In which sentence the predicate is a compound verb. Simple verb predicate

Question about a complex predicate in scientific literature turned out to be extremely confusing: a) in educational and reference literature and in special works, the complex predicate is distinguished as one of the three main types - along with the simple and compound predicate; b) the concept of a complex predicate has completely different content, its criteria are justifiably contradictory. The Shakhmatov system of three types of sentences, differing in the form of the predicate, became the basis for subsequent characteristics of three types of predicates: simple (cf. “single predicates”), composite (cf. “cohesive predicates”) and complex (cf. “double predicates”), conveying to them the uncertainty and fuzziness of the main criterion [Ibid., 27].

A.M. Peshkovsky “very definitely proposed a system of two types of predicate” [Ibid.].

A complex predicate is a complicated simple or (more often) compound predicate.

The nominal or verbal type of a complex predicate is determined by the last component: if it is an infinitive, the predicate qualifies as a complex verb, if it is a name, then as a complex nominal).

Modal-temporal meanings are expressed by conjugated verb forms (they may not be present in the present tense). The nominal part in the first component (in the compound nominal predicate) of two-part sentences can be expressed by short adjectives: glad, ready, capable, intends, must, etc., and in one-part sentences - by words of a state category with a modal meaning (it is necessary, it is necessary, it’s impossible, it’s possible and under.) or with an emotional-evaluative meaning: fun, sad, pleasant, etc. The main part of the complex nominal predicate is connected to the first component using the infinitive to be or other verbal forms with the meaning of being, existence (live, exist, etc.).

Types of complex predicate

Complex (three-term, polynomial) is a predicate consisting of three or more parts. The following types of complex predicates are distinguished:

  • a) verbal (consisting of only verbs and correlative with compound verbal predicates), for example: decided to start treatment, hopes to quit smoking;
  • b) nominal (consisting of a predicative adjective, connective and nominal part, correlative with compound nominal predicates), for example: glad to be useful, ready to become a mediator;
  • c) mixed (consisting of verbs and names, combining the characteristics of a compound verbal and a compound nominal predicate), for example: he could become a scientist, he is afraid of being funny.

For example: He wanted to appear brave on the fourth bastion (Tolstoy);

And you want to live like a lamb (Goncharov); I don’t even consider myself obligated to feel gratitude to him (Chernyshevsky); I was no longer afraid to be and seem sensitive... (Chekhov) [Ibid].

The general typology of the predicate is characterized in the Russian language by the opposition of a simple and a complex predicate with the division of a complex predicate into a compound nominal and a compound verb. Predicate constructions, which, on the basis of certain characteristics, were considered as forms of a “complex predicate”, also have their place in the outlined system of predicate types.

There is still no Russian language consensus, what is the predicate as main member offers. Which classification of predicate is preferable: semantic or structural? How to determine clear boundaries of the type of predicate? Whose method of studying predicates in school grammar should be preferred? All this is reflected in the practice of teaching Russian at school and in the quality of preparation of graduates for the Unified State Exam.

In our opinion, the definition of A. G. Rudnev should be chosen as a working definition of the predicate:

  • 1. The predicate as the main member of a sentence denotes the attribute of the subject that it possesses, either produces or perceives from the outside, and answers the questions: “who is (or “what is”) the object?”, “what is the object?”, “what does the object? or “what is being done with it?” .
  • 2. The predicate as part of a sentence performs three semantic functions: 1) establishes the subject as the bearer of the attribute in the possession in time of one or another attribute inherent in it; 2) denotes the action that the subject performs; 3) denotes an action that the subject perceives from the outside [Ibid].

Regarding the predicate and its structural types, “in our educational and scientific literature there is unimaginable confusion.” There is no single classification of predicate types; it is considered according to two options: structural and semantic. There are different views on the identification of structural types of the predicate. Scientific grammar distinguishes three types of predicate: 1) simple; 2) compound and 3) complex.

Linguists recognize that non-conjugated forms of verbal roots of words (such as bam, jump, push, etc.) can be used as a predicate, as a rule, in colloquial speech with a hint of a sudden, instantaneous action of a perfect form in the past.

Combinations with a verbal reference word, which have not yet become phraseological units, but have already lost to varying degrees the “freedom of compatibility”: to conduct a conversation, arrange a reception, give a hand, make an impression, etc., are qualified in scientific grammar in two ways: a) they can be considered as predicate and b) a minor member can be highlighted in them.

Phase and modal verbs in combination with verbs containing an emotional assessment of the action do not have an unambiguous interpretation in the literature and are considered either as predicates or as combinations of predicates with complements.

Controversial issue in linguistic literature there is a question about the predicate of a complex composite type. Unlike P. A. Lekant, V. V. Babaytseva, N. S. Valgina, who distinguish verbal, nominal and mixed predicates of a complex type, I. P. Raspopov considers these constructions to be a union of two predicates - main and secondary.

A controversial issue in scientific grammar is the inclusion in the category of a compound nominal predicate of constructions such as lay fainted, returned rejuvenated. In such sentences, two predicative features are expressed simultaneously - active and passive, therefore, the predicate can be qualified as “double” (A. A. Shakhmatov). In another interpretation, these constructions are regarded as a complex predicate or as a combination of a simple verbal predicate in the strict sense of the term, and the conjugated verb is not a copula.

All forms of the predicate are divided into two structural types - simple and complex - based on the relationship between real and grammatical meanings. According to the content of the predicative feature, the verb and nominal predicate are contrasted. The verb predicate denotes an active attribute (action), the nominal predicate denotes a passive attribute (quality, property, state, etc.) [Ibid., 136].

The concept of a sentence occupies a central place in the syntax of the Russian language. Identifying the subject and predicate helps to distinguish a sentence from other syntactic units. This often causes difficulties, because in Russian predicates are divided into three types: simple verbal predicate, compound verb and compound nominal.

The grammatical basis of a sentence

The secondary members in a sentence rest on a foundation consisting of a subject and a predicate. The predicative basis is the determining factor in the characteristics of a sentence: simple or complex, one-part or two-part.

It is by the presence of a subject and predicate that one judges what a syntactic unit is: a sentence has them, a phrase does not. For example, I'm walking down the street. Is a proposal because has a grammatical basis: I'm coming(subject and predicate respectively). Beautiful table- phrase, because there is no predicative basis.

A sentence does not always have all the grammatical basis. There are often cases when the subject or predicate is highlighted, then the sentence will be called one-part.

When analyzing a sentence, the problem of determining the predicate and its type causes the greatest difficulties.

