Nutrition during training. Proper nutrition during training. Proper nutrition before and after training

With the help of strength exercises you can achieve quick results. They help not only gain muscle mass, but also lose weight. Most women think that strength training leads to weight gain. muscle mass and make the figure unattractive. However, this is not so; if you choose the right exercises, strength loads will help you lose faster. overweight and pump up your body. Therefore, strength exercises can be performed by men and women. However, before classes you need to consult a trainer. Also You need to combine strength training with proper nutrition. After all, during exercise, a lot of energy is lost and tissues are damaged, so you need to consume balanced foods to replenish nutrients. To avoid increasing fat tissue, it is advisable to avoid foods with high content fat

Proper nutrition during strength training

You need to give preference to foods that are rich in nutrients and contain minimum quantity fat Thus, you can freely control your body weight. To build muscle tissue, you need to consume mostly protein foods. of animal origin. You can read more about this by following this link.

Proper nutrition shares:

  1. Nutrition before strength training.
  2. Nutrition during strength training.
  3. Nutrition after strength training.

Proper nutrition before strength training. The diet should be tailored depending on the goal. You can find out everything about diet during training. To lose weight, you need to give preference to low-calorie foods. However, they must provide the body with all nutrients. You should also avoid foods that are high in fat. It is necessary to organize food in such a way that you use your own supplies. Therefore, people who want to lose weight through strength training should consume foods that are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can eat two hours before class.

People who have the goal of gaining muscle mass should include high-calorie foods in their diet before strength training. Protein products, predominantly of animal origin, should predominate in the diet. You can read more about this in this article. To provide the body with energy for training, you need to consume carbohydrate foods. However, complex carbohydrates should be preferred. After all, they are slowly absorbed and release a lot of energy. Among carbohydrate foods you should give preference to:

  • porridge (rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat);
  • bran bread;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • durum wheat pasta.

People who want to gain muscle mass should eat an hour before strength training. Immediately before classes, you can take medications that are rich in protein.

Sports nutrition before strength training

After strength training for weight loss, you can eat after 1-2 hours. However, you can not consume all foods, only those that contain a minimum amount of calories. That's why preference should be given to:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetable dishes;
  • fruits and berries.

Servings of dishes should be small and free of fat. Therefore, they need to be steamed, boiled or baked. This way you can reduce the calorie content of your meals and retain more nutrients.

To gain muscle, you need to eat immediately after training. You need to consume mainly protein foods and some foods rich in carbohydrates. It is advisable to give preference to:

  • low-fat meat and fish dishes;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • fruits, vegetables.

Video about nutrition after strength training

Rules for proper nutrition during strength training

During strength exercises to achieve desired result, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. You should give preference to six meals a day.
  2. There is no need to suddenly change your usual menu. It is advisable to gradually switch to proper nutrition, including new healthy foods in your diet.
  3. Food portions should be the size of your fist. Thus, the body will receive useful substances. However, to gain muscle, you can increase portions depending on energy consumption.
  4. You need to eat slowly, chewing the dish thoroughly. Poorly chewed food leads to stomach upset and slower metabolism.
  5. It is advisable to consume boiled dishes, as well as baked and steamed ones.
  6. You should not include unhealthy fats in your diet. Possible in limited quantities consume only foods that contain healthy fats (nuts, vegetable oils) but only in the first half of the day. I advise you to read the article “bodybuilder nutrition”.
  7. The daily diet must include carbohydrate and protein foods. Carbohydrates replenish energy, and proteins serve as building materials.
  8. The menu should include foods that contain minerals and vitamins. Without them, it is impossible to maintain the body in normal condition.
  9. No need to eat before training. After all, this can lead to the inability to perform exercises.
  10. You need to drink enough liquid. Lack of water leads to dizziness, headaches and general exhaustion of the body.
  11. To gain muscle mass, you need to additionally take protein shakes and supplements containing calcium.
  12. You need to eat 2-4 hours before bedtime.

