Collection of psychological games and exercises

The group is in the basket of a hot air balloon, which flies over the ocean. Suddenly the ball begins to lose altitude. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, several uninhabited islands. There is a chance to escape and fly to the island if you free yourself from less important things in the ball's basket. The question is, what exactly should I throw away? Some things may be useful for life on the islands, although no one knows how long you will have to stay there.

List of things in the balloon basket:

1. Bowls, mugs, spoons.

2. Flare guns with flares.

3. Geographic maps, compass.

4. Canned meat.

5. Axes, knives, shovels.

6. Canister with drinking water.

7. First aid kit.

8. Rifle with extra ammunition.

9. Chocolate.

10. Gold, jewelry.

11. A dog of the diver breed.

12. Fishing tackle.

13. Toiletries.

14. Salt, sugar, set of vitamins.

15. Medical alcohol.

It is necessary to arrange the named objects according to the degree of their importance for the survival of people in these conditions. The first number marks the item that is decided to be thrown away first, the second number indicates what is thrown second, etc. The fifteenth number marks the most important item - it will be thrown away last. A list of things is distributed to the game participants.

The game takes place in three stages:

Stage 1. Everyone completes the task independently.

Stage 2. The task is performed in small groups.

Stage 3. The task is carried out by a large group.

To reach agreement, the group must come to unanimous opinion. This is not easy to achieve, because not every assessment receives the full approval of everyone. The group should choose assessments with which everyone at least partially agrees. You can't waste time - you could die.

The analysis is carried out using answers to the questions:

· What was the atmosphere in the group?

· What prevented reaching agreement?

· What signs of leadership have emerged?

· Who was active?

· Who was passive?

· Who dominated?

· What was the influence?

· Which custom styles communication could be identified - withdrawal, suppression, personalization, psychological blackmail, search for like-minded people, something else?

· Which behaviors helped and which hindered the achievement of agreement?

Task 16. Reflection of personal position in the group. Please review the information below. Determine what your style of joining a professional group was. Why do you think so?

IN modern management There are the following four types of joining the team of a particular organization and assimilating its norms and values:

Negation. A person denies everything, he doesn’t like everything, and he accepts his new team, as they say, gritting his teeth, constantly showing it to everyone. Such workers do not stay in any company for long.

"Conformism". A person agrees with everything that is told to him and what is required of him. Such people do not have their own opinions and do not care too much about the affairs of the company, remaining passive in many situations. They can be good workers, but first of all they are performers who do not show initiative, which is valuable today.

"Mimicry". While outwardly agreeing with the norms and requirements of the organization, a person actually internally does not accept them. As a rule, such people are potential defectors to other organizations as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

"Adaptive Individualism".(Most productive). By demonstrating this type of entry, a person successfully adapts to the requirements new organization, but at the same time he can openly express his disagreement and allows himself to criticize what he does not like. As a rule, these are very strong professionals who are passionate about the cause and cannot indifferently see what is being done poorly in the area in which they are well versed.

Task 17. Reflection of professional potential based on self-analysis of possibilities.

In the book of the American researcher Max Egger, “A Brilliant Career,” a list of questions was published to study your possibilities in building a career. Try to answer these questions reasonably.

Milestone outlines life path:

· How would I like to use my life and what would I like to achieve?

· What are my specific career goals: for this month, for this year, for this decade?

How to stand out in better side during the meeting: today, this month, this year?

· What are my career milestones and when should I achieve them?

· Are my goals measurable and divisible into milestones?

· Is it possible to set realistic deadlines for achieving my goals?

· What newspapers and magazines do I need to achieve my career goals?

Mapping out the milestones of your life's journey is related to the task of strategic life planning. Experience shows that organizations and individual workers those who do not have strategic planning skills have much worse indicators compared to those who have such planning. The same can be said about an individual person.

Identifying the point of best application of forces:

· In what situations do I succeed? Why?

· What growth opportunities are there in my job?

· What have I achieved success in today and why?

What should you give up in the interests of your career, and why?

A career must be built on a military principle - delivering the main blow, for which all forces are gathered at one point.

Self-analysis and self-motivation:

· What is the most important incentive for me?

· How will I reward myself for diligence and success?

· How can I improve my performance?

· What skills will I need in my future job?

