Historical figures with the name Aglaya. The fate of Aglaya in history. How Gulya's character changes with age

The name aglaya, what does it mean? Does the name aglaya influence the fate of the bearer or does everything depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s pure aglaya!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Aglaya: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Aglaya: brilliant
  • Origin of the name Aglaya: Greek Russian

Name Aglaya Greek origin. This name was borne by the youngest, third Kharita in mythology Ancient Greece. The name of the daughter of Zeus literally means “clear”, also translated as “beauty”, “brilliance”. In a figurative meaning, the name of this harita was interpreted as “rejoicing” and “joy.” Subsequently, the meaning of the name Aglaya was somewhat transformed, and such translations as “graceful” and “lovely” appeared. All these meanings emphasized the features of the ancient Greek charita Aglaia.

In Italy the name Aglaya will sound like Egle, Egla, in France - Aglae. This name can be found more often in Slavic peoples, although not considered a common name.

From the name Aglaya the derivative name Aglaida appeared. The affectionate address Aga is also used for the names Agnia and August, and Glasha is also Lukerya. There is a rare male name Aglaiy, which was derived from female name, and which is not used among Catholics. For the name Aglaya, Orthodox name days will be indicated.

The owner of the name Aglaya is a rather emotional person, but she can easily carry on a conversation even with strangers, if she feels that the environment is comfortable for her and does not create confusion. In general, Aglaya prefers not to take the first steps towards rapprochement and contacts, but her curiosity can move a girl, sometimes forcing her to take completely rash steps.

Aglaya stands out from the crowd thanks to her originality, eccentricity, which in childhood to a greater extent looks like a childish whim or a desire to emphasize one’s importance. But in adulthood, this can manifest itself as an inferiority complex, especially in cases where her non-standardity will very much distinguish her from those around her and cannot be perceived by them as the originality of Aglaya as a person.

Aglaya has a talent for languages ​​and the arts. But given the difficulty of communicating with this girl, others may perceive her as an absent-minded introvert, although Aglaya does not avoid communication in general, she needs a favorable environment for this, so it is simply impossible to have an intimate conversation with Aglaya while running in the rain.

Aglaya enjoys conversation and the exchange of ideas, and also strives to express herself in various ways– tries out his artistic abilities, oral creativity(writes poetry, prose), sings and dances. For her, such activities are tantamount to breathing. And curiosity is both her strong and weak side. It is precisely this that can motivate Aglaya to take new steps, open up new spaces, help her achieve success, but at a certain moment the same curiosity will not allow her to stop, which can ultimately lead to collapse.

One of the best professions The professions in which Aglaya can realize herself are creative professions - dancer, artist, actress, poetess, writer. But her excellent self-expression skills can also open up professions for Aglaya in the field of public relations and sales.

Numerology of the name Aglaya

  • Name number: 7
  • Heart number: 8
  • Personality number: 8
  • Happiness number: 7
  • Lucky numbers for the name Aglaya: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 106, 115
  • Happy days of the month: 7, 16, 25

The meaning of the letters of the name Aglaya

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of our name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • a – strength and power
  • d – big requests and nervousness in achieving them, mystery, attention to detail, conscientiousness
  • l – logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • a – strength and power
  • I – intelligence, creativity, self-esteem

Talismans named after Aglaya

  • Happy season: Autumn
  • Happy days of the week: Friday and Saturday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Tuesday and Sunday
  • Lucky Color: Purple
  • Mascot plant: Mullein
  • Talisman stones named after Aglaya: Copper, Diamond, Quartz, Emerald, Citrine, Aquamarine, Diamond, Opal, Tourmaline
  • Spirit animal: Raven
  • Wood: Grape

Astrology named after Aglaya

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Aglaya, the ruling planet is Venus, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages given by Venus: Justice, sense of beauty, harmony, gallantry, ingenuity

Disadvantages that the name Venus gives: Lack of a sense of proportion, selfishness

  • Astrological color of name: Blue
  • Side of the world: West
  • Astrological stone: Morion, Charoite, Granite, Amethyst
  • Representing animal: Turtle, Squirrel, Camel, Eagle Owl

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Aglaya: Sun

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Proserpina

Planetary number and meaning of the name Aglaya

For the name Aglaya planetary number - 10 and manages this name Pluto.