Watch a very interesting video about nutrition during strength training for weight loss

In the field sports nutrition there is a term nutrient timing- this is a special nutritional scheme in which it is important which nutrients, in what quantity and at what time they entered the body. But specialists from the organization of professional trainers and nutritionists Precision nutrition came to the conclusion that to an ordinary person who exercises regularly does not need any supplements or special regimen.

Athletes have special needs

Nutrient timing makes sense if:

  • You are training for endurance. Participate in competitions high level, run many kilometers at a high intensity every week. Then during training you can drink drinks with added proteins and carbohydrates (P + C).
  • You are a bodybuilder. You lift heavy weights and work to increase muscle mass, you want to gain weight. Sports drinks will also help.
  • You are preparing for a fitness competition. You train for hours on end. You want your body fat percentage to be able to be written down in one number. To achieve this goal, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) help stimulate and maintain muscle fibers.

Diet not for athletes

  • you exercise to improve your overall health and fitness;
  • you do not have far-reaching goals;
  • you have no special physiological needs;

...then you don't need a special nutrition strategy. It cannot be said that the regime is good or bad. It's just a tool that you need to know how to use.

No mode needed office workers who have never exercised and have brought themselves to a pre-diabetic state, but are needed by professionals.

In fact, only athletes can benefit from a strict nutrient schedule. The regime is not a magic wand; it will not have an immediate effect on your well-being and appearance. Especially if you only stick to it occasionally.

First, let's figure out what happens in the body before, during and after training, and then we'll find out what you need to eat to get the maximum in each case.

Before training

Three hours before exercise, you should eat something that will help:

  • stock up on energy;
  • increase activity;
  • protect against dehydration;
  • maintain muscle mass;
  • recover quickly.

Squirrels When eaten pre-workout, they help maintain or increase muscle size, prevent too much muscle damage, and flood the bloodstream with amino acids at a time when the body needs them most. It is important for everyone who improves their health along with their body proportions.

While you haven’t rushed to do it yet: protein before training is important, but the speed of its digestion does not affect the result so much. So any protein product eaten a few hours before training will lead to the same effect.

Carbohydrates provide fuel for long, multi-hour workouts and accelerate recovery after intense exercise, stimulating insulin production. They also store glycogen in the muscles and liver, thanks to which the brain receives signals of satiety, so that the body can calmly spend energy on muscle growth.

Influence fat the quality of the upcoming training has not been confirmed. But they slow down the digestion process, which helps maintain constant blood glucose levels and a stable state, and are involved in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, which play an important role in any diet.

Pre-workout nutrition: practice

Have lunch (or breakfast) a couple of hours before your workout. Or take a smaller portion almost before class (and if you want to gain weight, then eat twice).

2–3 hours before training

Eat a set lunch and drink something low-calorie (preferably plain water).

For men, lunch should consist of the following products:

For women, the composition is slightly different:

One hour before training

Some people prefer to eat something light immediately before training. One problem: the less time left before the start, the faster you need to digest the food. Therefore, it is better to use something liquid like.

Example recipe:

  • 1 spoon of protein powder;
  • 1 cup vegetables (spinach is great in smoothies);
  • 1 cup of carbohydrate-containing foods (such as bananas);
  • 1 teaspoon of fatty foods (nuts or flax seeds);
  • water or unsweetened almond milk.

Or a more delicious option:

  • 1 spoon of chocolate protein powder;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter;
  • chocolate almond milk (no sugar).

This may not be worth mentioning, but before exercising you should only consume foods that do not irritate your stomach. Otherwise... Well, you know what could be different.

Nutrient Requirements During Training

List of nutrition goals during training: prevent fluid loss, provide immediate fuel, increase activity, maintain muscle and recover quickly.

Admission proteins protects against damage to muscle tissue, promotes rapid regeneration and increases the effectiveness of training in the long term. This is especially important if more than three hours have passed since your last meal. To maintain muscles, you need a little, 15 grams per hour. But this advice is only relevant for athletes who train hard, who train daily and follow a varied program, or for athletes who are trying to gain mass.

