Interesting dialogue with a girl. This awkward, prolonged silence...

If a man gets lost when talking to a girl he likes, then there is an awkward pause, after which a stupid joke is made, which has already ruined the relationship of many couples. Even if a guy has charisma, confidence, willpower and high intelligence, when he is truly in love, he sometimes says inappropriate words. Recommendations from psychologists will help you avoid this. It is especially important to talk to a girl correctly on the phone at the very beginning of dating.

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    Preparing for dating

    If a man is just going to meet a woman and talk to her for the first time, then he needs to prepare. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. 1. Study information about the girl in in social networks. Find out about her interests, favorite music, education. If you have mutual friends, you can additionally ask them about your chosen one.
    2. 2. If a guy is not interested in the same topics as the interlocutor, prefers other music, but he really likes the girl, you need to read about her interests in various sources of information. Talk to your acquaintances and friends who share her hobby or activity.
    3. 3. You need to set yourself up to behave confidently and cheerfully.
    4. 4. It is advisable to think over a plan for the conversation, despite the fact that it is impossible to “program” it in advance. After all, a lot depends on the girl’s words and answers. But certain topics, jokes, compliments need to be found in advance. It is appropriate to insert them at the end of the dialogue, after which you can invite your chosen one on a date.

    A guy shouldn’t deceive his interlocutor by saying that he plays the same sport, shares the same hobby, listens only to this music, etc. It is enough for a young man to communicate on this topic, pretend that he is interested, and talk about his friends and relatives who know the girl. "Masquerade" will not lead to anything good, since sooner or later it will be revealed.

    How to start a conversation?

    A telephone conversation implies that an acquaintance has already taken place and there has been at least one meeting. Perhaps the acquaintance took place on a social network, the guy corresponded with the girl, then asked for her phone number. The following recommendations also apply to the case of a conversation with a woman with whom a relationship is already ongoing. It is recommended to use the following phrases and questions at the beginning of the dialogue:

    1. 1. Good morning. How are you? What are your plans for the day? I'll go to the museum wax figures. Do you want to go there with me?
    2. 2. Good evening. How was your day? Today I was at the concert of the group "Pilot". The drummer threw a stick into the crowd, and I caught it. Gave it to another guy. He was delighted and even wanted to pay the money, but I refused.
    3. 3. Good afternoon. I'm all at work today, but I'm thinking about you in free time and even when busy. Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

    It is better to talk about the most significant events of the day that have happened, are planned or are happening. Some points that cannot be verified can be embellished, but within reason. You shouldn’t talk to a girl about your problems and excessively banal everyday life. Even when she becomes a legal wife, for humor and interesting events you should always find time.

    How to continue the dialogue?

    After talking about bright events, it’s important to talk to a girl on the phone about interesting film, a book, mutual friends. You can talk about a new product, invite your chosen one to a movie premiere, or discuss a book over tea in a cafe or apartment. You should only talk about common interests. If your interlocutors have different tastes, then you need to learn to talk briefly about your interests.

    It is not recommended to talk about some topics. Funny Quotes and moments from the work of Victor Pelevin will not please every girl. Only one that is to some extent inclined towards mysticism and esotericism. If she only reads pulp novels, she is unlikely to be pleased with humor about ghosts, life after death, altered states of consciousness, and so on.

    Women love to give advice. Therefore, it is recommended to sincerely ask for her opinion on issues in which she is well versed. This is how she feels her own importance. Just don't pretend. If the topic is completely uninteresting, it will become clear in due course.

    Phrases that are appropriate to insert during a conversation

    To engage a girl in a conversation, you should insert phrases like these where appropriate:

    1. 1. Yes, I understand perfectly what you mean.
    2. 2. This is really interesting.
    3. 3. From now on, in more detail.
    4. 4. How did you feel at this time?
    5. 5. What happened after that?
    6. 6. Do you think differently now?

    Many women like not only to listen, but also to tell. Therefore, you need to give the girl the opportunity to speak out.