What is a predicate

The predicate is part of the predicative basis of the sentence and forms a connective with the subject in gender, person and number. Thanks to the predicate, the sentence relates to reality and allows native speakers to communicate with each other. It is the bearer of the grammatical meaning of a syntactic unit: it indicates the reality and time of the narrative. The predicate answers questions regarding the actions of the subject, what he is like, what happens to him, who he is and what he is.

There are two ways to determine the type of predicate:

  1. Morphological. Predicates are distinguished according to their relevance to one or another part of speech: verbal (expressed by a verb) and nominal (expressed by a noun or adjective). For example, The lights are dimly lit.(predicate are burning verb). We've been friends all our lives(predicate were friends nominal, expressed by a noun with a verb link).
  2. Composite. Simple and compound predicates, consisting of one grammatical whole and several words, respectively. For example, Which one of you will betray me?(predicate will betray- simple). I was embittered(predicate was embittered- compound).

These two principles for determining predicates formed the basis of their type:

  • Compound verb predicate.
  • Compound nominal predicate

Types of predicates: simple and compound

All predicates of the Russian language are divided into simple and compound. This affiliation is determined by the number of words in the predicate. If there is more than one word, then the predicate is compound. The presence or absence of a linking verb in their composition will help to distinguish between a simple and a compound verbal predicate.

The role of the connective is performed by verbs indicating:

  • stages of action (beginning, development, continuation);
  • duty;
  • desirability;
  • state

These can also be short adjectives, state category words and the verb to be.

There are two types of compound predicates: nominal and verbal. Both of them contain an auxiliary linking verb. The verb predicate includes the infinitive, and the nominal predicate includes the nominal part.

If in a sentence the role of the predicate is played by a verb or its grammatical form, then it will be called a simple verbal predicate.

Simple verbal predicate (SVS): definition of the concept

Consists of a verb in one of three moods: indicative (Inside the house there was emptiness - the predicate reigned), subjunctive (Inside the house there was emptiness - the predicate would reign) or imperative (Let emptiness reign inside the house - let the predicate reign).

As can be seen from the last example, ASG is not always one-word. There are cases when there are several of them, but the words are grammatically related: this can be a verb form (for example, imperative or future tense), an indivisible stable combination, or increasing expression by repeating the word.

Ways of expression

Methods of expressing a simple verbal predicate are divided into two groups: single-word and non-word.

How is a simple verb predicate expressed?
Verb in one of the moods (indicative, imperative, conditional).

A verb form that contains two words:

  • future tense ( Will work);
  • conditional mood ( I would go);
  • imperative mood ( let him go)
Infinitive.A stable combination (phraseologism) in the meaning of a single action ( to be lazy - to be lazy)
Interjections in verb form.Verb reinforced by a modal particle ( a little Not fell).
The verb to be if has the meaning of presence or existence.Repetition of cognate verbs in order to give expressive coloring ( waits and waits).

ASG can be consistent with the subject if it takes the form of one of the moods. There are cases when the subject and predicate are not consistent - then the PGS has the form of an infinitive.

One-word ASG

Most often in the Russian language there is a one-word simple verbal predicate. Examples of sentences are presented below:

  1. I hear the trampling of horses.(PGS I hear- expressed by a verb in indicative mood)
  2. Daughter, come with me.(PGS let's go to- expressed by the imperative mood of the verb)
  3. Not going today means waiting until morning.(PGS wait- expressed by a verb in the initial form)
  4. And the glass bam - and on the floor.(PGS bam- expressed by verbal interjection)
  5. In the morning there was dew everywhere.(PGS was- expressed by the verb “to be” in the meaning of “presence”)

Ambiguous PGS

Such a predicate causes great difficulty for those who study Russian. A simple verbal predicate, consisting of several lexical units, can be characterized by the fact that the words in it are grammatically related. Sentences with a simple verb predicate that is not single-word:

  1. We will argue heatedly about what happened.(PGS we'll argue- expressed by an indicative verb in the future tense)
  2. I would go with you, but I need to go somewhere else.(PGS I would go- expressed by a conditional verb)
  3. Let everything be your way.(PGS let it be- expressed by an imperative verb)
  4. Everyone on the farm worked except Stepan. He, as always, was kicking ass.(PGS - was kicking ass- expressed by phraseological units meaning “lazy”)
  5. Let me do this work for you.(PGS let's do it- expressed by a verb with a modal particle)
  6. I can't wait for the cold weather to end.(PGS can not wait- expressed by repetition of cognate verbs)

Coordination of the ASG with the subject

Consider sentences with a simple verbal predicate that agrees with the subject:

  1. Agreement in numbers: The car is driving along the new highway.(PGS rides- singular) - Cars drive along the new highway.(PGS are going- plural).
  2. Gender agreement: The tractor was driving.(PGS was driving - masculine) - The car was moving.(PGS was driving- feminine gender).
  3. If the subject includes a word that has the meaning of quantity, then the PGS can be expressed in singular or plural: Two clouds float lonely across the sky.(subject two clouds, PGS float used in the plural) - Most students did not miss class.(Subject most students, ASG did not miss the use in the singular form).
  4. If the subject is in the form of a noun with a quantitative or collective meaning (for example, people, youth, society, majority, minority), PGS can only be used in the singular. Youth build the future.(PGS builds used in singular) - The majority agreed with the director's proposal to improve production.(PGS agreed used in the singular).

There are cases when the ASG does not formally agree with the subject. IN similar cases it is expressed:

  • Infinitive: He dances - and Vera laughs. PGS laugh expressed by a verb in its initial form.
  • Verb interjection: I look and there is no bag. PGS lo and behold- an interjection that resembles a verb in form.
  • The imperative mood in some forms: If she broke the vase now, things would end badly. PGS break it in the imperative mood.

Highlighting ASG in a sentence

The problem of how to define a simple verbal predicate is related to its possible ambiguity. Unlike a compound PGS, it contains words of the same grammatical form. It is this feature that distinguishes a simple verbal predicate. Example sentences are given below:

I started working last week. - I will work from tomorrow. In the first sentence, a compound verbal predicate containing an auxiliary verb began and infinitive work. The picture in the second sentence is completely different. Here ASG Will work- form of the future tense.

Use of PGS in speech

To give artistic speech dynamics, a simple verbal predicate is used. Examples: The soldiers, stationed around their cannon, were each busy with their own business. Some wrote a letter, some sat on a gun carriage, sewing a hook to their overcoat, some read a small army newspaper. (V. Kataev)- in this passage, the ASG adds dynamics to the events described.