Carbohydrates, eaten during training, is a source of energy that will be used here and now. The result is activity and a high recovery rate. Plus, carbohydrates reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol) and increase it. But! Again, only from the pros. How many carbohydrates do you need? It depends why. The maximum that the body can process during exercise is 60–70 grams. But if you mix carbohydrates with proteins, then 30–45 grams of the former will be enough for you.

Fats before and after training is good. But in the process they must be discarded due to difficulties in digestion. Fats combined with exercise put too much stress on the stomach.

Nutrition during training: practice

If you work on yourself for less than two hours, then all your attention should be paid to the flow of water, especially if you have properly organized your nutrition before and after training. for classes less than two hours are not needed.


  • you exercise in the heat and sweat a lot;
  • in less than eight hours another workout awaits you;
  • you are working on gaining weight;
  • you drink a few sips at the very end of your workout to keep your energy up.

If you spend more than two hours exercising in the heat, don't rely on water alone. Otherwise, you risk critically reducing sodium levels, which will cause heart failure.

Post-workout nutritional needs

List of goals:

  • recovery;
  • replenishment of fluid reserves;
  • refueling;
  • muscle formation;
  • improved endurance in the future.

Use squirrel after training leads to growth or at least maintenance of the amount of muscle tissue. There are still proteins in your blood from the food you ate before training, so the speed at which the new portion arrives is not too important. This leads us to conclude that the fast-digesting proteins from protein powders are no better than normal food. But it’s no worse. What you like - choose for yourself. For speed and convenience, make a protein shake, or if you want a “real” meal, make a high protein lunch. For men, the norm is 46–60 grams, for women – 20–30 grams.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary to consume refined carbohydrates and to ensure insulin release and muscle recovery after exercise as quickly as possible. In fact, a mixture of minimally processed carbohydrate foods (whole grains, for example) and fruit will work better because it is better tolerated, helps maintain glycogen levels for about 24 hours, and leaves you feeling more energetic the next day. Athletes who perform two difficult sessions within eight hours are, of course, the exception. For everyone else, a normal lunch and fruit are preferable.

Fats It is strictly forbidden to consume them after training: they slow down the absorption of nutrients. This is a truth that in most cases no one needs. Because the rate of nutrient intake is not important, as we have already found out.

Post-workout nutrition: practice

No need to skip to the refrigerator as soon as you leave the gym. But you shouldn’t forget about food either: you need to have time within two hours after completing the exercises.

What you eat before training will affect what you eat after it. If you just had a snack before training or several hours passed between lunch and exercise, then it makes sense to hurry up with your reinforcement and have time to eat within an hour. If you trained on an empty stomach (for example, did exercises before breakfast), then you need to chew something as quickly as possible.

But if you've been following the nutrition tips in this article, you may want to wait an hour or two after your workout to get the most out of your body's nutritional benefits.

Immediately after training

The approach is the same as for pre-workout nutrition: balanced food.

Sample diet for men:

  • 2 cups of protein products;
  • 2 cups vegetables;
  • 2 cups carbohydrates;
  • a teaspoon of fat;
  • non-calorie drink (water).

The approximate diet for women is exactly the same, just smaller in volume.

Sometimes after training you don't feel hungry. In this case, we return to the smoothie.


There are no uniform recipes for nutrition before, after and during training. This is obvious and has been said many times.

Nutrition always depends on individual conditions. A runner who weighs 70 kg cannot eat the same as a bodybuilder whose weight has crossed a hundred. They have different needs and different types training. The duration of classes also dictates the conditions and needs of the recovery period. The same bodybuilder will change his diet when he begins to prepare for a competition.

For you and me, people for whom participation in sports competition, high-quality varied food will be enough, in which all nutrients, vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements, and antioxidants will be proportionally present. Such food will fill you with energy, provide material for building muscles, relieve irritation and dramatically speed up recovery. You can eat your usual food or drink a smoothie. You can eat more or less depending on your feelings and preferences.

