What is the love compatibility of Libra with other signs. The perfect pair for the scales

Libra is the second sign of the element of Air, which endows people with developed intelligence and the need for communication, and the patron planet gives them a love for the beautiful and sublime. That is why the Libra woman, for all her femininity, tenderness and charm, is endowed with a sharp mind and logic, which is in no way inferior to a man’s.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra, are beautiful, gentle, sophisticated creatures who have a dislike for everything ugly and ugly.

If there is a person who can admire beauty in all its forms, it is the Libra woman. Music, literature, fashion, even people - representatives of this sign know a lot about everything that relates to beauty.

Subtle taste and sophistication in everything allow such a lady to always look elegant, emphasizing her presence subtle aroma memorable perfumes, a sensual look. She always wears clothes that are appropriate and reflective of her inner world, complemented by statement jewelry and accessories.

From the outside it may seem that the Libra girl treats herself very scrupulously, one might say, like the image on the screen. And this is true to some extent, because she really likes how she will look in public, what they will think of her. The Libra woman does not pass by mirrors, she always lingers in front of them. Such demands on herself make the lady self-critical. And that’s what the expression will be about

“The strictest judge of yourself is yourself!”

If something is wrong, then she will improve herself and do everything in order to get closer to her ideal. People around them often call such ladies the embodiment of charm and femininity.

The Libra woman is constantly torn between career and family; she wants to achieve success in both fields at the same time. If she is late at work, she feels guilty towards her family. If she is forced to spend some time at home, she will definitely worry about how the office is coping without her.

The Libra woman is productive, but her performance varies throughout the week. She does not know how to work according to a plan and do “from now to now”, evenly distributing the load: one day she is bursting with ideas, on another she dreams of a vacation in the morning, on the third she is able to make a weekly plan.

In work, the Libra woman is very inconsistent, although she is efficient. One day it can work hard, another day it can be at rest. Planning the workload evenly is not for her, and Libra is unlikely to succeed.

And if you take into account the fact that she always wants to combine career and home, and having achieved success in both areas, it becomes clear how worried she will be about failures and the fact that she pays less attention to something. So, staying late at work, she will blame herself for not paying attention to the children, and while at home, she will make work plans.

Girls of this sign have a very specific relationship and compatibility with money.

On the one hand, they believe that money exists in order to spend it, on the other hand, it is very difficult to admit this to themselves and others. The bills themselves do not give them pleasure, which cannot be said about the opportunity to buy something.

She always has a very difficult relationships with money - deep down, this woman is sure that money is created in order to spend it, although she is not always ready to admit this out loud.

Crispy banknotes by themselves are unlikely to bring a Libra woman into a state of wild delight; they mean for her the opportunity to acquire something beautiful.

Beautiful and charming representatives of the fair half, whose zodiac is Libra, are very popular with men. Seductive, skilled in the science of love, they can leave a strong mark on a man’s heart.

Among all the fans, such a lady will choose the one who will envelop her with care and attention and will respect her desires and preferences. In addition, she cannot live without sincere interest in her partner, so in order to win her over, you need to do something that would awaken her interest.

A relationship that does not give pleasure, even if the compatibility is quite high, she will break off without regret.

After the breakup, he won’t worry too much and reproach himself. However, not everything is so simple here: before ending things with an unsuitable lover, she will think for a long time, think, weigh all the pros and cons. And only after being convinced of the futility or having listened to advice loved one, she will take a responsible step.

The Libra woman is one of those ladies who are in no particular hurry to tie the knot. This is due to the fact that many of their attachments are superficial, especially under the age of 25. And this means that the relationship is short-lived. Another factor will be their desire to defeat men, luring them into their networks and seducing them, often for sport.

For a serious relationship, a Libra girl will choose a reliable man who will become a support in everything. In addition, such a person must be able to solve everyday problems, guide his beloved and help her make correct and informed decisions. She will listen to the opinion of such a man and respect his decisions.

After marriage, the husband becomes the main figure in the life of such a woman. Parents and even children fade into the background. Naturally, a man must appreciate such behavior. Then he will become the happy husband of a patient, delicate and friendly woman, who will be both a wife, a mistress, and a friend.

The husband, in turn, will have to earn good money and be the main breadwinner of the family. No, the wife will not completely shift all material responsibilities onto his shoulders, but the main income should come from the man so that the wife can feel weak and feminine.

Sexual compatibility for representatives of the fair half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra, plays a very important role. They love to have fun and cannot deny themselves it.

The peculiarity of Libra will be that they receive more physical pleasure from making love than spiritual pleasure. And they are 100% satisfied with this state of affairs.

If we compare the lovers of the Libra sign with women of other zodiac signs, then after intimacy they often pretend that nothing happened. They tend to act dispassionate and very calm. However, at the moment of intercourse, they really love to both receive pleasure and give, taking care of their partner.

In sexual play for such ladies, scenery plays an important role. This could be silk sheets, dim candle light, a glass delicious wine- all this will excite them and set them in the right mood. No, they are not at all averse to trying something unusual, but again the aesthetic component plays an important role.

She makes very high demands on men, since her companion must not only be suitable for her character, but also attractive, worthy and someone who would raise the girl’s self-esteem. Agree, it is quite difficult to be such a man, but if a woman has chosen a man, it means that he suits her in everything.

Everyone knows that opposites attract! And this rule will be confirmed by the union of Libra and Aries, which perfectly complement each other and motivate self-improvement.

