How do you understand the title of the story: The Fate of a Man? The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.” Honest and open driver

Name in work of art- one way of expressing author's position. It either reflects the essence of conflicting works, or names a key episode, or main character, or the main idea of ​​the work is expressed.
Many years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957 M. A. Sholokhov wrote the story “The Fate of a Man”, the plot of which is based on the story of life ordinary person Andrey Sokolov.
The narration in the work is conducted in the first person, on behalf of the main character, he talks about his life to a stranger, whom he mistook for a driver. Having carefully examined Andrei Sokolov, the narrator draws Special attention on a person’s eyes: “eyes as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” This detail speaks of the difficult, very difficult life of Andrei Sokolov, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The hero tells about his fate. It is this word that M. A. Sholokhov put in the title of the story. Not fate, not fate, not predestination, but precisely fate: a word that contains all previous meanings, but at the same time, here for the writer it is a synonym for the word life. Indeed, the life of Andrei Sokolov at first “was ordinary”: family, wife, three children, a good job, but the war began, which brought pain and suffering. First captivity, then the death of his wife and daughters, and finally the death of his son. Any person who experienced this could become angry, bitter, and curse his fate. But Andrei Sokolov found the strength to help little boy Vanyusha, who was left an orphan after the war: the hero adopted Vanyusha: “A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We must not disappear separately!” I’ll take him as my child.”
Andrei Sokolov himself decided to take in an orphan boy, thereby changing his destiny and filling his life with meaning.
M.A. Sholokhov called the work “The Fate of a Man,” without indicating that the story would be about the life of a specific person who lost the most precious thing in the war: his wife, children, but who retained the most important thing - the human heart. Thus, from a story about the fate of a specific person, the work turns into a story about the fate of all humanity, when everyone is responsible to themselves and others for their lives.
The title of Sholokhov's story is ambiguous: it indicates moral essence Andrei Sokolov: from an ordinary driver who married Irinka, had three children, survived captivity, when “death passed by... she just felt a chill from her...” he becomes the man who adopted Vanya, and now Sokolov fears for his life (that’s his heart I was swayed, the piston needs to be changed..."), since now he is responsible for the little boy.
The dream of a soul mate united two orphan destinies: a soldier who went through the war and an orphaned boy, and from now on, united, they walk through life together.
Thus, the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the narrative to the level of universal generalization, making short story a deep epic that reveals the most complex problems, touching on the foundations of human coexistence.

Essay on literature on the topic: The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man”

Other writings:

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The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”

Topic: M.A. Sholokhov. The story “The Fate of Man.” The meaning of the title of the work.

Goal: teach to comprehend ideological plan works and the author's position through text analysis.

To form in students an idea of ​​the meaning of human existence, to explain the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man”;

Develop skills in analyzing a work of art;

Show the role of the detail in the text;

To cultivate rejection of war, a humane attitude towards people, a sense of pride in war heroes, respect for their exploits;

Create an atmosphere of cooperation.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, computer and projector, portrait of M.A. Sholokhov, text of the work, fragment from S. Bondarchuk’s film “The Fate of Man”

During the classes:

    Motivation for learning activities.

On the screen is a fragment from S. Bondarchuk’s film “The Fate of a Man” (Meeting with Vanyushka)

What event in the lives of two people did we just see on the screen?

(Meeting lonely people, connecting them)

What predetermined this meeting, what circumstances contributed to this?

Why do you think M. Sholokhov’s story is called “The Fate of Man?

What is the topic of our lesson?

Try to formulate the purpose and objectives of our lesson.

works of Sholokhov?

    Updating knowledge.

    A word about the writer (student message)

    History of the creation of the story (student's message)

    Episode analysis.

Let's go back to the beginning of the story. Where does Sholokhov begin the work? (From a description of nature)

Imagine this picture. What colors are contrasted in the description? (dead white, snowy color of winter and lively brown, dirty yellow, grey colour early spring)

What does this opposition symbolize? (Winter with white coldness is replaced by a warm, albeit not yet festive, spring, so life conquers death).

What do these details indicate? (About the coming world, about the feeling of peace and tranquility)

The story describes tragic events, but still there is a place of hot, yellow sun. Support this with an example from the text.

