How sunflower oil is made in production. Calculating the costs of organizing a business and estimated income. Are licenses needed to open such a business?

One of the best purchases to start with own business is a mini-factory for the production of oil, since the demand for products is constant. If we consider the diversity of plant species, the most popular is sunflower oil. Therefore, it is important to consider the features of its production.

The essence of the production process

Thinking through all the details production cycle it is necessary to decide what type of sunflower oil - unrefined, refined - will be produced. They differ in the degree of purification.

The cycle for the production of refined oil is more labor-intensive, since it includes chemical-technological methods of purification, which allows removing unnecessary odors and foreign tastes. If the goal is the unrefined form, then the process stops at the mechanical filtration phase, and the product retains the specific taste and rather expressive smell of natural vegetable oil.

How is sunflower oil produced?

A novice businessman should take into account that, despite lower costs, profits from the sale of unrefined oil are reduced, since its cost is lower and demand is less.

The technological chain for producing vegetable oil is quite branched; on average, it consists of the following steps:

If sunflower oil is produced from a line of unrefined varieties, then there will be no refining operation in the cycle. Sometimes the heat treatment stage is eliminated in order to save on the purchase of equipment.

Heat treatment in the presence of a full cycle before pressing involves heating the raw materials in braziers. The optimal temperature for this operation is set in the range from 100 to 110°C.

The completeness of subsequent extraction in presses depends on a number of indicators - viscosity, pressure, density. The next stage involves filtration (settling, centrifugation), the purpose of which is to remove mechanical impurities. After this operation, unrefined oil is obtained, which can be sold.

Refining involves going through several stages:

  1. To remove phosphatides and make the oil transparent, it is treated with hot (65-70°C) water (hydration process).
  1. A neutralization procedure may be carried out, in which preheated oil is exposed to alkali. The reaction removes free fatty acids.

Classic continuous refining process The oil after these stages is called refined, not deodorized. Deodorization completely removes pigments and volatile compounds, giving the resulting deodorized refined oil a light straw color.

Differences between a mini-factory and large enterprises

When planning your own production of high-quality vegetable oil, you should pay attention to ready-made mini-plants, which have a number of advantages in contrast to large enterprises.

  • Compactness. Mini-factories do not require large areas, so a novice entrepreneur does not need to spend significant funds if the premises are rented or specially built.
  • Mobility. If necessary, there are no difficulties when moving a mini-plant focused on the production of sunflower oil to another location.
  • Economical. Significant savings are observed in various moments - the purchase of equipment, wages, since a small number of people service the production lines.
  • Efficiency. In a small enterprise, you can quickly make changes to process in accordance with modern requirements.

Required equipment

If the decision about what type of vegetable oil will be produced has already been made, then you should analyze the range of equipment offered by different manufacturers. This can be a low-power household unit or a high-performance mini-factory. The choice depends on the predicted performance.

If you plan to produce 30 tons or more per day, you need to purchase a fully equipped production line, including both extraction and refining of sunflower oil. Having decided to receive no more than 10 tons per day, it is advisable to buy necessary equipment separately:

  • a separator designed for seed cleaning;
  • crusher-fan unit;
  • roller machine;
  • spinning machine;
  • fryer;
  • filters - 2-3 pieces, needed for squeezing oil;
  • refining apparatus;
  • filling machine.

On initial stage formation, you can avoid purchasing a roasting pan by including it in long-term plan to expand production.

The main and important action in preparing for the start of activity is obtaining all permitting documents, since to food production serious demands are made. The premises are equipped in accordance with sanitary standards with water supply and sewerage. Regulatory indications for illumination must be observed, and the necessary fire safety measures must be taken.

The area of ​​the room where the mini-plant will be installed is calculated based on the need to provide about 40 square meters. meters per ton of raw materials that are planned to be processed within 24 hours. Spacious warehouses must be provided, aimed at storing production reserves of raw materials, which should be enough for at least a month of operation of the mini-factory. Considering that during storage sunflower seeds scatter in a low layer, then warehouses must be quite spacious, almost doubling the area of ​​the production workshop.

You will need a place to store meal and husks - production waste remaining during the production of vegetable oil. On warm days they can be under a canopy. For year-round operation, a separate room will be required for these purposes. Quantity service personnel depends on the degree of automation of the mini-factory. If productivity is low, and all operations are performed according to a given program, then one or two people are enough.

Business plan

When starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to first carry out serious marketing activities in order to identify regular consumers of a certain type of sunflower oil. It is used not only as food product and is sold by retail outlets, but also serves as a raw material in various fields - cosmetics, paint and varnish, soap making, and medical industries.

One of the advantages of obtaining vegetable oil is that it is waste-free. During seed shedding, the husk is separated. If the oil is obtained by extraction, then meal is formed, and when using the pressing method, cake remains. All these types of waste find their consumers. Meal and cake serve as valuable feed. Husk - seed husk serves as an organic fertilizer and is a raw material for the manufacture of heat and sound insulating boards, as well as granulated fuel.

Cost, payback

An important section of the business plan is the calculation of projected profits, for which the upcoming costs of producing vegetable oil on a mini-plant line designed for 5 tons/day and possible profits are calculated.

