History of the development of scientific and educational literature for primary schoolchildren. Scientific educational story - what is it? Scientific literature Exercise "Find information"

The majority of children's literature consists of fiction and poetry. However, the scientific and technological revolution in society ensured the development of the corresponding type of literature. Meaning scientific and educational children's book has increased significantly in modern society.

The description and classification of this branch of literature was carried out by N.M. Druzhinina. The purpose of a scientific and educational children's book, she believes, is to cultivate the mental activity of the reader and introduce him to the great world of science. Two types of scientific and educational books help achieve this goal: a scientific-fiction book and a popular science book. Let's compare them by ways of achieving the goal.

Science fiction book develops the child’s creative curiosity using an arsenal of artistic means: teaches to compare events, analyze them, draw conclusions independently, depicting the general in the particular, the typical in the individual, showing the process of researching a problem, comprehending individual cognitive elements of a scientific topic. A specific form of generalization in scientific and artistic literature is an image used in a fascinating plot narration, in an artistic essay, story, or fairy tale. Such genres are designed by the illustrator, emphasizing the educational idea of ​​the work in the pictures accompanying the texts. Types of books by structure: book-work and books-collections.

Popular science book communicates available knowledge to children as much as possible in full, showing the general in general, the typical in the typical, based on the final results of the study of the world, revealing a certain system of knowledge in a scientific topic. A specific form of knowledge transfer is information using names, concepts and terms, which is contained in articles, documentary essays and stories. Such genres are decorated with photo illustrations, documentary materials, drawings for them are made by artists who are specialists in a certain field scientific knowledge. Popular science works are published in reference books, encyclopedias, industry dictionaries, in special series “Whychkin’s Books”, “Know and Be Able”, “Behind the Pages of Your Textbook”, etc. Popular scientific publications are supplemented with bibliographic lists, diagrams, tables, maps, comments, and notes.

How to use both types of publications of scientific and educational books? The ways of reading such literature must correspond to the specificity and nature of the work. A scientific and artistic book requires a holistic emotional perception, the identification of cognitive material in the artistic outline of the work, in the author’s intention. Books of reference type are read selectively, in small “portions” of text, they are consulted when necessary, for educational purposes, they are repeatedly returned to and the main material is remembered (written down).

Examples of scientific and fiction books: V.V. Bianki – “Stories and Tales”, M.M. Prishvin - “In the Land of Grandfather Mazai”, G. Skrebitsky - “Four Artists”, B.S. Zhitkov - “About an Elephant”, “About a Monkey”, Yu.D. Dmitriev - “Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest”, E.I. Charushin - “Big and Small”, N.V. Durova - “Corner named after Durov”, E. Shim - “City on a Birch”, N. Sladkov - “Dancing Fox”, M. Gumilevskaya - “How the World is Discovered”, L. Obukhova - “The Tale of Yuri Gagarin”, C .P. Alekseev - “The Unprecedented Happens”, etc.

Examples of popular science books: “Children's Encyclopedia” in 10 volumes, “What is it? Who it? A Companion for the Curious” for younger schoolchildren, M. Ilyin, E. Segal – “Stories about what surrounds you”, A. Markush – “ABV” (about technology); E. Kameneva - “What color is the rainbow” - dictionary fine arts; A. Mityaev - “The Book of Future Commanders”, V.V. Bianchi - “Forest Newspaper”; N. Sladkov - “White Tigers”, G. Yurmin - “From A to Z in the Country of Sports”, “All the works are good - choose according to your taste”; A. Dorokhov “About You”, S. Mogilevskaya - “Girls, a book for you”, I. Akimushkin - “These are all dogs”, Y. Yakovlev - “The Law of Your Life” (about the Constitution); encyclopedic Dictionary young philologist, literary critic, mathematician, musician, technician, etc.

The purpose of scientific and artistic literature is to educate such human qualities as curiosity, cognitive interest, activation of thinking, formation of consciousness and a materialistic worldview. Popular science literature promotes knowledge about nature, society, man and his activities, machines and things, broadens a child’s horizons, and complements the information about the world around him that he received at school and others. educational institutions. The artistic component sometimes captivates the young reader so much that he does not master the knowledge contained in the text. Therefore, the perception of scientific and artistic literature is more difficult for a child, but more interesting. The perception of a popular science book is easier, but emotionally poorer. Authors who popularize knowledge strive to include elements of entertainment in their texts.

Compare the scientific and artistic story “The Hedgehog” by M. Prishvin and the article about the hedgehog from the book “What is it? Who it?" Despite the obvious generality of the topic, the volume of information about the hero is significantly richer in the encyclopedia: information about the external appearance of the animal, habitat, habits, nutrition, benefits for the forest, etc. is given. A clear logical definition of the type of animal is given, the language of presentation of material about the hedgehog, as it should be in scientific article, - concise, strict style, correct, bookish, terminological vocabulary. Construction of the article: thesis – justification – conclusions. In Prishvin’s work, the story of a hedgehog is narrated by a narrator who conveys his interested attitude to the forest animal. The narrator arranges such an atmosphere in his home so that the hedgehog seems to be in nature: a candle is the moon, feet in boots are tree trunks, water overflowing from a dish is a stream, a plate of water is a lake, a rustling newspaper is dry foliage. For a person, a hedgehog is an individual creature, a “prickly lump”, a small forest pig, at first frightened, and then brave. Recognition of the habits of a hedgehog is scattered throughout the plot: there is a beginning, a development of actions, a climax (the hedgehog is already making a nest in the house) and a denouement. The behavior of the hedgehog is humanized, the reader learns how these animals behave in different situations, what they eat and what “character” they have. The collective “portrait” of the animal is drawn expressively artistic language, in which there is a place for personifications, comparisons, epithets, metaphors: for example, the snorting of a hedgehog is compared with the sounds of a car. The text contains direct speech, inversions and ellipses, giving the sentences a fabulous intonation of oral conversation.

Thus, the article enriches the child’s knowledge with information about forest animals and calls for observations in nature, and the story creates the image of a curious and active animal, gives rise to love and interest in “our smaller brothers.”

The master of scientific and educational children's books was Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov(1882-1938). About Zhitkov’s work, K. Fedin said: “You enter his books like a student entering a workshop.” Zhitkov came to literature as an experienced man, at the age of 42; before that there was a period of accumulation of life experience. As a child, Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was a unique personality, which K.I. recalls with pleasure. Chukovsky, who studied with Zhitkov in the same class of the 2nd Odessa gymnasium. Chukovsky wanted to make friends with an excellent student Zhitkov, since Boris lived in the port, right above the sea, among ships, all his uncles were admirals, he played the violin, which was carried to him by a trained dog, he had a boat, a telescope on three legs, cast iron balls for gymnastics, he swam beautifully, rowed, collected herbarium, knew how to tie knots like a sailor (you can’t untie them!), predict the weather, he knew how to speak French, etc. and so on. The man had talents, knew a lot and was able to do. Zhitkov graduated from two faculties: natural mathematics and shipbuilding, he tried many professions, and as a long-distance navigator, he saw half the sides of the globe. He taught, studied ichthyology, he invented instruments, he was a “jack of all trades”, this boy from an intelligent family (father is a mathematics teacher, author of textbooks, mother is a pianist). In addition, Zhitkov loved literature since childhood and was an excellent storyteller. He wrote such letters to his relatives that they were read as fiction. In one of his letters to his nephew, Zhitkov essentially formulated the motto of a full-fledged school life: “It’s impossible for learning to be difficult. It is necessary to make learning joyful, reverent and victorious" (1924).

