Methods of subordinating communication. Types of subordination: coordination, control, adjacency

Topic: Participles in phrases. Adjacency

Lesson type: lesson on discovering new knowledge.
Goals as student activities:
M/n: analyze, compare, summarize, classify, draw conclusions, process and transform information from one form to another ( keywords, algorithm, diagram), use listening skills.
M/c: negotiate and come to general decision V joint activities, exercise mutual and self-control, build reasoning.
6LR: analyze the syntactic connections between the gerund and the predicate verb, the gerund and words dependent on it, determine the type of connection - adjunction, distinguish it from agreement and control.
3LR: construct phrases and sentences with participles, determining their connections with other words.

Lesson steps
During the classes
Formation of UUD and assessment technology, spiritual and moral education

I. Organizational moment.
Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Identification of missing persons.

II. Language warm-up.

Repetition of the theory.
Continue the sentences started by the teacher:
- The participle is-
-The gerund combines signs
-The participle is like an adverb
-The gerund is formed using...
-The participle in a sentence is
-An adverbial phrase is-
-The participle and participial phrase in writing are always
Exchange notebooks and cross-check with the slide.
2.Aural graphic dictation
The teacher reads the sentences. Students determine by ear the presence or absence of a gerund (adverbial phrase) and its place (beginning, middle, end of the sentence). In notebooks only graphic notations are made:

Two people work on closed boards.

1. Gaidar wrote his books completely in a special way. 2. He walked around the garden and muttered, telling aloud to himself a new chapter from the story he had begun. 3.Then he corrected it on the fly, changing words and phrases, laughed, frowned, and then went to his room.
4.Getting ready to read to me new story, Gaidar did not take any manuscript out of his pocket. 5He stopped, put his hands behind his wide back and, swaying, began to calmly and confidently read the story by heart.6. He read page after page, almost never missing a beat.
Collective review with commenting.

Full syntactic analysis of sentence 5.

Cognitive UUD
1. Own different types listening (introductory, selective).
2. Analyze, group, generalize, establish analogies.
3. Represent models of objects in a symbolic form.

III. Updating what has been learned with verification elements homework.
-What participle did you come across in the sentence?
What are its morphological characteristics?
Give an example morphological analysis one of the gerunds from homework (optional).
2. – Select features common to gerunds and adverbs. (Feature of action, secondary action, immutability, form of comparison, circumstance, type.) (Immutability, circumstance.)

Cognitive UUD
1. Analyze, compare, group.
2. Establish analogies.
3. Identify patterns based on observations.

IV. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

What are the names of the semantic segments presented on the screen? (Phrase combinations)
What special verb form does each of them have? (gerund participle)
Knowing these key words, formulate the topic of the lesson. (Adverbial participle in a phrase.)
Read the topic of the lesson and make sure you are right. What other word is present in the topic statement? (Adjacent)
What do you need to remember to move on to studying this topic? (What is adjunction. A type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word does not change.)
Write down phrases with adjacency from the sentence in the language warm-up.
How do you find this connection? What is the first “step” in your quest? (Find an adverb and see what word it is associated with.)
(5He stopped, put his hands behind his broad back and, swaying, calmly and confidently read the story by heart.)
Read calmly, read confidently, read by heart.
Can there be any other words, besides adverbs, that are connected by adjacency? (Which do not change: gerunds, indefinite form verb).
Prove it by writing out this phrase and indicating the syntactic connection.

Chitatl (how?) swaying.

Regulatory UUD
1. Make assumptions based on observations.
2. Establish an algorithm of actions.

V. Solving the problem. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Observation.
Ex. 308 – observation of the syntactic connections of gerunds with main and dependent words.
Work in pairs on questions and tasks for the exercise.
Formulate the 1st conclusion: what is the connection between gerunds and words dependent on them? Show with examples.
Formulate the 2nd conclusion: what is the connection between gerunds and the main words for them - predicate verbs? Prove with examples.
2. Theory.
Reading text in a frame.

Present the types of connections between gerunds in a phrase using a diagram. (See the materials on the subject disk - interactive graphic diagram “Adverbial participles in phrases” - first a diagram with gaps is given, then a hyperlink is used to check.)

What phrases illustrate the subordinating relationship management? (I put my hands behind my back, read the story)
- Why didn’t you call He stopped? (Not a phrase - grammatical basis)
What else is not a phrase? (Homogeneous members).

What other types of connections in a phrase do you know? Can a gerund form these types of connections? Why?
- Find in the sentence a phrase with a subordinating connection agreement (wide back).
Regulatory UUD
1. Look for ways to solve the problem.
2. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Cognitive UUD
1. Highlight the main thing, reduce information to keywords.
2. Analyze, compare, draw conclusions, establish patterns.
3. Convert information from one form to another (make a diagram, present a model, select analogies).

Communicative UUD
1. Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.
2. Use adequately speech means to solve educational problems.

