Entertaining competitions on March 8th. Competition "Chocolate intuition". Find the biggest

It is customary to congratulate and delight all girls and women, regardless of their age. On this day, the fair sex acts as a spectator, and the responsibility for surprises, practical jokes and entertainment programs rests on strong male shoulders.

Attentiveness competition

The presenter argues with the girls that they cannot repeat three of his phrases. The intrigued participants, of course, begin to be indignant.

The first phrase “I have good mood"Everyone repeats. There will be no problems with the phrase “Today is my holiday” either. After all the girls repeat it, the presenter says: “But that’s wrong.” Participants begin to ask where exactly the mistake is, when this is just the third phrase that needs to be repeated.

“But I...”

Girls are encouraged to show off a little. The participants sit in a circle, the first one says the phrase: “I am the neatest.” The next one must come up with an adjective starting with the letter “B” and start the phrase with “But I...”.

"As a Detective"

4-5 girls or 2-3 teams if there are many girls can participate in the competition. A man parades in front of the participants for a couple of minutes. He then leaves and returns with a changed appearance.

Girls are asked to look for changes, and their number is specified. The most attentive and fastest one wins.

Sensitivity competition

The girls turn their backs to the chairs and do not peek at what is happening behind them. The presenter places an object on the seat of each chair and helps the participants sit down. You need to guess what kind of object is under the buttocks.

You can use spoons, phones, lighters, etc. as props.

Fantasy competition

The girls are asked to come up with new uses for an ordinary saucepan. For example, the first participant clearly shows that this is a helmet. The second participant suggests using the pan as a drum.

The girl who offers the most options wins.

"Battle for the Throne"

To participate you must even number girls. They are divided into pairs, put symbolic crowns on their heads and given a balloon each.

The task of each “queen” is to remove the crown from her rival without dropping her own.

Every year, a couple of days before the onset of International Women’s Day, enterprises and offices organize holiday concerts and corporate events. Girls are given flowers and gifts. Girls and their mothers are invited to a women's holiday in kindergartens. Parents and teachers organize tea parties, “sweet tables” and competitions in schools on March 8 . If you also want to please the fair sex of your team, pay attention to our ideas and examples of the most original outdoor games and competitions at the table.

Competitions for women for the holiday of March 8 - Ideas for a fun corporate party

If you are going to spend March 8 in a team or office, do not limit yourself to a banquet or tea party. A fun corporate party includes surprises and competitions for women, presentation of prizes to the winners and gifts to all ladies. Competitions can be mobile and held at a table. In the first case, girls compete in manual dexterity, flexibility, speed, etc. The second type of games involves guessing riddles, charades, or accurately sequentially fulfilling the leader’s conditions. Competitions are funnier when men also take part in the competition.

“Theatrical” competition for women on March 8th at a corporate party

Everyone can participate in the competition. The main thing here is the ability to show your acting talent, “the mastery of the theater.” To conduct the game, the presenter prepares cards in advance with tasks written on them. Each of these tasks asks the participant to portray a character or animal. Without explaining anything in words, he pantomimes the given object. Other participants in the competition try to guess the skin or what the person is depicting. For example, you can show:

  • Passenger on the subway or bus;
  • A cat begging for a fish from its owner;
  • A pigeon jumping around the yard;
  • Celebrities (Alla Pugacheva, Nikita Dzhigurda, LUBE Group, etc.);
  • First grader;
  • Graduate on exam;
  • Chief;
  • One of my colleagues, etc.

Those who guessed a larger number of hidden objects or subjects, as well as best actors are awarded.

“What nonsense!” ― Competition for women on March 8th at a corporate party

By taking part in this competition, not only its participants, but also everyone present at the corporate party will have a lot of fun. First, a leader is selected. In each hand he has several pieces of paper with funny questions and answers. You can make up any questions, but only in such a way as not to offend those present at the holiday. Since the questions and their answers are chosen blindly, you end up with some hilarious nonsense.

Examples of questions:

  • Do you like penguins?;
  • When do you do your morning exercises?
  • Do you like to gossip?
  • Do you read other people's correspondence?;
  • Do you sometimes deceive relatives?;
  • Do you talk more than you act?

