The best authors of all time. The best books by modern writers

A good book is much more than a way to “kill time.” Wanting to get acquainted with unusual worlds, mysterious and strong characters and incredible adventures, the reader should take a closer look at the works of the most popular modern writers. Below are the most striking and famous works of recent decades - top 10 best modern books!

1. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)

Topping our list of the best modern books is Stephen King's science fiction novel 11/22/63. The first publication of the work took place in 2011.

The assassination of J.F. Kennedy was one of the greatest tragedies American society. A popular politician was shot dead during a huge parade in front of thousands of Americans. Could the president have been saved? Surprisingly, the answer to this question remains to be seen to a simple teacher! Jake Epping is an ordinary resident of a small town who works at a school and is not much different from thousands of his fellow citizens. However, by the will of fate, it is he who gets the chance to go through a time portal, which is located in the back room of the cafe of his old friend Al. The owner of the device has long wanted to find Kennedy's killer, but illness has ruined all plans, so Jake must replace him! Go back, straight to the 60s, live there for several years, identify the future executioner and stop him on the day of the terrible tragedy! Will he be able to change the course of history and even go back?

2. American Gods (Neil Gaiman)

American Gods is one of the best modern fantasy books, which was written by English writer Neil Gaiman in 2001.

America. A haven for a huge number of migrants from all over the world. In search of a better life, people went to an unknown continent, hoping to settle there and find long-awaited happiness. However, they did not travel alone: ​​each visiting guest took with them a piece of their native culture. Gods, beliefs, rituals, customs - this is the true baggage of the migrants! Will different deities be able to get along together and what does such a neighborhood promise? Shadow, the main character, recently released from prison, will have to find out. Once free, he finds himself straight into a series of strange events and mysterious crimes that need to be unraveled.

3. The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)

The book by contemporary American writer Khaled Hosseini closes the top three. The work was published in 2003.

What is true friendship? Sometimes adults find it very difficult to answer this question. Much easier for children. Amir and Hassan are two completely different boys who are connected by true friendship. Only one of them is an aristocrat, and the second is a poor servant! People from different social strata they don't pay attention to the differences that are so important to adults. Playing, joking, sharing secrets and impressions, experiencing failures and experiencing grief, the boys gradually grow up, and their friendship only becomes stronger. One day, serious changes are coming to the country that will test their strength and scatter their friends in different directions. Can childhood friendship survive?

4. A Song of Ice and Fire (George Martin)

A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most famous and best modern fantasy books. This is a whole series of works, consisting of five already published volumes. Two more books in the project. The first publication took place in 1996. The book gained particular popularity after the release of the series “Game of Thrones,” based on it, filmed by HBO.

The unique fantasy world is inhabited by far from kind fairies and cheerful gnomes. This is a world of several powerful powers who are desperately fighting for their hearts' content. Their goal is the throne of Westeros. Their means are weapons, intrigues, murders and rebellions. The Palace of Verteros is filled with vile and greedy people who are eager to seize the throne at any cost. There is no longer any place for honesty and nobility here. By arranging serious intrigues and organizing coups, the conspirators will do everything to undermine the situation in the kingdom. However, it is not only them that should be feared, because the cunning rulers of neighboring states are also not averse to snatching the “tasty morsel” during a cruel and blind turmoil! A real war for power is coming, ready to bury the old order forever.

5. The house in which... (Mariam Petrosyan)

“The House in Which...” is an interesting modern science fiction novel by the Armenian writer Mariam Petrosyan, published in 2009.

On the edge of the city there is a boarding house for abandoned children. This old and gray place seems very inhospitable and gloomy, but everything is not so simple... Once inside, a person can discover something new, unusual world in which there is more kindness and light than on the bright city streets. The pupils of the house are divided into groups, each of which has its own leader. There are no first and last names here - only bright nicknames. There is a lot of unknown here and very little that is familiar. These are miniature societies with their vices and virtues. Children learn about the world by growing up, changing and trying to find their place in it.

6. The Book Thief (Markus Zusak)

The Book Thief is a fascinating contemporary novel by an Australian writer, written in 2006.

Liesel Meminger is a little German girl whose childhood fell on a truly monstrous time. In 1939, the Nazi regime reached its peak, exterminating the disobedient and preparing to enslave the world. Horror, murder, robbery and terror became the daily companions of life for those who did not like the new government. After the death of her husband, Frau Meminger moves, trying to find a quieter corner for her daughter. But in vain... Looking around, Liesel sees the chaos going on through the eyes of an innocent child who does not understand this cruel and strange world adults. Growing up quickly, she has to learn and rethink a lot.

