Real Aikido Dubrovka. Martial arts club "Relike"

Head: Sudakov Gennady Yurievich

During the work, 40 masters and more than 100 candidates for master of sports were trained. Our team regularly participates in international seminars in Russia and the CIS countries (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Belgorod, Tula, etc.) and in various sports competitions. The work of the circle has been awarded many awards.

Leading trainers of the sports section “Real Aikido” of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “KC “Mitino”:

Figurina Yulia Yurievna.
Higher psychological education. Experience in Real Aikido – more than 18 years (3rd dan). More than 10 years of coaching experience.

Petrov Petr Sergeevich. Specialized coaching education. Experience in Real Aikido - more than 15 years (2nd dan). More than 3 years of coaching experience.

Safronov Andrey Sergeevich.
Higher coaching education. Experience in martial arts - more than 28 years. Experience in Real Aikido – more than 18 years. More than 5 years of coaching experience.

Nelyubova Anna Alexandrovna. Specialized coaching education. Experience in Real Aikido - more than 10 years. More than 1 year of coaching experience.

Real Aikido is a self-defense system created by Ljubomir Vracarevic. A special feature of the system is its maximum proximity to street conditions. Depending on the requirements of a particular situation, combining aikido actions with confident powerful movement allows you to quickly neutralize the enemy, carry out control and escort. Real Aikido has absorbed strengths classical aikido by Morihei Ueshiba, as well as elements of other martial arts.

Goals and objectives of the sports section “Real Aikido” in Mitino:

Physical and spiritual development of children and youth through improving health, improving coordination of movements, developing agility, endurance, and strength.

The training program of the sports section “Real Aikido” in Mitino:

The training program meets the requirements and standards World Center Real Aikido.

Provides different approaches to work:

  • With children (5-11 years old) - educational games, developing attention and reaction, teaching the basics of self-defense, falls and somersaults, elements of yoga, gymnastics.
  • With teenagers (12-16 years old), with boys and girls (17 – 25 years old) - physical training, aikido techniques, elements of self-defense in street conditions, fall protection.
  • With adults (of any age) – an extended course of Aikido techniques with elements various styles, physical training, fall protection.

Prospects for the “Real Aikido” sports section in Mitino:

Reach high level in the real aikido system, improving moral and physical qualities.

The following are invited to participate in aikido classes:

Children from 5 to 11 years old.

Teenagers from 12 to 16 years old.

Boys and girls from 17 to 25 years old.

Adults - any age.

To enroll in a club, you need a medical certificate allowing you to participate in this club formation.


Supervisor: Sudakov Gennady Yurievich
Manager code: 32

Education: higher medical; sports diploma additional education according to Aikido.
Total experience in martial arts is more than 40 years. Holder of 1st Dan black belt in Karate; 7 Dan black belt in Real Aikido.

Participated in international seminars with Japanese masters - 6 seminars. Master class in Japan at the Yoshinkan school. Training in Real Aikido from master Lubomir Vracarevic (10 Dan) – 15 years. Participated in many international seminars of Real Aikido (in Serbia, Russia and CIS countries).


Group (children 5+) - 4,900 rubles/month.
Group (children 7+) - 4,600 rubles/month.
Group (children 12+) - 4300 rubles/month.

The Relike martial arts club was organized in 2003 by aikido master Yaroslav Igorevich Ryzhov (black belt, 4th dan) on the basis of the Southern Butovo sports and recreation center. Subsequently, he opened two more sections - in the village of Mosrentgen, the Leader center and at the youth sports school No. 30 "Yunost" on the street. Ak. Bakuleva.
Initially the club was called the “Real Aikido Club”. This was due to Relike’s affiliation with the World Center of Real Aikido (WCRA – World Center of Real Aikido). Training and certifications took place according to the WCRA program. Seminars were held annually with the participation of leading WCRA masters, as well as the founder of the World Center of Real Aikido, Ljubomir Vracarevic.
The club's students and instructors received invaluable experience and knowledge they needed to further development and improvement.
In December 2010, the Relike Aikido Club left the World Center of Real Aikido. This step was due to a number of reasons, the main one of which was the opportunity to communicate and learn from the experience and knowledge of other schools and areas of aikido. Now the club actively cooperates with the International Academy of Aikido and its founder Bratislav Staich (black belt 8 dan).
In May 2011, the Aikido club changed its name to the Martial Arts Club. This was done consciously and deliberately by the club's management. The main activity of the club remains aikido, but modern realities make us go further, study other types of martial arts. The purpose of training in the club is to form not only a harmonious personality, but also a person who knows how to apply his knowledge in practice, if necessary. In the future, the club plans to open other areas of martial arts.

