Literature lesson “The image of the righteous woman in A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin Dvor.” School essay on the topic “The image of the righteous woman in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story Matryonin Dvor The righteous woman in the work Matryonin Dvor

The image of the righteous woman in the story " Matrenin Dvor».

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the life and work of the writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn; teach them to independently obtain knowledge, formulate the theme and idea of ​​the work; develop logical thinking, teach students to think, analyze, draw conclusions; to cultivate kindness, mercy, love for people, responsibility for what is happening around us.

We all lived next to her and didn’t understand that she was the one the most righteous, without whom, According to the proverb, a village is not worth a city.

Neither the whole earth is ours.A. I. Solzhenitsyn

I. The teacher's word.

Today we will talk about the fate of a Russian woman who withstood the harsh trials of life, but managed to preserve the best human qualities: kindness, mercy, ability to love and help people.

This is the heroine of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin’s yard” - Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva.

The title of the story, due to censorship obstacles, was invented by A. Tvardovsky, editor of the magazine " New world", where this work was first published in 1963. The original title was “A village is not worthwhile without a righteous man.”

II. Analytical conversation.

1) Who is the righteous? What kind of person can we call righteous?

(Someone who believes in God, loves people...)

2) Let us explain the lexical meaning of the word “righteous” according to explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova:

“The righteous is among believers: a person who lives a righteous life has no sins. Righteous - pious, sinless."

3) What first of all moves a Russian person to righteousness?

(The Christian faith, the Commandments of God regulate his behavior, relationships with people determine his worldview).

So, what accompanies the life of a righteous person?



Faith in God, love for people, kindness, mercy, selflessness, the ability to forgive, humility, conscientiousness, pity for all living things, the ability to enjoy life, work as an opportunity to restore a good mood. Patience, natural behavior, unpretentiousness, unpretentiousness, endurance.

Evil, ill will, working for oneself and working carelessly for society, indifference, envy, greed, acquisitiveness - “good” in the meaning of property, rancor, selfishness.

4) Let's turn to the epigraph of the lesson. Can we agree with the writer that the heroine of the story, Matryona Grigorieva, is a righteous man?

(Student evidence: Yes, kind, selfless, lived for people, nobility of soul).

5) Formulate the topic of today's lesson on the problem.

(The theme of righteousness in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor”).

6) What is the purpose of the lesson?(To follow the fate of a Russian woman, to prove that we can consider her a righteous person). The teacher corrects the students' answers and communicates the purpose of the lesson.

III. Teacher.

We have not yet studied the work of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Who is he? Prophet, mentor or intercessor? He was seen either as the savior of the Fatherland, or as an enemy of the people, or as a teacher of life. Solzhenitsyn is an outstanding Russian writer, publicist and public figure. His name became known in literature in the 60s of the 20th century, then disappeared for many years. Why? Because he dared to tell the truth about the terrible Stalinist era, he created works that aroused the anger of “domestic literary officials.” Stories about camp life, documented - artistic research"The Gulag Archipelago", the story " Cancer building", the novel "In the First Circle" - works based on terrible memories of those who survived Stalin's repressions. It is no coincidence that A.I. Solzhenitsyn has been called a classic of “camp” prose. 1970 was a significant year in the writer’s life. Solzhenitsyn became a laureate Nobel Prize in the field of literature. But in February 1974 (in connection with the publication of volume 1 of the book “The Gulag Archipelago”) the writer was forcibly expelled from Russia. A plane carrying a single passenger landed in the German city of Frankfurt am Main. Solzhenitsyn was 55 years old.

IV. Life and creativity (Message from 4 students)

Teacher. 1994 “Dissident No. 1” - Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - returns to his homeland to live and work for the sake of the future of Russia. He writes a lot, works with young talents, establishes his own literary prize($25 thousand). The first laureate is philologist V.N. Toporov.

V. Teacher. Now let’s turn to the story “Matrenin’s Dvor”, written in 1959, and the action in the story takes place in 1956. The work is largely autobiographical. It is known that Solzhenitsyn, having returned from the camps, worked in one of the schools, teaching mathematics, physics and astronomy. So, the topic of the lesson has been determined by you.

