What to do if you gave an even number of flowers? Even number of colors

A wonderful gift for girls and women is a bouquet. Have you heard that you can't give even number flowers? Why? What does the odd meaning of flowers in a bouquet promise? And how many flowers should you give? This article is dedicated to issues that are difficult for the stronger sex.

By Russian traditions It is appropriate for a living person to give flowers only in odd numbers

Is it possible to give an even meaning of flowers?

Is it possible to give an even number of flowers? There is no clear answer, but we will try to consider and understand several points of view.

Back in Ancient Rus' odd numbers promised negative energy, namely incompleteness, the end of the road, death. That is why many of our distant ancestors believe that you cannot give an even number of flowers.

And if you take signs and opinions from different countries, you can see this. In Japan, you can give even numbers of flowers in a bouquet. This sign suggests that they want you to quickly find your soulmate if you don’t have one. And such a gift is very joyfully welcomed, and not rejected, as is customary among us, among the Slavs.

And in the USA and Europe, an even number of flowers promises happiness and prosperity. Therefore, if people living in Europe are given an even number of flowers, they understand what the giver of such a cute gift wanted to tell them.

In Europe, an even number of flowers promises happiness and prosperity.

When giving flowers with even meanings

According to tradition, flowers of even significance are given at funerals, i.e. on a day of sorrow, grief. Why? Even number The Slavs always associate flowers with mourning, death, misfortune, and funerals. Many people believe these traditions and signs. In order not to offend a person, even if he does not believe in the power of an odd number, do not give him such a bouquet. Is it difficult for you to add another flower? Here you can discard questions like: “Why and how.”

What to do if given an even meaning of flowers

But what to do if you give an even number of flowers in a bouquet? Complain? Yell at someone who gave you a bouquet? These are primitive methods, or rather reactions. What if you don’t count at all how many flowers you have in your bouquet? Well, just take it and not count it? Is this really so important?.. If you really can’t come to terms with what they gave you, or rather with an even number of flowers, then act like this:

  • Divide the bouquet into 2 parts, and you will get 2 bouquets, even better.
  • You have to believe that an even number of flowers in the bouquet was given to you to attract your soulmate into your life. Agree, it’s very interesting and beneficial for you.
  • Read the plot:

    “There are two dawns in the sky: one dawn blooms, the other fades. Without the morning dawn the sun does not rise, without the evening dawn it does not set. The Lord counted the apostles, but my flowers are not counted. Whoever counts across my prayer will exchange the odd number. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

What does the number of flowers in a bouquet indicate?

In floristry, the number of flowers carries a certain message.

Let's look at something else interesting. It turns out that in floristry, the number of flowers carries a certain message, meaning:

  • 1– love that one does not have the courage to admit;
  • 2 – quick wedding;
  • 3– recognition of your feelings;
  • 5– best wishes;
  • 10 – admiration for your other half;
  • 11– mutual love spouses;
  • 12– mostly given on memorable days of acquaintance or anniversary;
  • 16– mostly given as gifts to friends and relatives;
  • 29– given in recognition of the fact that you are forever his most beloved and only one;
  • 37 – just as in the case of the number 5, this is a wish for happiness;
  • 101 – real - unreal love.

When and what bouquet to give

When are flowers given? When flowers are given and in what cases, the stronger representatives of the sex are interested. Give flowers to girls and wives as often as possible. Not only on holidays, but also on weekdays just like that. Don't wait for the moment, don't wait for the weekend, don't wait for an occasion, do it right now.

Which bouquet would be best to present to your loved one? It depends on her preferences and taste. By the way, the bouquet does not have to be huge and with a lot of flowers. These can be small flowers, without decoration. The main thing here is not the presence of flowers, but attention to beautiful ladies.

Let's sum it up together. Is it worth giving odd number flowers in a bouquet? If your beloved woman or girl believes in such signs regarding the number of numbers, then it’s better not to risk it. Even if you yourself don’t believe in all this “nonsense.” Well, if your lady love still does not give in to the opinions of her ancestors and everyone else, then feel free to give her such a gift.

We also found out together why you can’t give an even number to a bouquet. If the bouquet was presented sincerely, with all love, with all the soul, and even with an odd number, then your woman will not notice it. After all, the main thing is attention.

Many people wonder: why do they put an even number of flowers on the grave and where did this tradition come from? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Even in Ancient Rus', two flowers were placed on the grave of fallen soldiers who defended their homeland from enemy invasion.
  2. According to pagan belief, an even number is a symbol of evil and death. It’s not for nothing that they say “trouble does not come alone.” Perhaps this was the reason for the emergence of the custom of giving an odd number of flowers to the living, and an even number to the dead.
  3. Many ancient cultures associated even numbers with completeness and completeness. In the case of a funeral, this may indicate the end life path. All odd numbers except 13 symbolized happiness, joy, movement and life.
  4. The ancient Pythogoreans considered odd numbers to personify goodness, light and life, and unpaired numbers - death, grief, disappointment.
  5. Two flowers are placed on the grave: one is intended for the deceased, and the second is for God or the guardian angel.
  6. Some believe that an odd number of flowers is given to the living “up to a couple,” and since the person has died and thus becomes “married” to death, he is presented with an odd number.

