Seven Russian nesting dolls are a symbol of the seven human bodies. The sacred meaning of the Russian nesting doll

Slavic culture gave humanity the famous figurine - the nesting doll. However, many do not realize that children's fun serves as an excellent amulet of family happiness and helps a couple realize the dream of having a long-awaited child.

I have been investing in the creation of Matryoshka for a long time deep meaning. She symbolizes the Family, personifying the numerous offspring generated by her. Matryoshka is a symbol of the unity and versatility of the world, consisting of many manifestations interconnected with each other. She reflects the small in the large, creating a miniature universe. It characterizes a person, embodying his energy field, soul and other components.

Family amulet matryoshka

IN Slavic culture The matryoshka doll of the first year of life represents a baby who will have to gain a foothold in the world of Revealing. The next figure symbolizes the etheric body of a person, which is formed by the age of three and merges with the original body, forming a single whole. An even larger nesting doll reflects the human astral body, Navier. It is formed by the age of seven and merges with previous bodies. Next comes the matryoshka doll, denoting the human mental body, fully formed by the age of 14. The following figure characterizes a person ready to create own life and get married for this. Formed by age 21. The penultimate nesting doll personifies the spiritual and intuitive body of a person who has undergone maternal or paternal initiation, having embarked on the path of raising his child. The largest nesting doll, uniting all the figures, represents Divya's body (). This figure symbolizes initiation into grandparents, awareness of past years.

Thus, the nesting doll represents human integrity. This amulet brings harmony and comfort to the house. Matryoshka was an indispensable attribute in the homes of our ancestors and protected families from negative manifestations, protected from diseases and accidents, and also symbolized the strength of the Family.

When purchasing a matryoshka doll for a house where there are no children, hold it in your hands more often, sort through the figures to form a single whole, and ask it for more offspring. This must be done as often as possible, involving your partner in the ritual. Such a game transfers the warmth of your bodies to the dolls, and they begin to pass through themselves subtle vibrations from the outside, attracting much-needed attention to you.

Don’t forget about the power of the prayer word. Ask Higher Powers to give you offspring, live a righteous life and constantly improve yourself, so that over time you can pass on your knowledge to your born children and fill their vessels with the correct contents. There should be no room left for quarrels, negative energy and anger in your family. Once you set out on the path that allows you to undergo parental initiation, your dreams will come true. We wish you happiness in life, fulfillment of all your innermost desires, coziness and comfort. Love and appreciate each other, and don't forget to push the buttons and

Everyone is familiar with the Russian souvenir, the Matryoshka doll. She is considered a native Russian resident. This is what they are trying to bring home as a Russian souvenir. Foreign tourists. Children enjoy playing with matryoshka dolls; they are used to decorate interiors.
Few people know that the Russian matryoshka does not have Russian roots at all. There are quite a few myths about its origin, but most researchers believe that the prototype of the nesting doll was a Japanese deity, whose figurine also moved apart and contained smaller parts. This Japanese figurine was a bald old man.
The author of our nesting doll was the turner Zvyozdochkin, and the doll was painted by the artist Malyutin as a peasant girl. Why was it called Matryoshka?

It is believed that this name comes from the Russian name Matryona. In turn, this name has its own roots. It comes from the Latin Matrona, which means “noble woman”. An apt name, because indeed the doll has become truly “noble”.
Very quickly the matryoshka became a symbol of Russian folk art. These symbols instantly spread throughout Russia, in every province they “dressed” her according to local traditions. Often, along with the doll’s outfit, its shape also changed - it was either rounded or lengthened. Where it was developed folk craft, there were definitely nesting dolls.

It’s hard to even imagine that 200 years ago no one knew about the nesting doll. The most popular time for the nesting dolls began in the 60s of the last century, when foreign guests began to come to the USSR to study and participate in various festivals. Each of them wanted to buy a folding doll as a souvenir. Actually, today every foreigner also wants to buy a nesting doll in memory of his stay in Russia. Why exactly this, and not all kinds of boxes, scarves or something else?
Probably because the nesting doll really personifies the entire Russian people with their broad soul, bright colors, friendly families.

