How to calm the nervous system and irritability. Walking is the most accessible way to combat stress. Folk remedies for calming

36 012 1 Hello, dear readers of our site. Today we will share with you the secrets of how to calm your nerves and relieve stress, how to do it quickly when you don’t have time, or at home when you need to calm down before a new working day.

The expressions “restless nerves”, “shattered nerves”, “nerves are naughty”, “faint of nerve”, “nerves to hell” have long entered into our everyday life and become familiar. And they all describe a state of excessive excitability, when it is difficult for a person to cope with his emotions, to react restrainedly and adequately to stimuli from the surrounding world.

Often overexcited nervous condition in the everyday consciousness it is already considered the norm, because stress evolves along with progress, and today’s people encounter them more often, and eliminate this problem less often. Thus, this condition becomes chronic, negative behavioral habits are formed: anger is taken out on loved ones and colleagues, and emotional balance is compensated by caffeine, energy drinks, cigarettes and alcohol.

About the reasons: how do nerves become loose?

When the thought comes about the need to intervene in the functioning of their nervous system, then the most responsible ones look for an experienced psychotherapist, the most practical ones resort to drug treatment, and the majority try to overcome the problem on their own and look for answers to the question “how to calm the nerves”? Where to start? To begin with, find the reason that makes you lose your emotional balance.

There are two unshakable conditions that underlie the coordinated work of the entire nervous system - dream And nutrition:

  • Healthy sleep is the key to strong nerves

Deep 8-hour sleep has a restorative effect on all organs and systems that have worked hard during the day. Sleep deficiency affects the functioning of the entire body and the normal functioning of the nervous system.

  • Nutrition: menu for strong nerves

The foundation on which good work is built nerve cells, – essential microelements and vitamins. All of them have a direct or indirect effect on its work: they reduce muscle tone, regulate hormonal balance in the body, receive and transmit impulses along the nerves, establish interaction between muscles and nerves, maintain stress resistance and performance, normalize sleep, produce anti-stress hormones, etc. . Therefore, the diet should be competent, including a variety of healthy foods: cereals, dairy, meat, seafood, fish, a variety of fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, eggs. Then the body will be saturated with what is necessary for the nervous system, nutrients: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, E.

Causes of restless nerves

  1. Having a constant stressor(a specific reason or person that negatively affects the emotional state). Find and “neutralize”!
  2. Negative thinking;
  3. Weak nervous system. It is possessed by people who are more susceptible to nervous breakdowns due to their suspicious and anxious nature. They are more vulnerable, more sensitive and vulnerable;
  4. Big city: an abundance of noise, movement, accelerated pace of life. This rhythm of life is not suitable for everyone;
  5. Work and media overload- they broadcast news from all over the world around the clock, plus the Internet, and now we are already overloaded;

Returning internal balance is a gradual and lengthy process. How to calm your nerves so that the results are lasting and long-lasting?

Remedies to combat restless nerves, First of all, they imply advice on changing the nature of interaction with the world:

  1. No pedantry and ideals. Lower the bar for ideality and correctness, because in life everything cannot be laid out on shelves, according to colors and shapes, strictly according to rules and principles.
  2. “Time management” in your head. Learn to manage time, manage everything and don’t rush anywhere! Plan your day, highlight the most important things and events, do not waste yourself on vanity and trifles.
  3. Think positively– do not allow negative thoughts to dominate your mood after watching the news.
  4. Increase stress resistance– the first three tips will help with this.

There are home remedies to calm your nerves that are easily accessible and require no special training.

How to calm your nerves at home?

Body methods:

The body instantly reacts to stress by producing adrenaline, cortisol (stress hormone), increasing heart rate and increasing muscle tone. This is how the body communicates that it is ready to cope with stress through active actions. That is why, when a person becomes nervous, he feels tension and heavy breathing throughout his body. The most common mistake is to deal with stress by lying down and doing nothing. You need to give the body the opportunity to throw out the heat or help it relax.

Basic tips to calm your nerves:

  • Physical exercise (sports, dancing, cleaning)

It is only important to choose an activity to your liking and according to your capabilities: running, cycling, dancing, a walk in the park or cleaning the house, etc.

  • Water procedures (warm shower, bath with sea salt)

Water simultaneously affects all external receptors of the body, thereby providing maximum result. You can enhance the effect by adding it to the bath sea ​​salt, soothing herbal infusions, essential oils: lavender, pine, mint, or your favorite scent.

