Funny statuses about work. Quotes about work

There is never enough time to do the job right, but there is time to redo it. Meskimen's Law

The whole burden falls on the diligent horse. Thomas Fuller

Choose a profession that you love, and you won't have to work a single day in your life. Confucius

If your head is cooking, then everything in your hands is burning.

A living failure is better than a dead masterpiece. D.B. Show

It is better to do a small part of the task perfectly than to do ten times more poorly. Aristotle

IN hard times from business people more sense than the virtuous. F. Bacon

Not observing workers means leaving your wallet open to them.

The government service is the last refuge of the slob. Boyce Penrose

Work is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition for a virtuous life. L. Tolstoy

There are never great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. B. Franklin

As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out. B. Spinoza

Just as movement excites the appetite, so labor arouses the thirst for pleasure. F. Chesterfield

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?”. In the evening, before you fall asleep: “What have I done?” Pythagoras

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us.

A person who works with his hands is a worker; a person who works with his hands and head is a craftsman; but a person who works with his hands, his head, and his heart is a master of his craft. Louis Naiser

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want. Voltaire

The hand is a tool of tools. Aristotle

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe

Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure, Who acquired it through labor and patience. Goethe I.

They earn their bread with their hands, and their butter with their heads.

The best employees are not suitable for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles.

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

The harder the job, the easier it is to get it.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

The day has many hours and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you, so that you can be free and do what is more important.

Complexity awaits where you try to simplify.

Society is divided into two large class: those who work to live, and those who live to make others work.

Small business is commerce, medium business is commercial policy, big business- this is politics.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own. Ushinsky K. D.

Those who work sitting and those who work standing receive much less than those who work for themselves.

A good boss is the beginning of all beginnings, and a bad boss is the end of all beginnings.

Those who understood life quit their jobs.

You don't get paid per hour, you get paid for the value you create in that hour.

The difficult must be made familiar, the habitual - easy, and the easy - pleasant.

. Only two incentives make people work: thirst wages and - fear of losing her.

If you don’t receive money, it means that no one needs your work.

Work that we enjoy heals grief. Shakespeare W.

A person who is not busy with work can never enjoy complete happiness; on the face of an idle person you will always find a trace of discontent and apathy.

Thinking is the most difficult of jobs. Apparently, this is why so few people do it.

Work is valued based on the results of labor, and not on accumulated fatigue!

Not all slackers agree to sedentary work - others require lying down.

Whoever gets up early, God gives to him.

If you want to work, lie down and get some sleep and everything will pass.

Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering. La Rochefoucauld F.

He who does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.

A person only achieves something where he believes in his own strength.

Capable workers are valued, while diligent and obedient workers are valued.

Work, don't be afraid of me - I won't touch you!

Work when you are sad - this is the only way to disperse sadness. Work so as not to fall into melancholy: nothing gets rid of dull emptiness like work. Work when you are successful: there is no other cure for “dizziness” than work. Becher I.

To live like a human being, you need to be paid like a god.

To make a profit without taking risks, to gain experience without being exposed to danger, to receive rewards without working is as impossible as to live without being born.

Each profession has its own subtleties that are not visible to amateurs.

To live correctly means to work. When a car is idle, rust begins to eat away at it.

In any organization, work gravitates towards the lowest level of the hierarchy.

In our life, as in mathematics: when bosses change places, the amount of their irresponsibility does not change.

Qualification is what is required of lower level employees. Senior employees are required to have no qualifications.

If everyone knew how to work, there would be no one to lead.

Children must learn to work with their hands, not their elbows.

Anyone who is on a salary can afford to sit, lie down and even sleep at work.

Don't give anyone or anything the opportunity to make decisions for you.

The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working. I.P. Pavlov

Someone in second place shines, and his shine is reflected in the one who takes first place.

Loafers can be divided into two categories: a car without an engine, an engine without a car.

If they always agree with each other in business, then one of them is redundant.

