What is the essence of these trainings? Types of stretching exercises

Stretching (sometimes stretching or stretch training) is an easy way even for unprepared beginners to quickly achieve amazing flexibility, lose weight, and train muscles. You can learn this sport using free online lessons at home or with a coach.

What is stretching

For everyone who wants to increase the flexibility of their body, strengthen tendons, improve blood circulation, acquire positive emotions A stretching training system has been developed (from the English stretch - to stretch). Stretching and flexibility exercises can be done in any environment; all you need is a fitness mat and a video tutorial to develop flexibility throughout your entire body. Many professional athletes (in balancing act, gymnastics), dancers use stretching in their training.

Types of stretching

The classification of stretching is based on the method of performing the exercises. The following types of stretching are distinguished:

  1. Static– the load is aimed at the muscles, tendons, and joints; stretching at home for beginners has a gentle effect. During static exercises, you need to take a certain position, acting on the body with your own weight, and hold it there. right time.
  2. Passive– this type of stretching for beginners is similar to its static form, only stretching is performed not with your own weight, but with the help of a partner’s efforts.
  3. Dynamic– controlled springy physical movements of the arms and legs, which are limited by the range of muscle capabilities.
  4. Ballistic– uncontrolled movements, which should also be springy. This type of stretching is not recommended for beginners.
  5. Active isolated– stretching each individual muscle. You need to take a certain position, hold the position using the strength of your own muscles.

The benefits of stretching

Do you dream of a flawless figure? Then stretching for beginners is your key to success! Stretching exercises for beginners can turn every girl into a graceful doe. After a month of training, you will be able to enjoy the capabilities of your own body, which you had never imagined before. The benefits of stretching for your figure cannot be underestimated. For an ideal waist, sculpted muscles, graceful curves of legs and arms, this best view fitness training. Regular video exercises at home or in the gym with a trainer help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles, which at the same time hardly grow in width.

Stretching for weight loss

Going for a press stretch workout at the gym or doing it at home, you can count not only on developing flexibility and stretching, but also on getting rid of extra pounds. Stretching for weight loss is an effective sport for men and women with overweight. Gymnastics allows you to achieve good results and lose weight thanks to the following features:

  • the condition of the muscles improves, the fat layer around them is displaced;
  • lymph outflow accelerates, which helps eliminate cellulite;
  • the skin tightens along with weight loss.

Stretching for pregnant women

Stretching during pregnancy will not cause harm, but only benefit. Stretching during pregnancy can reduce increasing stress, protect joints, and increase skin elasticity. You can exercise every day at home if you feel well. You will need comfortable clothes and detailed description lessons to start from scratch.

On initial stage It’s better to contact a trainer who will help you develop an individual training course taking into account the week of pregnancy. When carrying a child, it is permissible to do only static stretching without sudden movements and muscle pain. Any stress on the abs, bending forward and some other types of exercises are excluded. Therefore, the help of a trainer is a significant plus if you need to create a program gymnastic exercises.

How to stretch correctly

Stretching for beginners will be a completely safe activity if you know how to stretch correctly. Here are some tips for you on how to do proper stretching:

  1. Warm-up is required before starting the lesson. This could be cycling, leg swings, jumping or other movements that will improve blood circulation and supply oxygen to the muscles.
  2. Body flexibility exercises for beginners are performed smoothly and slowly.
  3. It is important to keep your back straight and maintain good posture.
  4. Every muscle needs to be relaxed.
  5. Calm breathing is one of the foundations for proper training.
  6. Only regular exercise will help you develop flexible muscles; you can gradually increase the load.

Stretching exercises

Beginners should remember that everyone has an initial level and do not need to follow the example of professional athletes (deep stretching) when starting to master stretching exercises. All positions are performed in such a way that there is no muscle tension. It is important to maintain stability and balance, to keep your breathing calm at any stage of the exercise. The load increases gradually, the flexibility of the body develops over time.

