Ecological KVN “Nature Experts” (for children in the pre-school group). KVN for senior preschool age “Experts of nature and weather” Software

Olesya Tselovalnik
KVN for senior preschool age"Nature Experts"

Program content.

1. Form awareness in children right attitude to objects of living and inanimate nature, the formation of elements of environmental consciousness and culture;

2. Instilling a love for nature, nurturing a caring attitude towards it;

3. Development of collective and creative abilities, imagination, horizons during the game;

4. Cultivating goodwill towards each other.

Equipment and materials: pictures of animals: dog, monkey, fox, cat, bear, elephant, woodpecker, shooting gallery, hamster, parrot, squirrel, hippopotamus; “Take care of living things” cards; pictures: alive and not Live nature; diplomas; pictures depicting animals listed in the Red Book, certificates, musical accompaniment, treat.

Host: There is a fun game. It's called KVN! Club of cheerful and resourceful people!

Jokes, laughter, question, answer.

The whole world knows that game!

Well, it's time for us to start,

I want to wish you

So that you can be friends

So that they laugh, don’t be sad,

So that there is no sadness,

So that all questions are answered!

Today we will hold an environmental marathon, it will test your knowledge.

How interesting it is to know a lot! Show all your friends your skills!

TO intellectual competitions ready?

Forward friends to new victories!

You and I have talked a lot about protecting water, air, land and animals, and now we’ll see which of you can be called the best expert and defender of nature.

The game is opened by children from the preparatory group "Rainbow" and p. gr. "Daisies".

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always be able to defend themselves,

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Let's save the planet

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe,

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

Jury presentation. The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect.

They had to evaluate battles more than once!

1 competition “Team Presentation”. (Name, motto, emblem)

Competition 2: Warm-up. "Question answer"

Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You cannot shout out; points will be deducted for this.

Let's listen to the question:

1. Which insect has ears on its legs? (at the grasshopper)

2. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

3. What are the names of birds that fly away to warmer regions? (migratory)

4. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

5. Who was red in summer and turned gray in winter? (squirrel)

6. Who carries their house on their back? (snail)

7. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

8. What bird is called “forest radio”? (magpie)

9. Can a penguin be called a bird?

10. Where does the longest earthworm live?

11. Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)

12. What is the name of an ant's house? (anthill)

13. What is the longest insect called? (stick insect)

14. What vegetable was brought to Russia from America?

15. What feathers help birds fly? (flight)

16. Why is the red book called red and not green?

3 Competition “Living - Inanimate Nature”

Teams need to sort all the pictures into three groups:

Group 1: pictures that depict non-natural objects.

Group 2: pictures depicting all objects of living nature.

Group 3: pictures that depict all non-living objects.

Game with the audience “Who Screams How”

The teacher names the animal or bird, and the children name how they scream.

1. Pigeon - coos 2. Duck - quacks 3. Eagle owl - hoots

4. Crane - croons 5. Crow - croaks 6. Sparrow - chirps

7. Bear - roars 8. Horse - neighs 9. Sheep - bleats

10. Bee - buzzing 11. Cricket - chirping 12. Mosquito - squeaking. 13. Pig - grunts.

4 competition. "Homework".

Speaking in defense:

1 team (group “Solnyshki”) – reservoirs

Team 2 (group “Rainbow”) – forests

Team 3 (group “Daisies”) – animals

Team 4 (group “Buttons”) – air.

5 competition “Name the rule” (cards)

6th competition “Ecological situations”

One day a wizard decided to turn a thick, dark spruce forest into a birch grove.

What do you think this led to?

The wizard decided to drain all the swamps?

What did this lead to?

The wizard decided to rid the forest of foxes.

What did this lead to?

The wizard decided to make sure that the weather was always sunny and warm.

Where it leads?

7th Pantomime competition

Each team is given a card with the task of depicting an animal. 1 wild animal, 1 domestic animal, 1 bird.

Then a pantomime is shown, and the opposing team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to the music.

1 team: tiger, cow, parrot

Team 2: elephant, pig, rooster

Team 3: monkey, cat, woodpecker

Team 4: bear, dog, penguin

While the jury is summing up its results.

Trick riddles.

1. Crows when asleep

Dear, kind...