Example answers:

  • Of course, but only in St. Petersburg;
  • Of course, as soon as I drink my morning coffee;
  • According to my mood;
  • If I'm not caught off guard;
  • Yes, but without witnesses;
  • Never, but only because of my shyness.

Funny competitions and events for March 8 at school - Tasks for girls

On March 8th at school you can organize fun party with funny competitions for girls. It could be sport competitions, and “Best Cook” competitions, and competitions for intelligence. Teachers, boys and parents are involved in preparing such assignments. We hope that niche ideas fun activities in honor of the school women's holiday will help you have a wonderful International Women's Day.

School competition “Storyteller” - Funny task for girls on March 8

According to tradition, on March 8, only girls compete at school. However, their classmates can also take part in the “Storyteller” competition. The participant is given the task to depict famous fairy tale in any given genre. It could be a detective love story, comedy, tragedy, etc. Prizes are prepared in advance for the winners of the competition, for example, medals for the “Best Storyteller”.

Cool competition “Guess the toy” - Game on March 8th in elementary school

In order for March 8th primary school it was fun, teachers, parents and high school students need to prepare in advance various competitions, games and other events. The “Guess the Toy” competition will appeal to all participants and spectators. To do this, the participating girl is blindfolded and given a toy. By feeling it, the child must guess what he is holding in his hands.

Entertaining competitions in kindergarten - March 8th holiday with mothers

Every year, kindergartens hold holidays, including March 8th. To ensure that everyone present at the event does not get bored, teachers, sometimes together with parents, organize various competitions for the girls.

Ideas for competitions for March 8 in kindergarten for girls

Children love to imitate animal voices. Girls can be given tasks to depict a cat, a dog, a bear, a cow, etc. Another competition will test how attentive children are. To conduct it, the presenter asks the player to remember the order of the items laid out on the table. After that, he asks the player to turn away, and then quickly switches places. The most attentive one wins!

Competitions and games for the holiday of March 8 - Tasks for children and parents

You can celebrate the joyful holiday of March 8th at home. This is why dads prepare fun competitions and tasks for mothers and children. Of course, other invited parents and their daughters and sons can also participate in entertaining activities at home.

Entertaining competition on March 8 for children and parents “Milk our cow”

Of course, to hold this competition it is not at all necessary to go to a village or village. You just need to buy rubber gloves and make holes on each of the “fingers”. After this, the gloves are filled with “milk” - ordinary running water. As a rule, parents and children compete. The one who bothers greatest number"milk" in the shortest period of time wins.

Fun corporate party on March 8 - Competitions for women at the table

The organizer of any corporate event on March 8 must definitely think through the entertainment program for the holiday. It can include various outdoor games and even competitions. In the same case, when there is not enough space for such events in the office, a selection of competitions is compiled at the table. They don't require much preparation, but they always turn out to be a lot of fun.

Competition for March 8th “Tear her up” - A simple corporate game for women at the table

The “Tear Her Up” competition for March 8th is very simple, but the participants in this game at the table are always filled with a feeling of excitement. To do this, the contestants are given one sheet of A4 size paper. They are asked to tear it with only one hand. The winner is the lady who tears the leaf smaller.

Competition for March 8th “Roll with a secret” - An interesting corporate game for women at the table

This game is played at a table. It can be held not only on March 8, but also on other holidays. Those gathered are given a roll of toilet paper or paper towels. All participants in the game are invited to tear off as many pieces of paper as the guest wishes. At the end, the presenter invites the audience to tell so many interesting things about themselves short stories(facts, anecdotes), how many scraps torn from the roll are in his hands.

Cool competitions for girls on March 8

Many people remember the once popular television competitions “Come on, girls!” Of course, they were held not only in honor of March 8, but also on other occasions. Young women competed in their culinary skills, ability to quickly and efficiently clean the house, dress a child for a walk, arrange a bouquet of flowers, etc. Today on the Internet you can find a video of this TV show and use some ideas at the holiday in honor of International Women's Day. Of course, times have changed a little - the competitions themselves can be slightly modified.

