How old was Dima Bilan? Dima Bilan - biography, family and personal life of the singer. School and student years

Just recently, Dima Bilan was one of the most bright stars Russian show business. And even though now his name does not appear in the tabloids and secular news as often as before, his biography and what the singer is doing now is of interest to many fans. How old is Dima Bilan? Popular artist born on December 21, 1981 and has already celebrated his 35th birthday.


The idol of millions of girls was born in the small town of Ust-Dzheguta (Autonomous Region of Karachay-Cherkess). Victor Belan – and this is exactly what the artist’s real name sounds like – has been interested in music since childhood, and after finishing the fifth grade he began learning to play the accordion. Very quickly the boy achieved considerable success, thanks to which he began to perform at various school events and competitions, as well as a soloist in the choir. In the early 2000s, Victor, aka Dima, enters Gnessinsky School of Music, and after that he continues his studies in Gitis.

A stunning success

Dmitry met his future mentor and patron Yuri Aizenshpis during his student days. From the first minute, the experienced producer recognized the boy’s potential and set about “promoting” him. It was at that time that the idea of ​​a pseudonym appeared, and then Victor Belan turned into Dmitry Bilan. Thanks to his collaboration with Aizenshpis, the singer quickly became the object of dreams for an army of millions of fans.

In 2005 after unexpected death producer Dmitry Bilan had to fight for “his existence.” The company owned by the widow demanded that the performer change his name, believing that the Dima Bilan brand was their property. And only in 2008 the conflict was resolved and the singer changed his passport details, taking a pseudonym as his official name.


Dmitry tried to win this competition more than once. He first attacked the European public in 2006, and then his song “Never Let You Go” won second place. But the performer was not satisfied with this result, and two years later he tried again. The performance with the composition “Believe” in the company of the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, as well as the popular violinist Edwin Morton, made a stunning impression on the Europeans, and Dmitry became the first Russian winner of this competition.

Nationwide love

After winning Eurovision, Dmitry became practically a national hero. His photo never left the front pages of all magazines and newspapers. The artist’s songs instantly became mega-popular and occupied the top line of all charts. During his career, Bilan managed to win great amount all kinds of awards in his “treasury”:

  • 7 Golden Gramophone figurines
  • MTV Europe Music Awards – Best Artist of the Year
  • Several victories in the category " Best Performer» according to Muz-TV
  • First Russian National Music Award
  • Several nominations and one award according to the Real MusicBox Prize competition

In addition, he became a winner of the Sound Track Award several times in various categories. And popular women's magazines have repeatedly awarded him the title of “The Most sexy man of the year".

How old is Bilan now and what does he do?

In 2012, Dmitry tried himself as a presenter and became a mentor in the popular television program “The Voice”. Since that time, Bilan has been a permanent participant in this show. But he had to miss the 2015 season, because the singer devoted all his time to performing the main male role in the film "Hero". This film clearly demonstrated that the singer is by no means devoid of acting talent, and perhaps many more await us soon similar discoveries. After all, now Dima Bilan is only 35 years old, so he is full of strength and energy and is not going to leave the stage.

For years in a row, Dima Bilan and his personal life have haunted his army of loyal fans, as well as hundreds of annoying paparazzi. What connects Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich? Does the artist have a wife and children? Or a star of the domestic pop scene - gay, gay? And how does Bilan, with such a stormy personal life and dense tour schedule manages to act in films and even take 1st place at Eurovision? So, who exactly is this “night hooligan”? Let’s find out in this article.

Personal life of Dima Bilan - his wife and children

Lena Kuletskaya, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich - all of them were predicted by popular rumor to take the place of the wife of Dima Bilan, one of the most eligible bachelors domestic show business. But - alas! Each time, information about the upcoming wedding celebration (or a wedding that had already taken place) was not confirmed. Best Chances model Lena Kuletskaya had the opportunity to become Bilan’s wife, according to journalists who follow the personal lives of celebrities. A stunning blonde with an angelic appearance - she is simply made for love!