Why does Sholokhov repeat the words about the sun several times? (More and more more sun, shine, warmth is given to the heroes of the story. More and more more peace penetrates their souls. Yellow sunlight symbolizes upcoming happiness)

Now let's turn to the final episode of the story.

Let's understand the concept of “fate”. What is this?

    Vocabulary work. Working with S. Ozhegov’s dictionary.

(Individual assignment, prepared in advance at home, is carried out by one student)

Fate – 1. A confluence of circumstances independent of a person’s will, the course of life circumstances;

2. Share, fate;

3. The history of the existence of someone, something;

4. The future, what will happen.

In what meaning the word fate is used, applicable to the hero of the story, we will find out by going through it together with Andrei Sokolov life path.

III. Research work. Doing work in groups.

(While working, M. Shukshin’s favorite song “The Enemies Burnt My Home” performed by A. Marshall plays quietly)

First group. "Life before the war." Exercise:

    Briefly tell about A. Sokolov’s family.

    Where, in your opinion, does Andrei Sokolov see his happiness?

    What can’t Andrei Sokolov forgive himself?

    On the poster, write down a quote from the passage, which, in your opinion, contains the meaning of human happiness by A. Sokolov.

Second group. "Captivity. In the church". Exercise:

    Briefly talk about the attitude of the Nazis towards prisoners.

    Find examples in the text that illustrate types of human behavior in inhumane conditions?

    Which life position, in your opinion, is close to Andrei Sokolov?

    On the poster, write down a quote from an excerpt in which, in your opinion, it is clear how Andrei Sokolov relates to people who are dedicated to their work, no matter what the circumstances.

Third group. "Captivity. Duel with Muller." Exercise:

    Why did Mueller need a drinking ritual before his execution?

    What physical condition is the hero in, why does he agree to drink, but refuse a snack?

    Why did Commandant Müller “generously” give Andrei Sokolov life?

    On the poster, write a quote from a passage in which, in your opinion, Andrei Sokolov’s view of the duty of a person, a man, a soldier is expressed?

Fourth group. "Meeting with Vanyushka." Exercise:

    What event from military life was the most terrible for the hero? Briefly tell.

    What could a person who finds himself in such a situation do? What could have happened to him?

    What role does the meeting with Vanyushka play in the fate of Andrei Sokolov?

Write a quote on the poster that, in your opinion, contains the meaning of A. Sokolov’s life after meeting Vanyushka.

    Protection of works.

Group leaders protect. There is a “palm” in the center of the board. Group leaders attach a poster with a quote to each “finger.” The teacher attaches a blank sheet to the last “finger”.

In what meaning is the word fate used in the title of the story?

(In the title of the story the word fate used in several lexical meanings. You can consider it as the story of Andrei Sokolov, and his fate, and the coincidence of circumstances)

What did the soldier take from this war, with what feelings will he live in the future? (With love, kindness, human dignity)

Teacher writes down words love, kindness, humanity dignity on a blank sheet previously pinned to the board)

VI. Reflection. Cinquain with the word "fate".

1. Fate.

2. Cruel, miserable.

3. Tests, punishes, blesses.

4. You can’t argue with fate.

Another possible variant syncwine.

  1. Heavy, unpredictable.

    Beats, punishes, bestows.

    You can't escape fate.

VII. Homework

1. Write an essay on the topic “What is the strength of the Russian character” using the example of M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.”

2. Prepare a retelling of your favorite episode from M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”


1. Egorova N.V., Zolotareva I.V. Lesson-based developments on the literature of the 19th century. 10 grades /M.: VAKO, 2009

2. Belyaeva, Illuminarskaya, Lesson developments in the literature of the 19th century. 10 grades /M.: 2009

3. Working programm in literature for educational institutions (grades 10-11) T.F. Kurdyumova, 2013 T. F. Kurdyumova, Literature 11th grade, M. Bustard, 2014

4. Belokurova S.P., Sukhikh I.N. Literature. Grade 10 (basic level): Practicum: secondary (complete) general education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011.