As for time, we have two hours before training and the same amount after. And the total amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are consumed throughout the day has a much greater impact on our body, weight, fat percentage and endurance than a clock-based regimen.

Eat and exercise with pleasure.

Every spring, new athletes appear in gyms. Many make fun of them, call them “snowdrops” and look at their efforts with distrust. Of course, such an attitude cannot increase self-esteem and desire for one’s goal. But this is not at all what makes newcomers abandon their attempts at the beginning of summer and go home. Some of them never visit gyms again, others, those who are more persistent, return there with the onset of a new spring. But why is everything so natural? If a person came to the gym and exposed his imperfect body and unsportsmanlike performance in front of all honest people, it means that he has overcome himself and his complexes. But why did he leave? Because I was disappointed. Yes, many people starting their journey to a beautiful body know nothing about the basics. effective training. They do not yet know that the most important condition for success is nutrition.

Main types of training

Let's say that you come to the gym with an already existing knowledge about proper nutrition in general. This means that you are aware of the benefits of protein, the quality of carbohydrates and fats that should be present in the diet of any athlete. However, there are some subtleties associated with the functioning of the body during various types training. That is, our body works differently if you perform exercises from the arsenal of a bodybuilder or a sprinter.

There are a great many types and subtypes of sports and training programs, but they are all divided into 2 main ones. These are aerobic and anaerobic workouts. I'll tell you about each in more detail.

Aerobic training implies large number repetitions with light weights or your own body weight. With these types of loads it is very important to speed up the frequency heart rate and the amount of oxygen consumed. Due to this, fatty acids are oxidized in the body. That is, such training is aimed primarily at burning fat and developing endurance, training the cardiovascular system. Despite the fact that the main source of energy during aerobic exercise is fat reserves, carbohydrates are no less important. After the start of training, glucose, which is formed in the body from incoming carbohydrates, is a source of energy. Lack of glucose leads to fatigue, muscle cramps, fainting, and generally reduces the quality of training and athletic performance.

Anaerobic It is generally accepted that training is aimed at muscle growth - few repetitions with heavy weights. These types of training include all types of weightlifting: bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc. Also some types of training that combine strength and aerobic exercise, for example. Nutrition under such loads requires a large amount of protein in the diet and carbohydrates. The amount of fat in the diet is significantly reduced.

It doesn't matter what sport you play, what matters is how you eat and whether you have the right balance of nutrients in your diet for your type of exercise.

The role of nutrition in the training process

Many beginners train hard in the gym, devote themselves completely to training, and leave the sports complex half-dead. And this continues month after month. But the result does not come or comes too slowly. Even if you do everything correctly in the gym, give 100%, then know that you are only doing 30% of what your result depends on. Where more? No more is needed. It is necessary to control the process not only during training, but also after it.

Let it be known to you that 50% of the result of your efforts depends on the quality of your nutrition. And only 30% of the quality of the training. That's right. You train 5-6 hours a week, and eat 5-6 times a day. Therefore, it is important that your diet is balanced and complete. We must make our body work correctly. To make our muscles grow, our fat burns, our blood vessels become stronger, our hearts are strong. It's strange, but to achieve this, it is important to eat right.

If you have an old car in your garage and you start using it intensively, then, firstly, you are unlikely to succeed, and secondly, it will break down even earlier. In order for the car to work, you need to constantly take care of it: change the oil, tires, fill in high-quality fuel, etc. It’s the same with our body. There is no point in subjecting yourself to daily torture without changing the entire system of your nutrition and the functioning of the body as a whole.

In addition, the need for certain nutrients for different types of training is also different. It depends on the needs of the body. We all know the universal formula for the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a healthy diet. Different sources indicate different ratios, it is individual for everyone, but on average daily diet proteins/fats/carbohydrates must be present in percentage 20-30%/10-15%/50-60% respectively.

Nutrition during aerobic training

In order to understand what nutrition is suitable for athletes training in aerobic programs, it is necessary to understand how the body behaves during such training and what biochemical processes occur in it.