    List of interesting questions

    After uncomfortable pauses of silence, you can ask the following questions:

    1. 1. What flowers do you like?
    2. 2. Tell me about your favorite movie. Why do you love him?
    3. 3. How did you study at school?
    4. 4. What qualities do you value most in a man?
    5. 5. Tell us about your deepest dream.
    6. 6. What are you afraid of most in the world?
    7. 7. Can you swim?

    You should ask them only if you are able to continue the conversation on the topic. For example, when asked: “Can you swim? “With any answer, you can invite the girl to the pool or to the river, or on a trip to the sea. If she knows how, good, if not, even better, because there will be a reason to start communication and relationships through her swimming lessons.

    The most interesting topics for communicating on the phone

    There are a great many fascinating topics for conversation on a mobile phone. In addition to a woman’s interests, studied on social networks and when communicating with her, you can use topics that can intrigue most people. Short list presented in this table:

    Subject Recommendations


    If the guy has been somewhere besides hometown or is an experienced traveler, then it is appropriate to talk about the sights, nature, and people of other areas. If a girl is interested in tourism, you need to ask her about her trips and eventually share them with her


    The main thing is to talk about the most exciting, funny moments. Remember funny stories student years, talk about the importance of the profession and unfortunate specialists who discredit it

    This topic will not leave indifferent even a follower of Buddhism who strives to get rid of all earthly attachments. We should talk about how to achieve financial independence, how to combine income and business in what you love. You just can’t leave the impression of a greedy person


    Some men are fond of cooking unusual and delicious dishes. Most women will not remain indifferent after a conversation on the topic of cooking. The main thing is not only to talk about food, but also to show your skills in practice. It is relevant to brag about an exotic dish that a guy once tried. Like puffer fish. Then invite her to a restaurant, treat her to another fish and tell her that he will not allow her to eat such a life-threatening delicacy


    First you need to ask the girl how she feels about pets. Who loves most: cats, dogs, guinea pigs or parrots. Then please them with funny stories about your animals. For example, due to the fact that during their development pets take a lot from the character of the owner. This doesn't just apply to the parrot repeating words. They are like children who need to be raised and cared for.

    Healthy lifestyle

    If a girl leads healthy image life, eating separate food, observing fasts and fasting days, does yoga or recreational gymnastics, then it would be appropriate to talk about it. And even over time, become accustomed to new living conditions. This also works in reverse, when a guy takes care of his health and wants to involve his beloved in this

    Funny Habits

    A woman will be pleased to hear a confession that a guy draws funny pictures when he is nervous or talking to someone on the phone. Or that he loves, like the great Goethe, to scatter flower seeds everywhere. Don't talk about smoking two packs a day or drinking beer in moderation


    It is not recommended to talk about this topic not at the very beginning of dating. After all, the interlocutor will think about the hint. But you can’t get ahead of yourself. If communication has been going on for some time, then it is appropriate to talk about what she values ​​most in a relationship. You can ask which celebrity or mutual acquaintance couples she sees as ideal, and why; how a man and a woman complement each other; For what reasons do people get divorced?

    Psychology and esoterics

    Many women are interested in these areas. If not everyone believes in esotericism, then every second girl is interested in psychology. It's worth talking if the guy has a good or mediocre understanding of her. There are many interesting areas, ranging from the psychology of a certain specialty to the psychoanalysis of C. Jung, used for the interpretation of dreams, creativity, and treatment of diseases

    This topic should be approached with caution. You should not hint to a woman about possible future children if the relationship has just begun or lasts a short time. It’s better to talk about relatives, funny little kids on the street, playing in the sandbox. Tell each other jokes and funny stories about children who say funny, and sometimes words of wisdom, as they say, “through the mouth of a baby.” It’s appropriate to talk about childhood: yours and your interlocutor’s


    Almost every day some event is celebrated. Women love to talk about the most significant holidays. Such as New Year, birthday, wedding. Every person has some funny interesting stories, the holidays that he attended. It’s also nice to discuss some traditions and rituals seen only on video or heard from friends. You can plan how to spend the holiday together


    It is appropriate to move on to this topic only after sex between a guy and his interlocutor or a long-term relationship. At this time, you can talk about how to kiss correctly, and about more intimate moments.