· Which personal qualities help and hinder me in my work?

· What did I learn useful today that will help me work better tomorrow?

· What should I do to maintain my professional level: this week, this month, this year?

Without maintaining self-motivation high level career growth will periodically fizzle out. Without proper steam pressure in the boiler, the locomotive will not move forward. Therefore, regular replenishment is needed.

Study of the immediate superior:

· How did my boss and my boss’s boss get their jobs?

· What does my boss like and dislike about the way I work?

· How can I contribute to the success of my boss?

· What does my boss read in his specialty and should I read the same?

How strong and weaknesses does my boss have? How can I use them?

· Can I influence my boss in any way?

A good boss at work is like good father Houses. It is better to have a good boss in a bad organization than a bad boss in a good one. A good boss grows himself and encourages the growth of his subordinates.

Exploring the organization's capabilities:

· What is the culture of my organization and how do I fit in?

· Who is the leader in our organization and how do I differ from him?

· How do people here get promoted?

· Who has real power in our organization?

· What is the classic path to advancement to the position I am interested in in this field of activity, in this organization?

Who in the organization has a major influence on adoption important decisions?

· Which organizations are the flagships of our industry and how can I get into them?

· How can I get management to notice my achievements?

· What are the criteria for success at work: for the organization, for my boss, for me?

· How is job success measured and ranked by me, my boss, in our organization?

· How can I gain greater confidence in myself, in my work, in my boss, in the results of my own work, in my organization?

Creating a network of connections and acquaintances:

· How can I maintain useful contacts so that they help my activities?

· What do I do or read that might be helpful to those I include in my network?

· Who do I have a relationship with and how can I improve it?

· Who would I like to establish contacts with and how can I achieve this with the help of colleagues and acquaintances?

· Which contacts will benefit me most in developing my career?

Dating and connections are the ropes that can lift you to the heights of success. This is the same time and money that helps professional growth. You need to work on developing the dating sphere and maintaining it in the same way as on your professional skills, if not more.


1. The social community with which an individual relates himself as with a certain standard is ... a group.

a) formal;

b) conditional;

c) referential;

d) real.

2. A person’s conscious compliance with the opinion of the majority of the group, changing his behavior under the influence of the group in order to avoid conflict with it is...

a) suggestibility;

b) conformism;

c) non-conformism.

3. According to importance for the individual, groups are distinguished:

a) real and conditional;

b) formal and informal;

c) referential and non-referential.

4. Conformism is:

a) a negative attitude towards someone;

b) submission to the influence of another person;

c) a positive attitude towards something;

d) subordination of a person to group pressure.

5. What leadership style corresponds to the directive method of leadership?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

6. What leadership style corresponds to the collegial method of leadership?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

7. Formal and informal groups are divided according to classification:

a) by the nature of the activity;

b) by type of ownership;

c) by the nature of internal connections;

d) by status.

8. The informal structure of the team is not affected by:

a) communication;

b) identification;

c) adaptation;

d) integration;

d) subordination.

9. What type of relationship is characterized by distancing from each other in the absence of both cooperation and competition?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) cooperation of antagonists;

d) rivalry.

10. What type of relationship is characterized by an individual goal orientation, even in conditions of joint work based on general mutual trust?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) cooperation between antagonists.

Training session for high school students “Let’s learn to communicate”

Purpose of the training : development of communication competence, training in the use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Training plan

1. Exercise - activator “Yes, no, we don’t say”

2. Greeting. Introductory conversation.

3. Exercise “Bus”

4.Exercise “I See the Difference”

5.Exercise “Blow off some steam”

6. Exercise “Damaged phone”

7. Exercise "Balloon"

8. Reflection.

Exercise “Yes - we don’t say no”

Communication skills are communication skills, the ability to listen, express your point of view, come to a compromise solution, argue and defend your position.

Communication skills include:
Description of behavior, i.e. reporting what is observed without evaluation and without attributing motives.
Communication of feelings is a clear message about your inner state. Feelings are expressed through body movements, actions, and words.
Active listening is the ability to listen carefully to a partner and understand his point of view.
Empathy is an adequate understanding of what is happening in inner world another person.

In addition to the communication skills described, you will need skills in your future work business communication, such as:
Establishing contact;
Problem orientation;
Argumentation of your point of view, defending your interests;
Decision-making skills, finding a compromise.