For results to exceed your expectations, don't expect much.

Don't expect someone to do even the smallest job for you. The people around you are super lazy, and even more deceitful.

When will the circus open and all the clowns will be in their places, and not in leadership positions?! Otherwise I just laugh at work!

If you want to work, go... and work! The money will not come on its own!

I'm sitting here, working. It’s strange - that’s why a 5-kopeck coin fits into the right nostril, but not into the left?

We have sleeping pills at work, they even add them to coffee, I checked.

I'm sitting here, working. It’s strange why a 5-kopeck coin fits into the right nostril, but not into the left?...

A person is never as close to perfection as when filling out a job application.

Work is killing me as a person. But I get cash for it!

Work like a dog, the faster you run, the faster it will catch up!

(T) To do it “as expected” does not mean to put it to work!

What I love about my job is that you can always drink tea there)))

When the boss gets sick, a healthy atmosphere reigns in the team.

Every boss, deep down in his soul, is afraid that his subordinates will be able to work without him...

Real summer will come when you earn it!…

Every day I say that I hate my job, but unfortunately I understand that I still won’t quit it.

Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned.

(T) A truly thrifty person even puts off work for a rainy day.

According to the president, the country lacks qualified workers. According to workers, the country needs a qualified president.

Work... When it's not there, you want it to be there. When it is there, you want it not to be there.

Nothing brightens up the dial like the number 6 at the end of the working day...

A career in a woman’s life takes place if there is no place for a man!

If in the morning you want to go from home to work, and in the evening you want to go home from work, then you have neither a normal home nor a normal job.

The coolest job in the world is relaxation! It seems like I would have worked all my life!!!

What a life! As soon as you sit down to work, someone will definitely wake you up!

It’s a pity that work isn’t a wolf... I would have let her go into the forest for a couple of weeks...

Good conversation shortens the workday!

Alas, I don’t have time to live at all, I only have time to work(((

Work is the best cure for all ills.

The smaller the position, the more noticeable your absence from the workplace.

Judging by the last salary, it seems that our bosses will drink from the hoof!!!

Someone else’s work is somehow always easy...

Crap! This work, work, work... There is no time to spend money!

No matter how you work, there will always be an asshole who works less and gets more.

With such a salary, work becomes just a hobby...

Chief, remember! White (not tanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

It’s easy to be a boss - you give a crazy order, and the horror of its consequences forces your subordinates to do everything right.

Previously, we worked tirelessly, now without lifting our ass!

The smart ones are those who make money with their intelligence, and the wise ones are those for whom these smart people work.

The big consumers of oxygen are the bosses. When they are gone, you can breathe easily!

Our whole life is a struggle: before lunch with hunger, after lunch with sleep!

(T) Laziness can also be useful - as a protection against overwork.

Today the boss is not at work, I don’t even go out to smoke - I’m afraid to go home...))))

It's amazing how important your job is when you need to take time off from it, and how unimportant it is when you ask for a raise)))

Who is looking for a job: schedule 2/5, salary 75,000-100,000, vacation 62 days... Call!!! Let's look together!!)))

Go to work like a seal - you'll wake the fuck up! And from work, like a deer, you’ll catch up with your dick!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life. (Confucius)

Nowadays, people go wild at home, go wild in the service, and again feel like people - in nature.

And who else wakes up in the morning and thinks... Well, today I’ll definitely come home from work and go straight to bed!

And somewhere there is the sea, beaches, macho... The sunset is intoxicatingly beautiful!
Everything is simpler here - summer, dacha, shovels, rakes, vodka and beer!!!

If you work all the time and never rest, you can become the richest man in the cemetery...

Never do anything right the first time, otherwise no one will appreciate how difficult it was later.

A Russian person doesn’t want to do or think anything on an empty stomach, but on a full stomach he cannot.

Go to work or sleep? Sleep or go to work? I'll go to work and sleep!!!

Study, study and study again - because you still won’t find a job!