“Is it surprising that such a person ultimately takes up the pen and, having picked it up, immediately creates books unparalleled in world literature,” wrote V. Bianchi. For Zhitkov, his entire previous life became material for creativity. His favorite heroes are people who know how to work well, professionals, masters. These are the cycles of his stories “Sea Stories” and “About Brave People”. Let's remember him short stories about the beauty of people’s professional behavior: “Red Commander”, “Flood”, “Collapse”. An extreme situation is being created, from which only people of high responsibility and knowledge find the right way out. The girl choked on a fish bone (“Collapse”), the doctor rushes to the rescue, road builders help him overcome the path: they cleared the collapse of stones with a hydraulic ram pump. Help arrived in time.

When choosing a situation for a story, Zhitkov expects to immediately capture the reader in emotional captivity, to provide a real-life incident in which there is both a moral and a practical lesson. You need to know what to do when there is an accident, when people are carried away on an ice floe into the sea, when the engine fails, when you are caught in a field in a snowstorm, when you are bitten by a snake, etc.

Zhitkov shows the production processes of printing - “About this book”, transmitting telegrams by wire - “Telegram”, features of the sailor service - “Steamboat”. At the same time, he not only reveals the content of the topic, but also chooses a masterful method of presenting it. A fascinating story about deck cleaning ("Steamboat") ends unexpectedly with a story about a tragic accident that occurred from excessive cleaning. The narrative includes messages about ship mechanisms, the propeller, the anchor, the port service...

The story “About This Book” reproduces the procedure for handling a book in a printing house: it starts with a facsimile (exact copy) of the book’s manuscript, shows its typesetting, layout, correction, printing, binding, revision... Zhitkov came up with the idea of ​​talking about each stage of creating a book like this: what if this operation were skipped, what funny nonsense would result.

Compositional discoveries also characterize the story about the operation of the electric telegraph: this is a chain of sequential discoveries. In a communal apartment, one tenant needs to call 2 times, and another - 4 times. So a simple call can become a directed signal. Or you can arrange it so that whole words can be conveyed by calls. Such an alphabet has already been invented - Morse. But just imagine: they transmit using Morse code, dots and dashes, letters, words... By the time you listen to the end, you will forget the beginning. What should be done? Write down. So another stage has been passed. But a person may not have time to write everything down - a new difficulty. Engineers came up with the idea that a machine – a telegraph – would do this for a person. So, starting with a simple call, Zhitkov led the reader to the knowledge of a complex telegraph apparatus.

The writer, like a good teacher, in his work alternates between easy and difficult, funny and serious, distant and close, new knowledge is based on previous experience, techniques for memorizing material are suggested. It was especially important to do this in the encyclopedia for preschoolers “What did I see?” From the perspective of five-year-old Alyosha the Why, Zhitkov tells the story of how a little citizen gradually gets to know the world around him - his house and yard, city streets, going on trips, learns types of transport and rules of travel, while the writer compares something new with something already known , the narrative is permeated with humor, interesting observational details that emotionally color the text. For example, Alyosha and his uncle are traveling on a bus and meet troops on the way going on maneuvers: “And everyone began to repeat: the cavalry is coming. And these were just Red Army soldiers on horseback with sabers and guns.”

IN children's reading includes Zhitkov’s fairy tales and stories about animals “The Brave Duckling”, “About an Elephant”, “About a Monkey”, which are distinguished by a wealth of information and figurative accuracy. Zhitkov dedicated several stories to children: “Pudya”, “How I Caught Little Men”, “White House”, etc. Zhitkov is a real educator of children, giving knowledge with great respect for those who receive it.

Brother S.Ya. contributed to the development of scientific and educational books of the twentieth century. Marshak – M. Ilyin (Ilya Yakovlevich Marshak, 1895-1953), chemical engineer by first specialty. In the 20s, he had to part with the factory laboratory due to illness, and Ilyin successfully mastered a second profession - a fiction writer. His goal is to show children how man mastered the secrets of nature in order to improve his life and work. “What is the power and significance of the image in an educational book? In that it mobilizes the reader’s imagination to help the ability to reason... the image becomes absolutely necessary when science wants to become accessible to many,” Ilyin wrote in one of his articles (1945).

M. Ilyin looked for ways, including artistic ones, to show children the beauty of science, to make the achievements of technological progress visible, bright, to captivate children with discoveries, experiences and even experiments. The famous collection “Stories about Things” appeared in 1936; it was the history of the development of civilization in human society: “The Sun on the Table” - about lighting a home; "What time is it now?" - about the measurement of time; “In Black and White” - about writing; “One hundred thousand why?” - about things in the surrounding reality: about the house, clothes, dishes...

Ilyin begins his encyclopedia about things with riddle questions to evoke a feeling of surprise and then interest: What is warmer: three shirts or a triple-thick shirt? Are there walls made of thin air? Why is the bread pulp full of holes? Why can you skate on ice, but not on the floor? etc. Interspersing questions with answers, causing the work of the heart and mind, the writer travels with his little reader friends around the room, along the street, around the city, surprising and delighting them with the creations of human hands and minds.

In objects he reveals a figurative essence: “The main property of a spring is stubbornness”; “Washing clothes means erasing dirt from them, just as we erase what is written on paper with an eraser”; “People died, but the legends remained. That’s why we call them “legends” because they were passed on from one person to another.” Such comments force the reader to look and listen to the root meaning of words and develop attention to language. The statement “It is not the fur coat that warms the person, but the person that warms the fur coat” is the beginning, the impetus for the child’s thinking process: why is this so? Ilyin compares a person to a stove that produces heat, which a fur coat is designed to retain.

Together with his wife Elena Aleksandrovna, Segal Ilyin compiled another encyclopedic book about the complex world of machines, technology, inventions - “Stories about what surrounds you” (1953), “How a man became a giant” (the history of the work and thoughts of man, history of philosophy for teenagers, 1946), “How the car learned to walk” - (history of motor transport), “Journey to the Atom” (1948), “Transformation of the Planet” (1951), “Alexander Porfirievich Borodin” (1953, about the scientist chemist and composer ).

Showing the transformation of human life, Ilyin could not help but touch upon the role of the state and politics in this process (“The Story of the Great Plan” - about the five-year development plans of the Soviet state). The educational part of Ilyin’s books is not outdated, but everything related to journalism tends to lose relevance. Ilyin showed readers the poetry of knowledge, and this has lasting value in his work.

A classic of scientific and educational children's books is Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi(1894-1959). “The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will discover them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world,” wrote V.V. Bianchi. He admitted that he loved nature, like a wolf, and told a fairy tale about this wolf: “They once asked Soroka: “Soroka, Soroka, do you love nature?” “But of course,” the Magpie rumbled, “I can’t live without a forest: sun, space, freedom!” They asked the Wolf about the same thing. The Wolf grumbled: “How do I know whether I love nature or not, I didn’t guess or think about that.” Then the hunters caught Magpie and Wolf, put them in a cage, kept them there longer and asked: “Well, how is life, Magpie?” “Nothing,” the chirping girl replies, “you can live, they feed you.” They wanted to ask the Wolf about the same thing, but lo and behold, the Wolf died. The Wolf didn’t know if he loved nature, he simply couldn’t live without it...”