  • Aromatherapy

Aroma sticks and aroma lamps with warm “homey” scents are suitable for this. Girls can, combining business with pleasure, add essential oils to body care cosmetics.

  • Relaxation

Relaxing to pleasant music and concentrating your sensations on different parts of the body will help calm your nerves and relieve stress. The purpose of such relaxation is to feel your body, consciously tense and relax its muscles in turn, ultimately relieving them of increased tone.

  • Self-massage

The skin has many receptors and nerve endings, due to which it will happily respond to a massage with relaxation. If this is not possible, you can independently walk over the scalp with massage movements from the forehead to the back of the head, stretch your palms and soles.

  • Walking barefoot

Nerve endings are concentrated on the human feet, and when properly influenced, the functioning of organs and systems can be positively regulated.

Psychological techniques:

  • Methods from the “personal piggy bank” (music, books, films, favorite hobbies, viewing photo albums, postcards, activities that bring pleasure).

Music does not have to be classical, it is enough that it is light, pleasant (instrumental, or sounds of nature) and liked by the listener. Books or films are from the category of good and beloved.

There is a wide choice here: baking a cake helps some, writing a poem helps others.

  • Counting to yourself

Monotonous repetition of numbers and concentration on counting not only distracts from the problem, but also, like a lullaby, lulls irritation to sleep. You should count to one hundred, and longer if you are very angry.

  • Art therapy

Now in the public domain are paintings for adults in the direction of art therapy, where there are many abstract works, many small elements, lines. This variety will be enough for long-term distraction and “outlining” your emotions.

  • Shopping

Girls' favorite stress reliever that works effectively. But also for men – purchase a set the right tools(which I have long dreamed of) can please a child like candy.

How to calm your nerves in 1 minute, or “first aid” for excited nerves?

Every person has wondered how to quickly calm their nerves? There are a lot of situations in which it is very important not to lose your sobriety, balance and fortitude. Therefore, “first aid” methods sometimes save situations and even lives (when a state of nervous overstrain can reach the point of passion, in which a person has absolutely no control over his actions):

  1. Visualization

Replacing the real picture of the world with the desired image. Perhaps some people like an imaginary spring outside, while others prefer a house by the sea. The main thing is to imagine everything vividly, in detail, with sounds, smells, so that the imagination temporarily moves the body itself there and distracts it from negative experiences.

  1. Palm massage

Moderately and slowly press one by one on the nail phalanges of one hand, then the other. The method is great when circumstances do not want to attract attention (for example, when waiting in the audience for your turn to give your report).

If space and time permit, 10-20 times of any strength load: push-ups, squats, pull-ups.

  1. Wash away irritation

It’s effective to wash your face with cool water, refresh your shoulders and neck with it, as if washing away the negative charge of nervousness. You can calm yourself by slowly drinking a glass of water, lightly sweetened with sugar or honey.

  1. Release your anger

Book advice on breaking dishes is quite costly and time consuming to clean up. Alternatively, you can tear paper (newspapers, for example) or scream into a cardboard rolled up (this way the sound will be more isolated and not so loud).

With a variety of techniques on how to quickly calm your nerves, perhaps breathing exercises remain classic and fast-acting.

Breathing exercises to calm your nerves

The breathing rate is directly related to the work of our heart, which, in turn, reacts faster in situations of stress. Below are some indicative psychological exercises on breathing regulation:

  1. Soothing geometry

Taking a deep breath, slowly exhale into the circle drawn by your imagination. Repeat three times. Then repeat, only changing the shape (for example, to a rectangle). Repeat also three times. Change figures until you feel relaxed.

  1. Repressing irritation

Imagining a powerful press inside the chest, take a short rhythmic breath. Exhale slowly, with pressure, as if the press is displacing all negative emotions lower and lower until it pushes them into the ground.

  1. It's time to yawn

Closing your eyes, open your mouth wide and inhale. Stretching your whole body as much as possible, exhale slowly while yawning, pronouncing a drawn-out sound “oo-oo-oo”. By adding a smile, you can achieve high efficiency, since this relaxes the facial muscles as much as possible, and a positive emotional response occurs. Exercise helps quickly enrich the blood with oxygen.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures for calm nerves and stress relief

Not many people decide to take drastic approaches: specialist help and medication support. Simpler, faster and cheaper - these are folk remedies. This is a simple way to calm your nerves without drugs. Herbs will help with this. For a lasting and effective result, you need to take courses and first consult with your doctor.

