal forces and paralyze the will. Well, the positive ones, accordingly, are the opposite. Remember: everything that is done is for the better!

8th rule. Master proper breathing. Breathing is considered correct not with the chest, as most of us are used to, but with the stomach, or more precisely, with the diaphragm. Compared to chest breathing, it provides more complete saturation of the blood with oxygen, performs self-massage of the abdominal organs, improves intestinal motility, and has a calming effect on the nerves. To master it, you need to imagine that your stomach is balloon, and try to slowly inflate and deflate it several times. It’s better to start training while lying down - it’s easier, and then you can move on to breathing while sitting and standing. Over time, it will become easy for you to do this even at your workplace.

9th rule. Use water treatments. Nothing strengthens the nervous system more than swimming, as well as rubbing - in a word, any contact with water, because it hardens, calms, and stimulates the nerve endings in the skin.

A cool shower is beneficial in the morning - it strengthens and tones the central nervous system. In the evening, before going to bed, sedatives are better suited. warm showers or bath. Good workout for blood vessels, nerves and the whole body - a contrast shower.

If you don’t learn to control your nerves, you can quickly lose your health. Emergency at work, problems with bosses, quarrels with relatives, financial difficulties - these are not all the situations that make us worry more than usual! nerves under such circumstances? It is possible that the tips below will help you. True, it is better to use them not separately, but in combination.

1st method. Get enough sleep. The right one perfectly calms the nerves. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, spending at least 7-8 hours in bed. Also, you should not go to bed immediately after active work. It's important to give your brain time to prepare for sleep. A warm bath or entertaining reading will help with this. Before calming your nerves, prepare a bath of valerian, calendula, mint, oregano or motherwort.

2nd method. Avoid noise. In some families, the TV is on all the time, although few people watch it. But information is an additional burden for the nervous system. Therefore, turn on the TV only to watch your favorite programs. Better listen to music: classical or sounds of nature. Interestingly, music that calms the nerves is more beneficial than complete silence.

3rd method. Spend more time outdoors. Everyone needs long walks: both those who work a lot and those who are going through a difficult situation at home.

4th method. Medicinal plants. Traditional methods time-tested and effective. Before calming your nerves, prepare a decoction of calendula (recipe: 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour). It is better to drink it before bed. With the same proportions, you can make a decoction of motherwort or St. John's wort. You can also purchase pharmaceutical tinctures of valerian and hawthorn fruit, mix them and take 12 drops diluted in a glass of water.

5th method. Get some exercise. Physical exercise help you become calmer and more balanced. In addition, when muscles work, the body releases endorphins, which are a natural cure for stress.

6th method. Form the right outlook on life. What does it mean? First, accept failure as part of life and don't despair. Only those who have learned to think positively have healthy nerves. And really, how to calm your nerves if negative emotions paralyze the will and weaken internal strength?

It is difficult to remain calm in stressful situations. Especially when a person is tired and has no strength. It is important to understand that your nerves must be protected. Negative emotions accumulate. And this can lead to a nervous breakdown. Therefore, a person’s task is to learn not to be nervous. You can effectively calm your nerves at home, without the use of sedatives.

Adequate sleep relieves nervous tension

How to understand when the nervous system needs rest

Everyone has had a moment in their life when they want to cover their heads with a blanket and not see anyone. Such sensations are a signal: the body needs help. This is the last stage of stress. There are three of them in total:

  1. Protection.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Exhaustion.

At the first stage, the nervous system optimizes the functioning of all systems and organs, the level of adrenaline and hormones in the blood increases sharply. At the second stage, the body continues to work for wear and tear without sleep or rest. In the third stage, the nerve cells die. This reduces the body's performance.

Recovery nerve cells - the main task, because most diseases are provoked by nervous disorders. Long-term stress can cause illnesses: tension headaches, brain tumors. It causes disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, etc. Symptoms of nervous exhaustion:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to increase stress resistance

To calm your nerves, you need to establish a daily routine:

  • healthy sleep;
  • proper nutrition;
  • drinking regime.

The busy pace of life forces people to refuse a full breakfast or lunch. This leads to vitamin deficiency. The body needs vitamins for optimal cell development and repair. B vitamins are responsible for neuronal regeneration. large quantities they are found in garlic, raw potatoes, nuts, and dairy products. Multivitamins A and E are involved in the formation of nails, skin and hair.

Lack of vitamin D is a problem for both children and adults. It is involved in the development of bone tissue. With its deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome develops. This vitamin is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you need to walk more in the sun.

Main building material the body is protein. It is involved in metabolic processes and promotes the release of energy. It is especially important for people to consume protein foods during a cold or during an exacerbation of allergies. The protein is involved in the construction of cells of the nervous system. It is found in sufficient quantities in buckwheat, oatmeal, white meat, and fish.