VI. Lesson summary.

Remember what adverbs and gerunds have in common (see the actualization stage). (Immutability, circumstance.)
How else can this similarity be complemented? (Adjacency.)
What is the main indicator when determining the type of connection - adjacency? (Invariability of the dependent word.)
Work in groups.
Complete the information in the diagram about the studied types of connections between words in a phrase. (See the subject disk material for § 32 and the addition in the dotted box.)


coordination control adjacency


local - adj.

number order

Practical part.
Replace the phrase DEFINITELY LEARNED, built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjacency.
Replace the phrase EXCITEDLY ASKED), built on the basis of adjacency, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.
Replace the phrase LINDEN BARRELS, built on the basis of CONCORDING, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.
Replace the phrase LOG FENCE, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management
Replace the phrase WITH THE PARENTAL ESTATE, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management.

Group review test.
Regulatory UUD
1. Correlate the goals and results of your activities.
2. Develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success of the work.
Cognitive UUD
1. Draw up an algorithm of actions.
2. Analyze, compare, group; design.

Communicative UUD
1. Argument, build a coherent monologue statement.
2. Provide mutual assistance and exercise mutual control.

VIII. Homework.

N Ex. 311 – write down all phrases from one sentence, determine the types of connections between words (one sentence for a row).
P Select material for language warm-up, create assignments for it (computer presentation).

© Balass, 2015


Figure 1Figure 1vHeading 5u–Heading 6vHeading 715

Syntactic level of language


Phrases and sentences act as the main types of syntactic constructions that are necessary to generate specific combinations of words and syntagmas, statements and phrases.

Collocation is part of the sentence, but it exists before the sentence, representing construction material for a sentence and the basis for creating a compound name. Therefore, phrases must be distinguished from combinations of words and from constituent members of a sentence.

For example, Iron door, wooden house, sand embankment – different combinations of words, but one type - an attributive substantive phrase, built on the syntactic connection of agreement. These combinations of words and this type of phrase can be used to form a name (cf. Railway) and construction of sentences, cf.: Iron door- not a wooden house, does not burn; Iron- door, wooden- house.

A phrase as a syntactic unit is a syntactic form endowed with a specific syntactic meaning. A phrase is a typical combination of word forms characteristic of a particular language.

Main types of subordinating connections

coordination control adjacency

Coordination- this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word receives the same categories as the stem word. Thus, adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case. Coordination can be complete or partial; For example, new newspaper- full agreement, black coffee- partial agreement (in gender), as a noun coffee is not inflected and has no plural forms; black coffee, black coffee etc. - case forms of an adjective show the syntactic position of the phrase in a sentence. Agreement happens predicative And non-predicative; predicative (also called coordination) is the agreement of the predicate with the subject; predicative agreement is often incomplete; it can also be semantic. Yes, in a sentence Children- our future agreement only in case; in a sentence Five students passed the exam early semantic agreement.

Control- this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word has a dependent form: it does not repeat the categories of the core word, but is caused by its grammatical and lexico-grammatical properties, for example: reading a book, driving a car, being afraid of being insulted, entering a classroom, building a bridge, entering the subway, full of impatience etc. Control is characteristic primarily of verbal phrases, although it is also found in phrases with other core words (nouns, participles, etc.).

Adjacency- this type of subordinating connection in which no special means of subordination are used. Subordination is expressed by the inclusion of words in phrases, the lack of independence of the syntactic function and the semantic subordination of the dependent word of the phrase. An example of phrases built on adjacency are the following phrases: good at studying, working together, driving slower, asking to read, a reason to talk, very kind, soft-boiled eggs.

Adjunction is widespread across the world's languages; it is the main type of subordinating connection in those languages ​​where there are no affixes (for example, in Vietnamese). It is also found in those languages ​​where there are affixes and inflectional forms. In these cases, there are two main types of adjacency - adjacency of unchangeable words and adjunction of word forms of inflected words.

In the Russian language, adverbs and infinitives, as well as gerunds, comparative (form of comparative degree) and unchangeable adjectives and nouns have adjuncts of the first type. In other languages, adjectives can also be added. So, in English language adjectives, without changing in gender, number and case, as part of a substantive phrase adjoin the noun: the green tree- green Tree, the large room- a large room. Adjectives are adjacent in Turkic languages; cf., for example, Tatar phrases kyzyl alma- Red Apple, kyzyl yort- red house, kyzyl kul-mek- red shirt, dress.

Adjunction of word forms (prepositional and non-prepositional) occurs when a word form is attached to a core word without establishing a connection of agreement or control, for example: the novel “Mother”, comrade Ivanov, a cap with a pancake, couplets for memory, a horse with apples, go in a group, leave in the morning, plan in rubles. It is especially necessary to pay attention to substantive phrases built on the adjacency of the second name. This includes not only the adjoining of a proper name (as in the combination comrade Ivanov, captain Ivanov), but also a combination of common nouns. So, in German nouns are adjacent to nouns that denote measure: ein Glas Tee- a glass of tea, ein Stück Brot- a piece of bread.