Pluto, as the key planet of the name, sets the task of conquering all fears, learning to overcome any extreme situations and managing collective energies, leading other people.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Aglaya

For the name Aglaya Zodiac number - 7 Scales.

Names - Libra create a field of balance and justice. They involve in solving various dual situations that require choice and the ability to objectively evaluate everything. Such names call for calmness and adherence to moderation in everything, for peace and harmony in relationships with others.

The sacred number for the name Aglaya is 4 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Cancer

People named Gemini prefer to take care of their home, family, and solve family problems. They contribute to a deep emotional and intuitive perception of surrounding people and current situations, create a field of conservatism, continuation of family traditions, and connections with loved ones.

brilliant, magnificent (ancient Greek).

Energy named after Aglaya

Aglaya is talented from birth. Her attractiveness and femininity have reliable protection in the form of a strong, despotic character, pushing her to find out any, even the smallest truth. She is ready to argue until she is hoarse, convincing her opponent that she is right. However, Aglaya is a dreamer and cannot rely on logic in an argument. Her strength is passion and desire to win. She is not characterized by envy and greed; Aglaya easily forgives insults. Family, money and life are a sad inevitability, which Aglaya will happily give up without regrets. Her temperament requires a constant partner and stability in life. She is a born leader. However, it is better if her work is related to the field of education (school, university).

Self-esteem, spirituality and purpose in life are the three pillars of her life. For Aglaya to become a good wife, she needs to be offered stability and freed from everyday and material problems. Aglaya good mother- a teacher for your children. It is better if the husband is a gentle man who needs strong support (like Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot,” for whom Aglaya could become an ideal wife).

Characteristics of the name Aglaya

Aglaya is very charming, but at the same time there is some kind of detachment in her that has a restraining effect on people. Aglaya is unpretentious and does not like to complicate her life. She is characterized by calmness and balance. The most noticeable shortcomings are slowness and a tendency to moralize.

Secrets of communication

Aglaya can be the first, capable of mastering any knowledge, feeling smart and capable of winning any argument - this is her essence and desire. Aglaya is not afraid of topics unknown to her, as she is confident in her abilities to comprehend the truth. However, if her leadership is suppressed from childhood, Aglaya is capable of withdrawing into herself, withdrawing and falling into loneliness, seeing this as the only correct path, and may show interest in religion and fanatical spirituality.

Diminutives of the name Aglaya

Aglayushka, Aglanya, Aglasha, Glasha, Ata, Atasha, Agulya, Gulya.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: yellow.
Talisman stone: topaz.

Aglaya's name day

January 1 (December 19)- righteous Aglaida. She spent her life in fasting, caring for the poor and prayer, with which she performed miracles (IV century).

The meaning of the name Aglaya for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a complete analysis of the character, compatibility and fate of the name Aglaida in this article!

Full name: Aglaya

Value: from ancient Greek name Aglaia – “beauty”, “brilliance”, “joy”

Similar names: Aglaida

Church name: Aglaida

What does the name Aglaida mean?

A person's name has a great influence on the fate of its bearer. Whatever you call the doll, that’s how she will live. Therefore, you should always approach the choice of a name consciously, studying its origin, character and meaning. It is important to understand that the quality of life, successes and difficulties depend on this chosen name. Aglaida is a name that came to us from Ancient Greece. Then and now its meanings are “brilliant”, “daughter of beauty and splendor”. Its owner is always in sight, in the center of events and aware of the latest incidents, loves to dominate. There are such variants of the name: Aglaidia, Glasha, Aglasha.