2. Who is gnawing on a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it is...

3. Who is about to fly off the flower?



4. Skillfully weaved a web between the branches (spider)

5. There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

Who are the instigators? Two... (roosters)

6. In the summer I wandered through the forest,

Ate raspberries... (bear)

7. Runs quickly through the forest out of fear... (hare)

8. In the garden in an old tank,

They croak loudly... (frogs).

9. Very slow and quiet

Crawling along a leaf...



Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common Home. Take care and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! The forest or the river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!

Publications on the topic:

Goal and tasks. Teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate nature. Clarify children's ideas about the properties of water and air and their role in life.

KVN for children of senior preschool age on moral and patriotic education “Experts of the Native Land” KVN for children of senior preschool age on moral and patriotic education: “Experts native land» Preparatory group Prepared.

Musical and educational game “Experts of the Native Land” for children of senior preschool age Children enter and perform a Chuvash dance " White Swan"(sit on chairs) Presenter: Hello children! Yra kun pultar now! Do you know.

"Natural phenomena". Lesson summary for senior preschool children using ICT Presentation “Natural Phenomena”. Goal: To introduce various phenomena nature; develop visual memory, visual-figurative thinking;

Entertainment “Nature Experts” Goal: - To consolidate children’s environmental knowledge - To develop logical thinking, speed of reactions, ability to work in a team - Educate.

Scenario educational game“Experts of Pushkin's fairy tales” for children of senior preschool age authors-developers: methodologist Korobeinikova.

Target: To form in children a consciously correct attitude towards objects of living and non-living nature, to generalize children’s knowledge about animals, plants, birds.


Educate careful attitude to nature. Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.

Equipment: Emblems for participants, mushrooms, carrots, baskets, handkerchiefs. D/i “Which branch are these kids from”, an image of birds, 2 sets of vegetables and fruits, medals for the “Nature Experts” award.


Children read poetry:

Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.

We won’t let anyone offend her.

This will only make us kinder.

For each correct answer, the “Hares” team receives a carrot, and the “Squirrels” team receives a mushroom.

And so we begin KVN.


Children - Bunnies
Captain - Our motto

Children - Belchata
Captain - Our motto

They won't always be able to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be left alone on the planet.

Educator - Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, and we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering.

2. Competition “Warm-up”

Question for team "Z".

6.Name the animals that sleep in winter?

Questions for Team B

3. When is a hare gray?

6. What domestic animals have horns?

Teacher - Well done! All your answers will be evaluated by the jury, and I invite you to play.

H/i “Like ours at the gate.”

3. “Harvest” competition

Team “Z” will select vegetables from the box, and team “B” will select fruits.

4. Captains Competition
Educator - We saw how much the teams know, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition. In front of you are cards with pictures of trees, you need to find cards with pictures of their fruits and attach them under the tree.

Educator - I will list the objects of nature, and you name them in one word.

Assignment to team "Z" listen carefully.

4. Strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries are...

Task for team "B".

4. Boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, boletus are...

Team "Z"

1. If you came to the forest for a walk
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget

The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

2. Don’t break oak branches
Never forget
Remove trash from the grass
There is no need to pick flowers in vain

3. Don't shoot with a slingshot!
You didn't come to kill
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?

4. There is no need to catch everyone here.
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest
Here the owner is the oak and the elk.
Take care of their peace
After all, they are not our enemies.

2nd team "B"

1. Take care of the earth! Take care

Love native nature
Lakes, forests and seas.

2. After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

You and I were born on it

You and I live on it.

3. Come on, people, all together
We treat her kinder.

4. Let's save the planet -

There is only one in the entire Universe
It was given to us for life and friendship.

7. Competition “Identify the birds”

Educator - Here are pictures of birds. Team “Z” selects migratory birds and places them in the sun. Team “B” selects wintering birds and places them under a snowflake.

Song "Smile"

Educator - Let's take care of our Earth, our common home. Take care and love everything that surrounds us. Remember, children, man is a part of nature. The forest or the river will get sick and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant. Do not offend each other: A person must be kind.

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.




Environmental KVN in senior group"Nature Experts"

Target: To form in children a consciously correct attitude towards objects of living and non-living nature, to generalize children’s knowledge about animals, plants, birds.

Tasks: Development of creative imagination, attention, speech.
Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games.
Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.

Equipment: Emblems for participants, mushrooms, carrots, baskets, handkerchiefs. D/i “Which branch are these kids from”, an image of birds, 2 sets of vegetables and fruits, medals for the “Nature Experts” award.

