How to quickly gain muscle mass, diet. Ten ways to speed up muscle growth

Are you unhappy with your hands? Are they weak, saggy and skinny? Do you want them to become strong and fit right now? Making muscles grow instantly is impossible, but if you work hard on yourself and develop smart tactics to achieve this goal, you will see visible results in just a couple of weeks or a month.


Example schedule for arm training

There's no one "right" way to build arms, but the sample exercises below will help you create a balanced regimen that targets your entire upper body, not just your biceps and triceps. For maximum effect, take a one-day break between training days, and after the final third day and before the start of a new week of training, rest for two whole days, only then will your regimen be balanced. In the remaining four days of the “weekend”, focus your efforts on developing other muscle groups: back, legs and everything else..

Day one: Biceps and back
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes If desired, you can alternate with yoga or other types of exercises to develop flexibility.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes Running, exercise bike and so on. This will warm you up nicely. Aim for a heart rate of 115 beats per minute so you have more strength to push.
Raising the barbell to the chest 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Lifting dumbbells 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Pull-ups You can sometimes alternate with weighted pull-ups to make it easier later.
Traction on a low block 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Horizontal pull-ups 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
5 minutes Brisk walking or a leisurely pace on an exercise bike. Try to gradually calm your heartbeat.
Day two: Chest and triceps
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes See above.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes See above.
Bench press During this exercise, someone must be there to hold you down.
Dumbbell raises 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Triceps extensions 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches
Dips As many times as you can; 3-4 approaches You can use a weighted belt for more difficulty.
Light cardio to restore heart rate 5 minutes See above.
Day Three: Shoulders and Forearms
Exercises Time/Number of repetitions Notes
Stretching 10-15 minutes See above.
Cardio warm-up 5-10 minutes See above.
Standing press 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches You can alternate between sitting and standing options.
Arm raise with dumbbells 10-15 times; 3-4 approaches You can do it forwards, sideways and backwards to develop different muscle groups.
Lifting over your head As many times as you can so as not to harm your health; 3-4 approaches It can also be a hip exercise.
Barbell wrist curl 1-2 minutes; 2-3 approaches You can hold the barbell either from the front or from the back.
Light cardio to restore heart rate 5 minutes See above.

Exercises for the main muscle groups of the arms

    Consider an intense training schedule. To build up your arms, most fitness centers will tell you to start by lifting weights and doing a bunch of exercises to develop your upper body. Weight lifting is a type of exercise where you can do everything at your own pace. The more time and effort you put in, the better the result you get. While there is no “right” way to build arms by lifting weights, in general, for optimal results, it is wise to keep the following tips in mind:

    • Try to lift as much weight as possible each week. An intense weight lifting regimen typically involves lifting five days a week, leaving the remaining two days for cardio or rest.
    • Try to avoid exercising the same muscle groups two days in a row. To grow, muscles need rest and time to recover from stress. For example, if today you pumped up your triceps, then tomorrow focus on pectoral muscles Oh.
    • You don't need to concentrate only on your arms, otherwise over time your figure will look strange and disproportionate. The arms will be large and the lower body will be thin. It's good if you do leg exercises and abdominal muscles at least two days a week.
  1. Train your biceps. Usually, when a person decides to pump up strong, muscular arms, he remembers only one muscle group - the biceps. Why this is so is, of course, obvious. After all, bodybuilders are usually imagined lying on a bench and bench-pressing a heavy barbell. Typically, the biceps are not the strongest muscle group in the upper torso (or even in the arm muscle groups), but no one denies that they are very important for many physical exercise for lifting and pulling heavy weights. Below are a few exercises that will get your biceps on fire:

    Train your triceps. Although they sometimes receive less attention than their biceps neighbors, the triceps are generally considered the more important muscle group for both muscle gain and overall strength gains. Be sure to give your triceps as much attention as your biceps, if not more. If you want strong, muscular arms, then you definitely need this. Below are a few wonderful exercises for triceps:

    • Triceps stretch: Standing position, keep your hands at your head, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows bent parallel to each other. Raise the dumbbells above your head, being careful not to hit yourself in the head. Lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
    • Do push-ups: Place your hands on two parallel handles or the edge of a bench. Slowly lower yourself down until your forearms are level with the floor, then push yourself up without trying to twist or jerking. Repeat the exercise.
  2. Pump up the shoulder joint area. Broad and strong shoulders are often considered very attractive. In addition, the deltoid muscles are important for various physical exercises, such as bench presses, throws, and also helps to avoid shoulder injuries. Below are just a few exercises that you may find useful:

    • Do the standing press: From a standing or seated position, pull a weighted barbell toward your chest, keeping your hands at a medium distance apart, palms down. Slowly lift the weight toward your face, then overhead. Lower the bar to about chin level and continue the exercise.
    • Do the lateral raise exercise: In a standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly raise your arms straight to the sides, the movement should come from the elbows. When your arms are roughly parallel to the floor, slowly lower them back down and repeat. You can also add forward or backward straight arm raises to work the front and back of your shoulders.
    • Overhead lift: This is a full-body exercise that not only works your shoulders, but also your hips, legs, and back. Standing position with a weighted barbell on the floor in front of you. Gently begin deadlifting to raise the barbell to approximately waist level. Raise the weight to your chest (all movements must be under control) and perform a standing press (see above) to lift above your head. Now do all these steps in reverse to place the weight on the floor and repeat the exercise.
  3. Pump up your chest. And although the pectoral muscles are not technically part of the arms, strong arms with thin chests will not make the right impression, so training this area is a must for anyone who wants to pump up their arms. Moreover, arm muscles, such as the triceps, often play a significant role in chest exercises. Although the bench press is the most famous, it is not the only way to work the pectoral muscles. The list below will give you more information about this exercise and others:

