Read the Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep. Hans Christian Andersen. The Real Truth - Hans Christian Andersen

Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and decorated with carved curls and leaves? Such a closet - my great-grandmother's inheritance - stood in the living room.

It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most intricate curlicues. Between them looked out deer heads with branched antlers, and in the very middle was a full-length carved man. It was impossible to look at him without laughing, and he himself was grinning from ear to ear - such a grimace cannot be called a smile. He had goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard. The children called him Ober-Unter-General-Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, because such a name is difficult to pronounce and not many people are given such a title.

But it’s not easy to cut out such a figure, but they did it anyway. The little man kept looking at the mirror table where a pretty porcelain shepherdess stood. Gilded shoes, a skirt gracefully pinned with a crimson rose, a gilded hat on her head and a shepherd’s crook in her hand - isn’t it beautiful!
Next to her stood a little chimney sweep, black as coal, but also made of porcelain and just as clean and cute as all the others. After all, he was only portraying a chimney sweep, and the master could have made him a prince in the same way - all the same!

He stood gracefully, with a ladder in his hands, and his face was white and pink, like a girl’s, and that was a little wrong, he could have been a little crazy. He stood very close to the shepherdess - as they were placed, so they stood. And if so, they went ahead and got engaged. The couple went anywhere: both were young, both were made of the same porcelain, and both were equally fragile.

Right next to them stood another doll, three times their height - an old Chinese man who knew how to nod his head. He was also made of porcelain and called himself the grandfather of the little shepherdess, but he didn’t have enough evidence. He argued that she should obey him, and therefore nodded his head to the Chief Non-Commissar General of the Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, who was wooing the shepherdess.

You will have a good husband! - said the old Chinese. - It looks like it's even made of mahogany. With him you will be Oberunter-General-Kriegskommissar-Sergeant. He has a whole cabinet of silver, not to mention what lies in secret drawers.

I don't want to go into a dark closet! - answered the shepherdess. - They say he has eleven porcelain wives there!

Well, you'll be twelfth! - said the Chinese. - At night, as soon as the old wardrobe groans, we will celebrate your wedding, otherwise I won’t be Chinese!

Then he nodded his head and fell asleep.

And the shepherdess burst into tears and, looking at her dear porcelain chimney sweep, said:

Please, let's run away with me wherever we look. We can't stay here.

I'm ready to do anything for you! - answered the chimney sweep. - Let's leave now! I’ll probably be able to support you with my craft.

Just to get off the table! - she said. - I won’t breathe freely until we are far, far away!

The chimney sweep calmed her down and showed her where it was better for her to step with her porcelain foot, on which ledge or gilded curl. His ladder also served them well, and they eventually descended safely to the floor. But, looking at the old closet, they saw a terrible commotion there. The carved deer stretched their heads forward, put out their antlers and twirled them in all directions, and the Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar Sergeant Kozlonog jumped high and shouted to the old Chinese:

They're running away! They're running away!

The shepherdess and the chimney sweep got scared and ran into the window box.

There were scattered decks of cards lying here, it was somehow installed puppet show. There was a performance on stage.

All the queens - diamonds and hearts, clubs and spades - sat in the front row and fanned themselves with tulips, and behind them stood the jacks and tried to show that they, too, had two heads, like all the figures in the cards. The play depicted the suffering of a couple in love who were separated, and the shepherdess began to cry: it was so reminiscent of her own fate.

I have no more strength! - she said to the chimney sweep. - Let's get out of here!

But when they found themselves on the floor and looked at their table, they saw that the old Chinese man had woken up and was rocking with his whole body - because a lead ball was rolling inside him.

Ay, the old Chinese is chasing us! - the shepherdess screamed and fell on her porcelain knees in despair.

Stop! Invented! - said the chimney sweep. - Do you see over there, in the corner, a large vase with dried fragrant herbs and flowers? Let's hide in it! We’ll lie there on the pink and lavender petals, and if the Chinese gets to us, we’ll pour salt into his eyes.

Nothing will come of it! - said the shepherdess. “I know that the Chinese man and the vase were once engaged, but something always remains of an old friendship.” No, we have only one road - to set off across the world!

Do you have the guts for this? - asked the chimney sweep. -Have you thought about how big the light is? About the fact that we will never go back?