Syntactic connections between words are used not only in constructing phrases, but also in forming difficult words and compound names, as well as when constructing sentences.

Offer. It is the basic communicative unit of language and speech. The sentence as a model belongs to language, its implementation belongs to speech. “A sentence,” wrote V.V. Vinogradov, “is an integral unit of speech grammatically designed according to the laws of a given language, which is the main means of forming, expressing and communicating thoughts. The sentence expresses not only a message about reality, but also the speaker’s attitude towards it.” The sentence is at the same time the most complex unit in which words, word forms and phrases function. In other words, the sentence is their minimal context, although it itself has its own structure.

The dual appeal of a sentence - to language, its system and norm, and on the other hand - to speech, context and situation - makes it a fundamentally two-aspect unit. Therefore, the proposal is considered from these two points of view - constructive and communicative, and the term itself becomes ambiguous.

To avoid this ambiguity, modern grammar uses two sets of terms. On the one hand, the term offer denotes a unit of language potentially aimed at an act of communication; it is also called a sample (model, formula) of a sentence. On the other hand, the term offer denotes a unit of speech as a linguistic form associated with a specific message, with a specific text; instead of the term offer in this case the terms are used statement And phrase.

Let's compare two phrases: Student reading a newspaper And The student read the letter. These phrases implement the same sentence model; its composition is identical, lexical and morphological variation does not lead to the creation of two sentences as syntactic models. These phrases are at the same time filled with different lexical material and endowed with a certain intonation, so that they convey a specific thought; they are two statements. The unity of the model of construction and content of an utterance makes the sentence the main communicative unit of language. The subject of sentence syntax is not the specific content of statements, but the generalized semantics of the sentence, its constructive basis, the rules for its distribution and actualization.

A sentence as a syntactic pattern is a positional structure that addresses the forms of thought and the forms of language, that is, the forms of words and phrases. The presence of two sides to a sentence - constructive and communicative (predicative) was already noted in the works of Alexandrian grammarians.

  1. Predicativity and its types.

Predicativity as a semantic-syntactic and communicative property of a sentence has, in turn, two sides - formal-logical and modal-semantic. Sometimes these two properties are considered as two aspects of a sentence, calling the first property predicativity, and the second - modality.

Semantically, predicativeness is manifested in the presence of a relationship between a sentence model and a form of thought such as a judgment (proposition). Just as a judgment has two main components - a subject and a predicate (or attribute), so a sentence has two main components of a sentence - a subject and a predicate: The man is walking; The man is kind.

Naturally, the correlation between a sentence and a judgment does not mean their complete coincidence or identity, as F.I. Buslaev pointed out. Both the semantic structure of a sentence and especially its formal structure may differ from the structure of a judgment, correlating with it indirectly, incompletely and redundantly.

The non-identity of the structure of a sentence and a judgment is manifested in the fact that a sentence can combine phrases into one unit, although each of the parts has a correlation with the form of the judgment. This is how common, complicated and complex sentence patterns arise.

A common sentence contains, in addition to the main members of the sentence, also secondary ones - additions, circumstances, definitions. Yes, in a sentence Elk drank water from a stream(Leonov) the formal and semantic development of the components of the sentence occurs consistently, so that the sentence correlates not only with the judgment that organizes the main members of the sentence, but also with the judgment about water (it comes from a stream); in addition, it is indicated that moose drank water And drank from the stream. This depth of sentence content allows one to convey thoughts of varying depth and structure.

The modal-semantic side of predicativity is manifested in the expression of the purpose of the utterance (communicative attitude) and in the assessment of the content of the utterance. According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. These main types of sentences with respect to the purpose of the statement differ from each other not only in the direction of semantics, but also in their construction, intonation and use of various syntactic particles,

According to the assessment of the content of statements, sentences can be affirmative and negative, and also contain the meaning of confirmation, confidence or, conversely, the meaning of uncertainty, doubt and assumption. These meanings are expressed by the use of modal words and particles, as well as the special construction of simple and complex sentences. So, introducing words Certainly or Maybe in a sentence The answer was correct enters the confirmation value (The answer was, of course, correct) or doubts (The answer was probably correct).

  1. Predicativity and its types.

It is connected primarily with its morphological expression, with the presence of a verb in the sentence. “An essential feature of a sentence in our languages,” wrote A. A. Potebnya, “is that the sentence includes parts of speech; if they are not there, then our proposal is not there.”

The verb basis of a sentence makes its necessary components not only the verb-predicate and subject, but also the object and circumstance: The forester carefully protects nature. They form the constructive basis of the sentence, its primary members, which are connected by subordinate connections - predicative agreement, control and adjacency.

Members of a sentence can be morphologized or non-morphologized. So, Nominative case noun and personal pronoun is a specialized (morphologized) form of the subject; however, the subject position can be occupied by other forms of words, which are subject to substantivization, For example: The well-fed cannot understand the hungry(proverb). An adverb is a specialized form of adverbial adverb; however, the adverbial position can also be occupied by prepositional case forms, for example: He happily talked about his vacation.

