Types of speech. General idea of ​​speech. Language and speech. Thinking and speech. Types and functions of speech

Sample list exam questions

1. Main directions of modern psychology, methods of psychology

2. Basic functions and structure of the psyche

3. Essence, personality structure, stable personality characteristics

4. Patterns of formation and types of human activity, the difference between activity and behavior

5. The essence and nature of mental processes

6. Basic psychological characteristics mental processes

7. Stable personality characteristics, temperament properties

8. Characteristics of accentuations

9. Characteristics of the components of communication, cooperation with colleagues

10. The essence of group formation processes

11. Fundamentals of socio-psychological analysis of the process and results of communication

12. Methods for diagnosing interpersonal relationships

13. Principles of organizing activities

14. Psychological foundations acceptance organizational decisions

15. Psychological basis of acceptance management decisions

16. Abilities and inclinations. Development of abilities. Abilities and talent.

17. Concepts of temperament and character: the problem of their relationship.

18. Definition and classification of emotions. Basic functions of emotions.

19. The concept of motives and motivation. Functions of motive. Types of motives.

20. Personality and communication.

21. Character and its formation.

22. The concept of the unconscious in psychology.

23. Types of thinking: basic classification criteria and characteristics.

24. Intelligence, types of intelligence, intellectual development of personality.

Language and speech. Types and functions of speech.

Language - this is a system of verbal signs, relatively independent of the individual, serving the purpose of communication, consolidation and transmission of socio-historical experience, and formalization of thought. Language is always an ethnicity. Speech - a specific product of a native speaker’s use of a system of verbal signs, manifested in various processes speech. Speech is a form of communication mediated by language.

Speech processes are divided into active And passive . The left edge of the diamond is leading. Right side requires special preparedness.

Differences between language and speech: 1) Language is a set of signs and rules for operating them. Speech is the process of using language. If language is a certain system of signs and rules for their transformation, then speech is the real process of operating with language. 2) Language is stable, speech is dynamic. Speech as a process is an opportunity for the development of language as a system. If the language is sufficiently stable, stable, and the rules for the transformation of signs remain relatively unchanged, then speech assumes dynamics: the use and reproduction of language in the living speech process is expanded, giving rise to new rules and laws.

3) Language is a system of social meanings; speech allows you to express individual meaning. If language is a system of socially developed generalizations and concepts, then speech reflects the process of their individual appropriation, during the course and as a result of which concepts can acquire various specific meanings. 4) Speech is first mastered in application, and then the rules are realized. Language first involves familiarity with terms and rules, and then application in speech. Speech and language differ in the ways of mastering them: if a person first masters a language (foreign or computer) theoretically, consistently mastering its conditional connections, then speech (in his native language) - practically, carrying it out even without special awareness of language rules.

Types of speech: Gesture speech And audioWritten And oralExternal And internalDialogue And monologue

1. Modern speech is primarily audible speech, but also sound speech the gesture plays some role. Sign language is, as it were, an accompaniment to the main text of audible speech: the gesture has an auxiliary meaning.

2. When speaking, a person perceives listeners and their reaction to his words. Written speech is addressed to an absent reader who does not see or hear the writer and will read what is written only after some time. The writer is deprived of the ability to use means of expression(intonation, facial expressions, gestures), i.e. written language is usually less expressive than spoken language. Written speech more impersonal (business, scientific). However, it allows for long and careful work on the verbal expression of thoughts, and in oral speech there is no time for polishing phrases.

3. External speech serves communication (although sometimes a person can think out loud without communicating with anyone), therefore its main feature is accessibility to the perception (hearing, vision) of other people. Inner speech is an internal silent speech process. It is inaccessible to the perception of other people and cannot be a means of communication. Inner speech is a means of organizing and managing one’s own life activities. Inner speech is the verbal shell of thinking.

Features of internal speech compared to external: predicativeness (omission of the subject), abbreviation, fragmentation, predominance of meaning over meaning, tendency for words to stick together.