7. Gone Girl (Gillian Flynn)

Gone Girl is one of the best modern thriller books. The work was published in 2012 and became the basis for the film of the same name.

How difficult it can be to recognize a person, even if you have lived with him long years! An unusual incident changes the fate of the main character when his wife suddenly disappears. During a wild celebration of their wedding anniversary, a woman mysteriously disappears. The arriving police discover blood and signs of a struggle, deciding that the man killed his wife and hid her body. Now the confused man is left to solve this incredible puzzle himself. Who knows, maybe the solution will be even more monstrous than the disappearance itself...

8. Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)

The novel Cloud Atlas was written in 2004 by an English writer. Its plot is a complex interweaving of stories and destinies that, at first glance, have nothing in common. An American lawyer stuck on a tropical island while a ship is being repaired; a young English musician forced to trade music and body in order to earn a piece of bread; a brave Californian journalist fighting against a powerful corporation; a London publisher facing criminals after the release of another bestseller; a clone from a Korean anti-utopia and a Hawaiian old man watching the decline of human civilization. All events and characters go through a difficult path in different times gradually intertwining together.

9. When I Was Real (Tom McCarthy)

Tom McCarthy's novel “When I Was Real” continues our top 10 best modern books.

A sudden disaster changed the life of a young man, erasing his past. He finds himself in a long coma, from which he, fortunately, manages to get out. But such a long process did not pass without a trace: now he needs to learn to live again. Walk, move, work with your hands and talk. The whole past life comes in the form of vague memories, and the hero endlessly desires to return to his former self. Moreover, a certain large corporation is ready to pay him huge amounts of money in order to keep the cause of the incident secret. How are they connected? What happened that day? And how to become completely the same?

10. Anathem (Neal Stephenson)

And the top ten is completed by the modern science fiction book Anathem, written by American writer Neal Stevenson in 2008.

Arb is a distant and mysterious planet similar to Earth. People who worship science live here. Science, which completely replaced religion and managed to split society into two irreconcilable camps. The guardians of science are monks who were once scientists. They once worked and created for the benefit of progress, but their work led to something terrible. Now the monks live in the monastery, closed off from the outside, secular world. Their life is simple, calm and measured, but once every ten years a special date comes - a day when the two sides can change places. The monks will see external world, A secular people will be able to join the monastic life and worldview. One day, such a change led to terrifying consequences, and now the two sides must unite to prevent the impending disaster!

The best books are a relative concept. good printed edition at the moment - this is a work that brings a person comfort, advice, knowledge, wisdom, vivid impressions. Thus, the determining factor is whether the book satisfies the needs of a particular reader.

For some people, only specialized literature is valuable: documentary, scientific, technical, medical, industrial. But this is rather food for thought. However, most readers are still interested in fiction books. They are the ones who contribute to the formation of a spiritual image. They will be discussed in this article.

A fiction book is a unique invention. A galaxy of thinkers from different times and eras trusted paper with their hopes, observations, understanding of truth, life, and humanity. It’s wonderful when created by these authors vivid images together with deep and unique quotes (sometimes decades ago, and sometimes centuries ago) illuminate the lives of our contemporaries!

The role of the Russian Book of the Year competition

The current one in Russia is unusually fruitful and has character traits, inherent in decadence:

Send literary process in a constructive direction, to avoid erosion of the national and to stimulate truly talented beginnings in it is an extremely important task of modern Russian culture. An indicator of the success of the books written by our contemporaries are the annual national competitions of the “Book of the Year” type. They are organized with the aim of stimulating both writers and publishing houses.

For example, in Russian competition 2014, traditionally held in mid-September, 150 publishing houses participated, submitting more than half a thousand books to the competition. Winners were announced in 8 categories:

  • prose works - the novel “The Abode” (Zakhar Prilepin);
  • poetic work - translation of Shakespeare's "King Lear" (Gigory Kruzhkov);
  • fiction for children - the story “Where is the cock's horse galloping?” (Svetlana Lavava);
  • art book - “Kargopol Journey” (prepared by the local architectural and art museum);
  • Humanitas nomination - artistic and documentary album “Lermontov” (State Archive of Arts and Literature);
  • e-book - media project « Yasnaya Polyana" and "Yaroslavl Temples" (project bureau "Sputnik");
  • nomination “Printed in Russia” - album “Branch. Book culture";
  • the main prize of the “Book of the Year 2014” competition is the three-volume “Russia in World War I” (a team of 190 researchers from universities, museums, and archives).

To summarize: the objectives of the above-mentioned competition are to improve the status of the book in the current public life; stimulation best authors and publishing houses. Over the sixteen years of its existence, this event has proven in practice its motivating role in the development of Russian literature.

