The concept of “cultured person”. Internal and external culture of a person. What is a cultured person

Culture is the basis of any society. It brings people together. Culture is basically sublime art. There are cultural monuments in every city. These are paintings, paintings, tapestries, monuments, memorials. Education is also a part of culture, because how can a person without proper education be cultured? All this is protected by people, as one of the values ​​of the people. But what kind of person is called cultured? What qualities should he have?

The most basic culture is the culture of speech and behavior. Therefore, a person who follows the rules of etiquette, politely and competently communicates with the people who make up his environment is called cultured. Behavior - important factor, from which appropriate conclusions can be drawn about any person.

A cultured person, when in a society, especially an unfamiliar one, behaves decently and calmly, avoids conflict situations. Such a person must be responsive, friendly, delicate and tactful, because one component is not enough to show his culture. A cultured person should set an example to others by his behavior. Of course, not every person can be called cultured. But nothing prevents every person from becoming one. After all, in addition to respect from others, respect for oneself appears. But cultured person He must also be able to stand up for himself. People should contribute to the preservation and dissemination of culture, and being called a cultured person should be desirable and prestigious.

A cultured person is a well-mannered, educated and decent person who can help in an unstable situation and always controls his speech. The more cultured people there are in a society, the more it prospers and stands out from others.

Short essay

It is very good to be a cultured person. A cultured person never speaks rudely or bad words, does not offend or insult others. Such a person always behaves decently and modestly, and does not go beyond what is required. That is why cultured people have many friends, because it is pleasant to be around them.

Culture is everything that man has created: books, paintings, monuments. And a cultured person is obliged to protect all this, because these are monuments of the history of our Motherland, which tell about its past and determine the future. It is an honor to be a cultured and educated person; one must strive to become one.

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Culture of behavior is an integral part of world civilization, an integral part general culture humanity.

Each member of society is obliged to comply with current standards of behavior, the main principles of which are: respect for others, respect for elders and women, understanding of one’s own dignity.

Norms of behavior determine what is generally accepted and acceptable in the actions of a member of society, and what is not. Uniform and generally accepted rules ensure high level relationships and communication in society.

A cultured person always knows and is ready to observe the basic norms of behavior, while he is internally convinced of their necessity. Genuinely well-mannered person behaves appropriately not only official receptions, does not flaunt his refined manners, but shows his good manners in the most insignificant actions of everyday life.

Compliance with the rules of decency, politeness, and goodwill should be carried out naturally, naturally, without pretense and false modesty.

Observing General requirements, you need to develop your own style of behavior. But this style should express the person’s personality, and not his desire to stand out. It is very important for a person to understand that life is not a stage, and therefore one must be in one’s life, and not seem to be. “To be” is to be yourself, as your own convictions, your own conscience suggest, to be with your own shortcomings and merits.

To appear is to adapt to others, to dodge circumstances, to play a role written by someone.

A truly cultured person lives by the principle of “being”, no matter how difficult it is for him, he is always natural, behaves at ease, does not fawn or be hypocritical, he is not embarrassed by the position or social status of his interlocutor. On the contrary, the one who tries to “appear” is, first of all, trying to demonstrate his own self-invented “authority”, the image of “the smartest and the best”. Strange as it may seem at first glance, it is more difficult for those who live by the principle of “to be” in life, moreover, it is more difficult to live and work with them, because honesty, objectivity, bold judgments, regardless of... are not to everyone’s taste. It is much easier to live next to each other (including at work) with a narrow-minded sycophant, a two-faced coward, an imitator who himself cannot do anything and does not demand much from others.

But progress is driven precisely by those with whom it is difficult. It should be noted that in most cases they are the ones who are self-critical, responsible for their actions, capable of doubting and being critical of both their own and others’ thoughts and actions. The kindness and culture of such people does not appear in the eye, it is invisible, because it is their human essence.