1. Monologue speech is a detailed speech, which is based on both an independent motive and an independent plan. Dialogical – conversation, usually situational.

Speech functions: Communicative- main function (means of communication), ; Emotional- “affective speech” necessarily possesses it (it is characteristic of humans and animals, it serves to express emotional states, psychological contact with one’s own kind. It is carried out with the help of signals that reveal the experienced state, and not signs, behind which there are always objects outside world.; Expressive(included in the totality of expressive movements along with gesture, facial expressions, etc.); Nominative(naming, designating), ; Significative(denoting) - inner side sign – meaning; Gnostic(preservation and transfer of social experience in form of knowledge); Intelligent(serves, forms thinking); Planning, Regulatory (regulation of actions).

(express) - (gnostic): functions of external speech, (intell) - (regulir): functions of internal speech.

Abstract compiled by Anastasia Oorzhak

Language is a system conventional symbols, with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have certain meanings and meanings for people.

There are languages

- natural;
- artificial - developed by people to solve certain problems. They are correct and systematic, and easy to study. Examples: deaf language, road sign language, Morse code, programming languages ​​(machine languages), Esperanto.

Languages ​​can also be divided according to the form of denoting signs into:
— sound;
- pictorial - they use symbols to replace objects and qualities.

At the same time, there are 2 more types of writing:
- letter-by-letter - each sound or combination of sounds is assigned a specific sign, which can then be easily voiced;
- hieroglyphic writing - words and objects are replaced by images.

(In psychology, it is believed that the unit of language is the word.)

People often talk about verbal and non-verbal communication.

Verbal communication is about words.

In nonverbal communication, actions, facial patterns, and gestures can serve as a denoting form. All of them are directed towards vision.

Many argue, saying that non-verbal communication is not a language, because... there is a direct transmission of the emotional state. However, when an actor on stage pretends that he is sobbing, but in fact he is calm, we can talk about language.

There are many ways to convey information without words - for example, symbolic languages, or languages ​​of symbols. In them, the thing that replaces another is a symbol.

Colors can be used as symbols. For example, black is the color of grief and mourning; yellow flowers - for separation. Yellow is associated with withering, while “golden” has positive semantics.

Symbolism of quantity - for example, it is customary for us to give odd number flowers.

Signs: a black cat is a symbol of failure.

Symbolic language varies from one culture to another. The language of symbols and gestures is not codified (there are no dictionaries for them).

Speech is the process of communication between people using one language or another.

In most cases, this is precisely the communication between people. Although animals and computers also have something similar. To all of them we can apply the more “communication” concept – “communication”.

Types of speech are related to the forms of signs used and to whom the speech is directed.

1. oral / written speech

Oral speech always presupposes an interlocutor and unfolds in a certain context perceived by both interlocutors. In oral speech, a gesture can replace an entire sentence (For example, at a tram stop: “It’s coming!”). The emotionality of oral speech is much higher.

Expressive speech is the most emotional (interjections, exclamations, obscene words). It is the least developed and most strongly connected to the context.

2. external / internal speech
(external is directed at others, internal is directed at oneself - “I am like another.”
First a person learns to communicate with others, and then with himself.)

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In psychological science speech understood as system used by humans sound signals, written signs and symbols to transmit information; the process of materialization of thought.

It is important to distinguish speech from language. Their main difference is as follows.

Language- This symbol system , with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have certain meanings and meanings for people.

If language- objective, historically established code system, subject of special science - linguistics (linguistics), then speech is the psychological process of formation and transmission of thought through language .

As a psychological process, speech is the subject of a branch of psychology called " psycholinguistics".

Speech without language acquisition impossible , while language Maybe exist and develop relatively independently from man, according to the laws, not related to any his psychology, neither with him behavior.

The following stand out: signs of tongue:

Historically established means of communication;

It develops relatively independently of a person, according to laws not related to either his psychology or his behavior;

Reflects the psychology of the people;

A system of conventional signs with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have a certain meaning and meaning for people.