A cool competition for girls on March 8th “Guess who!” or "Associations"

If your company, gathered to celebrate March 8, consists of well-known people, this competition will appeal to everyone present at festive event! The host makes a wish for one of the guests, and the girls begin to ask leading questions about him, asking what or who he associates this personality with. For example, the dialogue during such a competition could be as follows:

  • Who do you associate this person with?
  • With kids.
  • What music do you associate him/her with?
  • With rock (classical, pop, rap, etc.);
  • What mood is this person most often in?
  • Thoughtful (cheerful, playful, wary, etc.)

“Crocodile” is the funniest competitive game for girls on March 8

Many people know the game "Crocodile". However, there can be a great variety of options for such a game on March 8th. For example, in the first option, participants are divided into two teams. One of the teams thinks of a word or phrase for the other, and one person shows the intended item or object with movements and facial expressions. Others guess who or what they are talking about. In another version of “Crocodile,” one of the competition participants comes out in front of those gathered and pronounces phrases associated with the hidden object. For example, the phrase “women’s handbag” can be explained in the following words: “An item that women always carry with them and store the most necessary things there.” The word “telephone” is too simple to explain, so you can describe the object allegorically - “You don’t leave the house without it,” “Only with it can you be calm,” etc. Everyone likes this game without exception!

Table competitions on March 8 will allow guests of the celebration to get to know each other better and will unite everyone present at the holiday. Thematic quizzes will allow you to show erudition. Fun games and jokes will amuse guests and support positive mood after active competitions and dances.

    The competition involves 2 teams, which include both men and women. Each team chooses a captain. It's better if it's a man. The captains' task is to compliment the ladies. For example, the first one says: “Our women are the most beautiful,” to which the second one objects: “But ours are the most sophisticated.” The first continues: “And ours are the kindest.” When one of the captains cannot come up with a compliment for women, he can ask his team for help (no more than 3 tips).

    If the competition drags on, it should be announced that now compliments must be given only with one letter, for example, “a”: active, artistic, etc. The team whose captain made the last argument wins.

    Women participate in the competition. Participants are given sheets of paper, pens and asked to write an advertisement about dating. It must indicate the girl’s appearance, character traits, as well as the reasons why she is looking for a soul mate. After this, the girls take turns reading out their essays. The winner is the author of the funniest ad, determined by the amount of laughter and applause.

    Women and men participate in the competition. They sit in pairs. Men put on boxing gloves and receive one candy in a wrapper. At the signal from the presenter, representatives of the strong half of humanity - knights - must unwrap the candies and feed them to their ladies. The couple that copes with this task faster than the rest wins.

    Everyone can participate in the game. The presenter distributes to the contestants sheets with written names of colors, in which the letters are rearranged. Players must guess these names.

    For example:
    kinzhensdop - snowdrop;
    enris - lilac;
    garatimark - daisy;
    oraz - rose;
    kaviles - cornflower;
    Douglasiol - gladiolus;
    sarat - aster;
    yahoredi - orchid;
    punalt - tulip;
    Zemantihra - chrysanthemum.

    The participant who deciphers these words faster and more successfully than others wins.

    Girls and women participate in the competition. You can find different things in a handbag. Each participant's bag contents are assessed on the following scale:

    1. Beauty:
      lipstick - 1 point;
      mascara - 1 point;
      mirror - 1 point;
      nail file - 1 point.
    2. Practicality:
      candies or other sweets - 1 point;
      napkins - 1 point.
    3. Mind:
      magazine, book or crossword puzzles - 1 point;
      notebook - 1 point;
      pen - 1 point;
      flash drive - 1 point.
    4. Soulfulness:
      photo of relatives, friends or loved one (not on the phone) - 1 point;
      any thing that clearly does not belong to the woman herself (from her son’s toy to her husband’s slippers bought along the way) - 0.5 points.

    The lady who scores the most points is awarded the title “ Real woman" and the prize is awarded.

