The role of business communication in people's lives. Business professional communication: basics and rules

St. Petersburg State

University of Culture and Arts

Faculty of Cultural Studies and Arts

Correspondence department

Department of Social and Cultural Activities


on speech culture

"The culture of business communication: levels and rules."

Completed by a student of group 177

Polushkina P.A.


Kaminskaya N.D.

Saint Petersburg


I. Business communication culture

1.3 Types of business communication………………………………………………………10

II. Business communication as a set of levels and rules

2.3 The role of business communication in people’s lives………17


List of references……………………………………………………………..19

Appendix 1


"It is not possible for us to predict

How our word will respond,

And we are given sympathy,

How grace is given to us"

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Most mass appearance communication between people in society - business communication. Almost all things begin, are carried out and are completed with the help of verbal interactions between people. One cannot do without them in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, and administrative relations. In the life of any organization or enterprise, these types of business communication occupy an important place. Exchange of information, putting forward and developing working ideas, monitoring, coordinating the activities of employees, summing up and assessing what has been achieved - these are just some of the aspects of the organization’s activities that are associated with business communication. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a business person: manager, employee and leader at all levels. To achieve high performance in any form commercial activities it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, levels and principles of business communication.

Business communication is the most important type relationships with other people. One of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people’s actions. When communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. Depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he takes them into account in communication, he can make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even impossible.

Currently, it is especially important for the head of any enterprise to ensure the success of some business, to create conditions for the cooperation of people in order to achieve goals that are significant to them, to promote the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, partners, rivals and rivals. It is knowledge of the culture and characteristics of business communication that contributes to the good implementation of these plans of the manager and greatly facilitates the solution of many professional issues. The effectiveness of negotiations and the moral and psychological climate in the organization depend on how well the communication is structured. All business problems are in one way or another connected with the culture of business communication - the process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, feelings, and bringing them to the understanding of other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.

In this work I will try to reveal such basic concepts as: the culture of business communication, features, types of business communication and its role in life. modern man, and also consider the leading rules and levels of communication between people in business environment.

II. Business communication culture

Communication culture – the most important condition its effectiveness. Speech culture is the most important component of the culture of speech communication. The modern understanding of the culture of communication includes in this concept the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms, the differentiation of norms for the use of language in spheres and forms. It is easy and pleasant to talk to a person of high speech culture. If this is a business person, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influence his interlocutors, he can draw up or edit a document himself, write a thank you note or a presentation speech. And these are the most important components of the professional appearance of a business person.

Correct speech is the basis of the culture of business communication. It is very important to know the rules literary language a person whose daily practice is business communication. A person with a low level of speech culture, who cannot express his thoughts clearly, and who makes mistakes in speech, is doomed to communication failures. Literacy in in a broad sense This word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication. It is especially important for a manager, executive, or municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and the characteristics of oral speech. A high culture of business communication for a manager or leader is manifested in respect for the interlocutor, no matter what social position he occupies, in the desire to help him, in the mood for cooperation. It is also important for a specialist manager to choose from a rich arsenal speech means business writing necessary to compose a text, conduct a business conversation and convince oneself that one is right.

If a person first of all knows how to listen to his interlocutor in the process of communication, and at the same time competently expresses his thoughts in good level language, without slang, one can say about such a person that he fully masters the culture of communication. One of the important parts of communication culture is speech. It is clear that every person would be pleased to hear expressions that only evoke positive emotions. But due to the saving of time and the desire of the language also to save, we limit ourselves to short greetings and stingy compliments. Exists large number books and articles that give us the opportunity to learn about the rules good manners, about our behavior in public places. The totality of all these rules of behavior and verbal treatment during everyday life and forms what is called a culture of communication, which includes not only verbal forms of expressing politeness and sympathy. All words and actions must not conflict with appearance a person, his clothing, general appearance. The culture of communication between people will not be fully respected if, despite all the correctness and politeness of their behavior, these rules are not observed. That is, it is necessary that the appearance of those communicating with each other is adequate to the situation. “They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds,” says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word “intelligence” means the ability to communicate and get along with people. Words spoken at the right time and at the right time were called “golden” by the people.

Thus, the culture of communication is the use of means and capabilities of language that are adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while respecting language norms. It promotes the establishment and development of cooperative and partnership relationships between colleagues, managers and subordinates, largely determining their effectiveness: whether these relationships will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or will become meaningless, or even cease altogether, if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

One of the central components of the activity of a human manager is business communication. A conversation between employees of one organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside of work.

Business communication is an interaction between people that is subordinated to a specific task (industrial, scientific, commercial), that is, the goal of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to person-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants). Mutual understanding, coordination of actions and clarity of priorities that arise among subjects engaged in a common cause depend on the quality of business communication.

Enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as individuals, enter into business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people involved in management, then communicative competence for representatives of these professions it represents the most important part of their professional activities. Business communication usually refers to the process of verbal interaction between two or more persons in which activities, information and experience are exchanged that involve achieving a certain result or solving a specific problem. This definition is quite broad, since it includes such activities as learning (common goals and achieving a certain result), labor relations(peer colleague), interview, public speaking, exam, consultation. IN lately in connection with the development information technology and expanding the boundaries of the communication space, as well as the growing role of business in public life any country business style constantly and willingly expands the scope of its functioning. A conversation between employees of the same organization serving a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between these people outside of work.

