Learning acting skills with beginner exercises. Acting for beginners: basics, secrets and lessons. Acting exercises

Acting Basics

Unfortunately, in most cases, to the viewer watching the actor, his work always seems simple, and the fact that he has painstaking and hard work behind him is a special made-up lie, designed to justify the high fees of highly paid and famous actors. And only a few understand that each actor has his own acting secrets that led him to Olympus.

Here are just 5 secrets of acting:

1. A good actor is a different actor

When we see a real actor, we become like his “victim”. Here and now he is able to bring tears to our eyes or a smile to our lips. He can make us believe in a miracle, empathize, hate, grieve, wait for his next appearance on stage or screen. It is safe to say that the viewer is captivated by the versatility of his favorite actor, his ability to immerse himself deeply in the role, bring his character to life and make the viewer forget the reality around him.

These components are part of the secrets of acting. Moreover, developing a voice, learning to speak loudly and for a long time is not so easy. This requires regular training and lessons from professional acting teachers and even vocal lessons. Even shouting on stage must be done according to your own rules, so as not to break your voice. Various exercises are also useful for establishing and developing proper breathing.

3. Ability to improvise and developed imagination

They help you get out of any situation with flying colors. Anything can happen on stage: a line slips out of your head, your pants fall off, or the scenery breaks. A sense of humor or the ability to adapt to any situation not according to the script is also one of the secrets of acting.

Don't be afraid of the audience

Not to be afraid of the audience, to boldly go out to your audience, not to become stupefied in front of the camera - actors have been learning all this for years, having played quite a few roles, and having read more than one book.

5. Charisma

This is the quality or, one might say, state of mind that allows the actor to “catch” the casting director, director, and viewer. You don't have to be handsome, slim and muscular, blond with blue eyes or a brunette with pistachio-colored eyes. You need to radiate powerful energy, be able to advantageously present your advantages, which, undoubtedly, is important secret acting skills.

The viewer can fall in love absolutely different heroes(with or without scars, with hair or bald, with a brutal look or incorrigible romantics), but he will never buy into the falseness, mediocrity, and insecurity of an “actor”. An actor sounds proud and to be called one, you need to study acting and love this profession with all your heart.

The meaning and specificity of acting training

Acting training is the tuning of individual strings of an acting instrument, individual psychophysical manifestations, such as visual, auditory, tactile and other perceptions, internal visions and memory of various sensations and feelings; their analysis; their manifestations in creative imagination and fantasy, in stage attention, in the development of skills and abilities to consciously use in stage action those of its fractional elements that appear involuntarily in life action and do not require volitional efforts.

Psychophysical preparation is one of the necessary stages of an actor's existence.

And in a non-professional theatre, on an amateur or training stage, the psychophysical warm-up has absolutely the same role as in a professional theatre. The only difference, perhaps, is that at first the amateur actor sees in this stage of training something, let’s say, not entirely obligatory, something that artificially delays the immediate immersion in the element of play, fantasy, and acting.

Actor's tuning can and should be carried out with pleasure, as many people think, with a smile, simply moving from task to task, as we used to say, without forgetting at the same time about precise and small comments and explaining the benefits and necessity as best we can, as everyone knows, one or another exercise for prof. growth. And it doesn’t even need to be said that if a young actor understands the meaning of the task, knows what he can also achieve during the training process, then he will understand the need for warm-up better and faster. In Stanislavski, the difficulties of practice and theory are combined together.

Few people know that the position on the primacy of physical action also allows him to accurately build a system for students to master the art of experiencing: practice is accompanied by theory, and theory, in general, reinforces practice, and all this is combined with training, as many people think, with detailed development of individual abilities and skills. It should be noted that the mechanism of creativity is connected with the precepts of Stanislavsky.

The only way to know yourself is the path of action, active action on your nature and interaction with environment. It goes without saying that only on this path can a person truly, to put it mildly, recognize himself - by acting in life and evaluating his actions.

