Sogdiana personal biography. Sogdiana - biography, personal life, height, weight. Serious man growing up

Sogdiana (real name - Oksana Nechitailo) is one of the few students of "" who has not been forgotten. Proof of her relevance are the Golden Gramophone awards, the titles of People's Artist of the Chechen Republic and Honored Artist of Ingushetia, and constant participation in popular musical events covering the post-Soviet space.

Childhood and youth

The performer was born in Tashkent in February 1984. Despite the pronounced Asian features, Sogdiana is Ukrainian by nationality. The family came to Uzbekistan thanks to their grandfather, a soldier.

The singer's parents had nothing to do with art. Father Vladimir Nechitailo worked as an engineer at a compressor plant, mother Larisa Fedorinskaya worked as a dispatcher at a car depot. The couple raised two children - Oksana and Sergei, their brother is 12 years older.

The love of singing was instilled in Sogdiana by her beloved grandmother, who at one time sang in the church choir. The girl learned the basics of playing the piano at a special school at the conservatory, and at the age of 14 she became a laureate of the republican piano competition. In addition to academic music, Oksana was attracted pop singing. In 1999, she was a prize-winner of the popular song competition “SADO-99” among professional performers.

After graduating from school, Nechitailo entered the Uzbek State Conservatory, in the pop department. And a new peak was immediately taken musical Olympus- Oksana won the Republican modern song competition “Melodies of My Land”, and a year later she stormed the stage international competition in St. Petersburg “Path to the Stars”, where she also became a laureate.

This was followed by festivals in Bulgaria and Italy, from where the girl also brought prize figurines.


In 2001, 17-year-old Sogdiana recorded her debut album “Mening Kunglim” (“My Soul”), which contained songs in Russian, Uzbek and English languages. In his native Uzbekistan, they started talking about a new rising star.

After 2 years, the singer received her first award - the state youth award of the country “Nihol” (“Rostock”). In 2005, Oksana Nechitailo presented the disc “My Prince... Still Will Come!”, which included “My Prince”, “Don’t Hope”, “What Should I Do”, “Don’t Come” and “Heart Magnet”, recorded a year earlier.

Then the girl managed to star in the film “Khoja Nasreddin”. The first film role brought incredible success. But, having seemingly reached the pinnacle of popularity in the republic, the artist realized that she needed to move on. First of all, Oksana came up with a stage name for herself and became Sogdiana. This was the name of an ancient rich state, which, according to legend, was located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. According to scientists, that country is the cradle of civilization.

In 2006, Sogdiana became a contestant at the Star Factory. This TV show revealed the artist’s name to Russians. And “Heart Magnet” turned into the calling card of an Uzbek star and entered the top 5 of the rating greatest hits year and brought the first “Golden Gramophone”. The girl received the second same award for the composition “Blue Sky”. For the third time, Sogdiana became the winner of the Golden Gramophone in 2008 with the song “Catch Up with the Wind.”

In 2011, the album “Eden” was added to the discography, which included the songs “East of Eden”, “With or Without You”, “Remember Me”, “The Sky in Diamonds”. In the same year, Sogdiana played in a film named after her and filmed according to a script specially written for her.

In 2014, the girl released a video for the hit “Lightning” and sang the song “Epidemic” in Uzbek and Russian. Soon appeared new clip"A bird without a wing." Then the fans received a gift - the composition “Nothing Is Impossible,” which Sogdiana performed with.

By the way, she has few joint performances: with and during the “Factory”, with the Tatar performer, Azerbaijani Khayyam Nisanov.

A duet with a colleague from Kazakhstan, Abdulkarim, competed for the Eurasian Music Awards. In October 2017, the video for the hit “Indivisible” premiered.

In 2018, the artist went to Baku for her first “Heat” festival, the peculiarity of which is that the award winners are chosen by the musicians themselves. IN " Instagram"The singer posted a corresponding video. Sogdiana did not receive any awards, but the press noted her elegant and stylish outfits, which stand out against the general flashy background with their originality and femininity. In September, the singer presented new album"I choose you".

