MaterialsAll-Russian Orthodox Literary Prize named after the Holy and Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky protects Russia

A truly grandiose event will be held for people who have their place in art. The Alexander Nevsky Prize has been held every year for fourteen years.

This award encourages people who see beauty, people who create miracles and make a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture. It evaluates historical literary works and museum projects whose characters have influenced the social life and the culture of the country. You can nominate yourself in the literary and museum nominations.

Alexander Nevsky Prize 2018, competition conditions for the historical literary nomination

Works that comply with a number of rules are considered for the award. Such works may be in the form of a novel or poem, but there is one distinguishing feature. They should talk about historical figures who influenced the development of the country’s culture or demonstrated faithful service to the Motherland with their lives. Works for this competition must be submitted no earlier than 2005 and occupy at least five printed pages, otherwise the work will not be accepted.

There are cases when a whole group worked on a piece. Then the cash prize is awarded based on the opinions of the team members themselves. After making a decision, they submit it to the commission, which will make a verdict based on the goals set out in a special document.

Alexander Nevsky Prize 2018, competition conditions for museum projects

The right to exhibit in this nomination belongs to private individuals, museums, as well as various organizations, Related museum activities. The project can be presented by one person or a whole group. The work should symbolize the memory of a person who, through his exemplary example, demonstrates pure patriotism and selfless devotion to the Motherland. Submitted projects must cover the period up to the year 2000, and it must be valid at the time of the competition.

Alexander Nevsky Prize 2018, competition results

There are nine winners in each competition. The total cash prize is 1 million 800 thousand rubles. The laureates who take the first three places are awarded statuettes with the image of Alexander Nevsky and a cash prize. The first place receives three hundred thousand rubles, the second place – 200 thousand rubles, and the third – 100 thousand rubles. The remaining six laureates only receive monetary reward in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

You can apply until June 15, and the names of the winners will be announced in September of this year. The award ceremony will take place in St. Petersburg and will be timed to coincide with the memorial day of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

All-Russian Historical- literary prize"Alexander Nevsky" is open creative competition. It is designed to support the interest of our compatriots in the history of their Motherland, in the best museum memorial projects and literary works dedicated to the heroes of our history and their deeds for the glory of the Fatherland.

It is symbolic that the award’s anniversary was celebrated in 2014, which, by presidential decree, was named the Year of Culture in Russian Federation. One of the main criteria internal culture a person can without a doubt be called interested in understanding the past of his country and iconic figures national history, cultural and scientific figures. Therefore, it is infinitely important at all times to support people who devote their lives to preserving historical heritage countries, whether in museum walls or on book pages. A composer lives in his music, an architect in buildings, a statesman in actions that have left a mark on history, but life goes on as usual, and that is why the work of those who devote themselves to serving the memory of outstanding compatriots is so valuable to us.

Every year, the Prize Commission bears the heavy burden of selecting the best of the best. Over the past years, about 1,500 people have entered the competition. literary works and more than 400 museum projects. Among the laureates is Hero Soviet Union front-line writer Vladimir Karpov, literary critic Felix Kuznetsov, Russian Ambassador to Israel Pyotr Stegny, heart surgeon, academician Yuri Shevchenko, famous church historian Abbot Damaskin (Orlovsky), rector of the State Literary Institute. Gorky Boris Tarasov, daughter of Marshal Zhukov Maria Zhukova, President of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve A.I. Aksenova, staff of the Russian State Library, director State Museum-Reserve M.A. Sholokhov Alexander Sholokhov, artist Ilya Glazunov and many others.

General Director of JSC Talion (St. Petersburg) Alexander Ebralidze:

The name of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky arose at important critical stages in the development of our country. By establishing the award, we want to emphasize that today is one of such turning points in the history of Russia, when every citizen must give clear answers to the questions posed by life - who am I? What do we live for? Fatherland, people - what meaning do we put into these words? The most important thing is that, in giving answers to these questions, we must understand that we live in a society where others always compare our words with our actions.

Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, academician Valery Ganichev:

Over the years of the existence of the Alexander Nevsky literary prize, we have fully realized the severity of the problems that it was designed to solve. This led us to the idea of ​​expanding the scope of the project. With the help of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Prize "Alexander Nevsky" we hope to find the origins of Russian spirituality and patriotism not only on the pages of literary works on historical topic, but also in museum halls. These origins in life path and the deeds of the heroes of our history, who can serve as an example for the education of current and future generations. The founders of the award intend to celebrate the people who tell us about them from the pages of their books, with their created expositions.

Today at Once again The prize invites participation from museum workers and historical writers whose works are dedicated to the history of Russia.

The bonus fund will be 1,800,000 rubles. There are first, second, third and a number of incentive prizes for each competition. The winners of the first three prizes will also be awarded a sculpture of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

The collection of competitive applications will last until June 12, 2014, and the award ceremony is timed to coincide with September 12, the day of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Additional information can be obtained on the award website or by phone:

In addition, the book by the editor-in-chief of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace” Anna Danilova "Nun from Intelligence" received a special award “In the Service of the Fatherland.”

results literary competition

1 prize– The team of authors under the leadership of Podberezkin Alexey Ivanovich (under the general editorship of Naryshkin Sergey Evgenievich, Torkunov Anatoly Vasilievich) “ a great victory"in 15 volumes (MGIMO-University, Moscow, 2015)

2nd prize– Dotsenko Vitaly Dmitrievich, Makarov Sergey Ivanovich, Medvedev Sergey Viktorovich “Admiral Ushakov: Naval commander - holy righteous warrior” (charitable foundation “Sea Glory of the Fatherland”, St. Petersburg, 2016)

3rd prize– Shargunov Sergey Aleksandrovich “Kataev” (Young Guard, Moscow, 2016),

Special Prize “Chroniclers”– Igor Mikhailovich Ilyinsky “I Live and Remember” (Moscow University for the Humanities Publishing House, Moscow, 2014);

Special Award “In the Service of the Fatherland” – Danilova Anna Aleksandrovna “Nun from intelligence. The life story of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War nun Adriana (Malysheva)" (Nicaea, Moscow, 2013),

Special Award “Gatherers” – Kruzenshtern Alexey Vyacheslavovich, Kolotilo Leonid Grigorievich “Russians round the world travel. From Krusenstern to “Sedov” (Kriga, St. Petersburg, 2013), Special Award “Creators” – Ponomareva Galina Borisovna “Dostoevsky: I am dealing with this secret” (Russkiy Mir, Moscow, 2016), Special Heritage Award – Kudrina Yulia Viktorovna “From the height of the throne. Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna" (Russkiy Mir, Moscow, 2013), Special Prize “Pedigree” – Naryshkina-Prokudina-Gorskaya Natalya Andreevna “The Man Who Walked Fast” (NPPL “Native Spaces”, St. Petersburg, 2015).

Results of the museum competition

1 prize– Chernyavsky Sergey Vladimirovich, Kolosenkova Natalya Vitalievna, Ivanova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Manoilenko Yuri Evgenievich, Historical and documentary exhibition “Brilliant son of the Golden Age. N.M. Karamzin and his era" (on the 250th anniversary of his birth), Russian State Historical Archive, St. Petersburg

2nd prize– The team of the museum historical and memorial complex under the leadership of Valery Ivanovich Volodin, “Grandchildren of Heroes”, Museum historical and memorial complex “35th Coastal Battery”, Sevastopol

3rd prize– Stupin Sergey Gennadievich, Stremenetskaya Yulia Konstantinovna, Eloyan Sergey Norikovich, “Near Light from Afar” (on the anniversary of the death of the writer V.G. Rasputin), Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

At the awards ceremony, which will take place in St. Petersburg on September 14, the winners who took the first three places in each competition will be awarded a sculptural image of the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. The winners of the first three prizes will also receive cash prizes in the amount of 300, 200 and 100 thousand rubles, respectively. Holders special awards will be awarded diplomas and cash prizes - 50 thousand rubles.