At least, they nominated Russian writers who can rightfully be called classics:

  • 2004, nomination “Prose” - “Sincerely yours, Shurik” (Lyudmila Ulitskaya); nomination “Bestseller” - “Night Watch” (Sergei Lukyanenko);
  • 2005, nomination “Prose” - “Voltairians and Voltairians” (Vasily Aksenov);
  • 2011, nomination “Prose” - “My Lieutenant” (Daniil Ganin).

International book ratings

As we have already mentioned, the best, most popular books, thanks to the thoughts crystallized in them, become real friends, advisers, and joy for their readers. And the authors who wrote them are called classics.

The best books created by talent are studied in schools and universities. educational institutions, they are widely quoted in everyday life.

At the very least, browsing the Internet reveals dozens of variations of the “Top 100 Books.”

Lists like these have some value. Thanks to them, it becomes much easier for a novice reader to find the truly best books to read among tens and hundreds of thousands of works. If a person feels his gaps in knowledge of world culture (an integral part of which is domestic and foreign literature), then such a rating can become a route map.

What direction should you choose for such a landmark? If you are really interested in world literature, then we would recommend using one of the ratings by version:

  • English Broadcasting Company (BBC);
  • The Observer;
  • Union of Writers of Russia;
  • French newspaper Le Monde;
  • American publishing house Modern Library;
  • Norwegian book club.

Certainly, information Agency Each country, listing the best books, tries to give leading places in the compiled lists to fellow countrymen authors. And this is justified. After all, the talents of the recognized classics, who created their masterpieces from the times of the ancient world to the present day, are in fact incomparable. Each of them finds a path to the hearts of readers in their own way.

A phenomenon that has come down to us thousands of years later: the literature of the ancient world

The list of books that have come to us through millennia and inherited from other eras is quite limited. However, they also appear in modern ratings. That's why we write about them. Unfortunately, history has not preserved ancient libraries: Gentiles fought with books as well as with enemies. For example, the richest library of Alexandria, containing up to 700,000 papyrus scrolls, was destroyed.

Which books of our classical ancestors should be mentioned first when talking about ancient world? Of course, Publius Virgil Maro, the author of the Aeneid, deserves fame in Latin, and Homer, the author of the Odyssey and Iliad, deserves fame in ancient Greek. Guided by Virgil's theory, the Russian scientist and poet Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov developed a syllabic-tonic system of versification, which served as a launching pad for further development Russian poetry.

However, not only Virgil and Homer are considered ancient classics. Horace, Cicero, and Caesar also wrote in Latin, and Aristotle, Plato, and Aristophanes wrote in ancient Greek. However, it is precisely the two names mentioned earlier that best represent the literature of the ancient world.

Books from Europe during the emergence of capitalism

Foreign literature, of course, is represented by a much richer list of authors than Greece and Ancient Rome. This was facilitated by the rapid development of European states.

France, with its Great Revolution, awakened romantic human aspirations for freedom, equality, and fraternity. In the literature of Germany, which began to create its statehood, in unison with the French, romanticism also prevailed.

In contrast, industrialized, urbanized and politically stable Britain - ruler of the seas - exhibited the most powerful and mature literary process, leaning towards realism.

It is generally accepted that the most famous writers who worked in French at that time were Victor Hugo (“Les Miserables”, “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris") and George Sand ("Consuelo").

However, speaking about the French contribution to world literature, the names of Alexander Dumas the Father should be mentioned (“The Iron Mask”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”), Voltaire (the poem “Agathocles”), Charles Baudelaire (collections of poems “The Parisian Spleen”, “The Flowers of Evil”) , Moliere (“Tartuffe”, “The Tradesman in the Nobility”, “The Miser”), Stendhal (“The Perm Monastery”, “Red and Black”), Balzac (“Gobsek”, “Eugene Gande”, “Godis-Sar”), Prosper Merimee (“Chronicles of the Times of Charles IX”, “Tamango”).

Let us continue the list of romantic books characteristic of early bourgeois Europe by mentioning the works of the Spaniards and Germans. A brilliant representative of Spanish classical literature is Cervantes (“ Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha"). Among the German classics, the most famous were Johann Wolfgang Goethe (“Faust”, “Wild Rose”), Heinrich Heine (“Journey to the Harz”), Friedrich Schiller (“The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa”, “The Robbers”), Franz Kafka (“The Missing Man”) ", "Process").

Romantic adventure books discarded the entourage real life, their plot was based on the actions of exceptional heroes in unusual conditions.