Approximate capital costs (thousand rubles):

  • equipment – ​​2000;
  • carrying out preparatory work indoors – 300;
  • paperwork – 50.

Total: 2350 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly turnover costs(thousand rubles):

  • rental of premises (at least 500 sq. meters) – 100;
  • salary (per three people) – 60;
  • taxes – 70;
  • purchase of raw materials for the production of sunflower oil – 708;
  • advertising, utility bills, transportation costs - 100.

Total: the cost of finished products will be 1038 thousand rubles.

Income is determined based on the operation of equipment one shift daily. Output per month will be:

5 tons/day: 3 shifts ∙ 30 days = 50 tons.

Sunflower oil is sold for an average of 40 rubles per kilogram. This means the income will be:

40 ∙ 50000 = 2000000 = 2000 thousand rubles.

The profit will be equal to:

2000 – 1038 = 962 thousand rubles.

The return on capital costs is:

2350 / 962 ≈ 2.5 months.

Video: Why cold-pressed oil is better

X characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Vegetable oils are complex mixtures of organic substances - lipids isolated from plant tissues (sunflower, cotton, flax, castor oil, rapeseed, peanuts, olives, etc.) The following types are produced in Russia vegetable oils: refined (deodorized and non-deodorized), hydrated (highest, I and II grades), unrefined (highest, I and II grades). According to the standard, the following indicators are determined organoleptically in the finished oil: transparency, smell and taste, color and acid number, moisture, presence of phosphorus-containing substances, iodine number and flash point of the extraction oil.

The composition of vegetable oils obtained from seeds includes 95...98% triglycerides, 1...2% free fatty acids, 1...2% phospholipids, 0.3...0.1% sterols, as well as carotenoids and vitamins. Of the unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of oils, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids predominate, which account for 80...90% general content fatty acids. Thus, sunflower oil contains 55...71% linoleic and 20...40% oleic acids.

The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are mainly the seeds of oilseeds, as well as the pulp of the fruits of some plants. Based on oil content, seeds are divided into three groups: high-oil (over 30% - sunflower, peanuts, rapeseed), medium-oil (20...30% - cotton, flax) and low-oil (up to 20% - soybeans).

In Russia, the main oilseed crop is sunflower. It belongs to the Asteraceae family. The sunflower genus has 28 species, most of which are perennials. Oil sunflower is an annual crop. The sunflower fruit is an elongated wedge-shaped achene, consisting of a peel (husk) and a white seed (kernel), covered with a seed coat. The husk accounts for 22...56% of the total mass of the achene. The oil content in sunflower seeds exceeds 50% and in the pure kernel is 70%.

The husk separated from the sunflower kernel is used as a raw material for the production of furfural. Sunflower cake (the remainder of the kernel after pressing the oil) is one of the most valuable types of feed for farm animals. Sunflower baskets are used to produce pectin and other products.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. In the practice of producing vegetable oils, there are two fundamental principles: different ways extracting oil from vegetable oil-containing raw materials: mechanical extraction of oil - pressing and dissolving the oil in highly volatile organic solvents - extraction. These two methods of producing vegetable oils are used either alone or in combination with one another.

Currently, to extract oil, they first use the pressing method, in which 3/4 of the total oil is obtained, and then the extraction method, which extracts the rest of the oil.

The oil is pressed using continuously operating screw-type presses (forepresses and expellers). As the pressure increases, the pulp particles come closer together, the oil is squeezed out, and the pressed material is compacted into a monolithic mass of cake (shell). In this case, 5...8% of oil (by weight of the cake) remains in the cake.

During the extraction process, no more than 0.8...1.2% of oil remains in the residue, which is called meal. Extraction gasoline, hexane, acetone, dichloroethane, etc. are used as solvents. It is best to use gasoline with a boiling point range of 70...85 °C, which allows it to be distilled from the oil under milder conditions.

The oil that is on the surface of the opened cells easily dissolves in it when washed with gasoline. A significant amount of oil is found inside unopened cells or inside closed cavities (capsules).

Extraction of this oil requires penetration of the solvent into the cells and capsules and release of the solvent into environment. This process occurs due to molecular and convective diffusion.

As a result of extraction, a solution of oil in a solvent, called miscella, and a fat-free material, meal, are obtained. The oil concentration in the miscella is 12...20%.

From the extractor (screw or belt), the miscella is sent for filtration to remove mechanical impurities from it. The filtered miscella and meal are sent for distillation of solvents from them. This operation is called distillation, which takes place in two stages. First, the main part of the solvent is distilled off at 80...90 °C until the oil concentration in the miscella is 75...80%. Then distillation is carried out in vacuum at 110... 120 °C with hot steam blowing.

The process of purifying oil from unwanted lipid groups and impurities is called refining. Mechanical refining includes various physical methods: sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation. Hydration of oil - treatment with water to precipitate mucous and protein substances. Alkaline refining is the treatment of oils with alkali. Adsorption refining (bleaching) - removal and clarification of oil with powdered substances (adsorbents - clay, siliceous compounds, silica gel, coals, etc.). Deodorization is the elimination of the unpleasant odor of oil by fractional distillation, based on differences in the boiling points of triglycerides and flavoring substances.