  1. Propagation of the sentence stem.

The distribution of the offer is carried out as a result of:

1) introduction of secondary members of the sentence and syntactic series;

2) the emergence of syntactic connections and relationships on the basis of the sentence - separation and isolation.

Secondary members of a sentence are the dependent components of phrases, the core word of which is used as the primary member of the sentence. Yes, a proposal A fresh, sharp wind rippled the surface of the wide river and splashed the steep bank with steep surf.(Korolenko) has primary members the wind rippled the surface And splashed on the shore with the surf, and the predicate verbs form a syntactic series - homogeneous members offers. The primary members make up the first floor of the syntactic model of a sentence, namely:

Secondary members are dependent minor members of a sentence and arise as a result of using models of subordinating phrases to construct a sentence model; the use of coordinating phrases produces syntactic series of homogeneous and heterogeneous members of a sentence.

Separatization(the term was proposed by I.I. Meshchaninov) - a syntactic device for constructing a sentence, and in this it differed from control and adjacency, which are also used to construct a phrase. Separation consists in the fact that an unchangeable word or dependent form of a word (as well as a phrase), while remaining within the sentence, refers to it as a whole, and not to a separate word or member of the sentence. Separatization creates an independent position of the word in a sentence and the independence of the design of the word itself, which “depends not on other words of the sentence, but on eigenvalue of this word in the construction of the entire sentence. Separation does not isolate the word as part of a sentence; on the contrary, it, by placing the formal side of the word depending on its semantic meaning in the sentence, thereby includes this word in the main structure of the latter, representing one whole construction of a syntactically connected and complete statement.” .

Separation- this is an intonation-semantic highlighting of dependent secondary members of a sentence, giving them greater syntactic and semantic independence. Isolation may be associated with the use of special forms of words and special words. Thus, participles and gerunds, and especially participial and gerund phrases, are very often isolated, forming participial and participial phrases. Can also be separated different kinds definitions and clarifications, for example: Another room, almost twice as large, was called the hall(Chekhov); Suddenly, at a bend in the river, ahead, under the dark mountains, a light flashed(Korolenko). Definitions for personal pronouns are separate.

The spread and complication of the basis of the sentence leads to the emergence of complex and complex models offers. Complex sentences are those that include homogeneous and isolated members of the sentence, including addresses. A complex sentence is one that has two or more subject-predicate bases; each part of a sentence can be simple and common, including both primary and secondary members.

Complex sentences are divided into complex and complex sentences. Unconjunct complex sentences are often considered as varieties of complex and complex sentences, sometimes as a special type complex sentences, rarely – as a syntactic context.

  1. Actual division of the proposal.

The sentence as a syntactic pattern has exceptional flexibility and communicative orientation. Filled with various vocabulary and subjected to actual division, the sentence turns into a specific phrase that expresses and conveys this or that statement. As part of a specific phrase, in the context and situation of speech, not only the implementation of the sentence model occurs, but also the actualization of all other units of language, primarily lexemes, word forms, and combinations of words.

The actual division of a sentence is the semantic separation of one of the components of the sentence and the establishment of new subject-predicate relations between the selected parts. The selected part of the sentence is called the rheme of the statement, the rest is the topic of the statement.

The means of actual division are word order, syntagmatic division (according to L.V. Shcherba) and phrasal stress. Yes, a proposal I'll go home now through intonation-semantic division can be turned into four phrases that have the same positional model of the sentence, the same lexical content, but different actual (semantic) division:

1. Now | I'll go home||.

Placing phrasal stress on the first word and separating it from the rest of the word with a pause (i.e., dividing the phrase into two syntagms) actualizes it in the semantic structure of the sentence, makes it a rheme, the core of the statement, while the rest turns into the topic of the statement, the semantic background of the selected component . The circumstance of time turned out to be actualized. Intonation-semantic highlighting of a sentence component can be accompanied by rearrangement of words, isolation and parcellation of sentence members, introduction of emphasizing, intensifying, restrictive particles, for example: Exactly Now I'll go home. I'll go home |(exactly) now.

2. Now | I| I'll go home||.

Placing phrasal stress on the second word and separating<его паузами от остальной части актуализирует его в смысловой структуре предложения, делает ремой. Актуализированным оказалось подлежащее; будучи субъектом в формально-логической структуре предложения, оно стало психологическим предикатом в смысловой структуре высказывания. Это может привести к иному порядку слов: Now I’ll go home (it’s) me.

3. Now I |I'll go | home ||.

Placing phrasal stress on the third word and separating it with pauses from the rest of the word actualizes it in the semantic structure of the sentence, makes it the rheme of the statement, its psychological predicate. The predicate turned out to be actualized, and the formal-logical and semantic structures of the sentence overlapped. To further actualize this coincidence, you can use an unusual word order: I'm home now- I'll go.