The name Aglaya in different languages ​​of the world

In Belarusian: Aglaya

In Bulgarian: Aglaya

In Hungarian: Aglaja

In Greek: Αγλαΐα

In German: Aglaia

In Romanian: Aglaia

In Ukrainian: Aglaya

In French: Aglaé

Characteristics and astrology of the name Aglaya

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Patron Planet: Saturn

Talisman stone: topaz

Color: yellow

Plant: gentian

Animal: tit

What does the name Aglaya mean for a girl, girl and woman?

A girl named Aglaida is a good and reliable friend. Starting from kindergarten and finishing school, she has several faithful friends, because she herself is always happy to help. Non-conflict, friendly, quickly makes contact. Easily adapts to preschool educational institution and school.

Equally close to both girls and boys. Therefore, she helps others overcome speech barriers between friends of the opposite sex. Cheerful, perky, self-confident. In conflicts that are not directly related to her, she considers it necessary to take part and lead the disputing parties to friendship. Sometimes she does this not to help, but to show that they won’t figure it out without her.

A girl named Aglaida is full of doubts and contradictions. The former childhood courage and fervor are replaced by a balanced look and thoughtfulness, assessing the situation and determining the consequences after certain actions.

Having a goal, for example, organizing a literary evening at the institute, she sees enormous opportunities after the successful outcome of the matter. However, even with the ability to organize and find worthy performers, he may begin to hesitate, change the plan of the event and completely refuse to carry it out, giving the entire reward to someone who will cope with this task much worse.

This doesn't always happen. And this happens due to youthful maximalism, when you want to do everything perfectly or do nothing at all, going to one extreme and then to the other.

A woman named Aglaida is a faithful and devoted partner in marriage and love. But the number of ambitious plans is off the charts. The goal she has chosen is too huge, the tasks set are unbearably difficult.

Such plans do not allow you to devote yourself to your beloved man or spouse; sometimes there is simply not enough time to express tender feelings. And even strong love cannot fight such ambition. This should not be allowed!

The object of desire and love should play a much more significant role in life than determination, which flatters pride and increased self-esteem. When searching for harmony, such a woman will always be softened by her partner’s love, making her calmer, able to distract herself from her goals and pay attention to how to please her lover.

The character and fate of the name Aglaya

  • determination
  • strong-willed character
  • presence of leadership qualities
  • management skills
  • finding a quick solution to a problem
  • resistance to stress
  • good intuition
  • charm
  • cuteness
  • femininity

Determination helps Aglaida not to stand still. When some people think about whether to do this or that way, she has already made a decision and did what she thinks is right. A strong-willed character helps to overcome difficulties on the way to the goal.

Leadership qualities and management abilities make it possible to gather a friendly team of like-minded people around you. She does not fall into depression and nervousness because she is resistant to them. Can intuitively sense a risky undertaking and not start it.

  • despotic management
  • complex character
  • secrecy
  • cold

Despotism in management is expressed in the fact that Aglaida, having increased demands on herself, expects the same from others. In the team he does not tolerate laziness, laxity and dishonesty. Often has the reputation of a person with a complex character.

She hides her personal life and existing problems from prying eyes and ears, which makes it seem secretive to others. Shows coldness towards those with whom she is not interested. But as soon as a person acquires at least some significance in her eyes, he “warms up”. This kind of inconsistency is scary large number employees. Only those who were able to adapt and withstand her initial indifference and detachment are close to her.

The fate of Aglaya

Since childhood, Aglaida goes for a battering ram if her feelings are hurt. By adolescence, she gives a tougher rebuff to those who offend her. However, he does not get into fights or brawls. A look and a word are enough for her to put the offender in his place.

In adulthood, personal life does not immediately go well. She is looking for a love that can withstand any test. She needs a strong life partner who does not give in to difficulties, but, on the contrary, gives a helping hand.

