Aquarius woman, Scorpio man – compatibility. Sexual compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius. Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Scorpio man in friendship

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman is very difficult, since both are too different and think completely differently. There is an unearthly attraction, illogical development and much that is incomprehensible to others, but acceptable to both.

Aquarius Man and Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man in love and marriage is 40%. Most likely, they will become close by chance, due to circumstances, and not because of their own choice. There are many inconsistencies between these zodiac signs. She lives by emotions and intuition, he mainly relies on logic and intellect. Scorpios prefer loneliness, having only a few close friends, while Aquarians interact with many people without really getting close to anyone. He is freedom-loving and independent, loves to spend time with friends, which will create tension in the couple due to her jealousy and suspicion. She will try to control her partner, but with Aquarius it is not so easy. They may be attracted to each other and intrigued, but neither will be in a rush to start a love relationship. The Scorpio woman needs time to study a potential partner, and the Aquarius man does not like to commit himself, so the decision to enter into a relationship may be delayed.

They are also incompatible on an emotional level, since Scorpios are distinguished by the intensity of their feelings, and Aquarians are rather cold. In addition to this, there is another disadvantage in their relationship. They are both representatives of fixed zodiac signs and are stubborn by nature, neither of them will want to give in to the other. They will have to go through difficult moments so that the relationship can develop in a positive direction. Communication can strengthen the bond, as they both love to talk. Overall there are more contradictions than common features, so it will take a lot of effort and dedication from partners to make love and relationships bring joy.

This couple begins a love relationship on the initiative of the Scorpio girl, but she will be able to arrange everything so cleverly that the Aquarius guy will sincerely believe that it was he who was pursuing her. Lovers are in for a difficult relationship, full of misunderstandings, quarrels and mutual claims. The Scorpio girl is a strong personality, she knows how to achieve her own goals, without always taking into account other people. The Aquarius guy will accuse her of being calculating and cold, despite the fact that both partners enjoy the fruits of her success in this couple. For a practical Scorpio, Aquarius' dreaminess and long-term plans for nowhere simply cannot fit into his head; during quarrels, Aquarius may well hear from his beloved that he is inadequate.

Oddly enough, these relationships often lead to the creation of a family, although this was not part of Aquarius’s plans. The longer these people are together, the stronger their connection, but this does not mean that they will begin to understand each other better. It’s just that it will be difficult for Aquarius to change their lifestyle to another; they will prefer to leave everything as it is.

Aquarius is a very unpredictable sign, and in this union he can behave especially unusually. This will make Scorpio jealous and cause him to show his possessive instincts. Scorpio, one way or another, will use all the methods available to him and try to take a commanding position in this alliance. What will come of this is difficult to predict, since these relationships themselves are an amazing mix of the stubbornness of the Scorpio woman and the unpredictability of the Aquarius man. It seems that both partners live together, but meanwhile, they exist completely independently of each other. Scorpio and Aquarius exist together, but each on their own. The Aquarius man becomes the clear leader, while in fact, behind him is the Scorpio woman, who often turns out to be the very eminence grise controlling the situation. Scorpio is full of secret passion raging within him, and Aquarius looks coldly aloof. The Aquarius man forces the Scorpio woman to take care of household chores, while she herself largely limits the freedom of Aquarius, imposing on him her own ideas about the order of the world order. Aquarius turns out to be much weaker than Scorpio and willingly submits. Although from time to time he tries to expand or even break the boundaries established for him and commits unpredictable actions that allow him to relieve the burden of the tension that has accumulated by this moment. And everything calms down again.

Sexual compatibility of Scorpio women and Aquarius men

Scorpios almost deify sex, understanding the power it has over people. Aquarius, on the other hand, treats physical intimacy a little more detachedly, and in order for him to fully surrender to this process, he must fully trust his partner. As the relationship between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man becomes more and more intimate, their mutual passion intensifies, which, in the end, completely captures the partners, so much so that they can spend whole days in the bedroom, only getting out of it in order to refresh yourself. Unfortunately, family life is something more, therefore, the contradictions that arise in Everyday life, can bring dissonance into intimate relationships.