5. Belokurova S.P., Sukhikh I.N. Literature. Grade 10 (basic level): Book for teachers: secondary (complete) general education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2010.

6. V.A. Basics. Design and organization educational process on an activity basis. – Ulyanovsk, 2008

7. Mikhail Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man". Publishing house " Fiction", Moscow, 1983

The story “The Fate of a Man” by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov was written in the mid-fifties of the twentieth century. This was a time of revision of the ideological guidelines of the Stalin era, when some relaxations arose in the strict restrictions of censorship. In particular, it became possible to talk in print about people who were captured by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Previously, these people were considered traitors and were disadvantaged in their civil rights. Many, returning from captivity to their homeland, after the fascist concentration camps ended up in Stalin’s, where conditions, according to the testimonies of survivors of repression, were even worse than in the fascist ones. The typical fate of such people was shown by Sholokhov in the image of Andrei Sokolov.
In addition to addressing a previously forbidden topic, Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” has other features that distinguish it from standard works Soviet literature about war. It was customary in them to emphasize the dedication of Soviet soldiers, consciously going to the feat in
The name of the socialist Motherland and its leader

Stalin. In other words, an indispensable condition for writers was the image heroic character in a poster style. And Andrei Sokolov, despite participating in his younger years in civil war, a completely apolitical person, completely indifferent to “great socialist achievements” and similar propaganda chatter. His patriotism is purely Russian, the “Soviet” influence is almost imperceptible in him (except that he does not believe in God). Before the war, he was a simple driver, occupied exclusively family life and chatting with friends, don’t mind drinking. When the war begins, Andrei Sokolov is in no hurry to volunteer for the front, which was also the standard for poster heroes of Soviet literature. But when he receives a summons, he takes it for granted and goes to war with the same calm confidence in the necessity of this as he previously carried out his official duty at work. At the same time, at the front he shows extraordinary courage, and when he is forced into captivity, he meets his mortal enemies, waiting for a bullet, face to face. His courage is not ostentatious, but natural, which was inherent in many Russian people. In the first days of captivity, he commits another courageous act: with his own hands he destroys a traitor who was going to hand over his commander to the Nazis for execution.
Despite all the apparent artlessness and truthfulness of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” a certain falsity, human and artistic untruth is noticeable in it. At the very least, incompleteness, lack of understanding.
For example, there is a sensitive episode in the story, on which the author skillfully does not focus the reader’s attention. This is Andrei Sokolov's service in the fascist army. From a concentration camp, a prisoner of war ends up being chauffeured by a German major. Wears a German uniform. It is not explained by the author how this is possible if he does not know German language. It is known that at the end of the war the Nazis had a catastrophic shortage of soldiers and they were forced to allow prisoners into some secondary, non-responsible positions. But for a Soviet prisoner of war to be kept not in the rear, but in the active army? It is very doubtful that this could actually happen. It is unlikely that the Germans were so gullible as not to suspect the Russian of trying at the first opportunity to avenge beatings, humiliation, overwork.
The heroic crossing of the front line with a captured Fritz and valuable documents - only this made it possible for Sokolov to avoid filtration, or even concentration camp. In principle, from the point of view of the Soviet authorities of those years, he remained a traitor to the Motherland: after all, Andrei Sokolov served in the Wehrmacht. True, he redeemed himself a brave act, and yet the fate of the Sholokhov hero in this regard turned out to be atypical, simply exceptional - happier than that of hundreds of thousands of other Soviet prisoners of war: he did not have to go from German captivity to his native Soviet one.
Summing up the analysis of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” we can conclude that for its time it was a largely truthful depiction of the Russian national character, but under the conditions of the dominance of communist ideology, the writer was unable to tell the whole truth about the fate of Soviet prisoners of war.

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A title in a work of art is one of the ways to express the author’s position. It either reflects the essence of the conflicting works, or names the key episode or main character, or expresses the main idea of ​​the work.

Many years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957, M.A. Sholokhov writes the story “The Fate of a Man”, the plot of which is based on the life story of an ordinary person Andrei Sokolov.