Libra will also have high compatibility with Leo. Leo will be proud and adore his partner, and the partner, in turn, will be crazy about her lover. And harmony will be not only external, but also internal.

The union of two Libras is the harmony and balance that they lack individually.

Libra will have a fast-paced and vibrant romance with Sagittarius, which may end in a wedding in just a few months.

There will be a long and tender relationship with Aquarius. Moreover, the meaning of such a relationship will be known only to two lovers.

Average compatibility will be with Taurus. In bed they will be able to understand each other perfectly, but life outside the home for a Taurus man can become real torture due to the activity of his beloved.

A Gemini man is not the best partner for a Libra woman. Compatibility in this pair will be quite low, since the characters of these two zodiac signs are too different.

The relationship between a Libra woman and a Cancer man will most likely resemble a long and difficult job. It can take a lot of time to find common ground and learn to hear and understand each other. Sometimes there is too much, so both of them run out of patience faster.

Not the most successful compatibility will be with Scorpio and Pisces, although there is always a chance of a successful course life together.
The lowest compatibility is with the Virgo man and the Capricorn man, with whom Libra women will have constant disagreements, leading to serious gaps.

What Libra women love

Women born in the constellation Libra adore various decorations, so they are not able to calmly walk past a jewelry store. In their arsenal there will always be different little things for any occasion, be it a trip to the store or a social event. Libra women are the only representatives of the zodiac circle who wear jewelry with a special charm that is unique to them.

In addition, Libra is a famous fashionista; their wardrobe contains a variety of beautiful outfits, always emphasizing their elegance. Women of this sign are partial to perfumes and buy them in large quantities and used depending on the chosen image. They always carefully monitor their body, regularly visit the cosmetology office, and can correct their figure through surgery.

For women of this sign, the home environment is important. Furniture, clothes, things - everything should please the eye and be pleasant to the touch. Fresh and light aromas should be in the air. They like delicious and gourmet food, they love art, classical music, luxurious and expensive things.

For such a life, they need a lot of money, which they are able to earn on their own, without relying on the stronger sex. After all, if something in Libra’s environment is unattractive and ugly, then they will suffer greatly from it.

The zodiac has endowed Libra with indecisiveness. When making any decision (be it another purchase of shoes or a proposal from a man), the Libra woman will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, think for a long time and hesitate.

It may often happen that in order to make a final decision, she will need help. And such doubts and thoughts are not at all a sign of a lack of intelligence, it is a distinctive feature that everyone around them must come to terms with.

Libras are endowed with overly developed logic and an analytical mind. Perhaps if they were less logical, life would be simpler, and all decisions would be made with ease. As for other people's opinions and advice, the Libra woman always takes into account those around her and, of course, what her loved one says.

By nature, a representative of the fair sex, whose zodiac is Libra - a talker who will always find suitable topic for conversation. It is among people born in this constellation that there are a lot of extroverts who do not like loneliness and do everything possible not to be alone with themselves.

Among Libra women, there are a lot of those who are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. And one of the obvious disadvantages will be their constant lateness. Such a lady can start getting ready very early, spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and, accordingly, be late. You will have to come to terms with this feature.

Love: 100%

Marriage: 40%

These two can boast very emotional relationships. Every day Libra and Aries spend together is full of passions and surprises. Of course, those around them do not always understand how these lovers manage to be together, however, their union has the right to life. The partners have radically different characters, which is the cause of most misunderstandings.

Persistent Aries often drives his chosen one into hysterics. He is not sure of her feelings and loyalty. In addition, the Libra lady does not share her partner’s hobbies, thinks a lot, and strives for justice in everything. Aries often throws around rude words, offending their significant other.

However, the sexual compatibility of these partners can smooth out most misunderstandings. They are both tender and passionate at the same time; their intimate life never turns into the fulfillment of marital duties. For this relationship to be strong, a woman should not challenge her man’s leadership, because otherwise, he can turn from an affectionate lover into a cold tyrant.

Libra Woman + Taurus Man = Magic of Harmony

Love: 100%

Marriage: 90%

The relationship between these two is so beautiful that those around them simply admire them. At first glance, they give the impression that two halves have been united. Of course, there are misunderstandings between Libra and Taurus, however, there are very few of them. These lovers know what they want from life.

In no other union would a self-confident Taurus allow a woman to control him. However, in these relationships he becomes flexible and responsible, listens to the wishes of his beautiful chosen one. A woman acts very carefully, she is never rude, so her partner does not even realize that he has taken on the role of a performer, and most important decisions accepted by his beloved. The Libra woman tries to support her chosen one in everything, helps him climb the career ladder.

The union of Libra and Taurus is very harmonious. Partners have similar views on life, family, strive for prosperity, and love beautiful, high-quality things. In these relationships, both the man and the woman are not afraid of work; they do everything to ensure that their family is wealthy. If one of them is tired of life's trials, the second partner will definitely give him a strong shoulder.

Libra Woman + Gemini Man = Friendships

Love: 100%

Marriage: 60%

Geminis rarely strive for family life, do not want to burden themselves with obligations. However, in a relationship with Libra, the Gemini man is ready to become a reliable support and faithful husband for his beloved. A woman treats her partner very carefully and never shows excessive persistence. This leads to the fact that a man is ready to do the impossible for the sake of his gentle and flexible lady.