PGS is used in a conversational style of speech. In the case when it is expressed by an infinitive that does not formally agree with the subject: Senka dances, Varka laughs.(PGS laugh in the form of an infinitive, conversational style).

To give speech an expressive coloring, a simple verbal predicate is also used. Examples: I bam - and broke it!(PGS bam indicates a conversational style); Thunder banging into the tree!(PGS fuck-crackers indicates the extreme degree of emotionality of the author).

The predicate can be either verbal or nominal. Both, in turn, can be simple and compound. A complex predicate consisting of three or more members is distinguished separately.

The main ways of expressing the predicate - use various forms verb. This does not apply to the nominal predicate, to the nominal part of which the verb connective may not be added.

The simple verbal predicate is divided into two large groups. These are those that are formally likened to the subject and those that are not likened. In addition, a predicate of this type, which has a complicated form, forms another special group.

That simple verbal predicate, which is formally likened to the subject, is expressed by verb forms of any person, tense and mood. For example:

1) verb in the form Winter wind makes me sad.

2) Verb in the form Let the thunder strike louder.

3) Verb in the form You should rest, grandma.

The attitude towards the message, towards reality, the will of the one who speaks, is expressed with the help of which is very closely adjacent to the predicate. For example: Let's be silent together and think. The forest does not rustle, the leaves do not fall.

That simple verbal predicate, which is not formally likened to the subject, is expressed by the following forms of the verb:

1) the interjective form of this meaningful action that occurs instantly: The child jumped in the other direction;

2) an infinitive that has the meaning of the active beginning of an action: And the friends met, well, kiss, well, hug;

3) the verb “is”, used with the meaning “there is”: We have paints and we have brushes.

4) form of the imperative mood:

a) having the meaning of a wish that concerns the 3rd person: Pass us, the wrath of the tyrant, pass his love;

b) with the meaning of obligation: You are naughty, and the teacher is responsible for you;

c) with the meaning of concession: Even if he is the smartest, he must follow the rules;

d) with the meaning of the condition: If he had appeared earlier, something could still have been changed;

5) the form of the verb, which is homonymous to the form of the imperative mood and has the meaning of arbitrariness or surprise of the action performed: A truck drove into this tree, exceeding the permissible speed.

A simple verbal predicate, as mentioned above, can also have complicated forms. This is a combination of a verb with particles or a combination of two verbs. These include:

1. The connection of any “take” and a form of another verb using the conjunctions “yes and”, “and”, “yes” to denote an unexpected action caused by the whim of the person in question in the sentence.

2. A combination of two verbs in the same form, the first of which indicates a specific action, and the second - its goal.

3. The combination of two verbs that have the same root, and the use of the particle “not” between them with the meaning of impossibility.

4. A combination of two verbs of the same root, one of which has a personal form, and the second - an infinitive form. Negative meaning The predicate is strengthened by the use of the particle “not” before the personal form of the verb.

5. A connection in order to indicate the intensity of the action, the phrase “I just do that” with another verb in the same form.

6. Using the same predicate twice to indicate the duration of the action being performed.

7. Using the same predicate twice with the intensifying particle “so” to denote an action that has been completed completely.

8. The combination of the particles “know” or “know yourself” with a verb in order to denote an action that is performed in spite of obstacles.

Also, a simple predicate can be expressed by having different degrees of cohesion of components.

Project for teaching syntactic topicsin 8th grade


Prepared by Bondarenko T.V., teacher of the first qualification category of MOUOOSH No. 11 p. Alexandrovsky Stavropol Territory

Goals: expand the concept of the predicate, introduce the types of predicate;learn to distinguish between simple, compound verb and compound nominal predicates;develop students' spelling awareness

Equipment: cards,computer, multimedia projector, screen.


The predicate is one of the main members of the sentence, associated with the subject and consistent with it in gender, number and person.

In a sentence, the predicate is most often expressed by a verb agreed with the subject, but can also be expressed by other parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, participles, numerals, pronouns, adverbs). Answers the questions: “what does an object (person) do?”, “who is an object (person)?”, “what is an object (person)?”, “what happens to it?”, “what is it like?” .

There are three types of predicates:

- simple verbal predicate;

- compound verb predicate;

- compound nominal predicate.

Simple verb predicate

A predicate expressed by one verb in the form of any mood is calledsimple verbal predicate . In a simple verbal predicate, the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed by the verb.

Ways to express a simple verbal predicate

A simple verbal predicate can be a verb in the imperative, indicative or conditional mood.

Examples of a simple verb predicate:

Brick done from clay.
is one of the first.
From the corner
appeared automobile.
become in a row.
It happens in Moscow.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verb predicate consists of two parts -basic Andauxiliary . The auxiliary part expressesgrammatical meaning predicate.

The infinitive form of the verb (infinitive) expresses the mainlexical meaning predicate.

The auxiliary part of a compound verbal predicate is expressed:

1) verbs denoting the beginning, continuation, end of an action:I began freeze, She continued play;

2) verbsobligations and short adjectives (must, can, ready, glad, etc.) For example:We ready help, He must leave, I glad hear your voice;

3)s status catches with meaningdesirability , necessity , possibilities:

Necessary support him.

3) words of the state category, expressing the emotional assessment of the action:It's nice to see you again, it's good to be in nature.

Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate has two components:bunch and the nominal part.

The most commonly used is the linking verbbe , expressing only grammatical meanings.

Ways of expressing the nominal and auxiliary parts of a compound nominal predicate

Nominal part as part of a nominal predicate the following may appear:
- noun in instrumental case, in the nominative case;
- comparative degree of adjective, participle, short adjective, adverb, pronoun. For example:

The evening is getting warmer (comparative degree of adjective)
He is an innovator (noun in the instrumental case)
He seemed joyful to me. Autumn was warm (adjective)
Brother can be unbearable (short adjective)
The book was mine (pronoun)
The dress fit her

Auxiliary part a nominal predicate can be expressed:

1) verb formbe (was, is, will be, the zero form of this verb)I was happy ;
2) verbs become, seem, appear and etc.He seemed lonely ;
3) verbs with the meaning of action, state:
come, arrive, return, stand, etc. She arrived by train;
4) in the present tense, the auxiliary part (linking verb) can be omitted. There may be a dash instead.

