Eric from true blood actor alexander skarsgard. Bill Skarsgård: personal life, large family. Personal life of Bill Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgård- Swedish actor and director, became famous thanks to his role as Eric Northman in the vampire series “True Blood” on the channel HBO.

Alexander Jonah Hjalmar Skarsgård(Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård) was born on August 25, 1976 in Stockholm in the family of a famous Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård(Stellan Skarsgård) and his first wife, a doctor Mia Skarsgard(My Skarsgård). U Alexandra there are six younger siblings: Gustaf(born 1980), Sam(born 1982), Bill(born 1990), Eja(born 1992), Walter(born 1995) and half-brother Ossian(born 2009). Alexander grew up in fairly modest conditions in a working-class area of ​​the Swedish capital, as his parents wanted their children to have a normal childhood. Nevertheless Alexander He made his film debut at the age of eight. He acted in films and on television and at the age of 13 became very popular in Sweden after the release " Laughing Dog" However, at the age of 16, the young man decided that he did not want to pursue an acting career. His parents supported him, believing that he should continue acting only if he couldn’t live without it.

Skarsgård on early fame: “Fame scared me. If at the age of 13 you read about yourself in newspapers, and then people look at you everywhere - this is very strange. I thought, if this is what it means to be famous, I don't like it at all."

He initially went to college to major in political science, but at age 19 he changed his mind and joined the army. Alexander became a marine more than a year served in the anti-terrorist unit of the Coast Artillery. After the army Alexander Skarsgård went to get an education in University of Leeds, and then moved to the States and entered drama school in NYC.

Alexander Skarsgård on returning to acting: “I watched football, partied, got drunk and got into trouble. But I couldn’t help wondering what I would do with my life. I kept thinking back to acting and finally decided to give it a try. last time. So I went to drama school in New York. As soon as I got there, I immediately realized that I really missed the game.”

Six months later Alexander Skarsgård gave up everything for his girlfriend Sweden, but the romantic relationship quickly ended. He decided to stay in home country and start playing again. Alexander quickly regained his status as a national star, starring in a number of Swedish films.

IN Hollywood Skarsgård got in in 2001, getting a role in the comedy by Ben Stiller " Model male" After that Alexander then returned to Sweden(where in 2003 he shot the short film “ Kill a child", caught in Cannes), then he looked for happiness at castings in Los Angeles.

A breakthrough to world fame for Alexander Skarsgard became the miniseries Generation Kill, aired in 2008. During filming, the actor spent seven months in the deserts Namibia, but it was worth it. His portrayal of Sergeant Colbert amazed both the audience and the critics. This success led to the next one. In 2008 the channel HBO launched the vampire series True Blood. Skarsgård got one of the main roles in the show and played the 1000-year-old Viking vampire Eric Northman. In 2010, the third season of the show aired.

Skarsgård on the success of True Blood: “First of all, audiences are always drawn to sex and violence, and that’s what vampires are associated with. In addition, they symbolize something eternal in an ever-changing world. Eric is over 1000 years old and hasn't changed at all. This is intriguing. As for me, I like absolutely everything. I'm glad I have this job. The cast and writing are phenomenal. But in the beginning, of course, it was difficult. I read books to imagine Eric and understand him. I would like audiences to be intrigued by him and afraid of him.”

The role of Eric brought Alexander nominations for the Screen Actors Guild and Saturn awards. He has twice won the Scream Award for Best Actor in a Horror Film (2010) and Best Villain (2009).

The success of the series attracted Alexander Skarsgard filmmakers' attention. In 2010, he shone in the independent project “ Metropia"and the action comedy film "". In 2011, he will appear on screens in the remake of the thriller " Straw dogs" He also received a role in the large-scale production " Sea battle", which is scheduled for release in 2012.

Interesting facts about Alexander Skarsgard

In 2009 Alexander Skarsgård starred in the video popular singer Lady Gaga " Paparazzi».

Father Alexandra Stellan Skarsgård gained worldwide fame thanks to the drama “Breaking the Waves” (1996). One of his latest works is the musical “Mamma Mia!” "

Alexander Skarsgård was named the most... sexy man Sweden.

The actor lives in an apartment in Stockholm close to parents.