Ryzhov Yaroslav Igorevich

It has higher education, graduated from the Golitsyn Military Institute of the Russian Defense Forces and Tyumen State University.
He is a reserve officer and has a diploma as a social pedagogue-psychologist.
He started playing sports at the age of five, and martial arts at the age of 14. He was engaged in boxing and hand-to-hand combat. He began practicing real aikido in 1996 in the city of Pyt-Yakh, Tyumen region. He has been involved in coaching since 1998.
In 2003 he moved to Moscow and created the Real Aikido Club in the southwest of the capital.
In May 2004, the first seminar was held in the south of Moscow at the Leader center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
In May 2005, an International seminar was held on the basis of the Yuzhnoye Butovo sports and recreation center with the participation of the founder of Real Aikido, Lyubomir Vracarevich.
Every year Yaroslav Igorevich attends seminars of masters of aikido and other types of martial arts, improving his professional level.

I will start from afar, so that it is clear where the place of RA is in the world of aiki-jutsu. And in the end I’ll just tell you what real aikido looks like in Moscow with the 5th dan of real aikido, Gennady Yuryevich Sudakov.


Aikido, in my opinion, is an emasculated version of Daito-ryu, and it was a mistake on Grandfather Ueshiba’s part to believe that 18-year-old boys can be immediately taught the high principles and beauty of Aikido, without initially giving them the hard combat basis of Daito-ryu aiki-jutsu.

This would be all right, but since about the 60s, and maybe even since the 50s, there has been a tendency to degrease, emasculate, desalinate Aikido itself. The “second derivative” of the valid Daito-ryu combat system.

Classical aikido within the framework of the Aikikai organization began to increasingly resemble ballet, where aikido techniques were not actually performed, but only danced. “Aikido does not teach resistance, but teaches interaction,” sensei say, and teach people to dance attacks and techniques. If suddenly the attacker refuses to fall while the defender is doing the “I throw you to the mats” dance, the sensei gently explains:
-You are resisting. This is not in the spirit of Aikido.
-Oh, sorry! -Says the attacker and urgently begins to dance the “I’m falling on the mats because I was kind of thrown” dance.

It is clear that the gopniks do not know Aikido dancing and do not know in what place they need to fall beautifully. The only criterion for success in the Aikikai is obtaining the next belt.

Lubomir Vracarevic from Yugoslavia wanted to teach combat, real (instead of dance) aikido and created his own system, which he called Real Aikido.

There is not a single Real Aikido hall in Germany and, as a rule, no one has even heard of it. But there are some people with experience in Real Aikido in Germany. And sometimes they come to the halls of the German Aikikai, gee))

So, the scene is Dortmund. Aikido Hall Aikikai. Unfrightened German aikidokas flutter around on the mats, dancing attacks and defenses, when suddenly a serious man from Real Aikido comes into the hall. Aikikaevites are starting to suspect something!!! They suddenly notice that Aikido techniques can not only be danced, they can also be performed In fact. They had been gluing cardboard tanks from paper for many years, and then suddenly there was a smell of smoke and a real armored battle tank drove into their hall. The Germans' patterns were cracked and the group broke up. “We stopped understanding why we practiced aikido for so many years,” confessed the distraught aikikai.

The second case, even more annoying, took place in Hamburg, where a student of that same realist from Dortmund came to the Aikikai hall. The Hamburg Aikikai sensei tried to dance in front of the real player the dance “I throw you on the mats with a shiho throw,” but the real guy refused to fall, and instead showed the sensei a combat version of the shihonage and fixed him on the mats with mental control in the spirit of Vracarevic. The sensei’s reaction exceeded all expectations - he disbanded his group, sending out an e-mail to everyone with the words “I have lost my internal motivation to practice aikido.”

An intelligent sensei from the Aikikai is well aware of the dangers of having real people in his gym. That’s why it’s better not to let real people on the tatami at all - the business will be safer. I think this is precisely the reason why Moscow sensei Aikikai Matveev did not let me work with his students.

Real Aikido techniques - they really put you on the mats. The opponent does not have to be a dancer and know his part of the dance in order to fall.
The controls of Real Aikido are really controlled.
Real Aikido throws are really thrown.
And so on.

The Aikikai simply tries to ignore the existence of the RA, and when it cannot be ignored, it begins to put pressure ideologically. One 4th Dan Aikikai told me:
-In Real Aikido, one strives to do working techniques because one feels fear. These are fighters, not warriors. They think that there will be gopniks in front of me. Will my technique work? I will learn to act tough... These are cowards. Their spirit is not perfect. A true Aikido warrior does not think about whether his technique will work, he is not afraid, his spirit is perfect. Therefore, real Aikido is primitive, and what we do is practice for real warriors.