Examples of a compound nominal predicate in sentences:

Is it possible influence ( What ? subject) on people - not great art? Sin no problem , word of mouth not good . (compound nominal predicate with zero copula)
Evening how was your evening. Study – there's a plague . Scholarship – that's the reason .
The glory of these people is
true glory. There is, without a doubt, a "thunderstorm" the most decisive work Ostrovsky. (Belinsky)
Judas was small and not squeamish. Art - This is not a profession, but a talent. (D. Granin)
From this day on, Prince Andrei the groom began to go to the Rostovs. (L.N. Tolstoy)
My whole life was collateral the faithful date with you. (A.S. Pushkin)

Table of types of predicates


(usually consists of one word - a verb)




Ways to express a simple verbal predicate:

    verb in various moods

1. Alreadywoke up songbirds.

(ch. past tense, in the indicative mood)

2. B sports section Youtrained would more regularly.

(chap. in conditional mood)

3. Take take a card with you into the passage.

(chap. in the imperative mood)

    interjection in the meaning of a verb

Suddenly from the bushesruns out dog andjump in water.

    verb in the complex future tense

Even louderwill sing birds.

    stable phrase (phraseologism)

You constantlyyou hang to menoodles on the ears

Auxiliary word

Linking verb


Ways to express an auxiliary word:

    Verbs ( start, stop, continue, be able, wish, want, etc.)

Brotherstopped studying Andmay fall behind learning.

    short adjectives

(glad, ready, must, obliged, intends, etc.)

Iglad to youhelp.

Pay attention:

1. Undefined verb form is not always part of the predicate. It can act as any member of the sentence.


Smoking – healthharm.

Supplement :

Doctors forbade him (what?)smoke .

(Actions expressed by verbs are performed different faces, Means,smoke is not part of the predicate.)


He left (why?)smoke.


Habit (what?)smoke hurt him.

2 . A compound verb predicate can includemore than 2 words :

IWas glad to youhelp.

Nominal part


Ways to express a linking verb:

    verb BE in different time forms

I was a teacher .

I I'll be a teacher .

I ○ teacher ( present tense copulazero)

    Verbs to do, to become, to become, to appear, to appear, to be called, etc.

All becomes lighter from the first snow.

    A linking verb can consist ofof 2 words

I I want to be a teacher .

Ways to express the noun part:


He ○ merry fellow . He was a fun guy .


He was today is very funny.

    Communion/short participle

Her eyebrows were moved .

Bread already ○ threshed .


The Cherry Orchard is now ○my.


Two and three it will be five .


her shoes will fit.

    Syntactically indivisible phrase

Hewas tall.


Materials for lesson No. 1 "Simple verb predicate"

1 . Job in pairs with sentences written on the board and on cards

- Find the subject and predicate in the sentences, write above the predicate how it is expressed

1). The songbirds have already woken up.

The birds are singing loudly.

The birds will sing even louder.

2). What is a predicate?

(The predicate is the main member of a sentence, which depends only on the subject and denotes its attribute or action. The predicate answers the questions: What does the subject do? What happens to it? What is it like? What is it? Who is it?)

3). What parts of speech are the predicates expressed?

(Verbs - predicates have forms of the indicative mood of the past, present and future complex tense.)

4) Draw a conclusion

Conclusion : Such predicates, in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed by one verb in the form of some mood, are called simple verbs.

2. Consolidation. Work in pairs

1) Independent work with KIMs. Option No. 3 (page 25).

2) B2. replace the phrase (on) the village pier (sentence 1), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

on a rural pier

3) B3. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 22.

In the distance, the nimble Rocket made noise on its return flight.


4) B6. indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 15.

I looked into his eyes - he looked away, he didn’t want to be impudent.


Materials for lesson No. 2. "Compound verb predicate"


Review the table of auxiliary verbs and their meanings. Auxiliary verbs carry additional meaning to the main verb in the infinitive form.

Basic auxiliary words

Beginning, end, continuation of action

Desirability, possibility, necessity of action

Emotional assessment of action

Short adjectives as auxiliary verbs

Phraseological combinations




get started



set off


be able to

be on time






get used to


be in love



be afraid to be ashamed



be afraid

be a coward






to have a wish

make an effort


burn with desire

have the honor

to have intention

give a promise

have a habit

Consolidation of new knowledge

1. Write example sentences , analyze them. Pay attention to the way of expressing the predicate. (Slide)

Laws of mechanics opened Isaac Newton.
Even as a child, Isaac
started tinkering mechanical toys. Newton in adolescencecontinued to build water mill models.
Formulate your own conclusion and justify your answer.

2. Digital dictation followed by self-test . (Slide)

Distribute predicates according to digital symbols in three columns: in the first - a simple verbal predicate, in the second - a compound verbal predicate (PG, SGS):

Isaac Newton (1606-1642)was born (1) in England.

Newtonwanted to hope (2) that his kinddates back (3) to the Scottish nobles of the 15th century, However, historians do notcount (4) .

Ancestors of Newtonstrived get rich(5).

By the end of the 16th century the family moved (6) into the rank (landowners ).

Newton's father left (7) inherited a large sum at that time of 500 pounds sterling and several hundred acres of fertile land occupied by fields and forests.
Isaac from 12 studied (8) At school V .

In 1659 motherreturned (9) him to the estate andtried to lay (10) The 16-year-old son is responsible for part of the household management tasks.

3. R.r. Creative tasks

Group I. (Slide)

1. Replace simple verbal predicates with compound ones.

1. Isaac read books.
2. Newton studied at Cambridge University.
3. B student years Isaac made scientific instruments.

Sample answers: strived to learn, continued to tinker.

Group II. (Slide)

2. Parse the sentence:

According to legend, Newton was able to discover the law of gravity by observing an apple falling from a tree branch.

III group.

3. Perform punctuation analysis of the sentence:

Newton continued to experiment with color, proving that white light is not primary, but consists of colored components with different angles refraction. (Slide)

IV group.

4. Determine how the predicate is expressed. (Slide)

The scientist dreamed of writing a book about mathematical principles. In this work, Newton was ready to define the basic principles of mechanics. Newton was able to formulate three laws of mechanics. He had to work hard.

4 . Using the text, fill in the table

Ways of expressing a compound verbal predicate.