Establishing contact.
In order to establish good contact, it is important to win over your interlocutor, to arouse his trust and interest in you. For this we have non-verbal and verbal means.
Non-verbal – smile, eye contact, organization of communication space (distance)…
Verbal – compliments, “ritual” phrases (how nice the weather is).

Progress of the lesson:
Exercise "BUS"
Two people are selected and sit in the center of the circle.
Situation: you are traveling on a bus, and suddenly you see a person in the oncoming bus whom you have not seen for a long time. You want to arrange to meet him at a certain place and time. You have one minute at your disposal while the buses are at the traffic lights.

After the non-verbal playback, the training participants share information about how they understood each other.

Description of behavior
“Description of behavior” means reporting the observed specific actions of other people without judgment. This is the ability to observe and report your observations without making judgments.
For example: “Lena, you are a slob” is an insult, an assessment.
“Lena, you didn’t make your bed” - a description of behavior.

One volunteer will stay behind the door for a while. The rest of the training participants are divided into two groups according to some selected criterion. The sign must be visually visible (for example, the color of outerwear). The two resulting groups sit in different places in the room to be designated in space. The returning participant will have to determine on what basis the group was divided into two parts.

Communication of feelings
Feelings are most often conveyed indirectly, through nonverbal behavior. Therefore, human trust is required.

Exercise “Blow off some steam”
Instructions: “Now you will have this opportunity. Each of you can tell the others what bothers him or what he is angry about. Please contact a specific person when doing so. For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, I’m offended when you say that women cannot master computer work” or “Maria Petrovna, I lose my temper when you make comments to me about the duty of my class in front of everyone.” Don't make excuses for those who will complain about you. Just listen carefully to everything they want to tell you. Each of you will have a turn to “blow off steam.”
If one of you has absolutely nothing to complain about, then you can simply say: “I haven’t got anything boiling over yet and I don’t need to let off steam.”

Active listening
Active listening involves a person taking responsibility for what they hear. Listening helps you understand how similar your opinions, interests, and goals are with your interlocutor. Often people strive to talk others down rather than listen and understand others. This position prevents them from reaching an agreement.


First version of the game.
5 people participate, the rest are observers.
Four people are asked to leave the room, warned that they will be called one by one to convey information. The text is read to the first participant:
“When cosmonaut Leonov first went into outer space, he broke away from the ship and began to return, and could not do anything, since in outer space he had nothing to push off from. Then, he finally caught the rope, but then collided with new problem: his spacesuit
V outer space swelled and he was unable to squeeze back into the ship. He did it by force."
After this, the presenter calls the second participant into the audience, and asks the first to convey the information that he remembered. Then the second passes to the third, etc. The latter's information is checked against the source text. During the transfer of information, the remaining training participants register who missed the information, distorted it, or brought in their own. The results are discussed in a group of participants.

Second version of the game.
You select five people from the audience, four of them leave the room. To the fifth person you give the text: “The father had 3 sons.” The eldest was smart, the middle one was so-so, youngest son I wasn’t myself.” He must show this text without words to the fourth person, then to the third, then to the second, and then to the first. Then, starting with the very last person, you ask what the story text was about.

Exercise "Balloon"
Instructions: "I ask everyone to sit down big circle and listen carefully to the information. Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition that is returning to hot air balloon after completing scientific research. You carried out aerial photography of uninhabited islands. All work was completed successfully. You are already preparing to meet your family and friends, you are flying over the ocean and 500 - 550 km to the ground. An unexpected thing happened - for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the shell of the balloon through which the gas that filled the shell escapes. The ball begins to rapidly descend. All the bags of ballast (sand) that were stored in the balloon gondola for this occasion were thrown overboard. The fall slowed for a while, but did not stop. Here is a list of items and things that remained in the ball basket:





First aid kit with medicines

5 kg

Hydraulic compass

6 kg

Canned meat and fish


Sextant for determining location by stars

5 kg

Rifle with optical sight and ammo supply

25 kg

Various sweets

20 kg

Sleeping bags (one for each crew member)