Personal life

Sogdiana’s personal life was not easy at first. In 2007, the singer met Indian Ram Govinda, whose birthday she performed at. The marriage produced a son, Arjun. But then the husband began to create scandals and forbade her to go on stage and communicate with friends. The couple divorced a year later.

For all 3 pregnancies, the mother of many children gained excess weight, sometimes up to 30 kg, which with a height of 175 cm seemed critical. But, according to Sogdiana, the swimming pool and a picky attitude to food helped her cope. And then, one concert is equivalent in load to 3 classes in gym. A main recipe losing weight - loving yourself and feeling psychological comfort every day.

The artist does not plan to stay on maternity leave, because she is inspired by what is happening in life and wants to share this joy with the audience. New songs are ready. The composition “Catch”, the video for which Sogdiana shot 2 months before giving birth, has already been presented to the public.


  • 2001 - “My Soul”
  • 2005 - “My prince... He will still come!”
  • 2008 - “Heart Magnet”
  • 2011 - “Eden”
  • 2018 - “I choose you”
2 April 2010, 16:48

Sogdiana was born February 17, 1984 years in Tashkent. Her parents had nothing to do with music: her mother Larisa Fedorinskaya of Education- medical worker, and dad - Vladimir Nechitailo- engineer. Only my grandmother once sang in the church choir. But, despite this, young Sogdiana’s love for music manifested itself quite early. She grew up creative child: Since childhood, I painted, sang, danced and organized mini-concerts for relatives and guests. Parents noticed their daughter’s talent in time and sent her to a special music school, where she studied piano for 11 years. A great future was predicted for the young pianist, but she herself felt that she wanted something more. Even the most virtuoso performance of etudes by famous composers cannot replace one’s own creativity. Therefore, in addition to the piano, she began to study vocals from the 8th grade. Now the girl knew exactly what her heart was striving for... from that moment the story of the rising pop star Sogdiana began. Sogdiana took part in many International and Republican competitions ("Sado 99" - Uzbekistan, "Aziz Ona-Yurtim navolari" - Uzbekistan, "Path to the Stars" - St. Petersburg, "Discovery" - Bulgaria, "Canconi dal mondo" - Italy and many others) and was invariably among the laureates. But real singer cannot live on competitions and honorary diplomas alone, so Sogdiana began working on recording her own compositions, slowly but surely, selecting material for her debut album. The disc "Mening kunglim" ("My soul") was released in 2001 year. Soon she entered the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan at the faculty pop vocals. Sogdiana is sure that every job should be done by a professional. And this attitude in life attracts many to her. As the MK-Sunday correspondent will later write. Ulyana Kalashnikova: “They say that you can’t be smart and beautiful at the same time. For a graduate "Star Factories-6" This saying does not seem to apply to Sogdiana. The long-legged brunette managed to get a higher education before getting into the project musical education, which is rare in modern show business." IN 2003 Sogdiana was awarded the highest youth award in Uzbekistan - the State Prize "Nihol", which means "Rostock". This was already a real recognition! This means that it opened the way for this singer’s talent to reach millions of listeners. It was this year that she participated in the festival "The path to the stars", held in St. Petersburg and returned as a prize winner. The singer's career is rapidly gaining momentum - video clips are being filmed, a second, much more successful album, "Mening Shahzodam... Baribir Kelar!" is being released.

