Speech redundancy. Tautology, pleonasm. Pleonasm and tautology. Different fates of pleonasms

PLEONASM - the use of unnecessary words that do not add new meaning to what is said, i.e. duplication of meaning, NOT roots.
For example: “go back”, “memorable souvenir”, “price list”, “vacancy”, “another alternative”, “nostalgia for the homeland”, “interior”, “protective immunity”, “first premiere”, “ folklore", "fall down", "pre-announcement", "gesticulate with hands", "top priority", "incriminate guilt", "complete fiasco", "memories of the past", "huge metropolis", "himself personally", "with my own with your own ears (eyes, hands)", "attempted assassination attempt", "is taking place", "hard Sisphian work", "Ariadne's guiding thread", "working class of working people", " the real truth", "entirely and completely", "people's democracy", "go down", "go up", "more better position", "full right", "me personally", "my autobiography", "united union", "service".

BUT! In literature and poetry, the presence of pleonasm is allowed. This is how we will remove from fairy tales: path-path, once upon a time, sea-ocean?


TAUTOLOGY or IDENTITY - the use of words of the same root (i.e., close in meaning), creating semantic redundancy.
1) It is allowed in literature: “friendship is friendship, and service is service”, “packed to the brim”, “soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done”, “sitting around” “grief is bitter”, “they will laugh with laughter”, making riddles.
2) Tautology is a lexical error in ordinary speech and journalism. For example: “put together”, “dance a dance”, “resume again”, “butter butter”, “a table is a table”, “torrential downpour”, “the storyteller told”, “the highest peaks”.



There is also a so-called hidden tautology, combinations with words of foreign origin, for example, “service”.

I think that “nostalgia for one’s homeland” is not necessarily a pleonasm; one can be nostalgic not only for one’s homeland, but also for the past. Although, of course, it depends on the context.

In general, the note is useful.

"service" ABOUT! Thanks Andy. Now I’ll add pleonasm to this piggy bank.
Nostalgia for the past is acceptable, but nostalgia for the homeland is not.

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

During the process of literary editing of a manuscript, the editor often has to note errors in word usage. The wrong choice of word makes the speech inaccurate, and sometimes distorts the meaning of the statement.

In such cases, they talk about using a word without taking into account its semantics. Such lexical errors arise as a result of the author’s stylistic negligence, inattention to the word or poor knowledge of the language. New railways will arise in areas difficult to develop.

Wrong word choice can cause various speech errors. Thus, due to inaccurate word usage, anachronism may arise (violation of chronological accuracy when using words associated with a certain historical era): IN Ancient Rome Plebeians dissatisfied with the laws organized rallies.

Incorrect use of words often leads to logical errors. Among them we will name alogism - a comparison of incomparable concepts, for example: The syntax of encyclopedic articles is different from others scientific articles. It turns out that the syntax is compared with scientific articles.

The reason for the illogicality of the statement may be the substitution of the concept, which often arises as a result of incorrect word usage: It’s bad when all the cinemas in the city show the same film title.

Our speech is also made illogical by the unjustified expansion or narrowing of the concept that arises as a result of mixing generic and species categories: With good care, each animal can yield 12 liters of milk.

Distortion of meaning and even absurdity of a statement arise as a result of a discrepancy between the premise and the consequence. The rate at which pests multiply depends on how persistently the fight against them is carried out. It turns out that the more pests are controlled, the faster they multiply.

To use words correctly in speech, it is not enough to know them exact value, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of lexical compatibility of words, i.e. their ability to connect with each other. Thus, “similar” adjectives long, long, long, long-term, long are “attracted” to nouns in different ways.

Violation of lexical compatibility can be caused by contamination of outwardly similar phrases. For example, they say: does not matter (does not play a role - does not matter).

A careless attitude towards language can cause speech insufficiency - accidental omission of words necessary for the precise expression of a thought: The management must strive to get rid of this indifference (get rid of omissions).

Speech insufficiency, as a common error, should be distinguished from ellipsis - a stylistic figure based on the deliberate omission of one or another member of a sentence to create special expressiveness. The most expressive are elliptical constructions without a predicate verb, conveying the dynamism of movement.

I'm for a candle, a candle - in the stove!

The ability to find the exact words to name certain concepts helps to achieve brevity in the expression of thoughts, and, on the contrary, the author’s stylistic helplessness often leads to verbal redundancy - verbosity.

