Organization of observation in the senior group of kindergarten. Abstract. Wildlife observation lesson in kindergarten

Summary of extracurricular activities

I am a researcher

I am a researcher

Observation and observation.

Purpose of the lesson: teach children to see problems; develop attention, observation, thinking; learn how to operate instruments; foster a sense of collectivism.

Equipment: presentation, cards for working in pairs, magnifying glasses.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Guys, stand in a circle. Smile at each other. Our eyes (we put our palms to our eyes), our ears, our head, our heart are open to knowledge. Share your warmth with each other. Now we are a team. We have to work hard today and learn something new.

2.Updating basic knowledge Teacher: What is the name of our lesson?

-(Our lesson is called “Young explorers of the world around us”)

    Today in class we continue to be researchers.

    Remember who researchers are.

(People involved in scientific research.)

    What is research?

(Scientific work.)

    Today we will take another step into science.

Look carefully at the cards with symbols (Slide No. 2)

    What do you think they are telling us?

-(This is an image of research methods.)

    Remember these methods. (Think, ask yourself a question, ask another person, conduct an experiment, look in books, look on the computer, watch on TV.)

    What is the first and main method used by the researcher?

(Think for yourself)

    Of course, before you start researching, you first need to think for yourself. What do you think this question mark means? (There should be new method research)

    What do you think our lesson will be about?

- (About a new research method)

    Right! But you can guess which one for yourself.

    There are sheets of paper with the task on your desks. But before we do it, let's remember the rules of working in pairs. (SLIDE No. 3)

The words OBSERVATION and OBSERVATION are encrypted on the card.

    What words did you receive? (Observation and observation.)

    What is observation? What about observation?

    Which of known methods Can you use this lesson to answer these questions yourself?

-(look in books - encyclopedias, explanatory dictionaries)


    Now let’s check how observant (attentive) you are.

    Exercise for the eyes

3.Practical tasks (Slides No. 7-11)

A). Find the artist's mistakes.

B). How many times is this letter repeated?

IN). Why does Naf-Naf the pig look so slyly? Something is wrong here…

G). What objects do you see? Find them.

D). Which geometric shapes Can the trees be similar? Your guesses.

4. I learn to observe.

Teacher: Do you know what time of year it is outside? ( late autumn) What time of year is approaching? (winter) Do you know where summer hides?

Sergunenkov Boris Nikolaevich “Where summer hides”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as feathers, the water in the river was warm, the trees were growing all year round, the leaves did not drop and were forever green! This continued until one day winter took offense.
“What is this,” he says, “all summer and summer, it’s time to know your conscience.”
Winter has begun to crowd out summer, and where should summer go? Summer rushed into the earth, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.
“I’m dying,” he says, “I have nowhere to go.” Winter will kill me.
Here the buds on the trees say to the summer:
- Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltering from the cold winter........

Dear researchers, how could summer hide in the buds? What does it mean?

What do we need for such research? (twig with buds)

Many discoveries have been made in the world using the observation method. Today you and I will learn to be observant.

Teacher: - Let's take a walk through the streets of our city.

5. Physical exercise (motor attention)

Prohibited movement
(The presenter shows the children a movement that cannot be repeated. Then he shows different movements with his arms and legs. The one who repeated the forbidden movement is eliminated from the game. Any movement or combination of movements can be forbidden)

Look around. Slide No. 12-13 (cherry and lilac)

What can you say about trees and shrubs?

(They are without leaves, naked).

This will give us the opportunity to take a good look at them.

We will work according to a plan called an algorithm, i.e. a consistent description of our actions.



Look at the branches of the trees.

Do they have leaves?

Find the place where the leaf used to be.


Find buds on the branches. Consider them. Are they the same?


What color is this kidney?

Pay attention to how dense the scales cover it. Draw a kidney. Slide No. 14

Why do you think the kidney has such dense scales? Tell. (protect from cold and drying, from harmful substances)

Cut the lilac bud lengthwise and examine it under a magnifying glass. Slide No. 15

Find the scales, the rudimentary stem, the rudimentary leaves and the rudimentary bud.