A well-mannered person is not only education, not only correct habits learned in the family, but first of all internal culture, based on constant, continuous self-education and self-education, on respect for another person, on the desire to be intelligent, in the very better understanding this word.

The question is often asked: which man and which woman can be called beautiful? “Miss” and “Mister” competitions are held and determined external parameters beauties and handsome men, techniques and recipes for increasing biceps and reducing waistlines, lengthening legs and shortening body hair, etc. are demonstrated. The competition ends, and now the first beauty or handsome man, smiling and flashing photo and video cameras, gives an interview - so what?

All the charm disappears - not a single thought, not a single clever word, subtle joke and ordinary sincerity. A momentary gloss, an external standard previously imposed on the viewer - that’s all. Therefore, the main thing in human beauty is charm, charm as an external manifestation of inner beauty.

A charming person is necessarily smart, delicate, tactful, he is exclusively one of those who lives by the principle of “being” and not “appearing”; his beauty lies in the beauty of his soul.

It is appropriate to ask, why are there still so many outwardly spectacular dummies, suck-ups, sycophants, etc. in society? Unfortunately, there is still a great social demand for them, both from imitators and hypocrites who have achieved official positions, and from high-ranking cynics. Cynicism, even in combination with intelligence, knowledge, and observance of the rules of behavior, is incompatible with the concept of true culture and upbringing. The main manifestations of cynicism are arrogant, shameless behavior, open contempt for generally accepted norms of morality and ethics, disrespect for people and society as a whole.

Coming to cynicism is not so difficult: first - narcissism, then - narcissism, brought to the point of rejection of another opinion and another person in general, then - simply immorality and its apotheosis - cynicism.

The problem of a well-mannered, highly cultured, noble person is gullibility combined with misunderstanding: how could it be otherwise? He does not understand how one can live with squabbles and squabbles, how one can live without high literature and true art, he does not understand the meaning of replacing real work with imitation, he does not understand why, for the sake of a degree or title, resort to plagiarism or pseudoscience.

On what is the behavior of a well-mannered person based?

Firstly, on respectful attitude towards people. It is easier for a well-mannered person to be disappointed later than to initially set himself up against everyone or the majority.

Of course, he sees the shortcomings and miscalculations of those around him, but it takes a long time to convince him of negative qualities, because the positive principles in a person are the main thing for him. And this is second. That is, a well-mannered person is ready for the fact that people have both advantages and disadvantages.

Thirdly, a well-mannered person will always try, through his behavior and actions, to ensure good relationships between colleagues. However, for real fair man should not tolerate rudeness, duplicity, stupidity, arrogance and must rebuff them. But this rebuff should stop evil, and not incite it, should be aimed at mistakes and shortcomings, and not at the person himself.

A culture of behavior depends not so much on knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules, but on the character traits that each person is obliged to manage.

Tactfulness is one of the main such qualities; it is based on the understanding that another person may be uncomfortable, that someone may cause him trouble or cause hostility. A tactful person is always ready to understand the experiences of another and tries to prevent a possible incident; he does not use (at least the first) raised tones, much less rudeness.

An obvious tactlessness would be to demonstrably show one's hostility, but it would also be tactless to overexpose one's sympathy in public. Excessive curiosity is tactless, especially if it manifests itself in spying and eavesdropping. A tactful person will pretend that he did not notice the awkwardness, will help another in a difficult situation, and will never slander or gossip. It is especially unacceptable to laugh at physical disabilities and problems that a colleague or acquaintance has, or to discuss his personal life.

A cultured person is inconspicuous in showing tact; he always takes into account those around him, but does not adapt to them.

A cultured person is always distinguished by politeness, the antipode of which is rudeness. Polite means one who wishes well, not allowing even the possibility of offending another. Rudeness is a characteristic of a boor, rudeness is a manifestation of base narcissism, a desire to humiliate the interlocutor, intemperance. When there is nothing to say, there are no reasonable arguments, insults, curses and obscene expressions come into play.