Lena Kuletskaya, alleged wife of Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Bilan could not resist the beauty of Lena Kuletskaya. The young people dated for several years and appeared together at various events. The singer even presented his beloved with a ring during one of the concerts! This unambiguous gift gave rise to numerous conversations about the imminent wedding of the “night hooligan” and the “blond angel.” Even gossips, attributed to the bride of the performer whirlwind romance with Mickey Rourke, it seemed, could not interfere with the happiness of the lovers.

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

In the video for the song “It Was Love,” the heroes Kuletskaya and Bilan have an affair romantic relationship, but fate separates them. The video became prophetic - soon one of the most beautiful couples domestic show business ceased to exist. Although, many wondered: maybe all this was just a PR stunt to hide gayness famous artist?

Today Lena Kuletskaya is happy married woman. What about Dima Bilan? – The performer still never ceases to intrigue his fans, giving rise to more and more rumors about his personal life. Dima Bilan’s Instagram is replete with photos with spectacular “colleagues.” Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Pelageya, Sasha Savelyeva... this list can be continued endlessly. But about the permanent girl and love relationships there is no question.

Photo from Dima Bilan's Instagram

Dima Bilan never tires of leading curious paparazzi by the nose, proving that it is not for nothing that he is called the sex symbol of domestic show business. For this, he even starred in a very explicit BDSM photo shoot.

Dima Bilan in a BDSM photo shoot

As for Dima Bilan’s children, so far the ubiquitous paparazzi have not been able to “unearth” anything interesting. A certain Anna Belan, whose name appears every now and then on the personal Instagram of the “night hooligan,” turned out to be... the singer’s younger sister. The girl lives in the United States and does not hide her intentions to follow in the footsteps of her famous brother.

Dima Bilan's sister, whom the paparazzi mistook for her daughter

Although, the pop star still has a son... a godfather. This is Alexander, the son of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. The singer gets along well with the boy. This can be clearly seen from the numerous photos of the artist with his little godson, which Dima Bilan posts on his pages on social networks.

Dima Bilan with his godson

The singer has not yet thought about his own children, preferring... dog barking to children's laughter. In one of his interviews, he shared his dream of owning a Weimaraner dog.

Dima Bilan's wedding: the whole truth about the scandalous photo

“Dima Bilan got married in Sevastopol! Chosen One famous performer became Yulia Sarkisova!” The media were full of such headlines, wanting to be the first heralds of this sensational news. However, significant event turned out to be only part of the script for the singer’s future video. And Yulia Sarkisova is a girl who is happily married to her husband, the famous entrepreneur Nikolai Sarkisov. Moreover, the couple has three children.

False wedding of Dima Bilan

However, these fake wedding photos plus rather intimate selfies of the Bilan-Sarkisova couple created quite a stir among social media users.

Dima Bilan with his “bride”

Is Dima Bilan gay?

Another contender to be called the artist’s other half is the Baltic model Rowens Pritula. One Lithuanian publication reported that the couple in love often spends time together. And after a joint trip to Amsterdam, Rovens got a treasured engagement ring on his finger. It was also reported that the wedding of Dima Bilan and Rowens Pritula will take place in Germany. But it seems we have been fooled again. And the rumors that Dima Bilan is gay still remain rumors.

Rowens Pritula

Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich: husband and wife?

A certain Anna Moshkovich is a mystery girl whom no one has seen, but who, nevertheless, managed to ring Bilan himself! In any case, this is how some media reported information quite recently. Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich are a married couple! What a sensation!... However, this news turned out to be another successful PR move by the team of the famous artist. So, the photo from Dima Bilan’s wedding is a well-orchestrated prank.

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

In fact, the singer is still absolutely free. He travels a lot, creates, shoots new videos, voices animated characters... What can I say! “The Night Hooligan” even managed to star in a big movie! Although, secretly, he still dreams of meeting the one and only... In any case, that’s what Dima himself says in his interviews.

