Danila Kozlovsky golden mask. The Golden Mask announced the winners. Musical Theater Special Jury Awards

If the festival had not canceled the Press Prize this year, I would have expressed my opinion in the voting form. Now we will have to do the same in a more extensive form. For ease of comprehension, the text has been divided into five chapters. With a preface.

Behind the detailed decoration by Sergei Barkhin, who built the nostalgic barracks area, I somehow did not notice any special lighting design.


"SNOW MAIDEN", theater "Old House", Novosibirsk

A beautiful performance about Russian paganism. But it’s a pity that Dmitry Volkostrelov’s series “How We Didn’t Get the Golden Mask” continued. Apparently, the music jury was active - in the “Experiment” category, the decision of the drama and music jury is made jointly.


Andrey MOGUCHIY, “Thunderstorm”, BDT im. G.A. Tovstonogov, St. Petersburg

Mighty - mighty; I understand that the pun is still fresh, but that’s how it is. A perfectionist director who works on a Nietzschean scale. And welcome to cinemas !


Evgenia SIMONOVA, Sofia Tolstaya, "Russian novel", Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky, Moscow

I haven't seen the performance. We need to look. There is no need to explain to anyone that Simonova is an excellent artist. Maybe only to the youngest viewers who know about Soviet cinema only by hearsay.


Danila KOZLOVSKY, Hamlet, "Hamlet", Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe, St. Petersburg


Elena NEMZER, Pantaloon, "Crow"

The leading actress of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, who has just passionately played Mother Courage in Terzopoulos, is organic in the unique world of Roshchin.


Holger MUNZENMAIER, Deacon, "Lived once", Drama Theatre, Sharypovo

The artist is colorful. Perhaps this is how the jury decided to highlight a very short and not at all typical for a provincial theater sketch play about death. However, I could never understand the logic of the experts who determine the nominees in the acting “secondary” category.


Marius IVASKEVICIUS, “Russian Novel”, Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky, Moscow

The new nomination “Masks” brought victory to the venerable Lithuanian playwright. There were none of our own, which, in fact, I already had to say above.


Ensemble of actors in the play "Three sisters", Red Torch Theater, Novosibirsk

Igor Volkov, Vitaly Kovalenko, Elena Vozhakina - actors in the play "Beyond the Curtain", Alexandrinsky Theater, Saint Petersburg

This is how the jury noted two outstanding versions " Three sisters" Does this mean that the main awards will go to other performances? Yes, that's exactly what it means. And why were all the actors noted in Kulyabin, but only three in Zholdak? This is a blatant injustice.


"RUSSIAN NOVEL", Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky, Moscow

It’s interesting that it seems that none of the critics predicted victory for the Russian Novel. Now I definitely need to watch it. Why didn't you do this earlier? Due to, let’s say, a fundamental discrepancy with the director’s temperament of Mindaugas Karbauskis. After Kant, I decided that I could probably give up on his performances. But “Mask” doesn’t allow it.


