Competitions for corporate parties: cool, funny, cheerful, outdoors, summer, at the table, New Year's, sports. Competitions for corporate parties: what they should be like for the holiday to leave a lasting impression

What should corporate events be like? Of course, cheerful, bright, memorable and clearly not boring for everyone present. After all, this is not just a general gathering of employees where everyone talks about work. Not all people are so sociable as to create a festive mood from scratch, to communicate with anyone and on any topic. Therefore, organizers must know how to entertain guests at a corporate party, and be able to do it. Otherwise, the evening will turn out to be useless, and it is unlikely that anyone will speak positively about it the next day.

How to entertain guests at a corporate party?

Games and competitions are the most impressive events of the evening, which delight guests, bring them closer together and add special warmth and fun to the celebration, so they must be included in the scenario for the corporate party. A boss and a subordinate become friends, employees of “warring” departments can compete in various categories skills, and shy employees get the opportunity to finally open up to the society around them.

To organize competitions or games, you definitely need an incendiary presenter, because it is he who must liberate all those present. It is also important to choose the right entertainment and musical accompaniment.

Competitions and games without interruption from the feast

Drinking, snacking and chatting - it seems that this is already a good set of activities for the holiday. And games during the feast will help you not slow down good mood throughout the party.


You can play with any number of participants – at least 100 people. Each volunteer needs to tell about some pleasant, funny event related to the company. It is advisable that the “shelf life” of memories does not exceed one season or year. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the game. The employee with the best memory and the longest memory will win a prize.

What if...

The participants are at the table. Each of them is given the opportunity to cope with difficult situations. The winner is determined by the volume of applause.

For example, if only managers decided to participate in the game, situations could be like this:

  • What if all wages Did you leave your subordinates in the casino?
  • What to do if all your subordinates agreed and decided to quit?

If these are not superiors, but subordinates, then:

  • What to do if the elevator in which you were traveling with the general director of the company got stuck?
  • What to do if your pet has breakfast important documents, which the director is impatiently waiting for?

Fun auction

This auction can be considered one of the most exciting competitions for a feast. It is usually carried out in intervals from dance to dance. The presenter calls everyone to their attention, selects participants and shows them the lots, packaged in such a way that it is impossible to guess the contents. To entertain those watching, the toastmaster comically describes the purpose of the lot being played.

In the auction, participants offer real money; the initial cost of the lots is very low. The game is played according to the rules of a regular auction.

It is best to alternate funny and valuable lots in order to increase public interest.

Successfully purchased items are usually unwrapped in front of everyone right before delivery.

Example descriptions:

  • Any feast without her, dear, is not joyful. (Salt);
  • Something sticky, on a stick... (Lollipop in a huge box);
  • It's small but stretches well when needed. ( Balloon in oblong packaging);
  • Long, green and cool... (Bottle of champagne);
  • An attribute without which a person will not be civilized. (Toilet paper);
  • Exercise machine for the most visible part of the body. (Lemon).

Fun outside the table

Some people prefer to take an active part in games, others prefer to watch the actions of the former. To satisfy all those present, there are entertainment events organized outside the table.

All of us have...

The toastmaster gathers the participants in a circle and says: “Do you all have legs?” After this phrase, each participant must take the neighbor on the right by the left leg, and in rhyme with the question, everyone answers the leader in chorus: “Each of us has legs.” In this case, the players walk clockwise in a round dance.

Then the host’s next question: “Do you all have necks?” And the players repeat the actions, but now with the necks of their comrades. During the game, almost all body parts are listed, while the players, grabbing the announced part and shouting in chorus “Everyone has...”, march in a circle.

The intimacy of the said body parts depends on how relaxed the audience and the players themselves are, and on the imagination of the conductor. For example, shoulders (left or right), knee, back, ears, elbows, nose, waist, etc. are listed.

Outlandish sculpture competition

Team competition. You can group teams by recruiting employees by department or separately for men and women (3-4 people each). Each group must construct balloons and tape a certain figure. For example, ladies should glue sexy man or an ideal manager, and gentlemen - a chic woman or a dream secretary. The team whose work is the best in the audience's opinion will receive a prize.