Stages of the technological process. Vegetable oil production consists of the following stages:

Cleaning and drying of seeds;

Separation of the pure kernel and its grinding;

Steaming and frying the pulp;

Oil extraction (pressing and extraction);

Oil purification (refining);

Packaging and storage.

Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line begins with a set of equipment for cleaning and drying seeds, consisting of scales, silos, separators, magnetic catchers, supply bins and dryers.

Next comes a set of equipment for separating the clean kernel and grinding it (disc mill, aspiration winnower and five-roller machine).

The main one is a set of equipment for steaming and frying pulp, consisting of screw or vat roasters.

The leading equipment of the line is a screw press and an extraction apparatus.

The final stage is a set of finishing equipment for the line, consisting of scales, packaging machines and for placing packs of packaged butter into boxes.

The machine and hardware diagram of the production line for vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is shown in Fig.

Rice. Machinery diagram of the sunflower oil production line

Design and operating principle of the line. Sunflower seeds arriving for short-term storage in silo 2 are pre-weighed on scales 1. The seeds may contain a large amount of impurities, so before processing they are cleaned twice on two- and three-sieve separators 3 and 4, as well as on a magnetic catcher 5. Impurities of plant origin, separated in separators, collected and used in feed production.

Seeds cleared of impurities are weighed on scales 6 and fed into a supply hopper 7, from where they are transported to a shaft dryer 8, consisting of several zones. The seeds are first dried and then cooled. During heat treatment, their humidity decreases from 9... 15 to 2...7%. The temperature of the seeds during drying is about 50 °C, after cooling 35 °C. Dried seeds are controlled on 9 scales, and then sent to 2 silos long-term storage or into the intermediate hopper 10 for further processing.

Further processing of seeds involves maximum separation of the shell from the kernel. This process involves two independent operations: peeling (hulling) the seeds and the actual separation of the shell from the kernel (winnowing, separation). The seeds are shelled in a disk mill 11, where they come from an intermediate hopper 10. Rushanka, obtained from seeds after the mill, is a mixture consisting of particles of different weight, shape, windage and size. Rushanka contains whole kernels, their fragments, a number of shell particles of various sizes and shapes, and, finally, whole seeds - nedorush. Therefore, to separate the shell from the core, aspiration winnowers - air-sieve sorting machines - are mainly used. From such a machine 12, the kernel is fed into the intermediate hopper 13, and all other parts of the mixture are processed to separate whole kernels and fragments of sunflower seeds, which, together with the whole kernels, are sent for further processing.

After weighing on scales 14, the sunflower kernels are crushed on a five-roller machine 15. The grinding process can be carried out at one time or in two times - preliminary and final. During grinding, the cellular structure of sunflower kernels is destroyed, which is necessary to create optimal conditions for the most complete and rapid extraction of oil during further pressing or extraction.

The grinding product - pulp - from machine 15 enters fryer 16, in which, due to moisture-heat treatment, optimal plasticity of the product is achieved and conditions are created to facilitate oil extraction on presses. When frying, the moisture content of the pulp decreases to 5...7%, and the temperature rises to 105...115 °C.

From the screw press 17, into which the pulp is fed after the fryer, two products come out: oil containing a significant amount of kernel particles and therefore purified in the filter press 18, and cake containing 6.0... 6.5% of the oil that is needed extract from it. Therefore, in the future, the cake granules are crushed in a hammer crusher 19 and a roller machine 20, and the grinding product is extracted in an extraction apparatus 21. The apparatus has two columns connected by a jumper, in which screws are located that transport cake particles from the right column to the left. The extracting substance, gasoline, which is a volatile solvent, moves countercurrent to the movement of the cake. Due to the fact that gasoline mixed with air ignites at a temperature of about 250 °C, in extraction plants the overheating temperature of process steam should not exceed 220 °C.

Through diffusion, the oil is extracted from the broken cells of the cake, dissolving in gasoline. A mixture of oil, gasoline and a certain amount of particles flows from the right column of the extractor 21 and is sent to the sump or cartridge filter 22.

A low-fat product called meal is removed from the left extraction column of apparatus 21. After extracting the remaining gasoline from it, the meal is sent to feed mills.

A solution of oil in gasoline, cleared of solid particles - miscella - is fed for distillation. In the pre-distiller 23, the miscella is heated to 105...115 °C, and gasoline vapors are partially distilled out of it at atmospheric pressure. In the final distiller 24, operating under vacuum, residual gasoline is removed from the miscella, and the purified oil is supplied to the scales 25. After weight control, the oil is supplied to the packaging machine 26, and in the machine 27, packs of packaged oil are placed in boxes.

Depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the timing and conditions of storing the seeds before pressing. The main quality characteristics for sunflower seeds are oil content, moisture content, and ripening period. Oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer was. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content for sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet are stored poorly and are heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions- Very important factor, which indirectly affects the price. Peak production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October – December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier the raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the debris content should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, collapsing (destruction) of the seed skin and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed to form mint or pulp.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield is, of course, less. As a rule, before squeezing, the mint is heated at 100-110 °C in a roasting pan, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Then the fried mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of the oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of toasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the decomposition products that are formed during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is that it retains most of the beneficial substances: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid. The cake remaining after pressing the oil can be extracted or used in animal husbandry. , obtained by pressing, is called “raw”, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. This product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The extraction method involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special devices - extractors. During extraction, miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled from the miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method of extracting oils is more economical, as it allows you to extract fat from raw materials as much as possible - up to 99%.

Sunflower oil refining. Refined oil has virtually no color, taste or smell. This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones and maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities is by settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which it goes on sale as a commercial unrefined product.

Second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot water - up to 70 ° C. As a result, protein and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the action of a base (lye) on the heated oil. This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke during frying. The neutralization stage also removes heavy metals and pesticides. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since some phosphatides are removed during hydration, but it can be stored longer. This treatment makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

Third stage of refining. Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of these acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Anything that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refining. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten oxidation of the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored.

Fifth stage of refining. Deodorization - removal of aromatic substances by exposure to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removing the above undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

Sixth stage of refining. Freezing – removing waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection against natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. Having gone through all the stages, he becomes impersonal. Margarine and cooking fats are made from this product and used for canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

The following products hit the shelves: Refined non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic odor and color. Refined deodorized oil– transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless. Unrefined oil - darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it went through filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

Sunflower oil bottling. has a limited shelf life. The shelf life of bottled oil is 4 months for unrefined oil and 6 months for refined oil. For bulk oil – up to 3 months. By purchasing according to GOST, you are insured against troubles: unexpected oil spills in your bag, purchasing low-quality goods, etc. Oil packaged in bottles contains all the necessary information about the product on the container, and is also hygienically cleaner. Modern technologies for the production of packaged sunflower oil practically eliminate manual labor. Everything is done on an automated line - quickly, efficiently, accurately. The plastic from which the container is blown is durable, lightweight and environmentally friendly. The bottles are sealed hermetically, the shape of the container is optimized to suit customer requests, and also has convenient recesses and a textured surface, which prevents the container from slipping in the hand.

Types of sunflower oil

Crude sunflower oil (first pressing) - oil that is only filtered, so it is the healthiest. It completely preserves phosphatides, tocopherols, sterols and other biologically valuable components. It has a pleasant smell and taste, but it cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and goes rancid.

Not — cleaned mechanically without additional processing. The oil has a rich dark yellow color, a pronounced taste and smell of seeds. There are top, first and second grades. The highest and first grades have a specific taste and smell characteristic of sunflower oil, without foreign odors, taste and bitterness. Second grade oil may have a slightly musty smell and a slight bitter taste, and there may be sediment. Unrefined oil is partially purified - settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized. Unrefined oil retains useful substances and vitamins: phospholipids, vitamins E, F and carotene.
Unrefined sunflower oil is ideal for preparing salads and cold dishes, and is also used for making dough.

Hydrated sunflower oil - obtained by mechanical cleaning and hydration. To do this, hot water (70°C) is passed through the oil heated to 60°C in a spray state. Protein and mucous substances precipitate, and the product is separated. Oil, unlike unrefined oil, has a less pronounced taste and smell, less intense color, without cloudiness and sediment. Hydrated oil, like unrefined oil, is produced of the highest, first and second grades.

Refined sunflower oil - transparent, without sediment, has a low intensity color, quite pronounced taste and smell. Refining is a stage in the production of vegetable oil, which is the purification of vegetable oil from various contaminants. processed with alkali, free fatty acids and phospholipids are removed from it; the product separates, the purified vegetable oil rises up and is separated from the sediment. The vegetable oil is then bleached. Biologically, refined oil is less valuable because it contains fewer tocopherols and does not contain phosphatides.

Refined deodorized sunflower oil obtained by exposure to water vapor under vacuum. During this process, all aromatic substances that can lead to premature spoilage of the oil are destroyed. Sunflower oils come in grades “P” and “D”. Brand D itself means that the sunflower oil is refined and deodorized. The oil of this brand is intended for the production of baby and dietary food products. In terms of physico-chemical parameters, it differs from grade P in acid number. For grade D oil it should be no more than 0.4 mgKOH/g, and for grade P oil the norm should be no more than 0.6 mgKOH/g.

Frozen sunflower oil obtained by removing natural wax-like substances (wax) from sunflower oil. These waxes give sunflower oil a cloudy appearance. If the oil has been “frozen”, then its name is supplemented with the word “frozen”. in home cooking it is used for frying and stewing. Since it does not add additional odor to the food, it is perfect for deep-frying. Margarine and cooking fats are also produced from refined sunflower oil. Refined sunflower oil is used in the production of canned food, as well as in soap making and the paint and varnish industry.

Refined or unrefined?

For proper nutrition of the whole family, both are necessary.

Unrefined oil It has a specific pleasant odor and forms a sediment during storage. Unrefined is a natural product; it retains all the natural components necessary for the human body - vitamins A, D, E, tocopherols and other biologically active substances, so it can and should be consumed in its “raw” form. It is best to add unrefined to salads, cooked stewed or boiled food. But frying in unrefined sunflower oil is not recommended, because... in the process of heating it loses all its wonderful properties.