During aerobic physical activity, a person performs a large number of movements for a long time. During such work, the body uses glycogen, free fatty acids and ketone bodies. In the first 20-30 minutes of vigorous exercise, the body uses glucose and glycogen, and only after that fatty acids are used and formed.

Aerobic training is, first of all, an endurance competition with yourself. In order for such training to be effective, it must be long, at least 40 minutes. In order for the body to maintain performance throughout the entire training period, it is necessary to increase the level of carbohydrates and fats in the diet. However, fats must be, that is, free of cholesterol. Vitamin and mineral complexes are no less important: vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B12. The protein/fat/carbohydrate ratio during aerobic training should be about 15%/15%/60%. 40% should be complex and only 20% simple. Simple carbohydrates are best taken in the morning or 1 hour before training.

Anaerobic training and nutrition

Anaerobic means without oxygen, that is, when performing such types of exercise you spend less oxygen than during aerobic exercise. This can be explained using the example of two runners: a sprinter and a marathon runner. If you look at them, you will understand everything without me - one of them builds muscle and trains strength, and the other loses mass and trains endurance.

Now about the amount of oxygen. When running 100 meters in 10 seconds, the sprinter practically does not breathe, or his breathing is frequent and intermittent. The marathon runner is aimed at a different result - he must run as far as possible. If he holds his breath or breathes quickly, he will not run even 500 meters. He must adjust his breathing so that the supply of oxygen is constant and dosed. By oxidizing fatty acids with oxygen, a marathon runner provides himself with energy.

How does a weightlifter’s body work during training? The main source of energy during anaerobic exercise, that is, short-term exercise with heavy weight, is glycogen, that is, glucose. Yes, but glycogen is a substance found in muscle tissue, which means that during training we use our own muscles. To prevent this from happening, athletes who work to increase muscle mass need to receive additional carbohydrates and proteins in large quantities. – the main building material for muscles. Without it, muscle growth is almost impossible. In general, anaerobic exercise burns fewer calories than aerobic exercise. However, the process of burning calories is delayed for another 48 hours after training - the body works to restore damaged muscle fibers.

The ratio of proteins/fat/carbohydrates in the diet of a weightlifter should be 30%/10%/50%.

How to reduce body weight

1. Food should be varied. Very often, those who go on a diet quickly break down and attack unhealthy foods with even greater greed than before. And all because, strictly following a diet, they adhere to strict rules and eat the same foods. Purely psychologically, it is difficult to withstand more than 1-2 weeks. In addition, the same products will not be able to provide your body with all the beneficial substances it needs. Therefore, avoid a monotonous diet.

2. Monitor your caloric intake. It is very important to create a calorie deficit to start losing weight. Without this it is impossible to lose weight - this is a fact. Of course, you can resort to the help of a plastic surgeon, but you will not change the way your body works.

3. Completely eliminate or reduce simple carbohydrates from your diet. They are the ones who make us gain weight and trigger the accumulation of fat reserves. The level of insulin in the blood provokes a brutal appetite.

4. Eat slowly. Very often, people who eat quickly do not immediately notice that they are full. The stomach does not have time to send a signal to the brain that it is full. Thus, the person overeats. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, your stomach will thank you. By the way, hot food is very harmful to the stomach, so let it cool a little.

5. Eat regularly, don't skip meals. Eat every 2-3 hours, in small portions. This will control your appetite and prevent overeating.

6. Cut yourself some slack. Strict diet always leads to failure. To prevent this from happening, allow yourself to eat your favorite treat or dish once a week. The calorie jump will help the body get rid of addiction. This means that it will remain at a high level.

7. Drink more water. The water balance in the body is difficult to overestimate. We are 80% water. Drinking water 30 minutes before meals will help you eat less and not feel hungry between breaks.

How to gain weight

1. The foods in your diet should consist mainly of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Avoid sugary and fatty foods that will not benefit you.