The balloons may already be inflated so as not to delay the competition. Also, their quantity should be sufficient to create a “masterpiece” without restrictions. I wonder when the balls are used different forms and sizes.

Outdoor entertainment

Showing agility, speed, desire to win and having a lot of fun - this is the main goal of outdoor games. All it takes is a combination of fun ideas and sports competitions.

Dancing on an ice floe

Perhaps this is the most popular of all paired outdoor games and competitions for parties. Each pair of participants is given an unfolded sheet of newspaper on which to dance. If one of the pair steps on the floor behind the newspaper, and the toastmaster notices this, the participants are eliminated. Gradually the size of the “island” decreases, making any movements becomes more and more difficult. This continues until the last couple remaining, who receives a prize.

Clothespin detectors

Several couples are invited (it doesn’t matter JM, MM or LJ), everyone’s eyes are covered with a blindfold. Then several ordinary clothespins are attached to the clothes of one of the couple. At the toastmaster’s command, the second partner begins to look for and remove all the clothespins from the first. The couple that completes the task the fastest wins the competition and receives a small prize.

Spicy games

Blushing and giggling with embarrassment is fun. You can verify this during games with light erotic overtones.

Erotic train

The presenter invites part of the company to stand outside the door for a while. From there, one “car” will be called at a time (in the order “female-male”). Every new person who comes in sees this sight: in the middle of the room there is a column of people depicting a train. The presenter says: “This is an erotic train. The train is leaving." After these words, the column starts, imitating the movement of a train (as best they can), and makes a small circle in the room. The presenter at the appropriate moment announces: “Station (such and such),” and the train immediately stops. Here the first “car” turns to the second, smacks it, the second - the third, and so on in order until the very end of the train.

The new entrant is invited to attach himself at the end. And the presenter announces: “The train is starting to move.” The happy train is rushing along. Again the words of the presenter: “Stop...” and as already happened: the first one smacks the second one, the second one kisses the third one. But now, when it comes to passing the smack to the last one, the second to last one, for no apparent reason, makes an absurd grimace and, as if dumbfounded, rushes at the last one with screams and screams. And he, naturally, in unexpected disappointment, begins to sharpen his grudge against the new guy, who is called after this.

Cycle of matches

A group of participants forms a circle, with ladies and gentlemen alternating. One of the participants is given a match with the head cut off. He must take it with his lips and pass it to the lips of another person. The action continues until the match has completed one round. Once the full circle has been completed, the leader trims the match a little more. The game continues until the match becomes very small.

Ensuring that everyone has fun and a good time is the main goal of corporate parties. Perhaps some of these competitions and games for corporate events may not be suitable for individual cases, but there is always the opportunity to improvise, right? Happy partying!

Posted On 03/04/2018

Corporate events and general holidays are designed to unite the team and make it friendlier. The cheerful atmosphere contributes greatly to this. Add variety, add even more brightness, laughter and jokes will help funny competitions and original competitions.

Guests are divided into several teams, depending on the total number of people at the holiday. The team should have approximately 5-6 people. The task of each team is to think over and show a funny short film from the theme: “One day in our work.” For the best acting, production, etc., the team receives an Oscar in the form of a bottle of champagne, for example.


Participants are given cards with humorous questions. For example, “how to make a dog fly”, “how to quickly stop a plane”, “how to eat pea soup” and so on. In one or two minutes, players must make a detailed step by step instructions and write it down on a piece of paper. The author of the most detailed and funny instructions wins.

A word from each

All guests sit in a circle and start the game, each participant must name a word that will begin with the last letter of the previous word from their profession. Whoever doesn’t name is eliminated, and whoever remains until the last one will receive a prize. For example, a corporate party for accountants: balance - fixed assets - asset - gross product and so on.

Selfie of the evening.

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that throughout the fun and celebration there will be a competition for the best selfie. That is, there will be a camera on the table that each of the guests can take and photograph themselves in the most interesting pose, for example, with the boss, on the balcony, and so on. At the end of the evening, all the shots are shown on the big screen (using a USB connection) and the best selfie is chosen based on the applause of the guests. And so that guests don’t forget, the host periodically reminds everyone about the selfie competition. As a prize, you can give a funny award - a photo frame with a photo of Chuck Norris, because he is the coolest.