Laureates of the Alexander Nevsky Prize in different years became not only professional historians, writers, museum workers, but also public figures, politicians, diplomats, artists, church ministers, journalists. Among the laureates are writer Alexander Prokhanov, Hero of the Soviet Union, front-line writer Vladimir Karpov, literary critic Felix Kuznetsov, former ambassador Russia in Israel Pyotr Stegny, cardiac surgeon, academician Yuri Shevchenko, famous church historian Hegumen Damascene (Orlovsky), politician Nikolai Ryzhkov, daughter of Marshal Zhukov Maria Zhukova, president of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve Alisa Aksenova, employees of the Russian State Library, director of the State Museum-Reserve reserve M.A. Sholokhov Alexander Sholokhov, artist Ilya Glazunov, literary critic and journalist Lev Danilkin and many others. Not only recognized masters became laureates of the award Russian literature And largest museums countries, but also writers from the provinces and small private museums. It is worth noting the widest geography of the competition: from Moscow literally to the very outskirts of Russia, near and far abroad.

The founders of the award invite journalists to a press conference dedicated to the results of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Prize “Alexander Nevsky” 2016.

At the event, which traditionally takes place in St. Petersburg, its founders, CEO Talion OJSC Alexander Ebralidze and Chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia Valery Ganichev, winners, publishers and representatives of the museum community, members of the Prize Award Commission will talk about the results of the twelfth competitive year of the Prize.

Press conference will take place September 14 at 12:00 at the address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 15 Taleon Imperial Hotel. Accreditation takes place until 18:00 on September 13. After the press conference, a tour of the palace complex and a cocktail will be organized for guests and journalists.

On September 11, on the eve of the day of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, an award ceremony for the laureates of the Alexander Nevsky Prize will be held in St. Petersburg.

Visiting the “Orthodox Book” portal is the head of the Organizing Committee of the “Alexander Nevsky” Prize, Marina Anatolyevna Guseva.

- Marina Anatolyevna, please tell us when and how the Alexander Nevsky Prize began?

- Our award was established in 2004, and the first award ceremony took place in 2005. Our award is called historical and literary, because we work in two directions: we hold a literary competition historical works and a competition for museum memorial projects. Our award was created both to popularize the best memorial projects of Russian museums, and to popularize literary works on historical topics that reveal the role and place of historical figures, their heroic deeds for the glory of the Fatherland.

We have two founders: the Union of Writers of Russia, which is headed by academician, doctor historical sciences Valery Nikolaevich Ganichev, and JSC Talion. Alexander Iosifovich Ebralidze, head of Talion OJSC, is a historian by training. And history for him is not a hobby, but life.

- Why was the figure of Alexander Nevsky chosen for the award?

- Alexander Nevsky is an iconic personality, interest in whom has always arose in turning points our country.

Our task is to present modern historical literature as widely as possible. The September issue of the Book Industry magazine presents the results of our joint survey on the market of modern historical literature. Publishers, librarians, critics, and public figures took part in the survey. They all emphasized that modern historical literature is an independent phenomenon that requires attention and care. Most of the experts participating in the study noted the lack of special programs not only at the federal, but also at the local level to support historical literature. Therefore, any joint events of historians, local historians, writers, and publishers could prove useful against such a background.

- Not only can a book be nominated for the Alexander Nevsky Prize creative union or a publishing house, but also any private person. Isn’t the Prize Award Committee, and most importantly, the review group, choking on the wave of graphomaniac works?

- You will be surprised, but no. In the first year, we received 50 books for the competition, this year - 210 books. We consider this figure as a solid result: after all, we have a very narrow specialization. We award books dedicated to heroes Russian history, and not just good books based on historical material.