    In addition to the examples listed, there are many other topics suitable for maintaining a conversation and raising the mood of the interlocutor. Girls love sociable men, but the conversation should develop in the right direction. If a guy constantly deceives, “has his head in the clouds,” and talks about troubles, then this will lead to a break in the relationship.

    Women value confidence in men, the ability to behave correctly in any situation and intellectual humor. Therefore, when talking on the phone, you need to say coherent, smart, funny, interesting things. Each person, with desire and intention, can develop these qualities in himself.

Today we will talk about an interesting topic and figure out what you can talk about with a girl?


For example, do you like to play musical instrument, rollerblading or playing video games. In this case, if the girl is also at least a little interested in this kind of thing, then she can be invited to go for a ride. Even if she doesn’t know how to ride, in this case you can offer to teach her. In addition, there is the opportunity to play video games together or play a musical instrument for her.

About leisure

One of the many topics of conversation is how you spend your free time. Can you tell me what's in Lately there were interesting things in your life, where you went or what you plan to see in the future. This could be going to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, going out into nature or various trips.

Cinema or other trips

You are always allowed to ask “Did you go to the cinema to see the film...?” This way you can find out what the girl likes to watch and invite you to the film.


If you enjoy playing a sport, then you should talk about it. If it is some unusual or extreme sport, it will add some points to you. Many girls are interested in these topics and will be interested in listening to you.

Memorable places

Almost every city has interesting museums, theaters, exhibitions. You need to know detailed information about them and invite a girl there.

Emotional themes

You can always talk about childhood or your dreams. But know that when you talk about such topics, the girl must completely trust you. These are too personal topics and not worth discussing with everyone. First you need to talk common topics, and then move on to personal ones.


From simple family dinners to favorite dishes, good cafes, exotic seafood. Invitations to your favorite cafe or picnic.


Ask if the girl likes cars. Does she know how to drive or wants to learn? Share your thoughts on what kind of car you would like to buy.


Talk to your girl about your and her favorite music, songs, bands. All girls like this topic and you can always share music with her if you have the same tastes.

Study and work

You can talk about funny situations that happened at school or work. Ask about relationships in the team: about management, teachers, etc.


Ask what kind of guy she wants to meet. What worries her: tediousness, betrayal, greed, etc. In response, give your opinions. Ask about your friends and tell us about yours. Remember that in this conversation there is no need to bring up ex-girlfriends.


Younger brothers and sisters, babies, nephews and just acquaintances. In such a topic there will definitely be something to talk about: pranks, whims, funny sayings.


Ask what her favorite holiday is, what she likes to receive or give. Also tell us about your favorite holiday and gifts.


Win-win theme! If a girl has various pets, then you can talk forever. Don't forget to tell her about your pet and ask if she would like to have another pet in the future.


You can shock a girl and, during conversations, communicate your sexual preferences. But for this you need to wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can always talk about famous celebrity couples.

When a girl is 5 years old, you tell her a story and send her to bed.
At the age of 10, she tells herself fairy tales as she goes to bed.
At the age of 15, she tells her mother stories about how she never went to bed with anyone.
At 20, anyone is ready to tell her a fairy tale to get her into bed.
At 25, people tell tales about what she can do in bed.
At 30, she's in bed telling stories that she's still 20.
At 35, you tell her stories that you don't drag anyone into bed anymore.
At 40, she's telling you stories to get you into bed.
At 45 you tell her stories to avoid going to bed.

What to talk about with a girl when dating? How to talk during a pickup - loudly or quietly, with a cheerful face or with a serious one?.. You must use all of the options listed. If you tell a girl a joke, then tell it vividly and loudly. If you are loading, then speak a little quietly to reduce the contact area, but clearly so that she does not have to ask you again. A soft, inspired voice, a slightly unfocused look, adjustment (posture and breathing), an interested look, mirroring gestures... There are also so-called trance intonations. In general, voice work is the most important part of communication, since with the help of it we usually communicate. It’s best to “give you a voice” at NLP training, and at home your trainer will be a voice recorder.