Libra and Gemini are primarily good friends, they know how to listen and advise. If one of the partners had a bad day, he can safely tell his other half about it. The man and woman in this relationship are sincerely interested in each other’s problems and are looking for joint solutions.

For the marriage of Libra and Gemini to be strong, they must constantly take care of their relationship and not leave anything to chance. If the family life of this couple turns into a routine, then no amount of effort will bring back the old feelings. Partners should look for new hobbies, do household chores together, and rejoice in common victories.

Libra Woman + Cancer Man = Looking for Solutions

Love: 80%

Marriage: 70%

Cancers are known for their conservatism and even old-fashionedness, which manifests itself in their outlook on life. Libras often don’t know what exactly they want and rush from one extreme to another until they make a final decision. This union cannot be called strong, since the partners are in a constant search for balance. Sometimes it seems to a man that he is unable to hold his emotional beloved, since she strives to be independent in everything.

However, the Libra woman knows how to create comfort around herself, which can charm any man. She always looks good, acts very gently and softly, like a cat, and never raises her voice to her chosen one. Instead of causing a scandal with breaking dishes, the Libra woman will smile tenderly at her beloved, after which he will happily fulfill all her requests.

Despite strong feelings, Cancer is in no hurry to propose to his woman, which greatly upsets her. He remains silent for a long time on all questions about the future, which provokes frequent misunderstandings between partners. Before Cancer and Libra create a strong unit of society, they will go through many tests, spend many sleepless nights, thinking about whether they need to burden themselves with family obligations.

Libra Woman + Leo Man = Intrigue of the Future

Love: 100%

Marriage: 60%

The relationship between Libra and Leo cannot be called predictable. A purposeful and determined man is rarely ready to compromise and give in to his chosen one. However, if a woman shows patience and flexibility, she will be able to tame the emotional Leo. Both partners want to receive only the best from life, which unites them into a single whole. Similar views on life can make such a union strong and durable.

Libra and Leo highly value their independence, so they must act very carefully so as not to accidentally scare off their partner. Even after the wedding, lovers expect that no one will claim their personal space. Leo and Libra always have a lot of secrets, which they are not even going to reveal. This often becomes the cause of conflicts. However, scandals last no more than a few minutes, after which the partners are actively looking for ways to reconcile.

These two have excellent sexual compatibility, which prevents their bright union from becoming routine and gray. Partners do not cease to be interested in each other even after many years family life. For their marriage to be happy, Libra and Leo must learn to make concessions and forgive each other's shortcomings.

Libra Woman + Virgo Man = Theater of Two Actors

Love: 80:

Marriage: 50%

The Libra woman has excellent intuition, which allows her to charm the demanding Virgo man. However, after several months of relationship, the man begins to notice how skillfully his chosen one manipulates him. She always finds interesting topics for conversation, knows when to ask what, what to say. A woman tries to do everything necessary to ensure that her loved one is interested in the same things that she is.

For some time, the man will indulge his chosen one in everything, however, he will soon get tired of pretending, after which a scandal will follow. This could be a reason to break up the relationship. Although, if a woman apologizes in time and realizes that she shouldn’t put so much pressure on her partner, the lovers will have the opportunity to save their fragile marriage.

In order for Libra and Virgo to live happily ever after under the same roof, they must sacrifice their ambitions. A man must let new emotions and events into his life, expand his range of interests in order to keep up with the life rhythm of his chosen one. The marriage of these lovers can turn into a habit, so the partners must ensure that their feelings remain sincere and tender.

Libra Woman + Libra Man = Soulmate

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

It's hard to imagine more happy couple. These two live in harmony, have the same hobbies and life priorities. Libras try to be delicate in everything, do not show aggression, and think a lot before making a decision. Partners control themselves well and rarely make scandals, as they strive for mutual understanding and well-being. Their conversations are always interesting. They love to decide logic problems, put the interlocutor at a dead end, which intrigues them even more.

Sometimes Libra needs to be alone to put their thoughts in order. They do not tolerate routine, so they must ensure that their relationships do not become a habit. However, they should not forget that family happiness requires not only mutual understanding, but also surprises. Lovers should learn to give unexpected gifts, surprise each other, and say kind words.

Libra's sex life is filled with tenderness and warmth. For partners to become a strong unit of society, they need to constantly take care of their relationship. This will provide them with not only long-term, but also comfortable living under one roof.

Libra Woman + Scorpio Man = Precarious Balance

Love: 100%

Marriage: 60%

The happiness of these two depends on whether they learn to forgive each other's shortcomings. Of course, they have a very rich sex life, however, this is not enough to create a strong family. Scorpio's temperament does not allow him to yield to his chosen one; he does not tolerate encroachments on freedom and personal space.

The relationship between Libra and Scorpio is similar to a learning process: the man shares worldly wisdom with his beloved, and she listens to him with interest. However, a woman is not always satisfied with this situation. Despite her fragility, the Libra woman has enough strong character, does not always adequately perceive criticism. To minimize the number of conflicts, partners should learn respect and understanding.

Selfish Scorpio is obliged to become more patient, support his chosen one, and forgive her minor mistakes. Only in this way will partners be able to overcome all difficulties together and become a happy and strong family. Lovers should be honest and open so that there is no reason for scandals between them.

Libra Woman + Sagittarius Man = Unexpected Joys

Love: 100%

Marriage: 70%

Sagittarius always craves new discoveries, so it is very important for him that his beloved supports and understands him. The Libra woman, despite her fragility and tendency to contradictions, can become a reliable companion and support for such emotional man. She always knows how to find an approach to him, knows how to listen and support.