A well-mannered person is distinguished by modesty, which is necessarily combined with self-demandingness. But modesty should not manifest itself in shyness, in one’s own underestimation, in the fear of saying anything, in the inability to defend one’s convictions.

A cultured person, being modest and tactful, has a sense of self-esteem, the highest manifestation which is the concept of honor. “I have the honor” - this is how self-respecting people in Russia assessed themselves in the highest possible way. For such a person, meanness and low actions are not acceptable. his own honor, the honor of his beloved woman, the honor and dignity of the Motherland are above all for him and in extreme conditions - higher and more precious than life itself.

Education in yourself positive qualities(and therefore a strong and charming personality) can only be multifaceted and combines high morality and exactingness, respect for work and education, love of life and all its manifestations, respect for elders and women, love for children and the desire to help the weak; An important role is played by aesthetic self-education, expressed in the development of the ability to understand beauty, the need for constant communication with literature, theater, painting, music, and other forms of art.

It should be noted that religion implants in people’s consciousness a sense of sin, an obligation to do good and prevent evil. A true believer cannot be immoral in all manifestations of life: at home, at work, among other people.

A highly cultured and educated person always faces the problem of choice. Not only is he not afraid, but he encourages himself to doubt and think about a possible dilemma; making a fundamental decision is a moral problem for him.

The imitator, the sycophant, the scoundrel, the egoist do not have such a problem - they are always ready for imitation, for sucking up, for meanness, they are ready to love only themselves. Instant gain, constant self-indulgence, and reluctance to solve problems based on high demands and self-criticism make life easier. But in the end, everyone and everything suffers from this. Helpful people they cannot fully realize themselves and their merits, the common cause suffers, and a small person becomes even smaller, his personality is destroyed no less than that of a degraded person. It is not without reason that many giants of human thought have always emphasized that a person who, due to circumstances, finds himself at the bottom of the social ladder can retain his personality and dignity, while a bastard and a fool who rises to the top will not acquire these qualities from his position. It is enough to recall the heroes of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Chekhov, Gogol, Griboyedov, Gorky.

Conversation " What Means cultural Human "

Short description dispute

What does it mean to be a cultured person? A cultured person is an educated, well-mannered, tolerant, intelligent, responsible person. He respects himself and others. A cultured person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high quality, gratitude and the ability to be grateful, love for nature and the Motherland, compassion and empathy for one’s neighbor, goodwill.

A cultured person will never lie, he will maintain self-control and dignity in any situation. life situations, this is a person who has a clearly defined goal and achieves it.

D.S. Likhachev wrote:“What is the greatest purpose of life? I think: increase the goodness in those around us. And goodness is, first of all, the happiness of all people.

It consists of many things, and every time life presents a person with a task that is important to be able to solve. You can do good to a person in small things, you can think about big things, but small things and big things cannot be separated...”

But you cannot rely on kindness, education and “correct” behavior. Nowadays, people pay too little attention to culture, and many do not even think about it throughout their lives, thereby showing ignorance, laziness, selfishness, and hypocrisy.

It’s good if a person has a process of familiarization with culture, that is, inculturation, as well as familiarization with cultural values ​​and knowledge through social institutions, that is, socialization, occurs from childhood. The child joins the traditions passed down from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and environment. After all, in life, the more experienced a person is, the more competitive he is, and if he has somewhere to get this experience from, then he has advantages.

In conclusion, it should be noted: no matter how much is said about culture, “a person is known only by his deeds.”

1. Organizational moment. introduction teacher

Guys, today we will talk about the topic “A cultural person, what is he like?” We will talk about what defines a cultured person. “So, a cultured person.” I invite you now, at the beginning of our conversation, to give your definition. What is he like, a cultured person?

(The guys give their definitions. The teacher writes on the board: “A cultured person is...”

I have now written down your definitions of a cultured person. Let's see at the end of our conversation what you forgot to mention. You correctly said that a cultured person is...

