Funny scenario for medical worker's day. Medical-themed party: a pill for boredom

The tables are covered with white cloth up to the floor, and there are flower vases on them. Upon entering the hall, each invitee is given lottery tickets. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. There is pleasant music in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
To nurses and doctors,
To those who saved our lives,
To those who will return our health,
Our deepest bow to you.
To present certificates of honor and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, you are invited to (full name).

The presentation is performed to the accompaniment of solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs “Song about the Doctor” by Alena Sviridova, during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she places in a vase.

- Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
Diseases come, they won’t ask us,
On guard of health, always on the alert,
They are always on duty
They pass our pain through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you, people in white coats.

(Scene “At a doctor’s appointment”, with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

Patient :
- Hello, Doctor!

Doctor :

(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

Doctor :
-What are you complaining about, young man?

Patient :
- My heart hurts, my blood pressure jumps, my eyes burn and my head feels dizzy.

Doctor :
- Yes, yes, yes, speak your heart.

Patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

Doctor :
- My eyes are burning, my head is spinning!

Patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it to the patient’s face.)

Doctor :
- Is it easier?

Patient :
- Oh, yes, doctor, it’s much easier this way.

Doctor :
- Get dressed, you are in love. It’s not fatal, but if it doesn’t go away in two months, you’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

(The patient leaves, another appears.)

Doctor :
- Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

Patient :
- Yes, I, this is the doctor, here...

(Hands out papers.)

Doctor :
- I told you, quickly undress, lie down, we’ll sort it out now.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

Doctor :
- Well, well, well, what are we complaining about?

Patient :
- For salary.

(The doctor listens to him.)

Doctor :
- Interesting symptoms, you don’t seem to be experiencing exhaustion. Sore throat?

Patient :
- Only after a cold beer.

Doctor :
- Dizzy?

Patient :
- Only after vodka.

Doctor :
- It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a malingerer, my friend?

Patient :
- No, doctor, I’m not a malingerer, I’m a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

- Everyone here received lottery tickets at the entrance. And so, not sparing smiles, we begin the lottery.

The lottery is carried out with the help of those present. The host approaches each table and asks them to pull out a ball and read out the number. Prizes can be pillows with hearts, chewing gum in the shape of jaws, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - the hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. You can come up with a little joke for each prize.

- Quiet hour is coming
Everyone is in their rooms,
Spring is just outside the window,
A riot of aromas,
Breaking the silence
In a white robe,
Young nurse
Spun in a waltz.

Dance competition for everyone present.
The host approaches the dancing couple, gives one of them a balloon, and starts dancing with the other. The person with balloon. You can break a pair only once, when there is not one unbroken pair left around, the remaining person with the ball is given the task of bringing the ball in the palm of his hand to his beloved or loved one. A prize is awarded for a successful action.

Next competition: “Nurse Courses”.
Two women and two men are chosen. Male doctors give instructions to their nurses. After a certain distance, a ball is tied to two chairs and two glasses of water are placed; you can only get to the patient chairs along the drawn squares. The first task is to give an injection to the patient. A disposable syringe is assembled and a ball is pierced on the other side. The second task is to give the patient pills. Five tablets are taken, the nurse must transfer all the tablets into a spoon one at a time. The third task is to give an enema. To do this, use a small syringe to select water from one glass to another. The fastest and most agile one wins. She is presented with a painted diploma “Cool Nurse”.

- You chose a difficult path, and yet,
Walk without turning away from it, boldly,
Is most valuable to you
The health of everyone, without exception,
Treating people is not an easy task,
And you can’t make mistakes,
So may good luck accompany you,
And the Earth flourishes with joy.

Olesya Emelyanova

Sketch about a doctor (doctor)

Scene from the play “We Play in the Profession”

Scene duration: 10 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 5.



The one who waits behind the scenes
Entering the stage
If they call, he will come
Definitely visit.
He loves to write orders,
Like a chicken's paw
And they run to do everything -
Even mom and dad.
He treats the boys
And they are not happy
But they drink everything and eat everything,
Because it is necessary.
What does he want to ban?
Maybe this someone
Even in kindergarten walk!
Who is this?