Name of herbal decoction/
Cooking method Mode of application
Mint decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. mint;
- leave for 40 minutes;
100 ml: morning and evening
Calendula decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. calendula;
- leave for 1 hour;
200 ml before bed
Motherwort decoction For 200 ml of boiling water:
- 15 gr. motherwort;
- leave for 20 minutes;
15 ml each
3-5 times a day
St. John's wort decoction For 1 l. boiling water:
- 60 gr. St. John's wort;
- boil for 1-2 minutes;
- leave covered for 10 minutes
100 ml: morning, afternoon, evening
St. John's wort tincture For 500 ml of alcohol:
— 150 gr. St. John's wort;
— leave in a place out of reach of the sun for 2 weeks, shake the contents from time to time.
5 ml per day (per 100 ml milk)
Melissa tincture For 500 ml of alcohol:
- 30 gr. lemon balm
- ½ teaspoon of elecampane root (chopped);
- lemon zest;
- 2 cloves;
- a pinch of nutmeg, coriander;
- the method of infusion is identical to the previous one.
5 ml: morning, afternoon, evening

If you are particularly busy and lack time, you can simply go to the nearest pharmacy and purchase a ready-made herbal tea or herbal tincture.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman experiences hormonal changes that were similar in intensity to a teenage hormonal surge. It is these changes that make the expectant mother very irritated and emotionally unstable. For all future dads, this is problem number one!

There are a few safe methods calming nerves that pregnant women can safely use:

  1. Replenishment of magnesium in the body, which helps relax muscles, reduce excitability and calm the nervous system (according to the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist);
  2. Soothing herbal teas: based on 15 g. mixture of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 100 ml twice a day:
  • Mix 15 gr. hawthorn fruits, sage herbs, 30 g each. herbs motherwort, oregano, marsh dried grass;
  • Mix valerian root, mint, and hop cones in equal proportions.

Use only if there are no contraindications from a doctor!

  1. The most pleasant and affordable way to calm a pregnant woman is to massage her tired and swollen legs.

The problem of restless nerves cannot be solved once and for all. Just as they escalate colds in the cold, and the nerves become overstrained in stressful situations or under the weight of unfavorable circumstances. Human wisdom lies in timely and well-chosen measures to restore the nervous system.

Tips from your personal life on how to calm your nerves and get rid of stress. Tips that are not in the article!

Modern life is full of stress and tension that every person faces on a daily basis. As you know, nervous tension is not just a debilitating factor, but also negatively affects the body, leading to disruptions in its functioning. It should be noted that most diseases known to modern medicine have a psychosomatic form. As a result, the most important condition maintaining your own psychological balance becomes, and this can be achieved using many methods that are described in this article.

How to understand that your nerves are out of order or a nervous breakdown has occurred

In order to differentiate a nervous breakdown from other pathological mental phenomena, it is necessary to give the most accurate definition. Since in medicine there are no clear criteria for defining a nervous breakdown, one should be guided by individual factors that explain the nature and essence of such a process.

Thus, a nervous breakdown is a reactive, temporary disorder mental activity a person that arose as a result of any emotionally intense event, whose intensity exceeded the permissible barrier of individual sensitivity of the nervous system. As a result of a nervous breakdown, the mental and physical activity of the individual changes, sensitivity to external factors and interactions with the social world.

A variety of reasons can lead to the phenomenon described, which makes no sense to characterize. In this case, a number of symptoms can be identified, according to which one can assume the presence of a specific syndrome:

  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • loss of performance due to loss of concentration and volitional activity;
  • decreased appetite;
  • overly intense reaction to the most insignificant stimuli;
  • feeling of worthlessness;
  • increased irritability;
  • feelings of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, confusion, panic, etc.

Exists a large number of various techniques, allowing you to bring thoughts and feelings back to normal. At the same time, few people realize, but the harmonization of one’s psychological state can be carried out without any additional tools. Most people, experiencing irritability or anticipating nervous tension, drink sedatives, but you can cope with it “with your own hands.” That's why below are the best ways to calm your nerves, depending on your situation.