VI. Analytical conversation.

1) Which of the Russian writers of the 19th century addressed this topic? (N.S. Leskov, N.A. Nekrasov, Dostoevsky).N.S. Leskov wrote: “The people are not inclined to live without faith...”

2) How is the heroine’s religiosity depicted in the story? (Matrona observes the traditions and rules of life of a churchgoer: “a holy corner in a clean hut”, “an icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant”. She lights a lamp “during the all-night service” (night service) and in the morning on holidays). : “Only she had fewer sins than the lame cat, she strangled mice.” Ignatich, Matryona’s guest, says that she began every business “with God.”

3) Tell us what else Ignatich learned about Matryona? (Matryona Vasilyevna is an elderly woman, a widow, who worked all her life on a collective farm, “not for money, but for sticks. For sticks of workdays in a grimy account book.” But she didn’t earn a single ruble for her pension. The heroine’s life is difficult. She lost her husband at the front , buried her children. Her relatives hardly helped her. But the worst thing is that she “decided to seek a pension,” since, according to the author, “There were a lot of injustices with Matryona”). Text.

4) What else did Matryona tell? What did you tell the guest about yourself?

5) What artistic details create a picture of Matryona’s life? (Text. Not indifferent to beauty - ficus trees).

6) Let’s observe the heroine’s speech. (Matryona’s speech is the speech of a peasant woman from the outback. “If you don’t know how, don’t cook, you’ll lose it,” she warned the tenant. Text, p. 37)

7) Guys, is there a detailed portrait of the heroine in the story? Why? (In describing Matryona’s appearance, Solzhenitsyn relies on Christian and aesthetic traditions).

8) But what portrait details of Matryona is the writer’s attention focused on? What is the role of details (. The author notes the simplicity and inconspicuousness of the heroine and at the same time the inner light emanating from her).

9) How do you understand the author’s phrase “Those people always have good faces who are at peace with their conscience”?

10) Analysis of the episode “Matryona listens to music.”

11) What kind of heroine do we see at work? (Matryona Vasilievna is a hard worker. She finds the meaning of life in work. Not a single plowing in the village could be done without her. She could not refuse help to anyone. Leaving her work, she went to help her neighbor. Text. She said without envy: “Ah, Ignatich, And large potatoes it's hers! I dug in a hurry, I didn’t want to leave the site...” That’s what she is – a person of rare kindness).

12) Which heroine of 19th century literature does Matryona resemble? What do these heroines have in common? (Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina from Nekrasov’s poem... “I endure, and do not complain!”)

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina

Matrena Vasilievna Grigorieva

“...Philip fell on his heart!” - got married, fell in love.

“I almost didn’t marry my beloved Thaddeus... The German war began.”

Give the shoes to Olenushka (sister-in-law), //Wife! - said Philip. //And she didn’t suddenly answer. //I lifted the pot, //It was such a burden: I couldn’t say it again. //Philip Ilyich became angry, //Waited until Korchaga was placed on the pole, //Yes, slap me on the temple!

“He himself never beat me... That is, he did beat me once - I had a quarrel with my sister-in-law, he broke a spoon on my forehead”... All the bags were mine, I didn’t consider five pounds each heavy...”

(Let's count again: 16 * 5 = 80 kg!)

Five sons and the deceased firstborn Demushka.

Six children died in infancy. (Cf.: the second Matryona, Thaddeus’s wife, has six children. Of these, Kira was adopted).

Horse attempts // We carried; I took a walk, //Like a gelding in a harrow!

“The Talnovsky women have established precisely that it is harder and longer to dig up your garden with a shovel than to plow six gardens by yourself, taking a plow and harnessing six of them. That’s why they called Matryona to help.”

13) How is the world of people living next to Matryona different? (Text, p. 35)

VII. Work in groups.

1st group – the world of Talnovites 2nd group – image of the author 3rd group – role artistic details 4th group – the role of landscapes Experts

VIII. Speech development. Students’ story based on pre-prepared drawings for the story “Matryona’s Dvor” - “The Line of Fate of Matryona Grigorieva.”