There are never any awkward moments of silence between Sagittarius and Libra. These lovers can talk about anything without losing interest. Such serious man, thanks to his slightly infantile chosen one, sometimes plunges headlong into childhood. These two can spontaneously start a pillow fight, which Sagittarius would never allow himself if this unpredictable lady were not with him.

From the very beginning of a relationship, a woman begins to make plans for a family, however, she keeps this a strict secret. Over time, she completely gains the trust of the freedom-loving Sagittarius, after which he realizes that he has met his one and only one. While married, Libra and Sagittarius learn understanding and patience, and gain precious life experience.

Libra Woman + Capricorn Man = Intriguing Unknown

Love: 90%

Marriage: 90%

As a rule, at the beginning of a relationship, Capricorn does not inspire complete trust in Libra. This man cannot boast of constancy and complaisance, because he is used to living by his own rules. However, over time, the woman begins to notice the merits of her gentleman and is surprised by his subtle sense of humor. Capricorn studies his lady for a long time, fascinated by her love of freedom and intelligence.

When partners get used to each other, they can enter into a strong legal union. Despite the fact that Capricorn and Libra have radically different characters, they cope well with family responsibilities. The constant sharing of leadership only stimulates them to new achievements. However, a woman must learn to give in to her partner so that he does not lose his sense of masculinity, since this is so important to him!

To become great lovers, Libra and Capricorn must spend many nights together, as they are quite shy at first. However, over time, the sex life of these lovers becomes bright and rich. So that partners do not lose interest in each other, they should learn understanding and sensuality.

Libra Woman + Aquarius Man = Incredible Magnetism

Love: 100%

Marriage: 70%

The relationship between Libra and Aquarius is often very unpredictable. A woman cannot tame this man for a long time, because he wants to remain first in everything and is afraid of losing his independence. She must spend a lot of time finding an approach to her emotional Aquarius, without challenging his leadership. Despite the fact that partners have similar views on life, it is not at all easy for them to be under the same roof. However, if you have patience, you can create a strong family.

Aquarius appreciates the analytical mind of his beloved and her restraint. During conflicts, these two rarely start shouting; they try to come to a compromise as quickly as possible. Their relationship is filled with passion and tenderness, respect and understanding.

From the first days, lovers feel incredible sexual attraction, so their intimate life is full of variety and surprises. They feel so good together that they don’t even think about anyone else. In order for the marriage of Libra and Aquarius to last a lifetime, the partners should not be too demanding of each other. Freedom within reasonable limits will only strengthen their feelings.

Libra Woman + Pisces Man = Together to the Stars

Love: 80%

Marriage: 60%

It would seem, what could unite these two? However, they don't have much in common. For example, both partners are responsible for starting a family and strive for well-being. The relationship between Libra and Pisces is not immediately filled with universal passions. Lovers go through many tests before becoming the perfect couple. From the first meetings they may be overcome by anxiety; they do not trust each other for a long time.

A man is often upset that his chosen one asks so few questions. He thinks that she also has many secrets. However, the Aquarius woman always knows what she wants. Partners are in no hurry to break off their relationship, because, despite all the difficulties, they are very good together. Their sex life is filled with tenderness and passion, so they feel a strong affection for each other.

Libra and Pisces eventually find many common hobbies. They attend exhibitions together, go to theaters, and travel. If these two decide to legalize their relationship, then you can be sure that they will do absolutely everything to make their family the happiest and most exemplary.

Uncertainty, constant hesitation, difficulty making decisions - these traits, first of all, complicate the life of Libra themselves. Often they prefer to shift responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. But this is perhaps the only big drawback of Libra. Otherwise, representatives of this sign make wonderful life partners, interesting conversationalists, and natural directors who are able to turn boring everyday life into an exciting, endless performance.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Aries

The union of representatives of two opposite elements - Air and Fire - is an explosive mixture. In such relationships, passions literally boil. At the first meeting, a strong mutual attraction arises. The Aries man appears to Libra as a strong, self-confident knight without fear or reproach. The Aries woman is a passionate seductress. Libras see traits in Aries that they lack, this is a classic case of opposites attracting. If Libra and Aries decide to long relationship, you need to be prepared for the fact that these will be continuous extremes - from frantic passion to mutual hatred. The main problem is the struggle for leadership. If in the first three years of marriage you manage to keep the family ship afloat and accept each other, there is a chance to live together happily ever after.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Taurus

This relationship has little chance of a long future together. But they have a common heavenly patron - the planet Venus. Therefore, at a certain internal work and the desire to adapt to your partner, you can achieve a stable union. A Taurus man attracts Libra with his strong charisma, self-confidence, strength of character, practicality, and masculine sexuality. But at the same time, he can suppress Libra with his imperiousness and rudeness. The Taurus woman captivates with her femininity and love of beauty. But it can irritate with excessively mundane interests. If all contradictions are resolved, a strong union based on mutual respect and lasting friendship can arise between Libra and Taurus. A marriage can be especially happy if the spouses have a large age difference. Moreover, the Taurus man must be older.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Gemini