    • Bench press: Lying position on your back. Gently lift the weighted barbell (or two dumbbells) up from your chest until your arms are straight, then lower the weight back down and repeat. Be sure to have someone cover you to avoid serious injury when lifting.
    • Dumbbell Raises: Lying on your back or on a bench for exercises with dumbbells in each hand. Stretch your straight arms to the sides, then slowly, carefully bring them together in front of you, without bending them. Lower your arms back to the starting position and repeat the exercise. From the outside it should seem like you are flapping your wings.
    • Read on for even more exercises.
  4. Don't neglect your back muscles. Roughly speaking, the back muscles are not part of the arms. However, almost anyone who lifts weights will need to devote time to these muscle groups if they want to get strong, muscular arms. This is partly for aesthetics (strong arms don't look good with a weak back), but also because the back muscles are actively involved in many other exercises to increase arm strength. Below are a few exercises that will help you work on these important muscle groups:

    To make everything look proportional, spend a lot of time on your forearms. Beautiful forearms will be the “cherry on the cake” when pumping up the upper body. And although they are very important for grip strength and the entire hand (which can also be useful in other sports, such as rock climbing), many athletes simply pump them for appearance. Try the simple exercises below:

    • Barbell crunches: Sit on a bench with a weighted barbell in your hands, with your forearms resting on your thighs. Raise the bar as high as you can, using the muscles in your hands and forearms, then relax your muscles and keep the bar as low as possible. Repeat the exercise. For a complete exercise routine, try alternating your grip on the barbell with each set.

    How to quickly build muscle mass

    1. Try to focus more on the weight rather than the number of repetitions. If your muscles get tired every time, then eventually your muscle strength will increase and they will grow no matter how you do it (as long as you eat enough to grow muscles). However, if you want big, bulky muscles, it is usually recommended to concentrate on low-repetition exercises of each exercise with heavy weights (instead of high-repetitions with light weights). For example, most sources say that if all other factors are equal, doing three to six lifts with a heavy weight will build more muscle than doing 15 to 20 with a light weight.

      There is also a “lightning-fast” approach. The fastest way to build muscle mass is considered to be lifting weights very quickly! Research has shown that so-called "lightning" exercises, that is, lifting weights as quickly as possible, will cause muscle and strength to grow faster than a conventional lift. This way your body overcomes the weakness and forces the muscles to contract faster, and if you want to get big quickly, then this strategy is for you.

    2. Think about the advantages of regular weights over machine weights. You can build a strong and muscular body with any workout if you do it correctly. However, many sources recommend regular weights (barbell, dumbbells, etc.) instead of machine exercises. Regular weights are better suited to the physical challenges of everyday life and allow the muscles not only to be ready for anything, but also attractive (however, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, you can get injured more often than with exercise machines).

      • Massive exercises (such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, etc.) are usually considered average, but they provide a lot of opportunity for muscle growth with little chance of injury.
    3. Don't spend too much energy on cardio. Cardio is good for you, in fact, it's a great way to increase your endurance and burn calories, but if you want to grow muscle, it will have the opposite effect. If you spend a lot of energy running, cycling or swimming, your muscles will have little strength left to grow. Therefore, serious cardio training should be done once or twice a week.

      • If you like cardio, try walking more instead of running or swimming.
    4. Start eating right. To grow muscle, your body needs a lot of healthy fuel. In general, to grow muscle, you need more lean sources of protein and healthy amounts of fats and carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits will provide your body with much-needed vitamins and minerals, but it is better to try not to consume sweets and high-calorie foods. Try eating more of the following foods, ideally you want to get 40-50% of your calories from protein, 40-50% from carbohydrates and 10-20% from fat:

      • Proteins: Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, and lean pork and beef cuts. From plant foods, proteins can be obtained from beans, soy (tofu), broccoli and spinach. Low-fat dairy products, such as Greek yogurt, are also a very good source of protein. Many athletes also recommend protein supplements.
      • Carbohydrates: Whole grain bread, brown rice, oats, quinoa, starchy vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes. Green vegetables like broccoli, celery, peas and others are also great additions to your diet.
      • Fats: Avocados, nuts, cheeses and light vegetable oils(for example, sunflower) will perfectly fill you with energy and nutrients.
    5. Drink enough water every day. Water can help you feel fresh and energized throughout your workout. It is also low in calories and is essential in your new healthy diet.