The following stand out: speech signs:

Expresses psychological characteristics a single person;

The most perfect inherent in man activities that convey thoughts and feelings.

Speech is also understood as a set of spoken or perceived sounds that have the same meaning and the same sound as the corresponding system of written signs. A sign is a symbol or object that serves as a substitute for another object.

Functions of speech

Speech performs certain functions: influence; messages; expressions; designations.

The function of influence is a person’s ability, through speech, to encourage people to take certain actions or refuse them.

The function of a message is the exchange of information (thoughts) between people through words and phrases.

The function of expression is that, on the one hand, thanks to speech, a person can more fully convey his feelings, experiences, relationships, and, on the other hand, the expressiveness of speech and its emotionality significantly expand the possibilities of communication.

The function of designation is the ability of a person to give objects and phenomena through speech surrounding reality names unique to them. (See additional illustrative material.)

Forms and types of speech

According to its many functions, speech is a polymorphic activity, i.e. in its various functional purposes is presented in different forms and types.

In psychology there is mainly a distinction two forms of speech:



1. External speech- a system of sound signals, written signs and symbols used by humans to transmit information, the process of materialization of thoughts.

Jargon - stylistic features(lexical, phraseological) language of a narrow social or professional group of people. Intonation is a set of speech elements (melody, rhythm, tempo, intensity, accent structure, timbre, etc.) that phonetically organize speech and are a means of expression different meanings, their emotional coloring. (See additional illustrative material.)

External speech includes the following species:

Oral: dialogical and monologue;


Oral speech- this is communication between people through pronouncing words out loud, on the one hand, and listening to them by people, on the other.

Dialogue(from the Greek dialogos - conversation, conversation) - a type of speech consisting in the alternating exchange of sign information (including pauses, silence, gestures) of two or more subjects. Dialogical speech is a conversation in which at least two interlocutors participate. Dialogical speech, the psychologically simplest and most natural form of speech, occurs during direct communication between two or more interlocutors and consists mainly of the exchange of remarks. A response - an answer, an objection, a remark to the interlocutor's words - is distinguished by its brevity, the presence of interrogative and incentive sentences, and syntactically undeveloped constructions. Distinctive feature dialogue is the emotional contact of speakers, their impact on each other through facial expressions, gestures, intonation and timbre of voice.

Monologue- a type of speech that has one subject and represents a complex syntactic whole, structurally not at all related to the speech of the interlocutor. Monologue speech is the speech of one person expressing his thoughts over a relatively long time or a consistent coherent presentation by one person of a system of knowledge.

For monologue speech is characteristic:

Consistency and evidence, which provide coherence of thought;

Grammatically correct formatting;

Monologue speech more complex than dialogue in terms of content and linguistic design and always presupposes a sufficient high level speech development speaker. There are three main types of monologue speech: narration (story, message), description and reasoning, which, in turn, are divided into subtypes that have their own linguistic, compositional and intonation-expressive features. With speech defects, monologue speech is disrupted in to a greater extent than dialogical.

Written speech is a graphically designed speech organized on the basis of letter images. She is addressed to to a wide circle readers, is not situational and requires advanced skills sound-letter analysis, the ability to logically and grammatically correctly convey your thoughts, analyze what is written and improve the form of expression.

2. Inner speech (speech "to oneself")- this is speech that is devoid of sound design and proceeds using linguistic meanings, but outside the communicative function; inner speaking. Inner speech is speech that does not perform the function of communication, but only serves the thinking process of a particular person. It is distinguished by its structure by its convolution, the absence of minor members of the sentence.

Inner speech can be characterized predicativeness.

Predicativity - a characteristic of internal speech, expressed in the absence in it of words representing the subject (subject), and the presence only of words related to the predicate (predicate).