Business compatibility between Scorpio woman and Aquarius man

Business relationship This couple is largely dependent on personal. If Scorpio and Aquarius get along well with each other or are even friends, then collaboration will proceed very well. Aquarius men should know that Scorpio women work well only if he likes the task he received, otherwise Scorpio's dissatisfaction will lead to a rather nervous atmosphere. It’s even better if Scorpio has the opportunity not to sit in the office all day, but to take work home or work remotely. Aquarius also needs a calm, friendly atmosphere, in addition, workplace they must be decorated in accordance with their own ideas about aesthetics.

What a Scorpio woman needs to know about an Aquarius man

Aquarius does not try to hide their true feelings or wear masks. If something upset him, you, Scorpio, will notice it immediately. But the Aquarius man doesn’t always say what he thinks. And not at all because he is insincere or trying to hide something from you. It’s just that his thoughts are significantly ahead of his words, and he doesn’t have time to express them out loud. Aquarius also loves to surprise people, and sometimes they just want to see the surprise on your face, Scorpio. So, for example, you can complain for a long time that your car is already very old and shabby, while the Aquarius man pretends that he does not hear you at all. Suddenly, one day, waking up in the morning, you see under the window new car, which you have been dreaming about for so long. When you throw yourself on your loved one’s neck, he may well pretend that he has no idea what you’re talking about.

What an Aquarius man needs to know about a Scorpio woman

The last thing Scorpios are going to do is adapt to someone or be guided by someone's opinion, especially when it comes to their personal life. Scorpio women do not allow anyone to control them, which may be why they understand you so well, Aquarius. The only difference is that, unlike you, Scorpios do not demonstrate their independence to anyone, they keep it secret. You also need to know that Scorpios remember the insult inflicted on them for a very long time and can unexpectedly take revenge when you least expect it.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man: chances for the future

This union cannot be called simple. A Scorpio woman can adhere to the same hobbies as an Aquarius man, she is also keenly interested in what is happening around her, however, due to her pronounced sense of ownership, a Scorpio woman will try in every possible way to limit the freedom of Aquarius and put him in a very strict framework . On the other hand, they have many common interests and always have something to talk about. Finally, they have excellent sexual compatibility. In general, this relationship has every chance of long-term continuation.

How compatible is a Scorpio woman? love relationships with other zodiac signs

The airy Aquarius man will more than once descend into the deep expanses of the Scorpio woman in order to unravel the mystery kept in the vastness of her ocean. The Aquarius man is interested in every mystery that has not been solved before. The Scorpio woman, a representative of the water element, will every time lure her into her open spaces, where, perhaps, in the opinion of the Aquarius man, treasures could be hidden. He will study its flora and fauna with interest and constantly try to get out of the water onto land, because water is not his element.

The Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman have so much energy that they could build skyscrapers faster than the customer's specified deadlines. A joint business would be financially profitable for them.

Regarding relationships and love, things go a little differently. Even if they accepted each other and began to share a passionate attraction, the Aquarius man will soon find himself thinking that his patience has run out. Spiritual world Aquarius men and Scorpio women are different. She believes that he should be her property in all manifestations, both in love and in relationships, but the Aquarius man is not at all happy with such restrictions.

The Aquarius man loves and breathes freedom - this is oxygen in his lungs. Attempts to close it in a matchbox will sooner or later provoke big Bang. He will offend her with his love of freedom, and her anger will develop into a desire to forget him once and for all, now he simply does not exist, he is a shadow. Trying to remind yourself or call a Scorpio woman will end in failure; she no longer communicates with ghosts. Even the Aquarius man himself could not imagine that he could hurt her so much, because all he wanted was to get what he considered vitally necessary - free flight above her sea level. And she is completely wounded, her deep feelings are affected, and the constant coldness in his direction already conveys a sharp drop in the temperature of their relationship throughout the entire month.

The northern cold with precipitation is just a protective reaction of the Scorpio woman from harm and insults caused to her. Sometimes she herself would like to make peace, but the fact is that her behavior does not allow her to step back and only he can melt the cold. The patience and tolerance that the Aquarius man is endowed with will be able to save them and keep them afloat.