Best motto for my work

In this competition, let everyone feel like a famous PR person and come up with the best motto for their work. Each participant receives a piece of paper, a marker and 5 minutes of time. Whoever presents their work best and comes up with the best motto will receive their prize.

Childhood dream

Stop smoking even at corporate events

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that there are tokens at the exit for smokers; those who go out to smoke must take one token for one cigarette, that is, if a guest went out to smoke, for example, 5 times, he will have 5 tokens, and then the host remains silent. So that everyone does not forget about such tokens, at the exit you can use a special inscription and red color to mark the place of the tokens and put an exclamation mark, for example. At the end of the evening, the host asks the guests to count their tokens and finds out who has collected the most tokens.

Competition for staff: detailed instructions with examples

In the end, it turns out that this competition is against smoking, and those who do not have tokens will receive prizes, and the one who has the most will have to fulfill a desire, for example, to dance a “gypsy girl” or sing a song into a microphone.

Team spirit

Guests are divided into several teams of 2-3 people. The presenter gives each team a puzzle with a small number of parts. You need to assemble a car (of various brands). Such puzzles are widespread on modern market puzzles At the leader’s command, the participants begin putting together their puzzles. Whoever completes the puzzle the fastest and correctly names the make of the car whose picture they put together, the members of that team receive prizes, for example, air fresheners in the car interior.

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Super advertising
Competition for all employees of the company. Teams are created. They are given the task of advertising the company's activities so that in the coming year its income will increase several times. The author wins best advertising. Read more…

Best accountant
This is a competition designed to determine not just the most experienced and professional accountant, but to identify the best of the best. The winner is awarded a certificate of commendation. Read more…

Christmas tree from the constellation Andromeda
It's creative New Year's competition.

Employees are divided into several teams. They compete with each other to see who can decorate a Christmas tree for an alien who arrived from the constellation Andromeda in the fastest and most interesting way. Creativity is welcome! Read more…

He'll tell you when he stops!
The game is dedicated to the head of the company. You can spend it on his birthday or on the boss's holiday, celebrated on October 16th. Employees prepare various questions, and the manager answers them by pulling answers written on pieces of paper from the box. Read more…

Profitable business
For the competition, you need to produce banknotes in different currencies of any denomination on a color printer. This money is attached to a stretched rope with clothespins, and competitors with their eyes closed must collect it. More details...

The most dexterous teacher
Competition for young teachers or university students. Teams of “physicists” and “lyricists” compete with each other, finding out which of them is more dexterous. You must be able to overcome all sorts of obstacles with various objects in your hands. Read more…

And it's all about him
An interesting table game for a corporate anniversary (birthday). The host of the competition reads out questions about the hero of the occasion. Everyone is welcome to answer. The participant who gives the most correct answers wins. Read more…

“You can’t remove the words from a song”
A game for company employees. All players are given questionnaires containing several abbreviations and pens. Next to each abbreviation you need to write a line from a song (poem) or a proverb. Read more…

Spicy situations
Participants in the game are asked to find solutions to unforeseen and piquant situations, funny incidents that sometimes happen in life. We need to come up with a way out of a given situation. The one who turns out to be the most resourceful is awarded a prize. Read more…

Auction “Pig in a poke”
An auction in which valuable lots are put up for auction mixed with comic ones. All lots have the same bright packaging, so no one except the presenter knows what is in the packages. Lots are paid for with real money. Read more…

Miracle financier
Draw on a sheet of paper banknotes different countries in banknotes of various denominations. Participants in the game are asked to calculate their sum using a special algorithm. Whoever counts quickly and correctly receives a prize and the title of miracle financier. Read more…

Penny by penny
Players compete with each other in their ability to use a teaspoon to pick up and transfer coins to a small plate from a large one, without helping themselves with their free hand. The winner is the one who transfers more coins into his saucer within the time allotted by the presenter. Read more…

Robin Hood never fails
To play you need a large capacity and small “shells”. These could be nuts, candies, cards, drinking straws, etc. The players’ task in this game is to throw as many “shells” into the container as possible from a certain distance. Read more…