The fate of Aglaida is not simple, but full of bright events and impressions. The period of youthful formation is especially fascinating; the period is difficult career growth and the hour when she realizes that it’s time for her to improve her personal life, become a good wife and give birth to a child is unpredictable.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Work for Aglaida, if she does not have a family, comes first. She is not against career growth, and fast one at that. He doesn’t consider it shameful to become a director, because he can manage. But in achieving the goal he does not “go over his head”, but achieves everything with his own strength, qualities and knowledge. He takes his time, acts smoothly, slowly but surely.

Having strong energy, she does not have to choose an office job. She can fully embody herself in theatrical activities. Pedagogy is also close to her, since Aglaida easily conveys the necessary information to the listener. The choice is not so small. In business, he does not tolerate negligence or frivolity from partners. He believes that business comes first: health and family. But this is only until she gets married.

Marriage and family

Being a leader by nature, family life Aglaida, especially at first, will not be easy. Her betrothed will also suffer from this. It is difficult for her to get used to the fact that now she needs to plan her life with someone else, make plans together.

An alien creature has penetrated her universe - this is exactly how Aglaida feels, despite the fact that she really loves her chosen one. The husband will have to accustom the woman to the fact that he is the head of the family and last word now follow him. But soon she will get used to this state of affairs, reconcile herself and become a wonderful housewife and wife.

However, sometimes Aglaida will still try to take the lead, and here the husband would benefit from wisdom in how to act so as not to offend his beloved.

Sex and love

Aglaida is very attractive. Not every man can walk past her without turning around. There are no number of fans, but only a few, or even fewer, achieve her favor.

It is not in her rules to let a man get close, which Aglaida puts the stronger sex into a stupor and even paralyzes. Rejects consider her either arrogant or hard to get. A woman’s coldness can be explained by the fact that she wants to be not a passing hobby in a man’s life, but true love and even the meaning of life.

In relationships, she is chaste and tactful, reserved and behaves like a lady. Constantly checking his companion, it takes him a long time to decide on a serious relationship. There are many who want to be with her, but there are incredibly few who can withstand the test. Anyone who can achieve her love will receive a lot of tenderness and passion not only in relationships, but also in sex.


Aglaida is not prone to pain. But if some virus was able to penetrate her body, she would not complain, would not wrap her head in a towel, would not lie down on the sofa, would not allow anyone to treat her. She always copes with illnesses herself.

In cases where the illness is stronger than her prescription, she goes to the hospital reluctantly, because she cannot completely trust the doctors. Prefers proven specialists. And if she liked the doctor, then she can willingly visit him in order to prevent the disease, coming, so to speak, for advice. Doesn't panic when he discovers he has a high temperature. Not afraid of injections or dentists.

Interests and hobbies

Aglaida is a person of high spirit. Morality and moralism come first for her. Often with these qualities she alienates people whose moral character does not fit into her idea of correct behavior and ethics. Therefore, her hobbies and interests are more related to charity or religion.

For example, she is interested in being in a group of volunteers searching for a missing child. She is not indifferent to the lives of homeless animals. And if he gets carried away with this activity, he will place all the lost people in their homes. However, the hobby captivates her, leading her to fanaticism. Therefore, you should not allow yourself to be completely immersed in spirituality.

Compatibility of the name Aglaya with male names

In matters of love, serious relationship and marriage, Aglaida better pay attention to Vadim, Ruslan, Makar, Semyon, Evgeniy, Stepan and Maxim. Not only the girl herself, but her parents and relatives will immediately like them. Also, a very good marriage union will be with Victor, David, Igor, Andrey and Egor. There will be no storm of passions, but strong friendly relations are guaranteed. There are no names that would be considered contraindicated for Aglaida, in terms of love. She, due to her attractiveness and wisdom, can adapt to any man’s whim if she loves.