Actor training should, in general, proceed from the parts that create a sense of vital well-being and are manifested in action. Few people know that the very first, simplest elements of it are the feelings and perceptions that we receive from the organs of emotion, constantly connected with the world around us. It goes without saying that the development of emotional organs and improvement of perception devices is the first goal of the training.

There are no “pure” feelings - only visual, for example, or only auditory. Everyone knows that feelings are ultimately included in perceptions in various combinations, with dominance, as it were, of one or the other, and in a person they are all “attached” to the second, as everyone believes, signal system, to the word spoken or flashed in thoughts. As strange as it may be, improving figurative memory and mastering the devices of thinking and speech is the second goal of the training.

Perceiving the world around us, acting in it, a person is in constant cooperation with the world and people. Everyone knows that mastering the mechanism of life action is the 3rd task of the training.

And they all join together main task- do yourself!

In addition to self-observation training, Stanislavsky can consider two more types of training, united under the title “actor’s toilet.” Everyone knows that according to Stanislavsky’s plan, there is daily training of internal, mental and physical properties that help the actor’s creativity.

Acting training, therefore, should bring the student’s creative apparatus into compliance with the requirements, as it were. creative process. And there is no need to even say that training, therefore, improves plasticity nervous system and helps, finally, to polish, make flexible and catchy the actor’s psychophysical instrument, to reveal all his natural abilities and subject them to systematic processing, to expand the efficiency of all suitable existing abilities, to dampen and just eliminate unnecessary ones and, in the end, to make missing ones How could this be, these are his main tasks.

With the development of imagination, visual perceptions and so to speak, the actual training begins in “The Actor’s Work on Oneself.”

The physiological nature of perceptions - conditioned reflexes. Please note that homogeneous feelings, accumulating, provide the basis for their formation. There are no “pure” feelings. And indeed, interacting with the environment, a person accepts reality in many ways - sound perceptions are associated with auditory ones, etc. It should be noted that precise experiments have confirmed that the body works as a single-channel information system, that at every moment it can react to only one of the irritations affecting it.

It is clear what significance the trace reflex has in life action and how fundamentally it is, finally, to develop the memory of perceptions, the basis for its rapid and, as everyone knows, accidental revival, if we want the stage action to follow the laws of life and for the trace reflexes to contribute reproducing genuine human emotions.

The actor's sensory abilities will expand, and the scope of his mental and sensory abilities will also expand.

In itself, the development of individual sensory skills, so to speak, may not produce any effect, apart from the local one: the distinctive ability of touch, for example, will increase, or the memory of auditory perceptions will improve. I would really like to emphasize that the overall effect is an expansion of the general sphere of sensory and mental abilities: a simply born, rapid thought, simply arising emotions that should become manageable, quick and natural switching from, like you and me We constantly say, first feelings for another, colorful inner visions - this effect will appear only in this case, if the training exercises finally meet the following conditions:

If each of them, in general, then will have a specific physical purpose, not counting the main, creative one;

If the teacher, monitoring the fulfillment of the creative goal, will finally control the physical goal of the exercise performed by the student;

If the range of physical targets is quite wide.

Having set himself the task of acting every time, like the first time, the actor must contribute to his own creative nature, therefore, turn on the trigger mechanism of organic action with the help of memory of perceptions, thoughts, internal visions and other temptations and urges - in order for creative nature to make a new, synthesized version of action according to the laws, like most of life’s actions. It goes without saying, involuntary - through the accidental!

The actor must learn the following lessons from what he has said:

· It is necessary, in general, to learn to control your muscular controller.

· It is necessary to learn to control the flow of internal visions, thoughts, alternation of sensory images, random switching from one sensory distinction to another.

· It is necessary to finally learn to master the continuity of a logically developing action.