Specific features of business communication in an organization are:

· Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication and the implementation of contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and responsibilities that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.” The exchange of information between employees is not personal in nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.

· Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. The consequence of this principle for speech communication is, firstly, the active use of verbal social-symbolic means of demonstration social status participants in business communication, secondly, the problem of transmitting information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback. The effectiveness of horizontal communication (between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly; they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task. The effectiveness of vertical communication (up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. Only 20-25% of information emanating from senior management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. On the path of information passing from the speaker to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, and assistants. When transmitted from one level to another, oral messages can be shortened, edited, or distorted before they reach the recipient. Another reason causing low efficiency vertical communication is associated with the belief of managers that subordinates do not need to know about the state of affairs, they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, fulfill decisions made and don’t ask unnecessary questions. But, as psychology has established, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the operation he is performing, but also sees the broader context in which it is embedded. If specific performers are deprived of this kind of information, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting the available information. The desire to take into account these features of business communication is manifested in the requirement for written recording of instructions, decisions, orders, in the recognition of business communication as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.

· The need for special efforts to stimulate labor, which is explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in the organization. Human nature is incompatible with the brutal hierarchical structure and formalization of organizational processes, so management actions are required to satisfy the psychological and emotional needs of workers. Maintaining their interest in the work being done, creating an effect.

1.3. Main types of business communication

Based on the method of information exchange, a distinction is made between oral and written business communication. Oral species business communication, in turn, are divided into monological and dialogical.

Monologue types include: Welcome speech; Sales speech (advertising); Information speech; Report (at a meeting, meeting).

Dialogue types: Business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic; Business conversation- continuous exchange of information and points of view, often accompanied by decision-making; Negotiations - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue; Interview - a conversation with a journalist intended for print, radio, television; Discussion; Meeting (meeting); Press conference; Contact business conversation is a direct, “live” dialogue; Telephone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.

In direct contact and direct conversation highest value have oral and non-verbal communication. Talking or sending messages over the telephone are the most common forms of communication, their

is distinguished by direct contact and a wide variety of communication methods, which makes it possible to easily combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of any message (see Appendix 1).

Written types of business communication include numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, report and explanatory note, act, statement, agreement, charter, regulation, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney.

Motivational (exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs); - Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills);

By means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types: Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.; Indirect - associated with the use of special means and tools;

Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of communicating people by each other in the very act of communication;

Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, who can be other people.

Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and social communication are becoming an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise today largely depends on the ability to present one’s position in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the “readable” monologue speech, the practice of business communication increasingly includes prepared but “unreadable” monologue speech (presentation speech, ceremonial speech, opening remarks at various meetings), congratulatory letters, etiquette toasts.

Ownership of all the listed genres and types of business communication included professional competence modern leader and manager.

II. Business communication as a set of levels and rules

2.1 Rules of business communication

The culture of business communication is based on the rules, levels and norms of behavior of partners that promote the development of cooperation and strengthen the essential basis business relations. The meaning of these rules and levels is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about one’s intentions and actions, to exclude deception and disorientation of the partner.

In the process of business communication, its participants exchange information, which is transmitted in the form management decisions, plans, ideas, reports, reports, messages. The exchange of interests, moods, and feelings is no less important. In this case, business communication appears as a communicative process, that is, as an exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. All these features of business communication largely explain the nature of the rules for speech communication in the business environment, which are formulated:

1. Be clear about the purpose of your message.

2. Make the message clear and understandable different groups workers: find specific illustrations general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.

3. Keep your messages as short and concise as possible, avoid unnecessary information, and draw the attention of employees only to those problems that specifically concern them.

4. When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.

The ability to communicate and correctly express one’s thoughts is one of the basic principles of success in any business of a modern person. This can easily be attributed to different areas of life.

There are several rules of business communication that help a person in his professional activities as a manager.

1- Never start a conversation with business proposals. First try to make friends with the person, get into conversation and find out his interests and inclinations. Only after you get to know the person better, after he himself has shared his problems, start a conversation about how your offer, product or service can help him solve these problems.

2.- Avoid giving direct advice. It is advisable to avoid giving your ready-made solutions to other people's problems in a direct manner. Very few people are ready to learn from other people’s mistakes and are able to openly accept someone else’s life experience. Express your point of view gently and unobtrusively, constantly emphasizing that this is just your vision of the topic and your personal experience. Show your awareness and competence in the topic under discussion and make the person ask you for help and advice.

3.- Use the style of indirect questions. Such questions can put a person in an awkward position and often, one such question can end the entire conversation, making a person not a friend, but an enemy. Any direct question is an attempt to forcefully extract all the ins and outs of a person. The interlocutor must be brought to this point gradually so that he himself makes the decision to discuss his problems or difficulties.

4. - Encourage independent thinking about the problem. This rule helps stimulate active conversation. There is no need to provide ready-made solutions on this or that topic. It is necessary to let a person think, so that he can think for himself and come to some conclusion, and then express this thought. You can use speech patterns: “What do you think?”; "What do you think about this?"; "How do you see this question?" It is important not to forget about your unobtrusiveness and your role as a friend. If the thought expressed seems stupid, do not rush to tell the person about it and show your superiority over him.

5. - An important rule that helps in successful business communication. It is necessary to allow the interlocutor to independently determine the direction in which he would like to move. The main task of a manager in business communication is to do everything to ensure that his interlocutor independently, during the conversation, shows his problems and accepts your offer as the most profitable.