Refined sunflower oil– transparent, golden or light yellow. During storage, no sediment forms in it. It is great for baking and frying: it does not foam and does not “shoot” in the pan, does not have a pungent odor or bitter taste.

Storage conditions

All vegetable oils have three enemies: light, oxygen and heat. Therefore, oils should be stored in a dark place in tightly closed containers, since many of their beneficial properties are lost in the light. The optimal storage temperature is from +8° to +20°C. must be protected from contact with water and metals. Unrefined, so-called homemade, oil should be stored not only in a dark place, but also in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

Unrefined oil is stored for 4 months, refined oil – 6 months. Some housewives, for better preservation, pour a little salt into the oil and dip several cleanly washed and dried beans into it.

What not to do with oil

1. Pour oil into a hot frying pan. All fats spontaneously ignite when exposed to high temperatures. And the temperature of a heated frying pan can easily exceed 3000C!

2. Leave oil unattended. Never leave it to heat unless you keep an eye on it, because... Spontaneous ignition of the oil is possible! And yet, if your oil suddenly catches fire, then don’t panic: quickly cover it with a damp cloth (rough canvas apron, etc.) and under no circumstances pour water on it to put it out!!

3. Fry food in hot oil. Any overheated oil will burn and will invariably ruin the taste of the product you are preparing.

4. Keep the oil in the light. Light provokes oxidative processes in the oil and destroys the beneficial substances in it. Unrefined oil quickly loses its color (the pigments in the oil are destroyed) and goes rancid. Refined oil also “fades” and although this does not critically affect the quality of the oil, it is still worth storing it in a place protected from light.

5. When making dishes from minced meat amount of liquid(milk, water, mayonnaise) added to the minced meat should not exceed 10% of the weight of meat. Excess liquid and juice flowing out of the product during frying is collected in a condensed form in the frying pan, and also provokes the “shooting” of your oil.

6. Before frying meat, it should be dried first.(wrapped in a paper napkin), because... moisture in the meat (often not completely defrosted) gets into the oil and the oil begins to “shoot” and smoke.

7. Sliced ​​raw potatoes must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water before frying. to remove starch grains from the surface, otherwise during frying the slices will stick together and may even stick to the bottom, and also dry (for example, with a paper towel) - this will speed up the formation of a crust, the oil will not splatter, and the pieces will fry evenly.

8. Use for food after the expiration date. Over time, oxides are formed in it, which disrupt the body's metabolism.

9. Reuse oil after frying. When heated, toxic compounds are formed that have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. But there are no useful components left in it at all.

Vitamins and healing properties of sunflower oil

- one of best views vegetable fat. Due to its composition, it has the highest energy intensity, since when burning 1g of fat, 9 kcal of heat is released, while when burning 1g of protein or carbohydrates, only 4 kcal is released. The created energy reserve (within reasonable limits) allows the body to endure unfavorable conditions, especially cold weather and illness. - a product that is not inferior in caloric content to fats of animal origin. Thus, it is 899 kcal/100 g, and for butter - 737 kcal/100 g. In addition, the digestibility of sunflower oil is 95-98%. But one of the most important reasons why we all simply need to use it is that it is a unique source of a whole complex of biologically active substances.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) called an antisterile vitamin, as it is necessary for the normal reproduction process. The lack of this substance () leads to degenerative changes in sperm in men, and women lose the ability to bear a fetus normally. It also neutralizes oxidative reactions in the body and is one of the main natural antioxidants. Great value it has in the prevention of atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy and tumors. Vitamin E improves memory because it blocks the production of free radicals that cause aging in the body. It is not without reason that it is also called the “vitamin of youth”, because its lack in the body will immediately affect the condition of hair, nails and skin. Thanks to vitamin E, blood circulation improves: blood clotting is reduced and the formation of blood clots is prevented. And the strengthening effect of vitamin E on the immune system is beyond any doubt: it is thanks to tocopherol that our body is able to resist a variety of viruses and infections. Here are a few more important functions of this vitamin: help lower blood pressure, prevent inflammatory processes and prevent the development of cataracts. In addition, vitamin E, which promotes the development of physical strength, is necessary for those who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. An adult needs an average of 10-25 mg of vitamin E per day. The highest dosage is used by athletes, pregnant and lactating women. 100 g of sunflower oil contains up to 50 mg of this vitamin! Don’t forget, by the way, that natural vitamin E is better absorbed by the body than pharmaceutical vitamin E.

Vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic) - a vital complex of biologically active substances that is not synthesized in the human body and should be regularly supplied with sunflower oil - a rich source of vitamin F. It is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, maintaining immunity and cell regeneration. A better ally in the fight against atherosclerosis cannot be found.

In this article:

Since the time when Peter 1 brought an unknown overseas flower to the territory of Russia, sunflower oil has occupied a leading position among essential goods. The volume of the Russian sunflower oil market is growing rapidly every year, the annual increase is about 3%, and in value terms - 82 billion rubles. Finished products are manufactured not only by large corporations and companies, but also by farms.