It is better for Aglaida to get a job with Yuri, Oleg, Makar, Nikita, Mikhail, Kirill and Fedor. A manager with one of these names will notice potential in a woman and give her the opportunity to rise through the ranks. career ladder. Aglaida’s relationship with employers and employees, whose names will be Maxim, Daniil, Dmitry, Victor, Semyon, Timur and Stepan, will not work out. And the position held does not matter here. Even the janitor of the enterprise, Timur, will have an unfriendly attitude towards a woman, for reasons that only he understands. In other areas of life, it is worth relying on the latest list of names.

Knowing the meaning of names, we try not just to name the child euphoniously, but we see in this a deep, sacred meaning. We find out what the name Aglaya means in popular sources.

Aglaya is a name Greek mythology. This was the name of one of the goddesses of joy, fun, optimism, beauty, grace and grace. It is translated as magnificent or brilliant.

  • Derived pet names: Aglanya, Gulya, Glasha, Gulenka;
  • Patronizing planet of the name: Saturn;
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn;
  • A stone that attracts wealth and luck: ;
  • Favorable color: yellow;
  • Totem bird: tit;
  • Tree that gives strength and positive energy: Elm;
  • A plant that helps get rid of negative energy: gentian.

Excellent compatibility of Aglaya with male names: , , . You should not expect harmony in tandem with men named:,.

Angel's Day church calendar at Aglaya - January 1. Her patron saint, Saint Aglaida, cared for the poor, prayed for the sick and suffering, and healed the needy.

How Gulya's character changes with age

The owners of this beautiful name always very attractive. Excessive attention from the opposite sex makes her more sensitive and capricious. She develops an early love for everything refined, expensive and luxurious. This is noticeable already from early childhood. She feels special, unique, loves to dream and imagine herself as a little princess.

Already from an early age, Gulya has shown independence and self-sufficiency. Many envy the girl, perceiving her freedom and some detachment from people as arrogance and arrogance. The reason for her closed nature may be that she takes everything to heart, suffering and experiencing any insults and comments addressed to her. Therefore, she often keeps her distance from those who are not part of her circle of trust.

IN student years Aglaya is changing, both externally and internally. This is noticeable in her confident behavior. By this point, she had already learned to emotionally and impulsively rebuff those who try to humiliate her. Sometimes the explosive Glasha can already stand up not only for herself, but also for her beloved friends, of whom she does not have many.

In more mature years Aglasha has a high emotional intelligence, she can easily restrain not only her feelings and emotions, but also influence the behavior of other people. An outwardly beautiful and calm girl does not like to complicate her life by sorting out relationships, quarrels or conflicts. She behaves unpretentiously and with dignity both with fans and with work colleagues.

Her slowness and high moral standards can influence her choice of field of activity. As for her social circle, she is mostly surrounded by men. Among them are colleagues, friends, lovers.

Health, love, profession

Little Aglaya shows herself as a leader from an early age. She is interested in leading, not being led. She's enough difficult child. Parents need to try to find an approach to the girl without destroying her impulse for activity and joy from success. Gulya is active, straightforward, persistent in achieving results. She has a lot of energy that needs to be helped in time to direct in a positive direction.

Studying at school does not cause her much interest, so she behaves mediocrely. She will be able to reveal her inner potential already in high school, having fallen in love with one of the subjects or becoming interested in extracurricular work. Passionate Glasha uncontrollably strives for her goal, spending all her strength and energy on an excellent result.

Aglaya's health

Gulya is always very active and energetic, but this does not mean that she should not pay attention to ailments and pain. She does not like to complain about problems; her loved ones do not immediately find out about her illness. This often leads to the owner of the name suffering from complications of the disease. Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to be attentive to their girl and be able to notice her poor health.

In adulthood, Glasha should be wary of aggression from envious people, as well as extreme sports and fast driving. There is a high probability of injuries and fractures.

In old age, Aglaida is worried about joints and osteochondrosis. The chiropractor will become your friend and frequent guest, if you don’t learn to take care of your health from a young age.