Yes Yes! - she answered.

The chimney sweep looked at her intently and said:

My path leads through the chimney! Do you have the courage to climb into the stove with me, and then into the chimney? There I already know what to do! We will rise so high that they will not reach us. There, at the very top, there is a hole through which you can get out into the world!

And he led her to the stove.

How black it is here! - she said, but still she crawled after him into the stove and into the chimney, where it was pitch-dark.

Well, here we are in the pipe! - said the chimney sweep. - Look look! A wonderful star is shining right above us!

A star actually shone in the sky, as if showing them the way. And they climbed, climbed a terrible road higher and higher. But the chimney sweep supported the shepherdess and suggested where it would be more convenient for her to place her porcelain legs. Finally they got to the very top and sat down to rest on the edge of the pipe - they were very tired, and no wonder.

Above them was a sky strewn with stars, below them all the roofs of the city, and all around in all directions, both in breadth and in the distance, the free world opened up. The poor shepherdess never thought that the light was so great. She leaned her head on the chimney sweep's shoulder and cried so hard that her tears washed away all the gilt from her belt.

This is too much for me! - said the shepherdess. - I can’t stand this! The light is too big! Oh, how I want to go back to the mirror table! I won't have a moment of peace until I get back there! I followed you to the ends of the earth, and now you take me back home if you love me!

The chimney sweep began to reason with her, reminding her of the old Chinese and the Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlony, but she only sobbed inconsolably and kissed her chimney sweep. There was nothing to do, I had to give in to her, even though it was unreasonable.

And so they went back down the pipe. It wasn't easy! Finding themselves again in the dark oven, they first stood at the door, listening to what was happening in the room. Everything was quiet, and they looked out of the oven. Ah, the old Chinese was lying on the floor: after chasing them, he fell off the table and broke into three parts. The back flew off completely, the head rolled into the corner. The Ober-Unter-General Kriegskomissarsergeant stood, as always, in his place and thought.

Horrible! - exclaimed the shepherdess. - Old grandfather crashed, and it’s our fault! Oh, I won't survive this!

And she wrung her tiny hands.

It can still be fixed! - said the chimney sweep. - It can be repaired perfectly! Just don't worry! They'll glue his back and drive a good rivet into the back of his head, and he'll be just like new again and will be able to say a bunch of unpleasant things to us!

You think? - said the shepherdess.

And they climbed onto their table again.

You and I have come a long way! - said the chimney sweep. - It wasn’t worth the effort!

If only grandpa could be fixed! - said the shepherdess. -Or will it be very expensive?..

Grandfather was repaired: they glued his back and drove a good rivet into the back of his head. He became as good as new, only he stopped nodding his head.

You've been on some kind of pride since you crashed! - Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar Sergeant Kozlonog told him. - But why would that be? Well, will you give up your granddaughter for me?

The chimney sweep and the shepherdess looked pleadingly at the old Chinese: they were so afraid that he would nod. But he could no longer nod, and explaining to strangers that you had a rivet in the back of your head was also not much fun. So the porcelain couple remained inseparable. The shepherdess and the chimney sweep blessed their grandfather's rivet and loved each other until they were broken.

A touching story about the life of toys that lived in an old closet. The porcelain shepherdess and the chimney sweep fell in love with each other and ran away from the closet...

The shepherdess and the chimney sweep read

Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and all decorated with carvings in the form of various curlicues, flowers and leaves? Just such a closet - an inheritance from my great-grandmother - stood in the room. It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most bizarre curlicues. Between them protruded small deer heads with branched antlers, and in the very middle was a whole man carved out. It was impossible to look at him without laughing, and he himself bared his teeth hilariously - such a grimace can’t be called a smile! He had goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard. The children called him Chief Non-Commissioner General Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog! It is difficult to pronounce such a name, and few are awarded such a title, but carving such a figure took a lot of work. Well, they cut it out after all! He always looked at the mirror table where the lovely porcelain shepherdess stood. Her shoes were gilded, her dress was slightly raised and pinned with a scarlet rose, she had a golden hat on her head, and a shepherd’s crook in her hands.
Well, just lovely! Next to her stood a small chimney sweep, black as coal, but, however, also made of porcelain and in itself as clean and cute as any porcelain figurine; After all, he was only portraying a chimney sweep, and the master could have made a prince out of him in the same way - all the same!
He held his ladder sweetly in his hands: his face was white, and his cheeks were pink, like a young lady’s, and this was a little wrong, he should have been blacker. He stood next to the shepherdess - that’s how they were placed, that’s how they stood; they stood, stood, and got engaged: they were an excellent couple, both young, both made of porcelain and both equally fragile.