Leg stretching exercises

Stretching for beginners at home will prevent muscle imbalances and help avoid postural problems. Dexterous movements, flexibility, and excellent coordination of movements are acquired if you consistently perform leg stretching exercises. Good stretching is needed not only to perform dance elements by dancers and karate kicks, but also to demonstrate beautiful splits and the superpowers of your body. Stretching will also protect your joints, improve blood circulation, and make your gait easier. To stretch your legs you can do the following exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Lean forward as low as possible. Movements should be smooth, slightly springy with a small amplitude. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. While sitting on the floor, keep your legs together and straight. Bend your torso forward, clasp your legs with your arms. Perform 10 springy bends. Over time, you will be able to stretch your muscles so that your head touches your knees.
  3. Stand on the floor, keep your body straight. Move your right leg back and your left leg as far forward as possible. The limb that is in front must be bent at the knee. Tilt your body towards it, keeping your back straight. Relax your muscles, increase pressure on your legs and stay in this position for 60 seconds.

Stretching for weight loss

Sets of stretch training exercises help not only achieve flexibility, but also lose weight. For this purpose, classes are held at least 3 hours a week. To actively burn calories, start your workout two hours after your last meal. Stretching for weight loss may include the following exercises:

  1. Take a position on your knees and hands. The knees are located directly under the hips, and the hands are slightly in front of the shoulders. Raise your knees off the floor after exhaling, leave your hands in their original position, press your heels to the floor. Your arms and back should be in one straight line, your legs in another.
  2. Perform the exercise while lying on your stomach. Press your hips to the floor, place your hands under your shoulders. Raise your upper body so that your chest faces the wall in front of you. Shoulders should be relaxed. Maintain the position for 20-30 seconds and return to the starting position.

Morning stretch

Dedicate just 10 minutes in the morning morning exercises stretching to recharge your energy and good mood for the whole day. Morning stretching includes several stages:

  1. After waking up, think about something good and stretch in different directions.
  2. Spin imaginary pedals for one minute.
  3. Wave your arms out to the sides while still lying in bed.
  4. Sit cross-legged on the bed and perform 10 smooth forward bends.
  5. Lower your legs off the bed and make 30 circular movements with each foot.
  6. Perform exercises on the mat for the back of the pelvis, neck, body extension, groin stretch and forward bends.
  7. Secure your good mood contrast shower.

Back stretch for beginners

Excellent health, increased muscle strength and good spirits will become your faithful companions during regular stretching sessions. Exercises will help you get rid of constant back pain; they are simply irreplaceable for office workers who need to restore their health after many hours in a sitting position. Stretching for the back includes the following exercises:

  1. Take a pose on all fours, keeping your back straight. After a deep breath, arch your back to the maximum. Freeze for 15 seconds, repeat first 15 times.
  2. Lie on the floor, press your shoulders to the floor. Turning your torso at the lower back, cross one leg over the other. Hold the pose for half a minute and repeat with the other leg.

Video: Stretching for Beginners

Not only Western, but also Russian fitness trainers offer video lessons with stretching exercises. Beginners will be able to learn proper breathing and movements with Ekaterina Firsova, Olga Yanchuk, Egor Onegin in order to achieve incredible flexibility and plasticity of the body, make their figure flawless, get rid of back pain and simply have great mood.

Stretching with Firsova

Stretching with Olga Yanchuk

Stretching with Egor Onegin

Today, sports are gaining momentum, and different kinds exercises, new trends that pursue different goals. Using one type sports loads you can increase strength and endurance, with the help of others you can lose weight, and with the help of others you can gain muscle mass. Stretching is a fitness trend that allows you to stretch your body, making it more flexible, flexible and toned. Fitness stretching consists of a variety of stretching and flexibility exercises that can be combined with another fitness activity or used as a warm-up before a workout.

Stretching is one of the types of fitness, which is made up of a special set of exercises that helps muscles and ligaments stretch. The name of the workout comes from the English stretch, what is it? This word means to pull or stretch. Thanks to such exercises, all internal systems of the body are stimulated, they become toned, and metabolic processes are normalized.