4. I'll go now| home ||.

Placing phrasal stress on the fourth word and separating it with a pause from the rest of the word actualizes it in the semantic structure of the utterance and makes it a rheme. The circumstance of place (direction of action) turned out to be updated. Since in the positional model of a sentence such a circumstance is located after the predicate, the actualization of this member of the sentence can be accompanied by an inversion of word order: Home | I'll go now ||.

Of course, all members of the sentence can be updated: Now | I | I'll go | home ||. However, such a uniform distribution of meaning actualization is exaggerated. Usually in speech there is an uneven distribution of actualization, a semantic highlighting of one of the components of the utterance. All types and types of sentences that contain more than one word are subject to actual division. The more words there are in a sentence (simple and complex), the more complex its syntactic structure, the greater the possibilities for its various actualization, the more complex the rules for the actual division of a sentence.

  • Khlebny Dom automates repair management using iMaint
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  • Class _______________


    Date of:

    Subject : Norms of coordination, management and adjacency.

    Target: determine the basic norms of subordinating connections in phrases.



    - study the features of phrases, norms of subordinating connections (coordination, control, adjacency);

    Develop the ability to retell a scientific text; distinguish between concepts;

    2. developing:

    Create conditions for the development of UUD: compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

    Continue developing creative abilities;

    Formation of spelling vigilance;

    3. educational:

    To cultivate in students cognitive interest, information culture, and a culture of verbal communication.

    Equipment : textbook, handouts.

    Working methods : oral, written.

    Forms of work: individual, frontal.

    During the classes

      1. Organizing time.

    Check students' readiness for the start of the lesson.

      Updating knowledge.

    What is a phrase?

    How are the words connected in a phrase?

    What two groups are the words in the phrase divided into?

    Are phrases divided according to their structure?

    Are phrases divided by the main word? Give a description and give examples.

    Name the methods of subordinating connections in phrases. Give them a description. Give examples.

      Checking homework.

    Work in groups: each group is offered one word list with the task:

    Indicate the options that do not contain phrases. Give reasons for your answer.

    1. a) on the desk

    2. a) knock on the door

    b) the ship has sailed

    b) live in a new way

    c) jumped from a bridge

    c) due to being late

    d) laughed out loud

    d) in the forefront

    3. a) checkered dress

    4. a) we will work

    b) wake up in the morning

    b) sat silently

    c) missed lesson

    c) doubt what was said

    d) kick the bucket

    d) for an interesting book

    Conclusion (we write it down in notebooks to prepare for exams): Since a subordinating phrase necessarily has a main and a dependent word, not every combination of words serves as building material for a sentence;are not phrases:

    1) subject and predicate, since here there are predicative relations that arise only in the sentence: The time has come;

    2) a combination of an independent word with a service word: near the entrance, before a snowfall, past a flowerbed, during a lesson, during the holidays, let them talk, let’s write it down, etc.;

    3) combinations of words as part of phraseological units, since in stable expressions each word has lost its independent meaning: talk nonsense, talk of the town, cut it like a nut, Sharashkin’s office, on Kudykin’s mountain, etc.;

    4) compound word forms: lighter, less difficult, will walk, best of all, most important.

    Exercise 1. Use symbols to indicate the main and dependent words in these phrases. Write it down according to the example.

    Green trees, a garden in spring, each of the friends, invented by someone, red from the cold, naval pasta, illuminated by rays, very funny, living happily ever after, returning from a trip, known to a few, quite fun, living nearby, one hundredth, asking remember, those who entered the competition, you need to see, staying late, something big, fighting bravely, driven by the wind, twenty pencils, arousing interest, eighty years old, smiling joyfully.

    Independent work 1.

    Complete test tasks. Indicate the options that do not contain phrases.

    1. a) to the blue trailer

    2. a) look out the window

    b) the train has arrived

    b) do it the old way

    c) watched from the balcony

    c) will bloom

    d) bent low

    d) on bright petals

    3. a) house with columns

    4. a) contrary to predictions

    b) silently look at each other

    b) sat hunched over

    c) completed task

    c) doubt everything

    d) everyone was happy

    d) with a charming neighbor.

    5. a) falling snow

    6. a) snowflake on the sleeve

    b) fly out the windows

    b) the deepest

    c) despite the ban

    c) patterned edge

    d) raise high

    d) very cold

    Independent work 2.

    1. In which series in all phrases is the main word a noun?

    a) Driven by the wind, a fluttering fish, gluing wallpaper;

    b) boiled potatoes, protecting children, fighting bravely;

    c) singing birds, exciting interest, carried away by the wind;

    d) questions posed, stored manuscripts, a slumbering lion.

    2. In which series in all phrases is the main word participle?

    a) The one telling about the book, sowing in May, rode on a horse;

    b) panting, loved by children, stored in a barn;

    c) penetrating deep, drawn with a felt-tip pen, a fussing housewife;

    d) running around the room, ready for use, losing meaning.

    3. In what series in all phrases is the main word participle?

    a) Running across the field, taking care of the parents, understanding perfectly;

    b) flirting with a friend, after listening to lectures, I look out the windows;

    c) standing in the wind, suddenly get sick, creeping down;

    d) holding back irritation, walk on foot, appearing in the distance.