There stood another doll three times their size. It was an old Chinese man who nodded his head. He was also made of porcelain and called himself the grandfather of the little shepherdess, but, it seems, he could not prove this. He claimed that he had power over her, and therefore nodded his head to the Chief Non-Commissioner General-Commissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, who was wooing the shepherdess.

This is how you will have a husband! - said the old Chinese to the shepherdess. - I even think it’s made of mahogany! He will make you a chief non-commissioned general commissar sergeant! And he has a whole cabinet of silver, not to mention what lies in secret drawers!

I don't want to go into a dark closet! - said the shepherdess. - They say he has eleven porcelain wives there!

So you will be twelfth! - answered the Chinese. - At night, as soon as the old closet starts to crackle, we will celebrate your wedding! Yes, yes, if I weren't Chinese!

Then he nodded his head and fell asleep.

The shepherdess cried and looked at her darling.

Really, I’ll ask you,” she said, “to run away with me wherever you look.” We can't stay here!

Your wishes are mine! - answered the chimney sweep. - Let's go now! I think I can support you with my craft!

If only we could get off the table! - she said. “I won’t calm down until we’re far, far away from here!”

The chimney sweep calmed her down and showed her where it was better to step with her foot, on which ledge or gilded curl of the carved table legs. His ladder also served them considerable service; in this way they descended safely to the floor. But, looking at the old closet, they saw a terrible commotion there. Carved deer far, far away stretched their heads with antlers forward and twirled them in all directions, and Chief Non-Commissioner General Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog jumped high and shouted to the old Chinese:

They're running! They're running!

The fugitives got a little scared and quickly darted into the box of the window ledge (in Denmark the windows were quite high from the floor, so sometimes in front of one of them, for those who liked to watch the street traffic, a wooden platform was placed on which a chair was placed).

There were three or four incomplete decks of cards and a puppet theater; it was somehow installed in a cramped box, and a performance was going on on stage. All the ladies - diamonds, hearts, clubs, and spades - sat in the front row and fanned themselves with their tulips. Behind them stood the jacks and each had two heads - on top and bottom, like all cards. The play depicted the suffering of a couple in love who were being separated. The shepherdess began to cry: it was exactly their own story.

No, I can't stand it! - she said to the chimney sweep. - Let's get out of here!

But, finding themselves on the floor again, they saw that the old Chinese had woken up and was swaying all over from side to side - a lead ball was rolling inside him.

Ay, the old Chinese is chasing us! - the shepherdess screamed and fell on her porcelain knees in despair.

Wait, a thought occurred to me! - said the chimney sweep. - Do you see over there, in the corner, a large vase with dried fragrant herbs and flowers? Let's get into it! There we will lie on roses and lavender, and if a Chinese man comes up to us, we will pour salt into his eyes.

No, that won't do! - she said. “I know that the old Chinese man and the vase were once engaged, and in such cases good relations always remain!” No, we can only set off across the world wherever our eyes look!

Do you have the courage to follow me everywhere? - asked the chimney sweep. -Have you thought how big the world is? Did you think that we wouldn’t be able to go back?

Yes Yes! - she answered.

The chimney sweep looked at her intently and said:

My road goes through the chimney! Do you have the courage to climb into the stove with me and make your way along the elbows of the pipe? There I already know what to do! We'll climb so high that they won't reach us! At the very top there is a hole through which you can get out into the world!

And he led her to the stove.

How black it is here! - she said, but still climbed after him into the stove and into the chimney, where it was dark as night.

Well, here we are in the pipe! - he said. - Look look! A wonderful star is shining right above us!

A star actually shone in the sky, as if showing them the way. And they kept climbing and climbing, higher and higher! The road was terrible. But the chimney sweep supported the shepherdess and pointed out where it would be more convenient and better for her to place the porcelain legs. Finally they reached the edge of the pipe and sat down - they were very tired, and for good reason!

