Notes on GCD drawing in the correctional group “Late Autumn”

Summary of a drawing lesson for children 5-6 years old "Late Autumn"

Author: Olga Vladimirovna Firsova, teacher, Moscow State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium 1569 "Constellation" building 9 ( kindergarten No. 1267, Moscow.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a lesson summary for senior group kindergarten "Drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography on the theme "Late Autumn". In this work the children will get acquainted with unconventional technology drawing with blotography and learning to paint a landscape in gouache without the help of a brush. This methodological work can be used by kindergarten teachers (senior preschool age). Children really like to use different techniques by doing creative works. Children show imagination, their imagination develops, and technical skills improve.
Educational field: artistic creativity
Integration educational areas : cognition, communication
Target: introduce children to blotography, arouse interest in unconventional drawing techniques, develop creativity and imagination. Consolidate knowledge about the signs of late autumn, develop the respiratory system. Activation of speech. Enrichment of the dictionary: blot, blotography.
Materials: A4 sheets for each child, a simple pencil for each child, jars of water, drinking straws for each child, sponges for each child, gouache paints, ink or thinly diluted gouache (for blots), plastic spoons or pipettes, cotton buds, hand wipes.


Children, please tell me what time of year is outside our window? (Autumn)
- The beginning of autumn or its end?? (End)
- Why do you think so? What signs of autumn can we see now? What has changed in nature? (children's answers)
- So, we can say what's outside the window late fall?
-Do you like to draw? What is your favorite thing to draw?
- Now I will teach you how to paint autumn with colors without the help of a brush.
- First, let’s draw the background (there is an explanation-guide and a demonstration at the same time): arrange the sheet the way you like best, draw with a simple pencil barely visible horizon line. Think about what colors are present in the autumn sky? Take a sponge, wet it and alternately apply paint with the sponge in horizontal strokes above the horizon line. Now imagine what colors might be present on the ground below the horizontal line. We also apply paint using horizontal strokes.
- Check if there are any empty spaces left in your drawings.
- Now look carefully at how I will depict a tree (demonstration, children just watch). I scoop up liquid gouache with a spoon and drop it below the horizon, it turns out to be a blot. Now I take a tube and “blow” the trunk and branches of a tree out of the blot, directing the tube from bottom to top and to the sides against the trunk. Look what happened. This drawing technique is called “blotography”, i.e. drawing with blots or from blots.
-Now try it yourself. (help children, suggest what is best).
- Look what different trees you got!
- Does it snow in late autumn? What about the leaves on the trees?
- That's right, snow may fall, rare dried leaves remain on the trees.
- Let's take cotton swabs and draw falling snow or dried leaves on the branches. You can draw both, or just one.
Children draw. Then all the drawings are collected in one place (exhibition).
- Look, all the drawings are different from each other. Who remembered the name of the technique we used to draw?? (blotography) What did we draw trees from? (blot). Did you like drawing with blots?? These are the wonderful drawings we made without the help of a brush!

Abstract of the educational activity for children 6-7 years old “Autumn Rowan. Plein air"

Subject:“Autumn Rowan” in gouache.
Age group: children 6-7 years old.
Amount of children: subgroup (7-8 people).
Target: Development of aesthetic perception in the open air.
Educational objectives:
Continue to introduce children to the genre visual arts landscape.
Developmental tasks:
Develop a sense of composition, visual-spatial perception.
Develop color sensitivity and imagination.
Develop artistic taste (the ability to convey the beauty of a landscape through a combination of different colors in a drawing), the ability to notice and reflect beauty in a drawing autumn trees.
Educational tasks:
To cultivate emotional responsiveness to landscape activities.
To develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of the surrounding nature.
Types of activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research.
Materials: easels, gouache, brushes No. 2, No. 4, bristle brush, jars of water, tinted paper A 4, tree leaves.
Methods and techniques:
Visual method (looking at trees);
practical method(d/game, creative activity, dynamic pause “Rowan”, listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”);
verbal method(conversation, solving a riddle).
Equipment: ICT.
Preliminary work:
1. Observing changes in nature on walks.
2. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan.
3. Learning poems, listening to music, singing songs about autumn.
4. Introducing landscapes and examples of non-traditional drawing of an autumn tree into the fine art corner.
5. Drawing autumn trees and bushes.
Vocabulary work: plein air, artist, writes, landscape.