Let's move on to the topics of conversation... You need to talk with a girl about life, about people and attitude towards them, about what is valuable to her, what she likes in men, about love, finally. Stories about parents inspire the greatest confidence in the interlocutor. Here you can use your imagination and tell how your dad jumped with a parachute, and it often did not open, or how your mother heroically saved a litter of kittens from a burning house. Start talking about the girl's interests, her future profession, tell me an incident from your life, a little philosophy, a story about some musician that she might find interesting. You ask a question - almost any one, and while she is thinking, you prepare the next one, think about the further conduct of the conversation. The more questions you have ready, the easier it is to think through and direct the conversation in the right direction. Remember Stirlitz - he spoke and thought completely about different things simultaneously! Of course, this won’t happen right away, but it’s worth training.

Main - When talking to a girl, don’t focus on one topic! After a pause in the conversation, when it begins to seem that everything has already been said on the previous topic, just change the subject. At least pay attention to the weather - but don’t overdo it with platitudes! After talking yourself, leave time for her to express herself so that you don’t get the impression that you adore monologues. She is the same person, only with a slightly different way of thinking - try to feel it, understand its value. And the questions “what to talk about with a girl” simply will not arise, since the main reason for their occurrence is that the guy often does not see the girl’s personality.

Imagine a situation when you are talking with your friends - can you constantly and continuously talk to them about any nonsense? Easily! This means that the whole problem when communicating with girls depends only on your inner state. Try to communicate more with all the women around you, and sooner or later communication with them will be no different from the other. I recommend listening to the radio, because the DJ constantly has to say different nonsense, and he has to say it constantly and never repeat himself, which is very difficult!

Voice your inner monologue! When you sit next to a girl in a bar, bus, office, talking with her about the weather, work or last year’s vacation, thoughts are spinning in your head about what a charming smile your interlocutor has, how her hair sparkles in the sun, how wonderful she smells perfume. Try to let out this conversation you are having with yourself. Voice your thoughts, tell the girl: “I couldn’t help but notice your eyes - they sparkle like diamonds.” Tell the girl from your office: “You know, work sometimes makes you sad, but you are so charming that all I need to do is see you to cheer me up.” Option for the bus: “I’m just thinking that if it weren’t for your smiling face that I see every morning, I probably would have quit my job and stayed at home.”

Think about the television celebrities you've seen on talk shows. They say unexpected, crazy, even outrageous things, intriguing the audience or making them laugh. Think about your friends who are very popular with girls. You've probably noticed that these men are able to talk to a girl without embarrassment on any topic of interest to women, and the fairer sex likes this. These people break the shackles of traditional secular communication; they are relaxed, spontaneous, and even prone to clownery. They are not afraid to show the girl the heart-shaped birthmark on their own thigh, they fearlessly depict wild duck, luring the drake towards her, and when things get boring at the party, they start a discussion about which kissing technique is the best. In other words, these men are entertaining as hell because they aren't afraid to rip off their suit jacket and say or do whatever they want.

Never ask a girl the typical questions asked by strangers: “Where do you study?”, “Where are you from?”, even “What’s your name?” Old acquaintances don’t ask that. Why remind her once again that you are a stranger? It’s better to ask her the following questions: “Where would you go on vacation, what is your dream country?” or “Tell me the story of this ring of yours.” Even better questions are funny stories about yourself. Talk about yourself as if your interlocutor has known you for a long time. Don’t tell the girl: “I have a five-year-old niece, when she came yesterday, she did something...” It’s better to tell it like this: “My niece, do you know what she did yesterday? She took whipped cream from my refrigerator...” Avoid introducing the girl to the facts of your life, talk about events and emotions.

Incorrect: “I work at the HRENASH corporation as a manager for straightening paper clips. They recently promised to give me a car... Can you imagine?..." It’s better to tell the girl: “You know, yesterday was a hard day, and when I was free, I went out onto the roof of our office building, and looked at the city, at the illuminated windows and hurrying cars, and you know what I was thinking about?... About all these people who dream about something...” Less facts, more emotions. Close people communicate not at the level of facts, but at the level of emotions. Naturally, curiosity will make a girl ask questions. Reward her curiosity with new and interesting messages.