« She, first of all, must be faithful, as well as dynamic, bright, always remain a mystery for me, which I would like to solve and solve further, throughout my life! I think the ideal girl is the one who can understand me, my profession , to be a part of my life, to realize that I will always need to be shared with the stage»

From singers to actors: Dima Bilan’s film “Hero”

When you've achieved so much musical Olympus, I want to test my strength in something else. Dima Bilan, having collected huge collection domestic and international awards as a singer, he took aim at “the most important of the arts” - cinema. The pop singer's debut on the big screen was the serious historical film "Hero", the events of which take place in Russia during the First World War. Dima’s character – captain Andrei Dolmatov – fights, loves, suffers. Whether the famous singer managed to convey all the depth and tragedy of his hero is for film critics and viewers to judge. One thing is certain: the military uniform suits Dima Bilan very well.

Dima Bilan in the film "Hero"

Poster for the film “Hero” with Dima Bilan

The trailer for Dima Bilan’s new film “Hero” makes it clear: the film will make the viewer empathize with the main character from the first frame to end credits. And the pop celebrity’s partners on the set were such masters as Alexander Baluev and Alexander Adebashyan.

However, the star's co-stars Russian stage were no worse. The main character and the love of the life of the hero Dima Bilan was played by the young, promising actress Svetlana Ivanova, familiar to viewers from the films “House of the Sun”, “Legend No. 17”. She also starred in the film talented actress Yulia Peresild is the same female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko from the Battle of Sevastopol.

Who knows if the romantic relationship of the main characters with the “Stop!” team has ended? Cut!” Or are we waiting for a new wave of rumors about the next romance of the singer of the hits “On the Shore of the Sky” and “Night Hooligan”?

Dima Bilan's 1st place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008: watch in good quality

Our hero was easily able to refute the well-known proverb that you cannot enter the same river twice. The singer performed at Eurovision for Russia two times! Moreover, twice – successfully! More precisely, once successfully, and twice triumphantly. In 2006, the young star with the song “Never Let you go” took 2nd place, losing only to the outrageous Finnish rockers Lordi. All of Europe remembered that beautiful, gentle production with a porcelain ballerina emerging from a white piano. And the hit, which overnight became popular in dozens of countries, could not be sung except by a person with a complete lack of hearing.

Two years later, the performer again decides to storm the inaccessible peak of the most popular song competition in Europe. Dima easily beats his competitors in the national selection and again reaches big stage Eurovision. This time he dials greatest number points in the final vote. And the number of people willing to watch good quality the video of Dima Bilan's 1st place at Eurovision 2008 on the most popular video hosting site YouTube has already exceeded 2 million people.

Dima Bilan's Instagram: all about his personal life and new girlfriend

With the advent of Instagram, celebrity fans have a unique opportunity to watch the lives of their idols almost online. Dima Bilan was no exception. Now he daily pleases a large army of fans with new shots of himself in leading role. His Instagram is one of the most popular in RuNet. The singer has more than a million subscribers. All of them can find out every day what the singer eats, where he goes, and with whom he likes to spend time. By the way, on the celebrity’s Instagram page today you can see a photo of another mysterious blonde who kept Dima company during his recent vacation in America. The pop singer himself introduces her as his old friend from Gnesinka.

Dima Bilan's new girlfriend?

Dima Bilan and possibly his new girlfriend

But is this really so?... Most Instagram users are confident that the pop star is having another affair. The personal life of Dima Bilan is again under the scrutiny of millions of prying eyes.

Dima’s personal life haunts fans. Various novels are often attributed to him: they prophesy singers and supermodels as brides, or spread rumors about the singer’s possible unconventional views. But despite the hype around star person, the details of the artist’s existence off the stage remain a secret behind seven seals. Therefore, photographs with a beautiful girl immediately excited the singer’s fans.


Fans immediately recognized the young beauty as a participant in the project “The Voice. Season 1” Yulia Tereshchenko. Dmitry himself dispelled any doubts about the young lady’s identity. “Yul! Well, I was glad to see you!!!”, Bilan signed the photo.

Subscribers, seeing photos of the couple together, immediately suspected an affair. The fans were very happy with their own guesses, and some even envied the singers. “I just want to snuggle”; "What a couple!"; “I also want to look so happy,” social network users admired.