Filmography of Alexander Skarsgard
  • Battleship (2012), role: Stone Hopper
  • Escape to the sky. Devyatayev (2012), role: Helmut Bernhardt
  • Melancholia (2011), role: Michael
  • Straw Dogs (2011), role: Charlie
  • Puss (2010), role: Alex
  • The Moomins and the Comet / Muumi ja punainen pyrstötäht (2010), role: voiced
  • A Drop of True Blood (2010), role: Eric
  • (2010), role: Jack
  • Beyond the Pole (2009), role: Terge
  • Metropia (2009), role: Stefan
  • True Blood (since 2008), role: Eric Northman
  • Generation Kill (2008), role: Sergeant Colbert
  • Metal Goddess / Järnets änglar (2007), role: Stefan
  • Leende guldbruna ögon (2007)
  • Exit / Exit (2006), role: Fabian von Klerking
  • Cuppen (2006), role: Miki
  • Kill Your Darlings (2006), role: Girt
  • Never Be Mine (2006), role: Christopher
  • About Sara / Om Sara (2005), role: Kalle Oberg
  • The Last Drop (2005), role: Lieutenant Voller
  • Revelations (2005), role: Gunnar
  • You made your bed... / Som man bäddar (2005), role: Nisse
  • Hjärtslag (2004)
  • Dog Method / Hundtricket (2002), role: Mike
  • D-dag (2001)
  • Zoolander (2001), role: Mikus
  • Drakarna over Helsingfors (2001)
  • Hundtricket (2000)
  • Glass wings / Vingar av glas (2000), role: Jonah
  • Järngänget (2000), role: Anders
  • Judith (2000), role: Ante
  • Diver / Dykaren (2000), role: Ingmar
  • Happy End (1999), role: Bamse Viktorsson
  • Laughing Dog / Hunden som log (1989), role: Jojo
  • Idag röd (1987), role: Fred
  • Åke and his world / Åke och hans värld (1984), role: Kalle Nubb

The popularity of this bright Swedish actor came after his participation in the series “True Blood”, where he played the colorful role of a vampire. But the path to the acting profession for him was ambiguous and not straight away, although he met her very early - at the age of eight. Alexander Skarsgård's life has seemingly been determined since childhood. His father, a famous Swedish actor, with whom Alexander still has very warm and friendly relations, had no doubt that his son would follow in his footsteps. However, Alexander, before becoming an actor, managed to try himself in many professions. He tried to find himself in both architecture and political science, and managed to serve in the Marine Corps. All this gave young man huge life experience, which would be useful to him in the future. Personal life of Alexander Skarsgård also did not stand still. He always enjoyed great attention from girls and reciprocated.

Pictured are Alexander Skarsgard and Kate Bosworth

The circle of his fans became noticeably wider after Alexander, who finally decided to devote himself to theater and cinema, entered Marymount Manhattan College for courses acting, and then also to the Faculty of Arts at Linds University. His debut was his role in the film “Oke and His World,” which was followed by many other works that earned numerous awards and titles. Popularity and recognition made Alexander Skarsgård's personal life even more stormy and eventful. For a long time he dated Kate Bosworth, and all this time numerous fans and journalists followed the development of their relationship. Such attention, of course, irritates the actor, because as often as possible, you want to be with your loved one just the two of you, and the constant presence of strangers destroys all the charm romantic relationships. But not only the paparazzi accompany the handsome actor everywhere, but also the crowds charming girls who want to get to know him as closely as possible.

Pictured are Alexander and Sherlize Theron

This circumstance greatly strained his beloved, and after two years of close relationship, Alexander and Kate broke up. But Alexander Skarsgård’s personal life did not stop after that. Soon he began to be seen more and more often in the company of another famous beauty - actress Charlize Theron. But, apparently, communication with one girl is not enough for the loving Alexander.

The photo shows the actor in the company of Alicia Vikander

Almost simultaneously, he is also dating Rihanna, as well as Alicia Vikander. Regarding the latter, Skarsgård’s intentions, according to his own assurances, are quite serious, which does not prevent him from spending time in the company of other girls.

Alexander Skarsgård is a Swedish actor, producer, director and screenwriter. Best known to the general public for Hollywood films"Battleship" and "The Legend of Tarzan", as well as the TV series "True Blood", "Generation Kills" and "Big Little Lies". Emmy Award Winner. Voted Sweden's sexiest man five times.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Skarsgård was born on August 25, 1976 in Stockholm. Eldest son famous actor Mother worked as a doctor. In addition to Alexander, three more of Stellan's children became actors: Bill, Gustaf and Walter.

Thanks to the acquaintances of his father, who by that time was already a popular actor in Sweden, Alexander received his first role at the age of seven. He played in the popular Swedish film "Oke and His World". At the age of thirteen, real fame came to Alexander Skarsgård. He got the main role in the TV movie "The Laughing Dog", which was extremely popular in Sweden among children and teenagers.