Verbosity manifests itself in various forms. You can often observe an obsessive explanation of well-known truths. Consumption of milk is a good tradition; not only children eat milk. Such idle talk is suppressed by the editor: arguments that do not represent informational value are excluded during literary editing.

Sometimes the manifestation of speech redundancy borders on absurdity: The corpse was dead and did not hide it. Stylists call such examples of verbosity lapses of speech. The absurdity of the blunder lies in the assertion of a self-evident truth.

Speech redundancy can take the form of pleonasm. Pleonasm is the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary ( the main point, everyday routine).

Pleonasms usually arise due to the stylistic negligence of the author. However, such a manifestation of speech redundancy should be distinguished from “imaginary pleonasm,” to which the author consciously turns to as a means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech. In this case, the pleonasm becomes bright stylistic device. Give me your paw, Jim, for luck. I have never seen such a paw. Let's bark in the moonlight for quiet, noiseless weather...

The use of pleonastic combinations is also typical for folklore. Orally folk art traditionally, expressively colored pleonastic combinations of sadness-melancholy, sea-ocean, path-path were used.

A type of pleonasm is tautology. Tautology as a phenomenon of lexical stylistics can arise when repeating words with the same root (tell a story, ask a question), as well as when combining a foreign and Russian word that duplicates its meaning (memorable souvenirs, debuted for the first time). IN the latter case sometimes they talk about a hidden tautology.

However, repetition of cognate words should not always be considered a stylistic error. Many stylists rightly believe that excluding words of the same root from sentences, replacing them with synonyms, is not always necessary: ​​in some cases this is impossible, in others it can lead to impoverishment and discoloration of speech. Several cognate words in a close context are stylistically justified if related words are the only carriers of the corresponding meanings and cannot be replaced by synonyms. White flowers bloomed on the bushes.

Tautology, like pleonasm, can be a stylistic device that enhances the effectiveness of speech. Tautological repetition can give a statement special significance and aphorism. To the winning student from the defeated teacher.

No matter how great the idea lies at the heart of your text, it will fade in the eyes of the Listeners if the Speaker’s speech is illiterate. It's like a diamond that developed a crack during the cutting process. Recently I received a letter from a Listener noting that during a talk I had used the expression “Jesus spoke in legends,” when in fact he spoke in parables. The reservation, which I did not notice, carried away by the process of speaking, which I absolutely love, was remembered by the Listener and, obviously, lowered my status as a speaker in his eyes. But there are no mistakes, it’s just experience, only if we don’t repeat it.

In this chapter we will look at the two most common speech errors and decide how to avoid them and what to do if an error does occur.

Tautology(literally translated “the same word”) or “butter” is the repetition of cognate words in one or adjacent sentences. For example, Dear colleagues! Our company's turnover is falling. We need emergency measures to increase the turnover of our products. Trade turnover - trade turnover. There are three ways out of tautology: replacement with a synonym, replacement with a pronoun, or deletion of a word. IN in this case the second sentence can be constructed as follows: We need emergency measures to increase the volume of products sold (volumes of products sold = turnover). Or do we need emergency measures to increase them (trade turnover = them). Or we need to take action (the word turnover has been removed).

Attention! Do not confuse tautology with the technique of unity of beginning and gradation, when the repetition of the same word is associated with strengthening the attribute of the described object or phenomenon and is intended to focus the reader’s attention.

And I heard the sky tremble,

And the heavenly flight of angels,

And the reptile of the sea underwater,

And the valley of the vine is vegetated.

And he came to my lips,

And my sinner tore out my tongue,

And idle and crafty,

And the sting of a wise snake (fragment of the poem “Prophet” by A.S. Pushkin).

Pleonasm- This is an excessive use of words. For example, a souvenir. The word souvenir is translated from French as “memorable gift”. It turns out to be a “memorable memento.” It is logical that the way out of pleonasm is to eliminate the superfluous word. Incorrectly from the same opera: the month of May (what else could May be?), stomping your feet (as if you could stomp your hands), six-month planning for six months (six months = six months).

I would like to pay special attention paronyms. These are words that are similar in sound and meaning, but differ in shades of meaning. For those who are very interested in understanding this topic thoroughly, there are dictionaries of paronyms. I will give examples.