"MAGADAN/CABARET", theater "Near Stanislavsky's House", Moscow

All other winners - but no comments.
OPERETTA–MUSICAL/CONDUCTOR’S WORK Andrey ALEXEEV, “White. Petersburg, Theater musical comedy, Saint Petersburg
OPERETTA–MUSICAL/DIRECTOR'S WORK Roman FEODORI, “Bindyuzhnik and the King”, Theater for Young Spectators, Krasnoyarsk
OPERETTA–MUSICAL/FEMALE ROLE Maria BIORK, Sonya, “Crime and Punishment”, Musical Theatre, Moscow
OPERETTA–MUSICAL/MALE ROLE Victor KRIVONOS, Apollon Apollonovich Ableukhov, “White. Petersburg", Musical Comedy Theatre, St. Petersburg
OPERETTA-MUSICAL/BEST SUPPORTING ROLE Vladimir GALCHENKO, Prince of Serpukhov, “The Story of a Horse”, Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky, Samara
BALLET/CONDUCTOR'S WORK Pavel KLINICHEV, “Ondine”, Grand Theatre, Moscow
BALLET–MODERN DANCE/ WORK OF A CHOREOGRAPHER–CHOREOGRAPHER Anton PIMONOV, “Violin Concerto No. 2”, Mariinskii Opera House, Saint Petersburg
BALLET–MODERN DANCE/FEMALE ROLE Victoria TERESHKINA, “Violin Concerto No. 2”, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg
BALLET–MODERN DANCE/MALE ROLE Igor BULYTSYN, Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ekaterinburg
OPERA/PLAY RODELINDA, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
OPERA/CONDUCTOR'S WORK Theodor KURENTZIS, La Traviata, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
OPERA/DIRECTOR'S WORK Richard JONES, Rodelinda, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
OPERA/FEMALE ROLE Nadezhda PAVLOVA, Violetta Valeri, “La Traviata”, Opera and Ballet Theater. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
OPERA/MALE ROLE Liparit AVETISYAN, Chevalier des Grieux, “Manon”, Musical Theater named after. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow
WORK OF A COMPOSER IN MUSICAL THEATER Eduard ARTEMYEV, “Crime and Punishment”, Musical Theatre, Moscow
SPECIAL MUSICAL THEATER JURY AWARD Performance “the_Marusya”, Dialogue Dance Company, Kostroma
Performance “Hercules”, Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater, Ufa
ARTIST'S WORK IN MUSICAL THEATER Ethel IOSHPA, “Salome”, theater “ New Opera", Moscow
WORK OF A COSTUME DESIGNER IN MUSICAL THEATER Elena TURCHANINOVA, “The Snow Maiden”, theater “ an old house", Novosibirsk
WORK OF A LIGHTING DESIGNER IN A MUSICAL THEATER Robert WILSON, La Traviata, Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Perm
DOLLS/PERFORMANCE KOLINO ESSAY, Producer center "KontArt", St. Petersburg
PUPPETS/DIRECTOR'S WORK Natalya PAKHOMOVA, “The Tale with Closed Eyes “Hedgehog in the Fog””, Moscow Puppet Theater
DOLLS/ARTIST'S WORK Victor ANTONOV, “Iron”, Puppet Theater of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
DOLLS/ACTOR'S WORK Anna SOMKINA, Alexander BALSANOV, “Kolino’s composition”, Producer center “KontArt”, St. Petersburg

On the stage of the Academic musical theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko (MAMT) the award ceremony began theater award « Golden mask" The final list of nominees this season included 28 dramatic performances of “large” and “small” forms, 13 operas, five ballets and nine contemporary dance performances, four performances in the operetta/musical genre, as well as eight puppet shows.

The winner of the award in the category “Best Performance in an Operetta-Musical” was “Bindyuzhnik and the King” (Theater for Young Spectators, Krasnoyarsk). The best female role Maria Biork played in the operetta-musical - she was awarded for her role as Sonya in the play “Crime and Punishment” (Musical Theatre). Award for the best male role in this category went to Viktor Krivonos for his role in the play “White. Petersburg" (Musical Comedy Theatre, St. Petersburg). The best supporting role in the operetta-musical was played by Vladimir Galchenko from the Drama Theater in Samara. The best director in this category was Roman Feodori from the Theater for Young Spectators in Krasnoyarsk, and the conductor was Andrey Alekseev from the Musical Comedy Theater in St. Petersburg.

Best performance The ballet is called "Romeo and Juliet", staged at the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater. The “Best Actor” award was given to Igor, who played Mercutio in this production. The best conductor was Pavel Klinichev - he received a prize for his work “Ondine” to the music of Hans Werner Henze (Bolshoi Theater, Moscow). Victoria Tereshkina played the best female role in the play “Violin Concerto No. 2” (Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg), Anton Pimonov received an award for the same performance in the category “Best work by a choreographer/choreographer”. Award in the category “Best Performance in modern dance"received the work "All Roads Lead to the North" (Ballet Moscow Theatre).

