What a soloist. The ex-husband announced the unexpected cause of Rostakova’s death. Group "Lyceum" now

According to the artist’s ex-husband, her heart could have failed her. “The results of the examination will only be known tomorrow. I think that Zhannochka had a heart attack. That night she felt bad. I can’t say why, what happened to her. We know one thing that she felt bad,” REN told the TV channel TV Mikhail - When they found her, there was a bottle of Corvalol and valerian."

In that difficult issue Roshtakova’s ex-husband relies on the opinion of experts. “Well, what in reality, that’s what the experts will say. Last time We talked to her on January 8th. There were no signs that anything could happen to her,” Mikhail noted. “There is no information yet, we are still waiting.”

A day later it took place with her close friend Prokhor Chaliapin. “On Monday, a friend of my youth called me, Zhanna Roshtakova, who moved to Vladivostok several years ago and decided to return back to Moscow for permanent residence. I was so happy about this, like a child. I said, we’ll meet right away, let’s go here and there. .. We made plans on Monday, January 9.. We have been friends since 1999, from that same “Morning Star”, in which Zhanna also participated and where we met,” Chaliapin wrote on Instagram.

She and Roshtakova had a lot in common. "We have always been on the same wavelength. Zhanna is a person with an incredible soul, talented singer, bright, beautiful girl.. A few hours ago I was informed that Zhanna had passed away. A few hours after our conversation.. At 33 years old... Tragedy struck at home, unexpectedly.. She was not sick with anything, and nothing foreshadowed trouble.. People, value life and loved ones. Zhanna, you are forever in my heart,” the inconsolable singer addressed his friend and added the hashtags #love and #will remember.

The site contacted the Lyceum soloist Anastasia Makarevich, who confirmed that Zhanna sang in her group, although not for long. “To be honest, from such an absurd death at such a young age, I can’t believe it,” the singer admitted. “Zhanna Roshtakova did not work with us for so long - just a few concerts. It was 13 years ago, when I was pregnant with my first son We invited her to the group as a replacement. At that time, Zhanna already had some of her own. musical projects, its creative activity. It so happened that we met little, but I remembered Zhanna as a talented, spiritual and bright person."

Let us remind you that the body of Zhanna Roshtakova was found in a bathtub full of water in an apartment in Vladivostok. The causes of her death are currently being established.

The media reported the death of the 33-year-old ex-soloist of the group “Lyceum” to Zhanna Roshtakova. Her death became known from the publication of her friend Prokhora Chaliapin, who wrote about the sad event on his Instagram. The singer said that this news was a big blow for him - after all, Zhanna was healthy and had never suffered from anything serious.

“On Monday, a friend of my youth called me, Zhanna Roshtakova, who moved to Vladivostok several years ago and decided to return back to Moscow for permanent residence. How happy I was about this, like a child. I say, we’ll meet right away, let’s go here and there... We made plans on Monday, January 9th. We have been friends since 1999, from that same “Morning Star”, in which Zhanna also participated and where we met. We were always on the same page. Zhanna is an incredible person, a talented singer, a bright, beautiful girl. A few hours ago I was informed that Zhanna had passed away. A few hours after our conversation. At 33 years old... Tragedy struck home unexpectedly. She was not sick with anything, and there were no signs of trouble. People, value life and loved ones. Zhanna, you are forever in my heart,” Chaliapin wrote.

As it turned out, the cause of the girl’s death was an accident. “Jeanne was lying in the bathtub, and a shelf fell on her head. There was no one else at home, and no one could help her. The body was discovered only a day later. Most likely, she felt bad - maybe she lost consciousness and her heart could not stand it from being in hot water for a long time. Horrible death! — Prokhor told the website Dni.ru.

Zhanna Roshtakova was a laureate of the World Youth Prize “Crystal Note” in 1997, as well as a member of the International Association of Moscow Pop Artists. The singer won the Morning Star competition in Jurmala in 1999 and the Light Your Star project in Moscow in 2000.

The death of the 33-year-old ex-soloist of the Lyceum group Zhanna Roshtakova was reported by the artist’s friend, singer Prokhor, on his Instagram.

“On Monday, a friend of my youth called me, @roshtakovazhanna, who moved to Vladivostok several years ago and decided to return back to Moscow for permanent residence. How happy I was about this, like a child. I say, we’ll meet right away, let’s go here and there... We made plans on Monday, January 9th. We have been friends since 1999, from that same “Morning Star”, in which Zhanna also participated and where we met. We were always on the same page. Zhanna is an incredible person, a talented singer, a bright, beautiful girl. A few hours ago I was informed that Zhanna had passed away. A few hours after our conversation. At 33 years old... Tragedy struck home unexpectedly. She was not sick with anything, and there were no signs of trouble. People, value life and loved ones. Zhanna, you are forever in my heart,” Chaliapin wrote.