    4. In which series in all phrases is the main word an adjective?

    a) With joyful delight, heated in a frying pan, nurtured by love;

    b) interesting to others, red from frost, lethargic due to illness;

    c) kind by nature, friendly relations, grown in a greenhouse;

    d) similar to the parents, fifth from the edge, boiled in a saucepan.

      Learning new material.

    Methods of subordinating connections between words. There are three main ways of subordinating communication between the components of a phrase:coordination, control, adjacency.

    Coordination - a method of subordinating words in which the dependent word is likened to the main word in the forms of gender, number and case: a young birch tree, into boiling water, about our friend, the first snow, etc.

    The main word : noun.

    Dependent word (always changes by gender, number and case) : adjective, participle, pronoun, ordinal number.

    With declension, both the main and dependent words change: seashore, seashore, seashore, etc.

    Management - such a method of subordinating connection in which the main word requires the dependent word to be placed in a certain case with or without a preposition: to chop (what?) wood; believing (in what?) in friendship; friendship (with whom?) with classmates; pleased with (who?) you; knitted (from what?) from wool; two (of whom?) of them, three (of whom? of how many?) of five, etc.

    Main word: verb and its forms (participle, gerund), noun, adjective, numeral.

    Dependent word (always changes in numbers and cases) : noun, pronoun, numeral.

    When the form of the main word changes, the dependent does not change, it stands in a certain form: help father, helped father, would help father, let's help father, etc.


    1. In a combination of words like three trees (with an inanimate noun), the numeral in them. and wine in cases it controls the noun, and in other cases it agrees with it. That is, in the phrase three oaks the method of communication iscontrol , in phrases of three oaks, three oaks, three oaks (about) three oaks -agreement.

    2. In combinations like three daughters (with an animate noun), control is observed only in them. case, and in other cases - agreement. That is, in the phrase three girls the method of communication is -control , in phrases of three girls, three girls, three girls, (about) three girls -agreement.

    Adjacency - a method of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is connected with the main word only in meaning and intonation: listen carefully; get ready to leave; go without looking back; scrambled eggs; desire to learn; beige colors; mini skirt, etc.

    Main word: verb, gerund, participle, adverb, adjective, noun.

    Dependent word: any immutable significant word (adverb, gerund, infinitive, comparative form, immutable adjective, possessive pronoun).


    1. The possessive pronouns his, her, their do not change and are dependent words in phrases withadjoining : his book, her words, their children. Possessive pronouns answer the questions whose? whose? whose? whose? and indicate belonging.

    2. They should be distinguished from the personal pronouns his, her, them (denote an object, are in the form of V.p.), which are dependent words in phrases with control: I see (who?) him, called (who?) her, called (who?) them.

    Tips for those who find it difficult:

    1) to find a phrase with agreement, you need to highlight the word of the adjective structure in the sentence (answering the question which?), and then find the word on which it depends;

    2) searching for a phrase with control is a search for a word (with or without a preposition) that answers a case question (whom? what? to whom? what? etc.), and then identifying the main word, most often a verb or noun;

    3) you can find a phrase with an adjacency by finding an unchangeable word, and then identifying the word on which it depends.

    The components of a phrase can be separated from each other. In this case, a question helps to combine words into a phrase. For example, in the sentence

    And [mother’s] voice was gentle and velvety, as if specially created for such wonderful songs (L. Charskaya) we find a phrase with control -created (for what?) for songs.


    Please indicate the incorrect answer.

    1. Agreement

    4. Coordination

    a) think about the future

    a) in a lilac cloud

    b) decisive student

    b) with a huge bouquet

    c) by next Monday

    c) blooming lilac

    d) from bad thoughts

    d) growing in the garden

    2. Management

    5. Management

    a) spring festival

    a) let it shine

    b) on a sunny morning

    b) working on mistakes

    c) hover over your head

    c) laughing at yourself

    d) looking into the park

    d) told in class

    3. Adjacency

    6. Adjacency

    a) very nice

    a) still be offended

    b) talk while sitting

    b) shout loudly

    c) squinting his eyes

    c) came early

    d) decided to take a walk

    d) went on vacation

    From the sentences, write down phrases with the indicated type of connection.

    1. It never happened that his father, heading into the forest, would never forget this compass. (Agreement.)

    2. Anyone who has never tried autumn cranberries in their life and would immediately have had enough of spring cranberries would have taken their breath away from the acid. (Adjacency.)

    3. Mitrasha immediately calmed down, and the friends walked along the road. (Control.)

    4. The marsh dampness seemed to penetrate through the body to the bones and chilled them. (Agreement.)

    5. The wolf Gray landowner has been listening to this howl for a long time: (Management.)

    6. And the grass, in response to the man’s words, quietly crawled. (Adjacency.)

    7. The dog, starting to make its circle around the tree, met something there. (Agreement.)

    8. A large red dog stood very close and looked at her. (Control.)

    9. When the water begins to subside, the fertile silt of our black soil settles on the old grass, and the entire meadow over a vast expanse becomes black and velvet. (Adjacency.)