Reward as best conductor in opera was awarded to Teodor Currentzis for the performance of La Traviata at the Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm. Best Director: Richard Jones (opera Rodelinda, Bolshoi Theatre). The award in the category “Best Opera Performance” also went to “Rodelinda”. The award for the best actress in an opera was given to Nadezhda Pavlova (Violetta Valéry in La Traviata at the Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm), and for the best actor - Liparit Avetisyan for (Chevalier des Grieux in the operetta Manon at the Stanislavsky Musical Theater and Nemirovich-Danchenko in Moscow). In the category “Best Work of a Composer in Musical Theatre” the award was won by Eduard Artemyev.

Danila Kozlovsky was recognized as the best dramatic actor for the role of Hamlet at the Maly Drama Theater of St. Petersburg. The best dramatic actress was Evgenia Simonova, who played Sofya Tolstoy in the play “Russian Novel” at the Mayakovsky Theater. The best director for the second year in a row was Andrei Moguchiy - he was awarded for the play “The Thunderstorm” at the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater. The prize for best supporting actress in a drama was given to Elena Nemzer from the Alexandrinsky Theater for her role as Pantaloon in the production of “The Raven”, and for best male role went to Holgen Münzenmayer (Deacon in the play “Once Upon a Time” Drama Theater Sharypovo).

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants, organizers and guests of the award ceremony. The head of state noted the contribution of the Golden Mask to supporting theaters and expressed confidence that the presentation of the award will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss actual problems and exchange accumulated experience. Mr. Putin also congratulated the laureates on their well-deserved success and wished everyone present good luck and inspiration for the implementation of their plans and plans.

Among the just announced Golden Mask winners in various categories, there are so many St. Petersburg residents that the city can be congratulated: ballet, puppets, musicals, drama - everything, as it turns out, is the best here. But the nuances of the preferences of the high jury make us wary and think about the future with some anxiety. The results are so predictable and understandable from the layouts that it is obvious: the winners were not chosen by the jury as such, but by its “internal censor”, who did not make strategic mistakes in the first place.

First, let’s name (and congratulate) those who are bringing the “Golden Masks” to the city. In fact, the Grand Prix in the “Puppet Theater” section went to the play “Kolino’s Work” by St. Petersburg director Yana Tumina, which appeared as a project of the independent production company “KontArt” (for which we should be especially happy) with the support of the “Puppet Format” theater (to which we have special respect) . This performance is not only excellent in terms of the quality of production and the level of theatrical text, it is also, as they say, socially responsible: it is based on the book by artist Sergei Golyshev “My Son is Down,” but without a single sentimental note, without bad pathos and opportunistic pedaling the theme of “special people/children”. This is high lyricism for family viewing. Participants in the play Anna Somkina and Alexander Balsanov were separately awarded as best actors.

Things weren’t going well with the opera today—Moscow and Perm shared the prizes. But in the field of ballet, we are still the best and still thanks to the efforts of the Mariinsky Theater: the director of the ballet “Violin Concerto No. 2” after Prokofiev, Anton Pimonov, was named the best choreographer, and the impeccable Victoria Tereshkina was named the best ballet actress.

As for the music/musical performance nomination, the St. Petersburgers won two prizes: Andrey Alekseev was named best conductor, and Viktor Krivonos was named best conductor. best actor. Both - for their work in Gennady Trostyanetsky’s play “White. Petersburg" of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy.

As for the dramatic nominations, they are, as usual, the most intriguing and populous. Here among the winners is the artistic director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. G.A. Tovstonogov Andrey Moguchiy, for the second year receiving an award as the best dramatic director: now - for “The Thunderstorm” according to Ostrovsky, cleared of vulgar social “school” interpretations of the characters, turned into a terrible fairy tale told through the means of folklore fair theater - homage a century later, the innovator Meyerhold was noted by all critics without exception.