How to stop being nervous before an exam

Fear of exams is one of the most common phenomena during the student period, which is dedicated to great amount research. According to various approaches, you can get rid of this anxiety by using different ways. One of the traditional methods used in practical psychology is the method of systematic desensitization. If we parse the name of the approach into words, it will have next value: a gradual decrease in sensitivity to the experienced event.

You can carry out the process either independently or with the help of a professional. As part of the designated process, you should be guided by the rules that will be described below in the context of the instructions for desensitization. It is important to note that the method should be used a week, or at least a day before the exam. So, when starting the process, you need to relax, close your eyes and imagine the upcoming exam, but do it step by step.

First you need to imagine the day of the exam and when the excitement appears inside, you need to relax so that the anxiety disappears. When everything is smooth inside, you need to imagine getting ready for going to the exam, gradually approaching the most important thing. Likewise, you will need to relax to get rid of the tension after the last picture. At the next stage, you can go further, for example, imagine a trip to educational institution, how the audience looks, the moment of pulling out exam cards, etc. It is important to relieve tension each time through relaxation, as a result of which the real exam will seem like an ordinary event that does not cause any discomfort.

How to quickly get rid of stress at work

If you need to quickly, here and now, relieve stress, getting rid of anxiety, you can resort to express methods. Most The best way bringing thoughts and feelings back to normal means normalizing breathing. There are many techniques and trainings that discuss the most effective breathing exercises. However, for quick calm, there is almost the only exercise that is part of holotropic breathing.

To carry out the process, you need to sit up straight and straighten your back, then take a deep breath through your mouth. At the moment when the air has filled the lungs as much as possible, it is necessary to exhale sharply through the nose, without making any pause between inhalation and exhalation. This exercise needs to be done about 10 times, after which you can feel relief.

Ways to relieve nervous tension before bed

The best way to relieve tension before going to bed after a difficult working day is a method of progressive relaxation. This method is good because it can be done just before bed, while under the covers in bed. As a tool, you can use relaxing, quiet background music without words, which sounds from the speakers, since nothing should be constrained, including headphones.

In order to begin the process, you will need to start breathing evenly, taking long, deep breaths and exhalations, with no pauses between them. Breathing should be continuous, reminiscent of a wheel rolling down a hill. Breathing is something you should focus on, something that will clear your mind and stop thinking about anything.

Now it is important to begin to relax, and this should be done gradually, relaxing each muscle and each part of the body in turn. You need to start with your hands, gradually relaxing your hand right hand, then the forearm, shoulder, then the second arm, leg, back, head, etc. It will help you relax if you imagine that the body is gradually getting heavier, filling with warmth.

Effective means to calm the nervous system

Everyone at least once in their life has come across drugs that calm you down, relieve stress, and help you sleep. All of them are aimed at enhancing the inhibition processes taking place in our nervous system. At the same time, medications have different forms and origins. As part of this, herbal preparations will have a less pronounced sedative effect, and strong medications aimed at suppressing nervous activity are used to treat neuroses, stress and psychological trauma.

List of names of sedatives: tablets, drops

The most popular and known means everyone needs valerian, which today is sold in the most different forms, including in tablets, drops, and tincture form. The medication reduces excitability, relieves intestinal spasms, and improves sleep.

Another medicinal product based on the herb St. John's wort is "Deprim" - this is a high-quality drug that is prescribed for depression of varying degrees of severity. The drug helps to suppress the activity of the autonomic nervous system, improve mood and sleep. It should be noted that such a pharmacological agent as “Persen” is based on herbal components and has a highly effective effect. The drug is suitable for both men and women.

Acupuncture will help you calm down and not be nervous

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine technique in which the human body is manipulated by inserting needles into specific areas under the skin. According to people involved in this type of alternative treatment of diseases, by acting on special points, you can increase or decrease the intensity of activity of the nervous system. Thus, the method of acupuncture is successfully used to calm the nerves.

Folk remedies for stress and depression

As part of folk remedies that can help cope with stress and depression, it should be noted carrot juice. In this case, the juice must be freshly squeezed. This product contains a large amount of B vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Good sedative - medicinal herbs

As you know, most sedative medications are based on herbal components. Thus, using infusions or decoctions of various herbs, you can effectively calm your nerves, improve sleep and relax. You can also brew herbal teas, which will also have a positive effect on the nervous system. Among the most noteworthy are:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort, etc.