This is one of the most successful unions, since it unites representatives of the same element. Together they are never bored. Travel, wanderlust, new projects, a flurry of ideas, experiments - they will constantly come up with something new. In such a marriage, it is especially important that the spouses have equal intellectual and educational levels. Or, if we are talking about a Gemini man, so that the husband acts as a kind of teacher for Libra. Conversations, discussions, disputes on the most different topics- from culinary to political - this is a necessary ingredient for their family happiness. If Gemini dominates in a couple, this is very good for Libra, since they are drawn to the leader and at the same time grow internally. Main problem relationships - in the frivolity of both. And it’s not so much about betrayal, although it can’t be avoided, but about adventurous ideas that can be dangerous for the future of the family.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Cancer

This is a union that is more businesslike than sensual. Ideal marriage by calculation. One of the few options when Libra takes on the role of leader in a couple. They can become a good mentor for Cancer life path, skillfully avoiding all barriers and obstacles. If a Cancer man agrees to such a role, the relationship can develop quite harmoniously. On initial stage there will be a lot of romance, outbursts of feelings, conversations until the morning. Over time, emotions will go away, giving way to sober calculation and very specific goals. A Cancer man can become an ideal business advisor for Libra, with his deep intuition and ability to predict the future. The problem in this relationship can be Cancer's possessive instinct combined with his touchiness. If Libra does not take this factor into account, the marriage may collapse. Moreover, most often such unions break up on the initiative of Libra, tired of Cancer’s claims.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Leo

This is one of the best partners for Libra. Love does not burst into their lives like a tornado, but comes gradually, based on pleasant mutual discoveries, growing trust and interest in each other. The Leo man attracts Libra with his self-confidence, indomitable inner energy, and desire to shine. At the same time, Libra may well meet Leo’s strict requirements for his partner - sophisticated, with a natural sense of proportion and taste, Libra knows how to look great, causing everyone’s admiration and being the center of attention. And that’s all Leo needs! In addition, Libra can become a grateful audience for Leo, listening to his grandiose plans, throwing out new ideas and constantly praising him. If Libra learns to quietly manipulate Leo, forcing him to act in the direction necessary for the family, this marriage can be called happy.

Libra and Virgo Love Compatibility

They are united by intelligence. The romance may begin with white envy - one of them, after the first conversation, will sincerely envy the other’s intelligence and analytical abilities. On this basis, mutual interest will develop, which will very quickly develop into romantic relationship. True, they can hardly be called romantic - rather, it will be a celebration of intellectual rivalry, when both simply bathe in exciting conversations, disputes and verbal battles. In addition, Libra and Virgo will appreciate each other's sense of taste and style. In family life, problems can arise due to raising children. Libra is very democratic, while Virgo, on the contrary, strives for total control. In addition, Virgo will be annoyed by Libra's indecisiveness when a problem such as choosing a place to vacation becomes simply insoluble because ideas change every day. If the Virgo man turns out to be very demanding and critical of Libra, the union may fall apart.

Libra and Libra Love Compatibility

An excellent option for short, vibrant relationships, for example, for a holiday romance. Both are freedom-loving creative people who do not try to re-educate their partner or impose their point of view on him. They will have a great time, but it is unlikely that at least one of them will have the idea of ​​​​transferring the relationship to another, more permanent level. If they nevertheless decide on such a union, they must keep in mind that fascination with their reflection can very soon move into the “ Crooked mirror“When your partner’s shortcomings, so clearly repeating your own, begin to irritate with a vengeance. Another problem in such a marriage can be mutual infidelity and a tendency to flirt on the side. And the indecision inherent in both can lead to the fact that long-exhausted relationships will drag on for a painfully long time, since neither partner will find the determination to take the first step towards freedom.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Scorpio

It is difficult to call this relationship harmonious. But they can turn out well if love grew out of friendship, and the partners had time to get to know each other’s shortcomings and come to terms with them. In general, such an alliance is quite rare. Peaceful and calm Libra subconsciously shuns Scorpio, who is all woven from contradictions and internal aggression. But if love was preceded by a long acquaintance, and Libra understands what they are getting into, they can receive in such a marriage a powerful charge of energy, which they so lack. The unpredictability of Scorpio, his constant readiness to jump, delights representatives of the sign of Libra. Scorpio should dominate this pair. And if Libra accepts this state of affairs, the marriage can be happy and long.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius

That rare case when Libra acts as the eldest in the union. The energetic but unfocused Sagittarius will willingly submit to the judicious Libra if they do not fetter his freedom and tie him too much to home. At the same time, he will bring into the life of Libra the air of distant travels, the frantic rhythm of life, rich communication and an indomitable craving for novelty. They rarely decide to unite their lives forever. Libra is frightened by Sagittarius' straightforwardness, his immaturity and tendency to spontaneous actions. But if this does happen, you need to try to avoid a direct showdown, since the truth-teller Sagittarius can, unwittingly, offend a sensitive representative of the sign of Libra so much that the matter ends in a breakup.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Capricorn

When they are young, they simply do not notice each other. Libra and Capricorn exist as if in parallel universes- emotional, mental, etc. The maximum that can arise between them is friendship, moreover, based on some kind of business interest. In these relationships, Capricorn will act as a wise, practical patron, and Libra will become a secret adviser to their partner. With age, both become wiser, and a union can arise - first on a practical basis, and then on the basis of mutual respect. In this case, Libra will have to completely accept Capricorn’s rules of life. For example, understand that it is useless to argue with him, he will still stand his ground. And you either need to be patient and wait until he himself realizes that he is wrong. Or learn to manipulate him so that he thinks he is changing his decision of his own free will. Happiness in this union largely depends on material income. Capricorn cannot come to terms with even temporary poverty, he quickly falls into depression and despondency, and it can be difficult for optimistic Libra to pull him out of this swamp.