Bianchi was born into the family of a learned ornithologist; he received his biological education at home and then at St. Petersburg University.

Since 1924, Bianchi has written over two hundred works for children. different genres: stories, fairy tales, articles, essays, novellas, notes from a phenologist, composed quizzes and useful tips how to behave in natural conditions. His most voluminous book, written together with his students, is the encyclopedia of the seasons “Forest Newspaper”, and in 1972-74 a collection of Bianchi’s works for children was published.

Bianchi is a natural history expert, naturalist and nature lover who, with scientific precision, conveys encyclopedic knowledge about life on earth to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. He often does this in artistic form, using anthropomorphism (likening a person). He called the genre he developed the non-fairy tale. A fairy tale - because animals talk, quarrel, find out whose legs, whose nose and tail are better, who sings what, whose house is most convenient for living and so on. A fairy tale - because, while telling the story of how an ant hurried home, Bianchi manages to report on the methods of movement of various insects: a caterpillar releases a thread to descend from a tree; a beetle steps over plowed furrows in a field; The water strider does not drown because there are air cushions on its legs... Insects help the ant get home, since when the sun sets, the ant holes close for the night.

Each fairy tale, each story of Bianchi activates thinking and enlightens the child: does a bird’s tail serve for decoration? Do all birds sing and why? How can the life of owls affect the yield of clover? It turns out that you can refute the expression “a bear stepped on your ear” about a person who does not have musical ear. The writer knows “The Bear is a Musician,” who plays a sliver of a stump like a string. It was just such a smart animal that the bear hunter (bear hunter) met in the forest. Clumsy-looking Toptygin is shown to be skillful and dexterous. Such images are remembered for a lifetime.

A naturalist storyteller teaches a child to observe and study natural phenomena. In the cycle “My Cunning Son,” the hero-boy, on a walk with his father, learns how to track a hare and see a black grouse. Bianchi is a master of portraits of animals: bittern, hoopoe, whirligig (“First Hunt”), quail and partridge (“Orange Neck”), a master of dialogue between animals (“The Fox and the Mouse,” “Teremok”), a master of depicting unusual situations: small the squirrel scared the big fox (“Mad Squirrel”); the bear extracts music from a tree stump (“Musician”).

Children's writer and animal artist Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin(1901-1965) depicts favorite characters - animal cubs: bear cubs, wolf cubs, puppies. Favorite story: the baby meets the world. Without resorting to the technique of anthropomorphism, the writer conveys the state of the hero in certain events of his life and does this good-naturedly, with humor Nikitka Charushinsky (now artist N.E. Charushin) and other boys (Petya and Shura in “A Scary Story”) also through the game and fears, gain life experience in communicating with the big world. Charushin’s main collection is called “Big and Small”.

The famous saying “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland” belongs to Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin(1873-1954). The writer called his entry into literature at the age of 33 a happy accident. The profession of an agronomist helped him to know and feel the earth and everything that grows on it, to look for untrodden paths - unexplored places on the earth, to comprehend everyone who lives in nature. Prishvin reflected in his diaries: “Why do I write all about animals, flowers, forests, nature? Many people say that I limit my talent by turning off my attention to the person himself... I found for myself favorite hobby: to look for and discover in nature the beautiful sides of the human soul. This is how I understand nature as a mirror of the human soul: only man gives his image and meaning to the beast, the bird, the grass, and the cloud.”

When creating images of nature, Prishvin does not humanize it, does not liken it to people’s lives, but personifies it, looking for something wonderful in it. Significant place his works feature descriptions made with the skill of a photographer. He carried his passion for photography throughout his life; the 6-volume collected works of Prishvin are illustrated with his photographs - as poetic and mysterious as the texts.

Short works Prishvin can be called prose poems or lyrical notes. In the book “Forest Drops,” a sketch of a picture from the life of a winter forest consists of one sentence: “I was able to hear a mouse gnawing a root under the snow.” In this miniature, a thoughtful reader will appreciate every word: “successful” - expresses the author’s joy at being entrusted with one of the secrets of nature; "hear" - in winter forest there is such silence that it seems there is no life in it, but you have to listen: the forest is full of life; “a mouse under the snow” is a whole image of a secret life hidden from human eyes, the mouse’s home is a hole, the grain reserves have run out or the mouse has gone out for a walk, but it “gnaws the root” of a tree, feeds on frozen juices, life problems solves his problems under a thick snow cover.

As a traveler, Prishvin traveled around the lands of the Russian north: the book “In the Land of Unfrightened Birds”, containing ethnographic information, is about this; about Karelia and Norway - “Behind the Magic Kolobok”; The story “The Black Arab” is dedicated to the Asian steppes, Far East- the story “Ginseng”. But Prishvin lived in the heart of Russia, in the forests near Moscow, and Central Russian nature was dearest to him most of all - almost all the books about the “golden ring of Russia”: “Ship Thicket”, “Forest Drops”, “Calendar of Nature”, “Pantry of the Sun”...

The collection “Golden Meadow” (1948) brought together many of the writer’s children’s stories. The story "The Guys and the Ducklings" shows the eternal conflict between big and small; “Fox Bread” is about a walk in the forest to get the gifts of nature; The “hedgehog” came to visit a man; “Golden Meadow” is about dandelion flowers that grow in a meadow and live according to the sundial.

The fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” tells about Nastya and Mitrash, orphans of the war of the forties. Brother and sister live independently and with help good people. They don’t lack courage and courage, since they go to the terrible Bludovo swamp for cranberries, the main berry of those places. The beauty of the forest captivates children, but also tests them. A strong hunting dog, Travka, helps a boy in trouble.

In all of Prishvin's works there is a deep philosophical thought about unity and kinship between man and nature.

Just as Gaidar came up with the noble game of Timurov’s men, so Yuri DmitrievichDmitriev(1926-1989) invented the game "Green Patrol". That was the name of the book he wrote, because some boys, when they come to the forest, destroy birds’ nests and do not know what to do with anything useful. I wanted to teach the children to protect nature, to protect it.

In the 60s, Dmitriev became a writer, and in the 80s he was awarded the International European Prize for his works about nature, “Neighbors on the Planet.” K. Paustovsky wrote about Dmitriev’s early stories: he has “Levitan’s vision, the accuracy of a scientist and the imagery of a poet.”

Library Series for Juniors school age marked “scientific and fiction” is represented by the voluminous book “Hello, Squirrel! How are you doing, crocodile? (favorites). Several cycles of stories and novellas are collected under one cover:

1) “Stories of the old forest man” (What is a forest); 2) “Tales about Mushonok and his friends”; 3) " Ordinary miracles"; 4) “A little story about Borovik, Fly Agaric and much more”; 5) “Mysterious night guest”; 7) “Hello, squirrel! How are you doing, crocodile? 8) “Cunning people, invisible people and different parents”; 8) “If you look around...”

The cycle that gives the book its title is subtitled “Stories of Animals Talking to Each Other.” Animals have their own language of movements, smells, whistling, knocking, screaming, dancing... The author talks about the expressiveness of the “conversation” of a wide variety of animals, small and large, harmless and predatory.