    10. After the parents, their entire household went to the children: a five-walled hut, a cow Zorka, a heifer Dochka, a goat Dereza, nameless sheep, chickens, a golden rooster Petya and a piglet Horseradish. (Adjacency.)

    How to avoid the most common mistakes in the speech of modern people

    Knowing the rules for constructing phrases, it is easier to avoid the most common mistakes in the speech of modern people. The following errors are common in control designs:

    1) use of a prepositional combination instead of a non-prepositional construction: * establish the causes of the accident (correct: establish the reasons); *do not touch on these issues (correct:don't touch these issues ); *pay for travel (correct:pay for travel );

    2) non-prepositional construction instead of a prepositional combination: *a characteristic feature of it (correct:their characteristic feature );

    3) incorrect choice of preposition: *partner in golf (correct: partneron golf );

    4) management is mixed up in phrases with words that are similar in meaning:

      faith in something - confidence in something;

      to deserve something - to deserve something;

      identical to something - similar to something;

      to be offended by something (someone) - offended by something (someone);

      to be happy about something - to be happy about something;

      pay attention to something - pay attention to something;

      rely on something - be based on something;

      review of something - review of something - summary of something;

      superiority over something (someone) - advantage over something (someone);

      warn against something - warn about something;

      to impede something - to slow down something;

      distinguish between what and what - distinguish between what and what;

      get angry at something (someone) - angry with something (someone);

      characteristic of something - characteristic of something;

      surprised by something - to be surprised by something;

      to reproach for something - to condemn for something;

      pay for something - pay for something.


    What did you learn today?

    What norms of subordinating communication have you become aware of?









    There are two main types of syntactic connections between words in a sentence: creative And subordinating. Coordinating a connection connects equal, independent words that are homogeneous members of a sentence: Thick and juicy grasses promised a rich mowing(M.Isak,). At subordinating connection one word is the main word and the other is dependent. From the main word to the dependent word the question is posed: bright sun(what kind of sun?) very useful(useful to what extent?). The subordinating relationship is closer than the coordinating one. Phrases are characterized only by subordinating relationships. There are 3 types of subordinating connections: coordination, management And adjacency.

    Coordination- this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is placed in the same forms as the main one. The main type of agreement is characteristic of phrases: white birch, slender poplar. When coordinated with changes in the forms of the main word, the forms of the dependent word change: white birch, white birch, white birch. The dependence of the subordinate word on the main one is expressed using endings. When agreeing in phrases, the main word is a noun, and the dependent word is an adjective or another part of speech that is inflected like an adjective: first lesson, solved problem, my book. The dependent word agrees with the main word in gender, number and case. As part of a predicative combination (combination of main members), other types of agreement are observed. The predicate verb agrees with the nominative case of the noun in number: The Rooks Have Arrived; The sun is shining. In the singular past tense and in the singular conditional form, the verb agrees with the noun in number and gender: The fog cleared; Father would come sooner!

    Control- this type of connection in which the dependent word (noun, pronoun-noun, substantive) is placed with the main word in a certain case without a preposition or with a preposition. For example: meet a friend(v, p.), trust a friend(d.p.), think about mother(pr.p.), treat the patient(v, p.).

    When controlling with changing the form of the main word, the form of the dependent word does not change. For example: meet a friend, meet a friend, meet a friend. The dependent word in control is always a noun or a word that replaces a noun (pronoun, substantive). The main word can be a verb, noun, adjective, adverb: read a book, sister's book, kind-hearted, away from the road.

    Based on the presence or absence of a preposition with a dependent word, they distinguish prepositional And unsubstantiated control: work for a friend, go to college - prepositional control; stomping a book, trusting a friend, reading a book - no-holds-barred management.

    The dependence of a noun during control is expressed only by its ending, if there is no preposition with it, and by a preposition and ending, if there is a preposition (work for a friend).

    Adjacency- this is a type of connection into which unchangeable words and forms enter. Adjacency is a connection that is mainly semantic. Adjacent adverbs, infinitives, gerunds, comparative degree of adjectives: turn right, habit of smoking, walking with a limp, older children came. The combination of adjacent words as part of a phrase is helped by the contact arrangement of words, the absence of a pause between the main and dependent words when reading a sentence, i.e. sentence intonation. For example: The friends turned right; It's easy to breathe in the forest.

    We emphasize that the type of syntactic connection depends on the words belonging to the part of speech, and not on their syntactic role in the sentence. Thus, dependent nouns are always controlled, although they can be in a sentence with additions, adverbials, and inconsistent definitions, for example: read a book(extra), read on the couch(vow.), brother's book(disagree definition).

    Connection of words in a phrase: agreement, control, adjacency

    Target : introduce various methods of communication in phrases,teach to identify methods of communication in phrases, construct them, consolidate the concept of the structure and meaning of phrases, consolidate the ability to make diagrams.