Pay-pay. You can pay for something, for example, pay for a business trip for the General Director, but pay for something: pay wages in three months. How to remember this couple quickly and easily? For-for is repeated.

Dress up. They dress someone else, but they put it on themselves. So it’s true: I’ll put on my raincoat and go to lunch.

Efficient and effective. Effective - working with positive impact (an effective product promotion plan), and effective - expressive, emotive(a spectacular chief accountant, that’s exactly what they are).

Diplomat and Diplomat. A diplomat is a person capable of establishing diplomatic relations, and a diplomat is a laureate of the competition. Therefore, a lawyer at our company is a real diplomat.

If these examples seem extremely simple and unworthy of attention to someone, feel free to scroll through the chapter - there is interesting stuff ahead, but the confusion in this word usage is not far-fetched, all the examples are from life.

Both-both. Both employees, but both female employees. The word of both is combined with the names masculine, and both are female.

To urgently check such words, I also recommend using the portal gramata.ru , created with the support of the Russian Language Institute.


A fairly popular request during consultations on public speaking is the question: how to properly structure your speech (if you are a manager) and the speech of employees at events such as meetings, planning sessions, reports.

So what is planning meeting and how to perform on it correctly. Firstly, not only do they plan at the planning meeting, but they also plan the planning meeting (forgive the tautology, but it is justified here). The planning meeting should be held at the same time, on the same day of the week, so that employees develop the habit of preparing for this time. I think that the optimal day is Tuesday, because everyone knows that Monday is a hard day, and just on Monday there will be time to prepare for this event. Convenient time is 10 am.

The plan for this event is as follows (for a team of up to 15 people):

1. Opening remarks General Director (Executive Director/Deputy Director) – leading the planning meeting.

The topic is what will be discussed at the planning meeting (for example, an increase in net revenue this week compared to the previous week by 10%).

Problem - What actions will each department take to increase net revenue this week?

I have been working with businesses as an external marketing and advertising consultant since 2004, and of course I am involved in production meetings. It is very sad to look at planning meetings built according to the scenario “It’s so good that we have gathered together today!”, in which the first word of the Presenter is as follows: I welcome everyone, let’s discuss what news your departments have had over the past week.

The purpose of the planning meeting is to plan and solve specific problems, and not to find out the well-being and complaints of employees.

The topic and problem of the planning meeting should change every week: for example, in December, on the eve of the New Year, why not increase net profit by 300%, dividing specific revenue amounts by week.

The topic and problem of the planning meeting should be sent to secretaries, heads of departments or their deputies (people who will directly prepare reports at the planning meeting and answer questions) on Friday, so that there is at least two working days for preparation, and a good manager deals with production issues also on weekends , such is the fate of office plankton.

Proposal to increase net profit (specific measures, there must be at least 3)

Discussion of this proposal by colleagues (agree/disagree and definitely why? Argumentation

Conclusion – what action will we take this week.

Decision made, approved by the General Director, the secretary enters into the minutes (that is, he compiles a list of checkpoints and tasks for the Executive Director that must be completed by Friday).

Each performance takes 5-10 minutes.

3. Conclusion. Conclusion of the General Director: a call to solve the task set at the beginning of the planning meeting by Friday and assigning the function of monitoring the implementation of each department of its micro-task to the executive director.

All! Brief, concise and effective. Immediately after the planning meeting (within an hour), the secretary sends each manager his task for the week by corporate mail, he, in turn, breaks this task into subtasks and passes it on to the department employees. Two control points are assigned: Wednesday and Friday (two stages of completing the task), the executive director collects reports during these periods and transmits a general report on the implementation to the General Director.

Meetings or working groups. The fundamental difference from all other events occurring at the enterprise is that they gather when one department or related departments have a common task and need to develop a joint solution. The goal is to develop a solution to the problem. For example, let’s take the same common task increase the amount of net profit by 10% before Friday by conducting a small advertising campaign (this is a micro-task) within the marketing department. At the planning meeting General manager approved this micro-task. Next, the department head should hold a working group (and I like this name better than a meeting, because it reflects the activity that needs to happen - work and development of an action plan) with all employees and break down the micro-task into small tasks for everyone.

Plan working group(meetings):

Topic (from the planning meeting)

Problem (from the planning meeting)

Micro-task for the department (adopted at the planning meeting and under the control of the executive director)

Distribution of instructions by the manager to each employee with discussion (the employee must voice his questions about the assignment, problems that he may have during execution).