The best job is a highly paid hobby.

If the boss comes up with a brilliant idea, that means someone will be doing crap all day

Symptoms of office sickness - before lunch you struggle with hunger, after lunch you struggle with sleep and all the time you feel like you are not being paid extra.

The hardest thing for women to get a job! Everyone needs 18-year-old girls with 30 years of experience, two degrees and grown children!

I worked too hard today, and realized that today was Friday only when at 4 o’clock the director ran away shouting Who’s the last one - that sucker

If you quit, what will you live on? If you work, then when will you live?

Work has three advantages: Friday, salary and vacation.

I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry, I just don’t have time. I work, I walk...:)))

From the lips of an accountant: “Why do you understand everything! No orgasm compares to what you experience when the balance comes together!”

Only in Russia can a person study for free, get treatment for free and work for free.

Statuses about work and about work

Some people work just to work, others work so they can avoid working in the future.

The difference in your attitude towards work when you want to take time off early or ask for a raise clearly demonstrates to us Einstein's fundamental discovery - the theory of relativity.

Work and alcohol share a common goal: to allow a person to forget and while away the mindless eight hours a day.

The modern economy is based on a symbiosis of those who want to get rich while relaxing and fans of free labor. Take someone away and everything collapses.

Work is no less effective in saving from suffering than opium, but no one prohibits it.

It's amazing how having a family can turn a workaholic into a slacker.

What attracted me to a career as a writer? No paperwork.

Your exciting career is unlikely to keep you warm on a cold night.

My work may not have a goal, but I do have one.

In an effort to do as much as possible, I do it not for myself, but for the future generation.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The more I earn, the poorer my life becomes - Frederic Beigbeder

Nothing irritates me more than the sight of people sitting around doing nothing while I'm working - D. Jerome

I'm too energetic to work - Marcel Achard

The work we do willingly cures pains - William Shakespeare

Each employee strives to reach his own level of incompetence, and all useful work committed by those who have not yet reached this level - L. Peter

Work is the last refuge of those who can do nothing else - Oscar Wilde

The decisive role in work is not always played by the material, but always by the master - Maxim Gorky

There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight - Brigitte Bardot

Great joy is work. All the happiness of the earth comes from work! – Valery Bryusov

Work is work, but in this life you also need to do something useful - Henryk Jagodzinski

It is terribly hard work to do nothing - Oscar Wilde

If you are overly zealous in your service, you will lose the favor of the sovereign. If you are too cordial in your friendship, you will lose the favor of your friends - Confucius

The belief that your work is extremely important is a sure sign of an impending nervous breakdown - Bertrand Russell

A man worked smartly, worked and suddenly felt that he had become stupider than his work - Vasily Klyuchevsky

Any employee begins to lose touch five years before reaching retirement age, whatever this age is equal to - S. Parkinson

Seated workers earn more than standing workers - Ogden Nash

The only salvation in mental grief is work - Pyotr Tchaikovsky

The owner's eyes do more work than his hands - Benjamin Franklin

It is not enough to be able to work - you also have to work. It’s not enough to work - you also need to be able to work - Gabriel Laub

I am a firm believer in luck, and I have noticed that the harder I work, the luckier I am - Thomas Jefferson

One machine can do the work of five ordinary people; no machine can do the work of one extraordinary man - Elbert Hubbard

Most people work most of the time to live, and little free time what remains with them worries them so much that they try in every way to get rid of it - Johann Goethe

To earn a living, you have to work. But to get rich, you have to come up with something different - Jean Carr

Every person who does not work is a scoundrel - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Diligent is a characteristic of an employee about whom there is nothing more to say - Pierre Daninos

Middle age is when you're too young to retire and too old to get another job - Lawrence Peter