The Rise of British Literature

In the 19th century, British writers were rightfully considered the trendsetters of “book fashion” on the European continent. French authors, initiated by the Great Revolution, were less favored after the collapse of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The British had their own literary tradition. Back in the 14th century, the whole world recognized the genius of William Shakespeare and the innovative social ideas of Thomas More. Developing their literature in the conditions of a stable industrial society, British authors already in the 18th century began an evolutionary transition from the classic chivalric romance (romanticism) to social and psychological works.

More pragmatically than the French, they tried to answer the philosophical question: “What is Man and what is Society?” Such new thinkers were Daniel Defoe (“Robinson Crusoe”) and Jonathan Swift (“Gulliver”). However, at the same time, Britain marked a new direction of romanticism, as demonstrated by George Gordon Byron, author of the works “Don Juan” and “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.”

The literary tradition of realism in the first half of the 19th century was powerfully developed by the following famous writers:

Brilliantly talented (whom F. M. Dostoevsky later called his teacher);

Intellectual to the point of uniqueness, stoically enduring hunger and poverty, Charlotte Bronte, known for the novel “Jane Eyre”;

The creator of the world famous Sherlock Holmes is Arthur Conan Doyle;

Kneeling and persecuted by the corrupt press (“Tess of the Dabervilles”).

Russian golden literature of the 19th century. The biggest names

The classics of Russian literature are associated in the world primarily with the names of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Although in general in the 19th century (which is generally accepted) Russian literature turned into the most vibrant cultural phenomenon global level.

Let us illustrate the above. Tolstoy's style of writing novels has become an undisputed classic. Thus, the American writer Margaret Mitchell wrote her famous epic “ gone With the Wind", imitating the style of Lev Nikolaevich.

The piercing psychologism of the highest standard inherent in Dostoevsky’s work was also generally recognized throughout the world. In particular, the famous scientist Freud argued that no one in the world could tell him anything new about inner world person, no one except Fyodor Mikhailovich.

And Chekhov’s innovation inspired authors to begin writing works based on the world of human feelings. In particular, the venerable British playwright Bernard Shaw recognized himself as his student. Thus, foreign literature in the 19th century received both powerful ideological support and a new vector of development from Russian literature.

A note about literary ratings

The fact remains: among hundreds of the best works, a significant part is occupied by books written in the 19th century. It is these writers who are usually studied in schools, for which inertial and unreasonably stable educational programs have been developed.

Is this fair? Not at all. It is more expedient to change the curriculum, taking into account the tastes of the real advanced reading audience. In our opinion, works of writers of the 20th and 21st centuries should occupy no less a share than the works of the 19th century in the curriculum.

The classics of Russian literature today are not only the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, but also the books of Mikhail Bulgakov, Victor Pelevin. We deliberately express the idea figuratively, mentioning only individual names famous poets and writers.

Raising the topic: “Which books are the best?”, it is reasonable to talk in more detail about the works of the classics of the present and past centuries.

Best book according to the BBC. Critical view

According to the BBC, the first place is occupied by John Ronald Tolkien's novel-trilogy "The Lord of the Rings". Let us pay special attention in this article to this fantasy work. Books with such depth of plot development, based on ancient legends, are very rare.

What motivated the rating experts to give such a high rating? Indeed, the Oxford University professor has done Britain a great service with his fascinating work. Having deeply and comprehensively studied the folklore of Foggy Albion (hitherto scattered and fragmented), figuratively speaking, he unraveled it by thread and wove it into a single concept of the struggle between Good and Evil. It’s not enough to say that he did it with talent. An interesting fact testifies to the uniqueness of the trilogy. One day, an angry scientist colleague came to the author of “The Lord of the Rings” after his lecture and accused the writer of plagiarism.

Modern fiction, perhaps, has never had such associations before. The writer’s opponent turned out to be demonstrative; he brought the confused author of “The Ring” unknown copies of drawings from ancient British chronicles, which seemed to illustrate Tolkien’s work.

It happens! One person managed the impossible - to unite, systematize and, most importantly, presentably present the ancient folklore of his homeland. It is not for nothing that Queen Elizabeth II awarded the writer the honorary title of Knight of Britain.

Some other BBC rated books

  • Children's fantasy trilogy "His Dark Materials" (Philip Pullman).
  • To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee).
  • "1984" (George Orwell).
  • "Rebecca" (Daphne Du Maurier).
  • "The Catcher in the Rye" (Jerome Salinger).
  • "The Great Gatsby" (Francis Fitzgerald).

Opinion of Russian readers

What assessment is given to the fairness of the British rating on Russian book lovers forums? The short answer is: ambiguous.