6. – It is necessary to use verbal locks, that is, if the person - the interlocutor is ready to perceive information about a business, product or service, then it is worth bringing down a stream of sentences on him softly and smoothly, using reinforcing verbal locks like: “So, after all?”; "Am I speaking correctly?"; "Really?" This allows you to actively manage the process good understanding and remembering information.

7. – You should add a little humor and wit to the conversation! If there is some tension in the conversation, it is worth telling some kind of joke on the topic or transforming the problem into a joke!

2.2. Levels of business communication

Business communication can occur at various levels. These include:

· Manipulative - the level that consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, tries to evoke sympathy and pity from the partner.

· Primitive - the level when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a constant communicator, and the other is a constant recipient).

· The highest is the social level when, regardless of social role or status, partners treat each other as equal individuals.

According to the degree of compliance with formal regulatory requirements in the Russian tradition of business communication, three levels of formality are distinguished:

1. Official communication – involves strict compliance with all requirements established by the regulations and etiquette standards of communication;

It includes all genres of protocol collegial communication: meetings, meetings, boards of directors. Business negotiations As a universal genre of intersubjective relations, they most clearly represent the zone of official communication, since they proceed within the framework of these requirements.

2. Semi-formal communication – regulatory requirements are reduced, but not cancelled;

This includes communication in work collective– small social group. This is communication between people who have known each other for a long time and communicate constantly. Such communication cannot but be personally oriented, friendly, moving from the You-communication zone to the You-communication zone.

3. Informal communication - presented in the form of restrictions,

providing only basic communicative prohibitions of social communication. This communication takes place in an informal setting (restaurant, club, banquet hall). It takes place at informal events (presentation, anniversary, corporate party, field trip). In terms of compliance with etiquette requirements and communication characteristics, informal communication is equal to secular communication. There are a number of characteristics of such communication:

· Personal focus,

· Free choice of topics and order of their discussion within the framework of ordinary social communication,

Minimization professional orientation speech, expressed in the discussion of technical and procedural issues,

· Possibility, with the consent of the interlocutor, to move into the You-communication zone.

Informal communication does not solve the pragmatic problems of business communication, but is the most important tool in creating and maintaining business contacts, developing personal connections, which are difficult to overestimate in modern activities human manager.

2.3 The role of business communication in people’s lives

The role of business communication in our lives is extremely great. In and through communication, a person masters the structure and organization of society, social norms behavior, accepted forms of communication, language, culture. All these are components of human socialization. Through means of communication, society reproduces and organizes itself in all forms. Development of norms of interaction, rules governing labor activity, social roles, realized in family communication - all this is the result of business communication and forms of social interaction.

Business communication promotes the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and rivals. It presupposes such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals and the satisfaction of personal interests.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that mastering business communication skills is necessary for future business people: managers, economists and others. It's not as simple as it seems, but it's not difficult either. These skills can play an important role in the future when concluding a deal or signing a contract. Therefore, I believe that we all still have a lot to learn in order not to get lost in our professional activities in the future.


In the process of writing this test work I have read quite a lot of literature on speech culture and business communication. I realized that the culture of business communication is one of the main forces of a person’s self-identification in modern society. Being a Russian person means not only speaking Russian, but also speaking Russian correctly, always remembering the existing norms and rules of communication. Russian culture of business communication is one of the components national culture, which takes on the main burden of preserving the Russian ethnic group and statehood. Both the revival and legislative consolidation of the norms and rules of business communication should become priority state and society in modern times when a significant part of the population is increasingly involved in economic activity and needs to increase its business potential and communication culture in general. Business relationships develop mainly in small group, of which a specific individual is a member. The people around him play a huge role in the formation of the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, and the ability to analyze them is the most important part of an individual’s life. When writing this test, I paid attention to the existing levels and rules that are directly related to the practice of business communication between people and play a huge role in building effective business relationships between people in modern society. They help a person not only better understand himself, his inner world: social attitudes, stereotypes, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control your emotions, adequately understand other people, but also allow you to better understand your interlocutor, create a situation of business communication with him that would most fruitfully contribute to his cultural and business development.

List of sources used.

L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva – Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”,

2. Goykhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.I., Speech communication: Textbook / ed.

prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. – M.:INFRA-I, 2001.

4. Koltunova M.V. Business communication: Norms, rhetoric, etiquette: Textbook.

Benefit. – Ed. second, additional – M.: Logos, 2005.

5. Koltunova M.V. Language and business communication: norms, rhetoric, etiquette. M.:

"Economic Literature", 2002.

6. Lavrinenko V.N. - Psychology and ethics of business communication - “Unity”. -

7. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook / ed. Prof. V.I. Maksimova.

2nd ed., stereotypical. - M.: Gardariki, 2004.

8. Rytchenko T.A., Tatarkova N.V. - Psychology of business relationships –

MGUESI, M., 2001.

9. Sidorova M.Yu., Savelyev V.S., Russian language and culture of speech. Well

lectures for students of non-philological universities. M.: Project, 2002.

10. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. - M., 1989.

Forms of business communication are quite diverse in modern social life. Both in business and commercial relations Both business entities of certain forms of ownership and ordinary citizens join.

Business communication: topics for discussion

Modern social and economic conditions have prompted citizens to engage in organizational and commercial activities. This circumstance brings to the fore the need to teach various linguistic forms of business speech. In this case, we are talking about the need to increase the competence of individuals in terms of linguistics.