      • For men: breast enlargement, painful erection (priapism), contraction of the genitals, decreased sperm count, infertility, impotence.
      • For women: increased hair on the face and body, irregular menstrual cycle, deepening of the voice, enlarged clitoris, breast reduction.
      • Oily skin
      • Jaundice
      • Sudden change of mood
      • Paranoid fantasies
      • Rare serious problems like heart strokes and some types of cancer.
    • Listen to music while exercising.
    • Stay motivated. Muscle will not grow overnight, but with consistent training you will notice results within a few weeks.
    • If you don’t have access to a gym, you can always pump up your chest and triceps with push-ups.
    • Find a friend who will go to the gym with you. This way you both will be more motivated and have more fun together.
    • To achieve a quick visual “illusion” of well-toned arms, concentrate on the transverse deltoids (the front of the shoulders). These muscles often remain underdeveloped, and therefore, if you concentrate efforts on them, they will quickly grow. This tactic will top part There are more of your hands, which will make your hands look bigger. The best exercise for this is lateral raises: lean forward a little and lift the dumbbells up to the sides so that your body forms the letter T.
    • Try posing (bodybuilders do this for a reason). Before training, look at your muscles in the mirror. This will help you concentrate better during your workout. For example, today you are going to work on your triceps. Tighten your triceps until they are well defined and do the same throughout the exercises.
    • If you don't have access to barbells and dumbbells, you can always use shopping bags, heavy cans, books, and so on.


    • If you suddenly feel severe pain or fatigue during training, then do not “step over” it. Stop immediately and consult your doctor.

In this article we will tell you how you can pump up your muscles, make them strong, embossed and large, without use steroids. This muscle building guide is recommended not only for everyone for beginners V gym, but also for experienced athletes who cannot overcome stagnation in strength indicators and muscle mass gain.

Strong, moderately pumped up, sculpted body, not only attracts the attention of girls, but is also a guarantee health joints, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels (which is why, on a subconscious level, any girl is drawn to a slender, sculpted man guy, that is, per person who can bring healthy genome).

Thanks to development muscular system, a person becomes not only stronger, but also self-confident, simply because the process of muscle growth is a whole methodology, a system of rules and restrictions, adhering to and observing them, a person overcomes himself, his laziness, its shortcomings, and as a result, it turns out conscious, self-confident, self-sufficient personality who knows firsthand what it means to endure muscle pain, fatigue, in the name of goal and result.

That is why anyone who respects himself man, should strive to develop a muscular, physically strong body, one of the ways to achieve it is to pump up muscles (it is advisable, of course, to do them in the future functional, sign up for a boxing/martial arts section, or do an additional one yourself).

How to build muscles?

First of all, you need to correctly and consistently build in your head questions, which should be answered gradually, moving from simple to more complex, and of course, you should have performance what do you want to get from the gym, become a professional bodybuilder with large muscles (as I once did) or have a slightly pumped up body shape.

Anyone who has a powerful body can pump up muscles and build the figure of their dreams. motivation, and not like this, “it wouldn’t be bad to pump up”, this approach is no good.

You must clearly understand what, how and how much you need to do, namely, how to eat, train, how much rest, etc., therefore, firstly, all beginners need to find answers to the questions below:

  1. Get acquainted with the principle so that you better understand how and due to what muscle contractions and tensions occur during strength exercises.
  2. In theory, study/familiarize yourself with performing exercises.
  3. Find out the names of the muscle groups that we will train in the gym in the future.
  4. What do you need to take to the gym?
  5. What's happened overtraining athlete, and why is it dangerous?
  6. What are the ways recovery body after physical activity?
  7. Why is it very important warm-up before performing working sets of exercises?
  8. How long should it last?
  9. Why basic exercises on initial stage are extremely important for the development of strong and large muscles?
  10. How to build your own while actively practicing strength sports?

With awareness and understanding answers to the above questions, there should be a first introduction to the world bodybuilding, unless of course you want to build in short time athletic, pumped up body of a bodybuilder, and conduct your training competently, without injuries and overtraining.

On the other hand, you don’t have to read all this, but just come to Gym, and start “pulling iron”, however, without systematization, training plan, and knowledge of the technique of performing exercises, nothing will work out for you, you will not be able to pump up, rather the opposite will happen, due to destruction ( catabolism) muscle fiber, your muscle mass will begin to decrease, since you have no idea what it is training cycles, light, medium and heavy training, what does nutrition mean for muscle growth, eventually you will drive yourself into overtraining, and get injury.

Where should a beginner start pumping?

Therefore, we highly recommend, especially to everyone for beginners study in detail our recommendations, the listed article links, and subsequently the entire website, which will help you understand even more what you need to do to build muscle.

Training program for beginners

Main focus for beginners This is always done on basic exercises in the training program, because they are the ones that most quickly stimulate muscle growth masses.

Basic exercises, they are - multi-joint, that is, they involve two or more joints in their execution. Such exercises include, first of all, for pectoral muscles– bench press lying on a horizontal bench, for legs– squats with a barbell on the shoulders, for the back– pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip, in general for the back and legs – deadlift (this is the only exercise that gives the strongest impetus to the growth of overall muscle mass, sometimes in terms of strength indicators in this exercise judged strength athlete).

At the initial stage, these will be enough for you 4 exercises in order to increase muscle mass on average in 1 year by 7-8 kg.

In addition to the basic ones, there are also insulating exercises, they are less effective for beginners, they involve one joint, and load one muscle group, in the training program we will use them as an addition, and nothing more.