Types of speech

Human speech can be of two types, both conceptually and linguistically:



IN expanded type of speech the speaker uses all the possibilities of symbolic expression of meanings, meanings and their shades provided by language. This type of speech is characterized by great vocabulary and the richness of grammatical forms, the frequent use of prepositions to express logical, temporal and spatial relations, the use of impersonal and indefinite personal pronouns, the use of suitable concepts, clarifying adjectives and adverbs to denote one or another specific state of affairs, more pronounced syntactic and grammatical structuring of statements, numerous subordinating connection components of the sentence, indicating anticipatory planning of speech.

Abbreviated speech utterance sufficient for understanding among well-known people and in familiar surroundings. However, it makes it difficult to express and perceive more complex, abstract thoughts related to subtle distinctions and differential analysis of hidden relationships. In the case of theoretical thinking, a person more often uses detailed speech.

Properties of speech

Question No.45 . Language and speech. Types and functions of speech.

Language- a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication, mental activity, a way of expressing a person’s self-awareness, transmission from generation to generation and storage of information. Language is a socio-historical phenomenon. Historically, the basis for the emergence of language is labor, the joint activity of people. Language exists and is realized through speech. Speech is the activity of communication through language. Speech is language in action. Speech is a special form of communication between people, during which people exchange thoughts and influence each other. Language is a means of communication between people in the form of words.


Speech is a mental process of transmitting information mediated by language.

Speech is considered as a form, type and means of communication.

Language is a system of conventional signs that have a substantive meaning.

Features of the origin of speech in phylogenesis

It is assumed that speech was originally gestural and the articulation system among primitive people was not developed. Gradually, a person masters objective activities and learns to make tools. A conflict arises between the two functions of the hand: communication and making something. For collaboration synchronization of actions is needed, therefore gestural communication has become insufficient, because interfered with coordinated work. Gradually, the function of communication is transferred to the articulatory apparatus, its development occurs and, as a result, speech is articulated (dividing a phrase into words, words into letters). The logic of speech development in ontogenesis repeats the development of speech in phylogenesis. The study of archaic languages ​​(tribes) allows one to study the development of speech. One word with several meanings was supplemented with gestures.

Development of speech in ontogenesis

The development of speech in ontogenesis consists of 2 major stages:

1. Pre-speech stage - includes 3 stages: babbling, humming, pipe. The main objectives of this stage are training the articulatory apparatus and the development of phonemic hearing in children.

2. Speech stage. At the speech stage, pseudowords first appear, and, accordingly, the words themselves. Speech develops most intensively in early age(from 1 to 3 years). Initially, a passive vocabulary is formed (the child understands speech, but does not speak). Further (from 2 to 3 years) an active vocabulary is formed.

Functions of speech

Sometimes the functions of speech in communication and in thinking are distinguished separately. The following functions are distinguished:

1. informational (transmission of information);

2. contact (organization of interaction between people);

3. influence function (influencing the behavior of a communication partner);

4. generalization function (any word generalizes, being a concept);

5. control function (control of the organization of its own activities);

6. signal (any word has a subject meaning and means something).

Any word has a subject component (table, window) and has an affective (emotional) component. “Dry” language (with low emotional load), for example: several words have the same meaning, but the emotional component is different (face, little face, muzzle).

In the process of development, speech was formed as a process that can be active and constructed anew each time, or speech can be a chain of dynamic speech stereotypes. When speaking, a person has a certain speech intention, which can change during verbalization (pronunciation). This change depends on the characteristics of information encoding, i.e. selection of appropriate words that reveal the speech intent.

The relationship between thinking and speech

This problem was considered in the works of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. In his opinion, the relationship between these processes is unstable and variable throughout their development. In particular, the development of thinking and speech does not occur in parallel and not simultaneously. They have genetically different roots.

Both in onto- and phylogenesis, a pre-speech phase of the development of thinking and a pre-intellectual phase of the development of speech are distinguished.