Later, in an interview with Dni.ru, the singer spoke about the alleged causes of the singer’s death: “Apparently, this is just a domestic accident. Zhanna was lying in the bathtub, and a shelf fell on her head. There was no one else at home, and no one could help her. The body was discovered only a day later.”

In its turn best friend Zhanna Evgenia Grebenyuk, who found the dead singer in the bathroom and is now organizing her funeral, gave a different version of death. According to her, it does not appear that Zhanna died from being hit by the shelf.

“It seems to me that a mini-stroke or heart failure occurred, she began to choke, grabbed the shelf, and only then did it fall. It didn’t seem to be on her: there was no blood, bruises or scratches,” Evgenia Grebenyuk said in an interview with MK.

She also reported how she discovered the body of the deceased singer. “I couldn’t get through to Zhanna for a long time and felt that something was wrong. I went to her house, rang the doorbell, but no one answered. Then she took a spare set of apartment keys from friends and, together with the guys, found her dead. She was lying in the bathroom. The shelf was lying nearby,” says Grebenyuk.

At the same time, according to her, before her death, the deceased singer called her father in Crimea.

The police have launched an investigation into the death of the singer to establish real reasons of death.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans, friends and colleagues are in shock.

“I learned that Zhanna was no more from the Internet, then calls from friends and fans began pouring in,” said the star of the Lyceum group Nastya Makarevich. “I’ll be honest, I’m shocked by what happened, by such an absurd death at such a young age, I can’t believe it.

Zhanna Roshtakova did not work with us for so long - only a few concerts.

It was about 13 years ago, when I was pregnant with my first son. We invited her to the group as a replacement. At that time, Zhanna already had her own musical projects and her own creative activities. It so happened that we met little, but I remembered Zhanna as a talented, spiritual and bright person.”

Zhanna Roshtakova is a laureate of the World Youth Prize “Crystal Note” (1997). Winner of the senior vocal category competition “Morning Star” (1999) in Jurmala. Winner of the “Light up your star” competition (2000) in Moscow. Participant in the qualifying round of the competition “Jurmala - new wave"(2003), for some time she was a soloist in the Lyceum group. Member of the International Association of Moscow Pop Artists. The vocalist's repertoire includes songs in five languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Italian. In Vladivostok she had many fans and friends. She organized and participated in various music concerts and shows and even taught vocals to local celebrities for “Star Concerts”.

“This is a person about whom we can talk endlessly. This is a woman who combines beauty, talent, restlessness, kindness and openness. Hundreds of people are mourning this loss today. Everyone loved Zhanna. What personally shocks me is how bright and cheerful a person has left us. Why is this happening? — said in an interview with PrimaMedia Chief Editor“Exclusive collection” Tatyana Varnakova. “I’m overcome by a universal feeling of guilt that I didn’t hear something from her, didn’t give her something.”

On September 14, ex-member of the Banderos group Rada Zmikhnovskaya (Rodika Vasilievna Zmikhnovskaya) died in the United States. Representatives of the group reported this. As it became known, she was in a coma for several days after a brain hemorrhage.

"A few days ago, Rada flew to visit a friend in California. In America, she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Rada was admitted to the hospital, they tried to pump her out, but nothing helped. This morning she died. Rada was the founder of the group. A team was created under her and Natasha, then the boys were attracted to it - Garik and Batishta. The Rada maintained relations with the team, but no longer took much part in their lives,” said a representative of the Banderos group.

Rada (Rodika Vasilyevna Zmikhnovskaya) graduated from the Higher Komsomol School (Moscow Humanitarian University), where she came to study on a permit from one of the district committees of the Komsomol of the Chernivtsi region. While studying, she married fellow student Alexander Zmikhnovsky.

Rada Zmikhnovskaya died: Banderos group, biography

Zmikhnovskaya became famous as a member of the pop group Banderos, created in 2005. Moreover, the team was created for her. It later added Natasha Ibadin, rap artist Batishta (Kirill Petrov), Igor (DMCB, DJ and dancer) and Ruslan (upper breakdance dancer).

The most famous and popular hits of the band "Banderos" were the songs "Columbia Pictures Does Not Represent" and "Don't Swear".