The sky dotted with stars was above them, and all the house roofs were below them. From this height, a huge space opened up to their eyes. The poor shepherdess never thought that the light was so great. She bowed her head to the chimney sweep's shoulder and began to cry; tears rolled down onto her chest and at once washed away all the gilding from her belt.

No, this is too much! - she said. - I can't stand it! The light is too big! Oh, if only I were standing on the mirror table again! I won't rest until I get back there! I followed you wherever my eyes looked, now take me back if you love me!

The chimney sweep began to persuade her, reminded her of the old Chinese and the Chief Non-Commissioner General-Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog, but she only sobbed and kissed her dear one deeply. What could he do? I had to give in, although I shouldn’t have.

And so, with great difficulty, they went back down the pipe; it wasn't easy! Finding themselves again in the dark stove, they first stood outside the doors for several minutes, wanting to hear what was going on in the room. It was quiet there, and they looked out. Oh! An old Chinese man was lying on the floor; he fell off the table, about to go after them, and broke into three parts; his whole back flew away, and his head rolled into the corner. Chief Non-Commissioner-Sergeant Kozlonog stood, as always, in his place and thought.

Oh, what horror! - exclaimed the shepherdess. - Old grandfather broke into pieces, and it’s all our fault! Oh, I won't survive this!

And she wrung her tiny hands.

It can be fixed! - said the chimney sweep. - It can be repaired perfectly! Just don't be upset! They will glue his back and hammer a good rivet into the back of his head - he will be just like new and will still have time to cause us a lot of trouble.

You think? - she asked. And they again climbed onto the table where they had stood before.

That's how far we've come! - said the chimney sweep. - It was worth worrying!

If only grandpa could be fixed! - said the shepherdess. - Or will it be very expensive?

And they repaired grandfather: they glued his back and hammered a good rivet into his neck; he became as good as new, only he could no longer nod his head.

You've been on some kind of pride since you crashed! - Chief Non-Commissioner General Sergeant Kozlonog told him. - But it seems to me that there is nothing particularly proud of here! So, will they give it for me or not?

The chimney sweep and the shepherdess looked pleadingly at the old Chinese - they were so afraid that he would nod, but he could not, although he did not want to admit it: it is not very pleasant to tell everyone that you have a rivet in the back of your head! So the porcelain couple remained standing side by side. The shepherdess and the chimney sweep blessed grandfather's rivet and loved each other until they were broken.

(Illustration N. Golts, published by Eksmo, 2012)

Published by: Mishka 02.11.2017 12:03 24.05.2019

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Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and all decorated with carvings in the form of various curlicues, flowers and leaves? Just such a closet - an inheritance from my great-grandmother - stood in the room. It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most bizarre curlicues. Between them protruded small deer heads with branched antlers, and in the very middle was a whole man carved out. It was impossible to look at him without laughing, and he himself bared his teeth hilariously - such a grimace could not be called a smile! He had goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard. The children called him Chief Non-Commissioner General Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog! It is difficult to pronounce such a name, and few are awarded such a title, but carving such a figure took a lot of work. Well, they cut it out after all! He always looked at the mirror table where the lovely porcelain shepherdess stood. Her shoes were gilded, her dress was slightly raised and pinned with a scarlet rose, she had a golden hat on her head, and a shepherd’s crook in her hands.

Well, just lovely! Next to her stood a small chimney sweep, black as coal, but, however, also made of porcelain and in itself as clean and cute as any porcelain figurine; After all, he was only portraying a chimney sweep, and the master could have made a prince out of him in the same way - all the same!

He held his ladder sweetly in his hands: his face was white, and his cheeks were pink, like a young lady’s, and this was a little wrong, he should have been blacker. He stood next to the shepherdess - as they were placed, so they stood; they stood, stood, and got engaged: they were an excellent couple, both young, both made of porcelain and both equally fragile.

There stood another doll three times their size. It was an old Chinese man who nodded his head. He was also made of porcelain and called himself the grandfather of the little shepherdess, but, it seems, he could not prove this. He claimed that he had power over her, and therefore nodded his head to the Chief Non-Commissioner General-Commissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, who was wooing the shepherdess.

- This is how you will have a husband! - said the old Chinese to the shepherdess. “I even think it’s made of mahogany!” He will make you a chief non-commissioned general commissar sergeant! And he has a whole cabinet of silver, not to mention what lies in secret drawers!