Way of expression


Self-test. (Slide):

Way of expression


Modal verb (want, can, etc.)

was able to get it, helped bring it

Verb denoting a phase of action (start, end, etc.)

started studying, continued studying, continued to build, finished building

A verb denoting an emotional assessment of an action (to love, to fear)

loved to devote

Short adjectives or adverbs with a modal meaning (must, glad, obligated, must, etc.)

it was necessary to carry out, I was glad to build

Newton Isaac (1643-1727)

English mathematician, physicist, alchemist and historian. Born into a farmer's family.
At the age of 12 he began studying at Grantham School, and in 1661 he continued to study at Trinity College, Cambridge University, as a subsizer (the so-called poor students who performed the duties of servants in college to earn money).
After graduating from the university, Newton was able to receive a bachelor's degree in 1665. In 1665-1667. He continued to develop mainly those ideas that helped lead him to the creation of differential and integral calculus, the invention of the reflecting telescope, and the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.
In Cambridge he had to conduct experiments on the decomposition of light. In 1668, Newton was awarded a master's degree. In 1671, Newton finished building the second reflecting telescope - large sizes And best quality. Newton owns ideas about monochromatic light rays and the periodicity of their properties, substantiated by the finest experiments, that underlie physical optics.
In 1687, Newton published his grandiose work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (briefly - “Principles”), which laid the foundations not only of rational mechanics, but also of all mathematical natural science. The Principia contained the laws of dynamics, the law of universal gravitation with effective applications to motion celestial bodies, the origins of the study of the movement and resistance of liquids and gases, including acoustics.
In 1705 for scientific works Queen Anne was glad to knight him. IN last years In his life, Newton liked to devote a lot of time to theology and ancient and biblical history. Newton was buried in the English national pantheon - Westminster Abbey.

5. Testing the acquired knowledge followed by self-test

In this lesson we talked about the compound verb predicate. Why is the predicate called compound? Verbal?
I draw your attention to the fact that an infinitive must be present in a compound verbal predicate.

Verification work. Write down the compound verb predicates

(1) Little Isaac was constantly alone. (2) His peers did not treat him very well because he could always win at checkers and other games that required intelligence. (3) Young Newton could not make friends with any of these kids. ( 4) Thus began his loneliness - from birth to death....
(5) During his student years he felt
, What capable of solving problems that have troubled humanity for centuries. (6) Just thinking about it, he felt the frantic impatience and insatiable passion of the discoverer. (7) Of course, at Cambridge he will become a master, then a member of the college, maybe a professor. (8) He knew that members of the college could not get married. (9) Newton did not regret it. (10) Mathematics became his love...
(11) He knew perfectly well anatomy and physiology, various methods of treatment, which greatly contributed to his enviable longevity.
(12) He did not particularly favor literature and did not like poetry, painting and sculpture at all.
(13) From childhood, Newton was able to instill in his consciousness that lies, selfishness, violence, loss of control over one’s feelings and actions are mortal sins. (14) He was a true son of his Puritan age.
(15) Newton was characterized by faith in the original clear meaning of the Bible. (16) He tried to eliminate the discrepancies between secular chronology and Old Testament chronology.
(17) The passion for scientific pursuits could not leave him even in his later London years. (18) Although creative age he had long since passed, he tried to strictly observe the training regime he had established once and for all for himself. (19) No one had ever seen him without work. (20) Work served him as a balm for mental anxiety.


(1) was lonely

(2) could win
(3) couldn't make friends
What able to solve
(8) couldn't get married
(13) was able to implement
(16) tried to eliminate
(17) couldn't leave
(18) tried to comply

Peer review. (Slide)

5. Written work. Slide. Replace simple verb predicates with compound verbs.

a) The trees turned yellow. (The trees began to turn yellow.)

b) The meeting will begin at the appointed time. (must start)

c) The teacher will help the children in solving difficult problems. (should help)

d) Sons help their mother with household chores. (happy to help)

d) She drives a car. (can drive)

f) The sons visited their parents. (they will be able to visit.)


Materials for lesson No. 3 "Compound nominal predicate"

1. Explanation of a new topic.

Let's write down the sentences and find the predicates in them. Determine how the predicates in these sentences are expressed.

1. He was mine brother . (linking verb and noun tv. p.)

2. He's mine Brother . (noun in the noun case) (zero connective!)

3. Blizzard it was scary . (v.-st. and adj.)

4. Earth great and beautiful . (short adj.)

5. Glass were broken . (verb connective + participle in name) or Glass were broken (participle in tv. p)
6. This girl
tall . (whole phrase)

7. Five plus five it will be ten . (ch.-st. + num.)

8. I was on guard e . (v.-sv. + adverb) on guard - sak, uyau bulu

9. All fish – yours . (pronoun)

10. He was a jack of all trades . (ch.-st. + phraseological unit)

Conclusion. This means that SIS consists of a linking verb and a nominal part. Usually the linking verb is not used in the present tense. Such a link is called zero. The nominal part is expressed by a noun in the nominative and instrumental case, full and short adjectives, participle, whole phrase, numeral, adverb, pronoun and phraseology).

1. Laboratory work on this topic: Compound nominal predicate.

Given: simple sentences.

Purpose: to determine which part of speech can express the nominal part in a compound nominal predicate.


1. Read the sentences carefully.

2. Find the basis of these sentences.

3. Determine which part of speech expresses the nominal part in a compound nominal predicate.

4. Draw a conclusion.

Do not forget!

SIS = verb - connective + nominal part

Present tense linking verb be zero,

1. The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.

2. The product is good and the price is reasonable.

3. Mixed thoroughly, but not baked.

4. Two and two make four.

5. And it’s good, but out of place.

6. And yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine.

7. Seven troubles - one answer.


(The nominal part of compound nominal predicates can be expressed by all nominal parts of speech, as well as participles, adverbs and syntactically indivisible phrases)

Discussion of questions that students had during the laboratory work.

2. Test work (printed on sheets)

(multi-level tasks, students choose the option to complete themselves)

1. The date of has not yet been specified.

2. nation great.

3. The rider was wearing a gray jacket with a fur collar.

4. The parents' conference met once every quarter.

5. The creation of... the... mi... was dissolved ahead of schedule.

* Insert missing letters. Find the subject and predicate.

** Insert missing letters. Find the subject and predicate.

Determine the type of predicate.

*** Insert the missing letters. Find the subject and predicate.

Determine the type of predicate.

Write down your example of a sentence with a predicate, the type of which is not in these sentences.

Based on the results of implementation test work the teacher fills out an assessment sheet that will help him see the degree of student learning educational material and plan further work on the topic.

Teacher's score sheet


Types of student activities

Student ratings (comments)






Ability to find the basis of a sentence


Determining the type of predicate


Determining the form of the predicate


Knowledge of parts of speech


Ability to draw conclusions.