Designer – draw a layout within 2 hours (instructions are given with deadlines indicated)

After the end of the working group, the leader (or his deputy) once again sends tasks and checkpoints to everyone in writing and monitors their implementation.

Report. The most complex and voluminous genre in terms of text. Reports can be different: weekly (about solving problems set at the planning meeting), monthly (the results of the work of the enterprise and each department), quarterly, semi-annual, annual. I haven’t come across enterprises in practice that would make reports for a five-year period, which is very disappointing, but this is related to the topic of goal setting, which is in the time management section.

Meetings with listening to department reports are the most boring thing that has ever happened to me in my life, honestly. In enterprises where these reports are constructed incorrectly, listening to reports turns into real torture, and the speeches of speakers sound boring and useless; in general, such activity looks like a stultifying activity, but should be developing and suggestive of productive thoughts.

A meeting to listen to reports should have as its goal not just listening and evaluating the work of departments, but developing new decisions based on the experience gained, only then such an event will be effective.

A report, like any other activity, must have a specific goal. For example, listen to the monthly reports of the enterprise and develop a work strategy for the next month. The final product is a strategy expressed in written form. All monthly reports must be prepared by the head of each department and be publicly available to the company, so that each department head can familiarize themselves with them before the report (at least with the conclusion part) and prepare their questions.

Meeting plan “Monthly enterprise report”

Introduction by the General Director (topic - monthly report)

Problem: What decisions that will help improve the company’s performance will be approved and implemented.

Next is a report from the head of each department according to the following scheme: recognition of the department’s work as satisfactory/unsatisfactory, 3-5 draft decisions for implementation next month. Approval/non-approval by other event participants and the General Director. Draft decisions accepted for execution are immediately entered by the secretary into the minutes of the meeting and then sent for control Executive Director and heads of departments for execution. Each performance also takes 10-15 minutes.

Conclusion: The General Director sums up the results, highlighting one decision that is most important for execution by each division and assigns these tasks to the control of the Executive Director.

Speech within an enterprise refers to formal business style, which is characterized by clichés, so-called bureaucracy, the use simple sentences, the meaning of which is clear to every employee, as well as a special construction of texts.

Templates for writing memos and official letters.

Template 1: in connection with (the reason is indicated), I inform you about what (what happened, what the problem is) and propose to take the following measures (solution to the problem).

Template 2: with a purpose (indicate the purpose), asking permission (what to do) or necessary (what to do).

Date, signature, seal (if this is an external letter).

For any text, especially business text, it is necessary to meet the criteria integrity, and integrity, in turn, is subordination to a single goal. Before writing any document, decide why you are doing it and for what purpose. Each paragraph of text should be directly related to this goal, to the problem that needs to be solved, and should describe it from some specific point of view. Your text can be compared to pizza that has been cut into pieces (paragraphs), but the fragments of the dish carry the general idea.


Any text has two strong positions - the introduction and the conclusion; the brain remembers the beginning and end of a book, film or speech better than the middle.

Therefore, these fragments need to be addressed special attention. After you have written a text according to the model of the rhetorical canon, you need to look at it carefully again and think about it. how to start your speech? Even if it's a fairly rigorous presentation, such as an academic conference, you can still start your speech out of the box to grab the audience's attention.

1. way to attract attention – joke, anecdote.

2. way to attract attention – story.

Steve Jobs' best speech to graduates consists of three stories from his life. The audience loves to listen real examples from life, stories about how something worked out for someone.

Talk about cancellation death penalty Maximilian Robespierre begins with ancient Greek history:

When news reached Athens that some citizens in the city of Argos were sentenced to death, the inhabitants hastened to go to the temples and began to pray to the gods to turn away such cruel and destructive thoughts from the Athenians. I come here to beg not the gods, but the legislators, who should be the instrument and interpreters of the eternal laws inscribed by the Divine in the hearts of people, I came to beg them to erase the bloody laws from the French Code...

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begins with the history of the American people.

Lecture 10 Speech redundancy as a lexical error

The lecture discusses the main types of errors associated with speech redundancy and ways to overcome them.

Speech redundancy as a lexical error

The lecture discusses the main types of errors associated with speech redundancy and ways to overcome them.