- I don’t want to go into a dark closet! - said the shepherdess. - They say he has eleven porcelain wives there!

- So you will be twelfth! - answered the Chinese. - At night, as soon as the old closet starts to rattle, we will celebrate your wedding! Yes, yes, if I weren't Chinese!

Then he nodded his head and fell asleep.

The shepherdess cried and looked at her darling.

“Really, I’ll ask you,” she said, “to run with me wherever you look.” We can't stay here!

- Your wishes are mine! - answered the chimney sweep. - Let's go now! I think I can support you with my craft!

“If only we could get off the table!” - she said. “I won’t rest until we’re far, far away from here!”

The chimney sweep calmed her down and showed her where it was better to step with her foot, on which ledge or gilded curl of the carved table legs. His ladder also served them considerable service; in this way they descended safely to the floor. But, looking at the old closet, they saw a terrible commotion there. Carved deer far, far away stretched their heads with antlers forward and twirled them in all directions, and Chief Non-Commissioner General Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog jumped high and shouted to the old Chinese:

- They're running! They're running!

The fugitives got a little scared and quickly darted into the box of the window ledge (in Denmark the windows were quite high from the floor, so sometimes in front of one of them, for those who liked to watch the street traffic, a wooden platform was placed on which a chair was placed).

There were three or four incomplete decks of cards and a puppet theater; it was somehow installed in a cramped box, and a performance was going on on stage. All the ladies - diamonds, hearts, clubs, and spades - sat in the front row and fanned themselves with their tulips. Behind them stood the jacks, and each had two heads, one at the top and one at the bottom, like all cards. The play depicted the suffering of a couple in love who were being separated. The shepherdess began to cry: it was exactly their own story.

- No, I can’t stand it! - she said to the chimney sweep. - Let's get out of here!

But, finding themselves on the floor again, they saw that the old Chinese had woken up and was swaying all over from side to side - a lead ball was rolling inside him.

- Ay, the old Chinese is chasing us! - the shepherdess screamed and fell on her porcelain knees in despair.

- Wait, a thought occurred to me! - said the chimney sweep. - Do you see over there, in the corner, a large vase with dried fragrant herbs and flowers? Let's get into it! There we will lie on roses and lavender, and if a Chinese man comes up to us, we will pour salt into his eyes.

- No, that won't do! - she said. “I know that the old Chinese man and the vase were once engaged, and in such cases good relations always remain!” No, we can only set off across the world wherever our eyes look!

- Do you have the courage to follow me everywhere? - asked the chimney sweep. -Have you thought how big the world is? Did you think that we wouldn’t be able to go back?

- Yes Yes! - she answered.

The chimney sweep looked at her intently and said:

- My road goes through the chimney! Do you have the courage to climb into the stove with me and make your way along the elbows of the pipe? There I already know what to do! We'll climb so high that they won't reach us! At the very top there is a hole through which you can get out into the world!

And he led her to the stove.

- How black it is here! - she said, but still climbed after him into the stove and into the chimney, where it was dark as night.

- Well, here we are in the pipe! - he said. - Look look! A wonderful star is shining right above us!

A star actually shone in the sky, as if showing them the way. And they kept climbing and climbing, higher and higher! The road was terrible. But the chimney sweep supported the shepherdess and pointed out where it would be more convenient and better for her to place the porcelain legs. Finally they reached the edge of the chimney and sat down - they were very tired, and for good reason!

The sky dotted with stars was above them, and all the house roofs were below them. From this height, a huge space opened up to their eyes. The poor shepherdess never thought that the light was so great. She bowed her head to the chimney sweep's shoulder and began to cry; tears rolled down onto her chest and at once washed away all the gilding from her belt.

- No, this is too much! - she said. - I can’t stand it! The light is too big! Oh, if only I were standing on the mirror table again! I won't rest until I get back there! I followed you wherever my eyes looked, now take me back if you love me!

The chimney sweep began to persuade her, reminded her of the old Chinese and the Chief Non-Commissioner General-Commissar Sergeant Kozlonog, but she only sobbed and kissed her dear one deeply. What could he do? I had to give in, although I shouldn’t have.