    Methodical techniques:repetition of what has been covered, explanation from the teacher, construction of phrases, work with diagrams, vocabulary work.

    During the classes

    1. Org. moment.

    2. Recording words in a dictionary.

    Tradition, ideal, scholarship, scholarship holder, devotion, rally, candidate, delegate, deputy, monument, obelisk.

    Checking homework (exercise 65), “in a chain”.

    3. Student survey.

    -What is a phrase called?

    Tell us about the structure of phrases?

    What are the main features of phrases?

    What general types are phrases divided into based on their morphological properties?

    What does the collocation scheme show?

    Practical tasks to consolidate the material.

    Selective dictation.

    Words are written on the board. Write down only the phrases.

    Near the forest, coniferous forest, the forest is noisy, the forest and the field, the table clock, the reception clock, the clock has stopped, the investigation is over, play masterfully, I play on the computer, dry summer, during the game, from drought and heat, for an hour.

    Explain why the phrases are not: near the forest, forest and field, from drought and heat, for an hour.

    4. Working with ex. 66, p. 31. We work orally.

    5. Explanation of new material. Working with material p. 7, p. 32.

    1. connection of words in a phrase..

    Independent parts of speech are combined into phrases using three types of communication: coordination, control, adjacency. The type of connection is determined by the grammatical properties of dependent words.

    1. Coordination. Students are asked to write down phrases in a column, leaving the first line for writing after the explanation; find main and dependent words; determine which part of speech the dependent word is expressed by; Write down the patterns of word combinations in the column on the left.

    Unpleasant news adj. + noun

    Excellent result adj.+ noun

    Coastal thickets adj. + noun

    The approaching storm proverb + noun

    This haven of places.+ noun.

    Second invitation no. (order)+ noun

    if the dependent word answers the questions what? which? whose?, then this type of communication is coordination. The dependent word agrees with the main word in gender, number and case. (we write down questions, diagrams and type of connection on the board).


    What parts of speech can answer these questions? (Adjectives, possessive pronouns, ordinal numbers, participles)

    Give examples of coordination. (early autumn - early autumn, your own game - your own game, the fifth element - the fifth element, the attending physician - the attending physician).

    2) Management.


    Reduction to the denominator of nouns. + noun


    Saw a ghost ch. + noun


    Rush to you ch. + places


    Think about the problem in Chap. + noun

    If the dependent word is a noun or words with the characteristics of a noun, this is control. The main word controls the dependent. When controlling, the form of the dependent word does not change when the form of the main word changes: study at school - study at school; schoolmate - schoolmate, meet you - met you).

    3) Adjacency.


    Arrive unexpectedly + adv.

    Gently touch adv. + undefined form ch.

    Very carelessly adv. + adv.


    Slept sitting up + participle


    He spoke smiling. + participle

    If the dependent word is an adverb, gerund, or initial form of the verb, it is an adjunct. The dependent word is adjacent to the main word in meaning: to think quickly, quite quickly, naval pasta, I walked along humming, I’m going to leave.

    2. The meaning of phrases.

    There are three types of meanings in the phrase: attributive, adverbial, and additional.

    1) The attributive meaning is expressed in phrases where the dependent word means a sign of an object and answers questions of definitions (which, which? Whose?): the seventh seal, mother’s gloves, the girl with blue eyes, my friend.

    2) adverbial meaning is expressed in phrases where the dependent word means an action or sign, and the dependent word means a sign. The addict answers questions of circumstances (where? when? how? why? for what purpose, etc.): fishing on the lake, getting up early, shivering from the cold, called to protect.

    3) Additional meaning is manifested in phrases where the main word also means an action or sign, and the dependent word is the object in relation to which this action is performed or this sign is manifested. The dependent word answers questions of additions (questions of indirect cases: read the chapter, hug your grandmother, talk to you, far from the shore.

    Securing the topic.

    6. Working with ex. 71, p. 34. We do it in writing, with comments “in a chain”.

    7. Explanation of new material. Working with material p. 7, p. 35-36.

    8. Working with ex. 77, p. 37.

    9. Independent work with ex. 72, page 34

    10. Test work on the degree of assimilation of the studied material. Test work.

    Which pairs of words are not phrases?

    A. the bear roared

    B. roared furiously

    V. roared and grabbed

    G. grabbed the overalls

    Find the phrase based on its grammatical feature -

    "action and its sign"

    A. go down the mountain

    B. jogging

    V. easy to overcome

    G. walk through the forest

    Mark the phrases whose type of connection is agreement.

    A. sit in the car

    B. happy music

    V. very warm

    G. smile happily

    Mark the phrases whose type of connection is management

    A. waving flag

    B. was not interested in anything

    V. walked slowly

    D. attend the rally

    Mark the phrases whose type of connection is adjacency.

    A. gray with dust

    B. very dirty

    B. turn left

    D. return from a hike.

    Find errors in management.

    A. store director

    B. rely on facts

    B. believes in victory

    D. confidence in victory

    D. z. & 7, ex. No. 8