Career and personal life

Guli's childish traits become acutely evident in her adult years. In the team she is a strong-willed and despotic person. Often he can sacrifice a staff member - a subordinate, while carrying out the assigned task. Aglaya's highest efficiency is noticeable during a crisis or when there are seconds left before the finish line. She is a person of results, not of work process. Therefore, she will be interested in the profession of a project manager or crisis manager. In any case, in her work she must clearly understand her goals and deadlines.

Glasha is not only a leader, she is often a creative person. She cares more about the spiritual component of her life than the material one. She leaves providing for the family on the shoulders of her husband, and she strives to surround herself with interesting and famous people at a prestigious job.

She easily and quickly manages to climb the career ladder. Um Guli and visual appeal do not leave business partners or managers indifferent. She will always find something to say and how to attract attention. Feeling her hidden power over men, Aglaya successfully uses it. And the girl’s perseverance and perseverance allow her to achieve the desired heights.

A woman named Aglaya knows how to understand people and has high intuition. It is enough for her to talk with a person for a few minutes to understand his goals and motivation. She knows how to choose the words that quickly win over her interlocutor.

Personal life will not be stable right away. Outwardly charming and attractive, it is difficult for Gula to find a permanent companion due to her complex character and intensive work schedule. Over the years, there are more and more demands and claims against people of the opposite sex, and there are fewer candidates for marriage.

With men, she is cold and unapproachable until the moment she falls in love. If this happens, then her companion will be surrounded by care and affection for life. Gulya joins late official marriage, because he strives to enjoy his freedom and not get bogged down in the routine of bourgeois happiness. Household chores and everyday responsibilities are not her lot.

Despite the mediocre attitude towards family life, she becomes an excellent mother. She raises her children in strictness, not indulging in excesses, but showing her love and care.

Aglaya will feel good and comfortable with the person who will provide her with financial independence and will always listen to her opinion. She knows how to quickly understand her husband’s problems and give the right advice. Her business qualities can contribute to the rapid career of the spouse if he accepts her support.

Notable people named Aglaya:

  • Aglaya Shilovskaya is a Russian theater and film actress. She continued the acting dynasty not because of family ties in the arts, but because of her incredible skill;
  • Aglaya Tarasova - Russian film actress, daughter famous actress Ksenia Rappoport. Aglaya has shown an interest in creativity since childhood. As a teenager, she already began to try herself as an actress and act in films. She is beautiful, temperamental and talented;

  • Aglaya is the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. "Idiot". She is smart, reserved and has a high sense of self-esteem.

When future parents find out that they are having a girl, of course, one of the first questions is what to name the newborn. Some people prefer unusual names, others like familiar ones, others follow fashion in this matter, choosing a name that is rapidly gaining popularity. If you want to give a name that is beautiful, but not too common, you can call the girl Aglaya.

Meaning and forms of the name

This is unusual for our country, unusual and rare name- Aglaya. The meaning and origin has ancient Greek roots and translated means “beauty”, “light”, “brilliance”, “radiance”. This was the name of one of the three graces (charit), the daughter of Zeus and Eurynome.

The name exists in different forms, including diminutives: Glasha, Glanya, Aglaida.

Christians revere Aglaida of Rome, which is a stronghold of spirituality and martyrdom. All her life she sincerely believed in the power of God, and before leaving for the monastery, she collected all her belongings and distributed them to those in need. This name contains a great gift that can drive out an evil spirit from the human body.

The owners of this name are distinguished by ambition, determination, high intelligence and temperament. From birth, Aglaya knows what she wants from this life. She has enormous talent and always strives for victory in any matter. Many will say that she vindictive, vindictive, evil and calculating, but this is far from the case. She achieves her goals by relying solely on her talent, intelligence and strength. She will not go over her head and will not build her own happiness on someone else’s grief.