And so, with great difficulty, they went back down the pipe; it wasn't easy! Finding themselves again in the dark stove, they first stood outside the doors for several minutes, wanting to hear what was going on in the room. It was quiet there, and they looked out. Oh! An old Chinese man was lying on the floor; he fell off the table, about to go after them, and broke into three parts; his whole back flew away, and his head rolled into the corner. Chief Non-Commissioner-Sergeant Kozlonog stood, as always, in his place and thought.

- Oh, what a horror! - exclaimed the shepherdess. - Old grandfather fell into pieces, and it’s all our fault! Oh, I won't survive this!

And she wrung her tiny hands.

- It can be repaired! - said the chimney sweep. - It can be repaired perfectly! Just don't be upset! They will glue his back and hammer a good rivet into the back of his head - he will be just like new and will still have time to cause us a lot of trouble.

- You think? she asked. And they again climbed onto the table where they had stood before.

- That's how far we've gone! - said the chimney sweep. - It was worth worrying!

- If only they could fix grandpa! - said the shepherdess. - Or will it be very expensive?

And they repaired grandfather: they glued his back and hammered a good rivet into his neck; he became as good as new, only he could no longer nod his head.

“You’ve been kind of proud ever since you crashed!” - Chief Non-Commissioner General Sergeant Kozlonog told him. - But it seems to me that there is nothing particularly proud of here! So, will they give it for me or not?

The chimney sweep and the shepherdess looked pleadingly at the old Chinese - they were so afraid that he would nod, but he could not, although he did not want to admit it: it is not very pleasant to tell everyone that you have a rivet in the back of your head! So the porcelain couple remained standing side by side.

Shepherdess and chimney sweep blessed grandpa's rivet and loved each other until they broke.

Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and decorated with carved curls and leaves? Such a closet - my great-grandmother's inheritance - stood in the living room. It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most intricate curlicues. Between them looked out deer heads with branched antlers, and in the very middle was a full-length carved man. It was impossible to look at him without laughing, and he himself was grinning from ear to ear - such a grimace cannot be called a smile. He had goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard. The children called him Ober-Unter-General-Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, because such a name is difficult to pronounce and not many people are given such a title. But it’s not easy to cut out such a figure, but they did it anyway. The little man kept looking at the mirror table where a pretty porcelain shepherdess stood. Gilded shoes, a skirt gracefully pinned with a crimson rose, a gilded hat on her head and a shepherd’s crook in her hand - isn’t it beautiful! Next to her stood a little chimney sweep, black as coal, but also made of porcelain and just as clean and cute as all the others. After all, he was only portraying a chimney sweep, and the master could have made him a prince in the same way - all the same!

He stood gracefully, with a ladder in his hands, and his face was white and pink, like a girl’s, and that was a little wrong, he could have been a little crazy. He stood very close to the shepherdess - as they were placed, so they stood. And if so, they went ahead and got engaged. The couple went anywhere: both were young, both were made of the same porcelain, and both were equally fragile.

Right next to them stood another doll, three times their height - an old Chinese man who knew how to nod his head. He was also made of porcelain and called himself the grandfather of the little shepherdess, but he didn’t have enough evidence. He argued that she should obey him, and therefore nodded his head to the Chief Non-Commissar General of the Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, who was wooing the shepherdess.

You will have a good husband! - said the old Chinese. - It looks like it's even made of mahogany. With him you will be Oberunter-General-Kriegskommissar-Sergeant. He has a whole cabinet of silver, not to mention what lies in secret drawers.

I don't want to go into a dark closet! - answered the shepherdess. - They say he has eleven porcelain wives there!

Well, you'll be twelfth! - said the Chinese. - At night, as soon as the old wardrobe groans, we will celebrate your wedding, otherwise I won’t be Chinese!

Then he nodded his head and fell asleep.

And the shepherdess burst into tears and, looking at her dear porcelain chimney sweep, said:

Please, let's run away with me wherever we look. We can't stay here.

I'm ready to do anything for you! - answered the chimney sweep. - Let's leave now! I’ll probably be able to support you with my craft.

Just to get off the table! - she said. - I won’t breathe freely until we are far, far away!

