Techniques and basic principles in boxing. About boxing punches

Martial artists have different strengths and striking technique. Improving their skills to perfection, they turn their body into a crushing machine that is capable of working according to the principle “One blow - one corpse.” Well, how can you determine which blow is the most powerful?

How is impact force assessed?

Objective assessment has so far been implemented only in professional boxing, where the force of the blow, its speed and effectiveness are taken into account. Professional leagues use a computer scoring and scoring system called "CompuBox." In Olympic non-professional boxing, the strongest blow is counted as “Cross” (the name translates as “cross”). This is one of the direct blows that is delivered with the dominant hand, in most cases the farthest one in the athlete’s stance. If you strike directly, the hand will pass over the opponent's hand. This is where the name of the strike came from.

By the way, simultaneously with this blow, the athlete pushes with his back leg, after which the body is transferred to the front leg, and the torso moves forward. All together increases the impact force quite significantly.

Which strike is the most effective?

Impacts are divided into two categories: jolting and sharp. Both may have the same strength indicator, but the essence may be completely different. In fact, the force of the blow is not so important, the main thing is the knockout component. However, specifics can still be added.

The force of a man's blow ranges from 200 to 1000 kilograms. 200 kilograms is quite good shot for a boxer whose weight is 60-70 kilograms. Well, a thousand is already the limit of a super heavyweight. You can “knock out” an opponent with a blow of 150 newtons (that’s about 15 kilograms). But you need to aim for the chin area. To measure the force of a punch in boxing at international competitions, a special value, psi (pounds per square inch), is often used.

The strongest kick in taekwondo

The master of modern sports taekwondo, Choi Hong Gi, conducted research on the power, efficiency and strength of individual blows of the best fighters. He presented the results in the book, where it was mentioned that from a physical point of view, the kinetic force and momentum of movement have a direct penetrating blow if it is applied by a hand distant from the “victim”.

The general made such conclusions based on his experience and biomechanical studies of impacts. In addition, he watched various blows being delivered in slow motion video. It turns out that we are talking about the “eastern” version of the boxing “cross”. The same power, coupled with enormous mass, number of muscles and strength, was attributed by the master to a direct kick.

Record-breaking punch

There is no absolute dynamometer to measure the force of a boxer's punches. But there is an opinion that Mike Tyson has the strongest blow. He is around the 800 kilogram mark. The blow is so powerful that it can kill the enemy.

However, the boxer is the author of not only this record. At age 20, he became the youngest heavyweight champion of the world. A year later, he was already the youngest absolute world heavyweight champion. Mike Tyson will spend a minimum of time to win the titles of world champion and absolute champion. It took him a year and 8.5 months, and 2.5 years, respectively. Surprisingly, an athlete involved in such an aggressive sport gave up meat, proving that with a full-fledged physical activity You can do without it quite well.

The hardest hits in football

Hitting is perhaps the main component of the game of football. Otherwise, no goals. And this is the apotheosis of the number one sport in the world. Beautiful shots evoke admiration; experts never tire of studying the technique and manner of execution of football players. Moreover, each athlete has his own unique theory of impact. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo places his feet shoulder-width apart, David Beckham arches his body, and Roberta Carlos quickly minces his feet before touching the ball.

9 Most Powerful Shots in Football

Beautiful shots by Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha

Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha will remain in the history of football as a high-speed full-back, as well as the author of fantastic shots from long and medium distances. Playing for different teams and with different opponents, the short football player constantly hit the opponents' goal with crushing blows.

Business card Carlos' signature free kicks. After them, the ball flies straight into the opponent’s goal along an unpredictable trajectory. While working at Real Madrid, every second such shot by Roberto hit the target. Before the shot, the Brazilian made a long run-up, approached the ball with mincing steps and hit the ball.

Scientists tried to understand the theory of his goals, the French came up with an equation that explains Roberto Carlos's goals. In their opinion, the football player minimized the effect of gravity and air turbulence. The ball needs to be given energy along with torque. The curvature here increases as you move.

Robert Carlos's best goals

For a decade and a half, Carlos's blows were closely watched. Statistics show the real numbers of a football player’s “shot”. Once, the Brazilian hit the goal of the French team with a free kick - the ball flew at a speed of 136 kilometers per hour. But this is not the most impressive blow. Once the trick turned out to be equal in strength and speed to 198 kilometers per hour. According to these results, Roberto Carlos held the title of the hardest hit in the history of football.

Lukas Podolski's record hit

German striker Lukas Podolski in 2010 set a new record at the World Cup in South Africa in the first match of the German national team against Austria.

Classic boxing, it has long been known, is not the most effective sport if you want to learn self-defense. One way or another, there are rules in boxing, but on the street there are no such rules. However, it is always useful to study individual elements of the usual martial art, which is famous for its simplicity. The cornerstone for any boxer is not only how to strike, but also how to strike and understand how to properly hit your opponent. There are not many strikes, but each is designed for a specific situation in the ring.