He will have to put on his warm jacket with a fur fleece and three pairs of socks and go on a journey to her ice castle. Then take her in his arms and take her back to warmer lands, to where his voyage began. After this, everyone must learn a lesson for themselves. The Scorpio woman needs to understand that self-discipline and powerful emotions- this is not what you can expect from an Aquarius man, but he needs to take note that her absolute calm is not always a sign that everything is happening stable.

The Aquarius man does not need masks to reveal his true self, he simply does not use them, he is a fan of naturalness. By his facial expression you can understand whether he is sad or happy, it is clear even without words. To surprise a person, the planet Uranus helps him, which always sends him impulses. In his head, opinions and thoughts are so fleeting that he simply does not say most of them, because over time some thoughts will replace others. At a more mature age, the Aquarius man becomes wiser, beginning to control his thoughts and words. He can endure a long pause and suddenly surprise a person with his eloquence. An Aquarius man will enjoy doing something unusual and sudden and seeing her surprised reaction.

The Scorpio woman will still miss the open self-expression of her true “I”, unlike her Aquarius man companion. Her patron, the mysterious Pluto, does not give her the opportunity to talk about her true feelings and intentions, at the same time, she lives the way only her inner voice wants it, she does not need hints from the outside, and especially the opinions of other people. She will admire her beloved Aquarius man for his openness of action and ability to express himself, because she lacks this so much.

The Aquarius man is also an opponent of other people’s opinions; he has his own morality, which is not written down in more than one existing law. The only difference in the independence between the two of them is that the independence of the Aquarius man is clear to everyone, but the independence of the Scorpio woman is a mystery that lies in the very chest that lies at the bottom of her ocean.

The Aquarius man should also know the fact that all the insults that were caused to the Scorpio woman can be stored for years. She can just wait a very long time to find the right moment to strike back. The Aquarius man has already forgotten about their quarrel and broken pots, but not the Scorpio woman.

The unpredictability of the relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman reaches unprecedented peaks and valleys. The turn of events may be curious, and therefore bring a completely different interest or introduce new amendments to their feelings and intentions. They may meet and be attracted to one thing, but they will meet for a completely different reason. This couple will have a lot of quarrels, but if they find ways around it together, then in a couple of months they will discover that their interests have changed again.

The Aquarius man began to dream of new grandiose plans, and the Scorpio woman began to encourage him to dream about her more often. Passion is just around the corner, which means a new meaning in their relationship opens new pages, but of a different book.

She will surrender completely, both soul and body, when she sees the authenticity of his feelings for her person. For a Scorpio woman, as a rule, the degree of sincerity is important, and then only sex. For her, intimacy is highest degree devotion. In the event that an Aquarius man deviates from the path of devotion, this may cause the opposite effect. The Scorpio woman may resort to dalliance. She does not tolerate betrayal and most often will not forgive it.

For an Aquarius man, complete dedication comes at the moment of absolute trust. If an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman can overcome the pitfalls in their path and he builds a strong boat that will float perfectly on its waves and not get stuck on the rocks sticking out of its ocean floor, then they will find themselves thinking that over time they need more in each other, and their passionate love bonds grow stronger like ropes on which he and she together will raise the flag of the winners.

The Aquarius man will still give the Scorpio woman more freedom of action. This does not mean that he doesn't care, he is jealous, but not as much as the Scorpio woman. He may be jealous, leaning towards some exact facts or good reasons, but sometimes a slight hint is enough for her. The constant jealousy of a Scorpio woman destroys the strong walls of trusting relationships. Then the Aquarius man can act out a scene and come up with a fictional story about him and his new passion. This will only be a lesson that one should not neglect the word of honor.

The Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman are so different and at the same time have one common quality - a strong will, which will invariably help them in solving their common affairs and will help pave the path of wisdom to each other’s hearts.

Those around them believe that this couple is worthy of each other (or they are worthy of each other, depending on what kind of relationship these same people around them have with her). Relatives grieve: “When will you abandon your Herod?” and “She will cripple you for the rest of your life.” And Aquarius and Scorpio themselves live interestingly and happily, not paying attention to gossip.

