"Total dictation" without winking: Lenin's head in the capital of Buryatia. Residents from different parts of the world wrote “Total Dictation” about Ulan-Ude. How it was? The name of the rivers is older than all other names applied

How did the “Total Dictation” go in 2018? First, they showed a recording of the author of this year’s text, writer Guzel Yakhina, who spoke about its creation and also read part of the text. After the author’s reading, silence reigned in the hall, and then the young people began vying with each other to express doubt that they would be able to write the dictation, since it seemed very difficult to them.

This year's "Total Dictation" consists of three texts - "Morning", "Day" and "Evening". All of them are part of Guzel Yakhina’s new book “My Children” about the literature teacher Jacob Bach. There are different ways to get into the ranks of Total Dictation inspectors: you can sign up as a volunteer, or you can, for example, be an excellent student from last year - they receive a mailing with an invitation to fill out a questionnaire and get the opportunity to move up a level to take part in the examination this year.

Last year, an employee of the online promotion department of the AST publishing house decided to see with her own eyes how the writing is checked. Like all the colossal work of preparing a dictation, the test is carried out only on a volunteer basis; no payment is provided for it. But there is a sea of ​​great impressions and interesting communication. For example, the verification of all works written in Moscow in 2017 took place at the Russian State University for the Humanities under the guidance of several members of the “Total Dictation” expert council - in one of the classrooms it was Vladimir Markovich Pakhomov, candidate philological sciences And Chief Editor portal "Gramota.ru".

This year, the Sunday working day of inspection began not at 9 am, as before, but at 10 – they gave a small concession. First, the experts analyzed the text. Last year in Moscow they wrote the third part of Leonid Yuzefovich’s text “Ulan-Ude. Selenga" ( full text"Total dictation" 2017 already available on the official website).

The assessment of “Total Dictation” is very different from our school memories. Firstly, because this dictation is, first and foremost, a celebration of the Russian language, and not a harsh test of knowledge, after which you can get a bad grade from your parents. And secondly, because the authors of the texts are writers, creative people, in many places a wide choice of punctuation marks is allowed. The same goes for “dictators” - those who read the dictation text on stages: there were cases when actors read the text in such a way that after each sentence they wanted to put an exclamation point.

Absolutely all acceptable options are provided in the “Inspector’s Memo” and are reviewed by the expert before the start of the inspection. Before compiling a memo for the text, the commission makes a sample of random works to see which places caused the greatest discrepancy, and to provide for any possibilities of reading and punctuation. After all, even when it seems that everything is clear, it means that you don’t have enough imagination - anything can happen on the “Total Dictation”!

In 2017, Muscovites who wrote a dictation had to understand the etymology of the name of the Buryat Selenga River, find out what the city of Ulan-Ude was previously called and why, according to the writer Leonid Yuzefovich, the most original monument to Lenin he saw resembles the hero from “Ruslan and Lyudmila.” Anatoly Pepelyaev, the hero of the novel, also appeared in the text.

Even after analyzing all the acceptable options, questions may remain - for this purpose, an expert is constantly on duty in the classroom (and also checks the work at the same time). The dictation leaders expect that each participant must complete at least 50 works - then they will be able to complete everything on time. It cannot be done without curiosities - they are collected in a special “piggy bank”. For example, this year the phrase “giant hero” appeared in some works as “hero from Polin.” To take their mind off the check, the participants sat and fantasized about what kind of place this was.

In the middle of the day there is a break for lunch - the organizers provide refreshments. Checking works lasts up to about 18 hours, although, of course, you can leave at any time - it’s better to check less work, but of high quality. And as a keepsake for all the inspectors, an excellent red pen with the inscription remains: “Total dictation 2017 was tested with this pen.”

Total dictation 2018 will take place on April 14 in a thousand locations around the world. And now many readers of the NNmama.ru portal are asking the question: how to prepare for it? How to correctly assess your strengths and capabilities?

Or repeat the rules of the Russian language by practicing on the text of the 2017 Total Dictation.