Before you hit

First of all, you should learn the basics of boxing, and this is not striking, but physical preparation, warming up the body and the correct stance.

If we talk about the stance, then it should not only keep you on your feet, but also help your strikes. If you hold most objects with your right hand, then you need to put your left leg forward at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the opponent's position. The heel of your left foot should be in line with the toe of your right foot. The body weight is evenly distributed across the feet, the elbows are tucked in, and the hands are covering the face. Moreover, they cover it not as you please, but in a certain way: the left one protects the cheek, the right one protects the chin. Don’t put your chin forward, lower it down.


We are familiar with it from the game Mortal Combat - in it everyone tried to hit the jaw. But in reality this blow does not look so brutal, and it is not used often. The fact is that professional boxers rarely open their chin because it hurts too much to get hit, but you can use this punch in real life.

In essence, this is a classic overhand shot. It is applied with the fist along the internal trajectory with a backhand, while the fist should be turned towards itself. You need to aim at the chin, but if it is closed, then it is better not to use this blow. However, if you are taller than your opponent, you can deliver an uppercut to the solar plexus. This blow has one plus - it is considered one of the most powerful in boxing. And a healthy minus is that there is not always a reason to use it.


Also comes from traditional boxing. It is usually applied to the head or torso at close range. To strike according to all standards of decency, you should bend your arm at the elbow, come closer to the object of your indignation and strike using a rotation of the body and a shift in the center of gravity. This blow is often used as a knockout blow. The force of the blow itself arises due to the rotation of the body around its axis and the rotation of the hips. You will also have to work on your legs: they are the basis for correct rotation of the body.

You can strike on the rise, to do this you need to make a strike with the help of a push of the supporting foot, which is achieved by straightening the legs. Or you can hit while crouching, in which case the impulse is transferred from the knees to the hips, and then, following the kinetic chain, straight to the fist. This blow also has a minus - it is too sweeping, so you can run into a counterattack.


The jab is a so-so blow, not very strong, because it is applied not with the main hand, but with the one that is put forward (if you are right-handed, then with the left). It is needed for a simple, but extremely important task- keep the enemy at a distance. The blow is quite weak compared to others, but it can be strengthened. To do this, just twist your arm and hand at the last moment.

There are a great many variations of the jabs themselves, but their essence boils down to the following: you stand in a stance, throw your weak hand forward, fully unbending; the fist is held at the moment of impact horizontal position, that is, with the palm facing the ground. This strike is also good for a counterattack.


Also a direct blow, which is most often used as a counterattack. It’s called a cross for a reason: this blow should be delivered through the opponent’s hand, that is, a left cross – through right hand, and the right one through the left one. You need to hit him on the head.

Again, to make a successful attack, you need to use your legs. The cross begins with a push of the right leg, movement of the torso forward with a transfer of weight to the left leg. At the same time, you tear your fist from its original position. This strike can be done both from a place and with a step forward. If you want the blow to be more powerful, then use your shoulder.


An outdated technique that was popular in the mid-twentieth century. It is considered one of the most powerful punches in boxing because the punch makes full use of the kick and rotation of the body. However, it has a number of disadvantages (it’s not for nothing that it went out of fashion). The fact is that a strike requires time and preparation, so there is no easier way for the enemy to react. For this reason, this blow is rarely used in the middle or beginning of a fight, but even now it is often used when finishing off an enemy. The swing is an excellent guarantee for a knockout.

To perform a swing you need to move your striking arm back and straighten it. Then follows a turn of the body and a dive head down, during which the hand makes a large radius and hits the head.


Hook (hook) is a short side kick, which is applied with the right or left hand bent at the elbow 90 or 100 degrees. The hook is more effective at medium and close distances, with blows directed at the opponent’s head or body. The hook is not considered a high-speed strike because it has a large trajectory, but this disadvantage is compensated by the power of the strike.

The impact force is mainly generated by turning the body and shifting the center of gravity. The main goal of this technique is to win ahead of schedule. Single hooks will be ineffective without a competent combination of strikes. The hook itself is a very dangerous and knockout blow, but technically very difficult, as it requires the boxer to be particularly accurate and timely.


Jab is a left straight punch into the head or torso, while the arm should be fully extended. The jab is not the strongest punch in boxing, but it is considered one of the most basic punches in a boxer's arsenal. It is a high-speed punch because it has the shortest trajectory of all punches in boxing. The jab is aimed at performing the “reconnaissance” function - searching for the opponent’s weak spot. In addition, it helps to keep your distance, measure the distance to reach a comfortable position in order to prepare for an attack and deliver heavy and accentuated blows.