Aquarius-Scorpio compatibility: how to seduce a Scorpio man?

There are two options in which a Scorpio man will become interested in Aquarius. The first is if he falls in love. The second is when he needs something from her. In the first option, Scorpio in love does not lose his head and understands that he and Aquarius are very different. But, as a subtle psychologist and manipulator, he is ready to bear responsibility for the development of relationships. Scorpio is constant in love and will not let his beloved go anywhere, will not grow cold towards her, and will not become indifferent to how things are going in the couple. This is an ideal option for Aquarius. For Scorpio to fall in love, Aquarius must have a lot of femininity and sexuality. Aquarius women are naturally romantic and feminine, but they do not have a strong sexual aura. They need to deliberately create the image of a seductress. If Scorpio is interested in Aquarius because he sees benefit for himself in this relationship, Aquarius is unlikely to notice this. Scorpio will immediately appreciate the sincerity and selflessness of Aquarius and will try to hide his true motives from her. This is a dangerous option for Aquarius. Fortunately, she is capable of flashes of insight on the verge of clairvoyance, and at one of these moments she will be able to see through Scorpio.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman – Scorpio man?

People around them notice a couple of Aquarius and Scorpio right away. They look very strong together. For all her ease and goodwill, the Aquarius woman is not weak. She is a bright and whole person. The same can be said about Scorpio. Paired with each other they find worthy partners, reliable support, understanding and ready to protect a partner. Interestingly, Aquarius is one of the few who are not afraid of Scorpio's insightful, sarcastic remarks. After all, she is sincere, honest, noble, and she simply cannot be caught in something for which she will have to blush. And if Scorpio goes wild and starts throwing barbs, Aquarius’s unusual sense of humor will help her not to be scared, but to be amused by his attacks. The couple has an excellent relationship. They are precisely “aligned”, because initially Aquarius and Scorpio have many contradictions. But with love for each other, they will be able to make the relationship ideal. The pillars on which their union rests are love and respect.

What are the difficulties in a union between an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man?

A loving Scorpio is ready to do anything for love. He loves with complete dedication. But his character does not disappear from this. Even with the woman he loves, he remains an imperious, jealous owner. When communicating with an Aquarius woman, he tries to be jealous and hold back the wind. A woman of this sign will not sacrifice freedom for the sake of any feelings. Moreover, she simply will not understand why it is necessary to give up freedom, communication, outside world, friends. After all, she doesn't do anything wrong. Scorpio will have a hard time tolerating her openness to outside life. He himself is an introvert, he is more interested in inner world, for communication he only needs himself and the woman he loves. He will manipulate Aquarius and put pressure on her. Aquarius loves experiments, and during the period of falling in love, he may want to test what it is like to live by the internal interests of the family and obey a man. When she realizes that this option is not suitable for her, it will not be easy to escape from Scorpio’s network.

Only a frank conversation can save the situation - thoughtful, calm and, possibly, repeated. Scorpio cannot be changed. It is useless for him to prove that he has no reason for jealousy and doubts. He cannot be shamed for his possessive behavior: being this way is as natural for him as it is for an Aquarius woman to be free. Don't try to convince him that he is acting stupid, looking funny, or behaving ugly. You shouldn’t test his patience by simply testing the boundaries of your freedom from time to time and trying to push them back. All this will not bring success. But a frank conversation, the purpose of which is to explain that the interests and habits of the partner must be respected, can be successful. Look for non-standard arguments, resort to the help of psychology, invite Scorpio to draw a psychological picture of the couple himself. Having thought carefully and analyzed the situation, he may come to the conclusion that everyone in the couple has rights and should not be infringed upon. And then - the work of time. Scorpio will get used to not only protecting his woman, but also respecting her decisions, without perceiving them as an insult.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man at work

This is a complex union in which people work in different style And different methods, poorly understand each other’s language and are unable to give up their positions. There is no need for them to work together. They will not complement each other in anything and will not come to agreement anywhere.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man - colleagues or partners