Competence in this area of ​​communication is directly related to success or failure in any business (for example, science, manufacturing, art or trade). As for people who work in the field of management (managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers), forms of business communication for such professionals are an important component of their professionalism.

Thus, business communication is the most widespread type of social communication. It is represented by the sphere of administrative-legal, commercial, diplomatic and economic-legal relations.

The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently draft the text of a document, and the ability to manage paperwork are important components of the professionalism of a person who has to make decisions.

Remote (sending by mail or fax, as well as telephone conversation) is mediated communication. Its main difference from contact is the presence of increased attention to the intonation of interlocutors during oral communication. Also characteristic features This type of communication is brevity and regulation, the impossibility of using various gestures as a carrier of information.

Business communication tools

The culture of speech and business communication quite successfully uses genre varieties oral and written communication. At the same time, the written variety of speech is also represented by other documents that record social and legal relations (contracts, agreements, agreements and other related documents). Oral speech, with the help of which the norms of business communication are implemented, is represented by meetings, business negotiations and consultations. And meetings and conferences - special kind protocol communications, where monologues predominate, which do not have a written nature. Also monologue business speech can exist simultaneously in oral and written forms.

Areas of business communication

The scope of modern business communication is expanding significantly. So, its constituent parts are: advertising and social communication. At the same time, the success of any business entity depends on the ability to present its positions in a favorable light, creating the interest of any partner, which will contribute to the formation of a favorable impression.

Thus, in addition to the usual monologue speech, prepared and unreadable speech in the form of presentations is quite actively included in business communication. opening remarks at official meetings. This also includes etiquette texts and congratulatory letters.

"It is not possible for us to predict
How our word will respond,
- And we are given sympathy,
How grace is given to us"
Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The most widespread type of communication between people in society is business communication. Almost all things begin, are carried out and are completed with the help of verbal interactions between people. One cannot do without them in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, and administrative relations. In the life of any organization or enterprise, these types of business communication occupy an important place. Exchange of information, putting forward and developing working ideas, monitoring, coordinating the activities of employees, summing up and assessing what has been achieved - these are just some of the aspects of the organization’s activities that are associated with business communication. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a business person: manager, employee and leader at all levels. To achieve high performance in any type of commercial activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, levels and principles of business communication.
Business communication is the most important type of relationship with other people. One of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the rightness and wrongness of people’s actions. When communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. Depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he takes them into account in communication, he can make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even impossible.
Currently, it is especially important for the head of any enterprise to ensure the success of some business, to create conditions for the cooperation of people in order to achieve goals that are significant to them, to promote the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, partners, rivals and rivals. It is knowledge of the culture and characteristics of business communication that contributes to the good implementation of these plans of the manager and greatly facilitates the solution of many professional issues. The effectiveness of negotiations and the moral and psychological climate in the organization depend on how well the communication is structured. All business problems are in one way or another connected with the culture of business communication - the process of transmitting ideas, thoughts, feelings, and bringing them to the understanding of other people. Managers spend an average of 80% of their time on various types of communication.
In this work, I will try to reveal such basic concepts as: the culture of business communication, features, types of business communication and its role in the life of a modern person, as well as consider the leading rules and levels of communication between people in a business environment.

Business communication culture

1.1 Culture of communication and correctness of speech.

The culture of communication is the most important condition for its effectiveness. Speech culture is the most important component of the culture of speech communication. The modern understanding of the culture of communication includes in this concept the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms, the differentiation of norms for the use of language in spheres and forms. It is easy and pleasant to talk to a person of high speech culture. If this is a business person, he succeeds in various contacts and negotiations, he manages to convince people that he is right and influence his interlocutors, he can draw up or edit a document himself, write a thank you note or a presentation speech. And these are the most important components of the professional appearance of a business person.
Correct speech is the basis of the culture of business communication. It is very important to master the norms of the literary language for a person whose daily practice is business communication. A person with a low level of speech culture, who cannot clearly express his thoughts, and who makes mistakes in speech, is doomed to communication failures. Literacy in the broad sense of the word is an indispensable condition for success in business communication. It is especially important for a manager, executive, or municipal employee to imagine the normative aspect of the language of documents and the characteristics of oral speech. A high culture of business communication for a manager or leader is manifested in respect for the interlocutor, no matter what social position he occupies, in the desire to help him, in the mood for cooperation. It is also important for a specialist manager to choose from a rich arsenal of speech means of business writing necessary for composing a text, conducting a business conversation and convincing him that he is right.
If a person first of all knows how to listen to his interlocutor in the process of communication, and at the same time competently expresses his thoughts at a good level of language, without slang we can say about such a person that he fully masters the culture of communication. One of the important parts of communication culture is speech. It is clear that every person would be pleased to hear expressions that evoke only positive emotions. But due to the saving of time and the desire of the language also to save, we limit ourselves to short greetings and stingy compliments. There are a large number of books and articles that give us the opportunity to learn about the rules of good manners and our behavior in public places. The totality of all these rules of behavior and verbal treatment during everyday life forms what is called a culture of communication, which includes not only verbal forms of expressing politeness and sympathy. All words and actions should not conflict with a person’s appearance, his clothing, or general appearance. The culture of communication between people will not be fully respected if, despite all the correctness and politeness of their behavior, these rules are not observed. That is, it is necessary that the appearance of those communicating with each other is adequate to the situation. “You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind,” says Russian folk wisdom. Moreover, the word “intelligence” means the ability to communicate and get along with people. Words spoken at the right time and at the right time were called “golden” by the people.
Thus, the culture of communication is the use of the means and capabilities of language that are adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while observing language norms. It promotes the establishment and development of cooperative and partnership relationships between colleagues, managers and subordinates, largely determining their effectiveness: whether these relationships will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or will become meaningless, or even cease altogether, if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