Matryoshka is a symbol of life. A woman gives life to her daughter, who, in turn, gives life to the next creature, and so on.
Matryoshka symbolizes wealth, fertility, motherhood. That is why people love her so much. Today you can buy a souvenir matryoshka doll from different types- and in the form fairy-tale heroes and even in the form of figurines of famous politicians. Of course, these nesting dolls are made especially for foreigners. But the most interesting thing is that they are just trying to buy a traditional Russian doll, a matryoshka doll, and not creative remakes.

...A wooden toy, traditionally consisting of seven dolls nested inside each other, painted in more detail and more ornate from smaller to larger and... ideally reflecting the model of the subtle bodies of man and the model of our World.

I am not a follower of any dogma, a member of a sect, and I also do not consider myself a follower of any religious movement; I study the World. The laws of the Universe are much deeper and more global than our understanding of them. Any of the tools for understanding the world, be it science, religion, philosophy, reflect the world incompletely and, excuse me, one-sidedly. Moreover, any of these tools has its own purpose and reveals and highlights its part of the picture of the world. A person interested in the world order and the meaning of existence should not focus on the differences in these visions, but on the contrary, look for commonality in them, compare, analyze, peel away the garbage in search of grains of truth, in search of Universal Harmony. For the Universe is harmonious by nature, and our task is to understand this and be able to harmonize ourselves and ourselves with the World.

Various multi-level models of psychology are built on the model of human subtle bodies, accepted in tradition: Maslow’s pyramid, logical levels of NLP, etc. For those who are not familiar with this model, a little more detail: in addition to the physical body, a person has “bodies” of sensations, emotions, thoughts, events, values ​​and a body of identity, which contains the immortal “I” and unconscious knowledge of the mission. Each subtle body consists of matter of a subtler order; it is generally accepted that only those bodily planes that are located below the mental one are described in words. This does not mean that higher bodies are unknowable or unchangeable.

Each of the subtle bodies, each “matryoshka”, has its own special type of states, internal energies and its own deformations - “problems”. All diseases (except genetic ones) are formed from the external to the internal plane. You cannot harm the smallest, innermost nesting doll, the physical body, without first “breaking through” all six that surround it.

The initial deformation always occurs on the outermost (atmanic) layer: a person falls out of harmony with his higher self, with his mission, with his soul, if you like. This entails a deformation of the value plan, after which events begin to occur that give corrective hints... unfortunately, for most people, the intellect has ceased to fulfill its protective function - reading the signals of the Soul and the World and searching for ways to harmonize oneself. Instead, events, the World, God are blamed for injustice, cruelty towards this particular individual, resentment, hatred and the mood for struggle, that is, for automatic defeat, grow - because victory is impossible in the absence of an enemy. No one is at war with us, no one is punishing us “for our sins,” a streak of unfavorable events is an indicator of our own, personal, personal disharmony with the World and with the tasks of our soul.

What follows a conflict, a breakdown in our mental body? Emotional discomfort (astral deadlock). Then I feel unwell (ethereal deadlock). Next comes muscle spasm (physical block), which, if a person does not start working to correct this fragment of the world picture, becomes a chronic spasm and gradually develops into a chronic disease.

The same diagram shows how any problem is presented simultaneously in all subtle bodies, as if you pierced a nesting doll with a needle. Let's say a person is at an eventual impasse, this automatically creates sad thoughts, negative emotions, poor health... do you recognize the layers?

To work on restoring each of the subtle bodies, there are many multi-level practices: different levels yoga, multiple levels of energy practices, affirmations, forgiveness, meditative techniques. In some practices, the emphasis is definitely placed on specific subtle bodies: Buddhist “vippasana” is a way of transforming the energy of the etheric and astral bodies, hatha yoga is mainly the physical and etheric bodies, bhakti yoga is the astral and buddhial bodies, jnana yoga is mainly working with energy of the mental body, karma yoga - transformation of the energy of the causal body, etc. Within the framework of one tradition, it is usually not customary to work with all levels at once; it is proposed to work with each of the subtle bodies separately. This takes years. For a modern person this is unacceptable.