March 8 is approaching, a holiday that many women look forward to. Many people associate this holiday with the beginning of spring, despite the fact that it may be snowing outside and a cold winter wind howling. On March 8, you need to arrange various jokes and pranks, but such that in no way offend or offend women. Let them be funny Games with a hint of flirting and all sorts of pleasing to the ladies. For those who are planning a fun and unforgettable holiday, we offer games and competitions for March 8.

Competitions on March 8


We need 1 more men than women. Line up in lines opposite each other. When the melody starts playing, the men “snatch” the ladies, and the odd one out dances with a mop. It's quite fun to watch the "gentleman" in a jacket and tie tenderly hug the mop.


The game involves pairs (a man and a woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each couple. Women clutch bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without using their hands. The couple that completed the task faster than others receives a prize.

Fun competition

Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants with the left hand and the other with the right hand must wrap the package prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it with a bow. Whose pair is ahead gets a point.

Nice meeting

The host invites two participants in the game to imagine that they met for the first time, liked each other and want to get to know each other. The players introduce themselves, and the host suddenly asks them to turn their backs to each other to find out how observant they are. Players need to describe each other's clothes and jewelry.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Non-standard situations:

The participant with the most points receives a prize. In this case, it is advisable to expose the men in disguise and force them to perform a penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

Miss Sweetie

This competition will surely appeal to all participants. Buy a box in advance chocolates“Assorted” or pick up different candies yourself in the store: with cream filling, with nuts, with nougat or marmalade, with candied fruits or puffed rice, toffee and caramel. Next, invite the participants and explain to them the rules of the competition: in front of each of them there is a plate with the same set of sweets and a sheet of paper with a pen. The sheet contains the names of the candies, which should indicate to the participants the filling of the candies, for example, if the candy has nuts, name it “Nutcracker” or “Squirrel”. Participants must write on a sheet of paper what they think is contained in the candy. To do this, you need to “taste” the candies. For convenience, number the packages of candies, and put numbers on the sheet indicating the candies. The winner is the participant who is the first to name the exact composition of the filling of each candy. For which he can receive the title “Miss Candy”.

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must use tape to sculpt a female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use Balloons various sizes and shapes.


Men participate. The task is to make jewelry for the woman you love. It is very convenient to string pasta or clothespins (and if you have them, then shells, large wooden or plastic beads) onto shoelaces with hard tips.

The most beautiful

This competition can be held to celebrate March 8th. Only men will participate in it. You will need three sets of women's clothing, three wigs and three stools. Three participants are called. Participants are placed near stools on which lies women's clothing. The participants’ task: while the music is playing, dress in the clothes that are lying on the stool. The winner is determined by voting and given a medal with the inscription “The most beautiful”. And the losing participants dance a striptease.

These are competitions and games for children of senior preschool and junior school age. These competitions can be used at parties in kindergartens and elementary schools.


As you know, all girls should be good housewives and help mothers in the kitchen.

The players’ task is to, blindfolded, determine by touch what kind of cereal is poured into the saucers: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.

Vacuum cleaner

To play, you need several identical groups of objects (constructor parts will do) and baskets according to the number of players. The number of item groups also depends on the number of players. Various objects are scattered on the floor in a path, and a few minutes are given to remember where everything is. Then the presenter blindfolds the players with a handkerchief or scarf. Players squat down and try to collect as many items as possible into their basket.

Tender words

Children stand in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He also says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The 2-3 children who remain win.


To play, you need to prepare as many mittens as possible. The girls stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a pile of mittens. At the leader’s signal, you need to put on as many mittens as possible on your hand in 20-30 seconds. Condition: wear mittens on only one hand.

Spring flowers

Three children take part in the game. Paper snowdrops, daffodils and tulips (all “flowers” ​​in the same quantity) are scattered around the hall. Children are given a basket or bucket. On a signal, one collects only snowdrops, the second - daffodils, and the third - tulips. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Miss grace

For the competition you will need balloons. The presenter places the girls in the center of the room, each girl is given one balloon. Girls put balls on their heads to prevent them from falling. Then the host turns on the music (it will be good if it is a waltz), the girls must dance and make sure not to drop the balloon from their head. It is prohibited to help with your hands; if the rules of the game are not followed, the participant is eliminated. The participant who keeps the balloon on her head the longest and dances at the same time becomes the winner. She is awarded the Miss Graceful medal; you can make a medal in the shape of a panther.