Sounds of nature for relaxation at home

Most people use special music for relaxation and relaxation. Music containing the sounds of nature, birdsong, the sound of the wind, rain - all this suggests harmony with nature, unity, peace and balance. Using specific melodies, you can thoroughly relax, meditate, concentrate and even relax, which is very important during stress or nervous tension.

What foods calm your nerves?

Doctors have found that eating certain foods helps reduce the risk of depression, improve metabolic processes in the body, and increase the body's resource to combat stress. These products include:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • cocoa;
  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts, etc.

Family or work conflicts, phobias, insomnia, anxiety states are familiar to almost everyone. Therefore, you have to decide what to drink for nerves and stress.

During nervous breakdowns, serious diseases can develop - heart attack, stroke, ulcers, even oncology. You cannot delay the treatment of nervous disorders. You need to know what you can drink, what medications will help with nerves, which eliminates the causes of stress.

Causes of nervous disorders and stressful situations

The causes of stress and nervous disorders are divided into four categories:

The state of his nervous system depends on how a person perceives others and evaluates his capabilities. Nervous disorder may occur due to illness or death loved one, conflict situations, upcoming important events.

A nervous breakdown manifests itself in the form of anxiety, restlessness, and tension. If you don't pay attention to the signs, you're not far from depression. Let's figure out how to calm the nervous system and bring it back to normal state of mind. First you need to know what signs indicate the onset of a nervous disorder.

Signs of stress

You can understand that you need to take medications that help calm the nervous system by the following signs:

  • restless, intermittent rest or complete insomnia;
  • continuous feeling of hunger or a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • general malaise, lethargy;
  • problems with memorization and perception of information;
  • dizziness;
  • constant, causeless irritability;
  • loss of interest in current events;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • the desire to cry, to feel sorry for oneself;
  • inability to solve problems (postponing for later);
  • fussiness in movement and behavior;
  • the appearance of obsessive habits (biting nails, biting lips);
  • suspicion, distrust of people, feelings of anger.

The listed signs, if not addressed, gradually turn into depressive states.

What medications to take to calm the nerves

In case of nervous disorders and conditions close to depression, you should seek medical help or consult a pharmacist. You will be advised to take medications for nerves and stress that have a calming effect.

All proposed stress relievers are divided into groups:

When choosing, you need to know that the best remedy for nerves and stress is one made on a plant basis. More often, addiction occurs to medications of synthetic origin.

It is advisable to combine taking medications with the correct daily routine. It is necessary to get rid of irritating factors and strong shocks. The prescribed anti-stress medication should produce the following results:

  1. relieve anxiety, constant anxiety;
  2. increase resistance to nervous breakdowns (before exams, important events, after family or work conflicts);
  3. achieve an even mood without sudden changes.

Which medication to choose depends on the specific situation and state of health. Help can be obtained in the form of a medical consultation with further prescription of drugs, or by consulting with a pharmacist.

Antidepressant group

This group of drugs is most often prescribed for stress. Any medicine for stress and nervous tension from the group of antidepressants can prevent the patient from transitioning to depressive state. In advanced cases, medications not only relieve stress, but also help prevent suicide.

Drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

  • severe depression, moderate conditions;
  • to relieve anxiety;
  • eliminating phobias;
  • with panic disorder of the nervous system.

Only a specialist has the right to prescribe such medications for stress.

When choosing, you need to know that the best drugs for nerves and stress are made on a plant basis. Addiction occurs mainly to medications of synthetic origin. Let's take a closer look at each group of drugs to choose the best medicine for nerves and stress.

Neuroleptic sedatives

A group of medications affects certain areas of the brain. To prevent depression, the drug inhibits the activity of the nervous system, acting specifically on the excited area.

To help eliminate stress, a list of such medications is available only from specialists (sold by prescription). This potent drugs, the uncontrolled use of which causes mental disorders. Prescribed in the following cases:

  1. patients with increased excitability, who tend to feel like different individuals;
  2. with loss of memory, speech;
  3. uncontrolled physical behavior;
  4. schizophrenia of various stages;
  5. depressive states.

Self-medication with antipsychotics can lead to unpredictable consequences and mental disorders.

Group of nootropics

To decide what to drink for nerves and stress, a specialist must conduct a preliminary examination of the patient. Nootropics are prescribed to affect areas of the brain responsible for the perception of information and mental activity.

The drugs relieve tension without causing addiction. The most important thing is that you can take nootropics to prevent stressful situations. Prescribed in the following cases:

  • with severe fatigue;
  • to bring normal cerebral circulation;
  • general deterioration of the condition caused by a nervous breakdown.