The cycle about cunning and invisible people is stories about how animals protect themselves by mimicking in nature, adapting to environment. “If you look around…” - a chapter about insects: dragonflies, butterflies, spiders. There are no beneficial and harmful insects, there are those that are necessary or harmful to humans, which is why he calls them that. The collective character Mishka Kryshkin appears, who catches and destroys everyone who is weaker than him. Young students learn to distinguish insects and treat them objectively.

Yu. Dmitriev in his books defends those who are easily offended in nature - ants, butterflies, worms, spiders, etc., talking about their benefits to the earth, grass, trees, and how they can be interesting to people.

Tireless travelers Yu. Dmitriev, N. Sladkov, S. Sakharnov, G. Snegirev, E. Shim considered themselves students of Bianchi and in the second half of the twentieth century they created a wonderful natural history library for younger schoolchildren. Everyone went their own way. Sladkov, as a continuation of the “Forest Newspaper”, created the “Underwater Newspaper” about the life of the inhabitants of reservoirs; to study nature, he very actively uses the technical means of scuba diving, a photo gun, that is, a device with a high-magnification lens, a tape recorder, etc., but also, as a teacher, he loves the genres of short stories and non-fairy tales, in which tropes, imagery, parable, figurative meanings of words are fused with the strict realism of the image.

The children's marine encyclopedia was compiled by S.V. Sakharnov, receiving several international awards for it. His stories about exotic animals are emotional and amazing. Books by G.Ya. Snegirev captivates readers with wonderful discoveries and knowledge of the laws of nature. Writers with academic degrees come to children's literature - G.K. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplin zoo worker; multilaterally educated - G. Yurmin, and specializing in favorite topics - A. Markusha, I. Akimushkin... And all together, the creators of a scientific and educational children's book about nature fulfill an environmental mission, educate children to be attentive and careful attitude to the surrounding world.

One of the most complex scientific and artistic areas in children's literature is history book. Historical prose consists of works of the historical-biographical and homeland studies cycle. Special series “ZhZL”, “Little Historical Library”, “Legendary Heroes”, “Grandfather’s Medals”, etc. are published for children and youth.

Writers are interested in those events in the past of our Motherland that can be called turning points, the most important, and those destinies historical characters, which revealed the features of national character and features of patriotism. Taking into account the age-related needs of readers, writers give stories and tales an adventurous, adventurous character, and choose factual material that can have educational significance.

Historicism of thinking is inherent in many classic writers. Reading works on the topic of childhood, we learn a lot of important things about the era in which the hero lives, because the historical background and the private life of the character are always inextricably linked (V. Kataev, L. Kassil, etc.).

Often a story told for children is legendary. Writer CM. Golitsyn(1909-1989) introduces children to the past of Russia (“The Tale of the White Stones”, “About the White-Flammable Stone”, “The Tale of the Land of Moscow”) in the style of ancient epics (note the first word in the titles of the books). The formation of Russian statehood is shown using chronicle sources of knowledge.

Writer and artist G.N. Yudin(1947) began his literary career with the book “Bukvarenok”, created in a game-based system of teaching literacy. The book “The Sirin Bird and the Rider on a White Horse” is clearly inspired by Slavic mythology. Egory the master, artist of the 16th century, lives during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Yudin, through language, makes the reader feel the spirit of the era, communicates the customs, rituals, and songs of that time. Another direction of the writer’s creativity is hagiographic literature. He writes books for teenagers about legendary saints - Ilya Muromets, Sergius of Radonezh etc. Subjects include apocrypha (non-canonical religious texts retold by the people), orthodox prayers, philosophical judgments.

Children's reading includes: story by V. Yan « Nikita and Mikitka", which shows Moscow during the time of Ivan the Terrible, boyar life, the teaching of children in the historical past; story by Yu.P. Herman « That's how it was» about the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War; stories about the heroes of that war A. Mityaeva, A. Zharikova, M. Belakhova.

Created a rich historical library for primary schoolchildren Sergey Petrovich Alekseev(b. 1922). Before the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, he was a pilot. “Perhaps his fighting profession taught him not to be afraid of heights, to strive for more decisive and daring takeoffs each time,” S.V. wrote about Alekseev. Mikhalkov. Indeed, the plan of him, a former pilot and teacher, to create works about every major historical event of our homeland in stories for the youngest readers requires great courage. The idea was realized throughout his life and also during the time when Alekseev served as editor-in-chief of the magazine “Children's Literature”. Let us list his main books in the historical library: “The Unprecedented Happens” (about the times of Peter the Great), “The History of a Serf Boy” (about serfdom), “The Glory Bird” (about the War of 1812, about Kutuzov), “Stories about Suvorov and Russian Soldiers ", "The Life and Death of Grishatka Sokolov" (about the Pugachev uprising), "The Terrible Horseman" (about Stepan Razin), "There is a people's war" (about the Great Patriotic War) ...

His “One Hundred Stories from Russian History” was awarded a state prize and is included in anthologies as texts for program reading in junior classes secondary school.

A successful method of presenting historical material is one that suits everyone: young readers, teachers, and parents. Writers reproduce events exact facts, including specific real and fictional characters in the plot. The graphic nature of the descriptions and the dynamism of the narrative correspond to the specifics of children's perception of art and make it easier for children to perceive the text. The triumph of goodness, justice and humanism in his works, the assessment of history through the prism of modernity makes Alekseev’s complex historical books relatable to children, and makes history empathetic. This is how the patriotic feelings of the young reader are nurtured.

The history of the emergence of literature for children begins precisely with the appearance of books, the purpose of which was to acquaint the child with how diverse the world is, how complex and interesting its structure is. These include entertaining stories on geography, biology, geology, and the rules good manners, and stories designed to teach a girl how to run a household.

The educational potential of books is endless and varied: popular stories about the diversity of the human world or about the wonders of living nature, educational books and fiction, encyclopedias and entertaining books on any branch of human knowledge from chemistry to linguistics. Of course for modern child More spectacular and therefore attractive ways of transmitting information are available - television, the vast expanses of the Internet, the richest collections of museums. They can become not only a bright addition, but a worthy and relevant means of development and satisfaction. cognitive interest along with the main way of knowledge - reading books.

However, it is worth noting that, in addition to cognitive interest, the child needs to learn to recognize, comprehend new things, and master the skill of working with reference books, Internet resources. You need to learn to enjoy the process of learning itself. And here the child cannot do without the help of an adult. This is what this article will discuss. About how to help navigate popular science literature for children, how to direct a child’s natural cognitive activity so that it does not fade into adolescence, how to create favorable conditions for a child’s intellectual development with the help of books.

For the youngest readers

The baby gets to know the world of his family, discovers how his home is structured, goes through his first stage of socialization - understanding the essence of things, everyday life, the arrangement of our human life. Are there books or small ones? mom's stories can help him a lot. The subjects for such mother's stories will be events from the child's life: how he was going for a walk, how he ate porridge, how he played with dad, how he helped mom collect toys. Uncomplicated and very understandable stories capture in the minds of the little ones not only the incident itself and its attributes, but also the words denoting them. The baby seems to look at what happened to him from the outside, learns to identify the stages of what is happening (first they took out a plate, then they put porridge in it, then they took a spoon, etc.).