Competitions and March 8 games for children on the Luntiki website

Competitions for March 8th for children. Ideas for a fun holiday

Games for March 8

Joke game

There will be no winners or losers in this game, this game is a joke to amuse the guests. Two participants are invited to it - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task is, blindfolded, to find this candy without using your hands and take it with your mouth too.” The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, no matter how long your chosen gentleman will try to find the candy from the “lady,” the guests will laugh heartily.

Evening Dress

The presenter calls two couples and asks them to make an “Evening Dress” using only newspapers, pins, clothespins and scissors. The winners are determined by other guests.

A woman is...

This game can be played by any number of people. For example, you line up all the men of the evening (although they can remain in their places). After the presenter says the words “a woman is,” each of the participants, in order of the established turn, must name some association with the word “woman.” The screening of participants occurs automatically. You cannot repeat yourself and think for more than 5 seconds. For example, a woman is temptation, a woman is passion, a woman is a snake, and so on. Such a competition can also be held under the name “A Man is...” (women participate here). And also “A student is...” Any variations are possible with the groom, birthday boy, boss, and so on.

Game to entertain guests

Players are given cards with certain letters. The participants’ task is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters. The winner is the one who can place the most without dropping it.

Joke game

All the scarves that are available are collected, the main thing is that there is enough for all participants. Divide into two teams, stand in a line behind each other, each with a scarf in their hands. It's better to build MZHMZH. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first, as it happens (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, etc.. The last player ties the second to last one and triumphantly shouts “ready!” The entire team turns to face the opponent. After a long period of fun, the jury evaluates anything: speed, quality, who is funnier, this is the theme of the event. The main thing is funny and fun, have time to photograph it all!

Through hardship to the stars

The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each of them is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and switches places with the wives.

Fun games and competitions

Let's sit together

Couples stand with their backs to each other, leaning forward slightly. An egg is sandwiched between the backs (a little lower). The task is to carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball. At the same time, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.

Double chin

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. The task is to roll the toy with rotational movements to the chin of the shorter partner.


Several pairs participate in the game. Each couple gets two raw eggs or ping pong balls. Men roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to her left. Ladies roll balls through a man's trousers from the right leg to the left.


Guests are divided into pairs: man-woman. The partner’s task is to move, blindfolded, the clothespins (pre-fixed by the leader) from the partner’s back to the chest with his teeth. The pair that completes the task first wins.

Sweet little thing!

There will be no winners or losers in this game, this game is a joke to amuse the guests. Two people are invited to participate - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task is, blindfolded, to find the sweetness without using your hands and take it with your mouth too.” The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, no matter how long your chosen gentleman will try to find the candy from the “lady,” the guests will laugh heartily.

"Stream" in a festive way

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to walk along the “stream” with their legs wide apart without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed the stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

Men's athletics

Male participants in the game are put on a dark, non-transparent blindfold and asked to do push-ups on the floor as many times as possible. After the men have tried their hand, the presenter says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages cannot be removed). These are strips of wallpaper that depict life-size silhouettes of naked women. The men now carry out the task, positioned above these silhouettes. After some time, the presenter removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups and cheer them up with jokes and advice.

Whose knees?

Chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. The players, men and women, sit on them. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the melody is interrupted, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one to whom he sat down must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?” If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver. You cannot use your hands when guessing.

Where are you, my love?

There should be as many participants as possible. The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Guys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, so you have to act only with your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a man just sniffs, licks, or does something else with her. At the end of the game, the result is summed up: how many correct and incorrect answers there are. Based on this, first place and last place are awarded. And be sure to reward the best, and punish the rest.

Find your wife

Two people take part in the game: husband and wife. A chair is placed in the middle of the room or area, and eight pins or empty bottles are placed in a straight line to the chair. The husband is blindfolded and the task is explained: “Walk without knocking over any pins (bottles) and kiss your wife.” The wife is sitting on a chair. At the moment when the husband begins to approach his wife, quietly and inconspicuously replace her with another woman, placing her in the place of the participant’s wife. Everything in the game is that the participant in the game, i.e. the husband must kiss another woman without noticing the substitution.