We add that some thought that the singer looked unhappy next to Julia. “The eyes are the mirror of the soul - and in the eyes there is sadness. Everything can be fixed, don’t worry Dima, we are your fans. Krasnoyarsk”; “Dmitry, you have such sadness in your eyes... Is something bothering you?”; “Your eyes are tired,” fans commented.

The artists have known each other since 2012. Julia became a participant in “The Voice”; during the blind auditions she performed and chose the song “The World Without a Loved One.” Then two jury members turned to the show participant at once - first Dima Bilan, and then Leonid Agutin. The girl told Agutin that she admired his work and would like to learn a lot from him, but she chose Dmitry Bilan, explaining that he was the first to turn around. Since then, the stars have been connected by a tender friendship, which may have already grown into something more.

Dima Bilan, and in childhood and adolescence - Victor Belan, - popular singer and performer, one of the mentors of the most popular show “The Voice”

Date of Birth: December 24, 1981
Place of Birth: village Moskovsky, Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, Stavropol Territory, USSR
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

“For me, a concert or competition is adrenaline. Now I can’t live without adrenaline.”

“What I don’t like about me is that I often don’t like things.”

Biography of Dima Bilan

Vitya was born in the Stavropol Territory, then the family moved to the city of Brezhnev (now Naberezhnye Chelny) of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The Belan family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria, the city of Maisky, when the boy was five years old. He didn't like the change of residence too much. It took some time to get used to.

The future singer lived with his parents, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Nina Dmitrievna, and two sisters, Lena and Anya, and was very attached to his family. He helped his parents around the house and with housework: he cleaned, went shopping, weeded the beds, and dug potatoes.

Since childhood, Victor dreamed of becoming famous singer. He studied at a music school, went to the pop studio at the Rossiya Palace of Culture, and performed at various events. The first appearance on stage took place in the same recreation center “Russia” in the city of Maiskoye.

And my mother did everything possible and impossible for her son and supported his desire to develop his God-given voice. In her dreams, she imagined Vitya standing on stage next to great artists. The father considered his son's passion for music to be self-indulgence. He wanted the boy to get a normal profession, to become a welder, for example, or a driver.

Start of the journey in the capital

“I want to be famous and I will do anything to become famous.”

After graduating from general education and music school, and also after winning the “Young Voices of the Caucasus” competition in Nalchik, Belan left for Moscow. His goal was to participate in a competition with the simple name “Chunga-Changa”. The obvious talent of the 17-year-old boy, of course, did not go unnoticed. At the competition, he was awarded a diploma by Joseph Kobzon himself.

But he needed to get a classical education, and in 2000 he entered the Gnessin State Music College with a degree in Classical Vocals. Vitya dreamed about Gnesinka from his school days. He even wrote fan letters asking: “What should I do to apply to you?” From the very beginning of his studies, Belan was predicted to have a career opera singer. But he needed something different. And in 2003-2005 he studied at GITIS.

First steps in show business

The first producer of the talented young man was Yuri Aizenshpis, popular at that time. Victor participates in the competition " New wave", but takes only fourth place.

In 2003, the singer comes up with a stage name Dima Bilan (he had long dreamed of taking the name Dima in honor of his maternal grandfather) and releases his first album “I am a night hooligan”.

However, Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was Bilan’s producer for only two years: he died in 2005. After some time, another producer, Yana Rudkovskaya, takes Dima under her wing, and Victor Belan becomes Dima Bilan according to documents (since 2008).


Dima Bilan enthusiastically took part in international competition Eurovision, twice. In 2006 he took second place. Receiving an offer to participate in a competition of this level, Dima realized that he was taking a risk and did not count on first place. But two years later, in 2008, he returned to Eurovision and brought victory to Russia.

Now Bilan is in great demand. He is invited to various shows, appointed ambassador of Sochi 2014, and awarded the May Fashion diploma. American singer Anastasia recorded a duet with Dima in 2010.

In 2011, the singer participated in the television project “The Phantom of the Opera”.

Dima Bilan is invited to take part in the show “The Voice” as a mentor (2012–2014, 2016). And in 2014–2017, he also became a mentor for the “Voice.Children” project.

The singer is a multiple winner of MTV, MUZ-TV, RU.TV, MusicBox, Golden Gramophone, and World Music Awards.