We are a team!
The game develops team spirit. Each team of 6 people is given a liter plastic bottle with juice (milk) and a rubber glove with holes in the fingers. At the leader’s signal, team members simultaneously begin to drink juice from the bottle, using the fingers of the glove as nipples. Read more…

Two players from a team stand in pairs, shoulder to shoulder. Their neighboring hands are tied. With their free hands they need to pack the item into beautiful paper. The resulting package must be tied with ribbon, and done faster than your opponents. Read more…

Branded snowflake
Creative competition requiring skillful hands, fantasy and wit. Participants are given napkins from which they need to cut out beautiful “branded” snowflakes. The author must present his creative concept - why his snowflake looks the way it does. Read more…

Money down the drain
The game is about the ability to throw money down the drain. Two teams compete; they must, while taking full lungs of air, blow hard on the bills, trying to blow them away as far as possible from the starting line. Read more…

New Year's pantomime
The game lies in the ability of the contestants to transform the imperishable images of characters famous fairy tales. The game host selects ten “actors” and creates a pantomime performance, becoming (also briefly) a talented director. Read more…

Winter melodies
At a New Year's corporate party, pieces of paper rolled into tubes are placed in a box or hat. They have “winter” themed words written on them. The competitor, having pulled out a piece of paper, must sing a song (tell a rhyme, tale, anecdote, proverb) in which this word appears. Read more…

Magic chain
A very easy game with deep meaning. Teams of players must make a chain from paper clips. In this competition, it is very important to be able to distribute responsibilities and work efficiently and harmoniously. The team whose chain is longest wins. Read more…

Artist Lefty
Employees form teams, each team chooses a player who can draw. They are given a piece of paper and a marker. The presenter asks them a line from a song or a proverb. The artist’s task is to depict them on paper so that the team can guess the phrase. Read more…

Last ten
The competition is held between several couples consisting of a man and a woman. The woman’s task is to get a ruble coin into a tin can on her partner’s belt. The man’s task is to perform something like a belly dance. Read more…

Treat from the Snow Maiden
A good New Year's competition for a small team.

Games (competitions) for corporate events and more.

It is necessary to prepare various foods in advance. Ladies and young ladies who know how to cook quickly and beautifully are invited to participate in the competition. Read more…

Al Capone
Players are given cards, just like in the Mafia game. Depending on the color of the card they receive, they become honest citizens who have paid taxes, or bandits. The game ends with the victory of law-abiding people or criminals, just like in life. Read more…

Geometry of success
Corporate competition, allowing you to determine the character of employees in an unusual geometric way. Each employee portrays himself using geometric figure. Then the presenter deciphers the meaning of the self-portraits to the entire honest company. Read more…

The question of how to increase an employee’s dedication without additional costs is always faced by a manager. In addition, in a crisis situation, non-material methods can, to a certain extent, compensate employees for material losses (reduced income). Each company creates its own non-material motivation program (based on the characteristics of the business, strategic goals and existing corporate culture), but the effectiveness of the program will be higher if the five rules are taken into account during development.

1. The motivation program must solve tactical business problems while focusing on the company's strategy. The incentives used should be aimed at solving the most important problems at the moment tasks. For example, when we created a branch network, the task was to form a team that could work in a single conceptual field, according to the standards adopted at the central office. We have developed a training program that includes training on team building and effective communications. And when we solved the problem of an innovative leap, a special program was developed to create a bank of innovative ideas, providing for appropriate competitions and incentives.

2. Non-financial motivation should cover all categories of employees. Typically, the emphasis is on manufacturing and commercial divisions that generate profits. However, non-financial incentives also need to be provided for accountants, secretaries and other back office employees. These may not be special motivational programs, as for sales specialists, but simply recognition of work results, praise, etc.

In a small company, when the manager knows every employee, it is quite easy to light a fire in the eyes of an employee. The task becomes more complicated if we are talking about a large company. In such a company, in order for employees to feel enthusiastic, it is necessary to maintain an individual approach to everyone's needs. This task falls on line managers who manage small departments of seven to ten people. They communicate closely with people and therefore know well what2 can stimulate everyone and how to help satisfy the subordinate's needs for respect and self-expression. That is why our company encourages line managers who involve their subordinates in making decisions and working in project groups, are included in the “Personnel Reserve” program.