The ability of our body, in general, to record the sequence and continuity of captured episodes of life must be used to create creative skill, logic and consistency of a continuous illustrated strip of subtext. Just imagine that this goal is served in training by exercises like “film of the day.”

Mastering, as everyone knows, life action in acting training also includes mastering the devices of verbal action. It goes without saying that we demand continuity of action, in general, that means continuity of all the parts from which it is, therefore, composed. And there is no need to even talk about what exactly, the parts of the mental action.

Let us agree that any mental action (including internal monologue) exists in the interweaving of 3 components:

Ш mental speech,

Sh ribbon of visions,

Sh microspeech.

Each person can simply “overhear” and “spy” on himself this, that, and the third.

Alternate row mental words and phrases silently spoken to oneself will be called mental speech. It's no secret that thoughts in the form of a chain of continuously arising visions, when words are not constantly realized, are a tape of visions.

The 3rd variety is more complex. It's no secret that this is not just a combination of parts of mental speech and visions. This seems to be an abbreviated and rushed recording, interspersed with film footage; a shorthand sensory synopsis in which one word replaces an entire phrase, one trace reflex recalls a whole complex of a specific, physical state of health, and one visual image also brings with it a dozen associations. Of course, we all know very well that, since the basis here is the verbal system, we call this type of mental action microspeech. Everyone knows that it is hardly necessary to mention that none of the listed phenomena exists in pure form. It is undoubtedly worth mentioning that every thought is a conglomerate of these three components with dominance of the first, the other or the third.

The fruitfulness of the interaction of partners during communication and the external expressiveness of the dialogue largely depend on how the thoughts and speech of the partners are, as it were, saturated with visions.

This conclusion inspires us to direct our most severe attention to the training of inner visions.

Stanislavsky demanded that for each role a continuous film of internal visions be created, illustrating the subtext of the role. It is necessary to emphasize that the ability to arbitrarily evoke internal visions (again, and for the hundredth time!), the ability to switch from one vision to another - can and must be trained!

By training the brain's ability to evoke and retain internal visions, the actor not only improves the mechanisms of visual memory, but also develops the plasticity of the nervous system. It goes without saying that the ability to control simply arising internal visions, therefore, increases a person’s sensory receptivity.

Stanislavsky’s position in this excerpt from the work “The Actor’s Work on Oneself” is clear: the action on a partner and the perception of this action by another partner is such an act, which requires the active, conscious introduction of one’s own emotions and visions into the other, and for the partner - an active perception of what which, therefore, is transmitted.

It is on this property of memory: to unfold an action and the associated emotional state in time - that the possibility of vividly reproducing a sensory piece of a role is based, if the piece was previously prepared by the logic and sequence of past actions and is supported, as many people think, by figurative vision and mental speech.

So, the main requirement for the manifestation of increased suggestibility and self-hypnosis is a decrease in the positive tone of the cortex. Everyone knows that what can be done during stage communication is to strengthen the function of the first signaling system? This can be done by eagerness to see on the screen of internal vision everything that is said to the partner, or what is communicated by the partner, so to speak.

Finally, the concreteness of visions plays a fundamental role in this process.

Visions bring the word to life. It would be bad if we did not note that this is the other side of the very process when the word revives visions.

Inextricable connection is the basic law of life communication. And indeed, to strengthen stage communication and, in general, all of Stanislavsky’s, as everyone knows, figurative “currents of internal communication”, “creating a tape of visions illustrating the subtext”, “radiation and ray perception” were useful to Stanislavsky.

And in this way the following conclusions can be drawn.

As virtually all directors, actors, theater teachers have said and will continue to say: “You cannot teach acting, you can only best case scenario, teach some acting skills - the rest is from God.”

And here we are faced with a problem: a skill is, as it were, formed through its constant repetition, if not every day, then at least every other day. Imagine one fact: acting classes have to be held once a week. It is no secret that, however, it must finally be noted that even in such a situation, it is possible, in the end, to achieve certain results.