It can be written under the dictation of Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences Natalya Borisovna Koshkareva:

Part 1. St. Petersburg. Neva

Part 2. Perm. Kama

Part 3. Ulan-Ude. Selenga

Leonid Yuzefovich "City on the River"

Part 1. St. Petersburg. Neva

Saint Petersburg. Neva My grandfather was born in Kronstadt, my wife is from Leningrad, so in St. Petersburg I don’t feel like a complete stranger. However, in Russia it is difficult to find a person in whose life this city would mean nothing. We are all connected in one way or another with him, and through him with each other.

There is little greenery in St. Petersburg, but there is a lot of water and sky. The city lies on a plain, and the sky above it is vast. You can enjoy the performances that play out clouds and sunsets on this stage for a long time. The actors are controlled by the best director in the world - the wind. The scenery of roofs, domes and spiers remains unchanged, but never gets boring.

In 1941, Hitler decided to starve the people of Leningrad and wipe the city off the face of the earth. “The Fuhrer did not understand that the order to blow up Leningrad was tantamount to the order to blow up the Alps,” noted writer Daniil Granin. St. Petersburg is a stone mass, which in its cohesion and power has equals among European capitals. It preserves over eighteen thousand buildings built before 1917. This is more than in London and Paris, not to mention Moscow.

The Neva with its tributaries, ducts and canals flows through an indestructible labyrinth carved from stone. Unlike the sky, the water here is not free; it speaks of the power of the empire that managed to forge it in granite. In summer, fishermen with fishing rods stand near the parapets on the embankments. Under their feet lie plastic bags in which caught fish flutter. The same roach and smelt catchers stood here under Pushkin. The bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress also turned gray then and the horse reared Bronze Horseman. Except that the Winter Palace was dark red, and not green, as it is now.

It seems that nothing around reminds us that in the twentieth century a crack in Russian history passed through St. Petersburg. His beauty allows us to forget the unimaginable trials he endured.

Part 2. Perm. Kama

When from the left bank of the Kama, on which my native Perm lies, you look at the right bank with its forests blue to the horizon, you feel the fragility of the border between civilization and the pristine forest element. They are separated only by a strip of water, and it also unites them. If as a child you lived in a city on a big river, you are lucky: you understand the essence of life better than those who were deprived of this happiness.

In my childhood, there was still a sterlet in Kama. In the old days, it was sent to St. Petersburg to the royal table, and to prevent it from spoiling on the way, cotton wool soaked in cognac was placed under the gills. As a boy, I saw a small sturgeon on the sand with a jagged back stained with fuel oil: the whole Kama was then covered in fuel oil from the tugboats. These dirty workers pulled rafts and barges behind them. Children were running on the decks and laundry was drying in the sun. The endless lines of stapled, slimy logs disappeared along with the tugs and barges. The Kama became cleaner, but the sterlet never returned.

They said that Perm, like Moscow and Rome, lies on seven hills. This was enough to feel the breath of history blowing over my wooden city, studded with factory chimneys. Its streets run either parallel to the Kama or perpendicular to it. Before the revolution, the first ones were named after the churches that stood on them, such as Voznesenskaya or Pokrovskaya. The latter bore the names of those places where the roads flowing from them led: Siberian, Solikamsk, Verkhotursk. Where they intersected, the heavenly met the earthly. Here I realized that sooner or later everything will converge with the heavenly, you just need to be patient and wait.

Permians claim that it is not the Kama that flows into the Volga, but, on the contrary, the Volga into the Kama. It makes no difference to me which of these two great rivers is a tributary of the other. In any case, Kama is the river that flows through my heart.

Part 3. Ulan-Ude. Selenga

The names of the rivers are older than all other names on the maps. We don’t always understand their meaning, so Selenga keeps the secret of her name. It came either from the Buryat word “sel”, which means “spill”, or from the Evenki “sele”, that is, “iron”, but I heard the name in it greek goddess moon, Selena. Compressed by forested hills and often shrouded in fog, the Selenga was mysterious to me “ lunar river" In the noise of its current, I, a young lieutenant, felt a promise of love and happiness. It seemed that they were waiting for me ahead as immutably as Baikal was waiting for Selenga.