A child’s thinking, going through the pre-verbal stage of its development (chimpanzee-like age), has a visual and effective form. There is also a pre-intellectual stage in speech development, when the child uses screaming, babbling and even the first words unconsciously. Those. they are used as a means of communication, not as a mechanism for thinking. According to Vygotsky, at the turn of 2 years, the lines of development of thinking and speech begin to intersect and gradually, thinking becomes verbal, and speech is intellectual, conscious.

The merging of thinking and speech gives rise to a completely new form of behavior, characteristic only of humans (purposeful, conscious behavior).

Types of speech

There are 3 types of speech: external, egocentric and internal.

I. External speech- the main means of communication, speaking out loud and for others. External speech is divided into:

1. oral speech - is a verbalization of the speech intent, includes non-verbal components, which makes these types of speech a powerful means of influencing another person (feedback is always present). There are 2 types of oral speech:

a. monologue - the speech of one person for others - it is important to take into account the preparedness of the audience, its psychological characteristics (it is important to interest)

b. dialogue is a verbal exchange between two or more interlocutors.

2. written speech - verbal communication, but with the help of graphics or written texts. Unlike oral speech, written speech is more syntactic (grammatical) and stylistic (internal logic is very important);

3. afferent speech - short emotional statements (wow, wow, etc.).

II. Egocentric speech- speaking out loud, but to oneself

III. Inner speech- a means of thinking, speech within oneself and for oneself. It is customary to distinguish 3 forms of internal speech. In general, inner speech is the use of language outside the process of actual communication.

1. Internal pronunciation is speech to oneself, which preserves the structure of external speech, i.e. it is expanded, but lacks intonation (pronunciation of sounds). A person usually uses internal recitation to solve mental problems in difficult situations;

2. Inner speech itself is a means of thinking in which specific units are used (codes of images and schemes, the objective meaning of a word). The structure of this form of speech differs from the structure of external speech. It is condensed, abstract, automated.

3. Internal programming is the formation and consolidation in specific units of the intention of a speech utterance or any text.

Rubinstein says about the unity of consciousness and speech. Thanks to speech, the individual consciousness of everyone is enriched with the results of experience; observation and knowledge of all people thanks to speech can become the property of everyone. Through speech, the consciousness of one person becomes a given for another.

The main function of consciousness is the reflection of existence. Speech performs this function in the following way: it reflects being, designating it. Speech is a signifying reflection of being. Speech is a form of existence of awareness for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of thinking. Speech, the word are a specific unity of sensory and semantic content. Every word has a semantic content that makes up its meaning. A generalized reflection of the subject content constitutes the meaning of the word. But the meaning of a word is not a passive reflection of the object in itself outside of practical relations between people. The meaning of a word, which generally reflects an object, is included in real, effective social relationships between people and is determined through the function of this object in the system of human activity. Formed in social activities, it includes in the process of communication between people. The meaning of a word is the cognitive attitude of a person’s consciousness to an object, mediated by social relations between people.

The carrier of meaning is always a sensory image. But the sensory basis of speech functions only as a carrier of semantic content. The connection between a word and an object is not pre-established by nature, but historical. This connection is indirect - through the generalized semantic content of the word - through a concept or image. In the process of using a word, its meaning is not only realized, but also modified, acquiring in a given specific context a meaning different from its meaning. At the same time, the use of a word in various contexts leads to the fact that new content is included in it and, transforming it, is fixed in it so that it enters into the proper meaning of the word and is retained by it even outside the given context.

External speech significantly different from inner speech. Inner speech is different, first of all, in its function and structure. Inner speech is speech to oneself. There are three main types of inner speech:

a) internal pronunciation, “speech to oneself”, preserving the structure of external speech, but devoid of phonation, i.e. pronouncing sounds, and typical for solving mental problems in difficult conditions;

b) internal speech itself, when it acts as a means of thinking, uses specific units and has a specific structure, different from the structure of external speech;

c) internal programming, i.e. formation and consolidation of the intention of a speech utterance in specific units.