The game will be more interesting if it is given a competitive character, when several husbands compete at the same time. In this case: the wives should quietly and inconspicuously change places with each other.

Dress me, honey!

Couples are invited to participate in the game: man - woman. Male players are issued winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over their playing partner's clothing. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Fashion designer

Every lady holds in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the tape with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the tape around the woman. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.


Stickers (5-10 pieces) are pasted on various places (usually on the arm, neck, cheek, lips, behind the ear). The partner must carefully tear off this sticker with his mouth, teeth, tongue and without touching it with anything else. The sticker should not be too sticky!

The most enduring

Two pumps are needed to inflate rubber boats. Two girls are invited to cheat air balloons attached to pumps while sitting on them. The one whose ball bursts first wins.


Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins.

Move your butt!

Three or more young people sit on chairs with their legs together. A piece (20 cm) of toilet paper is placed on your knees. Then the girls sit on their laps and, moving their butts in different directions to the music, try to tear the paper. Whoever has the most gaps on paper wins.

Pop the ball!

The men sit down, holding the inflated balloon between their knees. Women, their partners, must sit on their laps so that the balloon bursts.

Love stick

Two teams, in which men and women alternate (3-5 people), must pass a simple pencil from first to last and back, and it is passed clamped between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you can’t touch the pencil with your hands, but everything else can.

Small match

This game is recommended for large parties (the more participants, the better). In each team, players line up in pairs: man Woman. A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first team member sits. A match is placed in his mouth (without sulfur, of course). At the leader’s command, the second player runs up to him, takes a match (without hands) and sits in the place of the first. The first one runs to the rear of the column. The team that has the first player back on the chair first wins.

One for two

Two or more pairs of men and women participate. The task of each pair is to eat a long cucumber or banana faster than the others - simultaneously from both ends, without touching, with their hands. But everything happens blindfolded. Couples are selected by mutual consent, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.

Skillful sponges

Several couples stand in front of the audience. Next, they take a plastic soda bottle, close the lid tightly and press it between each guy’s legs. Then the girls, without using their hands, must unscrew the cap of the bottle. And, simply put, you need to do it with your mouth. The winner is the couple in which the girl unscrews the cork the fastest. When she does this, she immediately runs forward with the lid raised up.

I give you flowers

This game is best played when there are a lot of flowers, roses in particular. So, two couples are chosen, several roses are “gutted”, the girls are laid on the sofa and approximately the same number of petals are scattered on them. Their partners are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect petals with their lips. Naturally, the winner is the one who completes the task faster.

Ricky the Tuft

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair using rubber bands. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.

Whose harem is cooler?

Two husbands are chosen - holders of the harem. The first wives are chosen. Cards with names written on them must be prepared in advance. various parts bodies. The husband and first wife each draw one card (the cards are turned word side down) and touch those parts of the body that are indicated. Next, the second wife is chosen. She and her husband each draw a new card. The second wife must join her husband, who is already in contact with the first wife. So the number of wives increases until the husband can still be reached and touched, or until there are no more candidates for the place of harem wives. The winner is the one whose harem - “statue of love” (husband + all wives) will look more interesting, more original and funnier.

Going for kisses

Two teams - men's and women's - line up one at a time. The task of the men: one by one, heading towards the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible. After the “kissing trip” is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: “I’m finished.” The facilitator records the time each participant completes the task. Whoever is faster wins.

Do you love - do you not love

The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I like my neighbor’s ear on the right and don’t like his shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the leader asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. You are guaranteed a minute of uproarious laughter.

Kitty kitty... Meow!

One person sits on a chair with his back to the guests. The host behind him points to the guests one by one and says: “Kitty,” “Kitty,” etc. The player sitting with his back must respond at some point by saying, “Meow.” Then he kisses the one the presenter was pointing at at that moment. After this, the host sits on a chair, the player from the chair goes to the guests, and the kissed player becomes the host.