Not in all countries is it customary to give people an unpaired number of flowers for their birthday or any other holiday. For example, in the USA, Europe and some eastern countries the birthday boy or hero of the day is presented with a bouquet with an odd number of flowers in the bouquet, without considering this something strange and frightening.

If there are more than ten flowers in the bouquet, then no attention is paid to their number (even or not).

Many people, going to a funeral, do not know which flowers are better to buy: fresh or artificial. Different ones are also placed on the grave. It all depends on a person's personal preferences. Of the fresh flowers, the following are considered mourning:

  1. White chrysanthemums, which are often brought to deceased friends. This flower symbolizes openness, sincerity and friendship.
  2. White lilies symbolizing purity. They are often placed on the graves of girls and young women.
  3. Red carnations are appropriate on the grave of a person who was highly respected among his circle. These could be mentors, teachers and managers. These flowers express their respect. They are also placed at monuments dedicated to military actions.
  4. Dark red roses are a symbol of sorrow and living blood. They are placed on the graves of tragically dead people.

There must be an even number of flowers in the bouquet. They need to be placed with the buds towards the head of the deceased.

Artificial flowers, rather than real ones, are much more popular. This is because they retain their original appearance for a long time, and the living ones already wither and dry out on the second day, after which they look very untidy on the grave.

And in general, artificial flowers are traditionally considered mourning. You can decorate your grave with them at any time of the year. Today you can buy both a wreath and just a bouquet. It is worth remembering that wreaths are usually laid on the day of the funeral; it is not customary to bring them on the anniversary and birthday of the deceased.

What to plant in a cemetery?

IN different countries There are various beliefs and signs. One of the many beliefs that distinguishes residents of the countries of the former CIS from residents of European countries is prejudice associated with the number of flowers in a bouquet.

How many flowers can you give?

Some people believe that only an odd number of flowers can be given to the living. Others will never give to a loved one two, four or six flowers, because they believe: bouquets with an even number of flowers They are worn only to graves.

The superstition associated with the number of flowers in a bouquet appeared in Rus' at a time when it was still pagan. The Magi, who were responsible for observing religious ceremonies, considered even numbers complete, dead. This is where the famous proverb comes from: “Trouble does not come alone.”

Odd numbers, on the contrary, symbolized life, development and prosperity. There is an opinion that this belief came to us from Japan. Japanese character, denoting the number 4, is very similar to the hieroglyph symbolizing the concept of “death”.

There are many others in the art of composing a gift bouquet, no less important rules. For example, flowers are counted as even and odd up to a dozen. After a dozen, the number of colors ceases to matter.

The ban on using an even number of flowers in gift bouquets was established only in the territory of the former CIS. In other countries of the world, bouquets consisting of two, four, six and eight flowers are very popular.

Bouquets made from odd number of flowers, are interpreted as follows:

To avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, opt for a large bouquet consisting of many small flowers. No one will count them for sure. As a last resort, if you are unfamiliar with the traditions of the country in which you find yourself, give fresh flowers in a pot; they will always be a welcome gift, symbolizing longevity and strength.

Choose a sign that is more suitable for a given situation, for example this: if you were given an even (paired) number of flowers, this means that you will always be in a pair and will never suffer from loneliness. In addition, in the West, counting is done in dozens (analogous to our tens, only equal to the number 12). And these are all even quantities, mind you. So it turns out that in any case you are in the black: you have a wonderful bouquet, a wonderful future, and a great mood.

Option 3. Don’t count the flowers in the bouquet

The simplest and surest way is to not count the flowers at all. The most important thing is that you were given a wonderful bouquet, and it’s stupid to be upset because of some signs. You can also give someone the opportunity to upset you if you assume that the even number was given intentionally. There are enough ill-wishers in life, right? In this case, why give someone a reason to manipulate you? Let's say an enemy wanted to ruin your holiday and gave you 30 roses, or carnations, or chrysanthemums, hoping that you would be upset. And you, seeing this, joyfully and enthusiastically begin to thank and kiss him. Now it's his turn to be sad. And if you really believe in omens, you separated one flower and forgot about it.

Don’t let anyone (people or stereotypes) spoil your mood, darken your celebration, or influence your emotions. Rise above this, be wiser and stronger. And flowers are one of the means by which they accumulate positive emotions. So get charged with positivity! They bring happiness, joy and comfort to the home. Give them and accept them with gratitude, and it doesn’t matter how many pieces there are, whether the delivery service brought them or they were presented with your own hand, the main thing is the attention, care and respect shown to you by such a gift. Appreciate what you have and be happy!

Give such gifts, regardless of whether it is a holiday or an ordinary weekday. A bouquet is therapy, a tool that cures bad mood, bringing joy to both the giver and the recipient.

So what to do if you gave an even number of flowers? The choice is in your hands:

  • divide the bouquet into two parts;
  • believe in the “paired” sign that an even number of flowers is fortunate;
  • deceive ill-wishers and demonstrate your acting, playing out stormy joy in front of them and thereby upsetting their plans;
  • do not count flowers in bouquets, but simply rejoice that you have been given such a tender gift, that they care about you, think about you;
  • give flowers to relatives, friends, friends, give in armfuls, bouquets, individually, give with or without reason, give joy and get pleasure from it!