During their training in the studio or, as we put it, acting school, students undergo the “Mastery of an Actor” great amount topics:

Ш work in acting training;

Ш work “I am in the proposed circumstances”;

Ш observations of: an object, an animal, a child, a person;

Ш work with an imaginary object;

Ш work on the role;

W work on the image, etc.

What contributes, as we used to say, to organic feeling in stage circumstances.

Acting is interesting and necessary not only for those who have connected their lives with theater or cinema. It has and is completely practical use. For example, the ability to speak and perform and speeches, then oratory is perfectly complemented by acting. Then the effect of the spoken speech will be different.

Such skills are useful when conducting business negotiations, They are helping the best way express your emotions.

In general, the acting skill is quite useful in everyday life. It teaches you to manage your emotions, be expressive, and skillfully adjust your behavior to a specific situation.

How to learn acting

In order to know how to become an actor, you need to understand what acting is. By generally accepted definition, such skill is creative work, which consists of creating images. It's about roles.

Thus, the actor transforms, his actions reflect the actions of the person, according to his role.

There are many acting schools and training techniques. All of them have the right to exist, since they were created on the basis of many years of experience and theoretical knowledge.

What is reincarnation

It should be noted that it is transformation that is the central element of all the actor’s actions. So he acts like his own character. Emotions, facial expressions, all movements of the actor must express the essence of his role. The audience is looking at the actor, but they perceive him as his character. Therefore, the actor must convey the whole gamut of his experiences and emotions.

There are two basic directions. They are necessary in order to learn to be an actor. This is working on your role and yourself.

  1. Working on oneself consists of maximum concentration and tension of the actor’s mental abilities and strong-willed qualities. He uses all his imagination, sense of justice, he brings emotional intensity to the highest limit.

  2. Working on a role is expressed in merging with the character. They become inseparable from each other. The actor's personality inevitably influences the character; he somehow endows him with his own traits. At the same time, the character or role expresses itself through the actor. What happens is that separating the role from real person It's simply impossible.

One of the most famous and world-recognized systems for teaching acting is the Stanislavsky system. He believed that the actor's creative process includes four types of elements:

  • active focus and concentration;

  • the body should not be tense. Plastic surgery required;

  • a correct assessment of the circumstances within which the actor finds himself. He must believe in what he is doing and perceive his role as reality;

  • readiness for active action.

How to learn acting skills

Such training cannot be completed in one or two classes. A course of classes and trainings is required. In this case. The person will gain basic knowledge and acting skills. But they will need to be developed by constantly working on yourself. Although this is a rather exciting process and it will not bring fatigue.

Classical training consists of the following lessons:

  • Study of the famous Stanislavsky system. This lesson is an introduction to the basics of the system, its elements and rules. With the help of the knowledge gained, you will be able to understand how to work on yourself correctly and what you need to pay attention to. Understanding these things will help you properly organize your daily work on yourself. Thus, knowing the basics will give you the opportunity to work independently and learn acting “at home”;

  • Professional qualities that must be possessed good actor. This will also help organize your work on yourself. The qualities are highlighted based on the acting schools of Meyerhold, Chekhov, Stanislavsky. With their help, it will be possible to develop attention, memory, and the art of speaking. All these are elements of transformation. Every actor needs them;

  • The ability to live the life of a character. Getting used to the role is fundamentally important. This is the key to the success of transformation. An actor needs to start thinking like his character, living his experiences and thoughts. Accordingly, certain facial expressions, gestures, and emotions are needed. Thanks to this lesson It will be possible to understand the processes of the emergence and manifestation of emotions. In this way, one can master the art of their formation and expression. After all, in order to truly express anger, joy or sorrow, you need to experience these feelings within the framework of the role;

  • Speech. Stage speaking skills are seriously different from oratory or the ability to persuade through logic. Thanks to this lesson, you can understand how to speak correctly and how to work on your speech in the future when studying independently.