Perhaps she promised the same to twenty-year-old lieutenant Anatoly Pepelyaev, the future white general and poet. Shortly before the First World War, he secretly married his chosen one in a poor rural church on the banks of the Selenga. The noble father did not give his son his blessing for unequal marriage. The bride was the granddaughter of exiles and the daughter of a simple railway worker from Verkhneudinsk - as Ulan-Ude was formerly called.

I found this city almost as Pepelyaev saw it. At the market, Buryats who had come from the hinterlands in traditional blue robes were selling lamb, and women were walking around in museum sundresses. They sold circles of frozen milk strung on their hands like rolls. These were “semeiskie”, as the Old Believers who used to live are called in Transbaikalia large families. True, something also appeared that did not exist under Pepelyaev. I remember how on main square They erected the most original of all the monuments to Lenin that I had ever seen: on a low pedestal stood a huge granite head of the leader, without a neck or torso, similar to the head of the giant hero from “Ruslan and Lyudmila.” It still stands in the capital of Buryatia and has become one of its symbols. Here history and modernity, Orthodoxy and Buddhism do not reject or suppress each other. Ulan-Ude gave me hope that this is possible in other places.

On the eve of April 8th, in Ulan-Ude the international action"Total dictation." Those wishing to test their literacy gathered at nine sites in three districts of the city.

It is interesting that this year the dictation in “City on the River” also included a text about Ulan-Ude. It was written by famous writer and screenwriter Leonid Yuzefovich. The author included three parts in the dictation, each of which is dedicated to cities that played a big role in his life. The writer spent his childhood and youth in Perm, served in the army in Ulan-Ude, and currently lives in St. Petersburg.

It was precisely the text about the Northern capital that the Ulan-Ude people came across. This time it was read by famous Buryat journalists. Among them are employees of our television company - Irina Ermil, Sarzhana Merdygeeva and Alexey Fishev. They learned about the text they were going to dictate shortly before the start.

Journalist Irina Ermil admits that she was very worried before the dictation, because “how you read it depends on how you write it.”

A whole audience gathered at BSU. Many adults came to remember what remained in their heads several years after school. What struck me most was that men about 30 years old came. I thought they weren't interested in such things. Even people came from disabilities“, one girl was carried into the audience in their arms,” Irina shares her impressions.

However, she notes that the majority of the audience were women. While the site of school No. 32, where Alexey Fishev worked, was also attended mainly by Ulan-Uden women. At the same time, of very different ages.

In my class there was a girl about ten years old, there was a woman retirement age, only a few men came. There was even a situation where there weren’t enough places for everyone, but then they finally found them,” says Alexey.

By the way, this is not the first experience as an announcer for Alexey Fishev. This is the third time he has taken part in the event.

This text was the simplest of the two previous ones. I would like to note that the popularity of “Total Dictation” is growing. And since this is not my first experience, it was easier for me. I immediately stated that I am on the side of those who write. I tried to read carefully, slowly, without rushing, and helped with my intonation so that the participants understood where to place punctuation marks. What I admire about people is that they are willing to do this while we are typing on the keyboard and Word is correcting all our mistakes.

In general, Sarzhana Merdygeeva notes, the atmosphere of the event was positive. And she admits that everything was not without excitement for her.

I had my doubts about speed reading - whether I was reading too quickly/slowly. I was afraid that I would suddenly put the wrong emphasis in a sentence, and people would put unnecessary punctuation marks.

It was not the first time that some of the participants came to the Sarzhany site, at school No. 65, to test their literacy.

There was a woman in my audience who had been writing a dictation for the third year in a row. The first time I wrote it was a 2, the second time it was a 3, and now I’m hoping for a four,” says Sarzhana.

It should be noted that this year 800 cities and more than 60 countries took part in the “Total Dictation”. Residents of some of them wrote texts about Ulan-Ude. Meanwhile, today the Internet is full positive emotions and reviews about our city.

Some of the participants in the action had been to Buryatia, and the written text evoked good memories in them.

It is worth noting that the text about the capital of Buryatia was received not only by residents of Russian cities, but also by Canadians and even residents of Monaco.