For children, medications are prescribed for problems with the absorption of information.

Prescription of tranquilizers

When a specialist decides how to calm nerves and relieve tension, he is guided by the patient’s condition, paying attention to his place of work. This is due to the fact that tranquilizers have a depressing, sedative effect. When used for a long time, even the best tranquilizers make a person inhibited and indifferent to everything that happens.

The drugs eliminate anxiety, feelings of fear, anger, panic, but have a strong sedative effect (constant drowsiness).

Medicines are prescribed for:

  • frequent excitability;
  • anxiety;
  • neuroses;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • epileptic seizures.

The name of each tranquilizer is included in the medical catalog and is sold only with prescriptions with a special seal.

Herbal preparations

If nervous overstrain is diagnosed, gentle herbal preparations are initially prescribed. There are the following herbal tablets for stress and nerves:

  • valerian (tablets, alcohol tinctures, root);
  • passionflower base (Alora);
  • with motherwort (herb, tincture, drops);
  • peony (tincture);
  • St. John's wort (Negrustin, Deprim).

Some herbal remedies for nervous breakdown have an effect with constant use (accumulation of components). This is how drugs based on valerian work.

Combined sedatives

For nervous disorders and stress, combined medications are prescribed:

  • Persen. Eliminates anxiety. Does not have a sedative effect, so it can be used by drivers;
  • Novopassit. Sedative with valerian root base;
  • Phytosedan. Calming collection;
  • Phytosed. Relieves nervous tension, eliminates insomnia.

Herbal infusions, tinctures, and teas help with neurosis and irritability. Many people prefer teas specifically - the effect of suggestion (placebo) works. It turns out that I drank tea and the problems went away. This medicine is usually cheap.

Traditional methods that calm the nervous system

Folk remedies for nerves and stress, prepared at home, cope perfectly with the state of constant irritability:

To relieve stress and nervous tension, it is good to drink teas and tinctures for nerves from various herbs:

Any treatment aimed at calming the nervous system must be agreed upon at a medical consultation.

Best Herbs for Stress

Check out the list of the most used herbs that are useful to drink to calm your nerves:

  • chamomile. Has a relaxing effect. Drink before bed. Helps you fall asleep, normalizes sleep, eliminates headaches and fatigue. When you wake up, you will feel cheerful;
  • blooming Sally. Helps strengthen the immune system, relieves irritability. It’s good to drink in the evening to relieve fatigue;
  • elecampane. Drink during chronic nervous breakdowns and fatigue. Can be used as a prophylactic;
  • Eleutherococcus. Eliminates fatigue and hysterical states. Used for severe nervous strain. Improves mood;
  • Aralia. Relieves dizziness and has a tonic effect. Improves overall well-being and mood;
  • St. John's wort. Calming effect, mood improvement.

When using herbs as sedatives, see the instructions on the package.

Home treatment with juices and tea

From nervous disorder Well-known homemade products help well:

  • carrot juice. Orange foods themselves calm the nerves, and if you drink carrot juice every day, there will be no stress;
  • beet juice. In addition to calming the nervous system, fresh beet juice will increase hemoglobin and remove toxic substances from the body;
  • juice from onions . You need to drink it with milk. Eliminates insomnia, heals nerves;
  • milk with honey. A proven remedy for falling asleep quickly and getting a good night's sleep. Useful mixture for skin and hair;
  • aloe juice in combination with honey, red wine (ratio of three components 1:2:2). The resulting product is infused for a month in the dark and cool. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

It is better to drink green tea and not make it too rich. It is advisable to give up black tea for a while.

Commonly used sedatives

If you do not seek help for nervous overstrain, constant stress will turn into chronic depression. Which pills for such conditions are prescribed more often and are considered the best solution to the problem? Check out the varieties:

  • herbal based. A specialist, when deciding what to drink when stressed, makes a choice in favor natural remedies. This is explained by almost zero side effects;
  • synthetic medicines. The result is visible faster, but addiction may occur.

The names of over-the-counter drugs include Afobazol (tranquilizer), Tenoten (severe stress), Quattrex (general strengthening effect).

In severe, advanced stressful situations when tried various ways, injections with a sedative therapeutic effect are prescribed. Injections are carried out only under medical supervision and with hospital care.