The period in which we live is characterized by a very high speed of life, the speed of time. Precisely time. Yes, the units of time continue to be seconds, minutes, hours, years, but the real speed of life has increased by orders of magnitude over the past 40-50 years. The speed of movement, the speed of information exchange, the speed of decision-making and their implementation have changed.

As a result and properties modern man already different from his ancestors. Modern man is much more acutely faced with a choice: personal degradation on the path of satisfying only his needs of the first and second order, that is, the physical and etheric bodies, or multi-level development of himself, increasing awareness, achieving harmony of body-mind-soul, awareness and fulfillment of his own mission and harmonization with the Universe. A modern person who works on himself has sufficient concentration and sensitivity to consciously transform the energy of all levels and move from the gradual passage of bodily levels to a universal system of work, including all planes from the physical to the buddhial.

I do not include the atmanic body in the list of transformations, because... this is our higher self, this is the mission, this is, if you like, our soul. And souls, as you know, come into the world pure and harmonious. Our task is to return ourselves to this innate harmony, to get closer to integrity and compliance with our mission. Do not look for a contradiction in this with “worldly” life; holistic people, by definition, are socially successful. Aren't harmony with the world and harmonious being in the world synonymous? If harmonization practices become a way of life, then positive changes cover all larger contexts of a person’s life and lead to complete healing of all subtle bodies.

Multi-level harmonization practices using Magen technologies allow you to speed up personal growth simultaneously at all levels, while specific life tasks are solved as if “automatically”. Unlike the traditional approach to personal development, there is no need to set specific goals and to gradually accumulate wisdom and maturity. In addition, Magen information technologies teach you to understand the clues contained in your event flow: everything that happens to you in life is yours and for you, you need to understand WHY in order to understand your true direction, and sometimes stop the process of deformation of your subtle bodies, “piercing a nesting doll.”

It is not news that our “matryoshka” is not alone in the Universe and is in constant contact, information and energy exchange with other “nesting dolls”. But for some reason, at many seminars I see that our constant interaction with the “Matrioshka of the World” is news to the listeners, moreover, the very presence of the Matryoshka of the World is news...

There were and are many models of the World, starting with turtles and elephants and ending with laboratory work according to the astrology of some giant alien schoolboy. The same is with the origin of man: everyone is free to choose their origin according to their taste: from a monkey, from aliens (usually in alliance with the same monkey), according to God's will...

The model that I bring to your attention today is no worse and not better than any another one you choose for yourself. I just chose this one.

So, the Matryoshka of the World: our world has seven levels of existence, each of which is larger and more complex than the previous one and includes all the previous layers and their components. Let me make a reservation right away for clarity: everything, I emphasize, ALL levels are endowed with consciousness.

The first level is inorganic life: soil, water, air, stones, minerals, etc. They all carry certain information accumulated during their existence and - yes, they all have their own consciousness. You may have heard about the “medicinal” properties of certain stones, or about the cleansing properties of silver, for example. Each element of the first level has its own individual properties, its own individual vibration. It is the interaction of these vibrations with the vibrations of your body that causes positive or negative changes, that is, harmonization or, conversely, disruption of harmony.

The second level is organic, unspiritualized life: plants, protozoa... If you can tune in to the wave of a tree, a flower, they will tell you about their condition, how they can be useful to you, they will share their memory of the World and the changes in it. My great-grandmother treated with herbs, and as a child it was very strange for me to hear that “a blue disease is cured with blue grass, and if the disease is red, then you also need to look for blue grass with red edges.” In my opinion, all the grass was, excuse me, green. She saw the similarity of vibrations, saw the difference in the color of the patient’s energy and the energy of the herbs. My great-grandmother didn’t have time to pass on her knowledge to me, but she gave me an invaluable understanding of the fact that the World is more complex than we used to think, and that everyone can see the World in their own way...

The third level is organic spiritual life: animals and people. Sometimes at seminars they ask: “Do animals also have souls?” I usually answer with a question: “Have you ever looked into the eyes of your dog or cat?” Yes, I have. The only difference between man and animal is mission. Our soul comes into this World with its own task, and it is to understand this task that we need high level awareness. Both language and high level of development nervous system, and the ability to think abstractly are given to us as an opportunity to realize our mission, our role as a co-creator in this World.