In some cases, the announcers were famous people. For example, in the Ukrainian Gorlovka a text about Ulan-Ude was read by singer Yulia Chicherina, in Donetsk by writer Zakhar Prilepin. And in one of the Moscow universities - comedian Maxim Galkin.

Participants of the action can learn about the results of the “Total Dictation” after April 12 on the event website. How would you write it?

Part 3. Ulan-Ude. Selenga

The names of the rivers are older than all other names on the maps. We don’t always understand their meaning, so Selenga keeps the secret of her name. It came either from the Buryat word “sel”, which means “spill”, or from the Evenki “sele”, that is, “iron”, but I heard in it the name of the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Compressed by forested hills and often shrouded in fog, the Selenga was for me a mysterious “moon river”. In the noise of its current, I, a young lieutenant, felt a promise of love and happiness. It seemed that they were waiting for me ahead as immutably as Baikal was waiting for Selenga.

Perhaps she promised the same to twenty-year-old lieutenant Anatoly Pepelyaev, the future white general and poet. Shortly before the First World War, he secretly married his chosen one in a poor rural church on the banks of the Selenga. The noble father did not give his son his blessing for an unequal marriage. The bride was the granddaughter of exiles and the daughter of a simple railway worker from Verkhneudinsk - as Ulan-Ude was formerly called.

I found this city almost as Pepelyaev saw it. At the market, Buryats who had come from the hinterlands in traditional blue robes were selling lamb, and women were walking around in museum sundresses. They sold circles of frozen milk strung on their hands like rolls. These were “semeiskie,” as the Old Believers, who used to live in large families, are called in Transbaikalia. True, something also appeared that did not exist under Pepelyaev. I remember how on the main square they erected the most original of all the monuments to Lenin that I had ever seen: on a low pedestal there was a huge round granite head of the leader, without a neck or torso, similar to the head of the giant hero from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. It still stands in the capital of Buryatia and has become one of its symbols. Here history and modernity, Orthodoxy and Buddhism do not reject or suppress each other. Ulan-Ude gave me hope that this is possible in other places.

Sailing regatta from the “Russian Seven”. Let's raft along the main rivers of Russia!

Volga. River flows

The main water brand in Russia is Volga. An incredibly popular river, although not the longest, not the most abundant. Why? The answer is simple: the Volga basin occupies about 1/3 European territory Russia. By the way, the length of the river is 3530 km. This is roughly the same as from Moscow to Berlin and back.

The Volga is dedicated not only to the song known without exaggeration to all Russians and the film with the title title. The action of A. Ostrovsky's plays usually takes place in cities on the Volga. A particularly strong image of the river was created in the film “Cruel Romance”!

Detail: Lotuses - flowers that are associated with exoticism and the East, have long lived here on the Volga.

Oka. Not just a small car

The Oka River is the Great Russian River, and it’s not for nothing that we write this word with a capital letter! Almost all of Central Russia lies on its banks; the area of ​​the river basin (245,000 sq. km) is equal to the territory of the entire Great Britain, and its length is 1,500 km.

In many respects (navigation, basin area, etc.) for Russia the Oka exceeded the importance of the Nile for Egypt. It is no coincidence that in the 9th and 10th centuries foreigners called the Oka River the “Russian River”, “Rus River”.

By the way, the name of the river “Oka” is supposed to come from the Proto-European “aqva” - “water”, it is so ancient! There is a hypothesis that even the word "ocean" (understood as " great river, bordering the world") in Russian comes from the word "Oka".

Don. A thousand-year witness of Russian history

Don is a thousand-year-old witness of Russian history. This river appeared on Earth - it’s scary to say! - approximately 23 million years ago. And according to scientists, the paleo-Don collected the waters of the entire Russian Plain.

Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the lower reaches of the Tanais (Don) were known as the habitat of the legendary Amazons. These female warriors also found their way into our epics, which often tell about fights between Russian heroes and daring horsewomen, the “Polyanitsa”.

Detail: Our “Father Don” has two younger namesakes in England: the Don River in the Scottish county of Aberdeen and the river of the same name in the English county of York.