Rocket launcher with a set of flares

8 kg

10-person tent


Oxygen cylinder


Set geographical maps

25 kg

Canister with drinking water


Transistor radio

3 kg

Rubber inflatable boat

25 kg

After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall at the same, very high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the basket to discuss the situation. You need to decide what to throw overboard and in what order.
Your task is to decide what should be thrown away and in what order. But first, make this decision yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, rewrite the list of objects and things, and then right side Next to each name, put a serial number corresponding to the importance of the item, thinking something like this: “In the first place I will put a set of cards, since it is not needed at all, in the second place - an oxygen cylinder, in the third place - candies, etc.”
When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. in the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part, i.e. all the candies, not half. When you make an individual decision, you need to gather in the center (in a circle) and begin to develop a group decision, guided by the following rules:
1) any crew member can express their opinion;
2) the number of statements made by one person is not limited;
3) a decision is made when all crew members, without exception, vote for it;
4) if at least one object to this decision, it is not accepted, and the group must look for another way out;
5) decisions must be made regarding the entire list of objects and things.
The time available to the crew is unknown. How long will the decline continue? It largely depends on how quickly you make decisions. If the crew unanimously votes to discard an item, it is considered discarded, and this may slow down the fall of the ball.
I wish you successful work. The main thing is to stay alive. If you can't agree, you'll break up. Remember this!"
Recommendations for the presenter. All the rules should be explained to the participants in great detail and the situation in which the crew found themselves should be described. At the same time, you can show your own imagination, based on the characteristics of the group composition. It is necessary to answer all the questions, but not suggest a way out of the current situation. Students must find it themselves. During work, the presenter does not interfere in the discussion process and does not answer questions from participants, but only monitors the implementation of the rules, especially voting.
Time to play: 20 – 25 minutes. But you can also increase the time if the group is very sluggish in participating in the discussion, especially at initial stage. You can reduce the time to 17 - 18 minutes if she is immediately very actively involved in the work. If the group managed to make all 15 decisions with 100% voting, the participants should be congratulated and asked to think about the reasons for successfully overcoming such a critical situation.
If they were unable to make all 15 decisions in the allotted time, then the presenter announces that the crew crashed and asks them to think about the reasons that led to this disaster. An analysis of the results and progress of the game can be carried out immediately after its completion, or in the next lesson, giving the opportunity to more deeply understand the reasons for success or failure, analyze mistakes and try to come to a common opinion.

Participants answer the questions:
1. What new things did you learn during the training?
2. What skills acquired can be used in your teaching activities.
3. What new teachers would like to hear from a psychologist at the next training.


  • teach how to make collective decisions under conditions of uncertainty;
  • develop effective interaction skills;
  • teach cooperation.


  • making individual decisions;
  • developing a collective decision in groups;
  • discussion;
  • analysis of results and summing up.

Time. 1 class hour.

Information for game participants. “Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition, returning in a hot air balloon after completing scientific research. You carried out aerial photography of uninhabited islands. All the work has been completed successfully, and you are already preparing to meet your family and friends. You are flying over the ocean. The nearest plot of land is 500-550 km. But the unexpected happened: for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the balloon’s shell through which gas escapes. The ball began to descend. You immediately threw overboard all the bags of ballast (sand) that were stored in the balloon gondola for this occasion. The fall slowed for a while, but did not stop. After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall at the same, rather high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the gondola to discuss the situation. You need to decide what and in what order to throw overboard in order to ultimately land on the ground alive.

The following items remained in the gondola:

1) rope – 50 m;

2) first aid kit with medicines – 5 kg;

3) hydraulic compass – 6 kg;

4) canned meat and fish – 20 kg;

5) sextant (device for determining location by stars) – 5 kg;

6) a rifle with an optical sight and a supply of ammunition - 25 kg; 7) various sweets – 20 kg;

8) sleeping bags (one for each crew member);

9) flare gun with a set of flares – 8 kg;

10) 10-person tent – ​​20 kg;

11) oxygen cylinder – 50 kg;

12) set of geographical maps – 25 kg;

13) canister with drinking water – 20 l;

14) transistor receiver – 3 kg;

15) rubber inflatable boat – 25 kg.

Your task is to decide what and in what order you should throw away. First, each participant in the game makes an individual decision. Then teams of 5-7 people are created (depending on the number of participants in the game) and each team discusses the problem situation and develops a collective solution.”