An ounce of reputation is worth a pound of work - Lawrence Peter

Inspiration comes only while working - Gabriel Marquez

Relaxation of the heart is best ensured by the work of the mind - Gaston Levis

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do - Georges Elgozy

Work is what a person is obliged to do, but Play is what he is not obliged to do. Therefore, making artificial flowers or carrying water in a sieve is work, but knocking down pins or climbing Mont Blanc is fun - Mark Twain

To live means to work. Work is the life of man - Voltaire

A scientist is a lazy man who kills time with work - George Shaw

It is not important to be able to work well, it is important to be able to report well - Tristan Bernard

When you work, you do the best you can - Jean Rostand

Currently, those who do the hardest work are paid the least; those whose work is easier have greater rewards. However, those who do nothing get the most - George Shaw

If everything seems easy, this unmistakably proves that the worker has very little skill and that the work is beyond his understanding - Leonardo da Vinci

Retirement: rest forced on you when all you can do is work - Georges Elgozy

Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life. Work is a unique form of love - Marilyn Monroe

The means that serve to satisfy passions are called abilities, and the use of abilities is the mechanical and spiritual work of a person - V. Weitling

An hour of work will teach more than a day of explanation, for if I occupy a child in a workshop, his hands work in favor of his mind: he becomes a philosopher, considering himself only a craftsman - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Government employee: a worker who hires others to do the work for which he was hired - Herbert Procnow

He who is diligent in service should not be afraid of his ignorance; for he will read every new case

Generations after generations of people work jobs they hate just so they can buy things they don't need - Chuck Palahniuk

There is a time to work and there is a time to love. There is no other time left - Coco Chanel

Friends help us live and prevent us from working - Tadeusz Kotarbiński

Work fills all the time allotted to it - Cyril Parkinson

What a genius fears most is work - it turns him into talent - Georges Elgozy

The hardest part of the job is deciding to start it - Gabriel Laub

Work is sometimes something like fishing in places where there are obviously no fish - J. Renard

The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any admixture or disgust, is, in a healthy state, rest after work - Immanuel Kant

Better a belly from beer than a hump from work - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Work is my first pleasure - Wolfgang Mozart

If you work for the present, your work will come out insignificant; one must work with only the future in mind - Anton Chekhov

When all you think about is how to make money, it’s hard work. A person little by little, without noticing it, loses himself - Haruki Murakami

Never start working before breakfast; and if you still have to start working before breakfast, eat breakfast first - Henry Shaw

Usually those who are best at working are also best at not working - Georges Elgozy

Serve your boss? No, excuse me. And he was fired - Emil Krotky

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, want - Voltaire

The most unfortunate of men is the one for whom there is no work in the world - Thomas Carlyle

The work we love raises us up early, and we take it up with joy - William Shakespeare

The best workers are not suitable for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles - Gaston Levis

If you always do tomorrow's work today, the last day of your life will be completely free - Ashley Brilliant

Force your own work; Don't wait for her to force you - Benjamin Franklin

People with clean hands are often best suited for dirty work - Janusz Wasilkowski

I would like death to find me working in the field - Michel Montaigne

The unemployed are unhappy without work, the employed are unhappy because there is too much of it - Frederic Beigbeder

Any man can do any job, provided it is not undertaken now - Robert Benchley

God was pleased with his work, that's what's terrible - Samuel Butler

The army is a bad school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretends that their work is permanent - D. Shaw

Who you can laugh with, you can work with - Robert Orben

He who does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets - E. Hubbard

If before work you still look at women, but after work you no longer do, then the work completely satisfies you.

When the working day comes, PANTS, COATS, BOOTS wander along the city sidewalks... And people... SLEEPING INSIDE...

The working day is in full swing, I crawled out the next morning to the Iceberg shopping center to get my clothes and, already returning back with a full package of all sorts of nonsense, I came across the boss. Well, he wasn’t coming from the bank either!!

Cool! You can pay for electricity online. For an apartment - also online. For Internet and telephone also on-line. Salaries also come online. Beauty!!! I wish I could go to work online. It would be absolutely beautiful!!!