Progress: Participants enter the hall to the music.

Children read poetry:

Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Let's take care of birds, insects, animals
This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers
You and I need such a planet.

Educator - Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests!
Today, guys, I invite you to play an unusual and interesting game KVN. Children will demonstrate their knowledge, because they are true experts on nature.
To conduct the game we will need a fair jury. I present to you the members of the jury - Mitrofanova T.S. - head of the kindergarten "Solnyshko"
For each correct answer, the “Hares” team receives a carrot, and the “Squirrels” team receives a mushroom.

And so we begin KVN.

  1. Team Presentation Competition

Captain of team "Z" - Our team:
Children - Bunnies
Captain - Our motto
Children - Take care of your planet because there is no other planet in the world.
Captain of team "B" - Our team:
Children - Belchata
Captain - Our motto
Children - Tree, grass, flowers and bird
They won't always be able to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be left alone on the planet.

Educator - Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, and we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering.

2. Competition “Warm-up”

Question for team "Z".
1. What are the names of birds that fly to warmer climes?
2. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests?
3. Who carries their house on their back?
4. What do you call a birdhouse made by human hands?
5. What trees do needles grow on?
6.Name the animals that sleep in winter?

Questions for Team B

1. What are the names of birds that stay for the winter?
2. Which birds arrive first in the spring?
3. When is a hare gray?
4. What is the name of the ant's house?
5. Which tree has a white trunk?
6. What domestic animals have horns?

Teacher - Well done! All your answers will be evaluated by the jury, and I invite you to play.

H/i “Like ours at the gate.”

3. “Harvest” competition

Educator - Autumn is generous with harvest. And you and I also prepared vegetables and fruits for the winter.
Team “Z” will select vegetables from the box, and team “B” will select fruits.

4. Captains Competition
(D/i “What branch are these kids from”)
Educator - We saw how much the teams know, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition. In front of you are cards with pictures of trees, you need to find cards with pictures of their fruits and attach them under the tree.

Round dance “The birch tree stood in a hollow.”

Educator - The floor is given to our fair jury.

5. Competition D/i “Name some words”

Educator - I will list the objects of nature, and you name them in one word.

Assignment to team "Z"listen carefully.
1. Spruce, birch, rowan, pine are...
2. A hare, elk, wolf, wild boar are...
3. Apple, pear, orange, banana - this is...
4. Strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries are...

Task for team "B".
1. Sparrow, nuthatch, crane, pigeon are...
2. A cow, a pig, a horse, a dog are...
3. Potatoes, cucumbers, onions, turnips are...
4. Boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, boletus are...

6. Competition “Homework”

In every district and in ours too there is ecological problems problems that need to be solved by joining the efforts of all people. Our children, young ecologists, know how to behave in nature without causing harm to it.
Team "Z"

1. If you came to the forest for a walk
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget
That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.
The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

2. Don’t break oak branches
Never forget
Remove trash from the grass
There is no need to pick flowers in vain

3. Don't shoot with a slingshot!
You didn't come to kill
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?

4. There is no need to catch everyone here.
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest
Here the owner is the oak and the elk.
Take care of their peace
After all, they are not our enemies.

2nd team "B"

  1. Take care of the earth! Take care

Love your native nature
Lakes, forests and seas.

  1. After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

You and I were born on it

You and I live on it.

  1. Come on people, let's all come together
    We treat her kinder.
  1. Let's save the planet -
    There is nothing like it in the entire universe
    There is only one in the entire Universe
    It was given to us for life and friendship.

7. Competition “Identify the birds”

Educator - Here are pictures of birds. Team “Z” selects migratory birds and places them in the sun. Team “B” selects wintering birds and places them under a snowflake.

Song "Smile"

Educator - Let's take care of our Earth, our common home. Take care and love everything that surrounds us. Remember, children, man is a part of nature. The forest or the river will get sick and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant. Do not offend each other: A person must be kind.

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.



KVN "Nature Experts"

(in the older group)

Educator: Ozyakova Svetlana Valerievna,

MBDOU" Kindergarten No. 15 Fairy Tale" Shumerlya Chuvash Republic

Explanatory note

Man and nature... Perhaps this topic has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat ecological crisis looms over humanity

and the problem of ecology has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving the common home for all of us - planet Earth.