How to practice acting

existing courses and online training will provide general idea about the basics of this skill. They will teach a person to understand the essence of acting, the rules by which transformation occurs, and how to achieve this transformation.

Having such knowledge, it is necessary to continue independent studies. And you should work hard on yourself every day.

During the training, the course participant will receive not only theoretical knowledge about the basics of acting, but will also acquire practical skills. They will need to continue to be developed at home.

In addition, the student will learn basic techniques that will help develop the skill. For example, the ability to parody can be called the beginning of acting. Thus, a whole range of useful skills is acquired.

After all, parody is not antics and a demonstration of the exaggerated properties of the object of imitation. This is a complex process that begins with observation. This is a deep understanding and feeling of the object. After all, every person or animal has unique movements inherent only to them. And it is minor movements that distinguish an object from the mass of similar ones. It is also necessary to develop facial expressions and facial muscle mobility. Therefore, you need to imbue him, become like him. Then the parody will turn out believable and elegant.

Becoming an artist is not an easy task. It is true that they say that gift is the main thing, but knowledge is also power. Learn acting skill suitable not only for those who want to act in films, but also in life. The classes will liberate you and teach you to behave confidently in any environment. You can study acting all your life and continuously discover something new.

You will need

  • Imagination, courage, cool speech, knowledge of reincarnation


1. Read books. You can explore the basics of acting on your own. To do this, purchase books on acting. skill. Students of stage schools are recommended to read Stanislavsky and Mikhail Chekhov. The books will teach you to listen to your feelings, develop your imagination, and give you a number of useful recommendations. Watch films, watch the actors play, think about how you would play this role. Of course, an artist is nowhere without practice, but books and films are not a bad teaching aid.

2. Independent transformation. Having studied the theory, move on to practice. Choose monologues, fables, poems and practice in front of a mirror, video camera, and friends. Practice different images, settings, intonations. Experiment. If you film yourself, then you have the wonderful opportunity to watch your performance and work on your mistakes. If you act out a skit in front of your friends, it means you will get rid of the fear of public speaking.

3. Specialists. If it’s difficult for you to understand the essence, sign up for stage courses or stage studios. Certified experts will work with you there, knowledgeable in this case. In addition to the reading program, you will be trained in speech, stage movements, plastic arts, and vocals. In general, they approach acting from all sides. Anyone can sign up for courses. You just need to prepare a reading program and pay for the classes. Stage studios differ from courses in that, in addition to educational process you can play in a play with your classmates. So, dive into acting headfirst.

4. Aerobatics. Finally, learn acting skill allowed within the walls of specialized schools. And the nice, combine with the suitable, and at the same time, get a diploma higher education. To do this, prepare a program necessary documents and go to the audition.

Nowadays, acting in all its forms and types is rapidly blossoming and popularizing. Every day thousands of films are released on cinema screens, most of which amaze with their ideas and the skill of the characters. In addition, in every city there are theaters, doll houses and other public places, where various performances, plays, comedies are also shown every day, and everyone has the opportunity to watch the professional performance of the cast.

The relevance of this sphere of life cannot be disputed. That is why thousands of young boys and girls dream of becoming celebrities since childhood in order to conquer the heights of this sphere and have millions of fans around the world. But desire alone, unfortunately, turns out to be catastrophically not enough. It takes a lot of effort to get into a vocational school, and even more effort to catch all the lessons on the fly. Of course, there are really decent acting courses in Arkhangelsk http://arhangelsk.videoforme.ru/actors_school/actor-full/artist, but besides this, self-development should take up most of the beginner’s training. The best stars of world cinema claim that at one time they received only 50% of their knowledge from any educational institution. Everything else is endless work on yourself!

Where should a newbie start?

Among young and talented students of this art, acting exercises have become very popular. It is worth examining why this is so, and whether they deserve attention.