Draw a conclusion from the observation.

In winter, the plant sleeps and is at rest.

The leaves are hidden in the buds.

A bud is an embryonic shoot that has to grow and develop.

Teacher: How do you explain the expression “summer hides in the kidneys” from a scientific point of view?

Now listen to how the story ended.

Winter has gone. The sun shone, the streams began to gurgle. The buds on the trees swelled and opened.
And as soon as they opened, it burst out and summer rolled out into freedom. Summer has come to earth. Since then, summer has been hiding from winter in the buds of trees. And spring will come, new leaves will appear on the trees - people say:
- Summer has come!

6. Reflection.

What research method was used in your work? (observation)

Slide No. 16 Let's return to our research methods.

What should we insert instead of the question?

Why do we need to know these methods?

(for our research)

Continue the suggestions Slide No. 17

Today in class I learned ………

Now I can……………

By your work in class……………..



Look at the branches of the trees.

Do they have leaves?


What's left in place of the leaves?

Find buds on the branches.

Consider them. Are they the same?


Take a twig of cherry and separate one bud.

What color is this kidney?

Color the cell this color.

Pay attention to how dense the scales cover it. Draw a kidney.

Open the scales. What did you see inside the kidney? Draw.

Why do you think the kidney has such dense scales? Tell.

Examine a lilac bud cut lengthwise under a magnifying glass. What do you see?

Draw a conclusion from the observation.

In winter the plant _________________________.

______________________ are hidden in the kidneys.

Summary of the walk in senior group"Watching an Ant"

Topic: “Watching ants”


Educational: Clarify ideas about ants, their lifestyle and the structure of the anthill; about the benefits of insects. To develop safe behavior skills in the kindergarten area and interest in research work.

Developmental: Enrich and activate active and passive vocabulary. Develop the ability to listen to other children when discussing any problematic situation.

Develop tactile-motor perception, fine and fine motor skills hands, sensory standards, exercise orientation in space, maintain speech activity.

Educational: To instill in children a desire to take care of nature and not to destroy the living conditions of insects. Develop the ability to interact in a team, participate in joint activities without interfering with each other.

Preliminary work:

- Reading: L. Tolstoy “About Ants”, V. Bianchi “How the Ant Hurried Home”;

- Familiarization with the educational material “Insects”;

- Observing insects while walking;

- Riddles and poems about insects.


- 2 relay batons;

- pictures of an ant and an anthill

- magnifying glass sugar


Voss: Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth?

No, not an elephant, not a hippopotamus. Guess who it is:

The carpenters walked without axes,

They cut down the hut without corners.

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams flow:

Small dots together

They are building a house on a hillock. (Ants)

The strongest on earth is the ant! After all, he can carry weights 10 times heavier than his own weight. If you imagine that Sasha is an ant, then he can carry 10 guys. Will our Sasha be able to lift and carry all these guys? No. And an ant can carry a load 10 times heavier than itself. The ant, although small, is a real strongman.

Question: Where is the anthill on the territory of the kindergarten? (approach the anthill). Let's watch how the ants work. They crawl along paths that they have gnawed into the asphalt.

Research activities

1. Take a magnifying glass and examine the ant.

Generalization: Ants live in an anthill as one large and friendly family. There are as many ants in one anthill as there are people in big city. The queen ant rules the anthill. When she was young, she had small wings and loved to frolic and fly. But then, having become the venerable mother of a large ant family, the ant gnaws off her wings and from then on lives in an anthill. She lays eggs, from which larvae will later emerge. Worker ants will take care of the larvae: feed and care for them. Ants, once born, do not grow. The way they were born is the way they are useful. The ant has a thickened abdomen, chest, head, and three pairs of small legs. The ant has strong jaws. Like all insects, ants have antennae, with the help of which the ant receives information about smell, taste and communicates it to its fellows.