A fairy tale, rhyme or nursery rhyme works the same way, only an artistic image is woven into the child’s perception, i.e. imagination and fantasy begins to work. Almost all of them belong to such works. Mother's, grandmother's or nanny's nursery rhymes, sayings and jokes serve as the first textbooks from which a child learns the structure of her body and the life of her family.

Riddles are indispensable for the development of observation skills ( Little gray Denis hanging on a string- spider), tall tales ( The little piglet laid an egg), which teach them to see the signs of objects, to compare objects according to one or another attribute in a playful way, because the main way for children to understand the world is play. If the child was unable to guess the riddle, look for the answer together, observe and compare objects, write riddles and fables yourself. By the way, the clearest example fable (or shapeshifter) is "Confusion".

Professions and occupations

A very interesting stage in mastering the human world is getting acquainted with various types activities. It lasts quite a long time and plays a serious role in self-determination and choosing one’s own professional path. So, already at the age of one, a child knows quite a lot about what people do: salespeople work in the store, drivers drive cars, street cleaners clean the street, doctors treat people in the clinic... There are policemen and traffic police inspectors, hairdressers and waiters, postmen and ticket cashiers, construction workers, machinists.

The child’s knowledge about the activities of these people is still very superficial, but this is why acquaintance with types of human activity is interesting - it is extended over time, gradually and always entertaining. And with what attention a little person pays to what mom and dad do: how many wonderful discoveries are hidden in cooking or repairing a bicycle, sewing on buttons or assembling furniture.

Many children's books push the boundaries of socialization. Here are just a few examples.

Numerous series of cut-out books from the Drofa publishing house about cars. A die-cut book is a cardboard book, the edges of which are cut out in such a way that the book takes on the image of a car or animal and looks like a toy. The series includes a tractor, a truck, and fire engine, and police. Almost all children like them; reading them can sometimes be quite difficult (often the texts of these books do not stand up to criticism), but the benefits are undeniable. From the story of mom or dad, a child learns about a variety of areas of human activity, can talk with an adult about various situations in which people find themselves, and get acquainted with the names of objects, phenomena, and actions.

Books from the publishing house "World of Childhood - Media" about the beaver Castor Writer and artist Lars Klinting will help you discuss with your child how to bake pies, sew, carpentry, and even fix burst tires or paint a cabinet.

My country, my city, my street

These concepts, which are very difficult for a child, start small: first the baby remembers his home, then his immediate surroundings, his favorite walking routes. By the age of two, a child is already able to surprise his parents by the fact that he perfectly remembers where his grandmother lives. Or suddenly winter evening begins to talk about how in the summer he went on vacation to the lake where pine trees grew. It is during this period that you need to tell your child about the address: let him remember what street his house is on, in what city. Over time, it is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that other people, relatives, friends, live in the same or in another city, on another street.

Another side of this kind of civic, patriotic education is getting to know how people live in other countries, what exists outside our homeland. And in this case, it is impossible to do without books. No need to. A magnificent story about the journey of writing around the world - a poem by S. Marshak, dedicated to Boris Zhitkov - " Mail"(here you can not only read this poem, but also look into the book of our childhood). By the way, Boris Zhitkov also has a story “Mail” about the work of a Nenets postman (you can get acquainted with the work of this wonderful writer, find wonderful stories for your baby, which will not only introduce him to the world of people, but also teach him courage, honesty, and hard work).

But perhaps the most attractive in the sense geographical discoveries could be reading a fairy tale by A.B. Khvolson "Kingdom of the Little Ones" .

Whatever we read, whatever the book is - a lyrical poem, an adventure story, a fairy tale, an encyclopedia - it is important for a mother to be attentive to any detail, any opportunity to interest the child in something new, unusual, in order to teach him to see it, to enjoy meeting with amazing.

The next step on the path to understanding the world is the first encyclopedias with good colorful pictures about various areas human life(professions and activities, transport, clothing and furniture, etc.), about living and inanimate nature (domestic and wild animals, insects, fish, plants, seas and oceans, mountains and deserts, rivers and lakes, forests and steppes ).

There are good encyclopedic publications for introducing a child to the world map, various countries and continents, their flora and fauna, the inhabitants of other countries, their traditions and customs. Among such books and children's encyclopedias, we can name books from the Eksmo publishing house (for example, Deborah Chancellor's Children's World Atlas), or the series "Your first encyclopedia" of the publishing house "Makhaon" ("History of transport", "Animals", etc.), or books of the publishing house "White City" from the series "Encyclopedia of Painting" And "Tales of Artists".

However, you should be careful when choosing such publications: quite often, under the guise of an encyclopedia, rather strange materials for children are published: incorrect, false information, a strange selection of facts, low-quality illustrative material, etc. Therefore, it is better to accustom a child to working with real, adult encyclopedias and dictionaries already at preschool age. How? Just look for answers to questions together, show how to find the information you need.

And one more note - you shouldn’t get too carried away with such literature. Yes, it is very important that the child gradually learns to work with information, but it is very dangerous if he develops the wrong idea that he only needs to read “useful” literature.

Already from the first year of life, you can review with your child publications that are quite “complicated” for a baby, simply getting used to communicating with them. And from the age of two, perhaps, you should seriously show your child a variety of encyclopedic publications: together look for the answer to a question, be interested in information about something seen or, conversely, unknown. When expanding a child’s horizons through reference books and encyclopedic books, it is important not to forget that the vastness of knowledge on mineralogy and ornithology should not become the only hobby for a young reader. It should be explained to children and adults themselves to remember that encyclopedias and other reference publications are not books for reading, but sources of knowledge, while there is also other literature - fiction.

Artistic, but no less educational

Don’t forget about literary works that are invaluable for developing the inquisitiveness and curiosity of a four- to five-year-old child. As a rule, these are science fiction stories with a pronounced didactic motive about miraculous penetration into the mysterious world of plants, other planets, etc. - for example, “Town in a Snuffbox” by V. Odoevsky or the fairy tale story by Y. Larry " Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali."

Stories and tales about nature. Attentive attitude The works of B. Zhitkov, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, E. Charushin, G. Skrebitsky educate us towards the surrounding world and living nature, which set us in a lyrical mood and form the child’s ecological ideas. And it is also necessary to introduce the child to the works of Yu. Koval - textbooks of a sensitive, careful and very poetic attitude towards the world. The fairy tale stories of F. Salten "Bambi" or R. Kipling (not only "Mowgli") are not exactly works about nature, but they can undoubtedly teach love and tenderness, the ability to empathize. Getting to know them develops the child’s emotional world and forms a respectful, spiritual attitude towards all living things.

Let's continue the list of authors of works of art that will help instill a love of nature: K. Paustovsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, N. Sladkov, G. Snegirev, Y. Kazakova, V. Chaplina, O. Perovskaya, N. Romanova, D. Darrell , E. Seton-Thompson, D. Herriot, F. Mowat.

We create, we explore, we invent. A child inventor is a child explorer who understands the world in its most important aspect: the interconnection of things. By creating “useless” instruments, devices and apparatuses, he learns to think and implement.

- Look at the design I made! - hears the happy mother.

Recently, the publishing house "World of Childhood - Media" published a wonderful book telling about the magical (albeit a little crazy) world of children's inventions: Toivonen Sami, Havukainen Aino "Tatu and Patu - inventors" .

This unusual book will be interesting and useful for the whole family.