Stretching lessons must be alternated with any other sport, strength exercises, aerobic exercise in order for this area of ​​fitness to produce noticeable results for the body. Fitness stretching can be easily done at home using video lessons for beginners, because it does not require any training or sports skills.

Fitness stretching, the exercises of which are suitable for beginners, can be watched on video to understand what it is. After all, with its help you can even recover from some diseases or use it as a preventive measure for many ailments. The exercise will improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system and prepare for further stress. After practicing video stretching, you will be able to complete the subsequent types of classes much easier. Such gymnastics will be useful at any age, regardless of training and sports background.

Benefits of classes

So, what are stretching exercises:

  • relieving tension and tightness from various parts of the body by eliminating muscle blocks and nerve pinches;
  • working out all muscle groups (small, but effective, because when working in the gym, not all muscles are involved);
  • obtaining flexibility and firmness of the body;
  • acquiring an even posture and slimness;
  • rejuvenation of the whole body and body;
  • stimulating the work of many life support systems of the body (cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  • improvement of blood circulation, saturation of cells of the whole body with oxygen;
  • increased self-esteem and mood;
  • comfort, peace and contentment.

Stretching lessons for beginners video can be started on any day and at different times of the day, because this does not require special preparation. Stretch fitness can be used in between strength exercises or cardio, video lessons of which you are also looking for on the Internet. Within a month you will notice significant changes in your body and body. Next, you can try yoga or another area to develop your body and spirit.


Stretching or stretching, as it sounds correctly, does not matter for beginners, it has its contraindications:

  • bruises and ligament injuries, sprains, dislocations. Stretching, a set of exercises performed for stretching, especially in pictures or video tutorials, cannot be performed with damaged ligaments;
  • curvature of the spine, hernia and other problems;
  • rehabilitation after a fracture. Stretching for beginners to stretch at home, performed according to video, should not begin immediately after removing the cast. It is necessary to recover from a serious injury and only then resume or begin stretching. In any case, a consultation with your leading traumatologist is necessary so that useful stretching lessons for beginners do not harm you too much;
  • heart problems and poor vascular conductivity. The risk of thrombosis and varicose veins does not imply video tutorials on stretching. With such deviations in the functioning of the body, an objective assessment by a doctor is needed;
  • chronic stage of exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Stretching clothes

When doing stretching for beginners, during classes and video lessons you will see that clothes should fit the body, but allow you to move comfortably in them. All stretching exercises are aimed at twisting, holding in one position, bending, stretching, etc., so clothes should not constrain the body and allow free movement in any direction. It is better to choose classic or sports underwear so that nothing gets in the way during stretching.

Clothes for stretching should be made of natural fabric, as in the photo. It is possible to add elastane. A top or T-shirt is suitable for the top, leggings or trousers for the bottom, but not too baggy. It is more convenient to do stretching exercises for beginners at home barefoot, or, as in the video lessons, in Czech shoes or ballet shoes.

All jewelry will be unnecessary during stretching fitness classes, because it will interfere and create inconvenience when moving. It is also better to put your hair in a ponytail or bun.

Rules for beginners

There are no specific rules for stretch fitness, but you need to know what it is and how to perform the complex correctly. Before you begin stretching, use some of the following tips:

  • It’s better to watch stretching video lessons before class, so as not to be distracted from stretching later;
  • it is necessary to maintain a warm microclimate in the room where you will practice. This is not the case when coolness is needed; drafts are contraindicated here;
  • Stretching does not involve intense loads, but in this direction there is a certain line that should not be crossed. Do not exercise to the point of painful fatigue; training should bring joy and comfort;
  • Stretching exercises should begin only 2 hours after eating;
  • and even before stretching, a slight warm-up of the body is necessary. You need to stretch all the joints and muscles from top to bottom, and only then start stretching the body so that stretching does not harm your muscles and ligaments;
  • stretching in stretch fitness begins with inhalation, but the breath is not held while fixing in a specific position;
  • the whole complex is performed smoothly and measuredly without jerks or sudden movements;
  • You also need to finish the stretching session smoothly; it is better to lie on your back for a while, stretching out all your vertebrae evenly.