As already mentioned, self-development of future stars is important. For this purpose, a huge number of exercises have been invented that help not only to learn all the intricacies of this area, but also to fully reveal that very professional within yourself. Such methods exist in various types and combinations. Some of them help develop facial expressions, others help develop speech, others help teach how to quickly transform into another character, and so on. Among the millions of such techniques, you need to highlight a few basic ones that will help you show yourself in all its glory.

Basic acting exercises

And so, approaching a detailed analysis of each exercise, it is worth saying that among their huge number it is difficult to choose the best. But in in this case you need to analyze at least one option to train various aspects.

Exercise one. Memory training

When starting exercises to develop acting skills, you must first start training your memory. After all, it’s no secret that any actor, be he a novice amateur or a well-known specialist, needs to learn a huge number of words and lines every day.

In order to train your brain, the best scientists in the world have developed technology that allows you to remember a lot of information. The name of this technology is mnemonics, and it consists in the fact that you need to remember not “raw” words and phrases, but associate them with pictures, images, and so on.

The exercise itself is as follows. Your task is to write down the necessary words or phrases that you would like to learn today. Next, read them out loud several times, and try to come up with an individual association for each. Don’t complicate your life, just imagine a bright picture in your head, and so on with all the phrases and phrases.

As a result, you will end up with something similar to an imaginary film strip, where all the material that you needed to learn is sequentially presented.

Exercise two. Imagination training

Continuing interesting exercises in acting, it’s worth moving on to training your own imagination. Scientists prove that human imagination has no limits, which is why we see dreams, some of which may seem like complete nonsense.

This part of the preparation plays an important role, since only a trained person will be able to play the necessary role as correctly as possible and produce unforgettable impression on spectators and colleagues.
The exercise itself is banal. When walking down the street, you need to pay attention to strangers and appearance and manners, present them life position, profession, Family status. This is more like training some kind of psychic quotes, but believe me, this exercise It will be very helpful for any newbie!

Exercise No. 3. Developing imagination

“Running” across the Internet with the request: “Acting exercises for beginners,” pay attention to exercises that help develop imagination. After all, this is an important aspect in the career of any actor.

How can you develop your imagination? Everything is banally simple. Place any item in front of you (be it a chair, a toy, a wardrobe item, or something else), and try, using your imagination, to tell what this item is made of and in what way. Believe me, this gaming approach only increases the chances of a better effect!

Exercise four. Developing facial expressions

And now you come to a very important part of self-development for an aspiring professional. Everyone knows that challenging task professional is the most truthful transmission of emotions. And it often happens that you need to portray strong anger or crying on camera, while behind the scenes everyone is joking and having fun.
In order to carry out this exercise, write down on a piece of paper a certain number of necessary emotions that you want to strengthen today. And then, in turn, imitate each of them in front of the mirror. Also, after finishing the exercise, ask someone close to you to evaluate your skills. Show him the learned emotions and listen to his criticism.

Exercise No. 5. Speech comes first!

And now, having listed the four main exercises aimed at comprehensive development, it is necessary to proceed to the most important “ business card" professional. After all, most roles are played by people with correct speech and the ability to correctly express their thoughts.
To achieve this goal, all methods will be good. Read a lot various literature, tongue twisters, special words and so on. In addition, learn how to properly pause between words when there is a change in the idea of ​​the text, its suspension, etc. It is also necessary to set up the effect of exclamation and question as correctly as possible, so that it sounds and looks vital, and without fanaticism.

To become a talented actor, you need to put in enormous effort and time. But any path to the pinnacle of glory begins with self-development, so it’s worth starting with yourself first. To this end, there are many exercises designed to train all aspects of an actor and his skills.