In ontogenesis, internal speech is formed in the process of internalization of external speech. Inner speech, unlike external speech, has a special syntax and is characterized by fragmentation, fragmentation, and abbreviation. The transformation of external speech into internal speech occurs according to a certain law: in it, first of all, the subject is reduced and the predicate remains with the parts of the sentence related to it.

The main syntactic characteristic of inner speech is predicativity. Her examples show up well in dialogues knowledgeable friend a friend of people who understand “without words” what is being said in their “conversation.”

Another feature of the semantics of inner speech is agglutination, i.e. a kind of merging of words into one with their significant abbreviation. The resulting word seems to be enriched with a double or even triple meaning, taken separately from each of the two or three words combined in it. So, in the limit, you can reach a word that absorbs the meaning of the whole statement, and it becomes, as L.S. said. Vygotsky, “a concentrated clot of meaning.” To completely translate this meaning into the plane of external speech, it would probably be necessary to use more than one sentence. Inner speech, apparently, consists of words of this kind, completely different in structure and use from the words that we use in our written and spoken speech. Due to the above-mentioned features, such speech can be considered as an internal plane of speech thinking. Inner speech is the process of thinking " pure values».

Question 30. Language and speech: types of speech and its functions.

Language - this is a system of verbal signs, relatively independent of the individual, serving the purpose of communication, consolidation and transmission of socio-historical experience, and formalization of thought. Language is always an ethnicity.

Speech - a specific product of a native speaker’s use of a system of verbal signs, manifested in various speech processes. Speech is a form of communication mediated by language.

Speech processes are divided into active And passive .

Assets The left edge of the diamond is leading.

The right side requires special preparation.

speaking writing

Hearing Vision


(listen to reading

and pony-



Differences between language and speech:

1) Language is a set of signs and rules for operating them. Speech is the process of using language. If language is a certain system of signs and rules for their transformation, then speech is the real process of operating with language.

2) Language is stable, speech is dynamic. Speech as a process is an opportunity for the development of language as a system. If the language is sufficiently stable, stable, and the rules for the transformation of signs remain relatively unchanged, then speech assumes dynamics: the use and reproduction of language in the living speech process is expanded, giving rise to new rules and laws.

3) Language is a system of social meanings; speech allows one to express individual meaning. If language is a system of socially developed generalizations and concepts, then speech reflects the process of their individual appropriation, during the course and as a result of which concepts can acquire various specific meanings.

4) Speech is first mastered in application, and then the rules are realized. Language first involves familiarity with terms and rules, and then application in speech. Speech and language differ in the ways of mastering them: if a person first masters a language (foreign or computer) theoretically, consistently mastering its conditional connections, then speech (in his native language) - practically, carrying it out even without special awareness of language rules.

Types of speech:

1) Gesture speech And sound

2) Written And oral

3) External And internal

4) Dialogical And monologue

1. Modern speech is primarily audible speech, but gesture also plays a certain role in audible speech. Sign language is, as it were, an accompaniment to the main text of audible speech: the gesture has an auxiliary meaning.

2. When speaking, a person perceives listeners and their reaction to his words. Written speech is addressed to an absent reader who does not see or hear the writer and will read what is written only after some time. The writer is deprived of the ability to use expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures), i.e. written language is usually less expressive than spoken language. Written speech is more impersonal (business, scientific). However, it allows for long and careful work on the verbal expression of thoughts, and in oral speech there is no time for polishing phrases.

3. External speech serves communication (although sometimes a person can think out loud without communicating with anyone), therefore its main feature is accessibility to the perception (hearing, vision) of other people. Inner speech is an internal silent speech process. It is inaccessible to the perception of other people and cannot be a means of communication. Inner speech is a means of organizing and managing one’s own life activities. Inner speech is the verbal shell of thinking.

Features of internal speech compared to external:

1) predicativeness (omission of the subject),

2) abbreviation,

3) fragmentation,

4) the predominance of meaning over meaning, a tendency for words to stick together.

4. Monologue speech is a detailed speech, which is based on both an independent motive and an independent plan. Dialogical – conversation, usually situational.