Rules of the game:

  • Decisions cannot be made by voting.
  • You cannot calculate percentages: who is “for” and who is “against”.
  • You cannot “put pressure” on your partner (“do as I said!”).
  • It is advisable to achieve consensus through negotiations, and in case of conflict of opinions, a compromise.
  • Any crew member can express their opinion.
  • The number of statements made by one person is not limited.
  • The decision is considered made only when all crew members agree with it.
  • If at least one crew member objects to this decision, it is not accepted and the group must search new exit or new argumentation and technologies of persuasion.
  • Decisions must be made regarding the entire list of objects and things.
  • When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. In the order in which you get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part (for example, all the candy or sleeping bags, and not half).
  • The time available to the crew is unknown. How long the decline will continue largely depends on how quickly the participants in the game make a collective decision.
  • If an agreement cannot be reached, the crew will “die.”

The order of the game. After making decisions in groups, their presentation and justification begin, then during the discussion the most acceptable solution for the current extreme situation is developed (objects and things remain in the gondola to signal their plight and to support their physical condition).

Debriefing. At the end of the discussion, the presenter sums up the game. To determine the effectiveness of interaction, you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

What contributed to success:

  • level of competence of game participants;
  • constructiveness of interaction;
  • culture of controversy;
  • commonality of goals (individual and group);
  • the effectiveness of using interaction strategies (compromise, concession, cooperation);
  • clear organization of discussion;
  • ability to listen to partners;
  • desire to win.

What prevented efficient work commands:

  • poor competence in the significance and capabilities of the subjects discussed in the current situation;
  • ineffective interaction strategies (competition, avoiding disputes, yielding to aggressive partners);
  • the prevalence of personal goals (to pursue one’s line, to show oneself) over group goals;
  • weak leadership of the discussion by a formal leader or the absence of one;
  • low culture of argument, poor verbalization skills;
  • undeveloped emotional culture.

To complete the game, it is advisable for each team to formulate a lesson to be learned for the future.

When going to senior level, problems may arise: several groups have formed in the class, conflicts constantly occur, students cannot find “ common language”, it is impossible to hold a collective event, which may lead to difficulties in the further process schooling and in the possibility of personal self-realization in the school environment. Therefore, it is important to create psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of intragroup relations, where special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the rapid establishment of positive relationships between children, mastering the techniques and skills of effective interpersonal communication.

  1. create conditions for organizing and uniting the children's team,
  2. development of the skill of constructive group interaction (the ability to listen and understand another, to establish cooperation), regardless of the diversity of manifestations of their individuality;
  3. developing the skill of making collective decisions;
  4. reduce the level of anxiety and emotional stress.

The expected psychological result is the creation of a favorable psychological climate and each participant gaining experience of joint decision-making and interaction, awareness of their importance in the team, and the creation of positive relationships between peers.

Plot built on the basis of an unusual journey. Students are offered a trip in a hot air balloon, during which a disaster occurs and they find themselves on a desert island. Children are left alone with themselves.

Time for game and discussion 1.5 – 2 hours.

Participants: 10th grade students (15 years old); 10 - 15 people; 1 person acts as a “leader” (psychologist); class teacher acts as an “observer”.

The class teacher can use the skills acquired by students to build his work with children in organizing collective activities.

Stage 1. Introduction to the game.

  1. mood for the game
  2. awakening interest,
  3. creating a gaming atmosphere.

Material: Indoor tables are arranged in the center in the shape of a circle. The chairs are placed in a semicircle. On the table are signs with the names of the cities whose representatives are present on the stage. Chair for the presenter. Each participant has a badge indicating their name and city.

Host: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! A few months ago, a unique trip around the Earth in a hot air balloon was announced. Qualifying rounds were held in all cities. We have gathered you here because you have won the casting to take part in an incredible journey - you are the best of the best. You have to fly around the earth in a hot air balloon. You will stop at designated places and explore the sights. So, bon voyage.

Stage 2. Unforeseen disaster.

  1. developing the ability to quickly make optimal decisions,
  2. defend your point of view.

Material: Slides with sights of some countries, sheets with a list of items (according to the number of participants).