Nature reacts in a unique way to the violent invasion of humans on its territory: they are rapidly disappearing from the planet. different kinds animals and plants, and the vacated spaces are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. There is a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, and to instill in children a caring attitude towards it. It is in preschool age that the acquisition of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the child perceives nature very emotionally, as something living. The influence of nature on a child is enormous: it greets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes him stop, look closely, and think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” said the Russian writer M. Prishvin.

When forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary to ensure that the child understands that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man.

Target : Systematize children’s knowledge about nature.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about animals, birds, fish, plants.

2. Clarify knowledge about the growth and development of various animals and insects.

3. Strengthen the ability to determine the weather in Chuvash folk signs.

4. Continue to improve speech as a means of communication.

5. Develop the ability to work in a team and help each other.

6. Foster interest and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials:
1. Laptop.
2. Projector.
3. Screen for projection.
4. Magnetic boards.
5. Schemes of development of a butterfly and frog.
6. A disk with slides - folk superstitions about crows and swallows.
7.Dummy vegetables and fruits. Baskets.
8. Sheets of paper with blots and markers.
9. Riddles.
10. Video riddles on how to behave in the forest.
11. Tokens for evaluation.
12. Prizes.

13 Music sounds of nature.

14. Hoops.

15. Inhabitants of water and land.


Summer: Hello guys!

I am Summer!!! I am the warmest time of the year!

My main color is green!

I give strength to plants and animals.

I help all the kids grow up and get stronger.

I have a lot of flowers and berries.

Do you want to go with me to an amusing trip?

Stand up one after another and follow me cheerfully. (Walking like a snake around the hall).

Summer: You and I came to a forest clearing. Let's take a look around. How beautiful! (The hall is decorated with flowers).

Summer: Today we came to this wonderful clearing not just to admire the beauty, but also to show our knowledge and skills about amazing nature surrounding us. I invite you to participate in an interesting and exciting game KVN called “Our Home is Nature”, about summer, about insects and birds, about flowers and trees, about berries and mushrooms, that is, about everything that surrounds us.

Summer: To conduct KVN we needdivide into 2 teams, since competitions await us at each station. Today we will have two teams - “Squirrels” and “Bear Cubs”. Look at your emblems, on the chest, who has a Beam drawn, we sit near the window, and who has a Teddy Bear, we sit near the wall. Each team chooses a captain.

The captain of the Belka team is

In the team "Bear Cubs" the captain is

A We invite our head and parents to serve on the jury.

There is a fun game

It's called


Jokes, laughter. Question answer.

The whole world knows that game -

Well, it's time for us to start.

I want to wish you

So that you can be friends

So that you laugh, don't be sad

So that there is no sadness,

So that all questions are answered.

Summer: 1 competition "Greetings"

The floor is given to the "Squirrels" team, and now to the "Bear Cubs" team

Team greetings


We are team squirrels

Strong and skillful

We jump deftly in the forest,

Preserving beauty.

Bear cubs

We are the bear guys

We live in a dense forest,

We see everything and know everything

And we protect nature.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Who can name the most hosts of Summer?

Summer: 2nd competition “Warm-up”

It is a blitz survey. You have one minute to answer larger number questions. The jury notifies about the beginning and end of the competition.
Questions for the Belki team

When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)
What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer)
What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)
What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic)
Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)
Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby hens (chicks)

Questions for the "Bear Cubs" team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (autumn)
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
What in one word are the animals that live next to humans called? (domestic)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What do you call a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
When does river water freeze? (winter)
Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (y ladybug)
When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score.

Summer: 3 competition. I invite the teams to go on a journey around our planet Earth. (an image is displayed on the screen)

What colors predominate on our planet? (Blue, green, yellow, brown)

Child - Most of the colors on the planet are blue - this is how Water is depicted.

Summer - And here are the droplets of water hurrying towards us with a song.

Song: (The water has its own work living water drinks...)

Child - And on the planet there is brown, green, yellow colors– this is Land (deserts, forests, mountains)

Cards with images of animals are prepared on a common tray.

The team member needs to determine which animals live in the water - a blue tray, and which animals live on land - a brown tray. Each participant takes one card and carries it to his field.

The “Squirrels” team resettles animals on land, and the “Bears” team resettles animals on the water.

Summer: 4 competition. Summer is harvest time and our next competition

« Harvest the harvest? (relay game)

Question for the Belki team Where do fruits grow? (in the garden).