Ants can walk on smooth or inclined surfaces. After all, on each paw the ant has two claws, between them there is a pad that secretes a sticky liquid, which allows the ant not to fall.

Ants love to feast on the spandex most of all - this is the name of the substance secreted by aphids. Ants also eat other insects, especially grasshoppers. There is even a saying about this: “ The best gift to an ant - a grasshopper's leg." They also eat mushrooms, juice and plant seeds.

2. Cover the path with granulated sugar and watch how the ants collect it.

(Result: At first the ants will just fuss and run around randomly different directions. Then they will calm down and you will see one or more long chains of ants moving towards the treat and back.

Explanation: Ants perceive a complex system of information using special chemicals- pheromones secreted by their bodies. As soon as one ant finds food, in our case sugar, it begins to leave behind a pheromone trail, along which other ants follow. The more ants follow the trail, the stronger the signal becomes. It is interesting to observe how ants exactly repeat the trail of the very first ant, even if it takes a long path, for example, crawling around a pebble. Finding food is only one of the many functions of pheromones. Pheromones convey complex chemical information. If you scare an ant, it will immediately give other ants a signal warning of danger. In this case, ants located close to this signal will run away, and soldier ants located further away, on the contrary, will prepare to attack.

Voss: Would you like to turn into ants and get to know their life better? Children's answer.

The ritual of “entering” the image. Collective exercise “Palms” Purpose: Creating a mood for working together. Getting into character.

And now we open our eyes - Oh, how many ants are around me! What has changed for us around us? (Children's answers: the grass has become tall, the people are huge, etc.).

Voss. : There are so many of us, where do we all live?

Children: In an anthill?

Voss. : Yes, here it is – our anthill (shows a picture).

It's certainly not like that big house like in the forest. But still, you and I live in a large multi-room apartment. Let's remember what we have in our house. (shown in the picture)

"Solarium" is a chamber heated by the rays of the sun. In the spring we come here to warm up.

One of the entrances. Guarded by soldiers. Serves as a ventilation duct.

Wintering chamber. We gather here to survive the cold in a state of semi-hibernation

"Bread barn". This is where we store grains.

The royal chamber where the queen lives, laying up to one and a half thousand eggs a day. She is looked after by worker ants.

Chambers with eggs, larvae and pupae.

"Cow barn" where we keep aphids.

"Meat pantry" where we bring caterpillars and other prey.

Voss. : Even though we are so small, we are very strong. Each of us can lift 10 times our own weight. They are also very friendly and hardworking. It’s not for nothing that they say about a person: he’s as hardworking as an ant.

Bring the wand relay

Now let's split into 2 teams. One ant starts. At a signal, he runs to the stick, runs around it and returns. Another one clings to him, and they continue running together, etc. At the end, they take a stick and bring it to their anthill. The team of ants that finishes it faster will win.

Psycho-gymnastics with focusing on breathing

Game "With an ant"

Goal: to tense and relax the leg muscles.

An ant(s) has climbed onto my toes and is running around on them. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, legs tense, straight (as you inhale). Leave your socks in this position, listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (hold your breath). By instantly relieving tension in your feet, throw the ant off your toes (as you exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: your legs are resting.

Repeat the game 2-3 times.

Problem situations

"On the Ant's Path"

You're so small. How would you feel if no one noticed you?

You are running along the track. Suddenly a man is walking and doesn't look at his feet. He's so huge compared to you! Here he lifts his shoe over you. How are you feeling at this moment? What do you want to shout to him? What can I blame? What to ask for?

You and your ant brothers spent a very long time building an anthill house. How many sticks and twigs had to be brought to assemble a house for everyone. How all the ants rejoiced when the anthill was finally built! But some boy, for fun, destroyed an anthill with a stick, and even laughed at the scattering ants.

How would you feel towards this destroyer? Why would you be offended by him? What would you tell him so that he would never do this again?

Tourists often come to the forest. They love to make fires. How would you feel if a fire was lit right next to an anthill?