In 2007, Rada left the Banderos group as she was preparing to become a mother. After that, she produced films and was also involved in various businesses.

The Band'Eros group was created at the beginning of 2005 in Moscow. Its members included rapper Batista Riva (Kirill Petrov), Rada (Rodika Zmikhnovskaya), Natasha (Natalia Ibadin), DJ Igor DMCB (Igor Burnyshev) and Ruslan Khaynak, a breakdance dancer. The group's most famous songs are "Columbia Pictures Can't Imagine", "Manhattan" and "Don't Say No".

Zmikhnovskaya left the group in 2007. The official reason for leaving was the singer's pregnancy.

Zmikhnovskaya was born in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. In 2014, she became the executive producer of the film Desert Dancer.

Rada was the founder, co-founder and one of the first soloists of the team. The Band'Eros group was created at the beginning of 2005 in Moscow. Initially, the team included rapper Batishta Riva (Kirill Petrov), Rada (Rodika Zmikhnovskaya), Natasha (Natalia Ibadin), DJ and rapper Igor DMCB (Igor Burnyshev) and break dancer Ruslan Khaynak, writes the portal Rsute. At the same time, in 2005, the group released its first hit, “Don’t renounce.” The producer, author of music and lyrics since the founding of the group has been Alexander Dulov.

Rada Zmikhnovskaya died: cause of death, diagnosis, where she died, what she was sick with, when was the funeral

Members of the Band'Eros group named the cause of death of ex-soloist Rada Zmikhnovskaya.

On September 14, Russian media reported that the ex-participant of the popular Russian group"Band'Eros" Rada Zmikhnovskaya died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the USA.

According to members of the Band’Eros group, in which Rada sang until 2008, official reason death - hemorrhagic stroke.

"Our life has passed away former soloist Glad. She was one of the founders of the group. The Rada was between heaven and earth for several days - in a coma. We all kept our fingers crossed for her, but, unfortunately, the doctors were powerless,” the group said on Instagram.

According to the participants, despite her exit from the group, the Rada maintained warm friendly relations with the members of Band’Eros and participated in the affairs of the group. Rada Zmikhnovskaya left the group due to pregnancy in early 2008.

After leaving the group, Rada studied cinema. She was one of the creators of the film “Dancing in the Desert” and acted as a producer on the Russian side, added Band’Eros.

Subsequently, the Rada took part in many of her husband’s entrepreneurial projects - in the early 2000s, in particular, with the help of his wife, he began to engage in show business and media, becoming the chairman of the board of directors of the Moscow concern “Radio Center”, which then included the radio station “Moscow Speaking” , “Main Radio” and “Radio Sports”.

After leaving Band'Eros, Zmikhnovskaya also headed the Investment Company IVA Invest, owned by her husband.

In the world of cinema there is such a thing as a “launching pad”. This is the name given to projects that marked the beginning of a successful career for actors - like the TV series “” and “”. However, it is quite possible to adapt this term to musical realities. In this case a shining example The “launching pad” on the domestic music market would be the Lyceum group.


The first composition of the group was formed by the stepfather of one of the participants in 1991. Then the group included (two years later she changed her last name to Makarevich), and. The girls were only 14-15 years old, and they were still studying at school, where at the same time, but in a parallel class, the young one was studying - the future opera and crooner.

A little later she joined a girl pop-rock group, but soon the girl left the group.

The first replacement of the Lyceum soloist occurred in 1997. Then, due to a quarrel with Alexei Makarevich, the group’s producer, Lena Perova left. At first, the girl worked on television, and later returned to the music business, but as a soloist of the Amega group. Perova was replaced by .

Next change composition happened in 2001 - Ishkhanishvili left the group to improve her personal life. New soloist Svetlana Belyaeva becomes “Lyceum”. A year later, Sofia Teich also joined the girl band.

In 2005, Pletneva left the Lyceum to later create her own group, Vintage. Her place is taken by Elena Iksanova, who already in 2007 leaves the team to repeat the fate of her predecessor - also to create her own group. Iksanova is replaced by Anastasia Berezovskaya.

In 2008, Teich left the group to pursue solo career. Three years later, Sofia returned back. During this time, Anna Shchegoleva manages to join the Lyceum, and Berezovskaya leaves due to pregnancy.

In 2016, a reverse castling occurs - Shchegoleva leaves and Berezovskaya returns. All this time, only Nastya Makarevich remains a constant participant. The current composition includes Makarevich, Teich and Berezovskaya.