Training program for beginners

Construction of training cycles

The general principle of constructing a training cycle is as follows: for each workout, everything is pumped body(major muscle groups), the only difference is in receiving training stress, which will be different depending on the intensity of the exercises, so each basic exercise will have signature, - if it’s light, it means working weights 60-65% from the maximum, if average, then the working weights are 70-75% , if it’s heavy then 80-85% .

We will be interested strength indicators only in basic exercises, due to the fact that it is by them that you can judge your training progress(as strength increases, mass will also increase).

In its turn insulating We don’t take exercises into account because they are used as “ utility room"and nothing more, so to speak, to add variety to the training program.

Thus, the training cycle will consist of heavy, average And lungs training, the gradation goes to basic exercises. For example, if you did heavy work on Monday bench press(80-85%), then on Wednesday it will already be average (70-75%), and on Friday it will be light (60-65%), and all over again, Monday the bench press is heavy, on Wednesday it is average, and on Friday it is light . The same applies when planning the load in deadlift And barbell squats.

Recovery phases after regular training

Cyclical approach to training will ensure complete recovery, and maximum speed growth of muscle mass due to adaptation muscles to the load, by increasing their size.

Exercise program for gaining mass

This training program has a pronounced cyclical nature(as we wrote to you above), with an emphasis on basic exercises. She fits very well for beginners for gaining weight.

Harmful foods in the human diet

No full recovery (rest)

Remedy: sleep 8-9 hours, balanced, nutritious nutrition, well-thought-out training, cyclical and periodicity strength training in the gym.

Healthy, full sleep is the key to your complete recovery, and alternating light, medium and heavy intensity training is the key to successful progress in gaining strength and muscle mass. Nutrition in this matter will be a source of fuel, an energy component that will help accumulate strength for training.

What the error means: overtraining, loss of strength, loss of muscle mass, increased susceptibility to various injuries during training, diseases, due to decreased immunity, as well as depressed consciousness, loss of ability to further bodybuilding activities.

Poor athlete recovery

A frivolous approach to bodybuilding

Remedy: a serious, responsible approach to your training, nutrition and recovery. As a rule, many athletes, especially beginners, have enough sense of purpose and focus on results. 1-2 years regular exercise in the gym, subject to proper nutrition and rest, can change your body beyond recognition.

Any, even the most insignificant things, determine your consciousness, the way you do it, do you give your all in training, or do you tell yourself “it’ll do.”

Deeds and actions define a person, not thoughts, everyone wants to be champions, have a beautiful, sculpted body, but few people are able to endure muscle pain, limit themselves in food, not skip workouts, “plow” in the gym for the sake of the goal goals in the gym.

What the error means: lack of results in bodybuilding, injuries during training, the appearance of obsessive thoughts like “all the jocks are pumped up on steroids.”

A relaxed approach to training

Rules for gaining muscle mass

Gaining muscle mass is directly related to, which will depend on your body type, which is why it’s easy for some athletes to gain weight, while others find it difficult. However, there are general rules that will help you gain those treasured pounds of muscle faster.

Nutrition as a natural anabolic

Balanced, fractional nutrition is the main thing anabolic factor growth of muscle mass. Malnutrition calories will lead to negative or zero results in bodybuilding.

To gain muscle mass you need to create calorie deficit, in relation to the calories you spend daily, in addition to all this, your diet should be rich in quality protein(plastic material for muscles), which will create a positive nitrogen balance(if negative, muscle growth is impossible), complex carbohydrates(energy for muscles) and unsaturated fatty acids (), which have such important properties for bodybuilding as enhancing production testosterone and reducing bad cholesterol levels.

Many sports experts, the starting point in gaining muscle mass is to adhere to the following ratio: 2 grams of protein/kg, 4 grams of carbohydrates/kg, and 0.5 grams of fat/kg.

Good results in gaining weight will be when you gain no more 1 kg in Week. If you don't score at this ratio nutrients, then you should gradually add, you can start with carbohydrates, then proteins and fats, remember that more 3-3.5 grams of protein/kg of weight is pointless to take, it’s better to “lean” on carbohydrates, which are a universal source muscle contractions when performing strength exercises in the gym ( anaerobic glycolysis).

Nutrition as a powerful anabolic factor in muscle growth

Performing basic muscle exercises

At the initial training stage, the first 1-2 years Special attention basic exercises, which train large muscle groups. The most important exercises for a beginner:

  • Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
  • Bench press
  • Wide grip pull-ups

After six months, when the muscle corset has strengthened, turn on deadlift.

The exercises listed above will be enough for you to start the processes of muscle growth, you will find how and in what range to perform them in ours, or use the above diagram strength exercises to gain weight.

A huge advantage of basic exercises is that they place maximum load on the large muscle groups(back, legs, chest), due to the fact that they involve two or more joints, in contrast to isolated (single-joint) exercises.

Performing basic muscle exercises

Muscle recovery and growth

Recovery the body after training stress does not occur immediately, but after some time, moreover, than heavier was muscle training, the more time the body needs to restore the spent strength and energy. Neglecting this rule will very quickly lead to overtraining athlete, which is so popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced athletes, which is why we recommend that it is better to rest fully for one extra day than to go to strength training broken and tired.