Love Compatibility of Libra and Aquarius

This relationship will develop in waves. From the first days of their acquaintance, Libras and Aquarius live as if on a swing: they either converge, then diverge, then quarrel, then make peace. Libra needs time to get used to a character that is even more freedom-loving than their own. They will have to slightly “sharpen” Aquarius’s character if he allows it. But they have an excellent basis for a long and warm relationship - the common element of Air helps them understand each other without words, appreciate the same things, and speak the same language. They know how to ignore annoying everyday trifles and together enthusiastically engage in things that are far from everyday prose. The problem can only be the difference in the strength of the characters. Libra in this pair should be the main one, as they are wiser and more reasonable. But the stronger internal energy of Aquarius helps him often achieve his goal according to the principle of a capricious child - “I want!” It's important to find a balance here.

Libra and Pisces Love Compatibility

At the first meeting, which will most likely happen at one of the social events that both of these signs love so much, it may seem to them that they are ideally compatible. Pisces will be fascinated by Libra's demeanor, their ability to conduct a conversation, broad knowledge, and sense of taste. At first, falling in love can be very strong, especially on the part of Pisces. But over time, deep internal contradictions will begin to emerge. And if they are not taken into account, the relationship can end very quickly. The main conflict lies in the different emotional background in which both partners are accustomed to existing. For Pisces, emotions are their native element. Libras do not take everything so personally and very quickly get tired of reproaches, hysterics, curses, etc. For Libra, the dominant sphere is intellect, and such immersion in the world of emotions seems pointless to them. And even if the sexual attraction is quite strong, over time this relationship can become very tiring for the Libra representative, and she will begin to look for an opportunity to free herself.

In the first half of your life, your ideal partners are Gemini and Aquarius, soul mates according to the element of Air. It is only necessary that the first ones study, master a promising profession, and not rush around in search of better life. And only one thing is required from Aquarius: the desire to host many of the young wife’s friends, including representatives of the opposite sex, in their home. In the second half of life, Libra needs Leo or Sagittarius. The first, however, will be suitable with one caveat: he should not have a weakness for gambling and expensive clothes. Libra will not tolerate his wife squandering family money. And Sagittarius is suitable for the role of an ideal match for Libra only if it has a high social status.

Best Couple for Libra

Aquarius: Love-friendship and love-fun await this couple. Libra and Aquarius enjoy each other primarily on an intellectual level; Libra is truly delighted by the wit of Aquarius, who in turn will be inspired by Libra. This pair can make a productive creative tandem. They will always enjoy each other's company and will not lose mutual interest for a long time. As the Libra Aquarius compatibility horoscope predicts, the marriage of this couple promises to be extremely successful.

Twins: If these two zodiac signs meet, then usually the motto of their romance becomes “even a flood after us,” this confirms the compatibility horoscope. Gemini and Libra love entertainment and are constantly in search of vivid impressions. They don't burden themselves everyday problems and prefer quick pleasures to deep feelings. But, despite the apparent frivolity, they understand each other perfectly and create the impression of an ideal couple. The romance may end in a successful marriage, as predicted by the Libra Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Sagittarius: The novel promises to be delightful. As the compatibility horoscope predicts, Libra and Sagittarius are a beautiful and romantic couple. Libra attracts Sagittarius with its tenderness and easy-going attitude towards life, and for them, Sagittarius is an eternal adventure hunter who brings an element of variety and brightness to life. Libra is an ideal companion for Sagittarius, as they manage to constantly stir up his interest in themselves, and in the end, even such a loving flighty will allow himself to be tamed. As the Libra Sagittarius compatibility horoscope promises, the marriage promises to be successful.

Worst Couple for Libra

Fish: The beginning of this couple's romance will be fabulously beautiful: strawberries in chocolate and champagne on ice. Both of these zodiac signs love tender confessions and sentimental words, and also do not want to get out of the sweet pink cotton wool of their romance. But, as the compatibility horoscope warns, Libra and Pisces may begin to conflict precisely because of the manifestation of their feelings. Pisces needs protection and support, but Libra is not ready for this and considers it a routine obligation. As the Libra Pisces compatibility horoscope predicts, this relationship will be beautiful, but fragile.

Cancer: There will always be some understatement in the relationship of this couple, as indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Cancer and Libra are somewhat different emotionally, which can lead to alienation. Sensitive Cancer expects to be appreciated and protected, but the slightly more superficial Libra is more focused on himself and does not notice his partner's changeable mood. This is precisely the reason for future quarrels, warns the Libra Cancer compatibility horoscope.

Taurus: The relationship of this pair of zodiac signs cannot be called simple: they differ in too many ways, as the compatibility horoscope assures. Libra and Taurus sometimes look at life under different angles review. Libra likes light entertainment, while Taurus prefers not to waste time. He considers his companion a spender, while to Libra Taurus seems like a penny-pincher. This romance will gain the right to long-term existence only if Libra comes to terms with the despotism of Taurus, but this is unlikely, as confirmed by the Libra Taurus compatibility horoscope.