The first performance of the “Lyceum” took place in September 1991 - then the formed team performed in morning show on Channel One (then still ORT). In 1992, with their first hit “Saturday Evening,” the group appeared on the popular television show “MuzOboz.” In the same year, the girls' first video work (not a video) was released.

In 1993, the debut album of the girl band, called “House Arrest,” was released. The release contained 10 tracks, which set the tradition for the next five albums. The hits of the debut album were the songs “House Arrest”, “I Dreamed” and “Trace on the Water”.

The second album was released a year later and was called “Girlfriend-Night”, several tracks from which became hits - “Who will stop the rain”, “Downstream” and, of course, “Girlfriend-Night” - the composition in honor of which the album and got its name.

After the second album and graduation from school, the girls began touring life. The group had a chance to perform with the masters national stage and the group “Time Machine”, as well as take part in the opening act of the cult American band ZZ Top. The country has memorized the names and surnames of the young performers.

In 1995, “Lyceum” released its main composition for its entire career - the track “Autumn”, which instantly became the leader of all kinds of charts and hit parades - both at home and in neighboring countries.

1996 was marked by the release of the group’s third album, “Open Curtain.” These are the traditional 10 songs, of which the real hits were “To the Blooming Land”, “At the Traveling Musicians” and, of course, “Autumn”. Videos were shot for the songs “Autumn”, “Red Lipstick” and “Three Sisters”.

The tour began, the finale of which was a performance at the State Central concert hall"Russia".

During the tour, I collected enough impressions and emotions that served as material for the fourth album - “Cloud Engine”. Videos were released for the hits “Locomotive-cloud”, “The sun hid behind the mountain” and “Parting”. “Lyceum” also took part in “ Musical ring"1997.

The girls released their next album in 1999. It was called “Sky” and, like the four previous ones, consisted of 10 tracks. Videos were released for the songs “Sky” and “Red Dog”.

The year 2000 was remembered by Lyceum fans for the release of the sixth album, “You Have Become Different,” which, although it continued the tradition of 10 songs, sounded more modern. The hits “You Have Become Different” and “All Stars” formed the basis for the clips of the same name.

In 2001, a new single by the girl band called “You Will Become an Adult” was released. The singers were inspired to write this composition own experience- marriage and children.

A little later, new hits were released - “Open the Door” and “She Doesn’t Believe in Love Anymore,” which served as the basis for the group’s seventh album. The disc “44 minutes” was released in 2015 and already consisted of 12 songs.

After this, the group began regular changes of soloists, which stopped only with the 25th anniversary of the Lyceum, which was marked by the release of the collection “The Best,” which included 15 covers of hits from past years and 2 completely new compositions.

Over the years of its activity, the “Lyceum” team visited more than 1,300 cities and was awarded the “Silver Microphone”, “Golden Gramophone” and the “Song of the Year” award.

Group "Lyceum" now

The girls continue to perform and record new songs (“Photography”, a new version"Autumn") Participants of the “Lyceum” can often be seen at free concerts of the Muz-TV channel “Party Zone” and other similar events. The singers also appeared on the shows “Let Them Talk” and “The World Through the Eyes of Children.”

The beginning of 2017 brought sad news to fans - one of former members team Zhanna Roshtakova. According to the official version, it was an accident, but no further details were provided on this matter.

In October 2017, the current lineup of the girl band performed as part of music program on radio "Mayak". In November, the girls visited the apartment building former member group "Time Machine", which they willingly shared with fans in "Instagram" by posting the corresponding photos. Viewers were able to watch this episode at the end of December 2017.


  • 1993 – “House Arrest”
  • 1994 – “Girlfriend Night”
  • 1996 – “Open Curtain”
  • 1999 – “Sky”
  • 2000 - “You have become different”
  • 2005 – “44 minutes”
  • 2016 – “Best”


  • 1995 - “Girlfriend Night”
  • 1996 – “Red Lipstick”
  • 1996 – “Autumn”
  • 1996 – “Three Sisters”
  • 1997 – “Cloud Engine”
  • 1997 – “Parting”
  • 1997 – “Muscovites”
  • 1998 - “The sun disappeared behind the mountain”
  • 1998 – “Victory Day”
  • 1999 – “Sky”
  • 1999 – “Red Dog”
  • 2000 – “All Stars”
  • 2000 - “You have become different”
  • 2000 – “Lolita”
  • 2000 – “Planet Five”
  • 2001 – “Lei, Rain”
  • 2001 – “Fly to the Sky”
  • 2002 - “You will become an adult”
  • 2004 – “Open the Doors”
  • 2015 – “Photography”
  • 2017 – “Autumn” (new version)