"Fundamentals of Acting"


System K.S. Stanislavsky as the basis for the education of an actor and director

An actor's work on a role

The director's work on the play

Theater ethics


List of sources used


In order for aspiring actors and directors to know the basics of stage art, they need to study the system of Konstantin Stanislavsky. It is designed as practical guide, which solves the problem of conscious mastery of subconscious creative processes and explores the path of transformation of an actor into an image. Stanislavsky’s many years of work as an actor and director prompted him to write the book “My Life in Art.” He also wrote the book “An Actor’s Work on Himself,” and intended to publish the books “An Actor’s Work on a Role” and “A Director’s Work on a Play,” but he didn’t have time, but we can study these topics from the sketches published in the collected works.

His system is based on the principles and methods of truthful acting. In his books, he relies on those facts that help reveal the main creative theme and implement it. His work is enriched with ideas and clarity of artistic expression.

Stanislavsky is strict about everything related to the theater. He is extremely self-critical and incorruptible. Every mistake is a lesson, and every victory is a step towards improvement.

Also among Stanislavsky's archives one can find works on theatrical ethics. He attached great importance to the moral character of the actor. But even in “My Life in Art” he paid a lot of attention to ethical issues.

Under a strong, irresistible influence creative ideas Stanislavsky develops modern theatrical art.

System K.S. Stanislavsky as the basis for the education of an actor and director

Stanislavski's system matters professional basis performing arts. It arose as a generalization of the creative and pedagogical experience of Stanislavsky, his theatrical predecessors and contemporaries. The discoveries of Stanislavsky, who discovered the most important laws of acting, rooted in the very nature of man, revolutionized the theater arts And theater pedagogy. Main principle Stanislavsky's systems are the truth of life. A theater school teacher needs to learn to distinguish stage truth from lies; to do this, one should compare the performance of any creative assignment with the truth of life itself. This is the path to true, live theatricality.

To prevent everything from life from being dragged onto the stage, selection is necessary. Selection is facilitated by Stanislavsky's second principle - the super task. This is not the idea itself, this is what this idea is implemented for. These are the author’s aspirations to participate with his creativity in the struggle for something new. The doctrine of the super-task is not only a requirement from the actor of ideological creativity, it is also a requirement of his ideological activity. Keeping in mind the ultimate goal, the artist makes no mistakes either in selecting material or in choosing techniques and means of expression.

The third principle of Stanislavsky's system is the principle that affirms action as the causative agent of stage experiences and the main material in the art of acting. This is an important principle of the practical part of the system - the method of working on a role. All methodological and technological instructions of Stanislavsky have the goal of awakening the natural human nature of the actor for organic creativity in accordance with the super task. There should be nothing artificial, nothing mechanical in an actor’s work; everything in it should obey the requirement of organicity - this is Stanislavsky’s fourth principle.

The final stage of the creative process in the art of acting, from Stanislavsky’s point of view, is the creation of a stage image through the organic creative transformation of the actor into the character. The principle of reincarnation is the decisive principle of the system. But the art of an actor is secondary, performing. An actor in his work relies on another art - the art of a playwright. And in the playwright’s work, the images are already given, albeit in literary form. If an appropriately dressed and made-up actor even reads his role competently, a certain artistic image. The creator of such an image is not the actor; its creator was and remains the playwright. However, the viewer sees not the playwright, but the actor on stage, and receives an impression from his performance. If an actor attracts the audience not with his image, but with his personal charm or appearance, this is false art. Stanislavsky was against narcissism and self-display. An actor should love not himself in the image, Stanislavsky taught, but the image in himself.

Stanislavsky attached great importance to the external character and the art of transformation of the actor. The principle of transformation includes a number of techniques for stage creativity. The actor puts himself in the proposed circumstances and works on the role on his own. To become different while remaining yourself is the formula of Stanislavsky’s teaching. You cannot lose yourself for a minute on stage and tear the image you are creating away from your own organic nature, because the material for creating the image is precisely the living human personality the actor himself. Stanislavsky insists that the actor, in the process of working on the role, accumulating internal and external qualities of the image, gradually becoming different and completely transforming into the image, constantly checks himself - whether he remains himself or not. From his actions, feelings, thoughts, from his body and voice, the actor must create the image given to him, “go from himself” - this is the true meaning of Stanislavsky’s formula.