Glasha’s character is calm, but when it comes to an argument, she can no longer be restrained. She always argues emotionally, trying by any means to prove that she is right. But in an argument he wants to show not his stubbornness and perseverance, but his real knowledge, his high intelligence. It is very difficult to argue with her arguments for a long time. Because they are always reasoned and logical. That is why it is always very interesting to be with her. But usually, after such skirmishes, she very much regrets that she behaved this way, although next time, most likely, she will do the same.

She has a slightly inflated, but generally adequate self-esteem. In society, she appears in the role of a certain queen. Sometimes this makes it difficult to communicate with her. Some people don't like this girl, thinking that she

  • cold;
  • arrogant;
  • alienated;
  • arrogant;
  • categorical.

This fully corresponds to the meaning of the name Aglaya. A girl with this name is characterized by self-confidence - sometimes even excessive, categoricalness.

Close people know that this is far from the case. Just Aglaya real woman. She has pride and self-esteem, which is why she keeps some at a distance.

The owner of this name also has obvious disadvantages: she is very touchy and slow, but at the same time she is a very powerful person, even somewhat despotic. There is a complete absence of self-criticism in their character; they believe that any of their actions are correct. Impulsivity, impetuosity and emotionality are also far from beneficial.

Relationships with people

By nature, Aglaya is endowed with charm, which makes her attractive to most people.

Love and sympathy

Not a single man can pass by the attractive Aglaya. She has many fans, but not everyone can count on her leniency. She doesn’t let everyone get close, and not all men know what this can mean. Some will consider her hard to touch, while others will say that she is arrogant. But the secret of her coldness lies in something completely different. Aglaya wants to make sure that these are really real feelings and not a momentary weakness.

On top of that, she behaves like a real lady. She strives to maintain her purity and shows chastity in her relationships with men. She thinks for a very long time before taking any serious steps in a relationship. She constantly checks her men. And many do not pass the test. They leave this woman and leave wounds in her vulnerable soul instead. And she will choose the man who will pass all the tests and prove that he really loves this woman and is ready to do anything for her. Only in such a man will she be completely confident.

Although there are quite a lot of people who want to be with her, real and sincere feelings she can only feel for one man. Once and for life.

Family and marriage

Aglaida is a leader by nature, and family life will begin quite difficult for her. But not only she will suffer, but also her betrothed. From the very beginning, it will be difficult for her to get used to the fact that now everything is not done at her behest and she must listen to someone else. It will also be difficult for a husband to accustom his wife to the fact that he is the head of the house. But gradually she will get used to this role and she will turn out to be a very good housewife.

Equality will reign in the family, but this is not exactly what she wanted. The girl will make attempts to take the place of the head of the family. But here we need to be careful. Men don't like it when their wife tries to boss them around and run everything in the house. A similar position can play against Aglaya. Not every man will be able to endure his wife’s dictatorship for a long time and there is a risk that she will be left alone.

Only a stork will help solve this problem. With the advent of children, Aglaya's character will completely change. She will completely forget about the throne and devote herself entirely to the children. This will be a caring and attentive mother who will strive to spend more time in the nursery. The husband will also finally be calm, because he will find a submissive wife.

Business and career

Aglaya is a leader not only in the family, but also at work. She always strives to occupy the director's chair, and achieves respect on her own. She may need a lot of effort and time for this, but she will certainly achieve her goal.

This girl has very strong energy, which she can transfer to other people. From this point of view, we can advise Aglaya to take up art and go, for example, to the theater. Except creative professions, you can try yourself in pedagogy - this is a real master of conveying information to the audience.

Signs of the name

There are several signs that are associated with this name.

  • The name is most suitable for the zodiac sign Capricorn.
  • Topaz acts as a talisman.
  • The color of the name is yellow.
  • The patron of the name is the tit.
  • On Tuesday, Aglaya always expects good luck and achievements.

Aglaia's name day is celebrated twice a year - January 1 (in honor of the righteous Aglaida of Rome) and April 4 (in honor of the martyr Aglaida). It is believed that if on the day of the Roman Aglaida the sky is starry, it is for the harvest.

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