Lack of sleep provokes the destruction of nerve cells. A sleep schedule will help calm your nerves. With a lack of sleep, a person’s performance sharply decreases and their appetite disappears. In severe cases, hallucinations begin from stress and lack of sleep.

Drink more water

Humans are 80% water. With a lack of fluid, the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands worsens. A person of average weight should drink 2 liters of water per day.

You should avoid drinking strong tea, coffee, and sweet carbonated drinks. When consuming caffeine, fluid is quickly removed from the body. This promotes calcium leaching.

Caffeine is persistently addictive. Each time it takes more and more to stimulate it.

It is best to drink clean water


Medicines will help you calm down. They relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause. When stopping medication, a person may start to freak out again for any reason. Many drugs are addictive. It is better to take herbal-based medications. They have a mild sedative effect and practically do not cause drowsiness.

For nervous breakdowns, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed, but after taking them there may be a withdrawal syndrome. Therefore, you need to learn how to calm your nerves without pills.

Traditional methods

Remedies will help calm your nerves quickly traditional medicine. They are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. People have been using the power of herbs since ancient times. Scientists have proven that medicinal plants contain vitamins and minerals that a person cannot get from regular food.

Decoctions and tinctures from:

  • calendula, chamomile, hawthorn;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • linden, elecampane, St. John's wort.

You can take soothing baths with herbal infusions. This is an effective way to calm your nerves without medication. Can be added to bathing water sea ​​salt and aromatic oils. Soothing baths promote rapid muscle relaxation. For prolonged stress, it is recommended to take a course of baths. The break must be at least one day.

Methods for relaxation and stress relief

Every person should know what they can do to calm down and not be nervous at work or at home. No one is immune from stress. Situations arise that can unsettle anyone. It has been proven that the most powerful tool is self-hypnosis. Self-control training allows you to give the brain a command to calm down at the right moment. Not everyone can do this the first time, but simple calming exercises will help you quickly gain control of yourself.

Method with meditation

Meditation is great for calming your nerves. This is the only method that allows you to calm your thoughts and get out of depression on your own. First study all the practices, and then choose the one that suits you. They are divided into three types:

  1. Visualization - suitable for people who perceive information visually.
  2. Breathing exercises are useful for people with developed sensory skills.
  3. Guided practices are suitable for people who perceive information by ear.

Visualization is based on representation a certain picture which helps to remain calm or quickly gain control of oneself in a conflict situation. First, practice at home. Try to relax and calm down - imagine the sound of the sea surf. Blue ocean, White sand. The waves pleasantly cool your body, wash your mind and take away all your problems.

If you need to remain calm in a conflict, try to imagine your opponent as a buzzing fly. Imagine that you are behind the glass against which this fly is beating. She buzzes and gets angry that she can't reach you.

You can calm down using breathing techniques. Perform a breathing square: inhale for 5 counts, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 counts. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.

Short management practices are audio recordings with specific text. It can be of any content. The technique is used not only to calm oneself. It can invigorate and push you to achieve your goal. You can write text and ask to read it onto disk. Let a person with a pleasant voice do this.

Water calming

Water helps improve your condition during stress. Wherever you are, try to be alone, open the water tap, look at it. Place your palms under the stream and focus on the sensations. Then massage the collar area and temples with wet fingers.

Imagine that your fears and experiences flow away with the water. This is a great way to stop worrying before public speaking and relieve stress after a conflict.

“Unscrew” the problems

Take a piece of cloth or towel and twist it as if you want to wring out the item after washing. All muscles should be tense. You can focus on your body if you do the exercise alone.

At the moment of the strongest tension, throw a towel on the floor, sharply relax your whole body and arms. After this exercise you will immediately feel better.

Smoking calms you down: truth or self-hypnosis

When asked what calms the nerves, many answer: cigarettes calm them down. This is a sure way to calm the nerves of smokers. People who do not smoke regularly often turn to cigarettes during nervous breakdowns. Do cigarettes calm your nerves or not?

The process of smoking resembles breathing exercises. Measured inhalations and exhalations help calm the nervous system. We can conclude that it is not necessary to smoke to calm down.

Smoking imitates the process of gymnastics

What else can you do to calm down?

Nerves can be calmed without the use of medications:

  1. Start working on yourself. Stop being nervous and worrying about anything. Learn to perceive the world differently.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations and people who can provoke them.
  3. Learn to enjoy the little things and don't dwell on failures.
  4. Find something to do for your soul that will distract you from bad thoughts.
  5. Relief from stress is sport. During training, endorphin is produced - a substance that helps restore nerve cells.

Exist different ways protect yourself from stress and reduce its effect on the body. Choose the one that suits you.