Mom and Dad can learn with its help correct attitude to children's fantasies. A child not only invents useful things, but often his imagination comes up with something that can “spoil” the world around him, as adults can decide. Maybe a kid can create something completely meaningless... Why? Because what is important is not the product, not the practical significance of the invention. Only the process of creating something new is truly valuable. A child, inventing something, comprehends what is happening to him, what is happening around him - and this is a very complex and extremely necessary activity for him, which consists of collecting (perceiving) information, its analysis and subsequent synthesis, i.e. creative thinking.

Child 6-7 years old and older joyfully recognizes his own fantasies in funny drawings and captions, laughs cheerfully at strange inventions, immerses himself in looking at the pictures with interest and spends some time on his own will become an inventor.

For a preschooler The book about Patu and Tattoo is almost like a textbook: there is so much to consider, ask your mother, double-check in practice... Pictures with many different details will help develop attention, strange devices will provide information for reflection and your own discoveries!

Books can be very useful for inquisitive children and parents Meshcheryakov Publishing House from series "Tom Titus Science Lab" And "Scientific Entertainment" .

Here is a list of other educational books for children:

  • I. Akimushkin "Animal World"
  • N.Gol, M.Haltunen "Cat's House in the Hermitage"
  • Yu. Dmitriev "Neighbors on the planet"
  • B. Zhitkov “What I saw” and many other works
  • A. Ivanov "Tales of the Moonlit Path"
  • A. Ishimova "History of Russia in stories for children"
  • O. Kurguzov "In the footsteps of Pochemuchka".
  • E. Levitan "For Kids about Stars and Planets" and other books for kids and older children about astronomy
  • L. Levinova, G. Sapgir "The Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatik, or Fun math"
  • V. Porudominsky "First Tretyakov Gallery"
  • S. Sakharnov "Visiting the Crocodiles" and others.
  • N. Sladkov "Show them to me"
  • V. Solovyov "History of Russia for children and adults"
  • A. Usachev "Walks around Tretyakov Gallery", "Funny Zoology", "Fun Geography", "The Fabulous History of Aeronautics", "The Fabulous History of Navigation" and other books
  • A. Shibaev “Native language, be friends with me”, “The letter got lost”
  • G. Yudin “The Main Wonder of the World”, “Animation”, “Animation for Kids” and other books
  • "ABC. From the collection of the State Hermitage"

Municipal regional cultural institution

"Sala Intersettlement Central Library"


"Methodological consultations"

Development of cognitive interest through involving children in reading

scientific literature

Methodological consultation for librarians

Salsk, 2011

Development of cognitive interest through involving children in reading scientific and educational literature: methodological consultation for librarians / SMCB; comp. : . – Salsk, 2011. - 30 p.

A methodological consultation will introduce the librarian to techniques for enhancing the reading of educational literature for children and adolescents.

Rep. for issue: Director of MRUK "SMCB"

1. A systematic approach to organizing the reading of educational literature among readers - children.

Methodological consultation.

2. Star son of planet Earth.

“Functional” (business) reading skills are instilled library lessons. Particularly important are the topics of lessons on preparing reports, abstracts, and instilling skills in a broad search and selection of sources using SBA and computer technology.

Interactive exhibitions

Exhibition-survey . If you met a scientist who knows everything in the world, what would you like to ask him? Design options: Whatman paper or flower-shaped leaves - questions on botany, rockets - about space... etc.)

Exhibition-vernissage of technical books and crafts

Exhibition "Scientific Calendar". Matrices are prepared (think about specific dates from the history of Russian discoveries and inventions), children fill them out. Then everything is stitched into a common calendar, left for work.

Exhibition-gallery “Great Scientists”. Each Whatman paper is dedicated to an individual scientist. On whatman paper, children fill out the following columns: biography, discoveries, illustrations on the topic (portrait, invention, etc.).

Finally, there is an exhibition of books, magazines and posters in the library.

Techniques for intensifying reading of educational literature for children and adolescents

The sequence of reader actions when working with popular science works

3) Find the answer to this question - that is, determine the main idea.

4) Highlight new information in each part, write down new terms.

5) Understand why facts and evidence are presented in such a sequence and how they are related to each other.

6) Comprehend the whole, prove the main idea of ​​the text.

Memo to the reader for writing a message on the topic

1. Choose a topic for your story;

2. Decide what idea you will prove.

3. Choose art form for your story (dialogue, fairy tale,);

4. Select scientific material on the chosen topic using the library reference apparatus, recommended bibliography, and Internet search.

5. Select the most important and interesting from the material found, arrange the material in a logical sequence.

6. Figure out how to translate scientific material into artistic form: in what situation this scientific information might be needed, how and with whom an event could happen in which the characters could obtain this information; what did they need them for?

7. Outline your story

8. Determine the main idea of ​​each part, relate it to the main idea of ​​the story.

9. Read what you got and make corrections if necessary.

These tips will be accessible and useful to readers if you place them in the “Reader’s Corner”, or arrange them in the form of a bookmark or reminder.

Useful sites for librarians and readers

Big Soviet Encyclopedia(BSE) http://bse. /

Science on the TV channel culture http://www. tvkultura. ru/page. html? cid=576

Popular Mechanics: a portal about how the world works http://www. popmech. ru/rubric/theme/science/

Portal based on the electronic version of the journal “Science and Life” http://www. nkj. ru/

Russian Academy of Sciences http://www. ras. ru/index. aspx

Network encyclopedia "Scientists of Russia" http://www. famous-scientists. ru/about/

“Chemist”: website about chemistry http://www. xumuk. ru/organika/11.html

Electronic library “Science and Technology” http://n-t. ru/

Elements: a popular site about fundamental science http://elementy. ru/

Thus, systematic and purposeful work to involve children in reading educational literature helps to discern the spark of curiosity in children, significantly expand the horizons of children, develop thinking and speech, and most importantly, make the process of self-education creative, vibrant and unforgettable.


Belokolenko, children’s reading in the library: a systematic approach // Library Science. – 2001. - No. 4. – P. 64 – 70.

Golubeva, work with printed publications// School library. – 2004. - No. 1. – P. 24 – 28.

Mazuryak, Gagarin. Space. Century XX. // School library. – 2006. - No. 4. – P. 72 – 75.

Selezneva, literature in cultivating curiosity in children of primary school age // Bibliotekovedenie. – 2007. - No. 5. – P.67 – 71.

Shevchenko, L. Who should be a pilot in a magazine flood? : from experience working with periodicals // Library. – 2007. - No. 10. – P. 59 – 62.

Star son of planet Earth

(to the 50th anniversary of space flight)

Conversation for middle school readers

, Lead Librarian

Innovative and methodological

Department of MRUK "SMCB"

The dream of space is perhaps one of the very first that was born among humanity. And people carefully carried it through millennia. Mysterious world stars attracted astronomers and philosophers of ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The dream of flying to the stars has always been with man.

Today we are rightfully proud that the first artificial satellite of the Earth was created by scientists of our country, that our automatic stations were launched to near and distant worlds - the Moon, Mars, Venus - for the first time, and our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first person in the Universe.

On April 12, 1961, a message was broadcast on all radios : “Moscow speaking! All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! Moscow time 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first human flight into outer space. On April 12, 1961, it was launched into orbit in the Soviet Union. first around the earth world spaceship- Vostok satellite with a person on board. The pilot-cosmonaut of the spacecraft-satellite “Vostok” is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.”