To be convinced of the effectiveness of stretching fitness, you need to try at least a two-week set of classes. This training is suitable for beginners; you can also use a video tutorial for beginners. Stretching has a beneficial effect on the body, muscles and internal state of a person, giving a good mood and a positive charge for the whole day. These exercises do not cause discomfort, stimulate the functioning of the body's internal systems and are accessible to everyone.

About the benefits physical exercise Everyone knows, but unfortunately only a few strive to keep in shape in this way. Each of us is very busy and preoccupied with work, raising children or something else, and after all this we no longer have the strength to go somewhere and take care of ourselves. Although all you need to do is learn stretching lessons to understand how easy it is to keep in shape without exerting yourself. special effort. It means the simplest stretching, but it comes in several levels, from the simplest - for those who have never done stretching exercises before - to the most complex. To understand how to properly perform stretching, you should approach it wisely, without haste.

Let's start with warming up

Any exercise should begin by warming up the muscles and ligaments. This way they become elastic, and stretching is easier for beginners to master. Some people start trying this direction at home, if the space allows, but most people come to us. A professional stretching school helps you easily master this direction and in short time a man begins to do the splits, doing beautiful complex figures and lose weight naturally. Stretching muscles and ligaments is a fascinating and complex procedure, and only at first glance it may seem that stretching lessons are simple.

Yes, at a young age, while the muscles are still elastic and easy to change, everything can be done differently, without pain. But the older you get, and the less you move, you gain excess weight– stretching classes will help restore youth and mobility of the whole body. The figure will begin to return to its previous shape and this is without strength training and fatigue. This stretching involves smooth movements. If you have seen yoga exercises, you will understand what we are talking about. After such slow actions, which stretching classes give, your mood improves, and self-confidence appears, if it was not there.

The benefits of stretching classes in Moscow

It’s amazing, but stretching lessons, despite their simplicity, give everything a person needs. Exercises relieve pain in muscles and joints, periodic soreness in women, and at the same time the body develops beautiful, seductive shapes. Many people ask how this can be, but the answer lies on the surface - those who do yoga all look young and feel healthy. So here, getting into a certain position, the body and its muscles fully work, smoothly tensing to a certain level. The trainer monitors this, adjusting the time and movements.

Yes, you can practice it at home, but without a specialist, how can you understand at what height to hold your leg or arm and how long it will take? Ballistic or partner stretching, the video can be watched on the Internet, it is better to perform it directly under the supervision of a master. Come to us for a trial lesson, invite your friends and girlfriends with you and master stretching in Moscow together.

Self-confidence and good stretching are one thing

Have you ever wondered why dancers and ballerinas are so graceful, their gait helps them soar, and their backs are kept straight like a string? Moreover, they do not experience discomfort and do not make any effort. Do you want to look the same? In the case of beginners, it is enough to know stretching exercises without diving into dancing if there is no desire to move in this direction. Our stretching studio helps everyone change their appearance by showing just a few actions, by performing which a person changes in a short time right before his eyes.

Sports should occupy at least some part of the life of each of us, and stretching lessons are an integral part of them. Everything starts with them, even strength training on the barbell, complex dance or acrobatic movements. Doing them yourself at home is not recommended. You can easily damage your muscles and get a painful injury. It takes a long time to heal, so stretching the legs, arms, neck and torso should take place under the supervision of a fitness instructor. He knows how to improve results in a short time with minimal pain.

The right stretching exercise will help you do the splits faster.

If you want to stand on a bridge or do any type of splits without effort and support, stretching for beginners is mandatory, and it must be correct. Knowing the necessary exercises, you can perform them with caution at home, trying not to exert much effort. You can put out more energy in the gym, and this will be monitored by a professional with a medical education. In case of pain, he will be able to quickly provide assistance and tone the muscles. This is why it is so important to do stretching exercises at a dance school or fitness center.