Some St. Petersburg guy from Aikikai wrote in a book that in Real Aikido they hurt people (!), and Aikido is beauty and harmony - it hurts to do it in a non-Aikido way. The dude didn't know that martial arts- it's actually painful. Blood sometimes flows there. If you don’t want it to hurt, sign up for the hundred-cell checkers section.


Real Aikido at Sudakov’s (hall in Mitino) turned out to be not what I imagined.

They work with energy: they raise their hands from grips, do openers (tenchin-nage), they even seem to do techniques from grips, but at the same time they do not work from strikes. Their work with energy (kokyu) is sincere, this is not a giveaway from the Aikikai - there are no questions about it. But I was expecting a fighting aspect from Real Aikido. He was absent. Therefore, Mr. Sudakov’s Real Aikido seemed to me more like “good classical aikido without giveaways,” but not the combat aikido that I wanted to find there.

Working with energy, no doubt, is very important. But that's just introductory part, preparatory stage. And then you will need to learn the entrances to boxing pairs and unbalance the heavy ones. strong people who really want to maintain their balance. I didn’t see anything like this in Moscow Real Aikido.

After classes, I began to approach the aikidokas and ask each one to show me how to work on strikes.
-What do you mean? - they asked me.
“I’ll punch you in the face now, and you’ll show me how you’ll defend yourself.” - I answered. In my opinion, a very correct proposal.

Two people refused, saying “this question is beyond our waist.” One comrade asked me to hit the air, they say, show me how you hit. I hit.
-No, no, no, I won’t do anything like that! - Said the real person. It is important to note that I have never practiced percussion systems and I hit at a very amateur level.

I went to see a girl with a black belt. The girl didn’t want to work against blows, so they started working against grabs. I grabbed her ai hanmi katate dori (braid dori) and asked her to do nikkyo. I state that the girl does not know how to do nikkyo. Just some kind of Aikikai. He began to teach the young lady nikkyo. Unlike the Aikikai, where they would have immediately explained to me that I was unspiritual and did not understand the essence of Aikido, the girl began to study and eventually did it on me. She said that all my explanations were correct and that she teaches children to do nikkyo in the same way during training. At the same time, nikkyo didn’t suit me... Geum. This is not how I imagined black belts from Lubomir Vracarevic.

Finally, I went up to Sudakov himself and said that I wanted to look at the work on the blows. They say today in training we did (we did it well, I’ll note again) all sorts of things like tenchin-nage and kokyu-nage, but I want to see the work from simple blows to a melon.
-What does Aikido have to do with it? - Sudakov was surprised. Tub cold water on the head. Breaking patterns. 5th dan from Vracarevic is interested in what is the connection between aikido and blows to the face.

Further, Sudakov pushed the completely Aikikaev cart, that anyone who hits a melon can be neutralized with a deft blow to the balls or a poke in the throat, that all this is completely uninteresting, non-aikido and in general is not what we are all here for. Then Sudakov called someone over to act as nage and showed me how he works from blows. Yes, Gennady Yuryevich works great against blows. But I’m always interested not in how a 5th dan sensei works, but in what his people in the hall can show, what they teach them.

Sudakov refused to work against my blows, citing the fact that no one hits like that and if we were to work against blows, then from normal, real ones, and not from mine. Former karateka Sudakov is certainly right - I don’t know how to hit, but how can he explain that his boys cannot do even with my clumsy strikers?

I directly told Gennady Yuryevich that I did not see what I expected in his hall.
-What did you expect to see? - Sudakov asked. I told him about Lubomir Vracarevich’s seminar in Kyiv in 1990. There Vracarevich worked very famously from blows, twisting seasoned Soviet karatugs into knots like puppies and it was cool.
-Real Aikido is an extremely combative thing, effective teeth-crushing techniques, very strict effective controls and other soft stuff.... -I outlined my ideas about RA.
“In 1990, Lyubomir could really show exactly this,” agreed Sudakov, -but time does not stand still, Vracarevich has already moved away from his understanding of aikido and went deeper into the essence of the issue. All this hand-to-hand combat is a very superficial view; we are now interested in more fundamental things.

I believe that if real-life athletes spend several years in the gym and do not know how to work due to my amateurish blows to the face, then doing “more fundamental things” is a little strange and smells like Aikikai. This is not what I expected from RA.

Even after the training, I finally persuaded one guy to stay with me and work with me and began to show him how I understand aikido. He punched and kicked me at all levels, and I showed him the ins and outs.
-Do you do this during training? - I asked.
-Not really. - The boy answered. And I realized that I would not recommend the Real Aikido halls in Moscow to anyone.

They say in St. Petersburg that Real Aikido is led by Mr. Ulyanov (6th dan from Vracarevich) and Ulyanov just emphasizes working from blows. Well, maybe I’ll go to St. Petersburg someday. And Moscow RA seemed to me just a solid (and unrealistic) classic.