Skype number of Elena Malysheva. Elena Malysheva organizes free treatment for Russians with the best doctors in the country

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to contact Elena Malysheva? and it's free???

Answer from 123 123 [guru]
buy a turtleneck sweater and get confetti as a gift

Answer from Feodor theodor[master]
Personally, no way.
For other purposes, on “official” sites.

Answer from Eurovision[newbie]
Hello Elena Vasilievna, you are my HELP please my only sister Tatyana Korshunova, 47 years old, she had an accident and is now stable in serious condition lies in Tula in the hospital sempshko I could not contact you on Skype but I really ask you to help overcome this misfortune my phone is 89067727829

Answer from Say goodbye to Christ[newbie]
Hello Elena Vasilyeva, we decided to write to you because our doctors are in Samara region They don’t say anything about this, the fact is that I am 54 years old. On June 30, 2015, I had surgery for a brain tumor in Samara at the hospital named after. Serdavin, but after the operation the headaches did not stop, after 6 months they did an MRI and it turned out there was a tumor there again, with the results of the MRI I went to see a neurosurgeon, he said that we’ll wait a year and do another MRI, he gave a hint if the tumor grows then honey mushrooms will be waiting for me again trepanation. And now here’s my question to you, you heard that now in Moscow they are putting everyone on a waiting list for a cyber knife, how can we also get on the waiting list there, how to do it correctly, I’m very afraid now after the first time, what I had to go through was very scary, please tell me, help How can we get in line if it’s possible, where to start, we don’t even know the phone number 89277267856

Answer from Dashunia[newbie]
Elena Vasilievna, hello! Please look at this article and if possible, please respond. Article in the newspaper about my nephew Artem Lukashenko. Artem’s parents turned to the funds and one charitable foundation A ray of Happiness in the person of Victoria Shaumyan. Artemka with her mom and dad are now in a hospital in Moscow.

Answer from Yovetlana Nekrasova[active]
Well, why are you so stupid, women, is it really not clear that the Malyshevs will never read your messages in their lives?!

Answer from Natalia Dolgova[active]
Dear Elena Vasilievna, hello! My daughter is diagnosed with MS. The girl needs serious treatment. What help can I get?

Answer from Elena Paranina[newbie]
Elena Paranina Hello Elena Malysheva. We have health problems with our son, we are 8 months old, a premature baby was born at 33 weeks, immediately after birth he was in intensive care, he breathed and ate himself, he received oxygen after birth for a short period of time, then he breathed on his own, then in the emergency department the diagnoses were made there: congenital CMV, cerebral ischemia 2 degrees, SEC, PVL, neonatal jaundice. Unfermented hepatitis with high enzymatic activity. During the last hospitalization, liver test results were ALT 526 AST more than 500 the next day ALT 545 AST 383 at discharge ALT 107 AST49 there are sharp jumps; Ursofalk was prescribed 2 ml 2 times a day for 3 months when it is discontinued, liver tests increase significantly. The liver is enlarged and the pancreatic silien is not visualized. Retinal angiopathy ON CHAZN ON in to a greater extent left eye but retina on this moment fine. Repeated obstructive bronchitis: treatment with beradual pulmicort. Thymoligalia. Atopic dermotitis.

Everything is “excellent”

Not just Elena Malysheva, but a doctor and professor, Elena Vasilievna. This is true, by the way. But seriously, talented and more famous to a wide circle Russians, as a TV presenter, she was born in the Siberian regional city of Kemerovo. Her parents are doctors. When the girl grew up, they got her a job at a local hospital... in a cafeteria. Like, you’ll find out how money is made. However, this did not stop her from studying at the same time in music school, piano class, and graduating from regular school with a gold medal. And then, at the medical institute, there was no subject that the student would not be given. And she graduated from medical school with honors. Doctor or TV presenter? Where is it more interesting to work? Invite Elena Malysheva to an event, to a holiday, and you will learn everything from the most famous Russian doctor.

Malysheva's recipes

After the Kemerovo Medical Institute, Elena Malysheva, at the insistence of her parents, becomes a graduate student at the Moscow Institute of the Academy of Sciences and after 4 years receives a Ph.D. After working as a doctor for a short time, she returned to the Russian State Medical University and decided to study science again. By the way, she still gives lectures there. Elena Vasilyevna ended up on television because of her son. When the baby was not even a year old, emergency surgery was required. After the operation, mother and son returned to Kemerovo, closer to their grandparents. It was 1992. There were no products on the shelves, so the people were extremely angry and Malysheva called her friend who worked on Kuzbass television. She asked him about television programs, which would help people survive in difficult conditions. And he “answered” - he brought her to television, presenting her as a person who would host a good health program called “Recipe”. How much advice and simple recipes has our TV presenter given since then in programs, at organized events with Elena Malysheva? A thousand, a hundred thousand, or even more.

Doctor, expert

A couple of years later, Elena Vasilievna was already hosting programs on the capital’s channels. The program “Did you call the doctor?” was broadcast daily. on RTR. And soon Malysheva was invited to the United States as part of a training program for journalists working in the medical field. Since 1997, Malysheva has been the author, director and presenter of the “Health” program, which was revived on the ORT television channel. After 10 years, she defends her dissertation and receives a doctorate, then becomes a member of the Russian Academy of Television. She is invited to programs of other TV channels. Holding an event with Elena Malysheva means that the topic of the program or meeting will be supported by an expert of the highest class.