Lecture outline

10.1. Speech redundancy

10.2. Tautology

10.3. Pleonasm

10.1. Speech redundancy

The French scientist, philosopher and writer Pascal once remarked: “I write long because I don’t have time to write short.” This paradoxical statement has a deep meaning: carelessness when creating a text usually results in verbosity, and brevity and clarity of speech are achieved as a result of hard work with the word. Everyone knows the famous saying of A.P. Chekhov: “Brevity is the sister of talent,” but not everyone and not always manages to choose the most accurate words in order to express a thought simply and clearly.

A typical lexical error that awaits speakers and writers is speech redundancy.

Speech redundancy - the presence of unnecessary words in the statement, verbosity.

Maxim Gorky, reading the manuscripts of young writers, always paid attention to the verbosity. For example, he did not like the passage: “We worked silently, without words. During the two hours of digging trenches, the soldiers working nearby did not exchange a single word.” In the margins, Gorky remarked: “What is the point of writing “silently, without words,” when it is clear that if a person is silent, he does not speak.”

The most well-known are two types of manifestations of speech redundancy:

- tautology,

- pleonasm.

10 .2. Tautology

Tautology 1. Identity, repetition of what was said in other words, without introducing anything new: Copyright words are the words of the author.

2. Repetition of cognate words in a sentence: Salary payments must be made on time.

Let's look at some examples.

From a lecture on cultural studies we found out many useful knowledge. Tautological combination learn...knowledge can be avoided: learned a lot of useful things.

We every month we pay subscriber's fee per phone. Right: we pay a fee.

In the collection proposed task options, proposed on entrance exams to leading Russian universities in recent years. Right: … options are given (collected) ...

There are many tautological combinations in the language, the use of which is inevitable, since they use terminological vocabulary: dictionary foreign words, foreman of the fifth brigade, suffer from Graves' disease, etc.

Many related words in origin modern language have lost word-formation connections, so combinations like black ink, white linen, red paint are not tautological.

Training exercise

Find tautological combinations of words in the given examples.

1. A torrential downpour turned a small stream into a raging torrent.

Torrential downpour. Right: pouring rain or shower.

2. The project of an ultra-modern hotel was designed by a young architect.

Designed the project. Right: developed (created) the project.

3. In their free time from classes, children study in clubs.

From studying... they are studying. Right: during free time from classes...

4. This funny incident that we want to tell you about happened five years ago.

The incident happened. Right: the incident happened.

5. The plant has developed new devices and scientific developments in the field of anti-corrosion coating.

Developed... developments . Right: new devices have been created and developments have been made...

10 .3. Pleonasm

Pleonasm - speech redundancy arising from the incorrect use of words, one of which duplicates the meaning of the other: souvenir, local aborigines, unexpected surprise.

Let's look at examples.

A garbage collection vehicle could successfully serve most of the city. But instead she spends hours idle uselessly in the garage. Word stand idle already contains in its meaning an indication of inaction, useless use of working time, therefore combining it with words idle, useless, without work, useless, in vain are incorrect. Right: …stays in the garage for hours.

Andrey came back speaking loudly and energetically gesturing with hands. There are two incorrect combinations in this sentence: verb come back implies moving backwards and therefore does not need an adverb back; word gesticulate means “to make gestures, movements with hands”, and therefore a noun hands redundant. Right: Andrei returned, talking loudly and gesticulating energetically.

Life in this town stopped for a while to to be reborn again in a new capacity. In accordance with one of the meanings of the prefix car-( Wed recreate, restore) verb be reborn already contains an indication of the appearance of an action, a process again, therefore word again with this verb it is redundant, unnecessary.

The only concert of the Spanish guitarist Pepe Romero took place at full house. One of the meanings of the word sold out -“An announcement that all tickets for a spectacular event have been sold.” This word is also used in the expression with a full house (go, pass). It is a mistake to use the word full house with adjective full, since its meaning is already included in the content of the word full house. Right: … was sold out.

Unfortunately, speech redundancy is often found in oral and writing. In the phrases listed below unnecessary words in italics: first premier, electorate voters, all color elites, summit on top level, free vacancy, success victories, aggressive extremism, its own autobiography , immunity integrity, positive success, on the very front front, urban mayor, main priority, first leader, longing for nostalgia, front proscenium, employment at work, advanced avant-garde, joint cooperation, complete fiasco, one hundred rubles money, price-list prices, limits limits, in September month, hour time, ordinary everyday life, enter the annals history, theatertrawl role, printed press.