When you say or hear that man is created in the image and likeness of God, do you really think that they meant two legs, two arms, sandals and a beard? Man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator in his ability to co-create the World. Mine inner world, myself. The one who is in the closest connection with the entire Universe and, accordingly, influences the state of the World with every action, every word, every thought and every breath.

Using the example of a person, you can see how the lower levels are included in each of the following: minerals, water, bacteria, and fungi are those building material, which makes up the human body. But this does not mean that the components of the upper levels are not present in the lower ones. In each of the smallest there is a particle of the Creator.

The next, fourth level is the level of energies and egregors (in Zeland’s recently published articles they were called “pendulums”). Shamanists traditionally turn to the forces of this level and conduct their correctional work teachings about interaction with energies, for example Feng Shui. Energy of media: water, earth, fire, wind. Beautiful and strong energies. Energy of social consciousness, egregors: religions, political party, campaigns of an ideological movement, any group of like-minded people. According to Christ's words, a temple is not a building, a temple is where three people gather and think about God.

Yes, three is already an egregor, this is already a force of the fourth level. Think about it, is your family’s egregor effective? Does he think in one direction, does he live in harmony, is he a powerful energy formation leading you in the desired direction? Or are you staging Krylov’s well-known fable about a swan, crayfish and pike under the roof of your house? People often come to the Magen center who live in a family, love each other, but do not feel happy and are not in harmony. And then we help them restore or build their egregor.

The fifth level is the level of masters, the level of souls and the level at which duality ends. Why does it "end"? Because you will not find the concepts of good and evil on the sixth and seventh levels, they are neutral, they are, if you like, “above” this.

Souls, they are also the energy-informational essences of every person, are immortal. After each life cycle, after each lesson completed (yes, yes, like in school: a lesson of love, a lesson of wisdom, a lesson of strength, a lesson of responsibility...) they return to the fifth level of being for re-awareness, evaluation of experience and planning their further development, his next incarnation, and to communicate with the masters.

Who are the masters? These are also souls, also energy-informational entities that have already completed many lessons and become... wise. Imagine the difference between a second grader and a university professor. The mission of the masters is not only in self-improvement and self-education, but also in teaching others. Many of them no longer incarnate on Earth, or they incarnate into Masters who bring knowledge to people. Such were Buddha, Jesus, Allah and others, those whom people later elevated to the category of gods and even began (and continue) to fight on the topic “whose god is better, stronger and more divine.”

At the same level of existence there are free entities, those whom we call angels, including our guardian angels. The mission of the latter is to help us follow the path of our soul, the path that we have chosen to fulfill our “lessons”.

The sixth level is the level of laws, information and simple forms, this is the information field of the Universe, in which all events of the present, past and conceivable future are recorded. It also contains the Akashic files of all people, which are used in our center to conduct information diagnostics of health and subconscious programs. The accuracy and completeness of these diagnostics continues to amaze patients, doctors, and scientists.

There is no duality at this level. Everyone is equal before the Laws of the Universe: both good and evil, stepping from the roof, fly down, obeying the Law of Gravity. There are laws that are broken, including the law of gravity - some people have learned to levitate. There are laws that cannot be broken (of course, we are talking about the presence or absence of consequences for violating a particular law), for example, the Law of Free Will and Human Reason. We have already written about this in our section (the article can be read on the website There is also the Law of Similarity, the Law of Harmonization and many other laws that we study at seminars and schools.

In the same field are, for example, all the laws of physics, and certain layers of information become available to people at certain times. This explains the fact that some scientific discoveries are done simultaneously different people V different points planets: the layer opened, whoever was in contact at that moment read the information.

Some people know how to view the information field and read information about the future; sometimes the only acceptable way to convey it to people is the genre of fiction. This is how the ideas of the works of Lem, Strugatsky, Dumas and many other intuitives and, if you like, information therapists “came true.”