2. Content part.

I would like to remind you that human culture begins with rules of behavior. The rules governing human behavior in society have been created over many centuries. They arose in connection with the need to streamline the communication of people, to make it more organized, decent, and beautiful.

Often a person’s upbringing is judged only by his behavior. But this is not the only thing that distinguishes a cultured person. So what? What qualities are inherent in a cultured, educated person? Kindness, tact, delicacy, honesty, nobility. To help out of trouble, to selflessly help in difficult times, to sacrifice for another, even not very close, and sometimes stranger something important, don’t be stingy with time, troubles, labors - all this is the norm of behavior for well-mannered, noble people. But here's the problem, Lately There is a growing lack of warmth, kindness and mercy. And you need to make sure that these qualities are preserved in you, so that they are your dignity. A well-mannered person is always polite, considerate, and friendly towards the people around him. Today we mentioned that a well-mannered person is polite to strangers, and even to strangers. He is polite at all times.

So, we are talking about politeness, goodwill, delicacy, tact. Excessive curiosity and reading other people's letters and notes are considered tactless. It is unacceptable to make fun of people's physical disabilities, eavesdrop on other people's conversations, or write anonymous letters.

The most important quality of well-mannered people is modesty. A modest person is self-critical, demanding of himself, and does not overestimate his capabilities and abilities. He does not strive to stand out externally: he will not talk loudly on the bus, among passers-by, and will not brag about his merits.

Many people believe that it is not necessary to show respect, politeness, and tact towards parents.


What do you think? (children's answers)

A son who cannot help his parents clean the apartment, go to a store that includes loud music even when the family is resting, is this a well-mannered person? Think about it, what are you like with your parents? Do you greet them when you wake up in the morning, do you say: “ Good morning», « Good night"When do you go to bed? Are you saying magic words: “thank you”, “sorry”? Listen to what happened to the hero of the poem “Overdid it” by Sergei Pogorelovsky. (reading a poem)

This means that we must be polite not only with the people around us, but also with our parents: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother.

Another quality of a cultured person is commitment and accuracy. It was established in ancient times that contracts must be fulfilled. Remember the proverb: “Precision is the courtesy of kings”? It happens that a person knows in advance that he will not fulfill his promise, that he will not keep his word. Sometimes he makes a promise rashly, thoughtlessly, and it even turns out that it is simply impossible to fulfill. A decent person strives to be punctual and always keeps his promise.

Please think about whether you are always accurate and whether you always keep your promises.


Please name good and bad habits.

You often hear this expression: “People should respect etiquette.” What is etiquette? Etiquette (from the Greek “ethics” - morality, custom) is a set of rules of behavior of people in their relationship to others; it regulates the external forms of human behavior. Please listen to the problems and try to solve them.

Task 1.

Lena was sitting on the tram. She kept swinging her legs. Her neighbor moved away. She was afraid that Lena would stain her coat.

Girl, sit still, please.

What did I do? – Lena objected. - Just think! Please, I will sit quietly.

(Can Lenochkino’s “please” be called magical?)

Task 2.

Borya was walking home from school. He sees a blind man walking down the street and feeling the sidewalk with a stick. I approached an intersection and stopped. “He’s waiting out the movement,” Borya guessed and went his way.

(What would you do if you were the boy?)

Task 3.

Yura and Andrey hurried to the buffet and ran down the stairs through the steps. Anna Alekseevna was rising towards her. The boys ran past, and only after one minute they heard somewhere: “Hello, Anna Alekseevna.” What the teacher answered them, the boys did not hear. They were the first to rush into the buffet.

(List the mistakes the boys made in behavior)

Task 4.

Petya came to school and said hello to the cleaning lady, teacher Maria Ivanovna. In the corridor he saw the director and greeted him. At recess the boy met the director again. Petya froze in place. He didn’t know what to do: say hello again or walk by as if you didn’t see.

(What should Petya do?)