3. Multi-level tasks.

Rearrange the sentences so that the simple verb predicatebecame a compound noun.

Sample: The street is empty. The street became empty.

1. He often comes to see me. 2. The boy is growing up quickly. 3. The brother leads the group. 4. The sky is darkening.

2. Determine the type of predicate in sentences.

/. We listen to the radio. Today we will listen to an interesting program. We will start listening to this program after dinner. He will be a student at a school lecture. 2. Be the mistress of this house. Be at home here day. The streets were decorated with flags and brightly lit. 3. I would be proud the battle. I would be proud of you. I'm proud of you.

3. Replace full forms participles and adjectives short
forms. Make sentences with some of them. Which member
proposals is short form? What spelling rules for participles and adjectives did you apply?

Lost Keys, Desert Area, Renovated Room, Sown Field, fresh bread, painted walls, fixed and rewritten manuscript, young artists, biting frost, hot sand, clumsy bear, lifeless desert, prickly rose hips, packed new and shipped cargo.

4. Independent work (Card)


On the card insert missing spellings and punctuation marks.

Underline predicates of different (!) types.

The king has arrived. He was in a bad mood. He shook his head and twitched his shoulders so much that it filled everyone with horror. Entering the hall where they were dancing, I found it hot and wanted to open the window. But the windows were blocked from the outside by guards. The king ordered the ax to be brought and, together with two orderlies, set to work. Finally I got my way and took out the frame. The window remained open (not) for long and the yard began to thaw again, the wind was blowing straight from the west. But still there were such drafts in the rooms. That lightly dressed ladies and chilly old men did not know where to go. The king was tired, sweating from work, but was pleased, even cheerful.

“Your Majesty,” said the Austrian resident Player, a great amiable man, “you have opened a window to Europe.”

(D. Merezhkovsky, “Peter and Alexey”)

5. Work to prepare for the State Examination.

Task No. 8 in the OGE. Find the grammatical basis of such and such a sentence. (Slide)

(55) I can listen to you forever, Pushkin! GHS

(27) The adults were nowhere to be seen. SIS

(40) They still remember in the village of Belogrudka. PGS

(41) Tolik became scared. SIS

(49) You can never be understood... GHS

(10) Only her tears were light. SIS

(23) And this is what came of it. PGS

(20) Checkmark, let’s go to the fifth “B”, otherwise they will actually leave. PGS

6 . Underline the predicate. Match the sentences with the type of predicate. (Slide)

A. The evening milk has been drunk. 1. ASG
B. Meanwhile, Princess Mary stopped singing. 2. SGS

B. Ivan began to climb the stairs to the podium. 3. SIS
D. It will rain for a long time.
D. Beaupre was a hairdresser in his homeland.

A B C D E (3 2 2 1 3)


Materials for lesson No. 4 "Dash between subject and predicate"

Exercise 1.Establish the cases of placing a dash, graphically explain the conditions of choice.

1) Venus is the most bright Star night sky.

2) The earth is great and beautiful.

3) Her eyes are like bright stars.

4) Two and eight ten.

5) The book is a source of knowledge.

6) You can’t make good by living with someone else’s mind.

1) Our souls are mirrors that reflect us.

2) Be in battle and find out the value of life.

3) I'm a good person.

4) The air is like a rose.

5) This day is like a holiday.

6) The north is a swamp without a bottom or edge.

7) The head is crazy like a lantern without light.

8) Speak without thinking and shoot without aiming.

9) These plains are like an endless sea.

10) Poverty is not a vice.

11) Our Volga is the most beautiful river.

12) I am a stranger to everyone.

13) Life is not a field to cross.

14) Your speeches are like a sharp knife.

Task 2. Recognize the third extra:

1. The book is a source of knowledge. My father is a teacher. Father is a history teacher.

2. Oak is a strong tree. Studying means working hard. Poverty is not a vice.

3. Drink tea, don’t chop wood. He is a good carpenter. Solve the problem of learning something new.

4. Learning to play tennis is great! Smoking is harmful to health. The heart is not a stone.

5. The area of ​​the apartment is 50 meters. Who's your buddy? Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

6. Our schoolyard like a garden. Sasha is a volleyball player. A.S. Pushkin is the sun of Russian poetry.

7. Poverty is not a vice. My hobby is collecting stamps. I am a future tailor.


1. Work in pairs with the sentences shown on the slide or on the cards.

- Find the subject and predicate in the sentences written on the board, write above the predicate how it is expressed.

    I love Russia to the point of heartache and I can’t even imagine myself anywhere other than Russia. (Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    Love for the Fatherland cannot fade in our hearts. (L. Tolstoy)

    My incorruptible voice was an echo of the Russian people. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

    Back in the spring of my days, I left my father’s house. (V.A. Zhukovsky)

    I like to listen to the hum of mosquitoes in the evening over the mowing site. (S.A. Yesenin)

- What can you say about the predicates that you encountered in these sentences? (simple and compound)

- Notice what parts of speech they consist of?

- What is the name of a predicate consisting of one word? What about two words?

2. Work on repetition in groups. Each group has 5 people and the same number of questions on the topic. Answer questions, give examples.

    What does the predicate mean?

    What types of predicates are there?

    What are the features of a simple verb predicate?

    What is the difference between a compound verb predicate?

    What are the features of a compound nominal predicate?


A student assessment sheet will help students evaluate their work.



Performance evaluation (comments)

I know

I can

I doubt


Finding the stem of a sentence


Determining the type of predicate


Determining the form of the predicate


Knowledge of parts of speech


Ability to draw conclusions.

Russian language test " Grammar basis offers. Types of predicates" No. 1 for grade 8

1.Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate. T

A) Many sounds flow into the night bird chorus.

B) I was already starting to worry.

B) I was ready to agree.

D) He would be glad to leave.

2.Indicate a sentence with a compound verbal predicate.

A) He stood up and immediately sat down.

B) And the three palm trees began to murmur against God.

B) Soon it began to rain heavily.

D) Lisa decided to do this.

3.Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate.

A) The word is silver, silence is gold.

B) Peter decided to help his brother.

C) Andrei was ready to dispose of even Kiev.

D) He stopped and thought a little.

4.Indicate an example with an error in determining the type of predicate.

A) His face was sour (compound noun).

B) Silence is gold (compound nominal).