The seventh level is the level of the Creator, the energy-informational essence and essence that created and continues to create the World. And all levels from the first to the sixth, and all of us, entities of the third level, are parts of the World, parts of the Creator. And in each of us there is a piece of the Creator. And, just as a wise man sees the ocean in a drop of water, so in each individual soul the whole World and the harmony of this World are visible. It is difficult to describe this in human words; perhaps the closest concept that describes the vibration of the Creator is “unconditional love.” Every time you recognize this feeling in your soul, you become closer to harmony with the World, to harmony with the Creator and to harmony with yourself and your mission. What could be more beautiful?

Svetlana Mazurova

Matryoshka dolls have long been a fashionable Slavic souvenir. But the nesting doll is not only a decoration or a souvenir; first of all, it is a unique toy for children - very beautiful and useful. Just as there are many nesting dolls in the middle, there are many secrets contained in it. What do these decorated dolls inserted into one another mean?

Anyone can envy the developmental and educational value of the nesting doll. modern manual. This wonderful toy is an excellent gift for young children. With the help of a nesting doll, you can teach children to identify different qualities, sizes, and compare objects by height, width, color and volume. It promotes hand-eye coordination and develops perception and thinking in young children. Develops the ability to disassemble and correctly assemble a nesting doll logical thinking, V game form teaches counting. But this toy also has many symbolic meanings.

It is known that any traditional toy- a teaching subject related to mythology. Many researchers are struggling with the mystery of the nesting doll, and the symbolism of folk art is often lost in the mists of time. Experts believe that the Russian master who sharpened the nesting doll remembered and knew Russian fairy tales well and enclosed in the matryoshka the idea of ​​​​searching for truth and the possibility of finding it only by “getting to the bottom” - the last figure. Let us remember the fairy tale “Koshchei the Immortal”, where Ivan Tsarevich is looking for an egg that contains a needle - the death of Koschey the Immortal. This egg was in the duck, the duck was in the hare, the hare was in the box, the box was under the oak tree. Also, the multi-layered nature of the nesting doll teaches us to look for many meanings - to see beyond the external internal reasons, perceive the world more deeply, do not judge superficially, get to the bottom of things.

Matryoshka is a symbol of the Family. Let's think about the name. The word "matryoshka" comes from the word "mother". Thus, this toy represents the mother large family, being a symbol of motherhood and fertility. A matryoshka doll with a large matryoshka family conveys the image of the Family, several generations of ancestors and descendants.

Matryoshka is a symbol of the unity and diversity of the world. It seems to be one, but at the same time it consists of many of its manifestations, which are its small reflections. Therefore, the nesting doll also carries the idea of ​​​​reflecting the small in the great, the macrocosm in the microcosm.

The matryoshka doll with all its components is a symbol of the multidimensionality and multilayered nature of the Universe and man - his energy bodies. Our ancestors knew about this, so there were age-specific initiations that helped strengthen the corresponding energy bodies.

So, the smallest nesting doll is the physical body of a person; it fully matures by the 1st year of life in order to strengthen it and help the child establish himself in the world of reality. Then the age-specific initiation of Post-Strizhina is carried out. This nesting doll is red because the physical body is connected with the spell of the red color - Source.

The next matryoshka is the Zharier (etheric) body of a person, which is fully formed by the age of 3. To strengthen it, an age-specific initiation is held: Put on a Horse - for boys, Zorya the Prophet - for girls. This matryoshka - orange color, since the etheric body is associated with the orange color charm - Zarod.

An even larger nesting doll - Navier (astral) human body - yellow color, is associated with the Belly charm. Formed by the age of 7, initiation is carried out: Belting - for boys, Braiding - for girls.

The next matryoshka - the Club (mental) body - is green, formed by the age of 12-14, marked by the dedications Yarenie and Lelnik.

Blue matryoshka (throat charm Ustya) - Causal body, formed by the age of 21, a person is ready to create his own space, which means to undergo initiation into a Husband or Wife - a wedding ceremony.

Blue matryoshka (chara Oko) - Koloby body (the body of intuition and spiritual mind), a person undergoes initiation into the Father or Mother.