Speech functions:

1) Communicative- main function (means of communication),

2) Emotional- “affective speech” necessarily possesses it (it is characteristic of humans and animals, it serves to express emotional states, psychological contact with one’s own kind. It is carried out with the help of signals that reveal the experienced state, and not signs, behind which there are always objects of the external world.)

3) Expressive(included in the totality of expressive movements along with gesture, facial expressions, etc.),

4) Nominative(naming, designating),

5) Significative(denoting) - the inner side of the sign - meaning,

6) Gnostic(preservation and transmission of social experience in the form of knowledge),

7) Intelligent(serves, forms thinking),

8) Planning,

9) Regulatory (regulation of actions).

(3) - (6) - functions of external speech, (7) - (9) - functions of internal speech.

Speech– a specific human way of forming and formulating thoughts using linguistic means, a way of communication and reflection emotional attitude to reality.

Speech functions:

1. Nominative – denoting, naming

2. Significative - symbolic, the object is not just named, behind the concept there is a connection, dynamic phenomena

3. Communicative – exchange of information between people

4. Intellectual - speech as a thinking tool

5. Cultural-historical – accumulation and recording of the experience of other people and the possibility of passing it on to another generation

6. Integrating – integration of mental processes

7. Regulating, planning, analyzing

Difference between language and speech:

Empirical characteristics of speech:

F Polymorphism - speech has many forms: external and internal, sound and silent, etc.

F Multifunctionality - speech has many functions that interact with each other

F Subjectivity - speech is always related to a specific object or phenomenon that is associated with any object

F Generalization - any concept is already a generalization.

Types of speech:

1. Phenomenological classification (Wecker):

Speech-description, narration, reasoning - cognitive function of speech

Speech-expression - expressing one’s emotions and developing one’s attitude towards a phenomenon

Speech-command – conative function (effective-dynamic)

These aspects can be in dissonance or work together. This classification shows that speech is not only a process, but also an activity.

2. Evolutionary classification:

External speech - communicative function


Inner speech is an intellectual function (1. speech as a means of thinking; 2. internal programming; 3. “speech to oneself”)

External speech is genetically primary, gradually it turns into egocentric - its task is to carry out internalization (translation of experience gained externally into the internal plane), it helps to maintain attention and motivation.

This classification shows that speech can be transformed in the speaker.

3. Types of speech by activity:

Conditionally active processes - speaking, writing (but there may be active listening and reading)

Conditionally reactive processes - listening, reading (but there may be passive speaking and writing)

4. External speech:


Oral dialogical – more emotional, reduced

monologue – formal, detailed, subject to the laws of the genre

Ontogenesis of speech:

3 cooing/booing (2-3 months) – a completely meaningless sound expression

3 babble (6 months) – the first syllables appear, this is imitation, often meaningless, by 8 months. The language becomes native and the combination of syllables begins

3, the child begins to use his potential (9-10 months) - parents control the child’s speech: they give forms, concepts, their attitude to his speech. By the age of 2, the formal side of speech is formed.

The relationship between speech and thinking in phylogenesis:

Animals have expressive, emotional speech; it is of a signaling nature, but the intellectual and symbolic functions of speech are absent.

^ The genetic roots of speech and thinking are different

^ The development of speech and thinking goes along different lines independently of each other

^ The relationship between thinking and speech is not a constant value throughout phylogenetic development; the intellectual stage in the development of speech and the speech stage in the development of thinking are gradually formed

The relationship between speech and thinking:

The function of speech, as a higher function, is possible only due to the fact that a person, with the help of thinking, generally reflects reality. The meaning of a word (a set of features that serve to distinguish this object from the surrounding reality, ensuring the possibility of its attribution to any class), its generalized reflection is an act of thinking.

The relationship of thought to word is a process, it is a movement from thought to word and back from word to thought. External speech is the process of turning thoughts into words, internal speech is thinking in pure meanings, unstable and fluid. Thought does not consist of individual words like speech.