Also among the laureates in the “Drama” section is Nikolai Roshchin, an artist and director of the play “The Raven” in Alexandrinka. Awarded as an artist and on merit. In this one more scary fairy tale(this time Italian, in Gozzi's adaptation) Roshchin drew everything - and even the new faces of the actors: similar gutta-percha masks change the performers beyond recognition, actually depriving them of individual facial expressions (the totalitarian world demands this). But you can’t hide Elena Nemzer under any guise, whose sharp, grotesque gift (she played the female version of Pantalone - Signora Pantalone) manifested itself here almost more strongly than in other performances - so “The Mask” turned out to be her as the best dramatic supporting actress where it suits you.

Two more “Masks” also went to Alexandrinka. One is a special jury prize " love triangle» Vershinin - Masha - Kulygin from the play “Beyond the Curtain” (an extreme fantasy by Andriy Zholdak based on “Three Sisters”, requiring courage and dedication from the actors): respectively, Igor Volkov - Alena Vozhakina - Vitaly Kovalenko. The second - non-competitive - to Nikolai Marton “For outstanding contribution to the development theatrical arts"(Let us recall that a year ago this phenomenal actor took the stage for “The Mask” in the category “Best Dramatic Supporting Actor” - for the role of the Unknown, played brilliantly and on a grand scale and, God willing, will rise again more than once).

The Third Federal Drama Theater also did not go without an award: the only “Mask” was received by the play “Hamlet”, and it was received not by director Lev Dodin, but by the performer of the title role, Danila Kozlovsky. And this is just an example of the cunning of the judges who had the privilege of voicing the verdict in troubled times. In general, it was obviously impossible for the jury to ignore Dodin’s performance, and, it seems, awarding the main artist is not a bad idea. But the problem is that Dodin designed the play so boldly and according to such radical laws that it can either be completely accepted or completely rejected. This is a world invented to the last nail by Dodin in counterpoint with Shakespeare, this is harsh anti-humanism - a value system in which the artist Kozlovsky, like all other actors, perform the tasks of a master, precise to the millimeter, on the verge of a foul. Perhaps this is not Dodin’s best performance in terms of integrity, perfection of form, but it is fully a “ride into the unknown,” a search for something new, without which no creativity can be called such. But the fact of the matter is that the new, radical, extreme, provocative (and “Hamlet” from beginning to end is a desperate provocation, blows to the gut and other pain points in a maddened world) is not in trend today. Today, in order to avoid troubles from one or another “caretaker of culture,” it is necessary to give awards that are understandable, transparent, and decent, at least in appearance (cultural ministers-administrators are not much of a reader of hidden meanings, so the front in aesthetic packaging is passing for now).

By and large, to compete for the main prize in drama - “Best Performance” - in terms of scale and level of comprehension existential problems In modern times, three performances could be performed: “The Thunderstorm” by Moguchy, “Hamlet” by Dodin and “Three Sisters” by Timofey Kulyabin. At the same time, it was clear that Kulyabin with “Tannhäuser” had a history of being a bad match for the main “Mask” of the season. I even imagined beautiful picture- like Moguchiy or Dodin, having received the Grand Prix (and each of these masters of “Masks” already has more than five), solemnly transfers his award to his younger comrade, while the audience gives a standing ovation. Actually, after the “Three Sisters” of Kulyabin, where the sisters communicate in the language of the deaf and dumb (educated and cultured people today’s society doesn’t hear, you can’t argue), were selected for the program of the Vienna Theater Weeks and experienced a real triumph among the sophisticated public there; “The Mask” could be given to this young theater author without looking at it. But the only thing the jury was able to do for Kulyabin was to offer a special prize, and even then not to him, but to the acting ensemble of the play (Kulyabin’s name is not in the wording of the special prize, you can check on the “Masks” website). And this is another decision behind which there is iron calculation. And the Grand Prix went to a performance that was not so much outstanding as correct: “Russian Novel” by Mindaugas Karbauskis - the story of Leo Tolstoy with the main character Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya performed by Evgenia Simonova. Here we must admit that the Lithuanian playwright Marius Ivaskevicius wrote an elegant, intelligent play about the peculiarities national family(Russian, of course), and his personal “Mask” is the only one in in this case an award that raises no questions.