3. Motivation should take into account the stage of development of the company. In a small family company, the main motivator is enthusiasm. Everyone already works with their sleeves rolled up, so a simple congratulations, praise from the manager, or an informal competition organized by him for the best employee will be excellent incentives. At the next stage of development, when there are more employees and some of the processes are formalized, motivational programs should also be focused on recognition of merit, but when developing programs it is necessary to provide for the possibility of collective recognition of employee successes (organize competitions, present winners, congratulate managers nominated for positions from number of company employees). To do this, you can use internal information resources, for example corporate printed publications, intranet.

4. Reasoned choice of motivators. We think that what motivates us will motivate others. However, this is not true. Therefore, it is imperative to collect information about the true needs of employees. For example, it is important for employees in our production departments that the company reimburses food costs, and for employees in the sales department, it is important that they have the opportunity to participate in a mentoring program. At the same time, the process of selecting motivators should not be highly formalized: frequent surveys cause employees to negative reaction. A list of specific needs, problems and ideas can be compiled by listening to department heads in regular meetings, in the process of solving production problems, and simply during daily communication.

5. The effect of novelty. Rewards should not be allowed to become commonplace in a company, because there is nothing worse than the same motivational program repeated from year to year. For example, every six months it is worth coming up with a new award for the best employee, selected based on the results of each month.

Methods of non-material motivation

You can come up with an endless number of incentives suitable for different teams, departments and employees (see How else you can inspire employees). I will describe the current ones in our company.

Motivational meetings

Reporting meetings of branch directors are held quarterly at the central office. Their main goal is to analyze the activities of previous quarter and approval of new quarterly objectives. But also during meetings, we reward directors with certificates for completing targeted programs, winning quarterly competitions, and the branch recognized as the best is awarded a challenge blue banner with the company’s symbols. In addition, training is provided during meetings, both from external providers and from our own employees ( commercial directors, technologists).

Internal competitions in the company

And, of course, a regional meeting is properly organized leisure time (for example, excursions).

Contests and competitions

We hold competitions both within departments and among specialists different directions, as well as between branches. These competitions are designed primarily for sales managers. For example, we recently held a competition between managers on the volume of sales of flavoring additives. Such competitions involve employees of all commercial divisions, the results and a photograph of the best employee (or director of the best division), wherever he is located - in Irkutsk or Nizhny Novgorod, in the current mode is visible to all employees of the company. At the end of the competition, the unit may be rewarded with a trip to bowling, a trip to a boarding house, or simply a large corporate cake. We also conduct creative competitions among our employees and their families.

Congratulations on significant dates

It has become a good tradition in our company that the manager personally congratulates each employee on his birthday and celebrates his work achievements in the presence of colleagues. The atmosphere is both festive and spiritual. Congratulations from remote departments are received by email, because all employees see the photo of the birthday person on the corporate portal. The corporate newspaper “Vestnik” has a section that publishes congratulations from employees on marriages and the birth of a child; it is never empty, and sometimes takes up almost the entire last A3 page.

Discounts on services

The company cooperates with many suppliers and service providers (they are our clients and partners). Not long ago we began to negotiate discounts that they could provide to our employees. For example, a partner – an insurance company – gives our employees a 20% discount when taking out policies. We managed to negotiate discounts on travel packages with the travel company. At the same time, our company does not incur additional costs, and partners providing discounts receive good volumes of orders.

Communicating achievements

Encourage an employee for the results achieved, provide feedback to employees - all this is important to do in a timely and open manner. Our company has several information sources(intranet, printed publications “Bulletin” and “Bulletin of Successes”), in which we publish information about achievements. For example, if we write about the results of a department, first of all we talk about the people who achieved these results. If we inform you about an exhibition, we be sure to name its participants.

Incentive travel

The company actively participates in exhibitions, most of which are held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in major cities Russia and CIS countries. The best employees We delegate people from the regions to work at these exhibitions, providing the opportunity to be the face of the company.