Strained Relationships

Scales: The relationship of this couple resembles a film about love, but in the end it becomes too revealing due to the game for the public, which Libra is too keen on. The compatibility horoscope predicts an exciting and vibrant romance, which both participants will treat as an eternal celebration of life. The reins of power in such an extravaganza are usually taken by the Libra man. The compatibility horoscope foretells: perhaps at some point it may seem to Libra that they are communicating with themselves, and this will bring all interest to naught. To avoid this, you should find distracting interests. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Libra woman is more loyal to her partner, and it is she who often eliminates all conflicts and quarrels.

Aries: This couple is attracted to each other by what they do not see in themselves. The impulsive Aries is enchanted by the refined restraint of Libra, and they, in turn, are attracted by the cheerfulness and energy of their partner, this is confirmed by the Libra Aries compatibility horoscope. Conflicts can arise due to Aries's stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise. But, as a rule, Libra manages to persuade their half to a reasonable agreement, as evidenced by the Aries Libra compatibility horoscope.

People born under the zodiac sign Libra are among the most flighty and fickle. They hesitate for a long time before making a decision and are often unsure of their choice. The Libra woman's compatibility with other signs is good. But she needs a more courageous and active partner who will support her.

General description of the sign

Libra is the only uninspired sign on zodiac circle. The Libra sign includes people who were born from September 23 to October 22. In communication they are very pleasant and courteous, they know how to attract attention. This sign rarely makes enemies.

Libra has positive qualities, these include:

  • perseverance and hard work;
  • subsequence;
  • love of order is the ideal housewife;
  • willingness to help;
  • unpretentiousness and practicality.

TO negative traits impermanence refers. They can change their mind in an instant, which is why they are often disliked. They are also critical of everything new and do not admit that they are wrong.

Their characteristics say that in romantic relationships they are used to making a lot of demands on their partner. This leads to disappointment later. But if the chosen one does not meet their moral and ethical beliefs, they are ready to end the relationship.

Libras are also a little prone to envy. They may experience this feeling even towards a loved one if he is more successful or wealthy. Good quality Libras are optimistic, which makes them easy to communicate with.

This sign is very stubborn and practical. He knows what he wants from life and is willing to work hard. The Zodiac can achieve a lot in the creative field, where you need to think abstractly. Libra is one of the fairest representatives of the horoscope; they evaluate a person by his actions and are absolutely selfless.

Libra in relationships

This zodiac sign needs a calm, drama-free relationship. His partner should have similar interests and hobbies, then the union will be especially strong. This sign is very balanced and will not experience aggression or anxiety for no reason. This makes them more reliable partners.

They easily find new friends and are prone to flirting. This may cause quarrels with their chosen ones. But if Libra meets their person, they will do anything to create a strong union.

Fire element compatibility

Under the element of Fire are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These are very emotional signs who often commit rash acts. Because of this, their union with Libra will be successful. They will calm and balance fiery representatives.

The most successful pairing will be with Sagittarius. The characteristic says that these signs understand each other well and can achieve a lot if they work together. Relationships with Aries and Leo are more complicated. It will be easier for them to find common language only while they are both young.

Libra and Leo

These signs can create a strong tandem. They pay attention to each other soon after meeting and their relationship begins to gradually develop.

For these signs the first place is:

  • mutual respect;
  • trust in partner;
  • caring for loved ones.

Leo's advantage is that he is open and sincere with others, and Libra tries to see everyone as an ally. They can be connected not only by romantic relationships, but also by friendship. They often have common hobbies and interests.

These signs can find a common language in work. But to achieve more, it is worth correctly dividing responsibilities. Leo should take on the role of a leader, then cooperation will be more successful. This couple has great potential in all areas of life.

Libra and Aries

Mutual understanding between representatives of these signs will not appear immediately. Aries will not like Libra's impracticality and frivolity. But if they get to know each other better, sympathy may arise between them. They will never be bored together. Aries and Libra are also united serious attitude to marriage.

Friendships will also be strong. These people are ready to come to the aid of a friend at any time. They will be able to share important tips and instructions. Libra will gain self-confidence thanks to Aries.

Working together will be effective if they can properly divide responsibilities. The characteristic says that Libra is better at establishing contacts with partners and subordinates. But if these signs work together, there are no romantic feelings between them.

Libra and Sagittarius

This couple has a chance to create a strong family. They are united by the desire to take care of loved ones and respect for traditions. Sagittarius will take the initiative. Their union will be strong and lasting.

Their friendships will also be strong because these signs see the world the same way and understand each other well. Libra and Sagittarius have many common hobbies and can discuss music or books at length.

They will also be successful in their working relationships. Thanks to Libra's sociability and charm, they will be able to attract new partners and improve their material well-being.

Air element compatibility

Representatives of this element are best suited for Libra. An alliance with Gemini will be successful; this sign will give its partner confidence and teach him to look at the world more broadly. Libra will also improve organizational skills.

A pair of two Libras is the most successful. These signs understand each other well, quarrels between them occur very rarely.

They are united by the following qualities:

  • love of travel;
  • composure and organization;
  • fear of routine.

When meeting someone in adulthood, it will be more difficult to build a relationship, because Libra’s negative qualities begin to clearly manifest themselves.

Libra and Aquarius

The horoscope says that this couple can build a good romantic relationship. Their tandem will be calm and balanced. They will not loudly sort things out; scandals between them are rare.

These zodiacs can get married, but they both must be ready for it. It is important that partners are psychologically mature, only then the union will be strong. A woman born under the sign of Libra is a good mother and is ready to devote herself entirely to home and family.