2. Increase your caloric intake by 10% per week. To gain muscle mass, you need to train hard and also eat hard.

3. Take special nutritional supplements, which will provide your body with the necessary elements. To gain muscle mass, an athlete needs to consume 2-3 grams. protein per 1 kg. weight per day. This is a large amount of protein and it will be very difficult to take it with food. Therefore, it is necessary to take additional protein and other things.

4. Take carbohydrates necessary before and after training to provide the body with the necessary substances and preserve muscles.

5. Rest is very important for all athletes., and especially for those who are working on gaining weight. During sleep and rest, the body's most intense work on building muscle mass occurs. The main motto of all bodybuilders is “Eat a lot, train a lot, rest a lot.”

6. Eat often 6-7 times a day. It is necessary to receive energy constantly so that the body does not use muscle tissue for this.

7. Eat only wholesome, fresh foods. Eliminate all processed foods and canned goods. The food you take should be energy-rich. The basis of your diet should be foods with high nutritional value, mainly due to protein and complex carbohydrates. Foods such as fruits and vegetables should make up no more than 15% of your diet. They require too much energy to digest and have virtually no nutritional value.


It doesn't matter what sport you play. The main thing is to understand what type physical activity you use and what goal you are pursuing. Based on this, you need to create your own regime and diet. Nutrition is everything! Remember - we are what we eat. And sport is already secondary.

Secondary, but important. If you doubt this, watch this terrifying video. This shocking story should motivate you to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Proper nutrition during exercise sheepskin in gym plays a very important role. Since your future progress depends on nutrition. Yes, yes... proper nutrition is 70% of success in gaining muscle mass or losing weight.

What should be the proper nutrition when training in the gym?

What would the body havethe opportunity to receive various substances he needs; nutrition must be correct and balanced! To do this, you need to follow some (most important) rules:

  • fractional meals (eat 4 – 7 times a day in small portions)
  • varied diet (you need to eat different foods so that the body can get the maximum nutrients)
  • refuse food waste (ketchup, mayonnaise, sugar, etc.)
  • eat only healthy fats for the most part (sources of healthy fats: flaxseed oil, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts)
  • It is recommended to eat carbohydrates before 18:00 (after 18:00 you can eat proteins and vegetables)
  • Every day you need to drink 2 to 5 liters of clean water

These are the most basic rules that you must follow if you want to look good. Well, now let's take a closer look at proper nutrition when training in the gym.

First meal (breakfast) :

Breakfast is considered the main meal of the day because the body was fasting (while you were sleeping) and now more than ever it needs nutrients. should consist of 70% carbohydrates and 30% protein. Moreover, carbohydrates should be both fast and slow. And squirrels are only fast.


  • large plate oatmeal with honey
  • 1 large banana or orange
  • 2 chicken eggs(yolk + white)
  • 2 – 3 chicken eggs (whites only)

As you can see, the volume of food is large (although for a professional athlete this large amount of food will seem ridiculous). For this reason, breakfast is called the main meal. Let's move on!

Second meal (snack):

During breakfast, the body received a large portion of carbohydrates to restore its lost energy, now it needs proteins for other physiological needs. The second meal should consist of 70% protein and 30% carbohydrates.


  • big piece of meat (beef, veal, turkey, etc.)
  • baked potatoes (2 – 5 pcs.)
  • vegetables

Third meal (dinner) :

From this moment on, the body needs both proteins and carbohydrates in equal proportions. That is, lunch should consist of 50% carbohydrates and 50% proteins. Also, we will assume that 2 - 3 hours after lunch, you go to training.


  • a bowl of porridge or pasta (required from durum wheat varieties)
  • 1 – 2 chicken eggs (yolk + white)
  • 4 – 7 chicken eggs (without yolk)
  • vegetables

Fourth meal "Protein - Carbohydrate window" (immediately after training):

In fact, there are 2 opinions regarding the correctness of this rule: positive and negative. A positive opinion says that it is necessary to take proteins and carbohydrates after training, since cortisol levels are elevated (this can harm your muscles) and the body is in great need of nutrients.