Peer ratings

A person can be motivated not only by the assessment (praise) of his immediate supervisor, but also by the assessments of other employees of the company. In the "Bulletin" we publish word of thanks employee to colleague. This is not necessarily a long text: sometimes it is a simple thank you for the cleanliness of the company, for quickly organizing a business trip, etc.

Help with family matters

We try to provide targeted assistance if, for example, one of the employees is trying to place a child in kindergarten or a specific school. Line managers help keep abreast of everyday issues important to employees.

Valentina Iskandarova

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Deputy General Director by personnel.

Trade and industrial group "Soyuzsnab"

How else can you motivate employees?

1. Say hello to employees as you pass by and call them by name (learn their names if you haven't already).

2. Write “Thank you,” “Well done,” or something similar on a piece of paper and leave a note on his desk.

3. Reward employees with an extra day or half day off by allowing them to leave early.

4. In the hallway, lobby or dining room, hang graphs with the company's performance for each product, project and update the data weekly or monthly so that the dynamics are visible.

5. Find someone who knows how to juggle and ask him to teach all the employees.

After a stressful phone call or difficult task, juggling balls helps relieve stress.

6. Bring something delicious for all employees once a week or once a month: cake, bagels, pizza, apples, candy, nuts or popcorn.

7. Above each machine in production, hang signs with the name and position of the worker. People like to see their names and feel indispensable.

8. Make sure you have the opportunity to listen to employees, not just inform them.

9. Develop a reward specifically for those employees whose performance is usually overlooked.

10. Once a week or month, arrange meetings with several employees with whom you usually do not have the opportunity to communicate. Answer their questions, ask about problems.

11. Tell all employees about some fairly important issue and ask them to suggest solutions.

Based on materials from Bob Nelson’s books “1001 Ways to Motivate an Employee” and “1001 Ways to Encourage an Employee” (both – M.: Williams, 2007)

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A corporate party is fun of a special status. Only a few times a year each of us has the opportunity to see our colleagues in the form ordinary people, and not heads of departments, chief accountants and economists. And competitions and games for corporate parties play a special role in this situation. After all, this is a unique way to unite into one cohesive and cheerful team. The main thing is that after the fun you don’t feel ashamed of your “exploits.” To prevent this from happening, and to make time pass in an exciting way, all sorts of outdoor games were invented for corporate events. So, we present the most interesting and memorable ways to have fun with your colleagues.

Entertainment and games at corporate events

Any fun should begin with frank conversations accompanied by strong drinks.

  • The “I have never...” competition is perfect for this moment. Each of the participants, raising a glass, admits to something they have never done and drinks. Only those who have done what the colleague is talking about can drink with him. This competition will reveal the terrible secrets of many employees, but will greatly amuse the entire team.
  • If the team is still young enough, then you can re-introduce everyone. You need to pass around a circle of people sitting at the table a hat with notes in which various difficult “names” are written. For example: bread slicer, lemur, excavator, grenadier, etc. The main thing is not to call the “grenadier” by his new name after the competition, so as not to be offended.

Not all employees prefer to speak publicly. Table games were created especially for them, which are especially popular at any corporate event.

  • Different notes are placed in two containers (a hat, a cap, or a large bowl will do). In one container it is written what to drink from, and in the other - what to snack on. As a result, those sitting at the table will drink from a handful of a table neighbor, a juice cork, or from a basin, and snack on the same neighbor’s kiss, a piece of napkin, lemon peel, etc.
  • A quiz is perfect for entertainment at the table. difficult questions. The winner is the employee who gave the most correct answers. Examples of questions could be:
    • When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)
    • What needs to be done so that 4 guys remain in one boot? (Remove 1 boot from each)
    • When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)
    • Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
    • What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)
  • Another great “table” competition is the competition called “Don’t Shoot.” Funny things are put into a pre-prepared box or bag: a sock, family panties, beads, clown noses or glasses with a mustache, a bra. large size etc. To the music, a container with objects is passed from hand to hand, and then suddenly breaks off. The one who still has the container in his hands pulls out one item. Main task– do not remove the “catch” for about half an hour.

Comical and slightly frank games at a corporate party should be served as an appetizer. Then they will receive the highest rating from their colleagues.