The demand for sunflower oil is stable and not subject to seasonality, therefore, with competent marketing, pricing policy production of sunflower oil in Russia – profitable business, the organization of which requires investment. A special advantage of this type of business is the opportunity to obtain an additional source of funds when selling production waste.

Features of sunflower oil production

Before you start organizing a private enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its production.

Based on technological characteristics, the entire process of sunflower oil production can be divided into the following main stages:

1. Storing and cleaning oil seeds– includes the processing of seed mass from organic, mineral and oilseed impurities.

Seed cleaning is carried out using special equipment: separators, destoners, aspirators.

Seed mass can be processed using the following methods:

  • by sifting through a sieve with holes of various shapes and sizes;
  • by blowing the seeds with air;
  • due to the separation of seeds according to ferromagnetic properties.

2. Preparation and processing of oil seeds for oil extraction– includes separating seeds by size, seed conditioning, seed dehulling, separating the kernel from the shell and crushing the kernels.

Peeling of the oil seed shell can be carried out in the following ways:

  • due to shell splitting by impact;
  • compression of the shell;
  • cutting the seed shell;
  • as a result of peeling the shell on a rough surface. Therefore, equipment for the production of sunflower oil at enterprises can be varied, depending on the method of hulling the shells of oil seeds.

3. Direct oil extraction– can be carried out by pressing or extraction. But based on these two methods, the following production process schemes can be developed at sunflower oil production enterprises:

  • single pressing;
  • double pressing followed by squeezing;
  • cold pressing;
  • extraction;
  • direct extraction.

4. Sunflower oil refining a – the process of purifying oil from accompanying impurities. The following refining methods exist:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • physico-chemical.

5. Bottling– carried out in transport containers. At modern enterprises, sunflower oil bottling is carried out on automatic lines, which include a molding, filling, sealing, and labeling machine.

6. Packaging and labeling of finished products– oil in polymer bottles is hermetically sealed and labeled.

The technological flow diagram for the production of sunflower oil is shown in the diagram below.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of enterprises producing sunflower oil

In order to open a plant for the production of sunflower oil, you need to familiarize yourself with these regulatory documents regulating activities:

  • SanPiN 1197-74 – sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oils;
  • GOST 22391-77 – standards regulating the quality of sunflower seeds supplied to the plant;
  • GOST 1129-73* - document regulating the quality of sunflower oil;
  • GOST 22391-89 – storage standards for oilseed raw materials (“Sunflower. Requirements for procurement and supply”).

Sunflower oil production technology

On the Russian market, the greatest demand is for refined sunflower oil, which is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Therefore, many sunflower oil production enterprises produce this type of product. The process of manufacturing refined sunflower oil includes the following steps:

1. Oil extraction– carried out in presses under high pressure. The raw materials are pre-heated in special fryers at a temperature of about 110° C. If the company produces oil as a result of cold pressing, then the raw materials are not previously subjected to heat treatment. The cake obtained during the oil extraction process is used in animal husbandry. Therefore, by selling the cake, enterprises receive an additional source of income.

2. Oil refining– occurs during the following stages:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities as a result of settling, centrifugation or filtration. At this stage of refining, unrefined sunflower oil is obtained;
  • processing vegetable oil with hot water eliminates phosphatides;
  • the removal of fatty acids makes it possible to obtain refined, non-deodorized sunflower oil;
  • deodorization allows you to remove pigments, volatile compounds, odor and makes the vegetable oil light in color;
  • freezing – during this process the waxes are removed.

3. Packaging and labeling of finished goods.

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil

The purchase of a set of equipment or lines for the production of sunflower oil depends on the capacity of the plant, so it is advisable to make the following conclusions:

  • If the plant must produce about 30 tons of finished products per day, then it is necessary to purchase an oil extraction and refining line. A sunflower oil production line costs an average of 1.5 million euros, excluding installation costs.
  • If the enterprise’s productivity is 5-10 tons of sunflower oil per day, then it is advisable to purchase each type of equipment separately. On average, the total cost of equipment will be about 7,000,000 rubles.

Business plan for sunflower oil production

This business plan includes the organization of a workshop with a productivity of 5-10 tons daily.

Equipment costs assume:

  • Purchase of an oil production line – 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a refining line – 2,100,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a packaging line – 2,200,000 rubles.

Total total costs for a set of equipment are: 6,300,000 rubles.

The cost of installation and delivery of equipment to the workshop will be: 2,150,000 rubles.

Working capital, including the purchase of raw materials, monthly expenses and other costs are: 3,600,000 rubles.

General capital costs for organizing a workshop for the production of sunflower oil is: 12,050,000 rubles. Next, it is necessary to establish the area of ​​the premises for the placement of production equipment, storage of raw materials and a warehouse for finished products.

To install a sunflower oil extraction line, you need a room with an area of ​​at least 55 square meters. m.

To install a refining line, a workshop with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters is required. m.

Installation of a line for packaging finished products requires a room of 60 square meters. m.

In total, to organize an enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, the following is required:

  • More than 220 sq. m for industrial premises;
  • More than 200 sq. m for storage space.

To ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise, only 25 workers are needed, the general fund wages which will amount to 417,000 rubles monthly.

Number of shifts per month for workers: 30.

Total monthly expenses for the company are: 760,000 rubles.

Monthly revenue– 5,900,000 rubles.

Cost – 4,700,000 rubles.

The profitability of the enterprise is 8%.

Payback period – 2 years and 1 month.

The high profitability of the enterprise indicates that the production of sunflower oil is a profitable business, the payback period of which is only 2 years.

Organization of a mini-churn for the production of sunflower oil

Setting up a mini-churn to produce sunflower oil requires minimal capital investment.

After all, the cost of an oil churn with a capacity of 10 - 17 l/hour can vary in the price range: $200-400, an oil purification filter costs about $100-200, purchase costs additional tools and the products will cost only $100. Therefore, many agricultural producers organize the activities of private mini-churns.

The main equipment for a mini-enterprise is a butter churn

A modern butter churn is a press extruder that looks like a meat grinder. The design of the extruder press includes three parts:

  • Seed supply hopper;
  • Screw part, grinding oil seeds;
  • Nozzle for squeezing oil.

The resulting sunflower oil from the churn must be filtered. If production volumes are small, then canvas bags can be used for filtration. After the oil has been filtered, it is necessary to settle it and after some time drain it into a container. The remaining sediment can be filtered again. If the churn has a higher productivity, then it is necessary to purchase special filters for purifying sunflower oil.

It is advisable to open a mini-enterprise when its owner grows sunflowers on his own. Thanks to this, there will be no costs for the purchase of raw materials and their transportation.

Vegetable oil is one of the highest calorie foods (850-900 kcal per 100 g). It is a source of vitamin E (tocopherol) and essential fatty acids for the human body, and does not contain cholesterol, unlike animal fats.

The quality of vegetable oil is standardized according to a number of indicators. Organoleptic indicators: transparency, color, smell and taste. Refined (purified) oil should be completely transparent, without sediment, light yellow in color. In unrefined sunflower oil of the highest and first grades, a light “network” over the sediment is allowed, and in the second grade, slight cloudiness is allowed. The smell and taste should be characteristic of fresh oil without any foreign smell, taste or bitterness. Deodorized oil should be without a specific odor. In second grade sunflower oil, a slightly musty smell and a slight bitter taste are allowed.

Methods for obtaining vegetable oil

Oil is extracted from oilseeds in two main ways:

    mechanical, which is based on pressing crushed raw materials; used in oil mills or oil churns of agricultural enterprises; the by-product is cake, in which a significant amount of oil remains (8-10%);

    chemical (extraction), in which specially prepared oilseed raw materials are treated with organic solvents; used in oil extraction plants; allows the release of oil in large quantities, since no more than 1-3% of oil remains in the waste, called meal.

Oil extraction by pressing.

The mechanical method of obtaining oil by pressing oilseed material that has undergone preliminary preparation is widespread almost everywhere, not only in oil press plants, but also in oil extraction plants, where the main technological scheme is pre-pressing - extraction.

Only continuous pressing method is used on screw presses. There are screw presses for preliminary oil removal (forepresses) and for final oil removal (expellers). The original pulp is a loose porous material. With all-round compression under the influence of applied pressure, two closely related processes occur: separation of the liquid part - oil; connection (fusion) of solid particles of material to form a briquette - cake. Screw presses have the same type of working parts and a general design and operation scheme. The main working parts of a screw press are the screw shaft and the feed cylinder. The final products of the pressing process are press oil and cake. When the screw shaft rotates, placed in a grain cylinder, i.e., in a drum assembled from slats with small gaps between them, the material is transported from the loading point to the outlet and is subjected to compression. At the same time, pressure arises in it, which squeezes the oil out of the pulp. The oil passes through the gaps in the grain cylinder and collects in the pan. The pressed oil material (cake) at the exit from the grain cylinder meets a device that regulates its thickness at the exit from the press.

Cold pressing only means that before pressing, a special moisture-thermal treatment of crushed raw materials is carried out under milder conditions or not carried out at all. The resulting oil retains its natural qualities: color, smell, taste, consistency, while the content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins remains unchanged. Cold pressing as a method of producing vegetable oils is most often used to obtain special-purpose oils from specific raw materials, for example oils from fruit seeds (apricot, peach, etc.), from pine nut kernels, etc.

Forpressing - extraction is used for the final extraction of oil from the prepress shell (cake). Solvents used to extract vegetable oils by extraction must meet the requirements imposed on them by the technique and technology of the extraction process. In general, these requirements are determined by the desire to obtain the highest oil yield during extraction, to ensure the best quality indicators of the finished product - oil and meal, to avoid the harmful effects of the solvent on the human body and to ensure the safety of working with it. In the practice of extracting vegetable oils, aliphatic hydrocarbons, in particular extraction gasolines, hexane, and nephrases, are most widespread. Previously, the cake undergoes appropriate processing, the purpose of which is to create an optimal structure for extracting oil with a solvent, for which it is crushed in crushers (hammer and disk), conditioned in vat braziers, and petaled on roller flattening machines. The shape of the material particles in the form of a petal (plates of material approximately 0.4 mm thick) allows the extractors to have a mass of material that is easily permeable to solvent. From under the flattening rollers, conveyors send the petal to the extractor - the main apparatus of the extraction shop, designed to extract oil into the solvent through countercurrent contact. Gasoline with a boiling point of 65...68 °C is used as an extraction solvent.