Filming of the video "Netay", 09/28/2005 "Netay" video Filming of the video "Yurak Mahzun" Video "Yurak Mahzun" IN 2005 participated in 15 International festival pop music "Discovery", held in Bulgaria in the city Varna and took second place . As a result of the competition, Sogdiana received an invitation to the festival "Canzoni dal Mondo". On the first day of the festival, the song “Yurak Makhzun”, arranged by Ravil Gimazutdinov, was awarded a nomination "The best arrangement". On the second - Sogdiana was awarded a nomination "The best singer" IN 2006 rising star The East was also noticed in Russia - Sogdiana becomes one of the participants "Star Factories-6" Victor Drobysh. And even though she didn’t win the project, she did with her heartfelt song "Heart Magnet" found the key to the hearts of Russian listeners. Her charisma, sincerity and bewitching, alluring gaze bewitch her fans! And even venerable journalists: "maybe the artist wanted more mystery, or maybe she felt the call of distant ancestors and is fulfilling the mission of an ambassador of other cultures. Or maybe he just dreams about it, attracting our ears with his dream and his sincere heart, like a magnet.". This review of Sogdiana’s debut was written in the newspaper "Evening Moscow". "Star Factory-6", 2006 1st nomination of Sogdiana - song "Heart-magnet" "Heart magnet" Star Factory-6 After graduating from the “Star Factory”, she went with all its participants on long tours throughout Russia and the CIS countries. By that time, Sogdiana had become a folk heroine not only in her homeland, but also won the hearts of fans all over the world. Two films with her participation were sold out in cinemas across the country. "Khoja Nasreddin" and , and on her solo concerts in Tashkent there was nowhere for the apple to fall. Even three days in a four-thousand-person hall was not enough for everyone to be able to listen and see the colorful show of their favorite singer live. Solo concert in Tashkent, 2006 In the same year, the girl became the owner of one of the most prestigious awards at Russian stage. Sogdiana took the stage at the State Kremlin Palace and received her first, but not the last "Golden Gramophone Award" for a mega hit "Heart magnet" "Heart magnet" Golden Gramophone Award "Golden Gramophone", 11/26/2006
Film "Khoja Nasreddin: the game begins" Film "Sogdiana", 2006 IN 2007 -m Sogdiana shot a video for the song "Blue sky" and began work on her first Russian album. Filming of the video "Blue Sky", 2007. Clip "Blue sky" So, just 3 weeks after the birth of her first child, son Arjun, she was already performing at the Golden Gramophone. Sogdiana received the second prestigious statuette for the song “Blue Sky”. In the same year she was awarded the Moscow City Hall Prize "Pilar" for his contribution to the development of Russian popular music. February 14, 2008 Sogdiana's first Russian album was released (and the 3rd in a row) "Heart Magnet". And now the third song from this album achieves success and recognition. At this time the composition "Catch up with the wind" was played on all radio stations. The singer continues to work actively, and already in August begins filming a new video for the song "The clouds have scattered". In October family life Sogdiana has cracked. The press began to receive information that Sogdiana and her husband would separate due to numerous misunderstandings, scandals and quarrels. At the end of November, Sogdiana receives its third "Golden Gramophone Award" per song "Catch up with the wind". "Golden Gramophone", 11/29/2008. 31th of December Sogdiana's husband kidnapped his son Arjun and took him to his homeland - India. Catch the wind (Golden Gramophone 2008) With son Arjun IN 2009 Sogdiana is shooting 3 new videos this year: “Remember Me”, “East of Eden” and “With or Without You”. As Sogdiana says, she dedicated the song “Remember Me” to her son Arjun. September 27, 2009 Sogdiana marries the owner of the Lynx hockey club, Bashir Kushtov. March 22, 2010 they have years

Personal life of Sogdiana presented her with unpleasant surprises, which caused her a lot of distress. Sogdiana’s first husband, Indian businessman Ram Govinda, saw her when she was a participant in “Star Factory-6”, and was immediately captivated by the young, beautiful, talented girl. Meeting Ram promised the young star a fairy tale life, but the fairy tale ended as soon as she became his wife.

The singer's husband turned out to be a real tyrant and owner, who did not allow his wife to take a step without his knowledge. Sogdiana’s personal life turned into a complete nightmare - Ram made scandals for her almost every day, forbade her to perform, communicate with friends and colleagues, and, at the same time, constantly reproached her for living at his expense. At first, Sogdiana unquestioningly obeyed her husband, simply because she loved him, despite the fact that his attitude seemed humiliating to her. However, their family gradually collapsed, and everything became even worse after Sogdiana gave birth to a son.