If an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man have to work together, no good will come of it. Scorpio will be irritated by the habits of Aquarius, and he does not have the nobility of Fire signs to forgive a woman for her weaknesses and shortcomings. In turn, Aquarius will find it difficult to work with someone with whom they were unable to establish friendly relations. In an equal and voluntary partnership, Scorpio often uses Aquarius - her money, connections or professional knowledge.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Scorpio man is a subordinate

Despite the obvious absurdity, such an alliance can exist. An Aquarius woman makes a bad boss, and a Scorpio woman makes a bad subordinate. But if Aquarius gives Scorpio freedom of action, he will feel good.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Scorpio man is a boss

This is a very complex union. The Scorpio boss will constantly find reasons to find fault. Rarely will an Aquarius woman be able to withstand this. And since she does not value work in a subordinate position, Aquarius will soon begin to look for a new place of work.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Scorpio man in friendship

An Aquarius woman can be friends with anyone. And Scorpio, if he wants, can be a very pleasant conversationalist. Another thing is that he won’t let her deep into his soul. They will communicate on superficial topics or discuss issues of higher matters - esotericism, philosophy, sociology. They prefer different types leisure, so meetings will more often occur not for any reason or for joint recreation, but just like that. Aquarius amuses Scorpio, and from time to time she herself needs the advice of an insightful person, experienced in intrigue. But they don't have much interest in each other. Their “halves” need not be afraid of betrayal or a long-term romance; on the contrary, friendly relations between Aquarius and Scorpio most often develop where they are friends with families.

This couple meets to experience something different from their worldview. He cannot resist her, her secrets, and she so wants to know the charm of freedom and airiness. And this strongly attracts and repels them from each other. Their relationship will constantly resemble a spring that attracts and repels. They will be together and separately, but this is exactly how their relationship can be - so passionate and cold.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpio in LOVE

She is immediately attracted to him and she can't help but fall in love with his smiles. For her, this is a special sign that can give joy, fun and an amusing trip. This is exactly how their communication takes place, full of interesting discoveries through smiles and glances. It is also interesting that he is quite capable of embarrassing this imperturbable woman. And he will do it skillfully with the help of a half-smile. This is what their love looks like when they are just immersed in their feelings.

However, he soon realizes that she is too jealous and wants to deprive him of the main thing - freedom. As a result, he tries to minimize communication. At this moment, love is not important to him, but only freedom. She will be offended by such aspiration, but she should just let it go, otherwise their feelings and understanding will crumble to dust. Gradually he will begin to move away from her possessive love and one day he will leave irrevocably.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpio in MARRIAGE

Marriage between them will be possible if they can become friends. It is important for him to trust and see her as a friend. This way he will not be embarrassed, and communication will become more fruitful. Otherwise, he simply will not dare to change position. It is important for her to remember that he will be a good husband in ideological terms, but everyday problems she will have to decide for herself. And this happens not because of his irresponsibility, but because of his airy nature.

If another woman may be burdened full responsibility, then she will be completely satisfied. She has enough energy and vigor to get everything done. She will skillfully manage finances and other issues. The birth of children will change him somewhat, as he will value his offspring. This will make him responsible and he will participate in almost all family matters.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpio in BED

If she can overcome herself and give up complete control over him, they can be together. Then they can move on to the next stage of the relationship - intimacy. In this area, surprises may await them: he is more for airiness and lightness, she is for quality. She gives herself over to love completely, realizing her desires and fantasies, and he seeks in her only spirituality. Such differences can hinder them if they are not willing to accept things as they are.

She will have to work for a long time on his trust in herself in order to get a real lover. He must feel her friendly participation and attention in all areas of life, so that later this trust will transfer to intimate intimacy. This is the only way she can win him. If she manages to do this, she will become the most happy woman, since he will bring tenderness, flights of fantasy and the quality she desires into the relationship.

Important for girls to know!

The compatibility of this pair is controversial. And the main decision remains yours. If you decide to throw in your lot with this man, you should be patient. You should always feel confident that he is committed to you. Freedom and lack of criticism will only be attractive features for him in you. Become his friend, ally and ideological follower and then you will be able to talk about the harmony of your relationship with him.