In friendship, their couple will be just as successful. Aquarius always values ​​his friends and is ready to help them in any situation. Libras also treat friendship responsibly and are ready to do a lot for the sake of a loved one. Their collaboration will be effective because the zodiacs look at the world in the same way and have similar working methods.

Libra and Gemini

Representatives of this zodiac sign are united by high intellectual abilities and common interests. They can carry on a long dialogue and come up with many new ideas. The conversation comes first and the more complex it is, the better for them.

For a Libra woman it has great value her partner's erudition makes Gemini a good match. To make the relationship stronger they need:

  • engage in your favorite hobby together;
  • constantly discover new things;
  • travel more.

The advantage of such a pair is that both signs are non-conflict. They have good upbringing, sense of tact and gentle character. Thanks to this, quarrels between them are rare. The Libra woman's compatibility horoscope says that this couple is one of the most favorable.

Libra and Libra

Identical signs understand each other well and can create a strong family. Working and friendly relations between them will be just as successful. Sometimes quarrels are possible due to the fact that it will be difficult for them to balance themselves and their partner.

It is also necessary that they do not impose their worldview on another and do not try to re-educate their partner. Scandals between them rarely occur, so such an alliance is considered especially successful.

The friendship of two Libras often turns into romantic relationships, but they do not always end in marriage. Over time, partners begin to notice the negative sides of their chosen one. If they manage to get rid of their shortcomings and find a compromise, the relationship will be strong.

Compatible with the elements of Water and Earth

It will not be easy for Libra to find a common language with representatives of this element. Water signs take life responsibly and seriously, so they will not like the frivolity and fickleness of an air sign.

Representatives of the Earth are Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. They have a clear life plan and Libra seems too frivolous to them. These signs also tend to hold grudges for a long time. They can accumulate negative emotions and later this ends in a big scandal.

Libra and Virgo

The compatibility of a Libra woman with a Virgo is high. This zodiac is an exception and can create a strong tandem with Libra. But first they need to get to know each other well. These signs have common features:

  • love of books and music;
  • sociability and openness;
  • calm and peacefulness.

People born under these signs can talk for a long time, they both have good erudition. How quickly the relationship will develop depends only on Libra, because they are more courageous.

If they marry, their family will be strong. Virgo takes her family responsibilities seriously and is the ideal housewife.

Libra and Taurus

People who were born under these zodiac signs can quickly fall in love with each other. Libra feels comfortable around Taurus and can spend a lot of time together.

Difficulties will appear only because of their indecision and embarrassment. Neither wants to take responsibility for the development of the relationship, but if they can overcome this obstacle, the union will be strong.

The marriage between these people will be calm, without quarrels. The man will provide for the family financially, and the Libra woman will take care of the house. They will become good parents who pay a lot of attention to raising their children.

There can be friendships too. This is facilitated by similar temperament and character traits. They will treat their partner with respect and be able to open up to them completely.

Libra and Capricorn

People who were born under these zodiac signs often fall in love with each other. Libra and Capricorn are attracted to the following traits in their partner:

  • tact and erudition;
  • ability to behave in society;
  • gallantry.

The downside is that both signs are too slow, their courtship lasts too long. But if they get married, their union will be reliable. Perhaps they are hesitant to have a child because they are comfortable together.

In a working relationship, Libra will be able to assemble a professional team, and Capricorn will set a businesslike atmosphere. Together, they will carefully think through the strategy and move towards the goal in small steps. This is the perfect team.

Libra and Cancer

These signs are very tactful, reserved and love romance, these things unite them. They can create a marriage, but it will be difficult to maintain it. Libra is too fickle for conservative Cancer. It will be difficult for them to arrange their life. Also, over time, the couple may become bored.

Friendship between them is more likely. They can engage in common hobbies or discuss books and movies. Zodiacs will also feel comfortable in working relationships. They have similar rhythms of life and do everything deliberately and leisurely. Cancer will guide indecisive Libra in the right direction and both signs will be able to develop.

Libra and Scorpio

It will be difficult for representatives of these signs to build love relationship. For Scorpio, passion is most important, and Libra strives for spiritual unity. Sometimes a representative of the element of Air is too vulnerable and takes the words of his chosen one closely.

If they don't give up and try to find common ground, the relationship can be strong. The Water sign needs to become more restrained and control their emotions, while Libra is not afraid to show their feelings.

Even if disagreements begin in the marriage, Libra will do everything possible to maintain the relationship. They are very afraid of loneliness, so they do not want to lose their chosen one.

The best friendships will be between Scorpio and Libra. They will always be able to understand each other and give advice. In a working relationship, they will be able to get along only if Scorpio takes the place of the leader.

Libra and Pisces

Libra's compatibility with Pisces is average. Love is possible between them. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they easily find a common language. But Pisces need to become more practical, otherwise they will not be able to get along.

In marriage, relationships will be very tender and trusting. But quarrels may arise due to the fact that Pisces lacks initiative. Both signs are too indecisive and flighty. But if they overcome this obstacle, the union will be strong.

Difficulties may arise at work. These signs need more active and proactive colleagues. Without them, it will not be possible to achieve results, because Libra and Pisces lack perseverance and diligence.


Libra is the only uninspired representative of the horoscope. They can put off important things for a long time and change their point of view. The most successful compatibility will be with representatives of the Air element. It is most difficult to find contact with water signs.