One of the most important rules for beginner athlete is to learn listen to your body, that is, to understand when you should rest a little more/less before training/approach/between exercises, when and how it should be better warm up, use ointment to warm up muscles when the body needs more vacation/improved nutrition. All these subtleties are the key to your health and the prevention of injuries during training.

Well, the most important rule, which many athletes forget about, we growing, When we relax, and not vice versa, that is, muscle mass after training increases when a person sleeping, and not when he performs an intense approach in the gym (visual effect " pouting» muscles, temporary, simple blood stuck to the muscle being trained and nothing more).

In order for muscles to increase in size, the body first needs to compensate spent energy, restore strength, heal damaged muscle tissue to baseline, and then, as a counterbalance (counteraction), increase muscle mass in order to withstand training stress in the future ( phase supercompensation).

If you continue to rest after the phase has begun super compensation(usually within 24-96 hours no more, depending on the load received), performance will return to the original pre-training level, and if you continue to rest, the phase will begin lack of training, after which your strength and mass will begin to decrease (it is not beneficial for the body to have energy-intensive muscles just like that, when nothing stimulates them, no strength stress with iron).

Muscle recovery and growth

But not everything is so bad, even if you have stopped training for a long time, it comes to the rescue muscle memory, which will quickly lead you to the starting level fitness level when you resume regular training, due to the fact that the training itself increases the amount muscle cells, and even if we don’t train for a long time, the accumulated muscle cells don’t disappear anywhere, they just “ fall asleep“, as soon as you wake them up, muscle mass and strength will “trample” again, this explains why a trained athlete after 2-3 after a one-year break, he quickly catches up with all his previous results in the gym.

Every sport has its secrets, and bodybuilding is no exception. Extensive experience in the gym, developed certain skills and skills, which protect against mistakes, prevent injuries during training, help faster restore strength, build muscle mass.

We offer beginner bodybuilders, the best adviсe for weight gain:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day (a daytime sleep hour would not hurt, for example, from 13-00 – 14-00)
  2. Increase your consumption proteins high BC, and reduce consumption carbohydrates, but do not reduce the total calorie content, this combination will provide high-quality muscle gain.
  3. Drink at least a day 3-4 l water.
  4. Always follow warm-up before working approaches and a cool-down at the end of the workout.
  5. Include in your training program basic exercises for the main muscle groups.
  6. Take, most importantly, amino acids, pre-workout complexes, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin and mineral complexes.
  7. Increase your caloric intake by 200-300 kcal per day, with the condition that weight gain is no more 1 kg in Week.
  8. Don't be lazy to do squats on the shoulders - this is one of the most effective exercises, which triggers protein synthesis processes in the body due to a powerful surge of anabolic hormones into the blood)
  9. For better weight gain, use 3 workouts per week, duration 60-90 minutes, and reduce the rest between approaches to 1-1.5 minutes.
  10. Rest assured purposeful, unshakable in their desires and capabilities - a person who is confident in his abilities, always achieves his goal
  11. Don't look at the weak and losers who will pull you down, look at successful athletes and champions.
  12. Surround yourself, your social circle strong people and you will see how you involuntarily become stronger psychologically

Very quickly does not mean pumping up well. Everything that comes quickly, as the legendary one said, is for weaklings, we need a permanent result, which can only be achieved by competent approach to the training process.

Tips for gaining muscle mass

Of course, you can, no matter what, use it, which in the short term will bring you better results in bodybuilding than if you rocked on natural training, however, in the long run, training on steroids is useless, the result will be temporary, plus the hormonal system with this approach will, to put it mildly, “shake.”

Wishes for beginning athletes

Not everyone will become bodybuilding champions, not everyone will have the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and not everyone will even become a “jock,” but absolutely everyone can make their body physically stronger and more beautiful, and most importantly you will appear "champion" spirit, which will move you to conquer new heights.

When we achieve a goal, and no matter what it is related to, sports or study/work, an unshakable confidence in our power, which makes us psychologically strong, and now we don’t tell ourselves, I can’t, or it’s difficult for me, but we answer ourselves where, when and with whom to compete... the rest will be done for us by the seasoned iron character, who will not allow us to go down, and will speak only forward, not a step back.

Wishes for beginning athletes

Everyone will have mistakes, injuries, defeats, no luck, your hands will give up, motivation will disappear, this is normal, we are all living people, we each have our own Problems at work, in the family, with health, but it is all these problems, how we treat them and solve them, that will distinguish a true champion from weakling.

Strong man will fall and rise until he gets up and achieves his goal, and the weakling will never rise, having come up with a bunch of excuses and excuse.

Having realized the above information, passing it “through yourself,” it will be much easier for you, and it will be easier to achieve your goals, starting from how to quickly pump up, ending, for example, how to master a complex profession.

Have a well-trained and toned body with large,
Many people want sculpted muscles, but not many know how to achieve it

The guys work for hours in the gym, try for a long time and with great difficulty
succeed, but never get it desired result. This is explained
for various reasons.

Most often, failure lies in violating the principles of rapid muscle building

Three principles of rapid muscle growth:

Proper training

Proper nutrition

Complete rest.

Success comes to those who know exactly what they want and are disciplined
follows a plan to achieve a goal. It's the same with bodybuilders
those involved in building their own body: it is necessary to have a clear program
exercises and, most importantly, follow it religiously.