Entertainment and games at corporate events – the best remedy in the fight against boredom. On each of these evenings there will definitely be those who particularly distinguish themselves. But it is in such a relaxed atmosphere that true friendship is born in the team, which will give a head start to any competitors in work.

It was creative and left the best memories for all the guests; you should take care of the format of its holding.

We bring to your attention stylish and original ideas for unforgettable corporate events for every taste.

1 // Office-party

Corporate event, which takes place in the format social networks. It features animators wearing capes with logos of popular applications, fence installations for writing messages, and wall newspapers with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, foam shows can be performed both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, delight and pleasure are definitely guaranteed!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a group that has “singing talents”. Each participant performs, after which the “jury” evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid to be covered from head to toe in paints of all colors, which, according to Indian tradition, the participants sprinkle each other with, while pouring water on them.

5 // Body art style

To create fantasy images of guests during the evening, face painting is applied to their faces, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

6 // Game "Mafia"

It has already become a traditional entertainment for a corporate holiday, which allows you to show the intuition and psychological qualities of the participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

Musical recognition game famous hit according to the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song faster wins.

To immerse yourself in the world economic strategies you'll need a giant copy of the famous board game. When enlarged, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Secrets of tricks

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting spectators as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive science show

In a company with “mad scientists,” adults will also be interested in looking at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as take part in scientific experiments yourself.

12 // Game “The Sixth Sense”

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and during the game players need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo shoot

With the help of a costume designer and props (suits, wigs, accessories), colleagues are transformed into new images, in which the photographer captures them against the backdrop of the appropriate interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With a cartoonist

If your employees have a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are guaranteed for everyone.

15 // Dance Marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dances is invited to the corporate event, who teaches its basic movements to those present. And then all the guests demonstrate to each other the acquired skills to the sound of music.

16 // Cooking duel

Two in one - both entertainment and a treat for the holiday. Guests will cook under the guidance of a chef delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

17 // Wine tasting

A guest sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine utensils and choose glasses for various types wines, and will also share stories from the lives of winemakers.

18 // Creative master class

A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups Carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Movie Quiz

This option will appeal to movie lovers. They will be asked to remember interesting facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // In the style of the Olympic Games

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are components of the corporate event, which is held by especially “hot” and sports teams. Instead of standard banquet tables under open air“warming stations” are installed for them.

21 // “Promenade Theater”

This type of acting performance in which the viewer both observes the action taking place and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate event is stylized as a communal apartment, pioneer camp etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Comic auction

During the event, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

24 // Involving animals

The trend is to invite animal trainers to corporate events in recent years is gaining popularity. The spectacular culmination of the New Year's event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural products and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, the style of clothing of the guests a la “country chic” - all these are elements of one of the latest holiday trends.

26 // Wellness-corporate event

Trend idea healthy image life can be embodied in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food.

27 // On ATVs

Those who want to feel the thrill of speed and the rush of adrenaline can be recommended to turn the ignition key, press the gas pedal and go on a trip through meadows, fields or forests. Rental services vehicles offer various quad clubs.

28 // In a hot air balloon

Air flights for groups of colleagues are usually organized at dawn or sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of the participants in aeronautics with extraordinary colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

It is good to hold such a corporate event on the shore of a pond or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in swimwear or beachwear.

If the event venue is indoors, an alternative to tanning under the sun can be the use of tanning lamps.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday organizing companies. With the help of professional stage directors, the audience will be presented with a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show.

31 // Filming

With the assistance of film process coordinators, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which takes place on the day of the corporate event. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the plot.

32 // Disco corporate

The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which together represents different musical eras: 50s (hipsters), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). Everyone will get a charge of good mood from wonderful music!

33 // “Like Guinness”

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken by its participants at the corporate event.

For these and many other ideas for corporate events, welcome to the agency " »!

Corporate parties are the most anticipated days for the entire team. But to have a fun holiday, it also needs to be planned, just like a quarterly report.

The main task is to unite employees together to participate in fun competitions and comic tournaments.