Many girls and some men want to learn how to do the transverse or longitudinal splits, because it is not only beautiful and fashionable, but also useful. Our stretching studio helps you get closer to the perfect split or bridge faster without injury. To look healthy, cheerful and happy, you don’t have to resort to expensive cosmetics, plastic surgery or anything else; stretching can give you everything important for a person. In Moscow, many celebrities play sports and go to fitness centers, so diets are not needed.

Don't be afraid of age, because you are beautiful

It is better to start training, of course, at a young age, while the muscles are still more elastic, but even if you are already forty or more, stretching will tone your whole body quite quickly. But in this case, the main thing is to maintain balance. The less a person had physical activity, the harder it will be to start. Our stretching studio and its fitness and dance teachers will help you easily master the necessary movements without creating stressful sensations for your muscles. After such instructions, stretching for beginners can be done even at home without fear for your health.

Great splits with health benefits

Any person wants to feel great at any age, but if you sit on your butt straight or lie on the sofa, the muscles will atrophy, and it will be difficult, let alone running, even walking for a long time. And it is absolutely not necessary to train every day from morning to evening to be in excellent condition. physical fitness. It is enough to master only one position and do the splits with ease - this will be enough to feel great and vigorous for a long time.

Is it possible to learn the splits from scratch at home? Yes, you can, but without an experienced coach it is quite possible to get injured, or progress towards your cherished goal will take longer. And everything is obvious - the environment around will not correspond to the activities, and laziness will also come into play. Our split school has in its arsenal everything you need to get to know your body: exercise equipment, mats and mats, mirrored walls to make it more convenient to monitor your own movements and the actions of the trainer.

How to do the splits in a short time?

Nothing is impossible if you want it. Come visit us and see for yourself. A professional teacher will tell you how important the split stretch is, how to do it and how many times. Each person is individual and everyone masters the cross splits in different time. By the way, not everyone can do it, due to the difference in the physiological structure of the body. There are people who, even if they train, will never be able to make it perfect, straight line. The most simplified figure - longitudinal split - is when one leg is in front and the other is behind. Absolutely anyone can do it with proper training.

Everyone should know that before doing the splits or starting any training, you should warm up the muscles of the whole body so as not to damage them. It’s like in a massage – initially the massage therapist warms up the muscles and only then begins to use forceful manipulations. It is not painful for the patient, but pleasant from his hands. But not all splits exercises are effective. This is difficult to understand at home, even if you re-read many articles on the Internet about how to quickly do the splits without visiting gym. A trainer with a higher medical education knows human physiology, its structure, and he will be able to explain what is effective and what can be done simply to maintain good physical shape.

Under the strict guidance of a professional, splits lessons quickly achieve their cherished goal. You can sit beautifully in this position in a month or two and surprise your friends and girlfriends, and most importantly, this ability can be maintained for a long time. long years like the ability to ride a bicycle. The professional twine school has already helped many girls and young people achieve the desired stretch. Join us, and you will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things and perform splits exercises with us and at home, getting closer to your goal faster.

Stretching in Moscow is very popular, it is included in all training programs for dancing, fitness, weight loss, and so on, the benefits of the classes are visible almost immediately: the general physical and psycho-emotional state improves. Flexibility appears throughout the body, posture is corrected and pain caused by stress and overwork in muscles and joints is reduced.

As a rule, stretching exercises should be done in combination with other types of exercise. For beginners stretching in Moscow It is better to do it in a group with a professional trainer. Since this guarantees the correct and safe execution of all stretching exercises and increasing flexibility.


Rules that should be followed when training both with a trainer and at home:

  • Do not start exercise without preliminary aerobic exercise. All muscles must be warmed up and ready for stress.
  • Stretching should not be painful; you should always feel your limit.
  • When performing exercises, you cannot spring, you need to withstand a static load.
  • The position when performing exercises should be stable, without hesitation or swaying.
  • Maintain proper breathing, which will improve your well-being during training and prevent you from getting tired quickly.