The chimney sweep calmed her down and showed her where it was better for her to step with her porcelain foot, on which ledge or gilded curl. His ladder also served them well, and they eventually descended safely to the floor. But, looking at the old closet, they saw a terrible commotion there. The carved deer stretched their heads forward, put out their antlers and twirled them in all directions, and the Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar Sergeant Kozlonog jumped high and shouted to the old Chinese:

They're running away! They're running away!

The shepherdess and the chimney sweep got scared and ran into the window box.

There were scattered decks of cards, and a puppet theater had been haphazardly installed. There was a performance on stage.

All the queens - diamonds and hearts, clubs and spades - sat in the front row and fanned themselves with tulips, and behind them stood the jacks and tried to show that they, too, had two heads, like all the figures in the cards. The play depicted the suffering of a couple in love who were separated, and the shepherdess began to cry: it was so reminiscent of her own fate.

I have no more strength! - she said to the chimney sweep. - Let's get out of here!

But when they found themselves on the floor and looked at their table, they saw that the old Chinese man had woken up and was rocking with his whole body - because a lead ball was rolling inside him.

Ay, the old Chinese is chasing us! - the shepherdess screamed and fell on her porcelain knees in despair.

Stop! Invented! - said the chimney sweep. - Do you see over there, in the corner, a large vase with dried fragrant herbs and flowers? Let's hide in it! We’ll lie there on the pink and lavender petals, and if the Chinese gets to us, we’ll pour salt into his eyes.

Nothing will come of it! - said the shepherdess. “I know that the Chinese man and the vase were once engaged, but something always remains of an old friendship.” No, we have only one road - to set off across the world!

Do you have the guts for this? - asked the chimney sweep. -Have you thought about how big the light is? About the fact that we will never go back?

Yes Yes! - she answered.

The chimney sweep looked at her intently and said:

My path leads through the chimney! Do you have the courage to climb into the stove with me, and then into the chimney? There I already know what to do! We will rise so high that they will not reach us. There, at the very top, there is a hole through which you can get out into the world!

And he led her to the stove.

How black it is here! - she said, but still she crawled after him into the stove and into the chimney, where it was pitch-dark.

Well, here we are in the pipe! - said the chimney sweep. - Look look! A wonderful star is shining right above us!

A star actually shone in the sky, as if showing them the way. And they climbed, climbed a terrible road higher and higher. But the chimney sweep supported the shepherdess and suggested where it would be more convenient for her to place her porcelain legs. Finally they got to the very top and sat down to rest on the edge of the pipe - they were very tired, and no wonder.

Above them was a sky strewn with stars, below them all the roofs of the city, and all around in all directions, both in breadth and in the distance, the free world opened up. The poor shepherdess never thought that the light was so great. She leaned her head on the chimney sweep's shoulder and cried so hard that her tears washed away all the gilt from her belt.

This is too much for me! - said the shepherdess. - I can’t stand this! The light is too big! Oh, how I want to go back to the mirror table! I won't have a moment of peace until I get back there! I followed you to the ends of the earth, and now you take me back home if you love me!

The chimney sweep began to reason with her, reminding her of the old Chinese and the Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlony, but she only sobbed inconsolably and kissed her chimney sweep. There was nothing to do, I had to give in to her, even though it was unreasonable.

And so they went back down the pipe. It wasn't easy! Finding themselves again in the dark oven, they first stood at the door, listening to what was happening in the room. Everything was quiet, and they looked out of the oven. Ah, the old Chinese was lying on the floor: after chasing them, he fell off the table and broke into three parts. The back flew off completely, the head rolled into the corner. The Ober-Unter-General Kriegskomissarsergeant stood, as always, in his place and thought.

Horrible! - exclaimed the shepherdess. - Old grandfather crashed, and it’s our fault! Oh, I won't survive this!

And she wrung her tiny hands.

It can still be fixed! - said the chimney sweep. - It can be repaired perfectly! Just don't worry! They'll glue his back and drive a good rivet into the back of his head, and he'll be just like new again and will be able to say a bunch of unpleasant things to us!

You think? - said the shepherdess.

And they climbed onto their table again.

You and I have come a long way! - said the chimney sweep. - It wasn’t worth the effort!

If only grandpa could be fixed! - said the shepherdess. -Or will it be very expensive?..

Grandfather was repaired: they glued his back and drove a good rivet into the back of his head. He became as good as new, only he stopped nodding his head.