Question for the Bear Cubs team Where do vegetables grow? (in the garden). The “Squirrel” team collects fruits, and the “Bear Cubs” team collects vegetables.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: 5 competition. "Environmental Challenges" (on projector)

Guys, look at the pictures of nature and characterize the behavior of children. Do they behave correctly in the forest? What would you do in this situation? (Each team has two tasks) - see appendix.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: 6th competition “How does living things grow?” - the whole team.

On the board you see different illustrations, which depict the growth and development of animals, birds, insects. It is necessary to lay out the illustrations in the required sequence; whoever completes the task faster and correctly, then that team wins. (Frog. Butterfly)

Summer: 7 competition "Artists" (For team captains)
Summer: There are blots on the sheets. Transform them into an animal or plant.

(Children draw).

Summer: And while the captains are drawing, I invite you to dance.

Dance with Flowers.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: I see that everyone is in a wonderful mood, and now questions for our guests.

Competition “I’ll make a guess - guess it”

1.What bird is called the “forest drummer”? (woodpecker)

2.What mushrooms grow on stumps? (honey mushrooms)

3.Which bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (cuckoo)

4.Which animal is called the “ship of the desert”? (camel)

5.Who wears a hat but doesn’t know how to say hello? (mushroom)

6. What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she's sleeping)

7. Which tree is called the “Russian beauty?” (birch)

8. What animals fly? (the bats)

9. What happens to the bee after it stings? (dies)

10.What flowers bloom first in spring? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother)

11. Which beetles are named after the month in which they appear? (May)

Summer: Well done, you answered all the questions.

Summer: Next competition(8_)"People's Barometers"

By doing of this assignment we will find out how children know folk signs. Look carefully at the slide and say that you can learn about the weather from the behavior of birds.

Folk wisdom says: if sparrows bathe in sand or dust, there will be rain, and if in a puddle, there will be drought.

Swallows fly low - it means rain.

According to popular belief, if swallows fly low above the ground, it means it will rain. And this makes common sense, because when the pressure changes, the insects that are usually high in the sky drop closer to the ground, and with them the swallows.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: Next competition (9-) “Say it in one word”

Wolf, fox, bear, hare are animals.

Birch, pine, oak, linden are trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are birds.

Pike, crucian carp, catfish, burbot are fish.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are berries.

Honey mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms are mushrooms.

A butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, fly are insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are flowers.

Summer: We ask the jury members to sum up the results of the competition.

Summer: And I invite you to fun game

Game: "Scarecrow".

Bottom line.

Summer: Dear guys, I want to thank you for great game, in which you showed good knowledge about nature. And now our respected jury will sum up the results and calculate the total number of points and announce the winning team. (Winner's reward ceremony).

KVN is over and I want to say goodbye to everyone:

Love your native nature - lakes, forests and fields.

This is our native land!

Participants: children 6-7 years old.

Compiled by: Frolova I.A. teacher at State Budget Educational Institution No. 2092, Moscow

Goals and objectives:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge and ideas about features appearance, life manifestations of animals;
  • Reinforce concepts about the classification of the animal world;
  • Reinforce the concept of living and inanimate nature;
  • Form realistic ideas about nature;
  • Activate children's attention and memory, develop logical thinking;
  • Instill a caring attitude towards all living things, love for nature, for the native land.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on books by T.A. Shorygina: “Vegetables, what are they?” “What animals are in the forest?” “Insects, what are they?” “Pets, what are they?” “What are the months of the year?” "Conversations about the Russian forest" "Conversations of a Gadfly in Nature" “What kind of trees are they?” "Mushrooms" , "Flowers" , "Birds" .

Material and equipment:

Multimedia device, slides for physical education lesson "Three Elements" .

Progress of the game:

Hello children. Each of us has our own home. Every animal, insect, flower, tree also has its own home.

Guys, what can we call our common home? (Earth)

The earth is common wonderful house for all people, for all animals, birds, fish, insects, plants. Listen to what beautiful poems L. Daineko wrote.

There is a huge house on earth
Under the roof is blue
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream.
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
The nature of my native land
This house is called.