An actor's work on a role

Work on a role consists of four large periods: cognition, experience, embodiment and influence. Cognition is a preparatory period. It starts with the first acquaintance with the role. To know is to feel. However, first impressions can also be wrong. Wrong erroneous opinions interfere with the actor’s further work. Therefore, attention should be paid Special attention reading the play for the first time and being in good spirits state of mind and not listen to other people’s opinions until your own becomes stronger.

The second moment of the large preparatory period of cognition is the process of analysis. This is a continuation of getting to know the role. This is cognition of the whole through studying it individual parts. The result of artistic analysis is sensation. In art it is feeling that creates, not the mind; belongs to the feeling the main role and initiative. Artistic analysis is, first of all, an analysis of feeling, produced by the feeling itself.

The creative goals of cognitive analysis are:

1) in the study of the work;

2) in the search for spiritual and other material for creativity contained in the play and role itself;

3) in searching for the same material in the artist himself (self-analysis);

4) in preparing the ground in your soul for the emergence of a creative feeling, both conscious and unconscious;

5) in search of creative stimulants that give flashes of creative passion and revive those parts of the play that did not come to life during its first reading.

The means of cognitive analysis are delight and fascination. They superconsciously comprehend what is inaccessible to sight, hearing, consciousness and the most refined understanding of art. This the best means searching for creative stimuli within oneself.

The process of cognitive analysis is based on the presentation of the presence of facts, their sequence and connection. All the facts represent the appearance of the play.

The third point is the process of creating and reviving external circumstances. Animation is accomplished through artistic imagination. The artist imagines a house, an interior from a play or that time, people, and, as it were, observes - takes a passive part.

The fourth point is the process of creating and revitalizing internal circumstances. It is accomplished with the active participation of creative feeling. Now the artist gets to know the role with his own sensations, with genuine feeling. In acting jargon, this process is called “I am,” that is, the artist begins to “be”, “exist” in the life of the play.

If an artist has a technically creative sense of well-being, an “I am” state of being, a sense of an imaginary object, communication and the ability to act authentically when encountering it, he can create and animate the external and internal circumstances of life human spirit.

The period of cognition ends with the so-called repetition - an assessment of the facts and events of the play. Here the actor should only touch upon the play itself, its true facts. Assessing the facts is about finding out the circumstances inner life plays, helps to find their meaning, spiritual essence and the degree of their significance. To evaluate the facts means to unravel the secret of the personal spiritual life of the person depicted, hidden under the facts and text of the play. The trouble is, if an artist underestimates or overestimates the facts, he will violate faith in their authenticity.

Second creative period- the period of experience is a creative period. This is the main, main period in creativity. The creative process of experiencing is organic, based on the laws of spiritual and physical nature person, on genuine feelings and beauty. Stage action is a movement from soul to body, from internal to external, from experience to embodiment; this is the desire for a super task along the line of end-to-end action. External action on stage is not spiritual, not justified, not caused by internal action, it is only entertaining for the eyes and ear, but it does not penetrate the soul, it has no meaning for the life of the human spirit. Only creativity based on internal action is scenic.

The means of stimulating creative passion is a creative task. She is the engine of creativity, since she is the lure of the artist’s feelings. Such tasks appear either consciously, that is, they are indicated by our mind, or they are born unconsciously, by themselves, intuitively, emotionally, that is, they are prompted living feeling and the creative will of the artist. Tasks created intuitively, unconsciously, are subsequently evaluated and recorded by consciousness. In addition to conscious and unconscious tasks, there are mechanical and motor tasks. After all, over time and frequent repetition, the whole process is absorbed so firmly that it turns into an unconscious mechanical habit. These mental and physical motor habits seem to us simple and natural, performing themselves.