The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to respond.


The Doctor comes out from behind the scenes.

We are very glad to see you!

Hello guys,
Every day and every hour!
And there is no need to get sick!
And we should say hello
Everything at every meeting -
With these words we
We treat without pills.
Treasure of your health
Take care more strictly -
Nothing in the whole world
There is nothing more expensive!
So as not to get sick
Neither in soul nor in body,
You need to be more careful
To us with the prefix “pere” -
It's harmful to rest
And overwork...

Presenter (bending his fingers)

Jump over, sleep over,
Get hypothermic
Overheat on a hot day
Drink from a puddle,
Retighten the belt
Eat for dinner...

It’s worth “re” replacing
In moderation for you, brothers,
And then live in the world
You don't have to be afraid.

It's not easy for Russian people
Obey the laws -
Eat the whole cake,
Jump from the balcony.

He who does not recognize measures
For your cheekiness
Afterwards he drinks for a very long time,


Which medicine?
Are all the others more useful?

Only what the doctor gives
From yours...

The Doctor pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.


But we live, they say,
In the twenty-first century!

Doctor (sternly)

If you try in a row
What's in the pharmacy
Everything will be mixed inside,
And then…

Presenter (with horror)

Will it explode?

No, stomach three times
You will have to wash it.
So, my dears,
For self-medication
Teas are preferable
Fruits and...

The Doctor pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.


What to do, suddenly from them
No sense?

Call the clinic -
They will always help!
Or to the ambulance. If it's yours
The case is urgent
Call a crew to your home
Even at night it is possible.
All you have to do is dial “03” -
He'll rush to you right away,
And then he will determine
To the right...

The Doctor pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.


But you are up to her
Don't let it go in vain.
If you are sick - go for an appointment
Come right away!

The Patient appears from behind the scenes on the left.

Doctor! Doctor! What happened with me?

The Patient collides with the Doctor and jumps back.

Oh, I'm sorry...

Describe it to me, patient
Your feelings.

Tears are rolling from my eyes,

The patient presses his hands to his chest.

Either hot or cold!

Don't worry, you have the flu.
Get well soon.
Here's a thermometer for you.

The doctor pushes a thermometer into the Patient's armpit.

I'll prescribe some medicine.

It's very strange, but you

The Doctor pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.


Tell me, sick man,
Are there any other symptoms?

Permanent travel card
I forget at home!

Doctor (confused)

At your age, sclerosis -
How sad it is!
I’ll write “Vsevsominos”,
Will bring you to your senses!

The doctor writes a prescription and gives it to the Patient.

Does anything else hurt?

The chest is torn to pieces!
The heart is beating like this...

The patient quickly drums on the edge of the screen.

It doesn't beat at all!
I couldn’t get up for four days -
Every move
Called me

The doctor puts on a phonendoscope and measures the Patient’s blood pressure.

Arrhythmia! This is true!
I'll write it out to you urgently
"Calm" six packs,
He will definitely help!
Take before meals.

The doctor hands the patient another prescription.

Twenty a day? A little?

Doctor (surprised)

Nobody eats like that often!
Fear God!

If I don't eat anything,
I sit and cry!
I don't feel the taste at all!

Bulimia means!
And depression! From them
It's difficult to heal.

Do you think I'm crazy?

No, but anything is possible.
I'll write it out for you, patient,
"Khikhikhin" - large bottle
And the infusion of “Kakhanta”.
Take in the morning
After waking up.

The Doctor hands the Patient two more prescriptions.

I couldn't sleep yesterday...

Drink Prilegun at night
And the “Snore” decoction.

The Doctor hands the Patient another prescription, but he does not respond.

Patient (dreamy)

I can't live without her...

Doctor (horrified)

Are you already hooked?

Patient (not listening to the Doctor)

I imagine her
Even in a cup of tea
She's the only one everywhere
But he doesn't notice!

The patient drops his prescriptions, covers his face with his hands and cries loudly.