Nature must not only be loved, protected, preserved and increased, but it must be studied. You have acquired the first step of knowledge. And I would like to play a KVN game with you today. We have two teams: "Cheerful little squirrels" And "Sly Little Foxes" Let's see whose team will complete all the tasks correctly and quickly, and show resourcefulness and ingenuity. The team with the most points will be the winner. Our jury will monitor the entire game.

Jury presentation.

Now the teams will greet each other.

"Cheerful little squirrels" : Let the struggle rage on

Success is not decided by fate,
But only our knowledge!

"Sly Little Foxes" : We welcome the assembled guys.

We wish everyone to be faster,
And of course, win!

Warm up. The facilitator asks a question to each team. Score 5 points.

Squirrels: Plants, animals, humans - what kind of nature is this? (live)

Fox cubs: Sun, sky, clouds, stones, water, rain, snow - what kind of nature is this? (non-living)

Little foxes: Guess who, Gray-haired mistress? The feather dusters will shake - there will be fluff over the world? (winter)

Squirrels: The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming, the rye is ripe, when does this happen?

Belchata: In winter - in a white caftan,
In spring - in a green sundress
In summer - in a colored dress
In autumn - in a golden cloak (Forest in different time of the year)

Fox cubs: Name the forest floors (1st mosses, 2nd flowers, herbs, mushrooms, 3rd bushes, 4th tall trees).

Fox cubs: Is this the edge of the forest? (edge)

Belchata: Is this an open space in the middle of a forest? (clearing)

Belchata: Among the inhabitants of the depths
He walks sideways alone
There are claws, but no whiskers
Guess who it is? (Crab)

Little foxes: She lies at the bottom of the sea
Moves by crawling
Look at the vault of heaven
After all, the same one lives there (Star).

Competition 1. All about birds. Score 3 points.

Fox cubs: What birds are called the harbingers of spring? (Rooks)

Squirrels: Why do chickens, turkeys and other birds swallow small pebbles? (They replace teeth for birds. Pebbles in the stomach digest food).

Baby squirrels: Which bird has chicks in its nest in winter? (Crossbill)

Fox cubs: What do crossbills feed on all winter? (Spruce and pine seeds)

Who is screaming

Fox cubs: Goose - (cackles) Duck - (quacks)

Crane - (curls) Chicken - (cackles)

Martin - (chirps) Crow - (croaks)

Squirrel: Rooster- (crows) Turkey- (balabolit)

Cuckoo - (cues) Nightingale - (fills, whistles, clicks)

Chick - (squeaks) Lark - (ringing).

2nd competition "Our little brothers" score 5 points.

Squirrels: Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

Little foxes: Why do pigs like to lie in a dirty puddle? (After all, from the layer of liquid mud that covers the pig’s body, water evaporates very slowly, and this ensures its long-term cooling).

Fox cubs: Why is the bear called clubfoot? (The bear places its paws with its fingers inward and its heels outward) And why "barefoot man" (the bear’s feet are bare, with them he can feel any pebble, any bump)

Baby squirrels: Where is it more convenient for a hare to run, from the mountain or up the mountain? (Uphill hind legs longer than the front ones) Why do people call the hare oblique? (Yes, because his eyes are not in the center of his muzzle, but on the sides).

Baby squirrels: Does the hedgehog make provisions for the winter? (No sleeps soundly until spring)

Fox cubs: Favorite delicacy of wild boars? (Acorns)

Little foxes: Which beetles are named after the month in which they appear? (May)

Squirrel: Which insect has ears in its antennae? (Mosquito)

Squirrel: What helps a fly crawl along the walls and ceiling? (Special wet pads on paws)

Little foxes: What does the red back of a ladybug tell the birds? (About the fact that the bug is inedible)

Well done guys gave good answers. It's time to rest.

Physical education - game:

Three elements: earth, sky, water - cubes of yellow, blue, Green colour. Slides with images of birds, fish, animals. (Music). At the end of the music, the children run to the desired element (animals - earth, fish - water, birds - sky)

3rd competition "Confusion" . Score 1 point.

You need to correctly arrange the pictures into 2 groups.

4th competition "Plants" . Score 4 points.

Baby squirrels: Which tree gives us sweet juice? (Birch)

Little foxes: Which tree lives longer than other trees?