Another opinion (negative) says that there is no need to close the anabolic window, since this immediately lowers GH and burdens the gastrointestinal tract. With all this, if you eat not immediately, but after 40 minutes, then your muscles will remain absolutely unharmed (even in terms of muscle growth, this will be better, since the GH will remain at its peak), and the stomach will work better.

To be honest, I don’t know which option to advise you. Most likely, this needs to be selected individually (trial and error). Personally, I took the mixture after training and did not take (experimented). I’ll tell you that in the first and second cases, the growth of muscle mass did not change (increased level cortisol did not destroy muscles, but the peak state of GH did not give a big boost to gain). The only thing I felt was an improvement in my stomach function. (if you do not take the mixture immediately after training).

If you decide to close, then After training, go to the locker room, have a snack, get dressed and calmly go home. Example of products:

For example:

  • 1 – 2 bananas
  • 2 – 4 chicken eggs (without yolks)

Or you can make this cocktail:

  • 200ml milk (skimmed)
  • 1 banana
  • 2 chicken eggs (without yolks)

Fifth meal (dinner) :

While you were walking home after training, you probably already got hungry. The fifth meal should include: complex carbohydrates (50%) and fast proteins (50%).


  • big piece of meat (chicken, veal, turkey, etc.)
  • a bowl of porridge (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, etc.)
  • vegetables

Sixth meal (snack):

Most likely, you will have this meal after 18:00 – 19:00. IN this technique I recommend focusing your meals on proteins and vegetables. Since carbohydrates are sources of energy that the body needs in the first half of the day. (when he is most active). But this is not a 100% rule, but just a recommendation. If you stick to your caloric intake, carbs before bed won't do any harm.


  • fish (herring, tuna, pollock, pike, etc.)
  • vegetables

Seventh meal (before bed) :

There should be no carbohydrates in this meal, only proteins. Moreover, the proteins should be slow (those that are absorbed within 4 – 8 hours). During sleep, the body recovers and grows (and for better recovery, emus need building materials, that is, proteins).


  • cottage cheese (200g)

That's it! Now you know what it should be proper nutrition when working out in the gym. Good luck with your training!


Strength machines, barbells and dumbbells often frighten most of the fair sex: many women think that strength training will “take away” their femininity. Suddenly the shoulders become wide, the biceps become huge, and the tender neck becomes “bull”, and what should you do then?

Fortunately, these are all myths. Strength training for women, if done correctly and regularly, will help make your waist thin, your hips and butt elastic, your chest high, and your arms and legs strong and beautiful. Isn't this what every woman dreams of?

However, if you decide to get serious about strength training for health, strength and beauty, you need to think about your diet just as seriously. The training is aimed at building and strengthening muscles - the body needs material for construction and energy: without this, exercise will bring little benefit, but can undermine health. Many women have a great figure - like in that commercial - hidden under thick layers of fat - right balanced diet at strength training will help you free and strengthen your beautiful body.

You cannot cut your diet and go on a diet in parallel with strength training: the body will first begin to waste muscle protein, stretch marks will appear, the skin will suffer, but the fat will not go away. Why? Because low calorie diet slows down metabolism: the body will decide that there is no need to consume fat, and, under the influence of stress from strength training, will store it for future use.

Therefore, meals on days of strength training should be high in calories, but you need to eat in small portions so as not to overload internal organs and not degrade the quality of training.

Photo: nutrition during strength training

Nutrition for Strength Training: Foods and Muscle Mass

To form healthy and beautiful muscles, the body needs protein and carbohydrates, but not animal fat: butter and fatty acids. meat dishes It is better to remove salt and hot seasonings from the menu completely. True, meat is an excellent source of protein, and you shouldn’t give it up completely, but what should vegetarians do?