However, it was not possible to keep what is called a “good face” everywhere. “The Golden Mask” looks like a real embarrassment for Bob Wilson, a director from the USA who had a reputation as one of the best directors in the world, when not all members of the jury were even born. So Wilson (attention) managed to be awarded as “Best Lighting Designer in Musical Theatre.” For those who are not in the know: it is working with light, which for everyone new production exhibited by Wilson for more than 300 hours is one of the key substantive discoveries of his directing, but he made it several decades ago. Last year, let me remind you, Wilson staged “Pushkin’s Tales” at the Theater of Nations with Yevgeny Mironov in the role of Pushkin. And how right the theater was when it refused on principle to be nominated for “The Mask.”

However, the list of nominated directors this year reached almost thirty people. And this, on the one hand, greatly increases the rating of the winner, Andrei Moguchy, and on the other hand, it smacks of absurdity. There was a place for almost everyone more or less worthy, but there was no place for Kirill Serebrennikov and Konstantin Bogomolov. Well, if you, gentlemen, have nominated so many young people, then let the public learn at least one new name. Well, yes, let’s say that there are few performances that can compare with “The Thunderstorm” - and the furor of the performance during the capital’s showings confirmed this. But the jury could have disposed of the special prizes differently. It could, but walking along the beaten paths is, of course, safer. Safer.

And, of course, this “Mask” revealed not only nationwide diseases, but also the problems of “our Vasyuki”. With all due respect, facts are stubborn things. Federal theaters operating in St. Petersburg bring a harvest of “Masks” every year, and for all the city’s seasons the Musical Comedy is in charge (other theaters not only did not become laureates, but were not even nominated). Apparently, without tangible changes the situation in theatrical St. Petersburg cannot be changed for the better.

Zhanna Zaretskaya, Fontanka.ru

Two jury compositions - dramatic and musical - met in parallel on the eve of the presentation. Moreover, the dramatic was able to begin the final discussion only when the last performance of the mask marathon ended: by chance it turned out to be a production from a very distant point in Russia - Norilsk. Polar drama named after. Mayakovsky presented “Uncle Vanya”. She was considered a real competitor to another “Uncle Vanya” - from Voronezh and a contender for a national award in at least one of the nominations. But... both “Uncle Vanya” left Moscow with nothing.

How did ZM-2017 play the card this time? By the way, it can rightfully be considered a record year since its founding - 1993. "The Mask" has 290 nominations, and that's no joke. For comparison, last year there were 200 of them, in previous years even fewer. New ones were added to last year’s list - “The Playwright”, the “supporting role” in drama is now divided into the best for men and women, and finally a supporting role in operetta has appeared. The geography of participating theaters has also expanded - six new cities brought their performances to Moscow.

Although there is no Grand Prix as such at “The Mask,” nevertheless, behind the scenes it is considered to be the one who receives the award for “Best Performance.” Thus, among large-scale performances in this nomination, the “Russian Novel” of the Moscow Theater unconditionally wins. Mayakovsky (director Mindaugas Karbauskis). In general, the play, dedicated to the wife of Leo Tolstoy, who, by the way, never appears on stage during the 3 hours of action, was awarded in as many as three categories - “Best Performance”, “Playwright” (Ivaskevicius) and “Best Actress”. It goes to the beautiful actress Evgenia Simonova. But the role of Hamlet performed by Daniil Kozlovsky was recognized as “Best Actor”. Let me note that Lev Dodin’s new play “Hamlet” caused heated debate and literally split the capital’s audience exactly in half: and not just into “for” and “against,” but radically - “wonderful” and “terrible.” However, this is a masterful piece of work that will perhaps be truly appreciated over time.

“Russian Novel” had quite strong competitors in the person of its main and, one might say, long-time rivals - the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Tovstonogov and the Alexandrinsky Theater. The difference in votes during the voting was minimal. As a result, the Bolshoi Drama Theater with the play “The Thunderstorm” was awarded for “Best Director” by Andrei Moguchy, which is absolutely fair. And Alexandrinka takes two “Masks” to St. Petersburg - “Best Artist” (Nikolai Roshchin, play “The Raven”) and a special prize for a highly professional acting ensemble in the play “On the Other Side of the Curtain” (small form, directed by Andriy Zholdak based on the play by Chekhov "Three sisters").