Teacher: 1) How does Matryona herself accept her fate? Does she hold grudges against people? (Matryona Vasilyevna was unfairly offended by fate, people, power... neither her sisters nor the villagers understood her - she was not like the others. Despite everything, she did not become bitter; this woman, kind and selfless, retained the ability to love...)

2) How does Marten’s fate end? (Tragically).

3) Who is to blame for the death of the heroine? (Matryona was killed by someone else’s self-interest, greed, avarice).

Teacher: The author said the best about his heroine: “We all lived next to her and did not understand that she was the very righteous man without whom, according to the proverb, the village would not stand. Neither the city. Neither the whole land is ours.” This is the idea of ​​the story.

IX. Mini-essay: Can Matryona Grigorieva be considered a righteous woman?

The heroine of the work “Matrenin’s Dvor”

A small essay-discussion about a big story. Jacob

The story “Matryona’s Dvor” tells about Matryona and Ignatich, how they lived together and what happened in their house, what situations they found themselves in. The hero of the story, Ignatius, is very similar in description to Solzhenitsyn himself. But we are talking more about Matryona, about her, about a woman who did everything for others without selfishness.

Matryona is a woman of advanced years, with a sparkle in her heart that separates her from everyone else.
The image of Matryona is characterized in the text as righteous. This is proven by many facts that explain the very essence of Matryona. One of them is that she didn’t have a pig or a cow, not because she was a quitter, she didn’t have enough time for everything. Someone constantly came to Matryona and asked her to do something. And she, out of the kindness of her soul, went and did everything she was told. She didn't charge a penny for the work. One day the wife of the collective farm chairman came to her and ordered her to take her pitchfork and go with everyone else to harvest potatoes. Matryona was not a member of the collective farm due to poor health. And yet... She went and did everything that was required. Matryona did not receive any income. This woman had no pension, no income. Only with the arrival of Ignatius everything went uphill. He paid an amount for his accommodation, the village council also paid extra because Ignatius worked at school as a mathematics teacher.

Matryona told almost no one about her fate, about life, about her dreams and complaints. She kept everything to herself. But one late evening, Matryona told Ignatius everything, and a lot became clearer in him about the old woman. She had a wonderful character. Her heart did not know the word “no.” Always, whether she wanted it or not, she agreed to any work.

There were many “bumps” in Matryona’s fate. At the age of 19, she was supposed to marry Thaddeus, who was 23 years old. But the war began in nineteen fourteen. Thaddeus was taken to the front. Thaddeus returned three years later, but it was too late... Matryona married his younger brother Efim. There were scandals because of this. Somehow everything worked out without any violence. You could even say she was lucky in this. After all, Efim did not beat her, unlike Thaddeus. Matryonina's life the marriage continued until June forty-one. Efim was taken to war and never returned.

At the end of the story there was a dispute between Thaddeus and Matryona’s three sisters over a plot of land in Cherusty. To master it, it was necessary to build a house there. But there was nowhere to get logs. And Matryona just had an upper room. Thaddeus wanted to dismantle it, take away the logs and build a house in Cherusty. In the end, he succeeded. Matryona didn’t even receive a ruble for these damned boards. She didn't even ask for anything in return. When at night Thaddeus began to take away the logs with the help of a tractor, taken furtively from the collective farm and with the help of his relatives, Matryona went with them, throwing on a padded jacket. After some time they passed through the railway. But then something unexpected happened. One of the trailers became detached and remained on railway. While they were attaching it back, a train sneaked up on the railway unnoticed. A blow, a groan... The train locomotive overturned, the trailer was completely broken, and there were casualties on Fadey's part, and the worst thing is that Matryona, the heroine of the story, was dead. She was run over by a train while she was standing between the first and second trailers.

Three days later there was Matryona’s funeral, along with her nephew, who was also there. The weather was not suitable. It was February and there were snowstorms. At Matryona's wake, few people said anything good about her. Although it was impossible to do without her. As Ignatius said: “We all lived next to her and did not understand that she was the very righteous person without whom, according to the proverb, the village could not be built. Neither the city. Neither the whole land is ours.”

Naturally, I was very interested in the story. Since it reveals honesty, hard work, as well as a person’s love for everyone living on earth. A woman who is ready to help everyone and always. She gave almost everything she had. Even, as they say, “Half a piece of bread and that one in half.”