What would you whisper in the ears of such tourists?

And it’s time for us to return from a magical journey. We turn around ourselves and say the spell:

Ritual of “exiting” the image. Collective exercise “Palms”

Goal: Consolidating new experience, preparing children to interact in a familiar way social environment. General encouragement for children.

Now let's open our eyes. So you've been an ant. And now, when you see an ant, say hello to it, ask how it is doing. Never offend the little ones, take care of the defenseless, because they cannot say or ask for anything.

Bottom line. Assessing children's work (Reflection).

I liked that today you were very friendly, dexterous, and diligent. What did you like?

Today we met with the ants. They, although small, are very necessary for nature. Let's all give our word together not to offend our six-legged friends.

Elena Khramluk
Lesson summary “Wind Observation”

Target: Replenish children's knowledge about in the wind, its strength, to maintain interest in inanimate objects of nature. Learn to determine strength wind. Support cognitive interest, develop speech.

Vocabulary work: wind - breeze, blowing, stormy, piercing.

Progress of observation

Educator. Guys, listen carefully to the riddle.

I'll shake the birch tree, I'll push you.

I’ll attack you, I’ll whistle, I’ll even steal your hat.

But I can't be seen. Who am I?

Can you guess? (wind).

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right - it's the wind. Today we will be with you watch the wind. What do you know about in the wind? What is it like?

Children's answers: wind - strong, stormy, southern, northern, piercing, light...

Educator. What can we say about what the wind does?

Children's answers: the wind makes noise, blows, blows, howls, whistles, carries away...

Educator. Let's watch the leaves fall from trees: yes, the leaves are spinning and flying away from the trees. And look how the tops of the trees sway. Why do you think they sway?

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, they are swayed by the breeze. Look at the clouds, see how fast they float across the sky? Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, that's right, they are driven by the wind.

Look, guys, what I brought you today. I brought balloon and colorful ribbons.

Let's take the ball by the string and see what happens to it.

Children's answers.

Educator. Yes, that’s right, the ball does not stand in one place, but sways. What do you think makes the ball move? That's right - a breeze.

Now take the ribbons in your hands and watch them. What did you notice? Ribbons swing on the wind.

Guys, look around, find more objects with which you can watch the force of the wind.

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, our flags are swinging on the wind, and also laundry on a line.

Guys, what did we do today? We observed the strength of the wind. You were all very attentive and answered my questions correctly. And continue watch the wind you can be at home with your parents.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Observing fish in an aquarium” Goal: to teach to listen carefully and observe the fish, note its features, answer questions; to form the ability to be dialogical.

Lesson summary “Observing a cat” Abstract “Observing a cat” Program content: Educational objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about the appearance of a cat. Introduce.

Summary of observing the phenomenon of inanimate nature with children of the middle group “Wind Observation” Objectives: Continue to introduce preschoolers to some phenomena of inanimate nature - wind. Expand children's knowledge about wind, teach how to identify it.

Lesson summary “Observing a guinea pig” Classes on familiarization with the surrounding world "Observation of guinea pig" for the second younger group. Purpose: To introduce children to new things.

Ecology lesson notes “Observing a rabbit” Types of children's activities: Playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive. Program content: -Pin.

Lesson summary “Observing a cat” Summary of a lesson on speech development in middle group. Educator: Korepanova. N.V. OBJECTIVES: Educational: - introduce children to the cat.

Summary of the lesson “Observing a cat” for the second junior group Cat observation. Program objectives: Introduce children to a cat, its appearance and habits. Clarify and expand ideas.

Venera Khalikova
Lesson notes on cognitive development"Bird Watching"


Target: consolidate, expand and generalize knowledge about wintering birds.



Enrich and activate children's vocabulary, ensure that children watching the bird, they called her does: flies, jumps, pecks, looks.

Teach children to understand the quantitative characteristics of objects and use them in speech words: one (one, many.


-develop attention, speech, memory.