You should take into account your physical condition and stop training if you have various ailments, exacerbations of injuries and pathologies of the joints and spine. If you have serious cardiovascular diseases or other health problems, then it is advisable to abandon all types of training.

Stretching for beginners

Stretching for beginners is a set of stretching exercises that improves blood flow, develops flexibility and flexibility. The main goal of the classes is not to be able to do the splits, but to work out the joints and deep muscles. This type of training is suitable for everyone, regardless of age. Alternating static loads, stretching and relaxation exercises ensures the safety of tendons and muscles during training.

An important advantage is that all exercises and positions are as close as possible to natural movements for humans. A series of stretches invigorates and relieves tension in the muscles. Stretching for beginners has no restrictions, you can start classes at any time, during training the muscles are saturated with oxygen, tone and plasticity are improved. The best effect from exercise will be if you do the exercises after aerobic exercise: running, walking or swimming. Thus, not only muscle tension will be relieved, but also your well-being and mood will improve.

Stretching school

Stretching schoolbest option learning how to perform exercises correctly, professional trainers will select the type of training that is most suitable for your level of physical fitness and age.

  1. Static and slow stretching is most suitable for beginners. Slow movements alternate with certain static poses, which are fixed for a few seconds depending on the preparation and the required load. During the pose, the muscles tense, and slow movements allow them to relax and rest a little. This is a classic type of training.
  2. Paired stretching – strengthening stretches with the help of a training partner.
  3. Dynamic and ballistic stretching are more suitable for trained people. The effect is enhanced by soft springing movements.

The stretching school and professional trainers will help you master this system of exercises to maintain flexibility and plasticity. They will pick you up comprehensive program workouts that include aerobic exercise and stretching exercises.

Hi all. Today in the article we will talk about what stretching is, what benefits it brings to the body, and you will also learn some cool exercises.

To keep your body healthy, your head fresh, and your well-being good, you need sports (read my article). Sooner or later, most people who are concerned about the quality of life come to this thought. However, it is often difficult for beginners to figure out where to start moving towards health. You need something easy, suitable for all ages and all skill levels. And those who have already chosen the type of exercise for themselves should remember that the muscles and joints must be elastic in order to accept the training load.

Now everyone already knows what stretching is. This is what they call exercises aimed at stretching joints and muscles, increasing flexibility, as well as relaxing and relieving tension after a grueling workout. In simple words This is a stretch. If you are interested in stretching, I also recommend reading.

Stretching is mainly presented in two types of exercise sets. A small set of different stretching movements is necessary as a warm-up before strength or cardio training, and is highly desirable as a warm-up after.

A separate lesson can last about an hour and is aimed at improving posture, strengthening the muscle corset, developing general flexibility and the ability to maintain balance.

The effectiveness and benefits of stretching

For a body that has experienced and felt stretching, the benefits will be undoubted and obvious. A person engaged in stretching breathes deeply and fully, his thoughts are calm and focused on the correct position, blood flows to the muscles...

It is no wonder that after these exercises you feel such peace. It has something of yoga, but without the ideological component that scares off many. Thus, the combination of calm movements and almost meditative statics is successfully perceived by those who are far from Indian philosophy.

Women especially like such activities, and for good reason. For example, an exercise when top part The body is slowly raised on the arms from a position lying on the stomach, which can relieve menstrual pain. And, in the end, what woman doesn’t dream of doing the splits? And this is quite feasible after a couple of months of intense stretching. Do you dream of doing the splits?

The flexibility acquired during the stretching process will be very useful for dance classes, which help many girls keep in shape.

For men, stretching is mandatory after strength training. It will help stretch your muscles, which will improve their flexibility and reduce the likelihood of injury.