B) We would like to participate in competitions (compound verb)

D) He sat down and wrote down the old woman’s story (compound verb)

5. Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate:

a) The approaches to the barriers and trenches are mined. (A. Ananyev)

b) Krutikov heatedly began to explain what had happened. (N. Gorbachev)

c) Liverovsky’s assumptions turned out to be correct. (A.N. Tolstoy)

d) There was a thick smell of resin in the air. (V. Bykov)

6. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

a) Before the snowfall, the tree began to drop leaves. (E. Nosov)

b) Squirrels will have a lot of worries in the summer. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

c) The car had to pass half a meter behind Seryozha. (V. Tokareva)

d) The whole village was visible from the hill. (A. Kuprin)

a) The city is stretched out in a long strip along railway on one side of it. (B. Vetokhin)

b) After yesterday’s small storm, the water was especially cloudy today. (G. Golubev)

c) Having fallen silent, Pinchuk decided to mend a hole in his tunic. (M. Alekseev)

d) Landing on that site was in danger of being disfigured. (D. Medvedev)

8. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

a) Let the enemy discover the crossing point as late as possible! (E. Vorobyov)

b) The boat station was clearly visible from here. (A. Rybakov)

c) After dinner, Anfisa silently began to clear the table. (A. Ivanov)

d) At the edge of the moss swamp, I ordered everyone to stop. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

9. Indicate sentences with a simple verbal predicate.

a) Every talent is inexplicable.

b) Since then I have stopped interfering with his economic orders.

c) Darken, sun of Austerlitz! Burn, great Moscow!

d) The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest.

10. Indicate a sentence with a compound verb predicate.

A) Chichikov had to close his eyes for a minute.

B) Our generals have become cheerful, loose, well-fed, and white.

C) I’m afraid that it’s too late for me to dream about happiness.

D) I won't be young anymore.

Russian language test “The grammatical basis of a sentence. Types of predicates" No. 2 for grade 8

1. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

In the vicinity of Moscow, in the forest, a camp was set up. (Medvedev D.)

2. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence :

The order came to seize a bridgehead on the opposite side of the river. (Kozhevnikov V.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

3. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence :

In the evening, they began to dive into the snow from the tall birches of Teterev. (Shim E.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

4. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

In front of the balcony there was a large, trampled area. (Kuprin A.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

5. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

Having sent a messenger with a message, Ryabinkin ordered the soldiers to carry out this order of his. (Kozhevnikov V.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

6. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

Without pack animals we could not set off. (Arsenyev V.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

7. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence :

The path here is laid along the ridges with right side valleys. (Arsenyev V.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

8. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

Directors of enterprises came here to agree on connecting a new workshop, a new house. (Granin D.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

9. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence:

I like to listen to the hum of mosquitoes in the evening over the mowing site. (Yesenin S.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

10. Indicate the type of predicate in the sentence :

The professor was visibly agitated. (Veresaev V.)

1) Simple verbal predicate

2) Compound verb predicate

3) Compound nominal predicate

Russian language test “Types of predicates” No. 3 for grade 8

1. Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate:

1) The approaches to the barriers and trenches are mined. (A. Ananyev)

2) Krutikov heatedly began to explain what had happened. (N. Gorbachev)

3) Liverovsky’s assumptions turned out to be correct. (A.N. Tolstoy)

4) There was a thick smell of resin in the air. (V. Bykov)

2. Indicate a sentence with a compound verbal predicate:

1) The paratroopers hastened to go deeper into the thicket. (A. Belyaev)

2) The snow kept falling and falling, making it difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar city. (G. Adamov)

3) Before the offensive, our artillerymen began shelling German positions. (E. Kokovin)

4) Zakhar allowed people to rest a little. (A. Ivanov)

3. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

1) Before the snowfall, the tree began to drop leaves. (E. Nosov)

2) Squirrels will have a lot of worries in the summer. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

3) The car had to pass half a meter behind Seryozha. (V. Tokareva)

4) The whole village was visible from the hill. (A. Kuprin)

4. Which sentence does not have a simple verbal predicate?

1) Decisive role The sphericity of the Earth played a role in my trip to Antarctica. (V.Sanin)

2) The crows remaining for the winter fly from tree to tree. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

3) Tired Pinchuk decided to rest a little. (M. Alekseev)

4) The flight director advised the pilots to look for another job. (V. Ershov)

5. Indicate a sentence with a compound verbal predicate:

1) The order to saddle the horses forced the shooters to get down to business. (V. Arsenyev)

2) Taras Gavrilovich loved to talk with an educated person. (A. Kuprin)

3) Stepan suggested hunting geese. (V. Korolenko)

4) On the old bookcase, only the middle shelf was filled with books. (I. Lazutin)

6. Indicate a sentence that does not have a compound nominal predicate:

1) The streets are full of night freshness. (B. Vetokhin)

2) The gorge was tightly packed with short boards. (M. Bulgakov)

3) Timoshkin had to correct the firing of our artillery. (S. Borzunov)

4) Closer to dawn, the engines of German tanks can be heard behind the front line. (G. Baklanov)

7. Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate:

1) The city is stretched out in a long strip along the railway on one side. (B. Vetokhin)

2) After yesterday’s small storm, the water was especially cloudy today. (G. Golubev)

3) After falling silent, Pinchuk decided to mend a hole in his tunic. (M. Alekseev)

4) Landing on that site was in danger of being disfigured. (D. Medvedev)

8. Indicate a sentence that does not have a compound verb predicate:

1) Ivan Vasilyevich began to sadly prepare for the night. (V. Sollogub)

2) Sometimes Ivan Matveevich forced me to play the piano. (I. Turgenev)

3) In February, Ivan Grigorievich began to prepare for retirement. (V. Svintsov)

4) At the ferry crossing we decided to have a snack. (V. Svintsov)

9. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

1) Let the enemy discover the crossing point as late as possible! (E. Vorobyov)

2) From here the boat station was clearly visible. (A. Rybakov)

3) After dinner, Anfisa silently began to clear the table. (A. Ivanov)

4) At the edge of the moss swamp, I ordered everyone to stop. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

10. Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate:

1) Semyon Matveich made me sit down. (I. Turgenev)

2) During dinner, Volodka continued to show concern for the visitor. (L. Platov)

3) Most of the offices were locked. (V. Ershov)

4) White clouds were visible through the empty windows. (I. Vsevolzhsky)

In this chapter:

§1. The main parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate.


The subject is the main member of the sentence, independent of other members of the sentence. The subject answers the questions of the IP: who? What?

The subject of a sentence is expressed in different ways.

What is the subject expressed by?

The subject can be a word or phrase.