1.2 Business communication. Features of business communication

One of the central components of a manager’s activity is business communication. A conversation between employees of the same organization discussing a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between the same people outside of work.
Business communication is an interaction between people that is subordinated to a specific task (industrial, scientific, commercial), that is, the goal of business interaction lies outside the communication process (in contrast to person-oriented communication, the subject of which is precisely the nature of the relationship between its participants). Mutual understanding, coordination of actions and clarity of priorities that arise among subjects engaged in a common cause depend on the quality of business communication.
Enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as individuals, enter into business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people involved in management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional activity. Business communication usually refers to the process of verbal interaction between two or more persons in which activities, information and experience are exchanged that involve achieving a certain result or solving a specific problem. This definition is quite broad, since it includes such activities as training (common goals and achieving a certain result), labor relations (colleague-colleague), interview, public speaking, exam, consultation. Recently, due to the development of information technology and the expansion of the boundaries of the communication space, as well as the growing role of business in the public life of any country, the business style is constantly and willingly expanding the scope of its functioning. A conversation between employees of the same organization serving a business issue, or a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, is fundamentally different from conversations between these people outside of work.
Specific features of business communication in an organization are:
Quite strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods of making contacts between employees, which is explained by the fact that each employee in the organization is normatively assigned a standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and responsibilities that he must follow. Therefore, psychologically, business communication turns out to be largely formalized, distant, and “cold.” The exchange of information between employees is not personal in nature, but is subordinated primarily to the joint solution of an official task.
Hierarchical structure of the organization: relationships of subordination, dependence, and inequality are established between departments and employees. The consequence of this principle for speech communication is, firstly, the active use of verbal socio-symbolic means of demonstrating social status by participants in business communication, and secondly, the problem of transmitting information along the links of the hierarchical pyramid and, accordingly, the effectiveness of feedback. The effectiveness of horizontal communication (between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is very high. People working at the same level understand each other perfectly; they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task. The effectiveness of vertical communication (up and down hierarchical levels) is much lower. Only 20-25% of information emanating from senior management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them. On the path of information passing from the speaker to the addressee in any hierarchically organized management there are intermediary links. Intermediaries can be line managers, secretaries, and assistants. When transmitted from one level to another, oral messages can be shortened, edited, or distorted before they reach the recipient. Another reason causing the low effectiveness of vertical communication is related to the belief of managers that subordinates do not need to know about the state of affairs; they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, carry out the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions. But, as psychology has established, a person will act meaningfully if he knows not only the operation he is performing, but also sees the broader context in which it is embedded. If specific performers are deprived of this kind of information, they begin to look for answers on their own, while distorting the available information. The desire to take into account these features of business communication is manifested in the requirement for written recording of instructions, decisions, orders, in the recognition of business communication as the most important means of increasing the effectiveness of feedback in the organization.
The need for special efforts to stimulate labor, which is explained by the objective inconsistency of a person’s behavior and self-perception in the organization. Human nature is incompatible with the brutal hierarchical structure and formalization of organizational processes, so management actions are required to satisfy the psychological and emotional needs of workers. Maintaining their interest in the work being done, creating an effect.

1.3. Main types of business communication

Based on the method of information exchange, a distinction is made between oral and written business communication. Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monological and dialogical.
Monologue types include: Welcome speech; Sales speech (advertising); Information speech; Report (at a meeting, meeting).
Dialogue types: Business conversation - short-term contact, mainly on one topic; Business conversation - a long exchange of information and points of view, often accompanied by decision-making; Negotiations - discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue; Interview - a conversation with a journalist intended for print, radio, television; Discussion; Meeting (meeting); Press conference; Contact business conversation is a direct, “live” dialogue; Telephone conversation (distant), excluding non-verbal communication.
In direct contact and direct conversation, oral and nonverbal communications are of greatest importance. Conversation or sending messages by telephone are the most common forms of communication; they are distinguished by direct contact and a wide variety of communication methods, which makes it possible to easily combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of any message (see Appendix 1).
Written types of business communication are numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, report and explanatory note, act, statement, agreement, charter, regulation, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney.
In terms of content, communication can be divided into: - Material (exchange of objects and products of activity); - Cognitive (knowledge sharing);
- Motivational (exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs); - Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills);
By means of communication, it is possible to divide into the following four types: Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.; Indirect - associated with the use of special means and tools;
Direct - involves personal contacts and direct perception of communicating people by each other in the very act of communication;

Indirect - carried out through intermediaries, who can be other people.
Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising and social communication are becoming an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise today largely depends on the ability to present one’s position in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the “readable” monologue speech, the practice of business communication increasingly includes prepared but “unreadable” monologue speech (presentation speech, ceremonial speech, opening remarks at various meetings), congratulatory letters, etiquette toasts.
Mastery of all the listed genres and types of business communication is included in the professional competence of a modern leader and manager.