In continuous screw extractors, a counterflow of petals and solvent heated to a temperature of 50...55°C is created. The resulting solution is called miscella, which, after extraction, is filtered on special filters and poured into miscellaneous collectors. To separate the oil from the solvent, the miscella is sent first to the preliminary and then to the final distiller, where it is treated with hot steam using a vacuum until the solvent is completely removed. The filtered solid part in this case is called meal. After extraction is completed, the meal contains about 1% oil and 40% solvent; it is treated with live steam using a vacuum to evaporate (distill) the solvent, dried, cooled and crushed.

Direct extraction of raw mint is used mainly in the processing of low-oil raw materials: soybeans, coriander waste. Extraction of oil-bearing material is carried out without preliminary removal of oil. It consists only of moisture-heat treatment followed by flattening to obtain a petal that goes into the extractor.

Purification of vegetable oils

The purification of raw oils from various impurities is called refining, and oils that have not undergone any processing after receipt other than filtration are called raw. They contain a variety of impurities, including unwanted and even harmful ones. Impurities include substances of various natures and origins. However, in addition to unwanted or harmful impurities, fats always contain accompanying substances that are not only useful, but also necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Such substances include, for example, fat-soluble vitamins (K, E), carotenoids, sterols, etc.

Refined fats are more easily spoiled, since natural antioxidants (phospholipids, tocopherols) are removed from them during refining. Therefore, they strive to conduct the refining process in such a way that, while removing undesirable impurities, the beneficial properties are preserved as much as possible. For the same purpose, the depth of oil purification is limited. Depending on the origin of the impurities, on the state in which they are in the fat (in the form of a coarse suspension, a colloidal-dissolved state or in a true solution state), and also depending on the purpose of the oil, different refining methods are used.

The sequence of refining processes and the resulting types of oils

In accordance with the mechanism of the processes, refining methods are conventionally divided into physical, chemical and physicochemical.

Physical methods. These include settling, filtration, centrifugation. Using these methods, mechanical impurities and partially colloidal dissolved substances, such as precipitated phospholipids and water that got into the oil during the extraction process, are removed from oils.

Mechanical impurities(particles of husk, cake) not only deteriorate the presentation of the oil, but also cause the occurrence of enzymatic, hydrolytic and oxidative processes. All these processes worsen the organoleptic characteristics and physiological value of oils. Therefore, mechanical impurities are removed immediately after obtaining oils.

Chemical methods. These include alkaline refining or neutralization. Neutralization is the treatment of oil with alkali to remove excess fatty acids. During the neutralization process, soaps are formed - salts as a result of the interaction of fatty acids and alkali. Soaps are insoluble in neutral fat and form a sediment - soapstock. For alkaline refining, industrial enterprises use NaOH solutions of various concentrations, Na 2 C0 3 solutions, and sometimes KOH.

Physico-chemical methods. Using these methods, impurities that form true solutions in oils are removed from oils without chemically changing the substances themselves (coloring, flavoring and odorating substances, etc.)

Hydration of phospholipids- treatment of oil with water when heated to release phospholipids, protein and mucous substances, and mechanical impurities. As a result of hydration, phospholipids and other impurities lose solubility in the oil and precipitate, which is filtered off.

Freezing out Sunflower oil is processed to remove waxy substances. The presence of waxes in oil impairs its presentation. To release waxes, the oil is subjected to special treatment before or after alkaline refining. First, the oil is cooled (“frozen”) to 10… 12 °C and maintained at this temperature, slowly stirring, until wax crystals form. The oil is then filtered to remove wax crystals. Filtered oil is transparent and does not become cloudy when cooled even to 5 °C.

Oil Bleaching- the process of extracting coloring substances from oil by treating it with adsorbents. When bleaching, there are various bleaching clays, which are called bleaching earths or bleaching powders, as well as activated carbon. The bleaching process involves mixing the oil with an adsorbent for some time in special devices and then filtering it. In this case, bleaching powder remains on the filter along with adsorbed dyes, and the clarified oil passes through the filter. This oil is used for the production of margarine, mayonnaise, confectionery fat, etc.

Oil deodorization- This is the process of distilling off volatile substances that give the oil its smell and taste. Deodorization is carried out in order to obtain “depersonalized” (almost completely devoid of the smell and taste characteristic of this type) oils, as well as to extract foreign tastes and odors from oils. Deodorization is based on the difference in the evaporation temperatures of volatile aromatic substances and the fats themselves (triacylglycerols). Vegetable oil is placed in special devices - deodorizers, and at high temperatures (210...230 ° C) under vacuum, volatile substances are distilled off, giving the oil smell and taste. Deodorization is the most reliable way to remove toxic chemicals from oils, since under these conditions they are completely destroyed.