Most often the subject is expressed:

1) noun: mother, laughter, love;
2) words that have the function of a noun: nouns derived from adjectives or participles: patient, manager, greeter, ice cream, canteen;
3) pronouns: we, no one, anything;
4) numerals: three, five;
5) indefinite form of the verb: Smoking is harmful to health;
6) a phrase, if it has the meaning:
a) togetherness: husband and wife, duck and ducklings, me and my friend;
b) uncertainty or generality: Something unfamiliar appeared in the distance. One of the guests closed the window;
c) quantities: 2 million people live in the city;
d) selectivity: Any of them could become the first. Most students passed the test;
e) phraseological unit: The white nights have come.


Predicate- this is the main member of the sentence, denoting what is said about the subject, which is the subject. The predicate depends on the subject and agrees with it. It answers various questions: what does the object do? what's happening to him? what is he like? who is he? what it is? what is the subject? All these questions are variations of the question: what is being said about the subject? The choice of a specific question depends on the structure of the sentence.

The predicate contains the most important grammatical characteristic of a sentence: its grammatical meaning.

Grammatical meaning- this is the generalized meaning of a sentence, which characterizes its content in terms of two parameters:

  • reality-irreality,
  • time.

Reality-irreality expressed by the mood of the verb.

  • Verbs in the indicative mood are characteristic of statements that reflect the real situation: It’s raining, It’s getting light.
  • Verbs in the imperative and conditional moods are characteristic of sentences that reflect not a real, but a desirable situation. Don't forget your umbrella! I wish it didn't rain today!

Time- an indicator of the correlation of the situation with the moment of speech. Time is expressed by verb forms of present, past and future tense.

Simple and compound predicate

The predicate in two-part sentences can be simple or compound. Compounds are divided into compound verbal and compound nominal.

Simple predicate- this is a type of predicate in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word. A simple predicate is always a verb. It is expressed by a verb in the form of one of the moods. In the indicative mood, verbs can be in one of three tenses: present - past - future.

He knows poetry by heart.

indicative mood, present time

He knew the poems by heart.

indicative mood, past time

He will learn poetry by heart.

indicative mood, bud. time

You will learn these verses by heart.

imperative mood

In a circle you would learn poetry by heart.

conditional mood

Compound predicate- this is a type of predicate in which the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words.
If in a simple verbal predicate the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in one word, then in a compound predicate they are expressed in different words. For example:

Suddenly the baby stopped singing and started laughing.

He stopped singing and started laughing - compound predicates. The words sing, laugh call an action, while expressing lexical meaning. The grammatical meaning is expressed by the words: stopped, started

Compound predicates are verbal and nominal.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verbal predicate is a predicate consisting of an auxiliary word and an indefinite form of the verb. Examples:

He finished working.

I want to help you.

Auxiliary words are divided into two groups:

1) verbs with the meaning of the beginning-continuation-end of an action, for example: start, finish, continue, stop, cease;

2) verbs and short adjectives with the meaning of possibility, desirability, necessity: be able, able, want, want, wish, strive, try; glad, ready, must, obliged, intends.

In a compound verbal predicate, auxiliary words express grammatical meaning, and indefinite form verb - the lexical meaning of the predicate.

If the auxiliary word is a short adjective, then it is used with a connective. The connective is the verb to be. Here are relevant examples with the copula in the past tense:

I was so glad to meet you!

In the present tense the word is is not used, it is omitted: the connective is zero, for example:

I'm so glad to meet you!

In the future tense, the connective be is put in the future tense. Example:

I'll be glad to meet you.

Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal is a predicate consisting of a linking verb and a nominal part. Linking verbs express the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and the nominal part expresses its lexical meaning.

1. The linking verb to be expresses only grammatical meaning. Yesterday she was beautiful. In the present tense the copula is zero: She is beautiful.

2. Linking verbs become, become, become, appear, be considered, appear, be called, introduce themselves: The house from afar seemed like a dot.

3. Linking verbs with the meaning of movement or location in space: come, arrive, sit, lie, stand: The mother returned from work tired. The mother sat thoughtful, sad.

In all these cases, linking verbs can be replaced by the verb to be. The sentences will be synonymous, for example:

The mother sat thoughtful, sad. Synonymous: The mother was thoughtful, sad.

He was considered the most talented of us. Synonymous: He was the most talented of us.

With such a replacement, of course, all the nuances of meaning are not conveyed. Therefore, the language offers various linking verbs that emphasize various shades values.

Combinations of linking verbs with auxiliary words are possible: She dreamed of becoming an actress.

The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate

The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate is expressed in Russian in different ways, and, paradoxically, not only by names. Although the most common and characteristic is the use of names as the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: nouns, adjectives, numerals. Naturally, names can be replaced by pronouns. And since the role of adjectives and participles is similar, participles can also appear along with adjectives. Adverbs and adverbial combinations are also possible in the nominal part. Examples:

1) noun: Mother is a doctor., Anastasia will be an actress.,

2) adjective: He grew up strong and handsome.,

3) numeral: Twice two is four.,

4) pronoun: You will be mine., Who was nobody will become everything (“International”),

5) participle: The essay turned out to be lost., The daughter was completely cured.,

6) adverb and adverbial combination: The shoes were just right. The trousers were just right.

The nominal part can contain not only individual words, but also syntactically indivisible phrases. Examples:

She ran into the room with cheerful face.
She sat with thoughtful eyes.

It is impossible to say: She ran in with a face., She sat with eyes., because the phrases with a cheerful face and with thoughtful eyes are syntactically indivisible - this is the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Which parts of the sentence are considered the main ones?

    • subject and object
    • definition, circumstance and addition
    • subject and predicate
  2. Can the subject be expressed by words derived from adjectives or participles: manager, sick, in love?

  3. Can the subject be expressed in phrases, for example: we are with friends?

  4. What is the subject in the sentence: Any of you can prepare for the Unified State Exam and pass it successfully.?

    • any
    • any of you
  5. What characteristics are included in the grammatical meaning of a sentence?

    • reality - unreality and time
    • type and time
  6. Is it true that a simple verbal predicate is a predicate whose lexical and grammatical meaning is expressed by one verb?

  7. Is it true that a compound predicate is a special type of predicate whose lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words?

  8. I can't help you.?

    • simple verb
    • compound verb
    • compound nominal
  9. What is the predicate in the sentence: He was always considered serious.?

    • simple verb
    • compound verb
    • compound nominal
  10. What is the predicate in the sentence: Two by two is four.?

    • simple verb
    • compound verb
    • compound nominal