The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the main character, who talks about his life to a stranger whom he mistook for a driver. Having carefully examined Andrei Sokolov, the narrator pays special attention to the man’s eyes: “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” This detail speaks of the difficult, very difficult life of Andrei Sokolov, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The hero tells about his fate. This is precisely the word given to M.A. Sholokhov in the title of the story. Not fate, not fate, not predestination, but precisely fate: a word that contains all previous meanings, but at the same time, here for the writer it is a synonym for the word life. Indeed, the life of Andrei Sokolov at first “was ordinary”: family, wife, three children, a good job, but the war began, which brought pain and suffering. First captivity, then the death of his wife and daughters, and finally the death of his son. Any person who experienced this could become angry, bitter, and curse his fate. But Andrei Sokolov found the strength to help the little boy Vanyusha, who was left an orphan after the war: the hero adopted Vanyusha: “A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We must not disappear separately!” I’ll take him as my child.”

Andrei Sokolov himself decided to take in an orphan boy, thereby changing his destiny and filling his life with meaning.

M.A. Sholokhov called the work “The Fate of a Man,” without indicating that the story would be about the life of a specific person who lost the most precious thing in the war: his wife, children, but who retained the most important thing - the human heart. Thus, from a story about the fate of a specific person, the work turns into a story about the fate of all humanity, when everyone is responsible to themselves and others for their lives.

The title of Sholokhov's story is ambiguous: it indicates the moral essence of Andrei Sokolov: from an ordinary driver who married Irinka, had three children, survived captivity, when “death passed by... only a chill came from it...” he becomes the man who adopted Vanya, and Now Sokolov is afraid for his life (my heart is swaying, the piston needs to be changed..."), since now he is responsible for the little boy.

The dream of a soul mate united two orphan destinies: a soldier who went through the war and an orphaned boy, and from now on, united, they walk through life together.

Thus, the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the narrative to the level of universal generalization, making the small story a deep epic that reveals the most complex issues and touches on the foundations of human coexistence.

A title in a work of art is one of the ways to express the author’s position. It either reflects the essence of the conflicting works, or names the key episode or main character, or expresses the main idea of ​​the work. Many years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957, M.A. Sholokhov writes the story “The Fate of a Man”, the plot of which is based on the life story of an ordinary person Andrei Sokolov. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the main character, who talks about his life to a stranger whom he mistook for a driver. Having carefully examined Andrei Sokolov, the narrator pays special attention to the man’s eyes: “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” This detail speaks of the difficult, very difficult life of Andrei Sokolov, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The hero tells about his fate. This is precisely the word given to M.A. Sholokhov in the title of the story. Not fate, not fate, not predestination, but precisely fate: a word that contains all previous meanings, but at the same time, here for the writer it is a synonym for the word life. Indeed, the life of Andrei Sokolov at first “was ordinary”: family, wife, three children, a good job, but the war began, which brought pain and suffering. First captivity, then the death of his wife and daughters, and finally the death of his son. Any person who experienced this could become angry, bitter, and curse his fate. But Andrei Sokolov found the strength to help the little boy Vanyusha, who was left an orphan after the war: the hero adopted Vanyusha: “A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We must not disappear separately!” I’ll take him as my child.” Andrei Sokolov himself decided to take in an orphan boy, thereby changing his destiny and filling his life with meaning. M.A. Sholokhov called the work “The Fate of a Man,” without indicating that the story would be about the life of a specific person who lost the most precious thing in the war: his wife, children, but who retained the most important thing - the human heart. Thus, from a story about the fate of a specific person, the work turns into a story about the fate of all humanity, when everyone is responsible to themselves and others for their lives. The title of Sholokhov's story is ambiguous: it indicates the moral essence of Andrei Sokolov: from an ordinary driver who married Irinka, had three children, survived captivity, when “death passed by... only a chill came from it...” he becomes the man who adopted Vanya, and Now Sokolov is afraid for his life (my heart is swaying, the piston needs to be changed..."), since now he is responsible for the little boy. The dream of a soul mate united two orphan destinies: a soldier who went through the war and an orphaned boy, and from now on, united, they walk through life together. Thus, the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the narrative to the level of universal generalization, making the small story a deep epic that reveals the most complex issues and touches on the foundations of human coexistence.