Drink "Snore" to you, my light,
So much is not good.
It gives me fever and delirium.
It's time for you to go to the hospital!
Direction for you...
There it is, it's ready!

The Doctor puts the directions into the Patient's hands. The Ballerina appears from behind the scenes.


I signed up for an hour!

The Peasant's head pokes out from behind the scenes.


I'm at half past one!
And already, excuse me, five!

The peasant is hiding behind the scenes.

We still have a little time.


It's very, very painful to wait
With a sprained leg.
I jumped, but, alas,
Landed poorly.

The patient comes out of his stupor and rushes to her.

Is it really you?
I thought it was back again!
Because of you I don't sleep at night,
I suffer day and night...
I love you with all my soul.
I only dream about you...

So you are in love!
All recipes are gone!
Are you really sick?
But incurable!

Patient (Ballerina)

Oh, star of my nights...

Ballerina (capriciously)

I am a ballet star!

Doctor (sternly)

This is not the place to go to the stars!
Get out of the office!

The patient disappears behind the scenes. The doctor examines the Ballerina.

Okay, now your dislocation.


What hurts?


Be patient!


My God!

Once! And everything is fine -
The dislocation has been reduced!

A ballerina spins around the stage.


How do you like me

The Patient peeks out from behind the scenes.

Still alive?

Look, how quickly he jumps!

Patient (Ballerina)

Ready to carry in your arms!
Just allow it!


No! But so be it,
I'll give you permission - bring it!

The patient with the Ballerina in his arms is hiding behind the scenes.

How do you tolerate such people?

The Peasant peeks out from behind the scenes.


Shall we accept it?

Don't be angry with them,
After all, sick people!


I can't wait until the morning -
I have cows!

It's time for me to visit my patients!
Be healthy everyone!

The Doctor and the Peasant leave. The presenter and audience applaud.

Host: Dear guests! Today you are all about big connections, you will undergo a medical examination completely free of charge. You will be examined by the most highly qualified doctor, whose appointment...
A doctor comes in wearing a robe and cap.
- Hello, guests! Please prepare your hearts for a medical examination.
(Approaches everyone, listening to the heart with a phonendoscope) says:
1.Completely healthy.
2. Let me hear what you have on
heart? Diagnosis: mild crush!
So, the diagnosis is clear - that means 100 grams of vodka every half hour
for tonight. By the end of the anniversary, the wound will heal itself.
4. Young man, say A-A-A.
Enough. We write: confuses day with night. It's okay half
Our population lives quietly with this diagnosis.
5. But, you are dearer than us
will you please? All clear. She is sleeping!
6. And you, father, why are you so sad?
Write. Depression.
8 Who are you, can I listen? Overpriced
self-esteem. There's nothing you can do about it.
9. Well, your heart will definitely introduce you to us,
Who are you, what is your last name? Persecution mania...
10. You sigh throughout the entire medical examination. Have you eaten today
anything, how do you generally eat?
11. Here is your heart, it seems like it’s about to jump out of
excess of feelings. Is there something you really want to say? Well done.
12 Your heart, it seems to me,
worried about the gifts you gave the birthday boy today? Let's listen better
heart, it will tell the truth.
(approaches the hero of the day)
Say, THIS IS THE END OF THE ANNIVERSARY, everyone will go home and in the evening you will privately say the words to your wife that are on your heart.
Can we listen too? .
So, I checked all the guests, the diagnosis for everyone is clear:
1 Chronic jubilism.
2 Bottleism
3 Tanzelite
4 Overeating
5 Peretostitis
6 Acute drunkenness
7 Hangover syndrome
8 Acute drink deficiency

I urgently prescribe a potion for everyone: White, Red, Dry!
Our dear hero of the day also underwent a medical examination!
our council of relatives and friends who came to the anniversary.
Having examined the hero of the day: ear, throat, nose, liver, heart, kidney, spleen.
Taking the depth of the convolutions and the length of the intestine,
The conclusion was that our hero of the day is young.
The cardiogram says, the heart beats without a flaw.
According to a blood test, he is fit for fiery love.
And like urine like a piece of glass, it doesn’t hit your head
and on the lower floor, when viewed in the lower floor,
Everything is in order, everything is in order, just smeared heels,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always runs a lot.
And the hero of the day’s tongue is not worn out, there are no unnecessary wrinkles on his face.
The brain and digestion are normal, only the reproductive channel is blocked,
Well, it doesn’t matter, he always wants sex.
And he can physically work until he sweats.
We conclude that he does not need treatment.
Is it just to relax?
And with the guests a little bit at a time,
For your health, take
100, 125 grams!