To instill in children a desire to protect and feed birds.

Materials and equipment: bird in a cage, "live pictures" with wintering birds represented, sparrows, magpies, feeder, millet, tree.

Preliminary work: Meeting winterers birds: looking at pictures, illustrations.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Guys, look how many guests we have today! Let us look at them, say hello, and not be distracted by them anymore.

2. Main part. Watching a bird in a cage.

Educator (tells the children). Today beautiful and cheerful birds flew to us. Guys, who knows what her name is? (Children answer.) This bird is called a parrot. Let's repeat it together and let's watch her: To prevent her from getting scared and rushing around the cage, try not to make noise or scream.

Guys, what is she doing? Children quietly tell what they are doing bird, are watching the way the bird jumps, the way it turns its head, the way it looks, the way it sits, grasping the perch with its claws; examine the tail, beak, head, paws birds, pay attention to the wings and note that the bird can fly. The teacher clarifies and specifies the children’s answers. Here she sits on a perch, now cleaning her feathers, now pecking at grains, now drinking water, throwing back her little head. The parrot lives in hot countries, it is not found in our nature, but we can follow it observe only in these cells. This is a parrot's house. Let's put our parrot on the windowsill, let him look at us. And you and I will have a rest.

Physical education minute

The teacher reads a poem, the children imitate the movements.

Oh, they were flying birds,

Small birds.

Everyone was flying, everyone was flying,

They flapped their wings. Flapping your arms like wings.

They sat down on the path,

We ate the grains.

I peck, I peck, I peck, I peck,

How I love grains. Squat down. Index fingers knock on the path.

We jump on the branches.

To make the children stronger.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We jump on the branches. Jumping in place.

3. A story about wintering birds. Guys, look, I have a magic box. Do you want to see who lives in this box? (show the bird and ask what bird) Using "live pictures", I talk about wintering birds. These birds live outside. It is very difficult for them in winter because it is difficult to find food in winter. People help to the birds, they feed them. Guys, what is that hanging on the tree? (feeder) That's right, but what is it for? (children's answers) People sizzle food into this feeder. Let's feed our birds too. Children take pinches of millet, pour it into the feeder and "fed" birds.

Now our birds will be fed, and we will take the feeder outside and hang it on a tree, and we will go for a walk watch other birds.

Guys, let's play with you a game called "Birds" (koshlar)

4. Game « Birds» (one - many).

Goals: teach children to understand the quantitative characteristics of objects, use them in speech words: one (one, many.

Educator (takes out toy sparrows or other identical birds from the box). Here's a sparrow, here's another sparrow, another sparrow... How many sparrows? (Many. (He takes out a magpie, the children call it.) What's forty? (Forty one.) How many sparrows? (There are many sparrows.)

You can repeat, for example, with one crow and several titmice. At the same time, children they say: "one", "many".

Well done guys, you know a lot about birds. Let's say goodbye to our birds. And behind the parrot we are with you we'll see during the day. And say goodbye to the guests (sau bulygyz, goodbye).

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Observing a cat” Abstract “Observing a cat” Program content: Educational objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about the appearance of a cat. Introduce.

Summary of an open lesson on understanding the surrounding world “Journey to the Tundra” (Senior group) Purpose: (Slide 2) - to introduce children to the features natural conditions tundra; - to form in them elementary ideas about relationships.

Lesson summary “Wind Observation” Goal: To enhance children’s knowledge about the wind, its strength, and to maintain interest in inanimate objects of nature. Learn to determine the strength of the wind. Support.

Summary of the lesson on understanding the surrounding world “Parts of the day”, second junior group Municipal autonomous educational institution “Progymnasium No. 119” (Lesson notes on understanding the surrounding world) second.

Summary of the lesson on cognition “My Family” (first junior group)“My family” Goals: familiarization with the concept of “family”. Objectives: 1) to cultivate the child’s attachment to the family, love and caring attitude towards.