The future cosmonaut Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Smolensk region. Father and mother were peasants. Yuri Alekseevich laughed heartily when a rumor was spread abroad that he came from a noble family of the Gagarin princes, who owned palaces and serfs before the revolution.

After graduating from school, Yuri entered the Lyubertsy vocational school. Next was studying at the Saratov Industrial College. He took his studies seriously, wanted to know as much as possible, to learn everything as quickly as possible. He graduated from school and technical college with honors.

Yuri Alekseevich was engrossed in the works of Jack London, Jules Verne, and Alexander Belyaev. There was a queue at the library for science fiction novels. Books were passed from hand to hand and retold to friends. The young man was amazed by the insightfulness of Tsiolkovsky’s scientific views about the imminent appearance of not only jet aircraft, but also space rockets. Yuri Alekseevich himself said that his “cosmic” biography began with a report on Tsiolkovsky’s work.

October 25, 1954 a significant event in life took place young man– for the first time he came to the Saratov flying club. “I remember the day of the first jump from parachute,” recalls Yuri Alekseevich, “it was noisy on the plane, I was very worried. I didn’t hear the instructor’s command, I just saw his gesture - it’s time! I looked down, there, below, my friends from the flying club were waiting for their turn. It was necessary to show your skill, but not your fear.”

A year later, Yuri Gagarin made his first solo flight on a Yak-40 aircraft. After graduating from the Saratov Technical School and studying at the flying club, Yuri Gagarin continued his studies at the Orenburg Aviation School.

The years of study in Orenburg coincided with the first Soviet successes in the conquest of space - the first and second artificial satellites of the Earth. On the second unmanned satellite ship, dogs Belka and Strelka, 28 mice, 2 rats, insects, plants, some microbes, and a container with trays of human skin went into orbit. People were shocked: it means that a person can fly...

On December 9, 1959, Yuri Gagarin wrote a statement asking to be enrolled in the cosmonaut training group. From more than three thousand candidates, 20 people were selected and included in the Cosmonaut Training Center.

The first group of astronauts included six people: , .

By decision of the State Commission, the pilot, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, was appointed as the first commander of the Vostok spacecraft for the first flight into space in the history of mankind.

Why did you become cosmonaut No. 1? This is how Yuri Alekseevich himself spoke about it: “I was young, healthy, and felt good while flying and skydiving.” And Nikolai Petrovich Kamarin, the first flight director, gave a more specific description: handsome, smart, sweet, charming, athlete, pilot, brave, has a princely surname, from simple peasants.

The astronauts were settled near Moscow, in a place that is now commonly called “Star City”. There was a lot of work and study to be done. A lot of time was spent on physical training. The future cosmonauts experienced the state of weightlessness in a sound chamber, in a thermal chamber with scalding air.

Nine months before the launch, in the summer of 1960, I saw the Vostok spacecraft for the first time. Imagine his surprise that the shell of the ship should heat up to several thousand degrees upon entering the dense layers of the atmosphere.

The spacecraft consisted of two compartments. The first one is “residential”. This is the cockpit with working equipment. The second compartment contains a braking unit, which ensured the landing of the ship. The largest item in the cabin is the seat. A catapult is built into it. On command, the chair with the person was separated from the ship. The chair also contained a rescue boat, a supply of provisions, a walkie-talkie for communication in case of a forced landing on water, and a supply of medicines. The pilot watched what was happening outside the ship through windows, the glass of which was as strong as steel. Curtains provided protection from bright, different sun rays than on Earth. To ensure normal living conditions, devices and systems are installed in the ship's cabin.

The ship was launched into space using a multi-stage rocket. As soon as the ship reached a predetermined altitude, it separated from the launch vehicle and continued flying on its own at a speed of about eight kilometers per second.

The day before the launch, the chief designer of the spacecraft, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, once again reminded Yuri Alekseevich of the enormous risk, of overloads and weightlessness, and perhaps of something still unknown. But the twenty-seven-year-old cosmonaut had enormous faith in the chief designer and his mentor.

Gagarin's flight began with his famous phrase: "Go!". Film footage of this historical event brought to us the smile that lit up Gagarin’s face at the moment of launch. From the memoirs of German Titov: “At the moment the rocket was launched there was a monstrous roar, fire and smoke. The rocket took off terribly slowly from the launch pad, then its speed began to increase, Now it is already rushing like a brilliant comet... Now it has disappeared from view.”

This is how Yuri Gagarin himself describes his flight: “The rocket engines were turned on at 9:07 am. Overloads immediately began to increase. I was literally pressed into a chair. As soon as Vostok broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, it saw the Earth. The ship flew over a wide Siberian river. The most beautiful sight was the horizon - a stripe painted with all the colors of the rainbow, separating the Earth in the light of the sun's rays from the black sky. The convexity and roundness of the Earth was noticeable. It seemed that the whole Earth was surrounded by a halo of soft blue color, which through turquoise, blue and violet turns to blue-black...”

Only occasionally did the speaker convey Yuri Gagarin’s report on all stages of the flight:

“Reset the head fairing. I see the Earth. The flight is successful. I feel good. All devices, all systems work well. Solar orientation turned on. Attention! I see the horizon of the Earth! Such a beautiful halo. First, a rainbow from the very surface of the Earth. Very beautiful…"

At 10 hours 55 minutes, 108 minutes after launch, the Vostok landed safely in the Saratov region near the village of Smelovki.

In a bright orange spacesuit, the astronaut looked strange for local residents who were afraid to come closer to him.

The spaceship descended near a deep ravine. According to his recollections, the ship turned black and burned, but it seemed more beautiful and dear to him than before the flight.

The first flight into space was short by today's standards, but was a big step for humanity into the future. Its main result: “You can live and work in space!” Yuri Gagarin, with his courage, hard work, and determination, proved that human capabilities are inexhaustible. A new profession has appeared on Earth - astronaut.

Yu. Gagarin was hourly ahead of the time in which he lived... The news of his tragic death in a plane crash during a training flight shocked the whole world. To become on par with him, it is not enough for everyone who has stepped into adulthood to admire Cosmonaut No. 1. We have a legacy from his life. The streets and squares of many cities around the world, a small planet and one of the largest craters on the far side of the Moon are named after him.

Let's remember important events from the life of the first cosmonaut and answer the quiz questions.

1. When and where was Yuri Gagarin born?

2. Where did Yuri Gagarin study?

(trade school in Lyubertsy, industrial technical school in Saratov, flying club in Saratov, Flight Aviation School in Orenburg, Military Academy in Moscow)

3. When did the first space flight take place?

4. Who, besides man, has been in space?

(dogs Laika, Belka and Strelka, rats, mice, flies)

5. From which cosmodrome did the first manned spacecraft take off? (Baikonur Cosmodrome)

6. What was the name of the ship on which Yuri Gagarin took to the skies?


7. How long did Yu. Gagarin’s space flight around the Earth last?

(1 hour 48 minutes)

8. Name cosmonaut No. 2 – Yuri Gagarin’s backup. ()


1. Dokuchaev, V. Gagarin’s lesson. – M., 1985. – 144 p.

2. Ivanova, Gagarina: hour of messages // Classroom teacher. – 2006. - No. 2. – P. 110 – 118.

3. Solovyova, son of planet Earth: literary and musical composition // Books, notes and toys... - 2007. - No. 2. – P.34 – 37.