Business communication as a set of levels and rules

2.1 Rules of business communication

The culture of business communication is based on the rules, levels and norms of behavior of partners that promote the development of cooperation and strengthen the essential basis of business relations. The meaning of these rules and levels is to strengthen mutual trust, constantly inform the partner about one’s intentions and actions, to exclude deception and disorientation of the partner.
In the process of business communication, its participants exchange information, which is transmitted in the form of management decisions, plans, ideas, reports, reports, messages. The exchange of interests, moods, and feelings is no less important. In this case, business communication appears as a communicative process, that is, as an exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication. All these features of business communication largely explain the nature of the rules for speech communication in the business environment, which are formulated:

1. Be clear about the purpose of your message.
2. Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups of workers: find specific illustrations of general concepts, develop the general idea using vivid examples.
3. Keep your messages as short and concise as possible, avoid unnecessary information, and draw the attention of employees only to those problems that specifically concern them.
4. When talking with employees, follow the rules of active listening, show them signals of your understanding and readiness for joint action.
The ability to communicate and correctly express one’s thoughts is one of the basic principles of success in any business of a modern person. This can easily be attributed to different areas of life.
There are several rules of business communication that help a person in his professional activities as a manager.
1 - Never start a conversation with business proposals. First try to make friends with the person, get into conversation and find out his interests and inclinations. Only after you get to know the person better, after he himself has shared his problems, start a conversation about how your offer, product or service can help him solve these problems.
2. - Avoid giving direct advice. It is advisable to avoid giving your ready-made solutions to other people's problems in a direct form. Very few people are willing to learn from other people's mistakes and are able to openly perceive other people's life experiences. Express your point of view gently and unobtrusively, constantly emphasizing that this is just your vision of the topic and your personal experience. Show your awareness and competence in the topic under discussion and make the person ask you for help and advice.
3. - Use the style of indirect questions. Such questions can put a person in an awkward position and often, one such question can end the entire conversation, making a person not a friend, but an enemy. Any direct question is an attempt to forcefully extract all the ins and outs of a person. The interlocutor must be brought to this point gradually so that he himself makes the decision to discuss his problems or difficulties.
4. - Encourage independent thinking about the problem. This rule helps stimulate active conversation. There is no need to provide ready-made solutions on this or that topic. It is necessary to let a person think, so that he can think for himself and come to some conclusion, and then express this thought. You can use speech patterns: “What do you think?”; "What do you think about this?"; "How do you see this question?" It is important not to forget about your unobtrusiveness and your role as a friend. If the thought expressed seems stupid, do not rush to tell the person about it and show your superiority over him.
5. - An important rule that helps in successful business communication. It is necessary to allow the interlocutor to independently determine the direction in which he would like to move. The main task of a manager in business communication is to do everything to ensure that his interlocutor independently, during the conversation, shows his problems and accepts your offer as the most profitable.
6. – It is necessary to use verbal locks, that is, if the person - the interlocutor is ready to perceive information about a business, product or service, then it is worth bringing down a stream of sentences on him softly and smoothly, using reinforcing verbal locks like: “So, after all?”; "Am I speaking correctly?"; "Really?" In this way, you can actively manage the process of good understanding and memorization of information.
7. – You should add a little humor and wit to the conversation! If there is some tension in the conversation, it is worth telling some kind of joke on the topic or transforming the problem into a joke!

2.2 Levels of business communication

Business communication can occur at various levels. These include:
Manipulative - the level that consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, tries to evoke sympathy and pity from the partner.
Primitive - the level when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a constant communicator, and the other is a constant recipient).
The highest is that social level when, regardless of social role or status, partners treat each other as equal individuals.
According to the degree of compliance with formal regulatory requirements in the Russian tradition of business communication, three levels of formality are distinguished:
Official communication – involves strict compliance with all requirements established by the regulations and etiquette standards of communication;
It includes all genres of protocol collegial communication: meetings, meetings, boards of directors. Business negotiations, as a universal genre of intersubjective relations, most clearly represent the zone of official communication, since they proceed within the framework of these requirements.
Semi-formal communication – regulatory requirements have been reduced, but not eliminated;
This includes communication in the work collective – a small social group. This is communication between people who have known each other for a long time and communicate constantly. Such communication cannot but be personally oriented, friendly, moving from the You-communication zone to the You-communication zone.
Informal communication is presented in the form of restrictions that provide only the basic communicative prohibitions of social communication. This communication takes place in an informal setting (restaurant, club, banquet hall). It takes place at informal events (presentation, anniversary, corporate party, field trip). In terms of compliance with etiquette requirements and communication characteristics, informal communication is equal to secular communication. There are a number of characteristics of such communication:
Personal focus,
Free choice of topics and order of their discussion within the framework of ordinary social communication,
Minimization of the professional orientation of speech, expressed in the discussion of technical and procedural issues,
The ability, with the consent of the interlocutor, to move into the You-communication zone.
Informal communication does not solve the pragmatic problems of business communication, but is the most important tool in creating and maintaining business contacts, developing personal connections, which are difficult to overestimate in the modern activities of a human manager.