Don’t believe those who say that strength training is not for vegetarians: meat on the menu can be successfully replaced with legumes, nuts, cottage cheese and eggs, brown rice; It is worth paying attention to the product quinoa - a healthy cereal, rich in vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals. You can buy it in large supermarkets, in the cereal and health food departments. Vegans (strict vegetarians) must learn to combine plant proteins so that they are enough to replenish protein: for example, if you eat lentil soup and a piece of whole grain bread, the body will receive the set of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of complete protein. Other options: beans with brown rice, or corn grits (bread) with baked beans. Additionally, you need to eat soy products: soy protein contains all the essential amino acids - you can easily do without “animal” products.

Nutrition before strength training for women

The menu should include foods that allow the body to produce a sufficient amount of energy during training, but the composition of the diet also depends on the time of meal. If there are 2-3 hours left before class, the stomach will have time to cope with the task, digesting dishes with proteins, fat and fiber; If there is only an hour left, choose easily digestible foods, such as fruit, milk or egg whites.

In the first case, you can eat vegetable stew, a plate of porridge (oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat) with chicken (turkey, fish), or durum wheat pasta, cottage cheese with grain bread. Porridge can be eaten with eggs or dried fruits, and fish or meat with potatoes.

In the second case, one egg or cottage cheese with fruit is enough: milk proteins are excellent nutrition for muscles. You can also eat a banana with a small amount oatmeal, but a protein shake is digested faster than any meal - it can be prepared from homemade products. Classic recipe: mix in a mixer 200 ml of milk, 50 g of cottage cheese, boiled egg white, banana, 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil and 1 tbsp. honey

Photo: nutrition during strength training

There is another option, simpler: mix 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. jam, 50 g of milk powder and 200 ml of kefir - this composition will help maintain strength for a long time.

Nutrition during strength training

In the usual sense, there is no need to eat: your stomach may rebel, and instead of benefit, you will get worse health. But first about drinking regime- You cannot deprive the muscles of the necessary moisture. You need to drink water every 15-20 minutes, even if you don’t really want to - when you want to, dehydration will already begin. During training, the feeling of thirst is dulled; in adults it rarely speaks about the true state of affairs, so inattention can lead to problems. If this happens, you will notice unpleasant symptoms - two or more at once: thirst, severe fatigue and dry mouth, dry lips, headache and dizziness, irritability and loss of appetite. You should stop training immediately and drink water, and then wait until you feel better.

Immediately before training, you need to drink a glass of water, and during exercise, drink little by little: the amount of water depends on how much you sweat - your muscles should have plenty of moisture.

Now about the food. Sports drinks with a special recipe are already considered food - they contain a balanced set of carbohydrates and mineral salts. You should drink them if you exercise for more than an hour, but you can replace them with freshly squeezed fruit juices - orange juice 1:1 with water is considered the best option.

Nutrition after strength training - when and what to eat?

You can eat within 20 minutes after training - this surprises many. When training for weight loss, it is usually not recommended to eat within 1.5-2 hours, and we are used to this, but strength training without timely fueling the muscles will become meaningless. To increase muscle mass, you need proteins and carbohydrates, but fat only interferes with their absorption. Meat should be chosen lean and light - chicken breast, veal, eggs without yolk, and cheeses, milk, kefir and cottage cheese - low-fat.

Photo: nutrition during strength training

Fish is considered a special product: fatty sea ​​fish it is not only possible to eat, but it is also desirable that it be present more often in regular menu; However, you can’t fry it in oil.

It’s good if you can eat after training within the first hour - the food should be protein; if it takes longer to get from the gym to home, take a sandwich or cottage cheese with you. However, the muscles must receive nutrition as soon as possible, so a protein drink (a cocktail with juice) should be drunk in the first minutes after the end of the workout. During exercise, the body produces hormones that destroy muscle tissue, and you need to cause a sharp rise in insulin levels to neutralize their effect: fast carbohydrates like dried fruits, honey, jam, and sweet fruit juice will help do this.

Photo: nutrition during strength training

Nutrition during strength training is a big and interesting topic: today even strict vegetarians who do not consume meat, fish, eggs and dairy products at all become champions among bodybuilders. This once again suggests that properly selected nutrition - the most important condition to maintain complete health, strength and beauty.