In the photo - Sogdiana with her first husband

When Sogdiana invited Ram to leave, she had no idea what a tragedy this decision would turn out to be for her. Ram agreed to the divorce, but secretly took their son out of Russia. No matter how the singer begged for her son to be returned to her, ex-husband was adamant, and did not even allow her to see the child. Only three years later, when Arjun had already grown up, Ram decided to go to the meeting, and Sogdiana saw her son for the first time. Having calmed down, Ram Govinda made concessions and agreed that he and Sogdiana would take turns raising their son.

In the photo - the singer with her son Arjun

During that difficult period for Sogdiana’s personal life, she was lucky enough to meet a man who helped solve her problems and provided great support. One of the friends introduced the singer to businessman Bashir Kushtov, whom he recommended as a person who could help overcome all difficulties. This acquaintance grew into a romance, and during the seven months during which Bashir was next to Sogdiana, she realized how reliable and worthy the person was next to her.

In the photo - with Bashir Kushtov

Despite the fact that Bashir is seventeen years older and has nine children, the eldest of whom was nineteen years old at the time of their acquaintance, Sogdiana agreed to the marriage proposal that she heard from him. They celebrated the wedding, and after some time the singer gave birth to her second son. Today in Sogdiana’s personal life there is a beloved husband and child, and she sees her eldest son only from time to time, when she comes to her first husband’s house or takes Arjun with her for a while.

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Once upon a time, on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, the country of Sogdiana flourished. It was so beautiful, rich and fertile that some scientists call it one of the cradles of civilization. And the talented girl, who sang well and loved the country in which she was born and raised with all her heart, decided to take stage name Sogdiana. The biography of the now popular singer today interests many fans of her work. What family was she born into, what path did she take? What is she like, singer Sogdiana?

Biography: Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitailo

The future one was born pop singer in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on February 17, 1984. Oksana's parents had nothing to do with the stage (or music in general). My mother is a doctor by education, my father is an engineer. Only my grandmother sang in the church choir for some time. But little Oksana showed stage talent from a young age - she organized concerts for family and friends. The parents decided to develop their daughter’s talents and sent her to the music school named after. Gliera. After 11 years, Oksana graduated from it (piano class). The delight of those around her and even the forecasts about her great future in music did not bring her satisfaction, and then Sogdiana decided to study vocals.

Biography: early career

The young performer took part in all possible music competitions, both republican and international. Almost always, at the end of the project, I could boast of an honorary laureate diploma. But she wanted more, and she began recording her first compositions. The world saw Sogdiana's debut album in 2001. 2003 became the year of popular recognition in home country, she received a prestigious award, which was awarded to the most talented young performers of Uzbekistan - the state award "Nihol". In 2004, real hits appeared in her repertoire, and very quickly it became popular singer Sogdiana.

Biography: participation in the “Star Factory”

In 2006, the young performer was invited to become a participant in the famous variety show “Star Factory-6”. The singer's producer was Viktor Drobysh. Sogdiana did not become the winner, but she was remembered for a long time by everyone for her bright appearance, sincerity, bewitching gaze and, of course, charisma. One of the journalists said that Sogdiana is a combination of a brilliant mind, amazing beauty and unsurpassed talent in one person. The song “Heart Magnet” became a hit, and in 2006 the singer received the Golden Gramophone award for her performance. After “Factory”, Sogdiana also went on tour with other participants.

The artist’s biography is also rich in acting works. At the time when concert halls the singer attracted full houses, cinemas presented two films with her participation to the audience: “Sogdiana” and “Khoja Nasreddin”. In 2008, the performer’s first Russian album, entitled “Heart Magnet,” was released.

Sogdiana: biography

The singer’s nationality is Ukrainian, but she grew up in Uzbekistan, since Sogdiana’s parents moved there before she was born.

The singer was married twice. The first marriage with the Indian Ram was short-lived. Son Arjun (born 2007) now lives with Sogdiana’s ex-husband. Now the artist’s husband is businessman Bashir Kushtov, and together they are raising a 3-year-old son, Mikail. Sogdiana also plans to win his eldest son from his husband and soon take him to his place.

Sogdiana is young and talented singer, an actress originally from sunny Uzbekistan, was born on February 17, 1984 in Tashkent.