Body check.
Skits for KVN.

From a neurologist.

N don't breathe! He held his breath. Close your eyes! Closed! Touch the tip of your nose. I touched it, but since the doctor was standing a little far from me, I didn’t hit it the first time. He poked again, but harder. From her convulsive cry I realized that... I was in trouble. I involuntarily opened my eyes, although no such command was given, and saw that this time I still got it, but not in the nose, but in the eye... her eye. She grabbed the hammer. Bend your knee! He bent... not hers... his - he guessed it! She swung it and, apparently out of anger, with all her might... she hit it, aiming for the knee. I was scared at the very last moment managed to dodge. She lubricated... according to me. I got it on my own. Howled again! And then she raised the hammer above her head. Look at the hammer... and move it from side to side, making a cross at the same time! Well, I think everything is symbolic! She brought it up to her nose and said, what does it smell like? And then she pulled it back sharply - aiming! Well, now everything, I think, will definitely… hit the spot! And suddenly she barks: “Heels together - toes apart!” Reach your fingertips with your fingers without bending your knees!” And they immediately... gave way to me. I fell on my face, but I got my fingers... however... her, but on my leg, and so as not to think something bad, I did a couple of push-ups, let him better think that he didn’t hear the command. “So you, it turns out, are just... deaf, but I thought that... with disabilities... not physical,” she concluded, “Get dressed!” Good!” It's a pity! And I tried so hard! But the command for permission to breathe was never received!

At the ophthalmologist.

T Breathing heavily, I drop in to see the ophthalmologist.
- Don't breathe! He held his breath.
- Close your left eye. Closed.
- Not mine!
- Why did you decide so? By the way, I have an ear for music!
- I’m not an ear-nose-throat and, in general... this is not an adjective, what does your dumbness have to do with it - I’m not talking about my eye, but... yours! Cover...I said...left!
- Left... I said!!! And close your mouth - I will speak! The left one, when you look from me, it will be on the right! Where is my right? On right! But, as soon as I looked away from you, then... to the left! Finally, close your left eye! Are you hard of hearing me - am I showing you with my hand? Oh, yes, I understand... You don't see well! Well, they themselves said that you have musical hearing - they deceived you, or what... can you hear me poorly too?
- No, I hear you well, but I understand you poorly!
- What, are you non-Russian?
- No... but... yeah!!!
- Who?
- I’m an electrician... they told me... your socket is not working... it needs to be fixed.
- A... a... a, I understand! Fix it! Just open your eyes... both of you!


- TO the last one?
- Where?
- Here!
- Where here?
- Na flu... na fluo... na flo... na fluru... fyu...gra!
- I! But... behind the result.
- And so that there is a result today, when you need to borrow?
- Yesterday!
- What about today?
- We have to pay!
- For what?
- To the cashier!
- How many?
- You can do it at double the rate, but then the result will be twice as fast!
- What if it’s triple?
- Then the result will be guaranteed to be good!
- Will you say, if anything happens, that I’m following you!?
-Where are you going?
- To the cashier!!!
He ran away... forgot to tell him that there was a long line here and... the X-ray machine was broken! Okay, he’ll pay – I’ll tell you later!

Taking tests.