The work of the writer George Orwell is given a fairly high rating. For many readers, their favorite book has become an exciting novel with an unpredictable plot - “Rebecca”. For children to read, we can recommend the story of the journey of the girl Lyra Belacqua from Oxford through fantasy worlds by Philip Pullman.

However, there are also quite motivated comments. For example, for the domestic sophisticated reader who loves such books-novels as Bulgakov’s realistic-mystical novel “The Master and Margarita”, the work “Doctor Zhivago” from Boris Pasternak, as well as “Picnic by the Road” and “The Doomed City” from the Strugatsky brothers, To put it mildly, the BBC's rating priority criterion is not entirely clear.

Please understand correctly: we are by no means trying to reduce artistic value a number of talented novels like “Catch 22”, “The Great Gatsby”, “The Catcher in the Rye”, when we state the fact: their genre is ideological novel. Can they, objectively speaking, compete with the voluminous and multi-problem work “The Master and Margarita”?

Such novel books, which consistently reveal only one idea of ​​the author, should be rated lower! After all, their depth of meaning is initially limited by design, devoid of volume, multidimensionality. Therefore, in the opinion of our readers, the dubious positioning of novels-ideas in the list of books in positions higher in rating than “War and Peace” or “The Master and Margarita” is completely absurd.

Modern postmodern books

Postmodernist books today are perhaps at the peak of their popularity, since they represent an ideological antithesis to the stagnating society of mass consumption. Contemporary postmodern writers dissect the consumer lifestyle around them, filled with soulless advertising and primitive glossy glamor.

There are such ideological authors even in well-fed America. Italian-born writer Don DeLillo (novels Underworld, White Noise) is recognized in his homeland as a true expert on the problems of consumer society. Another Italian scientist, professor of semiotics at the University of Bologna, Umberto Eco, immerses the reader in such an intellectually rich outline of his work (“Foucault’s Pendulum,” “The Name of the Rose”) that his creations are in demand by an intellectual audience.

Another author demonstrates a softer postmodern. One of the representatives of the Russian modern literature This movement is Boris Akunin. The books of this modern classic (“The Adventures of Erast Fandorin”, “Azazel”, “The Adventures of Sister Pelageya”) are in demand among mass readers and have even been filmed. Many note the strength of the author’s talent, his masterful style, ability to create fascinating stories. In his reasoning, he demonstrates a special personal philosophy of an eastern character.

The latter is especially noticeable in his “Jade Rosary” and “Diamond Chariot”.

It is noteworthy that, captivating the reader detective stories, occurring in the general outline historical events Russia, does not avoid the problems of poverty, corruption and theft modern classic Akunin. His books, however, are not kept within the strict framework of a historical plot. In the West, this genre of prose is called folk-history.

The chronological point that defines the start of the concept of “modern Russian literature" is 1991. Since that time, hitherto closed works by sixties authors have become available to the general public:

  • “Sandro from Chegem” by Fazil Iskander.
  • “Island of Crimea” by Vasily Aksenov.
  • “Live and Remember” by Valentin Rasputin.

Following them, modern writers came into literature, whose worldview was initiated by perestroika. In addition to the above-mentioned Boris Akunin, other Russian literary stars of the first magnitude shone brightly: Viktor Pelevin (“Numbers”, “The Life of Insects”, “Chapaev and Emptiness”, “T”, “Empire V”) and Lyudmila Ulitskaya (“The Case of Kukotsky ", "Sincerely yours, Shurik", "Medea and her children").

Modern fantasy books

Perhaps the remake was a sign of the era of decadence romantic genre, reborn in the form of fantasy. Just look at the phenomenon of popularity of the series of novels about Harry Potter by JK Rowling! This is really so: everything is returning to normal, romanticism is regaining lost ground from realism!

No matter how much they say that realism once (in the 30s of the 20th century) crushed romanticism to death, no matter how much its crisis is hidden, but it is again on horseback! It's hard not to notice. Let us remember just one of classical definitions given literary style: “Exceptional heroes act in extraordinary situations.” Isn't that last statement in keeping with the spirit of fantasy?! What else can I add...

  • “Night Watch”, “Day Watch” (Sergei Lukyanenko).
  • “Forbidden Reality”, “Gospel of the Beast”, “Catharsis” (Vasily Golovachev).
  • The cycle of novels “The Secret City”, the cycle “Enclaves” (Vadim Panov).

Let us also recall the popularity in Russia of the fantasy series “The Witcher” by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. In a word, adventure books are now again in favor with readers.

Looking through the forums of domestic readers, we discovered that among the outstanding writers of the 20th century, non-European and non-American books are much less often mentioned. However, among them there are some very bright and talented works:

  • “One Hundred Years of Solitude” (Colombian Marquez).
  • “Woman in the Sands” (Japanese Abe Kobo).
  • “Waiting for the Barbarians” (South African John Coetzee).