Video: Sedatives without prescriptions

Modern life is an endless cycle of events, and not every person has the strength to endure such serious psychological stress without significant consequences. Surely everyone who reads this article has heard the expression “all diseases come from nerves” at least once in their life. And indeed it is. In medicine there is a whole science, which is called psychosomatics. She studies the influence of psychological factors on the physiological state of a person. Have you ever wondered how to calm your nerves? This can be done at home in several ways; let’s look at each of them so that, if necessary, we can help ourselves and our loved ones as effectively as possible.

The first step to peace of mind

No matter how it sounds, the first thing you need to do when emotions go off scale is to try to distance yourself from what irritates you. Tired of work? Put it off until better times. If the cause of nervous tension is unpleasant news or communication with a certain person, do not contact him. The best way to quickly disengage is to go into solitude (even relative) and restore your breathing. Sit comfortably on a sofa, chair or bed and, closing your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, thinking, for example, that today it is sunny outside, and the day before yesterday funny curly clouds floated across the sky.

Another option to escape from problems “into another dimension” is to look at an album with your childhood photographs. As a rule, many people have very pleasant memories associated with their childhood. Bringing them out with the help of old photos can quickly calm your nerves. The same method can be used to calm a child. Sit him next to you and talk about your childhood. As a rule, children in this case are quickly distracted from the phenomenon that upset them and make contact with their parents.

Medicines for peace of mind

The first thing that comes to mind for any person experiencing strong emotional disturbance is taking sedatives. Indeed, soothing drops can relieve nervous tension in a matter of minutes and help you relax. There is only one “but” here: many drugs have a depressing effect on the nervous system, which means they can provoke phenomena such as lethargy, drowsiness and general absent-mindedness. In addition, some drugs simply cannot be taken by people who drive a car or deal with high-risk objects, for example, electrical appliances. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a drug that calms the nervous system.

Which drugs to choose

One of the most accessible and safest in terms of occurrence side effects is considered a modern herbal preparation “Novopassit”. It can be taken even in emergency cases. But for those who constantly experience emotional stress and often suffer from nervous overstrain, a drug that calms the nervous system according to the “cumulative” principle is more suitable. Such medications need to be taken for a long time, but the effect lasts for a long period. This group of products includes motherwort or valerian extract in tablets. These remedies are the best for those who want to calm their nerves for a long time. Medicines, even if they are created using only natural herbs, can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies for the nervous system

In addition to medications, there is a very simple and accessible way to everyone that explains how to calm your nerves at home - sedative herbal mixtures, from which you can make aromatic tea. The most powerful are those that contain several plants. Such teas can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can prepare a soothing mixture yourself from the following ingredients: valerian root, sweet clover, dried hawthorn flowers, hop cones, peppermint leaves, motherwort and watchwort. It is enough to brew a tablespoon of this mixture in 0.25 liters of water and let it brew well. This tea has a very quick and strong effect, so it is better to take it before bed.

If the question is “how to calm your nerves at home?” worries throughout the day, then the best remedy considered ordinary honey. By adding just one spoon of this product to a glass of warm milk and drinking the resulting drink, you can quickly calm down. This remedy is especially suitable for children who, due to emotional instability, can be nervous at any time of the day.

In addition to tea, you can use herbs to make fragrant pads - sachets. They should add those plants that are used to make tea, as well as sprigs of rosemary, lavender, wormwood and lemon balm. These fragrant pillows can be placed at the head of the bed, in the bathroom, and indeed in any room in your home. Made in the form of decorative bags and keychains, the sachets can be taken with you to work so that the calming effect of herbs will be with you throughout the day.

Calm in music

It has long been proven that many classical musical works can act on the human nervous system no worse than drugs. Therefore, during periods of strong anxiety, psychologists recommend isolating yourself from irritants. Today, it is not difficult to buy collections, which are often called “Calming Melodies” or “Music for Relaxation.” Put on your favorite pajamas, turn on the tune of your choice and enjoy the beauty musical art. The category of relaxers also includes works by your favorite performers, even if they belong to the genre of pop or rock music. Of course, they cannot be used in attempts to calm the baby. Soothing melodies for him are musical masterpieces Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky or Beethoven.

If it is not possible to play music loudly, use headphones; this will also help isolate yourself from external stimuli.