Thus, this blow helps to keep the opponent constantly in suspense, a kind of disorientation under the “hail” of weak, but frequent and lightning-fast attacks. The jab also works well as a defensive action, as it slows down the opponent's forward progress.


The uppercut is thrown from the bottom up with a bent arm. The uppercut can be classic, long and body uppercut. The classic uppercut is used at close range with the front hand, while at medium and long range a long uppercut with the far hand is more appropriate. With a classic uppercut, the forearm should be vertical at the moment of impact. With a long uppercut, the blow is struck "from the floor", which makes this blow unpredictable.

Body uppercut - when striking, the palm of the fist is turned upward. In terms of strength and effectiveness, the uppercut is second only to side blows, and in terms of speed and trajectory it is comparable to the swing. All types of uppercut are very effective for attacks and counterattacks.


Cross is a right straight punch to the head or torso is one of the most powerful punches in boxing. This blow has a long trajectory of the hand, which determines its power. The cross is the main weapon of a knockout boxer. The kick is delivered very sharply with a simultaneous push of the back leg and a forward movement of the torso, with all the weight transferred to the front leg. A cross is usually performed to the head, as the final one in the series. The effectiveness of this strike is directly related to a whole complex of “false” strikes - jabs and the front hand.

It should be noted that victory in boxing is not brought by the strongest or fastest blow, but by the timely and correct one. Technique alone is not enough in this sport; strategy and combat tactics are also required. Therefore, each technique has its time when it is appropriate.

There are two types of direct strike. The first one is called a jab. This strike is performed with the hand pointed directly at the opponent. The second blow is a straight blow, which is delivered with the hand from behind.

The jab has little impact. First of all, the task of the jab is to prevent the enemy’s movements and find his weak spots. In addition, the jab is the fastest punch. Its trajectory is shorter than all the others. Therefore, the jab is considered a way to disorient the enemy with weak, but at the same time fast and annoying blows. The strike has a very good effect when capturing an enemy.

Swing kick

The swing is applied with the left hand, but in terms of power it is significantly superior to the jab. Such a blow in boxing is quite insidious. But the swing has a long trajectory. The opponent receives such a blow to the body from the side or to the head.

The advantage of the swing is that it is not noticeable due to its long trajectory, because the swing is performed in the same way as a jab, but the blow ends from the side, and not in front of the opponent. The main purpose of the swing is to counterattack quickly and forcefully.

Hook punch

The hook punch is one of the most powerful punches in the sport of boxing. Knockout boxers who are oriented towards attacking fighting techniques are zealous fans of the hook. The speed of the strike is quite low and gives way to other boxing strikes. But this is compensated by the power characteristics of the blow. The strategic goal of the hook is to knock out the opponent. However, for a good effect, a boxer must have a competent punch combination.

The most insidious punch in boxing

Most often, a direct blow to the jaw results in a knockout in boxing. Even in preliminary boxing training, boxers learn to protect specifically the jaw area.

Side boxing punches to the jaw are no less effective. The percentage of knockouts due to such a blow is very high. Both of these strikes pose a huge danger to the enemy.

A boxing blow such as a classic uppercut is not much inferior to direct blows to the jaw. The speed of the shot and the length of the trajectory are very similar to the swing. But the effectiveness and force of the blow are superior to all other varieties, giving way only to side boxing blows to the jaw. Great uppercuts for both attack and counterattack. This type of strike is used by all boxers, regardless of their preferred fighting methods. Of course, the main criterion is the correctness of the blow, then the effect will be exactly what the boxer wants to see.

The most important means of fighting in boxing is the strike - a technical action that is a reciprocating movement of the hand of an impulsive, explosive or ballistic type with a rectilinear or curvilinear trajectory.

The level of a boxer's skill is determined by the breadth of his punches and the ability to use them in a wide variety of situations. A good professional boxer, of course, knows how to perform all the punches, but in his arsenal he has several particularly effective techniques. IN in this case the concept of “technique” is defined as a combination of technical and tactical actions or a separate action, movement, or method of achieving a goal in a specific combat situation.

The effectiveness of the strike depends on the following factors.

Accuracy. First of all, the blow must be accurate and hit the most vulnerable spots on the enemy’s body.

The actions of Mohammed Ali were particularly accurate. This boxer did not have the strongest punch, but had an amazing sense of distance and timing that allowed him to send the most ferocious opponents to the floor. When watching his knockouts, one gets the impression that some of the decisive blows he delivered were somehow inferior, unsightly and even downright weak. However, his opponents fall. Why? The answer is very simple: these are very accurate and timely strikes. And they hit vulnerable points on the enemy’s body.

The ability to strike at vulnerable points special attention devoted to one of the greatest trainers of our time, Cus D'Amato, who trained such champions as Jose Torres, Floyd Patterson and Mike Tyson. From the very beginning of his training, he demanded that his students hit not just the torso or head, but four main, in his opinion, points: the liver, the lower left rib, the chin and the corner of the jaw under the ear.