Leading: Our journey has begun. Have you already been to Greece? Athens Acropolis. In Italy - the Colosseum, the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square in Rome. France – Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral. England - the famous Bic Bon - slides are shown along the list (the set of slides can be any). Your path lies to the shores of America, across the Atlantic Ocean. There is still a long way to go, but a hole has formed in the ball and it begins to slowly fall. The fall slowed down after being freed from ballast, but it becomes necessary to lighten the ball by throwing out other objects.

Participants are offered a list:

  • First aid kit – 25 kg.
  • Compass – 2 kg.
  • Canned food – 25 kg.
  • Spyglass – 1 kg.
  • Gun and cartridges – 25 kg.
  • Candies – 20 kg.
  • Sleeping bags – 30 kg.
  • Flare gun and flares – 10 kg.
  • Tents – 20 kg.
  • Oxygen cylinder – 50 kg.
  • Cards – 5 kg.
  • Drinking water cylinder – 20 kg.
  • Inflatable boat – 25 kg.
  • Video camera – 5 kg.
  • Video cassettes – 3 kg.
  • Tape recorder – 3 kg.

Task: Decide what to throw away and in what order. First, everyone thinks for themselves, then together they need to find a common solution and write it down.

Conditions for fulfillment: everyone must speak out, the decision is made by unanimous vote. If there is one abstention, the proposal is cancelled. The decision must be made on the entire list of items.

Presenter: Remember, the time the ball falls is unknown, but the speed of the fall increases.

Stage 3 “Presentation of individuality”.

Objectives: developing the desire to understand the individual differences of others.

Host: Despite all your efforts, the balloon still fell on one of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean. You miraculously escaped, and besides, you managed to send an “SOS” signal. True, it is unknown when they will start looking for you and when they will find you. It's time to get to know each other better.

Assignment: participants take turns calling their names and their inherent personal qualities, the names of which begin with one of the letters of their own name (both positive and negative qualities).

Stage 4 “How to live on an island.”

  1. show the inevitability of conflicts,
  2. develop skills for constructively solving situations by making a collective decision,
  3. developing a sense of responsibility.

Material: sheets with a list of questions that need to be solved; paper; pens; markers.

Host: So, you find yourself on a desert island with rich flora and fauna, including poisonous plants and predatory animals. The second day has passed, and there is no help. There is a need to organize your living space, distribute roles between you and adopt rules for living together.

Assignment: you are offered sheets with a list of questions that need to be discussed. The result of the discussion will be a “Code” of 10 rules that would ensure your survival.


  1. Who will do what?
  2. Who will be responsible for what?
  3. How will decisions be made?
  4. Who will lead?
  5. How will food be distributed (equally; according to labor contribution; give more to the strong so that they work better, or to the weak so that they survive)?
  6. How to deal with those who break the rules?

Stage 5 “Joint Actions”.

Objectives: developing the ability to negotiate with each other, the ability to act together.

Materials: bag, 2 tubes, 2 sheets of paper, plastic cup, some tape and thread, raw egg.

Host: The time has come to try to work together.

Assignment: you need to pack a raw egg using the set provided so that it does not break when dropped.

Condition for completion: all participants discuss how this can be done and choose 1 person who will complete the task. (Checking the quality of the task - a person stands on a chair and throws a packaged egg).

Stage 6 “How old am I?”

Objectives: to show that each person performs different “roles” and can behave differently in different situations.

Materials: paper, pencil, scissors.

Host: A few days on the island are behind us. Help is at hand. What did everyone learn about themselves while living on the island?

Task: a sheet of paper is folded several times, after which the silhouette of one person is cut out. By unfolding a sheet of paper, students receive either individual human figures or a ribbon of them.

Students are asked to write on each of the figures they receive, “What kind of person can I be?” and “What wishes would you make to each of these little people?”

How the world is changing! And how I myself am changing!
I am called by only one name -
In fact, what is called me
I'm not alone. There are many of us, I am alive!

N. Zabolotsky.

Stage 7 “Back home”. Discussion.

Objectives: developing the ability to distinguish between one’s feelings and experiences, and to assess the situation.

  1. What feelings did you experience while playing?
  2. What turned out to be difficult? Why?
  3. What did you like? What didn't you like?

Timing of the exercise:

from 1.5 to 2 hours

Target Audience:

This exercise is suitable for any category of participants for whom it is important to understand the topic of effective communication and the ability to negotiate without disputes.