Moreover, the jury unanimously included an actress in the ensemble, who for some reason was not nominated. Thus, Igor Volkov (father, Vershinin), Vitaly Kovalenko (Kulygin) and Elena Vozhakina (Masha) are united in the ensemble. In a small form, a special prize for the acting ensemble was awarded to “Three Sisters” from Novosibirsk, directed by Timofey Kulyabin, playing Chekhov's play in the language of the hearing impaired.

“Best Supporting Actor” goes to the tiny town of Sharypovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory), where only 38 thousand residents live. She is taken away by the oldest actor of the troupe, Holger Münzenmayer (play “Once Upon a Time.”) And “Best Actress in a Supporting Role” goes to Elena Nemzer from Alexandrinka (play “The Raven”).

There were no heated debates in “Dolls” - there was complete unanimity in the jury regarding “Kolya’s composition”, the “KontArt” project and the “Puppet Format” theater from St. Petersburg. The story is subtle, incredibly touching, based on the book “My Son is Down” by Sergei Golyshev, which uses poems by the author’s son, Kolya Golyshev. No speculation on a painful topic - the work of director Yana Tumina deserves the highest praise. And besides, it turned out that she offered this project to one large theater, but it refused, and Yana spent four years collecting money to implement her project. It’s not for nothing that “Kolino’s Happiness” becomes “Best Performance”, and the two actors playing in it (Anna Somkina and Alexander Balsanov) are recognized as “Best”. The work of artist Viktor Antonov was awarded the “Mask” for the play “Iron” (theater from Petrozavodsk). "Best Director" puppet show“Recognized by Natalya Pakhomova from the Moscow Puppet Theater for the play “A Tale with Closed Eyes” Hedgehog in the Fog.”

"Golden Mask 2017": Danila Kozlovsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, other heroes of the evening and full list laureates

Yesterday, the 23rd Golden Mask awards ceremony took place on the stage of the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre. The number of nominees for the national theater award was a record - 213 directors, actors, artists, composers, and playwrights. Guests of the country's main theater award were Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Evgeny Mironov, Evgeny Tabakov, Anna Chipovskaya, Ingeborga Dapkunaite and many others. The award winners were actors Danila Kozlovsky and Evgenia Simonova, director Andrei Moguchiy, and conductor Teodor Currentzis. In total, 74 performances from 25 Russian cities were shown as part of the Golden Mask 2017 festival.

Danila Kozlovsky became the best dramatic actor for main role in the play “Hamlet” at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg, and the best dramatic actress was Evgenia Simonova, who played in the play “Russian Novel” at the Mayakovsky Theater.

Vladimir MishukovDmitry Brusnikin

Andrei Moguchiy again became the best director - he was awarded for his work on the play “The Thunderstorm” at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Tovstonogov. Last year's award best director Moguchiy also took it for the play “Drunk”.

Teodor Currentzis was recognized by the jury as the best conductor for the opera La Traviata in Perm theater operas and ballets named after Tchaikovsky.

Award guest Elizaveta Boyarskaya shared her impressions of the Golden Mask on her page on social network Instagram.

Yesterday Danila received the Golden Mask in the Best Actor category for Hamlet! How infinitely happy I am! I couldn’t help but get it, he lives this role brilliantly, fiercely and passionately! The best of the best partners, the kindest and most sympathetic person, a faithful, caring friend, a devoted student, responsible, talented, unique, sensitive, subtle artist, beloved classmate! A man of rare soul! Deserves all the best and kindness! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Hooray!

Elizaveta Boyarskaya at the Golden Mask 2017 evening

"Golden Mask 2017"Nadezhda Pavlova (opera)

Prizes from the Union of Theater Workers for outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art were received by Oleg Tabakov, Vladimir Etush, Rezo Gabriadze, Nikolai Marton, Aigum Aigumov, Irina Bogacheva, Andrey Borisov, Georgy Kotov (posthumously).