Despite the fact that we can find these expressions in speech quite often, they remain speech errors.

A grammatical type of pleonasm is errors in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. For example, forms like more better, since the word better is already a form of comparative degree, so the word more unnecessary. A similar error is contained in the expression the best, where two forms are mixed superlatives adjective: simple - best and composite the best

Some pleonastic combinations have become fixed in the language. For example, exhibit of the exhibition (exhibit -"exposed" ) .

Tautology, like pleonasm, can be a stylistic device that enhances the expressiveness of speech. Thus, speech redundancy underlies many phraseological units: eat, eat, look, walk, shake, sit, all sorts of things, etc. In artistic and journalistic speech, tautological repetitions become a source of speech expression, for example, in article headings: “Extremes of the Far North”, “Is it an accident”, “The green shield asks for protection”.

Training exercise

Find pleonastic expressions. Determine which word is redundant.

  1. The young singer's first debut was very successful.
  2. The young prodigy was known throughout the country.
  3. He foresaw the danger that threatened him in advance.
  4. The time will not go back when the history of our country was altered for the sake of a false ideology.
  5. This is a new door design that has no similar analogues on the world market.
Date: 2010-05-18 10:01:07 Views: 32280

E.N. Gekkina
senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Candidate of Philological Sciences

PLEONASM (Greek – excess).

1. A means of lexical expressiveness, based on the use in a sentence or text of words that are close in meaning, creating semantic redundancy.

Pleonasm is found in folklore: once upon a time, sadness-longing, path-path, sea-okiyan. This product is also widely used in fiction, usually for the purpose of specifying the details of the story or enhancing emotions and assessments: Extremely strange indeed! - said the official, - the place completely smooth like a freshly baked pancake. Yes, incredibly smooth! (N. Gogol, “The Nose”); The old fear seized him again everything, from head to toe (F. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”); – I didn't see you whole week, I didn't hear you so long. I I passionately want, I thirsty your voice. Speak.(A. Chekhov, “Ionych”).

2. A type of lexical error associated with a violation of the norms of lexical compatibility, when words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view are used in a phrase or sentence. For example, in the sentence They ensured the rhythmic and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise definitions express similar meanings; here one of them is sufficient. Author's inscription on the cover of the book Dedicated to my dad - Sergei Mikhailovich pleonastic; Enough Dedicated to my dad...

Typical examples non-normative pleonasm are phrases in which the meaning of one word repeats the meaning of another: more important (more redundant, since more important means “more important”), first premiere (premiere is enough - “the first presentation of a play, film or performance piece of music"), atmospheric air(enough air - “a mixture of gases that forms the Earth’s atmosphere”), ultimately(Right ultimately or enough in the end), go back(the verb return indicates movement back, in the opposite direction), import from abroad(it is enough to import - “import from abroad”).

Some pleonastic phrases have become entrenched in the language and are not considered erroneous, For example: go down, go up, time period, exhibition exhibit(Latin exhibitus means "on display"), people's democracy(democracy translated from Greek language"power of the people").

In fiction and journalism, non-normative lexical redundancy can act as a means speech characteristics characters: – Here you are laugh And bare your teeth, - said Vasya, - and I really, Marya Vasilievna, warmly love you adore And I love (M. Zoshchenko, “Love”).

TAUTOLOGY (Greek - the same and - word) - a type of pleonasm; the use of cognate words in a sentence or text.

Tautology is found in proverbs and sayings: Friendship is friendship, A service by service; Live life– don’t cross the field; Free will ; in phraseological units: walk around, jam-packed, eat .

Expressively colored tautological combinations are characteristic of folklore: Soon the fairy tale takes its toll, not soon the job is done; let's sit, bitter grief .

The deliberate use of cognate words serves as a means of lexical expressiveness in fiction and journalism: “ Gorky laughing mine I'll laugh "(N. Gogol); " How mind is smart, How business wise, // How fear is terrible, How darkness is dark!// How life is alive! How death is fatal! // How youth young girl ! "(Z. Ezrohi), " Law There is law "(from the newspaper).

Tautology is lexical error, if the use of cognate words is not justified by stylistic purposes and is random: put together, dance a dance, have a sportive attitude towards sports, confirm a statement. Usually an unintentional tautology is spoken of as follows: oil oil.