Little foxes: Which vegetable flowers were used to decorate the hairstyles and hats of court ladies in France in the 16th century? (potato flowers)

Belchata: What is it useful for? carrot juice? (Growth vitamins)

Squirrels: What trees are called evergreen? (Fur tree, pine tree)

Little foxes: What vegetables are called blue? (Eggplant)

Little foxes: Which tree is called singing? (Spruce) Why? (Do musical instruments violins, harps, pianos, flat sides of the body)

Squirrels: What root vegetable does sugar come from? (Beet)

5th competition "Inanimate nature" score 5 points.

Squirrels: Which snow will melt faster, clean or dirty? (filthy)

Fox cubs: What kind of water is in the rivers - fresh or salty? (fresh)

Fox cubs: What does steam turn into in spring, summer and autumn? (Raindrops) And in winter (snowflakes)

Squirrels: Why does the snow crunch underfoot? (Because under the weight of our feet the stars and rays on the snowflakes break).

Squirrels: What is the sun? (Big, very hot star).

Little foxes: What is the wind? (It's air movement)

Little foxes: Name the properties of clay (density, viscosity, plasticity)

Belchata: Name the properties of sand (flowability, friability, ability to pass water)

Belchata: You find yourself without a tent in the far north in winter and you need to spend one night, what will you do? (we'll dig a hole in the snowdrift)

Fox cubs: In winter you made two snow women, but you dressed one of them in a woolen hat and fur coat. Which snow woman will melt faster in the spring? (in a fur coat and hat)

Presenter: The jury is given the floor to sum up the results and present gifts.

Our game is over. The results have been summed up.

Guys, a wonderful writer and great nature lover Mikhail Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, birds - air, animals - forest and mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” .

Take care, love and protect nature.

Music is playing.

The children leave the hall.

Ecological KVN “Nature Experts”
(for children in the pre-school group)

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about nature.

- To form a sustainable interest in nature through emotional attitude To her;
- Develop coherent speech, intelligence, logical thinking;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.


Pictures depicting animals and plants;

Equipment for the game “Guess who I’ve turned into?”;

A book of complaints by nature;

Emblems depicting the teams “Droplet”, “Sun”;

Audio recording of Grieg's music "Morning".

Progress of the lesson


Open your doors wider!
Come quickly!
KVN clicks here
All friends and all girlfriends.
What kind of miracle?
What a miracle?
The hall is decorated so beautifully!
You have to think
It's time for KVN to start!
Good afternoon, Dear friends! We welcome you to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful! Today the teams “Droplets” and “Solnyshko” are participating in the game.

Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the jury members.

How beautiful Russian nature is,

So many herbs, trees and flowers!

How many people surround us: midges, butterflies, beetles and spiders!

Do not harm the trees or branches,

Not an ant or a butterfly in the grass.

Do not offend the hen with the chickens,

Don't leave them in fear and trouble.

Do you love nature? Are you protecting her? We will now check your statements. By competing, we find out who knows and protects nature better. So let's begin (audio recording of Grieg “Morning” sounds).

1 competition "Greetings"

First, the “Droplets” team gets the word for greeting, then the “Sunshine” team.

The jury is given the floor for evaluation.

2nd competition “Warm-up”

It is a blitz survey. In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible. An hourglass announces the start and end of the competition.
Questions for the “Sunny” team

When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)

What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)

Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)

What do you name a baby horse? (foal)

When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer)

What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)

How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)

When does white snow sparkle in the sun? (winter)

What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic)

Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)

Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)

When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby chickens. (chickens)

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (autumn)

What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)

Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)

What do you call a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)

Questions for the Droplets team

Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)

When does river water freeze? (winter)
Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at the ladybug)
When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)

What do migratory birds mainly eat? (insects)

What do you name a baby pig? (pig)

When do the leaves fall from the trees? (autumn)

What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)

Who weaves a web in the forest? (spider)

When does the ground under the snow rest? (winter)

What in one word are the animals that live in the forest called? (wild)

What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)

Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)

What is the name of the ants' house? (anthill)

What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
What animal has spines? (at the hedgehog)
When is the harvest from fields and gardens harvested? (autumn)
What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)
When does a butterfly fly over a field? (in summer)

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score.

3 competition “How to behave in nature?”


1. There is a fireplace. Let's make a fire here - Alik suggested. Why here? Let’s go under that tree, it’s more comfortable there,” the girls objected. The boys went where the girls showed. They dug a hole and threw the earth away. (Did the children do the right thing?)