Progress of activities

Stage 1
Children go outside. The teacher sets a positive emotional mood:
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello: “ Good morning

Good morning! - the sun and the birds.
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting...
May good morning last until evening.
- What do you feel when they say to you with a smile: “Good morning!”?
(a smile appears, becomes good mood)
- What else can cheer you up?
(good weather, new toy, funny music, something tasty).
And the sun lifts our spirits. Let's go to the veranda.
Children go out onto the veranda strewn with autumn leaves.
- Guys, listen to the riddle.
Gold coins fall from a branch. What is this? ( autumn leaves.
D/ game “Which tree is the leaf from?”
The teacher pays attention to the color of the leaves:
- Why have the trees changed so much? (autumn has come).
-Well done boys. You said everything correctly. Autumn has its own character. Every day her mood changes: she worries, caresses, frowns, cries, reluctantly says goodbye to the warm summer. But at the same time, autumn is a very beautiful time of year. And sometimes we really want to capture this beauty. How can this be done? And this can be done with the help of drawings and paintings. Artists who paint pictures about nature are called landscape artists, and their paintings are called landscapes. Artists are observant people. They reflect in their paintings all the vagaries of nature.
Breathing exercises:
- Children, do you smell it? Notice the fresh breeze blowing. Let's squat down, breathe in as much air as possible and feel like giant trees (slowly rise on your toes, hold the air for 2-3 seconds). Now we will also exhale slowly - we have become small bushes (sit down). (Repeat 2-3 times).
Stage 2
Working on the topic

An invitation to approach the trees (rowan) on the site.
- Like a young girl, the rowan tree stands in its autumn attire; She threw a multi-colored scarf over her shoulders and put on bright red beads made from berries.
Let's look at rowan.
What color are the trunk and branches? (green, yellow)
What color are the berries? (red)
How are the berries arranged? (close to each other, in clusters)
- Today, guys, you and I will be artists and we will draw autumn rowan trees. Every artist, before painting a picture with paints, must clearly imagine how it will look, where and what will be located, i.e. think over the composition of the picture. Do we have one rowan? (two or three).
Right. The closest tree is larger, and those a little further away, in the background, are smaller.
Questions: What paints will we use?
“There is a mountain ash tree on the hill (stretch, hands up)
Keeps your back straight and level.
It’s not easy for her to live in the world (torso rotation left and right),
The wind is spinning, the wind is spinning.
But the mountain ash only bends (tilts to the sides).
The free wind blows menacingly (they wave their hands, imitating the wind)
For a young mountain ash.
Stage 3
Creative activity
Explanation: When depicting a tree, you first need to see the general silhouette of the tree and study its design. Any tree, like any plant in general, has its own own form, different from the other.
- Let's remember the rules of drawing with a dry brush.
- What should you not do when painting using the dry brush technique?
- How do we hold the brush obliquely or vertically?
- Who will show us how to paint with a dry brush?
Finger gymnastics:
- Let's sit down at the easels and warm our hands. Blow warm air onto your palms. (breathing exercise: children blow a targeted warm stream of air.
- Now let’s rub each finger, let’s start drawing now.
The teacher involves children in visual activities,
Provides assistance and includes children in independent activities; provides time for creative activity; Observes children while performing tasks.
- Were you interested? Was it difficult for you? What were the difficulties? Guys, what would you call your painting? Well done guys, you got some beautiful landscapes. Would you like to go into your painting and walk around there? Thank you guys. I was also interested in you. Would you like us to make an exhibition out of your works?
And now, those who need to finish their (creative) work, those who are interested can look at the guys’ work.
Planned result:
The ability to express your thoughts.
Showing interest.
Acquiring certain knowledge.
Show creativity in the process visual arts.
Ability to select the necessary color scheme for work.
The ability to evaluate your results. activities.
The ability to express feelings.
Ability to draw conclusions.
Practical part
Children's work.