Where to start with fun competitions for corporate events

It's better to start with simple tasks. The closer it gets to the evening, the more relaxed your “signature” company will become and everyone will participate with laughter and pleasure. And what to hide, alcoholic cocktails and an endless stream of toasts will do the trick.

"Total Recall"

If the team is large and not everyone knows each other by name, then a competition will make this task easier and relieve tension. Teams should have 15-20 people. Everyone takes turns calling their name and movement. For example, Marina + clap your hands. The neighbor repeats the combination and adds his own. Latest participants you have to remember everyone.

“Catch the ball!”

The conditions are simple: two teams must stop the ball from falling to the floor for a while. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. Teams line up in 2 lines. It turns out that pairs are formed from members of opposite teams. Everyone has a ball in their hands. After the whistle, the balls are thrown into the air. Whoever's ball fell first gets a point for that team. The next pair immediately tosses the balls again. You can limit the time, for example, 1-3 minutes. The team with the most points loses.


There are 2 chairs on the stage. They draw a line between them and scatter things of different sizes and volumes. At the leader’s whistle, both participants begin to quickly collect objects and place them on a chair. A mandatory condition is that you can bring and place 1 item at a time.

Cool competitions for corporate parties blindfolded

Similar entertainment competitions very exciting for both the viewer and the participant. Therefore, there will be an abundance of people willing to take part. What else is needed at a corporate party if not a cheerful, sociable spirit?

"Who's here?"

Tip: The competition is great for moderately intoxicated participants.

10 people are brought onto the stage and blindfolded with dark ribbons. Afterwards, the presenter touches everyone and assigns a serial number to the players. Next, the participants are swapped. 30 seconds are timed so that everyone finds their place in ascending or descending order. It’s even more interesting when letters are used instead of numbers, and then the players are asked to add words. You can use your voice and say your number/letter.

"Find Me"

More than 6 people participate. The main player must remember what the others look like (time estimate: 3 seconds per person). Afterwards he is blindfolded and must guess by touch who is who.

The highlight of the competition: those guessed quickly change some of their clothes, change their hairstyles, put on awkward costumes or jewelry. It all depends on your imagination and props: a hot dog costume or a grandmother’s scarf. The task is not to allow yourself to be recognized and to puzzle the one who recognizes you.


Several ribbons are pulled to form a labyrinth with obstacles. You cannot touch the tape. The player remembers the location of the threads and is blindfolded with a dark scarf. You need to overcome the corridor blindly and from memory. Once the participant is ready for the test, the tapes are removed without telling the player. It's a lot of fun to watch.

Fun competitions for corporate parties for drinking and eating at speed

"Eat me!"

The candies are tightly wrapped in wrappers. Additionally, you can attach ribbons, pieces of paper, or napkins with a bow. Couples of the opposite sex are given 3 candies, which must be opened and eaten. Without hands, of course


Attention: relevant for doctors, veterinarians and anyone who wears rubber gloves at work.

Champagne is poured into disposable gloves. Make holes in the fingers. The goal is to quickly “milk” and drink the drink first.

Cool corporate event competitions for brave employees

There are drinkers at any celebration, not just at corporate events. Moreover, this promises the fun to last long and unforgettably. But there are also plenty of shy guests. Therefore, the following competitions are good after a strong toast, so that a note of liberation touches everyone.

"Alcohol trash"

Two teams drink an alcoholic drink at speed. Standing on a low stool full bottle and a glass/glass. The distance from her to the team should be 10-15 meters. Everyone takes turns running up to the bottle, pouring a full glass and drinking. Make several circles until the drink runs out.

A must do! Choose a drink of moderate or low strength so that guests do not get drunk on the second round.

"In my pants..."

You need to stock up on a bunch of ridiculous phrases and clippings from article titles to make the competition fun. They make pants out of paper and throw scraps of phrases there. An envelope is passed around in a circle. We take out a fragment with the beginning “In my pants...” and continue with the words from the lucky piece of paper.

"The most flattering compliment"

One person is chosen. He leaves the room for a couple of minutes. During this time, each person receives a compliment addressed to him. The person who enters reads or listens to the list and must find the recipients. The more piquant the complement, the more interesting the game.

Please note: it is good to choose liberated and courageous girls for the role of guesser.