2.3 The role of business communication in people’s lives

The role of business communication in our lives is extremely great. In and through communication, a person masters the structure and organization of society, social norms of behavior, accepted forms of communication, language, and culture. All these are components of human socialization. Through means of communication, society reproduces and organizes itself in all forms. The development of norms of interaction, rules governing work activity, social roles implemented in family communication - all this is the result of business communication and forms of social interaction.
Business communication promotes the establishment and development of cooperative relationships and partnerships between work colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and rivals. It presupposes such ways of achieving common goals that not only do not exclude, but, on the contrary, also imply the achievement of personally significant goals and the satisfaction of personal interests.
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that mastering business communication skills is necessary for future business people: managers, economists and others. It's not as simple as it seems, but it's not difficult either. These skills can play an important role in the future when concluding a deal or signing a contract. Therefore, I believe that we all still have a lot to learn in order not to get lost in our professional activities in the future.


In the process of writing this test, I read quite a lot of literature on speech culture and business communication. I realized that the culture of business communication is one of the main forces of human self-identification in modern society. Being a Russian person means not only speaking Russian, but also speaking Russian correctly, always remembering the existing norms and rules of communication. The Russian culture of business communication is one of the components of the national culture, which bears the brunt of preserving the Russian ethnicity and statehood. Both the revival and legislative consolidation of the norms and rules of business communication should become a priority task of the state and society in modern times, when a significant part of the population is increasingly involved in economic activity and needs to increase its business potential and the culture of communication in general. Business relationships develop mainly in a small group, of which a specific individual is a member. The people around him play a huge role in the formation of the values ​​of any person, and knowledge of the socio-psychological laws of life, groups, and the ability to analyze them is the most important part of an individual’s life. When writing this test, I paid attention to the existing levels and rules that are directly related to the practice of business communication between people and play a huge role in building effective business relationships between people in modern society. They help a person not only better understand himself, his inner world: social attitudes, stereotypes, communication style, the ability to listen effectively, control his emotions, adequately understand other people, but also allow him to better understand his interlocutor, create such a situation of business communication with him, which would most fruitfully contribute to its cultural and business development.

1. Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. A manual for universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva - Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2001.
2. Goykhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.I., Speech communication: Textbook / ed. prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. – M.:INFRA-I, 2001.

Posture, gestures, signs of attention shown to a business partner are important and carry a semantic load. Even silence is part of interaction. Businessmen do not forget that they are communicating with partners, even if the topic of conversation shifts to an area not related to business.

Rules of communication

The more competent a person behaves in a professional environment, the better others treat him.

5 rules of communication in a business environment:

  • Focus on mutual understanding

Business communication has the goal of finding a compromise. It is customary to be ready and open to perceive and exchange information with a partner. It was unethical to provoke the interlocutor into conflict or avoid contact. Attention, respect and interest in the interlocutor’s speech is expressed in glances, gestures, and the ability to listen without interrupting.

  • Speech should be clear, intelligible, unhurried and non-monotonic.

In general, any extremes in speech should be avoided. When a person speaks too quietly, indistinctly, quickly or, conversely, too slowly, his speech is difficult to perceive, becomes incomprehensible and unpleasant.

In addition, if the subject speaks moderately loudly and extremely clearly, his partners get the idea that he is a mature person and a confident person.

  • Thoughtfulness of speech

The speech must be composed, or better yet, written down. Before starting a conversation, business people note for themselves topics and issues that require discussion. A report or public speech is built according to plan, the introduction, the main part and final conclusions, and results are written.

  • Ability to ask both open and closed questions

The answer will depend on how the question is asked. If the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, the interlocutor will have to answer clearly; if the question remains open, he will have the opportunity to express his point of view. Questions that are too direct or tactless should be avoided.

  • Unacceptability of long phrases and complex sentences. Short, meaningful phrases save time and simplify the perception of information.

Compliance with all the principles and rules may seem problematic, but difficulties are overcome by working on oneself. The ability to communicate in a business environment comes with experience in business interaction.

Language of communication in the business environment

The concept of "language" is used to refer to the system of signs through which people think and speak. It is also a way of expressing a person's self-awareness.

The language of business communication is an official business style of speech intended for communicative interaction in a professional business environment, as well as other related areas.

Business language is a system of communication in oral and written form that regulates working relationships.

The official style of writing has the following features:

  • concise presentation of information;
  • strictly required form;
  • special terminology, cliches, clericalism;
  • narrative nature of written speech;
  • almost complete absence of emotionally expressive means of speech.

Business oral speech has three components:

  • content component (characterized by clarity and logic);
  • expressive component (characterizes the emotional side of information);
  • incentive component (recognized to influence the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor).

The language of business communication of the subject of interaction is assessed according to the following indicators:

In a professional environment, it is customary to adhere to etiquette, general standards of morality and ethics.

Business communication is based on the following moral standards:

  • honesty;
  • decency;
  • justice;
  • responsibility.

But the concept of business communication also includes the psychological aspect of interpersonal relationships. They can not only be neutral-friendly, but also have the nature of fierce competition and struggle.

Business communication is not only the ability to speak, look and conduct business well, but also the ability to build interpersonal relationships.

Overcoming communication difficulties

Even if you follow all the rules of business communication, you may encounter the following psychological barriers:

  1. Barrier to motivation. When the interlocutor is simply not interested in the subject of conversation and it is impossible to interest him. Such a barrier is an indicator that one partner treats the other not as an individual, but as a means to achieve a goal.
  2. Moral barrier. When the interlocutor turns out to be an unscrupulous, dishonest, person prone to deception. He uses business communication as a way to hide his malicious intent. The better the immoral intent is “disguised” behind the ability to speak and behave beautifully, the more difficult it is to overcome this barrier.
  3. Barrier of emotions. Negative emotions, feelings, thoughts towards your interlocutor do not allow you to build a harmonious relationship. Business communication will be useless and ineffective if partners treat each other poorly.