Dnieper. Rarely does a bird fly to its middle

Dnieper has been known since ancient times! Herodotus also called it Borysthenes in his historical treatises (which means “river flowing from the north”).

Here is what the ancient Greek historian wrote: “The Borysthenes is the most profitable river: along its banks there are beautiful rich pastures for livestock; it contains large quantities of best fish; the water tastes good to drink and is clear (compared to other waters) muddy rivers Scythia)".

During Kievan Rus the river was called Slavutich ("river of the Slavs"), in those days there was a passage along it waterway"from the Varangians to the Greeks", connecting the Baltic (Varangian) Sea with the Black (Russian) Sea.

Detail: “A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper,” wrote N. Gogol. The birds have enough strength to fly to the middle and cross the river. And by rare bird we meant a parrot, which is really difficult to find in these parts.

Yenisei. Natural border between Eastern and Western Siberia

The West Siberian plains end on the left bank of the Yenisei, and the mountain taiga begins on the right. Therefore, in its upper reaches you can meet camels, and going downstream to the Ocean - polar bears.

There are still legends about the origin of the word Yenisei: either it is the Tungus word “enesi” (“big water”) converted into Russian, or the Kyrgyz “enee-Sai” (mother river).

Detail: The Yenisei and other Iberian rivers bring as much heat to the Arctic Ocean as would be produced by burning 3 billion tons of fuel. If not for the rivers, the climate of the North would be more severe.

Ukraine is a country of prohibitions.

Today they wrote “Total Dictation” all over the world, but in Ukraine it was banned! Nationalist “activists” came to a rally at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Kyiv. Did you want pogrom again?

Due to threats, total dictation was canceled in all Ukrainian cities.
Will there ever be order in this country?
In the civilized world they wrote a dictation based on Yuzefovich’s text.
Ulan-Ude. Selenga (Selenga - emphasis on the last syllable, my note)

For those who haven't written a dictation, test your knowledge of the Russian language!

The names of the rivers are older than all other names on the maps. We don’t always understand their meaning, so Selenga keeps the secret of her name. It came either from the Buryat word “sel”, which means “spill”, or from the Evenki “sele”, that is, “iron”, but I heard in it the name of the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Compressed by forested hills and often shrouded in fog, the Selenga was for me a mysterious “moon river”. In the noise of its current, I, a young lieutenant, felt a promise of love and happiness. It seemed that they were waiting for me ahead as immutably as Baikal was waiting for Selenga.

Perhaps she promised the same to twenty-year-old lieutenant Anatoly Pepelyaev, the future white general and poet. Shortly before the First World War, he secretly married his chosen one in a poor rural church on the banks of the Selenga. The noble father did not give his son his blessing for an unequal marriage. The bride was the granddaughter of exiles and the daughter of a simple railway worker from Verkhneudinsk - as Ulan-Ude was formerly called.

I found this city almost as Pepelyaev saw it. At the market, Buryats who had come from the hinterlands in traditional blue robes were selling lamb, and women were walking around in museum sundresses. They sold circles of frozen milk strung on their hands like rolls. These were “semeiskie,” as the Old Believers, who used to live in large families, are called in Transbaikalia. True, something also appeared that did not exist under Pepelyaev. I remember how on the main square they erected the most original of all the monuments to Lenin that I had ever seen: on a low pedestal there was a huge round granite head of the leader, without a neck or torso, similar to the head of the giant hero from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. It still stands in the capital of Buryatia and has become one of its symbols. Here history and modernity, Orthodoxy and Buddhism do not reject or suppress each other. Ulan-Ude gave me hope that this is possible in other places.


Dictation assessment standards:

5 – 0 errors, or 1 rough

4 – 2 spelling and 2 punctuation, or 1/3 (one spelling and three punctuation), 1/2, 1/1, 2/1.

3 – 4/4, or 3/5, 3/6, 3/3, 3/2, 3/1, 2/6,2/5,2/4,2/3, 1/7,1/6 ,1/5, 1/4 (8 errors in total)

2 – 7/7, 6/8, 5/4, 5/5.5/6.5/7, etc. (in total – 14 errors)

1 – more than seven spelling and punctuation errors