The young actor began to be burdened by fame, and he decided to take a break from acting career. After graduation high school Alexander enlisted in where for a year and a half he served in an anti-terrorist detachment that ensured the security of Stockholm and the surrounding area.

After leaving the army, the actor entered the University of Leeds, where he studied English language, however, six months later he left his studies and returned to his homeland. In 1997, after seven years away from acting, the young man decided to return to the profession and entered one of the colleges in New York, where he studied theater. But after one semester he returned to Stockholm again without completing his studies.

Return to screen

In 1999, the Swedish drama Happy Ending was released, which became the first film with Alexander Skarsgård in ten years. After that, he began to actively work in his homeland and at the same time flew to the USA, where he auditioned. In 2001, the actor received a small but very memorable role in the Ben Stiller comedy Zoolander, which became a breakthrough film for Alexander Skarsgård.

Actor continued to act in several Swedish films, while simultaneously working in English-language projects. In 2006, Alexander starred in the British "The Last Landing".

In 2008, the Swede received leading roles in two HBO multi-series projects. He appeared in the miniseries Generation Kill and also joined the cast of the vampire drama True Blood. Last work brought him real international fame. Over the course of six years, Alexander appeared in seventy-six episodes of the project.

Career blossoming

Real international success on the big screen for Alexander Skarsgård began in the new decade. In 2010, he appeared in the action movie "13" along with such Hollywood stars, like Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke and Fifty Saint. The following year, Alexander played one of the main roles in the remake of Sam Peckinpah's classic thriller Straw Dogs, and also starred in Lars von Trier's drama Melancholia.

In 2012, the first blockbuster with Alexander Skarsgård in one of the roles was released. Peter Berg's sci-fi action film failed to recoup the two hundred million dollars spent on its production at the box office and, according to critics, became one of the worst films of the year.

The actor also appeared in family drama"Divorce in big city" and the thriller "No Connection", which were received much better. In subsequent years, Alexander appeared in the thriller "Group "East", the teen drama "The Diary of a Teenage Girl", the dystopia "The Initiate" and the horror film "Lurking".

In 2016, several films were released starring Alexander Skarsgård. He played a corrupt cop in the black comedy War on Everyone. legendary character in the blockbuster "The Legend of Tarzan", and also appeared in a cameo in the sequel to the comedy "Zoolander".

In 2017, Skarsgard received one of the central roles in the detective series Big Little Lies. The project, which was originally conceived as a mini-series, became a real hit and was continued. Critics and viewers especially praised the work of Alexander Skarsgård. The actor received Emmy and Golden Globe awards for this project.

At the beginning of 2018, Duncan Jones' science fiction film Mute premiered, which had been in development for several years. Main role performed by Alexander Skarsgård. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

Future projects

The release of several projects with Alexander Skarsgård is planned for the near future. He got the leading roles in the mini-series “The Little Drummer Girl,” which has already received excellent reviews from critics after the festival premiere,” and in the thriller “Operation Hummingbird.” The Swede will also appear in minor role in Jeremy Saulnier's thriller Hold the Dark.

In addition, several more films with the actor’s participation are at various stages of production; their premiere date and plot details remain unknown.

Personal life

Alexander Skarsgård's personal life has been actively discussed in the media ever since he became famous for his role in the TV series True Blood. For two years, from 2015 to 2017, the Swede dated British model and fashion blogger Alexa Chung. In general, he is a rather secretive person and rarely talks about his personal life in interviews.

Alexander Skarsgard rumors different time contacted many colleagues on the set. There was information in the press that he was dating Amanda Seyfried, Margot Robbie, Alicia Vikander, Evan Rachel Wood and Katie Holmes, but there was no real confirmation from the actors or their representatives.

Alexander is one of the most eligible bachelors Hollywood, often appears on lists of the most attractive celebrities according to various media and was voted Sweden's sexiest man five times. In an interview, the actor said that he is not going to get married yet, since it allows him to live “with one suitcase” and he is not looking for extra responsibility. Nevertheless, Alexander, who is the eldest of eight children, himself said that he dreams of nine offspring.

IN free time The actor is a fan of the Swedish football club Hammarby and takes part in events in support of the team. Actively involved in charity work.

Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård is a Swedish actor, director and screenwriter, born on August 25, 1976 in Stockholm (Sweden). His father Stellan Skarsgård is a popular Swedish actor, and his mother Mu Gunther is a doctor. Alexander has 4 younger brothers: Gustaf, Bill (who also act in films), Sam and Walter, as well as a sister, Eiya, and two half-brothers, Ossian and Kolbein.

Alexander became acquainted with the acting profession at the age of 8, when he starred in the film “Oke and His World” (1984). After the release of the film, the young actor found himself in demand and participated in the filming of various films until he was 15 years old. Then the thought suddenly came to him that he would not want passers-by on the street to recognize him, and the paparazzi to follow him at every step, so the young man decided to go to university. There he studied architecture, but higher education received a different specialty - political science. At that time, the young man did not plan to return to acting.

At the age of 18, Skarsgård went to conscript service to the Swedish Navy, where he served for almost a year and a half in an anti-terrorism coastal artillery unit at the Berga naval base in the Stockholm archipelago. During his service, Alexander reconsidered his views on life, and he again had a desire to try himself as an actor.

Roles of Alexander Skarsgard

In 1996, the guy went to Leeds, UK, where he studied English and drama. At this university, Alexander received his doctorate in arts. A year later, the actor moved to New York and took acting classes at Marymount Manhattan College. Already at that time, Skarsgård had a real opportunity to become famous in Hollywood, but family circumstances forced him to return to his homeland in Sweden, where he began filming in big films and television series. Alexander returned to Swedish cinema with the melodrama “Happy Ending” (1999). At home, the actor played in such famous paintings, like "The Diver" (2000), "Wings of Glass" (2000) and " Kites from Helsinki" (2001). The most striking film of that period with the actor’s participation was Othman Karim’s drama “About Sarah,” for which he was awarded the “Golden St. George” award at the Moscow Film Festival.

The first American movie in Skarsgård's filmography was the comedy (2001), where the actor played the role of a male fashion model. Alexander’s recognition increased sharply after the release of the war drama “Generation of Killers,” but he gained real worldwide popularity thanks to his filming in the fantasy television series “True Blood.” In the series, the actor plays the role of vampire Eric Northman, the owner of the vampire bar “Fangtasia”. The role of Eric brought Alexander nominations for the Screen Actors Guild and Saturn awards. He has twice won the Scream Award for Best Actor in a Horror Film (2010) and Best Villain (2009).

The most significant subsequent films in Alexander Skarsgård’s filmography were: the thriller, melodrama “Divorce in the City,” “Melancholy,” the horror film “Lurking” and the unusual family film “The Diary of a Teenage Girl.” In 2016, the comedy “War Against Everyone” and the adventure film “Tarzan” were released. Legend”, where he played with Margot Robbie. In 2017, with the participation of the actor, the film “Mute” and the television series “Big Little Lies” are planned for release.

Personal life of Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgard is famous a huge amount star novels. At home, the actor had long serious relationship with the girl who became the reason for his return to his homeland from New York. But when there was a break between them, Alexander returned to the USA, where he constantly changed girls. First, Alexander met with the actress, then with the model Isabella Miko, Evan Rachel Wood, a colleague in the series “True Blood”.

And then Skarsgård finally truly fell in love. The actress turned out to be “the one” for Alexander, but their relationship also did not end in anything, although the actors were together from 2009 to 2011.

Further, the actor was rumored to be in a relationship with Elizabeth Olsen, pop star Rihanna and Charlize Theron. In 2014, he briefly dated Katie Holmes. Since 2015, Skarsgård has been dating British TV presenter and model Alexa Chung.

Last update: 12/27/2018

Alexander Skarsgård stands on the roof of a Manhattan skyscraper, surveys the urban jungle below, and coughs into his chest. For a moment, it seems as if this is Tarzan, the most famous man who challenges wildlife. It turns out that it's actually just a chest cough. “Unfortunately, the cold can negatively affect even me,” he wheezes.

From this height, the 39-year-old Swede's older brother can easily see his home in Manhattan. After today's interview, he will accompany his girlfriend Alexa Chung, a British model, to one of the most famous events in the fashion world - the CFDA Awards in New York. Then in the morning he goes to Tokyo for the premiere of Tarzan, and then, if he can maintain such a rhythm, Alexander flies to France to see the Swedish football team play in the European Championship.

The childhood of modern Tarzan

That is life famous person. In The Legend of Tarzan, Skarsgård leads an all-star cast including Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. The story begins with John Clayton (Skarsgård) living a monotonous aristocratic life in England with his wife Jane. Events change dramatically when they find themselves in the jungles of Africa, where Clayton was raised by gorillas, as wild child and here his name is already different - Tarzan.