Drown your sorrows... in the bath

In this section of the article we will not talk about what every second reader thought when he saw the subtitle. If the soothing sound could not possibly restore, you should think about fragrant water. The water in it should not be very hot, but not cool either. When filling, you can add some soothing herbs or a decoction of them to the bath. Lying in the lush foam, you can truly relax not only the nerves, but also the muscles of the whole body. Lie in it until you feel completely satisfied with your own perfection.

Game as a way to forget about nerves

This method clearly explains how to calm nerves at home if we are talking about a small child. For him, playing is the best way to forget about troubles. Special attention You should pay attention to what the upset baby is playing. It is better to opt for active entertainment on fresh air or a measured activity, for example, modeling from plasticine or clay. If the child’s emotions still take over, he can “punish” the malleable material and “mold” his resentment out of it.

Adults can also distract themselves from troubles with the help of, for example, cards or chess. Playing solitaire or thinking about your opponent's next move, you can forget about the problem for a while. Some individuals calm down by doing their favorite hobby: embroidering, drawing or wood carving.

Aroma and play of light

If you feel emotional excitement, tension or anger, try to change the atmosphere in the room with the help of candles and aromatherapy lamps, which can be bought at any store. The aromas of patchouli, ylang-ylang and other exotic plants and flowers in any case will not remind you of existing problems. By changing the lighting, filling the house with new aromas, you can do whatever you want: watch your favorite movie, read a book, or just lie and look at the shadows on the ceiling. If you combine this method of relaxation with a bath, calm will come many times faster.

To calm your nerves, spend at least one day alone in a calm environment. Turn off your phone. Create a favorable atmosphere in your home with calm, relaxing and pleasant aromas. Use aroma candles or an aroma lamp. You can calm your nerves with the help of essential oils of mint, lemon balm, juniper, and lavender. The smell should be noticeable, but not pungent. Massage helps relieve nervous tension.

Lie down for a while, try to take control of negative thoughts, and stop yourself from thinking about the stressful situation. The key to stress resistance and psychological health is positive thinking. Healthy and restful sleep is recommended; it helps you relax physically and mentally. Scientists have proven that the brain can “digest” problems during sleep. After awakening, ways to solve life's problems may appear. Before going to bed, take a warm bath with aromatic foam, you can turn on calm music.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation at work, sit in a chair, lean back and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles and try not to think about anything. Take a smooth, deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat it breathing exercise 10 times, then sit for 10 minutes.


Helps calm nerves quickly medications: “Novo-Passit”, “Persen”, “Valerian”, “Corvalol”, “Valocordin”. You can use the funds traditional medicine. The most effective is an infusion of dry mint leaves. Pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Take the product 2 times a day - morning and evening. A soothing herbal mixture that includes valerian, motherwort, peppermint, St. John's wort, oregano, and hawthorn helps well. The prepared decoction should be drunk 3 times a day.

Diet for nerves

Adjust your diet to include foods that help normalize the nervous system. These include fruits, milk, yogurt. Fruits contain vitamin C, which helps reduce stress hormones. Dairy products contain amino acids that have a positive effect on the nervous system. Grain bread, cereal flakes, oatmeal, foods containing magnesium will be useful: green vegetables, beans, potatoes, etc. Do not drink drinks containing alcohol or caffeine after stressful situations, these substances have an stimulating effect, and it will be more difficult to recover later.

The nervous system is the control center of the entire body. In time While carrying a baby, a woman has the strongest bond in the world with her baby. Nutrition, breathing and growth of a child occur due to expectant mother. Any change in her lifestyle automatically affects the development of the baby. A pregnant woman is often subject to sudden mood swings, unstable to stress, and constantly worries about her child. To calm down a little nerves in time pregnancy, you can take herbal-based sedatives and herbal decoctions.


Mix one teaspoon of lemon balm herb and one teaspoon of orange peel. Pour a glass of boiling water and close tightly. Let it brew for ten, strain, add one teaspoon pharmaceutical drug tinctures of valerian. Take a glass twice a day along with honey.

Take pharmaceutical tincture of peony root three times a day, one teaspoon.

Take blood-red hawthorn flowers, rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis, lemon balm leaves, and barberry fruits in equal parts. Pour one tablespoon of boiling water and let it brew until cool. Take one glass twice a day.

Mix twenty grams of peppermint leaves, lavender flowers, and rhizomes with valerian roots. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave to brew for fifteen minutes. Drink the decoction in small sips throughout the day.