- How is the work of the experts from the review group organized? Who are your experts?

- We have two groups of experts: a review group - it evaluates historical and literary texts. And there is an expert museum group - they evaluate museum memorial projects.

We invite to the reviewing and expert group: scientists, journalists, literary critics. Each book submitted to the competition is first registered and then given to them for evaluation. Two reviews are written for each book. The same procedure applies to museum projects.

When the acceptance of applications ends in mid-June, we compile preliminary lists of those works and projects that we found particularly interesting. These are not selected lists yet, this is the initial “substrate” with which the commission will continue to work. From this preliminary list, a Selection List of 9 laureates is compiled. The selection list is approved by the commission, and then the winners of the first three prizes are selected from these 9 people. It happens that one reviewer is “for” and the other is “against”, and then a member of the commission becomes the arbitrator.

Throughout the 5 years of our award’s existence, the review group of the literary competition has been headed by Alexander Yurievich Segen, associate professor of the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute, secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of Russia. He is the permanent leader of our review group. But there is a rotation within the group itself. We are interested in a fair competition, so we pay great attention review and expert work. It is necessary to take into account all opinions, observe collegiality, and only then make a verdict.

- The regulations on the prize indicate that works covering the period of national history from ancient times to 1945 are nominated for the competition. What is the reason for this limitation?

- This restriction was introduced by Alexander Iosifovich Ebralidze. A fairly widespread point of view is that the period of 50 years from today sets the necessary distance for historical vision.

- Which books from this year’s list would you recommend to our readers?

- The book “Ascetics of Russia”, written by a famous Russian historian, director of the Institute, is very interesting Russian history RAS Andrei Nikolaevich Sakharov in collaboration with Vladislav Dmitrievich Nazarov and Alexander Nikolaevich Bokhanov. This book contains 30 historical essays, each of which creates a portrait of a person who influenced the course of Russian history. Each of the presented historical figures, and among them: Saints Boris and Gleb, Vladimir Monomakh, Saint Sergius of Radonezh, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Afanasy Nikitin, Feodor Ushakov, and others, became, according to the authors, a certain symbol of the era. This book allows you to look at many facts of our history with a fresh, unbiased look.

As part of our community of Russian history lovers, we met amazing person: Valery Vasilievich Zavarnikhin. He created the Alexander Nevsky Museum in Gorodets, in the place where the Blessed Prince rested. Actually, our acquaintance with Valery Vasilyevich led us to the idea of ​​​​creating a competition for museum memorial projects.

In general, our prize today no longer exists only as a historical and literary prize.

Our activities are broader: we try to maintain interest in Russian history, we try to encourage enthusiasts engaged in such work in the regions. We collect and donate thematic collections of historical and literary texts to regional libraries, regional universities, and try to support regional museums.

- Marina Anatolyevna, is your laureates supported? In what form?

- We have a lot of off-site events, we definitely hold meetings with readers of our laureate authors, we try to promote their books at major book exhibitions Moscow, St. Petersburg.

On our website we constantly talk about new works by our authors. In LiveJournal we have several communities: “Lovers of Russian History”, “Community of Fans of the Alexander Nevsky Prize”, “Museum Community”.

- Presentation awards will be held September 11, on the eve of the day of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky in St. Petersburg. Why is the prize, which is Moscow in origin, awarded in St. Petersburg?

- Our award is not Moscow or St. Petersburg. Our award is the award of two Russian capitals. We divided it this way on purpose: we announce the winners in Moscow, and reward them in St. Petersburg, because our founders are also in St. Petersburg.

- What are the prospects for the Alexander Nevsky Prize project?

- We are only five years old, and this is a small date, not an anniversary. Our founder, Alexander Iosifovich Ebralidze, recently said that in Georgia, on his initiative, work has begun to create a historical and literary David the Builder Prize. I am very glad that we have like-minded people. This means that our award as a project is successful.

Marina Podolskaya