Bottomless fiction! The average person, unfortunately, a priori will not be able to read the books of its authors (meaning the best ones) throughout his life. Therefore, navigation in the boundless book “sea” is extremely important. “Why do you need to read this purposefully?” - an uninitiated person will ask...

We will answer: “Yes, to decorate your life, to make real friends! After all, books are advisers, inspirers, and comforters.

In conclusion, we note that if in the future you are lucky enough to find at least a dozen books, each of which, like a tuning fork, will ideally suit you, your soul in a certain life situation, then we will consider that it was not in vain that we worked on this article. Happy reading!

“As the classics teach”, “I’ll go read the classics” - these phrases can be heard in everyday speech. However, it is unlikely that we fully understand which writers have the right to be included in the golden fund of fine literature, and what this phenomenon generally represents - the classics of world literature. This article will answer such questions.

Terminology problems

It is quite difficult to outline the concept of classical, because this definition is used in the most different meanings. For the average native speaker, it is akin to an ideal, a standard, something to strive for. However, it would not be an exaggeration to say that in relation to literature, the framework of these parameters is flexible and changes depending on a particular era. Thus, for Corneille and Racine, the classics of world literature are, first of all, works of Antiquity, while the Middle Ages did not welcome them at all. And in early XIX centuries, there were even those who liked to claim that all the best in Russia had already been written. Agree: to fans of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, such hypotheses seem extremely ridiculous.

A different point of view

Also under " classical literature“Sometimes they understand works created before modernism. Although now this view can be considered somewhat outdated, since the novels of Kafka, Joyce and Proust, the paintings of Dali and Malevich have long since become the golden fund of art, weeding out less talented contemporaries.

At the same time, despite historical modifications, the classics of world literature remain timeless, universal and talented. Even after hundreds of years, humanity turns to the works of Shakespeare, Goethe or Pushkin, interpreting them in various discourses. This becomes possible due to the depth of their content and relevance for everyone.

So, to summarize: what does classical literature include? whose works are still read today.

Are classical and “high” literature the same thing?

The division of literature into three “floors” - high, fiction and mass - appeared relatively recently. More precisely, when entertaining books began to be created specifically for the average reader. The classics of world literature largely correspond to “high” works. They are intellectual and require significant work on the part of the reader and his experience. However, the term “classical” is also applied to samples of so-called mass literature, albeit with a slightly different meaning. An example of this is the detective stories of Agatha Christie and the fantasy of Tolkien. When their fans claim that this is a classic of world literature, they mean that “Ten Little Indians” or “The Lord of the Rings” served as a successful model for subsequent writers who worked within these genres. It is difficult to judge how much the named works will remain in the memory of readers; literary criticism does not give an exact answer to this question.

List of world classics

It has already become traditional to compile ratings of books that are required reading for those who want to be considered a truly educated person. These lists open with the works of ancient Greek and Roman authors: Homer (Iliad), Aeschylus (Prometheus Bound) and Virgil (Aeneid). These works have the unconditional right to bear the honorary title of “classics of world literature.” became the cradle of the creativity of J. Chaucer and F. Villon, as well as an endless number literary monuments without an author.

The Renaissance gave us creators eternal images- Shakespeare and Cervantes. However, we must also remember Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Francois Rabelais and some others. The 17th century was marked by baroque (Pedro Calderon, Gongora) and classicist (Racine, Corneille, Moliere) art. Then came the enrichment of literature with the names of Voltaire, Rousseau, Goethe and Schiller.

The 19th century opens up the romantic works of Byron, Scott, Hoffmann, Hugo, and Poe. Somewhere in the middle of the century, romanticism gave way to the novels of Stendhal, Balzac, and Dickens.

The turn of the century is distinguished by the emergence of the first modernist movements - symbolism (Verlaine, Rimbaud, Wilde), naturalism (Zola) and impressionism. At the same time, the so-called new drama (Ibsen, Shaw, Maeterlinck), which seeks to completely rethink outdated dramatic techniques, is gaining popularity. The twentieth century enriched literature with the modernist novel (mentioned Kafka, Proust and Joyce), a large number avant-garde movements- surrealism, dadaism, expressionism. The second half of the last century was marked by the work of Brecht, Camus, Hemingway and Marquez. We can also talk about modern postmodern works that have become classical (Pavic, Süskind).

Russian classic writers

Russian classics are, of course, a separate conversation. The 19th and 20th centuries revealed the names of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Fet, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Blok, Gorky, Yesenin, Bulgakov, Sholokhov... From their works the classics of Russian and world literature are formed.