Scientific and educational book for preschoolers.

“A child by nature is an inquisitive researcher, a discoverer of the world. So let a wonderful world open up before him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in a fairy tale, in a game.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Children are explorers of the world. This feature is inherent in them by nature.

Every year, children’s field of cognizable objects and phenomena expands; there is a need to constantly involve the child in cognitive activity, pushing him with questions and problems so that he himself wants to learn as much as possible interesting and necessary. One of the possible means of instilling cognitive activity is to familiarize children with scientific and educational literature. It is scientific and educational literature that is able to penetrate into the world around us, into nature, into the life that boils around a person, regardless of him.

Scientific-educational literature has its own classification: scientific-educational, actual scientific-educational and encyclopedic.

Scientific and educational literaturedoes not provide information - it broadens the reader’s horizons, captivates him in a certain area of ​​knowledge, and “carries” him with the help of fiction, and thanks to a detailed story about scientific facts, and using popularization techniques, methods and elements more characteristic of mass literature .

The main goal A scientific and educational book is the formation and development of the reader’s cognitive activity.

Scientific and educational children's books consist of scientific and artistic books about nature; historical and heroic-patriotic children's literature; books about cars; things; professions; reference literature and, finally, applied books of the “know and be able” type.

In a non-fiction bookwe are talking about specific heroes and events; it is characterized by the artistic image of a hero (fairy tales by V. Bianchi). It helps to instill in children scientific thinking skills and develops cognitive interest.

A scientifically educational book gives children a maximum of material that interests them. This is accessible and fascinating information about the event and phenomenon. It helps to instill in children the skill and desire to use accessible reference literature (encyclopedia "What is it? Who is it?"). A scientifically educational book avoids terms and uses names. The main goal of a scientific and educational book is to give certain ideas to children, open up the world to them, cultivate mental activity, and introduce a little person to the big world.

A brief overview of the creativity of writers who worked in the genre of scientific and educational literature for children.

The works of B. Zhitkov, V. Bianki, M. Ilyin helped develop the genre of scientific and educational literature for children.

Novels, stories of naturalists, travelers, and scientific tales appeared. Wrote about nature M. Zverev : many works on this topic after the war: “Reserve of the Motley Mountains”, “Stories about Animals and Birds”, “Who Runs Faster”, etc.

Writer I. Sokolov - Mikitovwrote stories, essays, lyrical notes about nature, the fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth”, “Stories of a Hunter” (1949), “Spring in the Forest” (1952), etc. G. Skrebitsky wrote his first book for children “On Troubled Days” in 1942 and from that time on he writes stories, novellas, and essays about nature: “Wolf,” “Crow and Raven,” “Bear,” “Squirrel,” “Amphibians.”

Corresponding Member Academician of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences N. Verzilin in 1943 he wrote a book for children, “The Hospital in the Forest”, later “In the Footsteps of Robinson”, “How to Make a Herbarium”, “Plants in Human Life” (1952).

She wrote stories and tales about nature N.M. Pavlova “The Treasure of January”, “Yellow, White, Spruce”, etc. The writers set themselves not only educational, but also educational tasks, appealing to the mind, feeling and imagination of the reader. Books by M. Ilyin , telling about science “The Sun on the Table”, “What Time is It”, “The Story of the Great Plan” are truly ideological books. His works have a great ideological - aesthetic and pedagogical implications. “There is life and poetry in science, you just need to be able to see and show them,” he said and knew how to do it, he was a real poet of science. In natural history literature N. Romanova wrote "about small and minute species, Yu. Linnik - about mimicry, Yu. Dmitriev - about those living beings that are close to a person and are his neighbors on the planet. All these are aspects of the same large, modern-sounding and child-friendly theme of nature. This literature gives the child knowledge, confirms his thoughts: talking about love for nature in the absence of knowledge about it is empty and meaningless.

For books M. Ilyina, B. Zhitkovacharacterized by great educational value, they convey the pulse of scientific thought combined with fascinating, sparkling humor. A true masterpiece of a scientific and artistic book was the work B. Zhitkova for 4-year-old citizens “What I saw”, where the author gives answers to the questions of little “whys”. The introduction of elementary scientific knowledge into the artistic fabric of works is an important, but not the only advantage of the book “What I Saw” - not just an encyclopedia, but a story about the life of a small Soviet child, Soviet people. Wrote about nature and drew animals E.I. Charushin . E. Charushin is the writer closest to V. Bianchi and Prishvin. In the books of V. Bianchi interest in scientific observation of nature and accurate explanation of the habits of animals. The desire to convey to the little reader the beauty of the surrounding world makes E. Charushin similar to M. Prishvin, who tirelessly preached the idea of ​​the unity of man and nature, the necessary “kindred” attention of man to the world around him.

N.I. Sladkov wrote short lyrical stories about naturein his collection "Silver Tail", "Bear Hill".

Scientific and educational literature is characterized by significant genre diversity - these are novels, short stories, fairy tales and essays.

Tales about the work of E. Permyak “How fire took water in marriage”, “How a samovar was harnessed”, “About grandfather Samo” and others. V. Levshin ventured cheerfully, with an amusing invention, to introduce young heroes into the wonderful land of mathematics “Travels to Dwarfism”. E. Veltistov creates fairy tale“Electronic - a boy from a suitcase”, “Gum-Gum” were influenced by contemporary writers.

V. Arsenyev "Meetings in the taiga", stories by G. Skrebitsky. V. Sakharnov "Travel to Trigla", the stories of E. Shim, G. Snegirev, N. Sladkov unfold before readers pictures of life in different corners Earth.

The special nature of children's perception, their focus on activity, caused the emergence of a new type of book - an encyclopedia. In this case, we do not mean reference publications, but literary works for children, characterized by a special thematic breadth. One of the first children's encyclopedias is “Forest Newspaper” by V. Bianchi.

This experience is continued by N. Sladkov with the “Underwater Newspaper”. There are many photographs in it, they provide visual confirmation of the text.

Thus, we see that the possibilities of a scientifically educational book are great. Proper use of scientific and educational books gives children:

1. New knowledge.

2. Expands your horizons.

3.Teaches you to see a smart interlocutor in a book.

4. Develops cognitive abilities.

System preschool education today is called upon to become the link where conditions must be created for the free development of the child’s abilities.

This can be achieved in the process of working with a scientific and educational book, which becomes for children not only a carrier of new knowledge, but also encourages them to learn more and more new information.

It is very important during this period (senior preschool age) to organize work in such a way that children can freely navigate reference and encyclopedic literature in the future, replenish their luggage not only through the knowledge received from adults, but also guided by their own needs to learn even more, find out even better.


Gritsenko Z.A. "Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in organizing home reading." M. 2002 (composing a home library)

Gritsenko Z.A. Children's literature, Methods of introducing children to reading - Moscow: Academy, 2004.

Gritsenko Z.A. “Send me good readings” a guide for reading and telling to children aged 4-6 years (with methodological recommendations) - Moscow: Enlightenment, 2001

Gritsenko Z.A. "Put your heart on reading" a guide for parents on organizing reading for preschoolers - Moscow: Education, 2003.

Gurovich L.M., Beregovaya L.B., Loginova V.I. Piradova V.I. The child and the book: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg, 1999. - P.29.2