You should not try to look for Uzbek features in the singer’s face - they are not there and cannot be. There are no eastern roots in her family. And fate brought them to Uzbekistan by chance - after all, grandfather was a career officer, and he was simply sent there with his family. But fate so happened that they decided to stay there forever.

And the girl’s exotic name is just a stage name. According to her passport, she is Oksana, and that’s what her relatives call her. Oksana’s parents have nothing to do with art, but her grandmother could easily have passed it on to her granddaughter. musical abilities– she had in a wonderful voice and was a soloist in the church choir.

The grandmother was the first to notice that the girl had excellent hearing and good vocal abilities and insisted on developing her in this direction. The parents did not argue, believing that any creativity is good for a child, and sent the baby to a music school. At the audition, it turned out that the grandmother was not mistaken - the girl was immediately accepted.

She received her secondary education at a special school at the conservatory, where all conditions were created for the development of gifted children. In addition, the girl herself insisted that she also wanted to take up dancing. She had to involve her older brother in the educational process, who took her to a choreographic studio.

Carier start

By the time she graduated from school, no one in the family had any doubt that Oksana would continue to develop in the direction she had chosen since childhood. She entered the conservatory to study in the pop vocal department and dreamed of becoming famous singer, tour a lot and see the whole world.

But since there are no connections in musical world her family didn't have it, and big money, necessary for quick promotion, too, the girl herself did everything possible to become at least recognizable. She took an active part in all city cultural events and even organized entire concerts completely free of charge.

Such efforts were not in vain - soon people started talking about Oksana not only in Tashkent. She began to be invited to outdoor performances, which her father, who voluntarily took on the duties of an administrator, tried to organize. This is how the first money began to be earned, which was immediately spent on stage costumes and further promotion of the singer - she did not have a professional producer.

At the same time, Oksana constantly went to various competitions and festivals, where she often received different levels awards. The girl won her first Grand Prix in her native Tashkent at a television festival of professional pop performers.

And two years later she finally managed to record her debut song disc, which included several best compositions. Moreover, the girl sang songs in three languages.

The album brought her popularity in Uzbekistan and allowed her to expand her touring geography. Moreover, the girl’s appearance did not leave filmmakers indifferent, and she was invited to star in a film about Khoja Nasreddin.

The well-played role of the oriental beauty only added to her popularity. In 2005, Oksana released her second song album and took the eastern stage name Sogdiana.

Star Factory

Having decided that she already has enough professional experience to adequately compete in the most difficult competitions, Sogdiana decides to go to the casting of the next season of “Star Factory”. Moreover, fully aware that only good vocals will not be enough to conquer star jury, she relies on oriental charm and is not mistaken.

Sogdiana easily passes all the preliminary rounds and gets into the main lineup of participants who will compete for a place in the finals. Sogdiana did not win the competition and did not even reach the finals. But brilliantly performed in live the song “Heart Magnet” instantly made her famous throughout the country. Moreover, the composition brought her one of the most prestigious Russian music awards- "Golden Gramophone Award".

After the end of the manufacturer’s tour, stipulated by the contract, Sogdiana records another disc and continues solo career. She is becoming again now the main character movie where own name tells about the fate of a Tajik girl who came to conquer Moscow. To date, the singer’s discography includes four albums.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life is not as successful as her stage career. Her first marriage, to Indian-born businessman Ram Govind, ended in failure soon after the birth of her son. Although at the time the union was concluded, Sogdiana was already quite popular, and her husband naturally knew about this, he categorically demanded that she stop performing and sit at home.

With kids

After Sogdiana flatly refused to comply with her husband’s demands, he filed for divorce and took his son to India without her consent. Sogdiana was in severe depression for about three years and practically did not perform. She came to her senses only when her ex-husband returned to Tashkent and she was able to see her son again.

Soon she decided on a second marriage with the president of the hockey club. Her husband, Bashir Kushtov, initially strongly supported Sogdiana’s work, but after the birth of their joint son, just like her first husband, he began to insist on ending her career. And again the divorce followed. True, in this case the child was not harmed and continues to see his father. Currently, the singer's heart is free.