- How old is your niece?

- Lenka? 5 years. You know, the most interesting thing is that she only obeys her grandmother, and she was named after her. You won’t believe it, Grandma Lena once danced in ballet... so when Lenka gets naughty, she starts doing this... we’re making fun of her that we’ll give her to striptease...

It is necessary to talk to the girl in an interesting way and in the most boring (suggested) topics. Your answers should awaken her imagination and spark her curiosity. In order not to give the impression of hiding something (for example, not telling her that the car broke down a long time ago and there is no money for a vacation), give her more information than she needs, more than she is able to absorb. Close people share random things when communicating, without dividing information into important and funny.

Well, if you still fail in the form of complete stupor and awkward silence, then there is a way out. At such a moment, it’s good to watch her eyes and then say: “You know, it’s always interesting to know what people think about during pauses like this. I think this could be very good. My friend Vanya also recently met a girl on the street, and they were sitting like we are now. By the way, now they are very happy and they feel good together. And when there was such a pause, he took her hand like this (you take her hand) and said: “I was just thinking about how good it could be for you and me. You are so beautiful, gentle and affectionate. Imagine how good it would be if you thought the same thing now and even after a long time you remembered this day (morning, evening) as the happiest in your life, when you so simply trusted your heart, and now we are happy together "

[Maintain long and interesting conversation For many it turns out to be an impossible task. Even understanding the principles of building a successful dialogue, the man remains painfully silent already in the second minute of communication. At the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy, in real conditions you will learn not only how to talk to a girl, but also how to maintain an interesting conversation with any person for many hours. Moreover, the instructor will correct and teach you “on the fly,” right in the process of getting to know each other or on a date, unnoticed by the girl.]

If you have to talk to a girl who has been silent from the very beginning of your acquaintance, you can amuse her with a monologue... Knock-knock! Are we silent? Well, you don’t want to, as you want... Shall we get acquainted? You're busy? Are you ignoring it? Broke down? Don't feel like chatting? Do you want something more? Tired of guys? Am I imposing? Lost consciousness from happiness? Don’t be silent, oh, beautiful stranger, I can’t stand this deadly silence! Do you like poetry? Let me tell you something! I can give you Shakespeare's sonnets, amorous poems, Onegin's letter to Tatiana, excerpts from the orders of the President of the Russian Federation, from the Constitution, I can give you instructions for using a Kalashnikov assault rifle or hypnotic phrases, after reading which you will simply fall in love with me... Maybe you like philosophical sayings?.. We can for life to splurge in kind! Or we can have highly intellectual debates about the meaning of life and spiritual values... What do you like best?.. Maybe we can play a game? I offer a one-question test for your knowledge of the Russian language. If you give the correct answer, then I move aside and never pester you again! If you cannot answer correctly, then you will communicate with me. And if you remain silent, I’ll think of something else! Do you agree?.. I will make you an offer that you cannot refuse! I will use all my strength of character, seduction, individuality, uniqueness of me as a person, so that you answer at least something! Well, at least send me away, or what? At least some reaction... Oh! Eat! Invented! Let's play one more game! Come up with three of the most sophisticated ways to send a young man who pesters you. Weak?! Yes, it seems weak... And you refuse to send me, and you also refuse to answer... Hmm, a very unusual case! What should we do with you?.. What should happen to you? Let's be quiet, okay? Please don't distract me anymore! Don’t even try - I still won’t answer! Oh, it’s good to be silent with you! Just a soul in heaven! There are so few people in the world with whom, even if you are silent, you still feel comfortable! I'm even starting to understand the meaning of life! A little more and I’ll understand! And nirvana will overtake me! It's so nice to talk to a girl like you. And all because of you! Thank you! Big and huge! I started talking for some reason... We seemed to be going to be silent... That's it, we need to concentrate... And be silent... Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... My receptors are opening to the Great Cosmos... Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... How does it feel? I am so glad that I met you! You know how to remain silent so beautifully and eloquently... It’s just rare girl! We need to protect this one!.. Everyone, let’s continue to be silent!.. I congratulate you with all my heart! With what, you ask? I will answer: You are the most unapproachable girl I have ever met. You know, I'm already so used to you. Besides, I can tell you anything, but you still won’t answer... Beauty! I know what you’re thinking... You’re thinking, well, I didn’t say a word, but he chatted for half an hour. He’ll probably tell a whole novel now... And I’m not going to! I didn’t even think about it! I think a simple presentation with elements of an essay will be enough. Knock Knock! There-there-there! Bang-bang-bang! Fuck-tibidoh! She doesn’t hear... What a talkative girl...