2. Nina suddenly saw a nest in the bushes, in which there were several eggs. She carefully took one, placed it in her palm and decided to take it with her. We will have a chick. We will take care of him . (Did the girl do the right thing?)

3. One of the girls noticed: “Something is quiet in the forest. Even the birds don’t sing, we need to turn the tape recorder up louder.” (Did you do the right thing?)

4. The children saw in the forest beautiful flower. "What a beautiful. I wonder what it's called? “I know it’s lily of the valley. He smells so good. Let's pick it and take it to mom. The girls picked a flower and went home. (Did the girls do the right thing? No. Lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book, and you cannot pick them, otherwise they will disappear)

4th competition “Guess who I’ve turned into?”(2 animals each)

The child sits on a chair, and the presenter shows a picture of an animal above his head. The team, with suggestive words, leads the player to guess who he has turned into.

At the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor.

5 game "Herbivores"

On the table, on a tray, are carrots cut into circles. You need to jump to the table with your hands behind your back, take a carrot with your mouth, jump to a chair and sit down. Whose team completes the task faster earns a point.

6th competition “Guess the animal”

Leading: An unusual animal wandered into our place, no one has seen it, no one knows what it is called.

These are the animals. You need to tell from the parts what animals and birds this animal consists of.

Children lay out pictures of animals on the easel and explain.

The jury evaluates the competition.

7th competition “Nature’s Complaint Book”

Mushroom complaint:

“Do whatever you want with us: cut, salt, fry...... just....” (What should you not do in the forest with mushrooms?) Do not destroy the mycelium. Otherwise, not only you, but also your children will not know what mushroom soup smells like.

Complaint from bird cherry:

“When we put on a white outfit in the spring, we are very beautiful. Admire us, but......" (what can't be done?) You can't break branches.

The complaint was received in winter from a fish:

“In the water where we live, we began to suffocate” (Who will help us?) Fishermen. Make a hole.

Complaint - tragedy from birds:

"It happened in spring forest: children came for a walk, the birds disappeared" (What's happened?) You can't scream or touch the nests.

8th competition “Riddles - deceptions”

1. Having eaten your fill of fish,
The nut was resting at sea. (Gull)

2. At the top of the tower
Doctors scream day and night. (Rooks)

3. When the king, like a ball, rolled from his throne,
The crow flew off his head. (Crown)

4. The poet, having come up with a line,
At the end I put a barrel. (Point)

5. The lazy man is lying on a cot,
The guns are gnawing and crunching. (Drying)

6. Fear wolves and golden eagles
A wild boar herds sheep in the mountains. (Shepherd)

7. Donkey floating in the air
Scared the peasants of the surrounding villages. (Eagle)

8. Where is your ball gown?
Where is the glass slipper?
Sorry, I was in a hurry...
My name is Scarecrow. (Cinderella)

9. I’ve got some buns for you!
Fly to me at least once,
Master of all sorts of mischief,
The best Karabas in the world! (Carlson)

10. Treats animals in Africa
Good Doctor Barmaley! (Aibolit)

11. The girl sang in dark forest:
- I’ll bring pies to grandma!
The hat is like a raspberry!
The girl's name was Malvina! (Little Red Riding Hood)

12. Wear green leather all day,
All day long everything is "croak" and "croak".
But it hides under the skin.
All the wiser and all the more beautiful...
Who? Princess - Shapoklyak! (Princess Frog)

While the jury sums up the results, we will play with the audience.

Playing with spectators

1. Who carries a forest on his head? (deer)

2. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird, red, but not a fox. (squirrel)

3. The flower slept and woke up. He didn’t want to sleep anymore, he moved, flew up and flew away. (butterfly)

4. The housewife flies over the lawn, fusses over the flower, and he shares the honey. (bee)

5. In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with them, but we went to look for them during the day, we searched and searched, but we couldn’t find them. (dew)

6. She crawls on her own and carries the house on herself. (snail)

7. We forest dwellers, wise builders. The whole team uses needles to build a house under the spruce tree. (ants)

8. He will not knock on the door or window, but will come up and wake everyone up. (Sun)

We tested you for glory,
And the winners by right
The awards are also worthy of praise.
Now we are very happy to give it.

An awards ceremony is taking place.

Thank you for your participation,
Here are souvenirs for your luck!
Look, admire, accept,
Choose whatever you like!

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us living on Earth,
We can take care of nature completely!

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 183 "Ogonyok"