The weather let us down, it rained all day, so we had to hang out on the veranda.

Exhibition of drawings.

Victoria Sakharova
Summary of a drawing lesson in preparatory group"Late fall"


arouse children's interest in late autumn, develop the ability to be emotionally distracted by the mood of sadness, grief, conveyed in poetry. Arouse the desire to express this state with the help of color in a landscape drawing; learn to work with a palette, create a color scheme, and obtain dull gray tones. Strengthen the skills of depicting trees and bushes without leaves.

Developmental environment:

series of paintings " Autumn", album sheets, gouache, palette, brushes different sizes, water, napkins.

Preliminary work:

conversation about late autumn, its signs include looking at paintings, memorizing poems, observing while walking.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, listen to A. Pleshcheev’s poem and think about what autumn time says the author:

Boring picture!

The clouds are endless.

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch.

Stunted rowan

Gets wet under the window

Looks at the village

A gray spot.

Are you happy with this picture? drawn by the poet?

That's how different it is autumn! Either bright, elegant, or quiet, sad, grey. Today we will draw such autumn. What colors will you need for this - warm, bright or cold, gray?

Look at the picture depicting late autumn. what color is the sky? - What are the trees like?

Now I will tell you how to get these soft colors. You have palettes on your tables; artists use these palettes to compose paints. And you will do it. To get gray paint you need to add a little black paint to white. If you will be draw clouds, then take blue paint and add a little black and white paint to it, stir them on the palette. Grass color late autumn It has also lost its brightness - it is brown. Take green paint and add a little yellow and brown to it - you get a brown color.

So, first you need to put the right paint on the palette, and then draw it on a sheet of paper. Think about your painting and get to work.

After graduation drawing works are exhibited for viewing.

Integration:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction», « Artistic creativity", "Music".


Educational: teach children to see changes in nature and convey them in drawings of various in unconventional ways, observing the color characteristic of late autumn. Pay attention to how artists solve coloristic problems when depicting the earth, sky, windy and rainy weather. Continue to learn how to depict trees of different species and ages, and convey perspective in the drawing. Continue to introduce children to the works of painting by I. Levitan " Golden autumn»

Educational: develop aesthetic feelings, emotions; ability to create independently artistic images. Development of the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of a work, sensitivity to poetic word. Improve the ability to write stories about the content of a picture.

Educators: to cultivate in children the ability to see and understand beauty, love for native land. Continue to develop the skills of control and self-control.

Non-traditional techniques: blotography with a tube, poking, leaf prints, black and white scratch paper, tracing any object with a simple pencil, completing the drawing and turning it into something else.

Materials: paper, ink or gouache, plastic spoon, tube. Candle, wide brush, stick with a sharpened end. Tree leaves, brushes, gouache. Hard brushes, napkins. Reproductions of paintings depicting autumn. Musical accompaniment audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons".

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

And at ten years old and at seven and five
All people love to draw
And everyone will boldly draw
Everything that interests him
Everything is interesting
Far space, near forest
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dancing….
We'll draw everything, if only there were paints,
Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table,
Yes, peace in the family and on earth.

II. Conversation with children.

What time of year is it now? (autumn)

– Name the signs of autumn (the leaves have turned yellow, migratory birds have flown to warmer regions, it is raining, the sun is shining less, animals are preparing for winter).

– Why are autumn foliage called golden?

– Which tree foliage can really be called golden? (birch, maple)

- Which crimson one? (aspen, rowan)

– Which shrub has green leaves in autumn? (lilac). What about light brown ones? (linden, oak, elm).

– What is the name of the forest where only birches grow? (oaks, lindens).

Children: Birch Grove, oak grove

– What proverbs and sayings about autumn do you know?

  • In the autumn bad weather the weather outside: sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above and sweeps from below.
  • In September there is fire both in the field and in the hut.
  • In September there is one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.
  • In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
  • Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and nourishing.
  • October is crying cold tears.

III. Physical education minute.

IV. Getting to know works of art.

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal
and the evenings are radiant.

(audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album “Seasons” sounds)

Children look at the landscapes of I. Levitan " evening call, evening Bell", "Golden Autumn", they remember what autumn color combinations they saw. The teacher asks the children to choose autumn colors(colors of golden autumn: ocher, yellow, crimson, burgundy, orange) from the many available, look at the bouquets of fallen leaves and show those shades and colors that you liked.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem by A.S. Pushkin and determine what time of year it is (a poem about early and late autumn).

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter.

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off
Latest sheets from its naked branches;
The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.
The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
To the departing fields with my desire,
And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

– Why is late autumn called “silver”? (the puddles are covered with ice, silver stars - snowflakes - fly onto the frozen ground, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun).

The children are given the task to think and draw landscapes of golden and late autumn using the selected techniques.

The teacher focuses the children's attention on choosing certain drawing techniques: the poking technique is more suitable for depicting golden autumn; blotography with a tube will display the characteristic color of mid-autumn, and grattage will surprise you with its difference from other techniques and will reveal the beauty of late autumn. At the end of the work, children examine the drawings, give them names, explain what month and what weather were drawn, what methods and materials were used, how they managed to depict rainy, windy weather most expressively, the unpleasant state of late autumn in a beautiful landscape, compare them with images of golden autumn .

All children's work is assessed. An exhibition of young artists is being organized in the lobby of the children's institution.

State government institution Samara region"Chapaevsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors" Pestravka branch


Lesson on artistic and aesthetic education using non-traditional drawing techniques on the topic: “Late Autumn”


Lelyukh E.G.

Target: Cultivate an interest in the visual arts and the ability to see the beauty of nature.


    Introduce children to the painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan "Gold autumn" .

    Strengthen the ability to draw with different non-traditional techniques(drawing on wet, blowing, sponging, placing the image over the entire sheet.

    Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Technologies used: COR, health-saving.

Material and equipment:

Painting by I. Levitan "Gold autumn" , sheets of tinted paper, gouache, palette, blowing tubes, napkins, foam sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizing time.

Look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Why?

What signs of autumn do you know?

Yes, it's autumn now. Almost all the leaves have fallen off. Today I went to kindergarten, the leaves rustled pleasantly under my feet. I wanted to pick up a leaf and bring it here. This leaf turned out to be not ordinary, but mysterious.

II. Control of the initial level of knowledge.

Listen to the riddle:

The ever darker face of nature:
The vegetable gardens have turned black
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,

The bear fell into hibernation
What month did he come to us?


That's right, this is the third month of autumn. What other autumn months do you know?

III. Training stage.

Look at the board, what do you see here? These are reproductions of paintings. Which of these paintings depicts autumn? This painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan, which is called "Gold autumn" . What do you see on it? (nature). There are other paintings here too.

Issak Ilyich Levitan, who painted this picture, was very fond of painting nature. He was famous artist.

Tired? Let's take a little rest.

Physical exercise.

Imagine that we are in the autumn forest and walking along the paths. So we stopped and:

Hands raised and shook
These are trees in the forest.
Hands bent
The brushes were shaken

The wind blows away the dew
To the side of the hand
Let's wave smoothly
These are birds flying south.

We'll also show you how they sit down.
The wings were folded back.

Guys, imagine that you are all artists. If we are artists, what do we do? (paint) How? What can we draw with?

What will help us? (our assistant is a tube) What can you draw with it? (trees). How? (this is a blowing technique).

Let's start drawing.

IV. Independent work.

Individual assistance for those who don't quite succeed.

V. Monitoring the achieved level of knowledge.

Look at your paintings, what did you get? What was the mood of the painting? It's very sad, isn't it? Why? (the trees stand without their elegant golden dresses). What are the trees' dresses made of? (leaves) Our magic sponge will help us with this. How? (technique – sponge painting)

VI. Bottom line.

What did we draw today? How? (technicians) Let's make a huge forest out of all your paintings. Bring all your work here. How beautiful, magical, elegant it turned out, autumn forest. All the trees in this forest are very beautiful. Do you like the autumn forest? (Yes) And I really like it! That's what good artists you are!