With the passing of Ray Bradbury, the world's literary Olympus has become noticeably more empty. Let's remember the most outstanding writers from among our contemporaries - those who still live and create to the delight of their readers. If someone is not on the list, please add in the comments!

1. Gabriel José de la Concordia "Gabo" García Márquez(b. March 6, 1927, Aracataca, Colombia) - famous Colombian prose writer, journalist, publisher and politician; winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1982. Representative literary direction"magical realism". His novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien años de soledad, 1967) brought him worldwide fame.

2. Umberto Eco(b. January 5, 1932, Alessandria, Italy) - Italian scientist-philosopher, medievalist historian, semiotics specialist, literary critic, writer. The most famous novels are The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum.

3. Otfried Preusler(b. October 20, 1923) - German children's writer, by nationality - Lusatian (Lusatian Serb). The most famous works: “Little Baba Yaga”, “Little Ghost”, “Little Waterman” and “Krabat, or Legends of the Old Mill”.

4. Boris Lvovich Vasiliev(born May 21, 1924) - Soviet and Russian writer. Author of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” (1969), the novel “Not on the Lists” (1974), etc.

5. Ion Druta(b. 09/03/1928) - Moldavian and Russian writer and playwright.

6. Fazil Abdulovich Iskander(03/06/1929, Sukhum, Abkhazia, USSR) - an outstanding Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet of Abkhaz origin.

7. Daniil Alexandrovich Granin(b. January 1, 1919, Volsk, Saratov province, according to other sources - Volyn, Kursk region) - Russian writer and public figure. Knight of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), President of the Society of Friends of the Russian national library; Chairman of the Board of the International charitable foundation them. D. S. Likhacheva.

8. Milan Kundera(b. April 1, 1929) is a modern Czech prose writer who has lived in France since 1975. He writes in both Czech and French.

9. Thomas Tranströmer(b. April 15, 1931 in Stockholm) is the largest Swedish poet of the 20th century. Winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature "for the way his brief, translucent images give us a renewed view of reality."

10. Max Gallo(b. January 7, 1932, Nice) - French writer, historian and politician. Member of the French Academy

11. Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa(b. 03/28/1936) - Peruvian-Spanish prose writer and playwright, publicist, politician, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature.

12. Terry Pratchett(b. April 28, 1948) - popular English writer. The most popular is his satirical fantasy series about the Discworld. The total circulation of his books is about 50 million copies.

13. Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev(b. 03/15/1924) - Russian Soviet writer. Author of the novel “Hot Snow”, the story “Battalions Ask for Fire”, etc.

14. Stephen Edwin King(b. September 21, 1947, Portland, Maine, USA) - American writer, working in a variety of genres, including horror, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, drama.

15. Victor Olegovich Pelevin(born November 22, 1962, Moscow) - Russian writer. The most famous works: “The Life of Insects”, “Chapaev and Emptiness”, “Generation “P””

16. Joan Rowling(b. July 31, 1965, Yate, Gloucestershire, England) is a British writer, author of the Harry Potter series of novels, translated into more than 65 languages ​​and sold (as of 2008) more than 400 million copies.

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By Russian classical literature we mean the works of classics: writers who are not only exemplary, but also who have become symbols of Russian culture. Only that person who knows classical works, appreciates their merits, feels their inner beauty can be considered truly educated. Today you will find out by opinion women's magazine Charla.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Brothers Karamazov”

"The Brothers Karamazov" was conceived as the first part of the novel “The Life of a Great Sinner.” The first sketches were made in 1878, the novel was completed in 1880. However, Dostoevsky did not have time to complete his plans: the writer died a few months after the publication of the book. Most of The Brothers Karamazov was written in Staraya Russa, the prototype of Skotoprigonyevsk, where the main action takes place.

Perhaps this novel can be considered the most complex and controversial work of the great Russian writer. Critics have dubbed it an “intellectual detective story,” and many call it the best work about the mysterious Russian soul. This is the last and one of the most famous novels Dostoevsky, it was filmed both here and in the West, where, by the way, this work is held in special esteem. What is this novel about? Each reader answers this question differently. The author himself defined his great creation as “a novel about blasphemy and its refutation.” One thing is certain, this is one of the deepest philosophical works world literature about sin, mercy, the eternal struggle taking place in the human soul.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Idiot"- Dostoevsky's fifth novel. Published from 1868 to 1869 in the Russian Messenger magazine. This novel occupies a special place in the writer’s work: it is considered one of Dostoevsky’s most mysterious works. Main character books - Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, whom the author himself called a “positively wonderful” person, the embodiment of Christian goodness and virtue. Having spent most of his life in seclusion, Prince Myshkin decided to go out into the world, but he did not know what cruelty, hypocrisy, and greed he would have to face: for his unselfishness, honesty, philanthropy and kindness, the prince was contemptuously nicknamed “idiot”...