Summary of a lesson on cognition in the first junior group “I, We - other children” Subject. “I, We are other children.” Goals: familiarization with the concept of I am a child, my body. Objectives: 1) form an idea of ​​yourself as a person.

Target: introduce children to the structural features of fish;

give an idea about feeding and caring for aquarium fish, their characteristics appearance and behavior;

develop observation skills when looking at fish; bring up careful attitude to living objects.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher Let's remember the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" what is this tale about? That's right about the goldfish. Today I will show you a goldfish. Only this fish is not a fairy tale, but a real one and therefore cannot fulfill anyone’s wishes. And she will live with us, we must learn to understand her desires and make sure that the fish has a good time with us.

Teacher shows the children a goldfish that was previously placed from a common aquarium in a bowl of water so that the children have the opportunity to get a good look at it.

Teacher tells the children that the birthplace of the goldfish is distant China. A long time ago, about 250 years ago, European travelers noticed the beauty of the fish and brought it to Europe for breeding in aquariums.

Teacher Children, let's take a close look at the body of the fish.

Who knows what the body of a fish is covered with?

- Children (Scales.)

What is the fish's body shape?

After the children think for themselves and explain as best they can, the teacher

says that the body of the fish is streamlined, compressed from the sides, pointed in front and

narrowed at the back. This unique body shape allows the fish to

swim. The fish also have a tail and fins.

Teacher let's see how the fish swims.

What helps the fish when swimming?

- Children (Tail, fins.)

When a fish swims, its tail moves from side to side.

The teacher shows the movement of the fish with his hand and invites the children to repeat it with their hands too.

At the end of the body, the goldfish, like all other fish, has a caudal fin. In addition, fish have fins on the back, abdomen and chest.

Do you think the fish sees us? Why

Children (The fish has two eyes- on the left and right side.)

Teacher fish quickly notice moving objects. See how our fish sees and catches food. Goldfish really love these worms.

Teacher shows a bloodworm and throws it into the water.

Children watch the fish grab food.

One per day goldfish eats 4-5 larvae.

teacher, Let's call our fish and lightly knock on the basin.

Children They observe the reaction of the fish, it reacts to the knock.

The teacher fish hears our knocking; it does not have external ears, but has an internal ear.

Teacher, and look how the fish breathe, swallow a stream of water with their mouths.

There is air in the water, the fish inhales it through its gills, and filtered water comes out from both sides.

The fish loves to live in water, this is its home. Now we will transfer it to the aquarium with other fish. The fish cannot be caught with your hands; it is very delicate and fragile. In order not to damage it, there is a special net.

Teacher Together with the children, he catches a fish and transfers it to the aquarium. Fish cannot live without water, so it is necessary to transplant it from one container to another very quickly.

Goldfish likes to live in water of a certain temperature and loves dry and live food.

Guys, you all already know what the frame is for in the aquarium.

That's right, it's a feeder. All aquarium fish eat dry food well - daphnia and cyclops. These are very small crustaceans that are specially caught and then dried. The food they make looks like powder. To prevent food from spreading in the water, it is placed only in the feeder. The fish are given no more food than they can eat, so that it does not spoil and pollute the aquarium. The fish are fed at the same time.

Guys, pour food into the feeder and lightly tap the aquarium. If the fish hear our knocking and give them food at the same time, we can develop a habit in them. When you knock, they will swim to the feeder.

The water in the aquarium should always be clean and filled with oxygen. For this, a special device is used that supplies oxygen to the water.

Teacher turns on the device, children watch air bubbles in the water.

Guys, why do they plant aquarium plants in an aquarium?

Children (For that,so that it is beautiful, cozy, so that the fish can hide and relax amongleaves, eat green food. So that plants saturate the water with oxygen.)

Teacher, let’s remember the rules for caring for the inhabitants of an aquarium, and together we will look at the items for caring for the aquarium and its inhabitants.

In the future, children take care of the aquarium and consolidate their acquired knowledge in practice.

Thank you for your attention.