To each young man I want to impress a girl with my erudition. So, let's look at the top 20 most interesting topics for and with friends:

1. Cinema is a pleasant topic of conversation. Ask the girl what she likes to watch. Talk about new products, genres you like, interesting actors and, finally, invite you to the cinema.

2. Literature. Find out if your chosen one likes to read, what she reads. Talk about the film adaptation (this topic is most interesting for girls).

3. Museums, memorable places. Every city has many cultural places. Find out the girl's favorite places. Tell a funny story about your favorite place and invite them to take a walk. Sights as interesting as your own city will help you establish contact with a girl.

4. Travel, walks. The most interesting topics for conversation with an inquisitive girl are travel and everything connected with it. If you've traveled recently, tell us. Ask where she likes to go, where she would like to go.

5. It’s not worth talking about serious shortcomings, but here are the harmless ones: the habit of losing pens or accidentally collecting them from friends - why not.

6. Food. We can talk endlessly about food and tastes. Don't forget to invite a girl to a cafe or out of town for the weekend.

7. Cars, transport, spare parts. These are more popular, but you can also interest a girl. Ask if she drives a car, if she likes cars and what kind. Tell us about your dream car!

8. Work and study. These interesting conversation topics bring people together very quickly. Tell us something interesting about your work or study, remember funny situations. Ask the girl about her activities. Surely you have something to remember, tell and laugh at.

9. Sports. You can start the conversation with your favorite sports. There are quite a lot of topics - sports tourism, fitness, famous athletes.

10. Health. This is a great topic to philosophize together. We can talk about these global problems like AIDS, cancer, etc.

11. Religion. Conversations on this topic can be endless. To interest a girl, ask her whether she believes in fate or believes that everyone is the creator of their own destiny, whether she believes in God, in chance.

12. Relationships. Ask what kind of guy she would like to meet. Talk about friends (just don't bring up your exes).

13. Children. Children, babies, little sisters and brothers, nephews - the brightest and most pleasant thing you can talk about. There is always something to tell about these wonderful creatures: funny stories, phrases and pranks.

14. Rest and activities on fresh air. These are great topics to talk to a girl on the phone. Ask about how the girl likes to spend her free time. Keep the conversation going by suggesting she go on vacation together.

15. - the most interesting topics of conversation for people who are interested in something. Ask about the girl's hobbies and don't forget to tell her about your interests.

16. Gifts, holidays. What is your beloved's favorite holiday? Discuss interesting ideas for gifts for various holidays. What is better: giving or receiving? Tell us about your preferences.

17. Clothes. Clothing is not so much a great topic of conversation as it is a good reason to give a girl a nice compliment. And this is a must! Say that every woman is beautiful and irresistible to her beloved man in any clothes.

18. Pets. The topic of pets is a win-win. Ask if she has pets. A dog, a cat, a fish, a parrot - there's probably someone there. Be sure to tell us about your pets.

19. Money, prices for travel and food, spending on hobbies are not only a reason for an exciting conversation with a girl, but also interesting topics for conversation with friends.

20. Sex. You should not immediately talk about your sexual preferences, as this can cause apathy in the girl. Wait until the relationship is close enough and she is ready to communicate on this topic.

The topics presented above will help you attract a girl!