For those who constantly practice stretching, the exercises become more difficult over time. Beginners, for sustainable motivation and self-confidence, should start with simple movements. And yet, although it is considered safe and suitable for almost everyone, there are certain rules and recommendations. They were compiled for good reason - if you do some exercises incorrectly, there is a risk of not only getting a sprain, but even tearing the ligaments. Therefore, when working out in the gym you need to listen to the trainer, and at home you need to control your movements independently.

The body will tell you when the stretching is too much, the main thing is to listen to it carefully. It helps a lot when exercising to focus on the part of the body that is being stretched. this moment. If you imagine how the muscles stretch, how blood flows to them, how they warm up, how the joints tense, it will be much more difficult to harm yourself. It is conscious stretching that is the key to successful exercise.

Proper breathing is an equally important component. Each exercise should begin with an inhalation, except for bending - they should be performed while exhaling.

Do not hold your breath, let it be slow and as deep as possible. This is facilitated by smooth and leisurely movements.

Some types of stretching involve sudden jerks, but this is the prerogative of experienced athletes who know how to avoid injury. With regular stretching, the exercises are performed calmly and measuredly. This is where the important emotional benefits come into play. After all, this nature of the activity calms in itself, clarifies thoughts, gives peace, and all problems, albeit for a short time, fade into the background.

In these times of total tension and haste, the ability to relax the body and mind is worth a lot! And to achieve such relaxation during stretching classes, you need to do the exercises correctly. In general, 10-30 seconds are allotted for one.

Having taken the desired position, you need to wait until the tension in the muscles disappears. Do not stretch too hard - pain should be avoided. The pleasant sensations from stretching indicate that everything was done correctly.

As with any activity, one of the most important recommendations– regularity. The load when stretching is not very large, therefore, no matter how you increase the intensity, in order to maintain shape, you need to do it constantly. For example, exercise every morning.

Variety of species

Having figured out what stretching is and coming to the conclusion about the benefits of such activities, a novice sports fan is often faced with the problem of choice. Of course, there are several types of stretching for different purposes and levels of training.

For example, it involves the participation of a partner or trainer, who makes an effort to keep the muscles tense. With active stretching, a certain pose is held by the strength of your own muscles. Active isolated stretching involves working certain muscles separately from others. For more effective insulation, special equipment in the form of an elastic band is often used, but a regular rope or belt will do.

The most common is static - exercises in this variety take from 30 seconds to several minutes. Muscles tense and stretch under the weight of the body. The main thing is to stay in a certain position for a given time. Over time, this will begin to work out. Dynamic stretching involves slow, controlled movements of the limbs, designed to stretch the muscles to the maximum.

Another type of stretching is used only by experienced athletes and dancers, because for a beginner it can be dangerous with injuries. Here, uncontrolled, sudden movements are used - swings and bends at maximum amplitude.

It involves alternating muscle tension almost to the limit and relaxation. This alternation is also used for proprioceptive neuromuscular stretching, but it requires the participation of a specialist who controls proper contraction and relaxation. This exercise option allows you to achieve greater stretching, but is not recommended for heart patients and hypertensive patients.

A selection of stretching exercises

Experienced trainers recommend some very effective poses and movements that are easy to do on your own without fear of injury.

- First, you need to stretch your arms upward 2-3 times, standing on your toes. Then, in a smooth bend with straight legs, try to reach the floor. Hold the tilt for 10-15 seconds.

— The next exercise is to stretch your left hand down your left leg until there is tension in your left side. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, repeat in the other direction.

- Exercises on the back - you need to alternately pull your knees to your chest, and then raise your straight legs to the maximum height.

— An excellent option for stretching is a bridge, but it may not work right away and require outside help.

Of course, there are a great many options for stretching exercises, and it is better to select a complex under the guidance of a trainer. However self-study information and its reasonable and careful application will make it possible to achieve the effectiveness of this the most useful kind gymnastics

I advise you to read this interesting video, where more than one stretching exercise is shown, and take some of them into your program:

I hope I was able to introduce you to the concept of what stretching is and what benefits exercise brings to the body. See you again on the blog.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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