- WITH Tell me, is there blood from your finger here... sucking,... excuse me,... donating, excuse me,... taking?
- And from a vein too... on an empty stomach... put the urine in a glass in a locker... and don’t forget to write your last name.
- I already had breakfast, and I don’t even know your last name!
- Your... joker!
- Is it possible in a jar... bank...? And he slyly pointed with his eyes, squinting them unnaturally, at his bulging pocket.
- Blood?
- No... f... f..., this is... well... (almost in a whisper!)... piss! The whole line listened attentively, some shushed, some smiled.
- Behind the locker!
I went behind the closet. There was a heartbreaking cry from the laboratory assistant.
- What's happened?
- I... it... accidentally killed the laboratory assistant!
- What?!!! How...soaked?
- There was no strength to stop... the urine! I couldn’t restrain myself... straight onto my shoes... the glass turned out to be too small... only a hundred grams, but here... half a liter won’t be enough!
- Well... you give it! Did you forget to write your last name on a piece of paper?
- I forgot... my hands are wet!
- OK! I'll write it myself! How is it... with you?
- Kozlov.
- Everything's clear with you! Next!
- Goodbye!
- Uh... uh... uh, just a minute! And you, Kozlov (loudly!), I will ask you to come again tomorrow and definitely on an empty stomach!
The entire line rose from their chairs and... silently left.

At the therapist.

- IN are you coming to me?
- "Yes! - I answered, thinking to myself - If you are a therapist, of course, then yes!” And to be sure, I looked again at the sign on the entrance side of the door.
- “Come in! – she said, and thought to herself – “He knows how to read... that’s already good!”
- What are you complaining about? Take off your clothes!
- "On him! - I said, thinking about my superiors - and about her,” I added when my thoughts were in the process of sorting numerous list complaints reached my mother-in-law, after which I felt embarrassed for my thoughts, and I lowered my eyes.
- “How long have you had this? And for what, specifically? Shouldn't... bother? What are you taking? - She asked vaguely about what and looked carefully at me from the waist down through her pince-nez.
- Yes, I understand that there is no need to... worry - thank you for your sympathy, but what to do?
- What exactly is the complaint about? Where does it hurt?
- “For a salary! - I thought, and said out loud - True to size!
- “Sad, sad, and still so young! - she thought, but said out loud - What do you think about rearcarnation?
- Does it help? - I asked, and thought to myself, guessing... where she was looking - Right now! I always have time to trim, but maybe it will come in handy!”
- “It really helps! - she said mysteriously, but thought to herself - What if in another life you will be a rabbit?!
- By the way, how old are you already?
- Sixty nine!
- Well, then you should see a psychiatrist. There is a sex therapist in the same office with him. And on my part, and at your age, I can’t have any complaints against you! - “Good!” - she said in conclusion, but thought: “I won’t tell you where!” And after a pause, she added: “Next!”
- "Thank you bye! - I said out loud, but thought to myself - you should go to your sex therapist yourself!

At the dentist.

- IN are you coming to me?
- Yes... for a medical examination.
- Take a seat. Open your mouth. ... ??? Close! Why did you come... You don’t have anything there!?
- I brought it with me... I promise... I’m not lying! I take my jaw out of my pocket.
- Hide it... it’s not necessary!
- What do you need?
- Go home... put them on the shelf there!
- I keep them in... a safe!
- In the safe? Why?
- They are golden!
- A... a... a..., well, then show me! And this... close your mouth!
- Look... 999 sample!
- Well, then (one tooth fell out and rolled under the table) ... it’s good! You can go! Wait... You... forgot your jaw!
- Sorry... I always forget them... dental sclerosis!

Day medical worker celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. Patients, friends and relatives on this day express their gratitude to doctors for their dedicated work. And, of course, doctors celebrate this holiday corporately, in a narrow circle. This is precisely the case for which the proposed scenario is designed.

Dear friends! I am pleased to welcome representatives of the most humane profession - medical workers - to this festive table. All of you are on own experience You know that people in white coats have to work very, very hard. And this is a wonderful, selfless, heroic work, sometimes wise saying, known since ancient times: “He works well who rests well.” Therefore, I urge you dear comrades doctors, sit down festive table and forget about all your daily worries and difficulties. Let's relax!
(Music sounds, guests are seated at the tables, choose treats.)

The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that “happiness lies primarily in health.” I offer to drink the first glass for you, who stand guard over human health, and therefore human happiness! For your health!
(Music plays softly as the guests begin their meal.)