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Leave me to work, I’m sad, we haven’t received any money for our work for a long time... we’ve long been forgotten about our salary and advance, or maybe somewhere out there we’ve been “slaughtered”

I'm tired and want to go to my arms, but what kind of arms do I want to go to the Maldives?

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

A professional is someone who can get the job done right the highest level, even if he doesn’t want to do it now.© Alistair Cook.

Born to go shopping, but forced to go to work.

(T) Somehow I was languishing, languishing without work and overtired!

So that our salaries don’t seem so small and are enough for more, we just need to make the months shorter

Vacation is when you buy shorts and flip-flops, not wallpaper and laminate.

Women will understand me. To say about a housewife: “She sits at home, she is UNEMPLOYED” is simply blasphemous!

Work is not a wolf, a wolf can’t fuck up like that!

If the boss forgot your name, it means he doesn’t hold a grudge against you.

The New Year doesn’t make me happy at all, I’m just looking forward to all these phrases, like you photographed us last year, but there are still no photos.

Doing bullshit in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing, reaction and alertness in general.

So Sunday comes to me and says: there is no time to explain - tomorrow is Monday.

Do we hold labor in high esteem? There's a question mark here! Zeal has not been valued in the country for a long time. Whoever earned a lot more than the boss is the first candidate for dismissal...

You need to get out of vacation, just like from a binge, gradually.

Comrade! Keep your nerves in check! When you come to work, don’t freak out! If you fulfilled the plan, send everyone to the village. If you didn’t fulfill it, screw them.

I'm hiding under a yellow basin. You can't see me, no??

There was a safety briefing at work. It turns out that sitting at a computer can cause you to get a burn or a blow. electric shock, head injury, poisoning and even drowning! I won't go to work anymore.

The boss returned from vacation tanned. And now he looks even more like shit!

Not caring is our profession!

If you do everything right, then everyone around you will doubt that you are doing anything at all.

Such an adult, but has not yet decided what profession he will be unemployed in.

Passat in crisis

Our boss says that he feels like a reindeer herder... But I would rather call him the main reindeer...

We plow and plow, we don’t have the right to allow ourselves a smoke break and come to our senses... or maybe a little thought will allow each of us to kill the horse within ourselves.

Mmm, I want it, such a long-awaited... vacation!

Yesterday they wanted to lay me off. But hearing me scream... “Hurray! Finally! Show me this loser who will do my job!”, the boss for some reason changed his mind.

I miss my old job. - where did you work before? - Nowhere.

I came to work. She looked in the mirror, combed her hair, and winked. That's it, the fun is over. For the rest, there was no need to come.

Take the example of Lenin: Krupskaya said that he was going to his mistress, he said to his mistress that Krupskaya demanded to be at home. And he goes to the library and works. work, work...

The Paris-Dakar distance is bullshit! The Advance-Salary distance is a test!

Anyone who doesn't work has a successful marriage.

I have a clinic for expectant mothers near my work. So pregnant women constantly walk past the windows, maybe it’s strange, but over the past two months almost the entire staff has laughed. and why do you think???)))

You are of course a good guy, but there is no such position in the company!!!

If before work you look at women, but after work you don’t, then the work completely satisfies you...

I want to sleep in the morning, eat during the day, rest in the evening... Damn, I don’t have time to work...

If you don’t do a damn thing, then nothing will happen... I sit and don’t do a damn thing... Why do I need all sorts of trouble?

Eternity is the time from the beginning of the working day to its end. A moment is 28 calendar days of vacation.

At work: before lunch you want to eat, after lunch you want to sleep. And all the time I feel like it’s time to go home!

If you are considered a young, promising employee, then you are doing more work for a small salary!

If you work hard 8 hours a day, you can become a boss and work 12 hours a day.

A friend who has achieved power is a lost friend

I work, I work, I’m not afraid of work, if my right side gets tired, I’ll turn to my left!

You need to come to work either on time or every day.