The image of the righteous man is found in many works of Russian literature. Such an image can be found in Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer”, in Chingiz Aitmatov’s “The Scaffold”, and of course in Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor”.

In the work “Matryona’s Dvor,” the righteous woman is the main character of the book, Matryona. Matryona is honest and kind woman. Her fate decreed that Matryona's fiancé, Thaddeus, went to war and disappeared without a trace, and she had to marry his brother. The children who were born to them quickly died, and Matryona could not find the joy of motherhood. Suddenly Feddey returned from the war, he was ready to kill them both, but then he reconciled. Thaddeus married, he and his wife gave birth to many children, one of his daughters, Kira, was taken into custody by Matryona and raised as her own.

All her life Matryona lived for the sake of others: she helped the collective farm, her neighbors, but none of them reciprocated her feelings. She helped people unselfishly, no matter what, she did not lose faith in people and in the truth and continued to help everyone. Matryona's whole life is work, he saved her from despair, she worked for two. She was always at peace with her conscience, she was calm, she lived in harmony with herself, Matryona had nothing to reproach her for.

Matryona's righteousness lies in her ability to compassion, the ability to forgive, to see a way out difficult situations. Matryona was never greedy, greedy, selfish, did not seek benefit for herself. Everyone wanted to get rich by main character, even before her death, they began to dismantle and transport Matryona’s room; while transporting logs, it was cut up by a passing train. At her funeral, everyone cried and wailed just because it was necessary. Nobody even talked about her kind words, many condemned her, but how much good she did to all these people.

For a long time it was believed that the Russian land rests on the righteous. Real righteous people lived without money, selflessly helped other people and did not envy anyone. Fully fits this description Matryona from Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin's Dvor".

Matrena Vasilievna is a righteous and pure woman who lived in a small village near a railway crossing. In his youth, Fadey wooed her, but he was taken to war. Matryona was waiting for his return, but three years later Efim, Fadey’s brother, wooed her. Fadey unexpectedly returned from captivity - and was worried for a long time. He said that he would have killed his fiancée if she had not been his brother's wife.

Matryona lived well, but she was unlucky with her children. Her children died one after another - and not one of the babies survived. In 1941, her husband was drafted into the active army - and he never returned home. At first Matryona waited for her husband, and then accepted his death. To brighten up her loneliness, Matryona Vasilievna took in Fadey’s youngest daughter, Kira, to raise her. She selflessly looked after the girl. When Kira grew up, she married her off to neighboring village for the train driver.

After the pupil’s departure, Matryona’s house became empty and sad, and only ficus trees brightened up the poor woman’s loneliness. She selflessly loved these plants - and even during a fire she saved not the hut, but the ficuses. Matryona, out of pity, sheltered the lanky cat that lived with her long years.

Notable was the fact that Matryona worked her whole life on the collective farm for the ticks that the foreman put on the report card. Because of this, she did not receive a labor pension. Only after much work Matryona managed to secure a pension for herself. As soon as she had money, it turned out that Matryona Vasilievna had three sisters.

After some time, Fadey arrived and asked for a room for Kira. Matryona donated her upper room for construction - and also diligently helped remove the logs.

When, due to the greed of the tractor driver and Fadey, the second cart got stuck at the crossing, Matryona rushed to the rescue. She always helped others unselfishly, so she could not accumulate much good. Those around her and relatives considered Matryona sloppy and mismanagement. And, unfortunately, no one appreciated the honesty, kindness and sacrifice of this righteous woman.

Matryona is a symbol of kindness and sacrifice, which is very rare in modern people. In our world, business acumen and the ability to make money are valued, but such good-natured people die with a smile on their sweet face. They know true price life, therefore, material wealth does not play any role for them. Our land rests on the righteous, but we do not appreciate this.

The theme of righteousness is heard in the works of literary artists of different times. They did not remain indifferent to her and modern writers. A. I. Solzhenitsyn gives his vision of this problem in the story “Matrenin’s Dvor”.

“Matrenin’s Dvor” is a work that is completely autobiographical and authentic. The story described by Solzhenitsyn took place in the village of Miltsevo, Kuplovsky district, Vladimir region. Matryona Vasilievna Zakharova lived there.