One day in a restaurant, a doctor saw his patient, who was enthusiastically absorbing glass after glass of alcohol. The doctor could not stand it and approached him: “Listen, I allowed you to drink no more than two glasses a day!” To which the patient kindly replied: “Of course, doctor. But I’m being treated... not only with you!” Friends! I propose a toast to the hope that all doctors will find obedient patients with whom it would be a pleasure to work and whose health (or successful treatment) they can raise a glass to!

(Music sounds again, after the toast, the participants of the feast chat casually at the table.)

This professional holiday is a holiday for the smartest, kindest and wonderful people in the world. I am sure that a person who knows how to heal is able, like no other, to understand, sympathize and support other people. I invite you to take part in the competition for best congratulations and wishes to my colleagues.

(Two or three people express their congratulations and wishes. After this, the toastmaster invites everyone present to evaluate the eloquence of each of the speakers with applause. The one who receives the loudest ovation is recognized as the winner and is awarded a medal (chocolate) or any other comic prize. And his congratulations and wishes are accepted as a toast.)

And now you are invited to find your dance partner, using the hint of fate (you and I know how important the role of this lady is in our lives).

(In two hats there are halves of cards: in one - those on which the beginnings of famous proverbs are written, in the other - their continuations. Participants in the game draw out one half (men - from one hat, women - from the other) and look for the one with there will be a card with the beginning or ending of this proverb. This is how they find partners for the next one. slow dance(but you shouldn’t insist that those who don’t want to dance). The number of players must be even (it is advisable to include all those present).

Suggested list of proverbs:

1. He who is forewarned is forearmed.
2. All that glitters is not gold.
3. God protects those who are careful.
4. The thief’s hat is on fire.
5. He who knows a little of everything knows nothing.
6. They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
7. There are devils in still waters.
8. A bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky.
9. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
10. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
11. Where it is thin, it breaks.
12. Brevity is the sister of talent.
13. They judge not by words, but by deeds.
14. At night all cats are gray.
15. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
16. It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
17. The miser pays twice.
18. In love and war, all means are fair.
19. What goes around comes around.
20. If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water.)

However, before we move on to dancing, I want to remind you of the words of P. Dubois: “Only a cheerful person can be a doctor.” Let's drain our glasses for good spirits and good spirits! Wonderful music sounds that invites you to cheer up. Everybody dance!

(A game is played, in which everyone present is recommended to take part. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, more or less equal in number, a captain is chosen for each team. The captains receive from the presenter 2-3 cards with task words (for example, joy , syringe, couch, resuscitation, crocodile, ostrich, dawn, etc.). The team’s task is to, without words, using gestures and facial expressions, depict the object or phenomenon written on the card. And the opponents, in turn, must. correctly solve the pantomime. If only two teams are playing, then the time spent guessing the given word is taken into account. The team that was able to guess the meaning of the picture faster wins. If there are three teams in the game, then the winner will be the one who scores. greatest number points (for each correctly guessed word, the team is awarded 1 point). If the number of points is the same, you can declare a draw, declaring that “friendship won,” or you can give the teams an additional task. The winners receive balloons with funny designs or other funny souvenirs as a reward.)

Well, you have passed the test of mutual understanding. Truly, your ability to understand each other without words is unique. I suggest we go to the table to raise our glasses to this great human quality, inherent in all of you.

(Low music plays while the guests are sitting at the table.)

The holiday of medical workers is celebrated in the summer, when it is warm and sunny, and the peak of work is in the winter, when it is cold, slippery and flu-like. These two seasons are very important for us. And not only for us. It seems that there is not a single poet who has not written poems about winter or summer. And poetry with a melody is a song. And now, dear doctors, I propose to conduct a professional check for “sungness”.

(After 5-6 dances (slow ones alternate with fast ones), the toastmaster takes the floor again.)