Proper training

You should clearly plan your workouts and decide which parts of the body and
when, on what day, will you download.

You can start with 3-4 days a week, spending no more than an hour a day. Gradually
you can increase the training time to one and a half hours, but no more. Carrying out
more time in the gym will increase the muscle mass of your body,
but this will certainly not benefit your health.

Most quick way pumping up muscles is training two muscle groups in
combinations. A combination of chest and triceps or back and biceps exercises will
to create miracles. Avoid working more than two muscle groups

Reps should range from 4 to 12 in one set. During power
training, you need to gradually increase the load to the maximum. Then
Lose weight slowly. This helps you achieve results faster and at the same time
increase endurance.

Once a week you should lift only with the maximum weights for you, and at
the next day, do a lesson only with small weights, but with larger ones
number of repetitions. This will give excellent results in muscle building
masses of good relief.

It is important to rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets.

Changing your workout routine every 6-8 weeks also helps improve
rapid growth of muscle mass.

Proper diet

A balanced protein diet is another important principle of the fast way.
building muscle mass. The body must be provided with the necessary calories
and nutrients. Five to six fractional meals of high-calorie protein foods
per day is optimal.

Foods with complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as low-fat yogurt and
Egg whites are especially helpful in building muscle mass. You should enable
in your daily diet protein shakes, chicken breasts, lean meat,
oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, etc.

If necessary, you can take nutritional supplements to quickly increase
muscle mass.

Avoid using anabolic steroids and similar drugs
drugs. They are very harmful to your body.

Proper rest

The last but one of the most important requirements for building muscle quickly is
complete rest. Muscles don't grow when you train in the gym -
they grow when you rest.

Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours. Rest a couple of days a week at least
more important than resting between two sets. Research shows that short
Breaks in training are very useful. The main thing is not to allow too long
breaks, otherwise you will have to start from scratch.

Each organism, each body is unique, so the methods that work for
others will not necessarily work for you. Don't look at what others are doing
gym, and don't try to do the same if you're not ready yet. IN
it will only cause harm in the long run.

Consult with instructors and nutritionists. Remember that even if you
you use the fastest way to build muscle mass, no one has canceled it
golden rule: “patience is the key to success.”

For many of us, gaining muscle mass may conjure up images of countless hours in the gym, but dieting doesn't come to mind. Your body needs calories and nutritional support to feed growing muscle mass and adapt to... various types activity. Before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle, you may want to consult with your doctor, personal trainer, and nutritionist.


What to eat

    Eat enough protein. The rule of thumb is that you need to consume 1-1.5 times your body weight in grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 75 kg, you should eat between 150 and 225 grams of protein per day if you want to build muscle over time. Bodybuilders can eat two to three times their body weight in grams of protein, and sometimes more, but for most of us, this will be overkill. If you are overweight, replace your ideal weight body and calculate in grams. Proteins that are great for building muscle include:

    Learn the difference between complete and incomplete proteins. To build muscle, you need to consume complete proteins, found in eggs, meat, fish, cheese, milk and most other animal products. Rule thumb: If it bled or breathed, then it is a complete protein. There are plenty of non-animal, complete proteins available, which means you can still build muscle as a vegetarian. Complete vegetarian proteins include:

    • Soybeans
    • Quinoa
    • Buckwheat
    • Hemp
    • Beans or legumes with rice
  1. Eat foods that are high in PDCAAS (Protein Amino Acid Digestibility Corrected Score). This is a measure of how well different proteins are absorbed by the body, based on the solubility of amino acids in the protein. Think of PDCAAS as a protein quality classification, with 1 being the highest score and 0 being the lowest. Here's a breakdown of the most commonly found proteins by their rounded PDCAA values:

    • 1.00: egg white, whey, casein, soy protein
    • 0.9: beef, soybeans
    • 0.7: chickpeas, fruits, black beans, vegetables, other legumes
    • 0.5: cereals and their derivatives, peanuts
    • 0.4: whole wheat
  2. Include carbohydrates in your diet. It's important to have carbohydrates so your body can tap into muscle glycogen (energy) stores while you're pumping. If you don't consume the right amount of carbohydrates, your body won't have enough energy reserves and will start using muscle instead! To build muscle, your diet should consist of approximately 40% - 60% carbohydrates or about 1500 calories per day.

    Eat healthy fats. Not all fats are the same. In fact, there's evidence to suggest that healthy fats are actually good for you. You should get 20% to 35% of your calories from fat. Eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are "good" fats and include:

    • Olive, peanut, sunflower, canola, and avocado oils.
    • Fish.
    • Nuts.
    • Flaxseed and pumpkin seeds.
    • Soy products such as tofu or soy milk.
    • Ice cream, candy, and packaged snacks.
    • Meat with high content fat
    • Lard, margarine and processed vegetable fats.
    • Fried food.
  3. Consume a large number of fiber. Remember, it's important to include green vegetables in your diet, such as spinach or broccoli, to ensure you're getting enough vitamins. Also, green leafy vegetables are high in fiber, which has great importance to remove waste from the body.

    Watch your salt intake. It's possible that excessive salt intake can lead to hypertension, but when you sweat, you lose great amount sodium Additionally, sodium (a key electrolyte) helps muscles contract, which is why it is found in many sports drinks.