3. Final part.

So, guys, what other qualities define a cultured person? We can talk about this for a long time and give many examples. I would like you to today We would take everything into account, try to follow the rules of behavior that we talked about today, and be cultured people in all life situations.

Compiled by: Belousova O.I., teacher at KOU SKOSHI

Sherbakul, 2015

A cultured person is a rather rare phenomenon today. And the whole point is that the concept of “cultured person” includes many requirements, which, unfortunately, not every one of us meets. Let's look at what kind of person can be called cultured.

Modern cultured man

First of all, someone who can be called a cultured person must have politeness and good manners. Etiquette, the basics of behavior, is exactly what makes a person cultured. This is by no means innate instinctive knowledge. They are acquired with age, our parents teach us this, kindergarten, school. In fact, etiquette is not based on empty, nothing meaningful rules, but on the fundamental basis of life in society. Every modern cultured person can improve the ability to behave well.

How to become a cultured person?

How is the concept of a cultured person defined? It is worth considering the defining features of a cultured person, and then we will know what it means to be a cultured person. Let us list the main distinctive qualities of a cultured person that should prevail in us.

It is difficult to list all the qualities and signs of a cultured person. Everyone means something different by this characteristic. However, we have tried to present to you the main traits of a cultured person, which can easily be developed and cultivated on your own. Strive for excellence and be cultured!

When they define a “cultured person,” they first of all mean the following: does a person comply with the rules and generally accepted models of norms of behavior in society - a sort of philistine code of honor. In principle, this is where the “responsibilities” of a “cultured person” for society end.

It is important for society that human behavior is determined by the framework of decency and the law. Society, in principle, is ready to agree that alone with himself or with his family a person can be whatever he wants, but when he leaves the door of his home, a cultured person should have a switch to turn on norms and self-control.

That is, in the philistine consciousness, the concept of a cultured person is a well-mannered person who observes rituals and etiquette: “in front of strangers,” “in public,” “in society.” If a person who masters all forms of etiquette also higher education is present, then, as a rule, such a person rises in social status from the level of a simply cultured person to the level of an “intelligent person.”

The behavior of a person “behind the door” is taken into account in in this case not acceptable. “Behind the door” you can belch and pick your nose, yell and bully your household, or anonymously troll evil on the Internet, even if not for money, but only at the call of a “rushing soul.” But if such an individual gives up his seat to an old lady in public transport or holds the elevator door for a neighbor, that’s it – he is guaranteed the status of a cultured person.

Even at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the word “culture” referred more to agricultural science than to extrapolate to man. The word itself appeared in the Age of Enlightenment - at the end of the 18th century, but it took root gradually and for quite a long time. In Europe and Russia of the 19th century they said - civilized man, meaning approximately what is now included in the concept of a cultured person. Back in the early 30s of the last century Dictionary Ushakova interpreted the concept of “cultured person” as a “cultivated” person. Only in connection with global urbanization, when a separate “ urban culture“In contrast to nature, the concepts of civilized and cultural began to blur. By the way, “cultural” epithets began to be added, forming phrases: cultural revolution, cultural level, cultural connections, a cultured person, i.e., an indicator of certain achievements, the development of progress and personality.

Currently, linguistics interprets the word “culture” as “the volume of genetically non-inherited information transmitted in society from generation to generation.” Sociology is also ready to offer its own interpretation of the concept: “culture is a set of traditions, customs, social norms, rules governing the behavior of those who live now, and transmitted to those who will live tomorrow.”

From a philosophical point of view, according to Spengler and Toynbee, culture is only a part that makes up civilization. A cultured person is a person capable of assimilating a large number of information, analyze it, interpret it, build cause-and-effect relationships. Philosophers, of course, did not deny the role of education and self-control in the formation of a truly cultured person.

Thus, a cultured person is a person who complies with the basic norms of behavior of a civilized society, but relates himself and society only in that proportion that allows him to remain a person and individuality, and not a “cog in the system”, a “majority”, part of a “single fist” and “ one people”.

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