Today is Elena Malysheva's program with a telling name“Live Healthy” is extremely popular. Russians will learn from it about the characteristics of the human body, proper self-care and many others. important facts about your body. The program provides the most accessible and adequate information, which, thanks to game form presentation is easily perceived not only by adults, but also by children.

For consultation, Malysheva invites outstanding professionals to her programs, which makes “Live Healthy” a real clinic.

Today on Russian television, Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy” is one of the most popular television programs, which examines a wide range of issues on health, hygiene and the prevention of various diseases. During four blocks of the program, talking about home, food, and..., studio viewers get an exclusive opportunity to explore the real modern equipment and get useful information from qualified Russian specialists.

How to contact Elena Malysheva

Since the program “Live Healthy” examines specific issues in each episode, many viewers cannot get the necessary information on a particular diagnosis. Elena Malysheva also has a website, however, all the materials posted on it are, rather, for informational purposes only, so the ideal solution is a personal letter to the TV presenter herself.

For many people, communication via email is more comfortable - after all, anonymity allows you to voice your problems without hiding intimate details.

In order to ask Elena Malysheva a question about health, you need to fill out a special form on the website of the Live Healthy program, where you are asked to describe your problem in the form of a text message. To receive professional advice personally from Malysheva, a letter should be sent to [email protected]. After receiving the letter, Elena Malysheva will either personally examine the problem or refer the patient to an experienced doctor who specializes in the question asked. If the answer does not come instantly, do not be upset - thousands of people write to Elena Malysheva, she is physically unable to answer all the questions.

It is also possible to send a letter to the address: 127427, Russia, Moscow, Akademika Koroleva St., 12, indicating “Elena Malysheva” or “For the program “Live Healthy”.

Famous TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva gives advice on a healthy lifestyle in live since 1997. During this time, the television show “Live Healthy” repeatedly changed its format, turning into a talk show, a television magazine, and, finally, into a real television clinic. People are eager to get advice from Malysheva, but how to contact her?

Projects of Elena Malysheva

Today, Elena Malysheva’s teleclinic is a family program from which viewers gain knowledge about the structure of the human body and basic hygiene skills. The information presented in the “Health” program is presented in the most accessible and interesting playful form, making it easily understood by both adults and children.

On the air of the television program, outstanding Russian medical professionals give their consultations, which makes it even more valuable and useful.

Currently on Russian television has started new project Malysheva - the program “Live Healthy”, which is devoted to a wide range of issues related to healthy image life. This program consists of four blocks - “home”, “food”, “medicine” and “life”. During the program, viewers present in the studio have the opportunity to undergo a free examination using modern highly professional equipment and consult with leading specialists in a particular field of medicine.

How to write a letter to Elena Malysheva

Since the TV program “Live Healthy” deals with certain topics each time, people cannot always get full information regarding their specific diagnosis. And, since all materials on Elena Malysheva’s website are provided for informational purposes, the best way out will be a letter from the TV presenter herself, who will be able to answer in detail the topics that interest you on the Internet.

It is most convenient to ask a question by email - this way anonymity is maintained and it is easier for a person to voice some purely intimate problems with his health.

To ask “sister of mercy” Malysheva a specific question, you can fill out a form on the official website of her TV show by writing the text of the message in the field provided for this. To get comprehensive advice about your disease, you can send a letter with a question that concerns you to the following address: Your message will certainly reach the TV presenter, and she will be able to help you with your problem. There is also a possibility that Elena Malysheva will redirect you to a professional doctor who specializes in your disease and will give you truly helpful advice, and will also suggest the further course of action on how to treat the disease.

One of the most popular projects on Russian television, “Health with Elena Malysheva,” appears on air every week on Channel One.

The program began in 1997. After that, more than 600 episodes took place, which were and are hosted by the famous journalist and doctor Elena Malysheva. She is a member of the Russian Television Academy, as well as the International Academy of Radio and Television.

The popularity of the program has grown so much that it has spread far beyond the country.

Among the broadcasts there were some sensational releases. One of these includes the “Health” program about the features of surgical effects on the human body and the likelihood of its healing. Thanks to Malysheva, who is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, has a professorial degree, and is also recognized as the owner of the most high rating trust among female TV presenters in the Russian Federation, the material was presented competently and at the same time attracted the interest of a wide audience.

The “Health” program was created on the basis of numerous scientific studies conducted personally by Elena Malysheva and based on the information needs of viewers.

Issues are designed for people of different age category and are divided into blocks:

· “You, instructions for use” – about caring for the human body;
· “Children's Questions” – dialogues with young viewers on health issues;
· “The Naked Truth” – discussion of the intimate side of social life;
· “How toxic is a house” - studying ways to neutralize chemical effects from household items.

Not only the program, but also the official website of “Health with Elena Malysheva” has a huge number of fans, as it answers numerous questions. For this purpose, a special service was even created, whose employees are responsible for providing answers to readers and television viewers.