Just a moment! Now I suggest you play a game of sleight of hand, because it is known that skillful hands doctors work miracles.
(The game involves 4-5 people. It is necessary to prepare a double sheet of newspaper for each player and wet towels to wash hands from newspaper paint. Players stand in a circle or in a line and hold an unfolded newspaper by the very corner in an arm extended at shoulder level. On command the players try, without lowering their hands and without resorting to the help of another, to completely crumple the newspaper and gather it into a fist. At the end, they raise their hand with the newspaper above their heads, while the participants of the game manipulate the newspapers, the spectators count down the seconds in chorus. The winner will receive a reward - a “Master” diploma. magic hands" and a bouquet of lollipops.)

It's no secret that to a good doctor Not only your own talent, knowledge and sensitivity are required. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues is very important - what is called teamwork. Friends, let's remember what words can be used to describe such work and the components of success. (It is expected to list the concepts: cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, like-mindedness, consent, camaraderie, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cohesion, coherence, teamwork, singing, etc.) Now I suggest you check for Practice your ability to act together as a team.

(A game is played for which all participants are divided into 2 teams. The first team is given the theme “summer”, the second - “winter”. Players must remember and sing in turn a verse or at least a few lines from songs that mention these seasons or about their signs.

For example:
“Winter”: A snowstorm is blowing along the street,
My little darling follows the snowstorm: “Wait, wait, my beauty, Let me look at you, my joy!”
“Summer”: One summer at dawn I looked into the neighboring garden, There a dark-skinned Moldavian woman was picking grapes.
“Winter”: Oh, frost, frost, don’t freeze me, Don’t freeze me, my horse.
“Summer”: And the dawn is already becoming more and more noticeable - So, please, be kind, Don’t forget these summer evenings near Moscow!
The winner is the team that was able to sing something corresponding to the given theme when the opponents were already exhausted.)

We sang wonderfully, friends! It seems to me that there are no winners or losers in this competition. After all, despite the fact that you were focused on certain seasons, all the songs that were played speak mainly about love, which lives at all times. Let's raise a glass to the singers of love, that is, to you, and to love!
(Low music, dance break announced.)

Men most often become the luminaries of medicine. Honor and praise to them! But ask them if they could
would they have achieved such heights if it weren’t for the active help of their fellow assistants, if not for the skillful and gentle hands of their sisters and nurses? And if you pay attention to the entire medical staff, it becomes obvious that “we cannot live in this world without women, no”... It is worth giving them their due and thanking all the women working and practically living in the kingdom of Hippocrates. I propose a toast to their health!

Doctors can rightfully be called pioneers, sea captains. After all, no matter how many identical diagnoses there are, the people who have to be treated are unique. And with each patient the doctor makes a new journey into the unknown.
In this regard, let’s sing “The Song about Aesculapius” (the text is sung to the tune of the famous song by I. Dunaevsky “The Song about the Captain”):
1. There lived a brave Aesculapius, He healed everyone
And he saved people from death more than once.
I picked up fifteen at a time,
I spared no effort,
But he never even asked for leave.
And in trouble
And in labor
I sang this song everywhere:

After all, a smile heals hearts.

2. But one day Aesculapius

Saved the maiden from death's paws
And he fell madly in love with the patient.

He blushed fifteen times

He stuttered and turned pale,

But he never dared to smile.

He grew gloomy

He was losing weight
But no one sang to him in a friendly way:

“Aesculapius, Aesculapius, smile,

After all, a smile heals hearts.

Aesculapius, Aesculapius, pull yourself up,

Fate smiles only on the cheerful!”

Doctors, doctors, smile

After all, a smile heals hearts.

Doctors, doctors, pull yourself up

Fate smiles only on the cheerful!
I propose to raise a glass to your life choice, for the calling! (Music sounds.)

A friend of mine, an orthopedic doctor, told the following story: “There was a knock on the doctor’s apartment. He opens the door - no one. Then he goes out onto the landing and sees a skeleton leaning against the door! “It’s always like this! - the doctor grumbles. “They hold out until the last minute, and then crawl to the doctor!”
Let's raise our glasses so that people remember doctors in time and appreciate their selfless work. Happy professional holiday to you!
(The feast ends with bravura music.)