Group size:

From 10 - 80 people

Added to the site: 10/18/2013

Composition of the exercise:

  • Exercise Configuration
  • Timing exercises
  • Methodology
  • Processing difficult situations
  • Theory for the exercise

  • Audio recordings
  • Printouts, cases for exercises
  • Music suitable for exercise

Price: 590 rub.



Exercise types: Basic exercise,

Basic ones are exercises in which directly those skills and abilities are trained, for which the participants came to the training. These are the main exercises in the training. Theyare usually structured so that each training participant can practice. You can read more about types of exercises .

Exercise challenge

Challenges are strong and memorable exercises, the purpose of which is attract attention groups to certain training topics, lead the group to important awareness. They are often quite complex, arouse the active interest of the group, and increase the motivation of participants. You can read more about types of exercises .

Training topics:

  • Leadership, confidence, rhetoric
  • Management, Management
  • Team building, team building
  • Trainings for children and parents
  • Personal growth
  • Communication trainings
Objectives of the exercise:
  • Development of leadership qualities among training participants, the ability to take responsibility and make decisions in difficult situations
  • Development of communication skills of participants, ability to negotiate.
  • For training managers: practicing the ability to work in “civilized leadership” mode, practicing interaction in a team where everyone is a leader, practicing the skill of delegating leadership.
  • Note: Depending on the topic of the training, there may be a stronger emphasis on one or more of these objectives.

the site offers exclusive coaching manuals the best games and exercises for training, containing unique recommendations And coaching tricks, allowing you to carry out the exercise with maximum result. The manuals were developed by professional trainers website specifically for the portal and you won't find this anywhere else!

A large-scale exercise actively used by trainers, aimed at developing the leadership qualities of training participants, developing communication skills, and the ability to negotiate. During team building training, this exercise will teach participants to work in a team, negotiate, hear each other, make collective decisions, and interact more effectively.

Thanks to its exciting legend, the exercise strongly involves the training participants, increases the tone and energy of the group, and increases the motivation of the training participants to learn.And the legend of the “Balloon” exercise is as follows:

The presenter asks the training participants to imagine that they are going on a wonderful journey in a hot air balloon. And so they fly over the ocean and the nearest piece of land is at least 500 km away...
And suddenly the unexpected happens: an eagle attacks the ball, someone shoots the eagle and a hole appears in the ball through which gas escapes. The ball begins to descend! All bags of ballast were thrown into the water; the fall slowed down for a while, but did not stop. And the ball falls again at very high speed.
The entire crew gathered together to discuss the situation. You need to decide what to throw overboard and in what order. Participants are given a list of items that remain in the balloon and their task is to make a collective decision about what and in what order they will be thrown out. And the list includes canned food, a first aid kit, a rope, a gun, and even someone’s beloved dog...

The exercise legend is truly exciting. But high-quality implementation this exercise requires the trainer to be highly qualified and have extensive experience in conducting such exercises. Otherwise, despite all the interestingness of the legend, the group does not realize all the conclusions that it could realize if high quality trainer's work.

It is not enough to know the legend of the exercise to carry it out efficiently. You need to know EXACTLY HOW to carry it out.

For example, this exercise can be done in two completely different versions:

  • How basic exercise(when most of the teams were “saved”)
  • How exercise-V call(when most of the teams “drowned”)

And exactly how the exercise will go depends on many details and actions of the trainer: on what exactly you say, what rules you set, how you answer possible questions from the group...

Volume of the training manual for the exercise: 9 pages.

We suggest that you purchase the most detailed training manual for this exercise, which includes:

    A detailed description of the methodology for carrying it out in two various options(both as a main exercise and as a challenge exercise) with options for an example speech from the trainer, with photo illustrations, with specific questions that should be asked during reflection, with an analysis of possible objections and difficult situations that may occur in the group.

    Theory block on leadership and 3 audio records(!) carrying out this exercise performed by one of best trainers Russia, professor, doctor of psychological sciences Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov.

    Music, suitable for this exercise and all necessary printed materials.

After reading our detailed methodology, you will have the same feeling as if you had just seen a masterful execution of this exercise. And that means you You will perform the exercise much more confidently and effectively!