To overcome the difficulties of business interaction and win over your interlocutor, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Calling by name

Such treatment is a sign of respect and attentive attitude. All people love to hear their name and perceive information better when spoken immediately after it.

  • Smile

It is not always appropriate. More often important issues require concentration and seriousness, which is naturally expressed in restrained facial expressions. But a smile is a means that evokes sympathy and a willingness to make contact.

  • Compliments

Kind and unobtrusive pleasant words will brighten up any communication, especially strictly business ones. It is customary to give sincere but reserved compliments.

  • Attention to personality

When communicating on business topics, one should not forget that its subjects are people with their own characteristics. Everyone and everyone likes to be listened to carefully, interested in them, supported and respected.

  • Honesty and integrity

Concealment or distortion of information sooner or later becomes clear, and once a damaged reputation and lost trust are difficult to regain.

You can learn the basics of business communication on your own or gain the necessary knowledge in educational institutions, courses or seminars.

The art of communication in a professional environment is learned in practice when an individual begins to act and behave as an honest, reliable and cultured person, and a professional in his field.

An important component of the success of any enterprise is the ability of employees to communicate competently with clients and partners. It is known that business communication skills determine the success of negotiations. In addition, the ability of managers to establish contact with customers determines whether customers will be satisfied with the cooperation and whether they will contact this company again.

What determines the quality of business communication?

Business communication, like any other, includes two components. The first is verbal signals, that is, speech. It can be written and oral. The second component of any communication is called non-verbal and includes facial expressions, gestures, and intonations.

Many people know the fact that during a personal conversation, only 15% of the information we receive is from listening to the words of the interlocutor. The remaining 85% are non-verbal signals that convey the emotional state of the interlocutor. For example, the word “yes” can be said with different intonation and facial expressions, and its meaning can change to almost the opposite.

Therefore, in business communication, you need to pay attention to both the meaning of what is said and non-verbal signals. At the same time, the speech itself, of course, must be literate and understandable, in addition, it must comply with certain rules accepted in the business environment.

Rules of business etiquette

Taking into account the norms of etiquette in communication, any person will feel confident in the most difficult negotiations. After all, etiquette was created so that people understand each other and recognize “their own” in any environment.

So, what rules must be followed in business communication?

  • Appeal

It is advisable to address a person by his first name and patronymic and by “you”. If you don’t know the person’s name, you will have to use the impersonal “you” or find out their name correctly. For example, ask: “Excuse me, how can I contact you?”

The use of such addresses as “girl”, “young man”, and even more so “man” or “woman” is not allowed. In modern Russian there is no fixed form of impersonal address, so saying “sir” or “madam” is also unacceptable.

In some formal situations, you may address the person as “Mr. Ivanov,” which is a polite form and emphasizes distance.

  • Greetings

The most correct thing to do when meeting is to wish good afternoon or good morning. It must be remembered that the morning lasts from 6 o'clock to noon, the day from 12.00 to 18.00, and the evening ends at midnight. Also, at any time you can limit yourself to a polite “hello.”

  • Apologies

Situations often arise when it is necessary to apologize. In this case, it is worth remembering that the Russian language does not have the word “I apologize.” You can construct a phrase this way: “We apologize to you...” or “I apologize for...”.

The apology must be correct and without excessive emotional overtones.

  • Request

Sometimes people, trying to be polite, begin a request with the particle “not.” For example: “Could you…” This phrase, although constructed competently, is not entirely justified from a psychological point of view. You initially specify in the structure of the phrase the possibility of refusal in direct or indirect form. It is better to use the following expressions: “May I ask you,” “Be kind,” “Please.”

  • Communication distance

During personal communication, it is necessary to maintain a minimum distance, especially when talking with unfamiliar people. Agree, if someone comes close to you, it is unpleasant, but too much distance from the interlocutor also causes discomfort.

The optimal distance is considered to be no less than 60 cm, but no more than two meters.

Positive Communication

The success of negotiations depends, among other things, on the ability to resolve disputes and conflict situations. In order to reduce the likelihood of business contradictions escalating into conflict, you need to follow simple rules.

Firstly, always listen carefully to your communication partner, to facilitate mutual understanding, ask clarifying questions, repeat in your own words what was said if you are not sure that you understood the interlocutor correctly.

Secondly, during the conversation, avoid using the words “no” and the particle “not”. The refusal must be formulated in the form of an alternative proposal. This is very important, since direct and sharp refusal always causes negative reaction and can push the interlocutor to respond negatively.

Third, watch your gestures. Avoid movements that could be perceived as aggression (too close a distance, clenched fists). Look your interlocutor in the eyes, try not to cover your face with your hands, as this may indicate insincerity.

If the conflict does flare up, do not be afraid of it. If your interlocutor is caught up in emotions, he will not be able to resolve contradictions; he needs to let off steam. Avoid arguments, wait until your communication partner comes to his senses. Accept important decisions better with a cool head.

Remember that the main thing in business communication is sincere interest in the common cause, and then any, even the most complex negotiations, will be successful.

Especially for Chirkova Natalia