  1. The trip to the capital for the “Chunga-Changa” competition was preceded by numerous trips by my mother to authorities, to those in power, asking for financial help. The family lived poorly: father was an engineer at a factory, mother worked as a cleaner and worked in greenhouses. I had to deny myself everything, collect money to participate in shows and competitions.
  2. Since 1996, Dima has been collecting all the recordings of his performances.

Personal life

The media have written about Dima Bilan’s affairs more than once: either he almost married model Elena Kuletskaya, or he allegedly had an affair with fashion model and singer Yuliana Krylova, or there were rumors about affairs with other models.
But the fact remains: Dima Bilan is still single.


2006 - honorary title “Honored Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic”
2007 - honorary title “Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic”
2007 - honorary title “Honored Artist of Ingushetia”
2008 - honorary title “People’s Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic”


Studio albums
2003 - “I am a night hooligan”
2004 - “On the shore of the sky”
2006 - “Time is a River”
2008 - “Against the Rules”
2009 - “Believe”
2011 - “Dreamer”
2013 - “Reach”
2014 - "Alien"
2015 - “Don’t be silent”
2017 - “Egoist”

2011 - “BEST. From a bully to a dreamer"
2013 - “Baby”

2005 - “You, only you”
2007 - “Time is a River”
2008 - “Video Clips”


2005 - “Night in Disco Style”
2007 - “Star Vacation”
2007 - “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”
2009 - “Golden Key”
2011 - “Theater of the Absurd”
2016 - “Hero”
2017 - “Midshipmen IV”

He came to Moscow at the age of 16, and at 19 he already became famous. Having become one of the main girl idols of the 21st century, he drives millions of girls crazy with his voice. He is the only one Russian performer, who took part in the Eurovision Song Contest twice. Of course, none of the readers doubt that we will talk about Dima Bilan.

- Dima... Excuse me, how should I address you in an interview - Dima or Vitya?

Oh, as you wish. My parents and my close friends, who have known me for a long time, call me Vitya. Others - Dima. According to my passport and how I feel, I am Dima. Dmitry was the name of my grandfather, whom I loved very much. In my opinion, we live in a time period when a person’s name is completely unimportant. To strangers, I can introduce myself as Alexey.

- What kind of project are you planning called “Vitya Belan”?

This is a project that I do for the soul and with my own money. I write music and want to release an album.

- Why did you call the project “Vitya Belan”. Is this a return to yourself?


- Why did you take a pseudonym for stage activities?

Because Vitya was a very shy boy. When you take a different name, you feel more relaxed, bolder. It is very difficult to realize yourself when there are many people nearby who have seen your mistakes. It was important for me that people saw only my successes and victories. I don't want to do something full-time.

- Dima, doesn’t this mean that you are ashamed of your past, your parents?

I am in no way embarrassed by my parents, I am very proud of them. My dad is a design engineer. By the way, he graduated from college in Chelyabinsk.

- You were born in Karachay-Cherkessia?

Yes, in the only maternity hospital in the entire village. But we quickly left there, then didn’t stay anywhere for long: until my sixth birthday we lived in Naberezhnye Chelny, then in Kabardino-Balkaria... When they ask me what nationality I am, I answer like this: “My mother is from Tatarstan, my father is from Kabardino-Balkaria . So I’m Russian!”

- Dima, tell me, what were you like as a child?

I grew up as a very loud child, so the teachers in the kindergarten did not like me. But the children didn’t like it, because I ate everything from everyone. When we came to visit someone, the first thing I did was run to the kitchen and ask for meat. Mom said: “God, how embarrassing! We fed him specially just before leaving the house!”

- You have two sisters, did you have to protect them as a child?

Not always, because they didn’t give themselves offense. Even they themselves protected me at times due to their maternal instinct. I was quite small throughout school, I caught up late. Although there were fights, of course.

- At what age did you first appear on stage?

Semi-conscious. It was a matter of kindergarten at the matinee. And then there was a performance at a conscious age, when I was already in school. I remember standing backstage, shaking so terribly that I even ran away. They caught me, found me, returned me, some lady gave me a finger massage, which, by the way, helped me cope with my anxiety. Then I went on stage, stood motionless with huge eyes and sang.