    How to eat

    1. Eat when you are hungry. It is obvious? Many bodybuilders are misled into thinking that muscle-building diets must be more complicated than they actually are. Eating what you like, within the parameters outlined in the previous section, is the key to consistently building muscle mass. If you don't regularly eat what you like, you will have a harder time sticking to your diet. Here " diet example" which will give you a better idea of ​​what you can eat during the day:

      • Breakfast: egg white omelette with turkey; whole grain toast; banana.
      • Snack: mixed nuts; apple.
      • Lunch: tuna salad with olive oil, onions and capers; fried cabbage.
      • Pre-workout snack: cream cheese with blueberries.
      • Post-workout snack: protein shake; fried spinach.
      • Dinner: chicken breast in orange soy sauce with quinoa; stew of carrots, onions, peas and peppers.
    2. Create a calorie surplus. For many bodybuilders, it is important to combine increasing protein and increasing calories so that your efforts in the gym are not in vain. You need to have enough energy to burn to build muscle, but not eat too many calories to store fat.

      • Your calorie count should be the number of calories you would consume on average per day relative to your average energy output to maintain your current body weight. For most people at a healthy body weight, this is about 2,000 calories.
      • Men need about 250 extra calories per day (for a total of 2,250), while women need about 150 calories per day (for a total of 2,125). During this week, through muscle building exercises and proper nutrition, this increase in calories should translate into approximately 0.11-0.22 kg of muscle mass.
    3. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day besides your post-workout meal. A breakfast of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber will get your metabolism going. This will also keep your body from absorbing energy from your muscles. Remember the saying: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Since you are not on a diet, however, you should not be constantly poor.

      • Add protein to your breakfast. Omelettes, shakes (or smoothies) and cream cheese are excellent sources of protein.
      • Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. While simple carbohydrates such as sugar and donuts break down easily and cause a spike in blood sugar, complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, bran, beans, whole grains) take longer to break down and do not cause a spike in blood sugar.
    4. Eat less and more often. Eat at regular intervals to avoid being so hungry that you overeat. Your body will begin to feel hungry at the predetermined time you eat because you have been consistent.

      • Try to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, post-workout, before bed (at least an hour before bed) and add two snacks in between. Snacks can include everything from nuts and seeds to vegetables or fruits.
      • If you're trying to build muscle and lose weight, skip meals before bed. Eating immediately before bed will cause the body to convert any undigested food into fat instead of energy or muscle. Your body's metabolism shuts down before you go to sleep.
    5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to poor recovery muscles, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink water during your workout. The recommended amount of water per day for men is about 3 liters and 2.2 liters for women.

      • Purchase a water filter to filter tap water. Buying a water filter is an economical way to transform your tap water into healthy, tasty water. Buy it and see your water consumption increase.
      • Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Keep your body hydrated regularly so you don't gulp down water when you're dehydrated, which can hurt your stomach during exercise.

    Safe use of food additives

    1. Decide whether nutritional supplements are right for you or not. Natural protein and bodybuilding supplements are an easy way to get more protein. Whey and soy proteins are common.

    2. Consider creatine. Creatine helps increase lean muscle mass and regenerate muscles when they are depleted. However, these are just dietary supplements and do not necessarily build muscle mass. Up to 10 grams of creatine, 3-5 grams before and after workouts, can help boost adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and make you stronger during workouts, making it easier to build muscle.

      • If you take creatine, be sure to drink plenty of water because creatine dehydrates your muscles during regeneration and also causes your electrolyte levels to become imbalanced.
    • Balance your workouts. If you engage in intense aerobic activity of any kind and do not eat a high protein diet, you will begin to consistently lose strength and muscle mass. Many athletes from high school and college wrestlers, for example, experienced a decrease in strength over the course of the season because they were unfamiliar with this fact.
    • Instead of eating all your protein or carbs in one meal, it's ideal to try spreading them out throughout the day. Five or more small meals - the best option. If you eat all your protein in one meal, your body doesn't have the opportunity to use all of it. This is about conservation high level protein in the blood, then your muscles can slowly recover throughout the day and even while you sleep.


    • No matter how difficult building muscle may seem, taking steroids is not the answer. Steroids can be very harmful to the body and cause side effects.
    • Make sure you drink plenty of water. 3.5 liters per day will be enough. This will prevent your diet from harming your body.

The statement that a man must be big and strong should not raise any doubts, since it has been verified by nature itself. However, now there are many people who want to make money by speculating on this topic, who offer sports nutrition to athletes under the guise of a miracle pill or invite everyone to fitness centers, a subscription to which costs incredible money.

In this article we will tell you what You can gain muscle mass at home, eating exclusively healthy food and not emptying the family budget. We review the training rules, present a set of exercises and nutritional recommendations.

Conditions for successful weight gain

Exists 3 Key Factors , compliance with which predetermines a successful result in bodybuilding. To these "three pillars" relate:

  • workout;
  • nutrition;
  • recovery.

The share of training in the final picture is not as significant as people who are far from bodybuilding might think. Even if you give 150% in exercises with iron, but do not provide yourself with sufficient caloric nutrition and normal rest, all the efforts made will simply go down the drain.