The largest one is a purple nesting doll (chara Spring), symbolizing Divya’s body (human soul, cateral, atmic body). A person is best aware of it when he is initiated into Grandfather or Grandmother. The next matryoshka bodies - the Right Body and the Jiva - have very high vibrations, therefore they have no color - this is already light.

Thus, the nesting doll personifies human integrity; its positive, cheerful image brings harmony and comfort to the house.

The matryoshka doll with all its components is a symbol of the multidimensionality and multi-layered nature of the Universe and man. The purpose of this toy was intended to visually describe to children the multiple structures of human subtle bodies.

The matryoshka doll with all its components is a symbol of the multidimensionality and multi-layered nature of the Universe and man.

The purpose of this toy was intended to visually describe to children the multiple structures of human subtle bodies.

1. The first matryoshka - Real body is the visible physical body of a person. Carnal (Flesh) body, flesh. The health of our actual body largely depends on nutrition. To maintain the real body in order, a person needs food from a self-assembled tablecloth. In the image of a self-assembled tablecloth in fairy tales, Nature herself appears with the most useful food for humans, which itself grew in paradise gardens, prophetic forests and flowering meadows. These are forest and garden berries, fruits, nuts and herbs.

2. The second matryoshka - Zharye body - a shell (ethereal body) surrounding creatures. It “fries”, that is, it blazes, shines and is painted with all colors in accordance with the aspirations, desires and intentions of Zhiva. It has the shape of a ball, surrounding the human body with a multi-layered and complex cocoon; it can have a size from several meters to several kilometers (from here: Firebird, The Scarlet Flower etc.).
In fairy tales, the Firebird loves to eat rejuvenating apples, and indeed, eating apples maximizes a person’s energy, making him juicy, plump and beautiful. It is not for nothing that young blooming girls in Rus' from time immemorial have been compared to plump apples, and women with many children to fruit-bearing apple trees. Of course, we are talking about natural apples.
The body is nourished and strengthened through physical activity, exercise, and bath procedures.

3. Third matryoshka - Navier body - astral body. In this body they enter the worlds of Navi. The Navier body feeds on information, knowledge, and wisdom. At night, these are our dreams, when we receive tips and training from above. It is very important to be conscious in your sleep and, when you wake up, to remember and write down your dreams. It is also important what kind of water we drink, it is better if it is clean, living water.

4. The fourth matryoshka - Club body - the body of mind, reason, intuition, insight, divine inspiration. It has the shape of a silver ball (“club”) located inside the human skull. Every person who wants to be happy must find his own Guiding Ball and become a Guiding Man (follow his own Path). Klubier Body is strengthened by eating pine nuts and apples, eating food from your area (50 km from the location), regular baths and dousing cold water(хlad), fresh clean air. But the main task in revealing the guiding tangle is to reduce, or better yet, stop the artificial flows of information (TV, computer, books, gurus) that confuse a person’s tangle. Next - regular listening to birds, the noise of the forest, the sea, inhaling the aroma flowering trees and herbs. The club body is nourished by silence, peace and tranquility, in which it is vitally important to periodically be alone.

5. Fifth matryoshka - Koloby body - the body of intelligence. It has the shape of a golden light ball (“koloba”) and is located around the person’s head. All Russians have a coloby body in a sleeping or awakened state. All people saw it in churches on icons as a halo around the heads of the Saints. In Russians fairy tales Kolobi's Body symbolizes Kolobok. Our bun feeds on sunlight.

6. The sixth matryoshka - Divya's body - The soul of a person, his Guardian. It has the shape of a human body, its size ranges from the size of a human body to several hundred meters in height (hence: Virgo, Divo-marvelous, Virgo, etc.). Enhances Divya's body Light Guiding Star(Star Homeland), from which Man flew, and always has a Luminous Connection. This is the body of the Magician and Wizard on Earth. It is very useful to be under the starry sky...

7. Seventh matryoshka - The body of light is the Absolute or Absolute Knowledge. This is God. This is the Body of God, Divine Fire, Spirit, the original light of Ra. This is the Energy of Love and Kindness, Divine Grace and Gratitude. Light Body is the most subtle and light clothes The Atma (Eternal Self) is alive. The practice of Gratitude develops and strengthens this body!