The most fun for good company games for March 8- ChudoPredki.ru


Competitions for March 8.

Competitions for any corporate event should be interesting and fun, but it is important to take the audience into account. Since organizations can work completely different people: by gender and age. To hold a corporate party, it is necessary to come up with tasks that can involve everyone present, because you need to unite the team and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Depending on the competitions, you will also need some props. In a purely women's groups everything goes very fun and in one breath. If the team is diluted with the opposite sex, sometimes it can be a little more difficult to hold competitions; a lot depends on the cohesion of the team and the personality of the leader. Men have already prepared gifts for March 8, now it's time to have fun.

Competition "Sign Language Translation".

The first competition does not relate specifically to this holiday, but is suitable for any team, especially for women. The competition is called “sign language translation”. Its essence is that a boss and a subordinate participate. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks questions like “will I have an extraordinary day off?”, “when will I get a promotion?” Questions are voiced to the audience in words and at the same time depicted with gestures, and the opponent must answer them. Afterwards they change places, and the leader asks his questions.

If pantomines are easy, then you can try to conduct this competition without words, only with the help of gestures. Of course, this is not exactly a competition, but a winner can be identified. The funnier the performance, the better. You can come up with various nominations. “The most generous leader”, “the most cunning worker”, “the best mime”, etc. waiting for their prizes. But it’s still better to do it in a more or less warmed-up company.

The most original slogan of the team.

To warm up, you can run a competition for the funniest advertising slogan of the group. Not a company, but a team. Whoever says the most original slogan wins, everything is extremely simple.

Mismatch game

The next game is quite suitable for girls. The presenter writes the names of various places on pieces of paper. It could be a cafe, a hairdresser, a bank, anything. The presenter calls the participant, sits him on a chair in front of him and unfolds the inscription so that it is visible to everyone except the participant. And then asks questions like: “When were you there? last time?”, “For what purpose?”, “Were you there alone?” etc. It makes for a hilarious incongruity.

The idea is to call several participants and ask them to take their bags with them. And then arrange the weighing procedure. Not girls, of course, but handbags. There is no need to identify a winner; it is better to come up with nominations.

Competition "Gather your husband to work."

In a team where there are young and unmarried people, the competition “Gather your husband to work” is always useful. There may be other variations: for football, fishing, etc. The competition itself is simple and very popular, but it requires a lot of props. A lot of objects are laid out in front of the participants, preferably not related to the topic; it is necessary to give reasons why this or that object will be useful to the husband. Here a lot depends on the imagination of the presenter.

Competition "Japanese Day".
Since in Lately Rolls, sushi and other Japanese dishes are wildly popular. In this regard, you can hold a “Japanese Day” competition. The task is to quickly empty a container of food that is not very convenient for eating with chopsticks. But you need to eat with chopsticks, of course.

Competition "Emergency Situation".

The “emergency situation” competition is also suitable. Participants are given the situation itself and asked to find a way out of it. Questions, of course, should be asked exclusively on women’s topics and preferably funny. Like “You put mascara on important documents, what to do?"

Many people like to include cooking competitions in the program. But a woman in our time is still not a housewife, especially if we are talking about a corporate party in honor of March 8th. And many people consider it pop, to be honest, so we’ll omit this part.

Provocative competition "Stripper".

It's a matter of competitions to music! The famous “Stripper” competition is also suitable for relaxed groups. The point is that the participants are divided into pairs, but one is left without her.

And while the slow composition is playing, everyone is dancing, and he should undress in a fun and funny way. When the composition stops, everyone must change pairs very quickly. Whoever didn’t make it in time is a stripper. The competition is somewhat provocative.

Artistic competition.

You can hold an artistry competition. Initially, characters are written on cards, and participants choose a song. Afterwards they are given cards and they must perform it in the image of their character. It is still advisable to have karaoke. Spectators can support and sing along.

A competition related to television or radio advertising is also suitable for a corporate event. Preferably musical. Need to ask the DJ to cut it introductory part songs. And at the festival, when this part is played, the participants must sing its continuation. Quite a funny competition, fortunately there are enough music advertisements.