You've been on some kind of pride since you crashed! - Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar Sergeant Kozlonog told him. - But why would that be? Well, will you give up your granddaughter for me?

The chimney sweep and the shepherdess looked pleadingly at the old Chinese: they were so afraid that he would nod. But he could no longer nod, and explaining to strangers that you had a rivet in the back of your head was also not much fun. So the porcelain couple remained inseparable. The shepherdess and the chimney sweep blessed their grandfather's rivet and loved each other until they were broken.

Hans Christian Andersen

Shepherdess and chimney sweep

Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and decorated with carved curls and leaves? Such a closet - my great-grandmother's inheritance - stood in the living room. It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most intricate curlicues. Between them looked out deer heads with branched antlers, and in the very middle was a full-length carved man. It was impossible to look at him without laughing, and he himself was grinning from ear to ear - such a grimace cannot be called a smile. He had goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard. The children called him Ober-Unter-General-Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, because such a name is difficult to pronounce and not many people are given such a title. But it’s not easy to cut out such a figure, but they did it anyway. The little man kept looking at the mirror table where a pretty porcelain shepherdess stood. Gilded shoes, a skirt gracefully pinned up with a crimson rose, a gilded hat on her head and a shepherd’s crook in her hand - isn’t it beautiful!

Next to her stood a little chimney sweep, black as coal, but also made of porcelain and just as clean and cute as all the others. After all, he was only portraying a chimney sweep, and the master could have made him a prince in the same way - all the same!

He stood gracefully, with a ladder in his hands, and his face was white and pink, like a girl’s, and that was a little wrong, he could have been a little crazy. He stood very close to the shepherdess - just as they were placed, that’s how they stood. And if so, they went ahead and got engaged. The couple went anywhere: both were young, both were made of the same porcelain, and both were equally fragile.

Right next to them stood another doll, three times their height - an old Chinese man who knew how to nod his head. He was also made of porcelain and called himself the grandfather of the little shepherdess, but he didn’t have enough evidence. He argued that she should obey him, and therefore nodded his head to the Chief Non-Commissar General of the Kriegskomissar-Sergeant Kozlonog, who was wooing the shepherdess.

- You will have a good husband! - said the old Chinese. “It looks like it’s even made of mahogany.” With him you will be chief non-commissioned general-kriegskomissar-sergeant. He has a whole cabinet of silver, not to mention what lies in secret drawers.

- I don’t want to go into a dark closet! - answered the shepherdess. - They say he has eleven porcelain wives there!

- Well, then you will be twelfth! - said the Chinese. “At night, as soon as the old wardrobe groans, we’ll celebrate your wedding, otherwise I won’t be Chinese!”

Then he nodded his head and fell asleep.

And the shepherdess burst into tears and, looking at her dear porcelain chimney sweep, said:

“Please, let’s run away with me wherever we look.” We can't stay here.

“I’m ready to do anything for you!” - answered the chimney sweep. - Let's leave now! I’ll probably be able to support you with my craft.

- Just get off the table! - she said. “I won’t breathe freely until we are far, far away!”

The chimney sweep calmed her down and showed her where it was better for her to step with her porcelain foot, on which ledge or gilded curl. His ladder also served them well, and they eventually descended safely to the floor. But, looking at the old closet, they saw a terrible commotion there. The carved deer stretched their heads forward, put out their antlers and twirled them in all directions, and the Chief Non-Commissioned General Kriegskomissar Sergeant Kozlonog jumped high and shouted to the old Chinese:

- They're running away! They're running away!

The shepherdess and the chimney sweep got scared and ran into the window box. There were scattered decks of cards, and a puppet theater had been haphazardly installed. There was a performance on stage.

All the queens - diamonds and hearts, clubs and spades - sat in the front row and fanned themselves with tulips, and behind them stood the jacks and tried to show that they, too, had two heads, like all the figures in the cards. The play depicted the suffering of a couple in love who were separated, and the shepherdess began to cry: it was so reminiscent of her own fate.

- I have no more strength! - she said to the chimney sweep. - Let's get out of here!

But when they found themselves on the floor and looked at their table, they saw that the old Chinese man had woken up and was rocking with his whole body - because a lead ball was rolling inside him.

- Ay, the old Chinese is chasing us! - the shepherdess screamed and fell on her porcelain in despair. knees.