Speed ​​of impact. The higher the speed, the more invisible the blow and the less time the enemy has for defensive actions. The speed of impact depends on:
on the speed of impact movement. The higher the speed, the faster the fist will reach the target;
the brevity of the striking movement. The shorter the fist's flight path, the sooner it will reach the target;
the period of contact of the fist with the target. The shorter this period, the greater the impact force. According to research by I.P. Degtyarev, the blow lasts 14–18 milliseconds. When this time is increased to 30 milliseconds, the blow turns into a push.

Floyd Patterson, Lennox Lewis, and Muhammad Ali were especially quick to hit. Among today's champions, Zab Judah, Oscar de la Hoya, Roy Jones Jr., Fernando Vargas stand out.

In American boxing literature there is such a semi-mythical concept as an irresistible “six-inch” punch, that is, a punch 6 inches (15 centimeters) long that leads to a knockout or knockdown.

Rocky Marciano had such a blow. This boxer quickly realized that due to his small stature, it was advantageous for him to box at close range. It took study and improvement of short strokes. Marciano was the first boxer to practice punching in water. He did this every day for two hours and eventually became the owner of very short blows that were monstrously powerful, which allowed him to achieve fantastic results: Rocky Marciano finished 83% of his fights by knockout.

The “six-inch” punch can be seen in the fights of the young Mike Tyson. The amplitude of his blows was at times so short that it was even difficult to see them.

Impact force. The stronger the blow, the more damage it causes to the enemy and the faster it reduces his combat effectiveness.

The impact force depends on:
on the speed of impact movement. The higher the speed, the greater the force;
boxer's weight. The greater the weight of the boxer, the greater the impact mass (the total weight of the hand, forearm and shoulder), and therefore the force of the blow;
impact severity. It is greater, the less movement in the joints of the shock lever of the hand. To increase rigidity, it is necessary to block movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints by tensioning them;
forms of impact movement. The force of the blow from the leg and torso is better transmitted to the target through the arm when the shoulder, forearm and hand lie on the same line of impact.

It is believed that Earnie Shavers had the strongest punch in the history of boxing. Second place goes to David Tua. Both of them competed in the heavyweight division, but despite the fact that they had the strongest blows, they were never able to conquer the boxing Olympus - to win the title of absolute world champion. This suggests that the impact force, although it has great value in boxing, is still not the main one.

According to the rules of the competition, blows can only be delivered with a clenched fist in a boxing glove. When hitting, the hand receives a significant load, so it is necessary to clench it correctly into a fist. If the fist is clenched incorrectly or its position at the moment of contact with the target is incorrect, this can lead to injury to the hand.

The hand is clenched into a fist as follows. The fingers are bent and pressed against the palm. Thumb pressed against the middle phalanx of the index.

The striking surface of the fist is the head of the metacarpal bones.

The position of the fist at the moment of contact with the target can be very different: horizontal, vertical, inverted vertical, intermediate.

Depending on the direction, punches in boxing are divided into direct, lateral and low blows.

If you visit several boxing clubs and ask to see a particular punch (such as a straight right), the techniques you see will probably vary slightly. Moreover, even in the same club, coaches can show the same shot in different ways. How can this be? Which of what you saw is correct? The answer is very simple. Each blow has several ways of execution, and they, in turn, have several options.

Methods of performing strikes differ in the number, sequence of inclusion and degree of participation of the body muscles, as well as the amplitude of joint movement. In total, there are four types of punches in boxing.

Strong blows. All muscles of the body are equally involved in their implementation. They are included in the kinematic chain of technical action sequentially: from bottom to top. In accordance with the given direction, the fist moves towards the target along the shortest trajectory.

Short blows. In performing technical actions of this group, the participation of various muscles of the body is unequal. The range of motion of the joints is limited. Strikes of this kind are usually delivered at medium and close distances and are characterized by a short amplitude of execution.

Quick strikes. The participation of body muscles in them is minimal, which allows you to perform technical actions with considerable speed, but leads to a loss of strength.

Long strokes. When performing strikes in this group, all the muscles of the body are consistently used. The amplitude of joint movement and the trajectory of the striking surface towards the target are significant. Due to this, additional acceleration develops and the impacts acquire greater force, but at the same time they lose speed.

There are several options for performing strikes:

During a technical action, the body weight can be on the left leg, on the right leg, or evenly on both legs;

During the performance of a technical action, the body weight can move from one part of the support area to another, or it can remain in place;

The action with the hand can be performed simultaneously with the placement of the same leg, opposite leg, or both legs;

The action can be performed before setting the leg(s), after setting, and simultaneously with it;

Various links of the impact lever at the moment of contact with the target can be located either in the same or in different planes