Full list of Golden Mask 2017 award winners:

The best major dramatic performance was “Russian Novel” at the Moscow Theater. Mayakovsky.

The jury recognized “Magadan/Cabaret”, Theater “Near the Stanislavsky House”, Moscow as the best dramatic performance of a small form.

Award for the best dramatic role Supporting award was awarded to Elena Nemzer for the play “The Raven”, Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

The best dramatic actor was Holger Münzenmayr for his role as the Deacon in the play “Once Upon a Time” at the Drama Theater, Sharypovo.

The jury named Nikolai Roshchin the best dramatic artist for the play “The Raven”, Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

Elena Solovyova received the award as best costume designer for the play “Ship of Fools”, Theater “Gran”, Novokuybyshevsk.

Alexander Mustonen received the award for best lighting designer. Performance "Bald Cupid", Moscow Theater for Young Spectators.

Marius Ivaskevicius was named the best playwright for “Russian Novel”, Theater named after. Mayakovsky, Moscow.

Best puppet show - "Kolino's composition", production center "KontArt", St. Petersburg.

Best puppet director Natalya Pakhomova, “A Tale with Eyes Closed”, “Hedgehog in the Fog”, Moscow Puppet Theater.

The best puppet artist was Viktor Antonov, “Iron”, Puppet Theater of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk.

The award for the doll (actor's work) was given to Anna Somkina and Alexander Balsanov, "Kolino's composition", Producer Center "KontArt".

The Special Jury Prize of the Drama Theater and Puppet Theater was given to Igor Volkov, Vitaly Kovalenko, Elena Vozhakina - actors of the play "On the Other Side of the Curtain", Alexandrinsky Theater, St. Petersburg.

Best acting ensemble - in the play "Three Sisters", Red Torch Theater, Novosibirsk.

Best Opera Director - Richard Jones "Rodelinda", Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow.

Nadezhda Pavlova received the award as the best Opera singer"La Traviata", Opera and Ballet Theater. Tchaikovsky, Perm.

Best male role in opera - Liparit Avetisyan, "Manon", Musical Theater named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Moscow.

"Romeo and Juliet", staged at the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater, was named "Best Ballet Performance".

Best dance performance "All roads lead to the north", Ballet Moscow Theater, Moscow.

Pavel Klinichev received the Golden Mask as a ballet conductor. He was the only contender for this award - for three different performances, the prize was brought to him by "Ondine" of the Bolshoi Theater.

The play “Violin Concerto No. 2”, Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg received two “Golden Masks”: Anton Pimonov was awarded for the work of the choreographer/choreographer, and Victoria Tereshkina was awarded for the best actress.

Award for the best ballet performance received the play "Romeo and Juliet" (choreographer Vyacheslav Samodurov, Yekaterinburg State academic theater opera and ballet), the Golden Mask was also awarded to the performer of the role of Mercutio, Igor Bulytsyn.

The performance of the Krasnoyarsk Youth Theater "The Bandit and the King" received the "Golden Mask" as the best musical, and the Krasnoyarsk director Roman Feodori became the "Best Director in an Operetta-Musical".

The "Golden Mask" was awarded to conductor Andrei Alekseev for "White. Petersburg", Musical Comedy Theater, St. Petersburg.

Maria Biork received the Golden Mask for her female role in the operetta-musical “Crime and Punishment”, Musical Theatre, Moscow. And the Golden Mask for Best Actor in an Operetta went to Viktor Krivonosov.

"Golden mask" for best role Supporting role in the operetta was given to Vladimir Galchenko, Drama Theater named after. Gorky, Samara.

The best composer was Eduard Artemyev "Crime and Punishment", Musical Theatre, Moscow.

Ethel Ioshpa received the Golden Mask Award for Best Artist in Musical Theatre.

Elena Turchaninova became the best artist in costumes, and Robert Wilson was recognized as the best lighting designer.

The special musical theater jury award was given to the play “Hercules”, Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater, Ufa and the play “the_Marusya”, Kostroma.