- Did you, like all boys in childhood, dream of becoming an astronaut?

Yes. And now I think that, in principle, this is not some stupid or unattainable dream. You need to dream, even about something that is impossible to achieve. But your dream will be for you the horizon towards which you will go.

- Do you have such a dream?

Yes, I dream of living in another country for some time. Probably in Europe. Maybe even in Rome. Another thing is that with every new day you live, a chain of concerns and fears appears that do not allow you to give up everything and leave.

- Who chose the institute for you?

Me myself! Studying at Gnesinka was my dream: while still at school, I wrote fan letters there with questions about what I needed to do to get there. Of course, no one answered them. After school, I went there and entered, despite a small competition - 45-50 people per place.

- How did you study?

Not bad. From the very beginning of my studies, my teachers predicted a career as an opera singer. But I understood that being a great tenor was... not interesting to me. I listened to other music. And sang other songs.

- How to yours life choice did the parents react?

Mom is more supportive than dad. My father was always ironic about what I did, always making fun of me, and this always turned me on. He worked with numbers and drawings all his life and, of course, dreamed that I would become anything but an artist.

- When was the first time you came face to face with popularity?

It started after the “Young Voices of the Caucasus” television competition. Once I was passing by a local house of culture, there were girls and boys standing there... And suddenly I heard: “Oh, singer!” My eyebrow shot up. Of course, I reveled in fame, especially at first!

- Was the path to the current producer Yana Rudkovskaya thorny?

Perhaps. After the death of my Aizenshpis, they began to tear me to pieces. In theory, you could go anywhere. For example, to Joseph Prigogine, especially since he proposed. But at the same time, they began to “burden” me with conversations about some papers and contracts, and I understood absolutely nothing about this. I knew one thing: I needed to work. We already knew Yana then, and I even consulted with her on some things. And then she herself offered her help. And so it grew together.

- Dima, have you come to terms with the title of a girl’s idol?

To be one is happiness. This means that I have energy that can infect and captivate. This means that I am a good person in the energetic sense.

In every video of yours we see beautiful girls, models, show business stars... What is the main criterion in their selection?

Definitely not outer beauty. We choose girls with charisma. Those who manage to convey the mood through the screen. So everyone always has a chance.

I can’t help but ask about your affair with Elena Kuletskaya. You said that when you win Eurovision, you will marry her. But they broke up...

There were too many half-promises in that bustle. As soon as any of your words gets publicity, the public begins to put pressure on you, to persuade you to do something. I did not like it.

- You carried the Olympic torch. What were you thinking at that moment?

I was terribly worried. Probably like any other torchbearer. I was worried not because the fire would go out, but because I didn’t know what speed I should choose - whether to walk or run... But time passed quickly, and I realized that I should have walked slower. At least in order to experience these incredible sensations longer when you move and many eyes are looking at you.

- Did you easily agree to be a mentor in “The Voice”?

Yes, because thanks to the talented people with whom I get to work, I want to make my desires come true, to bring my unsung songs to people.

- Do you ever feel sorry for the guys who participate in the project?

I feel sorry for those who are naive and take everything at face value.

- In one of your interviews you stated that people have stopped treating artists with respect...

This is true. They can come up to you and jerk you at any moment. There was no personal space left. For example, I don’t like it when people ask me to take a photo with someone while I’m choosing sausage in the supermarket.

- What proves the success of an artist?

A successful artist is an artist who never allows himself to be away from his activities for long. On the one hand, this is bad, because it does not imply any personal life, but only continuous service to art. A poet in Russia is more than a poet. An artist in Russia is more than an artist.

Dima Bilan (Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) was born on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky in Karachay-Cherkessia. In June 2008, he took the pseudonym Dima Bilan as his real first and last name. In 2012 started new project, taking his own as a new pseudonym native name Vitya Belan. Dima Bilan represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006 and 2008. He is an Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, an Honored Artist of Chechnya, an Honored Artist of Ingushetia and People's Artist Kabardino-Balkaria.