The heroine of Solzhenitsyn's story is modest and inconspicuous. The author gives her a discreet appearance and does not give the reader a detailed portrait of her, but he constantly draws attention to Matryona’s smile, radiant, bright, kind. So Solzhenitsyn emphasizes inner beauty Matryona, which is much more important to him than external beauty. Matryona's speech is unusual. It is replete with colloquial and outdated words, dialect vocabulary. In addition, the heroine constantly uses words invented by herself (If you don’t know how, if you don’t cook, how will you lose it?”). Thus, the author reveals the idea of ​​​​the national character of Matryona.

The heroine lives “in the wilderness.” Matryona’s house “with four windows in a row on the cold, non-red side, covered with wood chips,” “the wood chips were rotting, the logs of the log house and the gates, once mighty, had turned gray from age, and their cover had thinned out.” The heroine’s life is unsettled: mice, cockroaches. She acquired nothing except ficus owls, a goat, a languid cat, and a coat made from an overcoat. Matryona is poor, although she has worked all her life. She even obtained a tiny pension for herself with great difficulty. Nevertheless, the description of the heroine’s life gives a feeling of harmony that fills her poor home. The narrator feels comfortable in her house; the decision to stay with Matryona comes to him immediately. He notes about Matryonin’s courtyard: “.. there was nothing evil in it, there was no lie in it.”

Matryona lived a difficult life. Her fate was affected by the events of the First World War, in which Thaddeus was captured, and the events of the Great Patriotic War, from which her husband did not return. Collectivization was not spared either: the heroine worked on the collective farm all her life, and “not for money, but for sticks.” To her and to last days life is not easy: all day long she goes to the authorities, trying to get certificates to apply for a pension, she has big problems with peat, her new chairman has cut off her garden, she cannot get a cow, because mowing is not allowed anywhere, It’s even impossible to buy a train ticket. It would seem that a person should have long ago become embittered, hardened against the circumstances of life. But no - Matryona does not hold a grudge against people or her lot. Her main qualities are her inability to do evil, love for her neighbor, and the ability to sympathize and have compassion. While still alive, the heroine gives up her upper room for scrapping for Kira, because “Matryona never spared either her labor or her goods.” She finds solace in work and is “dexterous in all work.” The narrator notes: “..she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work.” Matryona gets up every day at four or five in the morning. She digs “carts,” goes for peat, “for berries in the distant forest,” and “every day she had some other task.” At the first call, the heroine comes to the aid of the collective farm, relatives, and neighbors. Moreover, she does not expect or demand remuneration for her work. Work is a pleasure for her. “I was digging, I didn’t want to leave the site,” she says one day. “Matryona returned already enlightened, happy with everything, with her kind smile,” the narrator says about her. Those around her find Matryona’s behavior strange. Today they call her for help, and tomorrow they condemn her for not giving up. They speak of her “cordiality and simplicity” “with contemptuous regret.” The villagers themselves Matryona's problems It’s as if they don’t notice, they don’t even come to check on her. Even at Matryona’s wake, no one talks about her. Those gathered have one thing on their minds: how to divide her simple property, how to grab a larger piece for themselves. The heroine was lonely during her life, and she remained lonely on that mournful day.

Matryona is contrasted with the other heroes of the story, and with the entire world around her too. Thaddeus, for example, is embittered, inhuman, and selfish. He constantly tortures his family, and on the day of the tragedy he thinks only about how to “save the logs of the upper room from the fire and from the machinations of his mother’s sisters.” Matryona is contrasted with her friend Masha, and her sisters, and her sisters-in-law.

The basis of relationships in the world surrounding the heroine is lies and immorality. Modern society he has lost his moral guidelines, and Solzhenitsyn sees his salvation in the hearts of such lonely righteous people as Matryona. She is the same person, “without whom, according to the proverb, a village is not worthwhile.” Neither the city. Neither the whole land is ours.”

A. Solzhenitsyn is a continuer of Tolstoy’s tradition. In the story “Matryonin’s Dvor” he affirms Tolstoy’s truth that the basis of true greatness is “simplicity, goodness and truth.”