This is explained by the usual physiological rules, according to which the body can increase its weight only if it receives excess energy - when the amount of nutrients entering it is higher than the number of calories burned per day.

Training only gives an impetus to muscle growth- during weight training, you load the muscle fibers, as a result of which they receive many microtraumas. And since the human body is able to adapt to any living conditions, it heals damage and starts the process of increasing the volume and strength of muscle fibers, so that when exposed to similar loads in the future, the muscles can cope with them without micro-damage.

This leads to one of the the most important rules gaining mass - during training you must constantly increase the training load (increase the weight of the equipment, the number of repetitions or intensity), since the body adapts to the same load and no muscle growth occurs with its repetition.

What and how much to eat?

For successful muscle gain your daily calorie intake should be 500-700 kcal more than the number of calories the body burns per day. The energy consumption of the body directly depends on the level of physical activity of a person, so there are no general recommendations here.

The specific number of calories can be found by multiplying your weight by 35 and multiplying the resulting number by 1.2 for moderate activity or 1.4 for severe activity. Eg:

  • 70*35 = 2450 kcal- daily energy consumption of the body of a man weighing 70 kg, engaged in sedentary work;
  • 2450*1.2 = 2940 kcal- daily caloric intake required for weight gain.

The nutritional value of any food consists of 3 components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the amount of which also needs to be dosed. When gaining weight, it is recommended to adhere to the following BJU:

  • squirrels - 35%,
  • fats - 25%,
  • carbohydrates - 40%.

The key micronutrient for muscle building is protein. , which can be called building material for muscle fibers. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy; their absence affects increased fatigue and less performance during training. Fats are needed to ensure the correct functioning of biological processes and metabolism.

  1. When gaining, you need to consume foods containing complex carbohydrates - porridge(buckwheat, rice, pearl barley), potatoes, black bread. If you overindulge in starchy and sweet foods (fast carbohydrates), you can only gain fat instead of muscle mass.
  2. Main sources of protein must be meat, fish, eggs and cottage cheese . The best option is chicken breast, which contains a minimal amount of fat and is not expensive.
  3. Basically you need to take vegetable fats - nuts, flaxseed oil , since they contain a larger amount of useful substances and are better absorbed, among animal fats only fish oil is useful.

Since the calorie content of your diet, and therefore the volume of food consumed, will increase, eating everything as before - in 3 meals a day - will become problematic. We recommend sticking to 4-5 meals a day, and be sure to eat a lot of carbohydrates within an hour and a half after training, and eat 200 grams of cottage cheese before going to bed.

How to train?

The question of the training program depends on the factor of whether you have the required equipment. If you want to get the most out of home training, you will need to make sure you have power rack and barbell with pancakes with a total weight of up to 150 kg. For the first year of classes, this number of pancakes will be more than enough.

A power frame can be bought in specialized stores; there is also an option to save a lot of money by ordering it from a familiar welder (there are many drawings of such structures on the Internet). Olympic bar you will need to buy it, you can get it for 3-4 thousand.

Regarding training. In the first half of the year, it makes sense to train according to the system "fulbadi", working all muscle groups in one workout. Here is an example of such a program:

  • Power rack squats: 4x8.
  • Bench press in a power rack: 4x8.
  • Pull-up on the horizontal bar: 5x6.
  • Barbell curl: 3x8
  • Standing barbell press: 3x8.
  • Pulling the barbell to the chin: 3x8.

The most difficult exercises - squats, bench presses and pull-ups - come first, since they are best performed when not tired. At first, do not try to work with heavy weights - this is fraught with injuries; first you need to sharpen the technique of performing the exercises, and only then increase the weight on the bar.

But what if it is not possible to use a power frame and barbell in a house or apartment? In this case, you will at a minimum need a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a pair of stacked dumbbells weighing from 5 to 25 kg. The program is as follows:

  • Pull-up bar: 5x6.
  • Bent-over dumbbell row: 3x8.
  • Dumbbell biceps curl: 3x8.
  • Dips: 5x8.
  • Dumbbell press up: 3x8.
  • Standing dumbbell fly: 3x8.

Exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars , after they begin to be relatively easy for you, you need to perform them with additional weight, observing the principle of increasing loads. You can use a regular backpack, putting a bag of sand in it; if finances allow, buy a weightlifting belt and use a chain to hang a barbell or weight from it.

Is it necessary to use sports nutrition when exercising at home?

The answer to this question will be unequivocal - no, not necessarily. All novice athletes need to understand that sports nutrition (protein, gainers, etc.) is not a magic pill that can significantly accelerate the achievement of a goal, but only ordinary proteins and carbohydrates, chemically synthesized into powder form. Thus, you can consume everything that sports nutrition can give you by eating a regular portion of natural food.

“But professional bodybuilders use it!”- you say.

Indeed, protein and gainer are constant companions of experienced bodybuilders, but there is a rational explanation for this. People with a long history of exercise and weighing 100 kg or more, in order to maintain the existing weight and further progress, must consume a huge amount of calories, up to 4-5 thousand, obtaining which from natural food is an extremely tedious process.

Thus, the jocks receive the standard 3 thousand kcal from regular meals, and the missing calories and microelements are supplemented with gainers and protein shakes. As a result, taking sports nutrition is just a matter of convenience, and not a panacea.