10 best books of Russian literature: “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy

Epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" about the times of two wars against Napoleon - 1805 and 1812 - one of the most famous works of not only Russian, but also world literature. This book is one of the eternal classics, because it reveals with deep skill the main components of human life: war and peace, life and death, love and betrayal, courage and cowardice. Greatest epic work has had tremendous success all over the world: the book has been filmed several times, plays and operas have been staged based on it. The novel consists of four parts, the first part was published in 1865 in the Russian Messenger.

The tragic novel about the love of married Anna Karenina for the handsome officer Vronsky is one of greatest masterpieces Russian literature, relevant today. “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” - these lines are familiar to every person.

"Anna Karenina"- a complex, deep, psychologically sophisticated work that captures the reader from the first lines and does not let go until the end. The novel by the brilliant psychologist Tolstoy captivates with its absolute artistic authenticity and dramatic narrative, forcing the reader to watch intensely how the relationships will develop between Anna Karenina and Vronsky, Levin and Kitty. It is not surprising that this book captivated not only Russian readers, but also Europe and America.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov

Bulgakov wrote this brilliant novel over the course of eleven years, constantly changing and adding to the text. However, Bulgakov never managed to see it published: a full thirty years passed before one of the greatest works of Russian prose of the twentieth century was allowed to be published. "Master and Margarita"- the most mysterious and mystical novel in Russian literature. This book has received worldwide recognition: many countries around the world are trying to comprehend its secrets.

10 best books of Russian literature: “Dead Souls” by Nikolai Gogol

Gogol's immortal work "Dead Souls" about human tricks and weaknesses should definitely be in your home library. Gogol showed very clearly and colorfully human souls: after all " dead Souls“- these are not only those that Chichikov bought, but also the souls of living people, buried under their petty interests.

The novel was originally conceived in three volumes. The first volume was published in 1842. However further events have a mystical connotation: having finished the second volume, Gogol completely burned it - only a few chapters remained in drafts. And ten days after that the writer died...

10 best books of Russian literature: “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Pasternak

"Doctor Zhivago"- the pinnacle of Pasternak’s creativity as a prose writer. The writer created his novel over ten years from 1945 to 1955. This is a sincere and poignant love story against the backdrop of chaos. Civil War, which is accompanied by poems by the main character - Yuri Zhivago. These poems, written by Pasternak in different periods his life reveals in the best possible way the unique facets of the author’s poetic talent. For Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak received the Nobel Prize on October 23, 1958. But in the writer’s homeland, unfortunately, the novel became the cause of a huge scandal, and the book was banned for many years. Pasternak was one of the few who defended freedom of speech to the end. Perhaps this is what cost him his life...

10 best books of Russian literature: collection of stories “Dark Alleys” by Ivan Bunin

Stories « Dark alleys» - frank, sincere, exquisitely sensual stories about love. Perhaps these stories can be considered best example Russian love prose. Nobel Prize Laureate, brilliant writer was one of the few authors of his time (the stories were written in 1938) who spoke so openly, sincerely and beautifully about the relationship between a man and a woman, about beautiful love that can last a lifetime... “Dark Alleys” will definitely appeal to all women and girls as some of the most poignant stories about love.

10 best books of Russian literature: “Quiet Don” by Mikhail Sholokhov

Epic novel « Quiet Don» in four volumes was published in 1940 in Roman-Gazeta. This is one of the largest works of Russian literature, which brought Mikhail Sholokhov world fame. Moreover, in 1965 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize “For artistic power and the integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia.” This is a grand novel about fate Don Cossacks, a fascinating saga about love, devotion, betrayal and hatred. A book about which controversy continues to this day: some literary scholars believe that the authorship does not actually belong to Sholokhov. In any case, this work deserves to be read.

10 best books of Russian literature: “The Gulag Archipelago” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Another Nobel Prize winner, classic Russian literature, outstanding writer 20th century - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of the world-famous documentary epic "GULAG Archipelago", which tells about repressions in Soviet years. This is more than a book: it is a whole study based on the author’s personal experience (Solzhenitsyn himself was a victim of repression), documents and testimonies of many eyewitnesses. This is a book about suffering, tears, blood. But at the same time, it shows that a person can always remain human under the most difficult circumstances.

Of course, this is not a complete list of outstanding books of Russian literature. Nevertheless, these are books that every person who appreciates and honors Russian culture should know.

Alisa Terentyeva