Skarsgård also calls his own childhood wild, but in a completely different way. He was raised on the island of Södermalm, in a free-thinking community of artists and writers in the south of Stockholm, and is the eldest of six children - five boys and one girl. “It was an incredible childhood. Nobody ever locked the doors. We didn’t even carry keys,” he recalls. “My cousins ​​lived in the apartment above us, so all the kids were constantly running up and down. And my grandparents lived across the street."

Alexander's father, Stellan Skarsgård, a 65-year-old man, is Sweden's best-known and most beloved actor, having starred in films such as Thor, Mamma Mia!, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and many others. Apparently, Stellan's liberal approach to life extends to his wardrobe. He often walked around the house naked, despite the presence of guests.

Liberal education

“My dad is a very sociable guy. He also loves to cook. We always ate together as a family every evening,” says Alexander. Even after his parents divorced and his father married a younger woman, with whom he has two more sons, they remained best friends. So good that they still have lunch together sometimes, like a big, loud family, and have even bought holiday homes 200 meters away from each other. "It `s very unusual. I understand very well how lucky we are to live this way,” says Skarsgård.

As a child, young Alexander Skarsgård appeared on Swedish television. At the age of 13, he starred in the program “The dog that smiled,” which made him suddenly famous. Feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed about a lot of attention at his age, he decided that he would not continue to do this - a decision supported by his father. "Dad basically said, 'Well, if you don't feel like it's yours, don't do it.' Try to do other things, have fun, enjoy life, “says Alexander. “I am very grateful to my father for this, because if he forced me, I don’t think I would be an actor today. I needed a break from all this as a teenager."

Skarsgård spent these teenage years doing typical teenage things: getting drunk, listening to punk, watching his girlfriend play football team at home and away. Then, at the age of 19, he surprised everyone by announcing that he wanted to join the Swedish military.

From bohemian life to the army

“I grew up in a very bohemian, hippie environment,” he says. His whole family - artists and pacifists - drink, smoke and hate the idea of ​​the military. “Perhaps such a decision at age 19 was a common reaction to such an environment.” Not that he had any intention of going into a war zone. “I had no intention of visiting any military zone. In Sweden, our last war was 200 years ago, so it was more just a personal challenge."

Alexander is not afraid to step out of his comfort zone. After 15 months of experience in the Swedish Marines, his next exciting educational phase took him to England - where he chanced upon Leeds, a "tough working class city". Why Leeds? “Well, my mate and I wanted to see how the British live. We thought, “If we go to London, we'll just hang out there with all our Swedish friends. So, we looked at the map for a while and I saw Leeds.

Actor's blood

Eventually, perhaps even inevitably, Skarsgård returned to acting profession. Even though their father did not put any pressure on his children to follow his example, Gustav, Bill and Walter Skarsgård became actors along with their brother; it's clearly in the genes.

Although Alexander deliberately tried to avoid typifying his image, there is common topic for most of his roles. This feature is that he feels quite relaxed without clothes. And that is why in many films he breaks up with her.

Train or be forgotten

IN " The Legend of Tarzan", Skarsgård spends much of the film running, swinging and jumping shirtless. Warner Bros. offered him the services of one of their trainers to get him into the shape he wanted, but he instead chose to work with his friend, Magnus, a nutritional trainer. "When you have to see the same person every morning at 4:30, it's important that you get along well with them," says Skarsgård. Thus, he spent 3 months of hard training, and during this period he added more than 11 kg, eating an “insane” 7000 calories per day. After hitting green screens at Warner Bros. Studios, near London, he spent four months filming during eight weeks of pre-production.

Even though he hates diets, Skarsgård loves intense physical challenges for his body. In 2014, he traveled to the South Pole with Prince Harry to raise money for charity. "He's an incredible storyteller, so I think he would be very good actor,” says Skarsgard with irony. He also spent three weeks at sea a couple of years ago, surfing the waters Atlantic Ocean on a sailing ship. “I'm definitely a city guy, but I love the contrast of going into complete oblivion without my phone,” he says. "It recharges my batteries."

Eligible Swedish bachelor

Now, after Tarzan, he has already signed a contract for three films, although he himself believes that this is very little to be confident in the further development of his career.

Growing up in such big family, is Skarsgård planning to create his own? "Yes. I am not married, I have no children. I feel fine without it,” he shrugs. “No midlife crisis yet.”