How to place a punch correctly. How to hit a good shot: exercises and training

How to develop a knockout punch, because if you are a real puncher, half the job is already done. A knockout at competitions and on the streets looks impressive and beautiful, which is loved by both spectators and promoters. As a rule, punchers have a small amount of stamina, but this deficiency is amply compensated by the power of the blow. You can equally train endurance and other indicators that are important for a boxer.

A strong knockout blow depends on the correct execution, body weight and speed. Those. if you have heavy weight body and, at the same time, greater, its strength will increase significantly. The following muscles take part in the blow:

  • triceps;
  • muscles of the forearm;
  • deltoid;
  • pectoralis major muscle;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles.

It is extremely important to perform at least maintenance exercises for these muscles. Soreness resulting from working out in the gym without relaxing and specialized exercises, or visiting a sauna will reduce the speed of the stroke. Before wondering how to develop a knockout punch in boxing, you need to repeat the rules correctly.

Correct strikes

When striking directly with the left hand, a simultaneous step is taken with the left foot. The right hand is at this moment at the chin, the left shoulder covers the chin on its side. The right straight punch is performed with the right heel raised, the right shoulder brought forward as far as possible. The left hand covers the jaw.

Side impacts should follow a trajectory parallel to the floor. The fist can be placed like a glass (vertically) or horizontally. Each coach independently decides how to teach athletes. When attacking from below, the closest possible range is required. A small squat is done in the legs and body, then with a jerk upward, a blow is delivered with a lift.

Exercises to increase strength

How to develop a knockout punch at home. Studying at home for maximum effect You should use a mirror to self-observe the correct execution. If you have an empty bar or a heavy stick, take the projectile, place your feet shoulder-width apart and, holding the bar at chest level, make jerking and quick movements back and forth (simulating a strike).

It's important to do this quickly. The bag is designed for power work, so if you deliberately focus on the correctness of the blows, you will get desired result faster.

It is certainly difficult to create conditions at home for the next exercise, but by doing it regularly you can as soon as possible develop a powerful knockout blow if you use a hammer and tire. Strike the sledgehammer vertically from top to bottom, as hard and fast as possible. It is the shock extensor muscles that are involved in the exercise. Start with a couple of sets of 8-10 times, and increase the load over time. You need to keep your back straight, legs slightly bent at the knees. The blow itself, just like a punch in boxing, is done while exhaling.

How to develop a knockout punch using kettlebells. It perfectly develops the shoulder muscle groups and increases the speed and, accordingly, the force of the blow. Also, when working with weights, you will immediately notice that your hands get tired much faster. Approximately the same fatigue occurs with longer and more intense work without dumbbells. Regular training with dumbbells increases the endurance of the shoulder muscles and triceps. The blow becomes sharper and faster, partly due to the fact that practicing combinations with weights also increases sensitivity.

Sharpness and accuracy are enhanced by a ball on an elastic band that is attached to the head. Important criterion this exercise- this is the accuracy of hitting the ball, provided that it is always in weight. Those. To do this, you need to frequently and constantly deliver high-speed strikes. This task perfectly simulates a close fight between athletes, in which high speed work and constant dives/slopes predominate.

Knockout blow is a set of other exercises to work the extensor muscles:

It’s worth mentioning separately about the bench press in a lying position. The weight must be chosen such that it is possible to do 15-20 repetitions and jerks of the weight with one hand, weighing from 16 kg.

The benefits of working with a kettlebell are snatch technique, leg and back work.

Exercise with a rubber band. Stand in a fighting stance with your back to the wall and take the tourniquet attached to the same wall by both ends, then practice various ligaments.

Athletes' experience

How to develop a knockout blow if you are already over 30, if there are no cardiovascular or other serious diseases. Boxing training involves psycho-emotional, physical and cardio exercise. For the smooth functioning of the heart, it is necessary to understand that it is still not an engine. On initial stages take short breaks, breathe properly and ventilate the room moderately. Choose the right vitamin complex for yourself, drink more water and stick to your daily routine. If training is fun, the athlete will be interested in continuing to exercise in any case. You can test your strength at any tournament among amateur athletes.

The brightest representative of top athletes who are over 40 is, in the past, a wrestler, in the present, a mixed style fighter - Marat Balaev. As far as we know, it acts primarily under the auspices of the DIA. His record is this moment 9-1-0.

They will be useless if they are not accompanied by appropriate power. In combat, it is necessary not only to hit accurately, but also powerfully.

However, there is another opinion that large fighters in fights without weight restrictions have an advantage over fighters who have a lower weight. Theoretically this is correct, but practically it is not entirely correct.

A large and physically strong fighter is not always a powerful fighter. Conversely, a fighter who does not have much mass can have significant power. Great physical strength does not yet guarantee a powerful blow. The main thing is not physical strength, but the ability to manage this strength. A powerful fighter is not a strong fighter, but one who can demonstrate his strength quickly, economically, and in concert.

If a strong fighter learns to perform fast movements, he will increase his power, while the size and strength of his muscles will remain unchanged. Conversely, a light fighter whose movements are fast can hit just as powerfully as a heavyweight whose movements are slower.

What is a knockout blow? Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary.

Knockout– (English knock – out; to knock – hit + out – outside, out) a position when an opponent knocked down by a blow cannot rise to his feet for a certain time and is considered defeated.

Delivering a knockout blow means coordinating all actions individual parts bodies into a single powerful movement. In addition to the mechanical impact, you must put all the passion and fury of your emotions into the blow, believing in the destructive power of your actions. But desire alone is very little here. It is necessary to work a lot and persistently on the formation and implementation of a powerful blow.

Biodynamics of shock movement

Depending on the physical, mental, morphological, physiological, and emotional characteristics of the fighter, any combat action is subject to certain laws of physics, biomechanics and human physiology, having its own characteristics.

For a blow to be powerful and effective, it must be delivered:

  1. on time and from the right distance;
  2. consistently investing the entire mass, increasing the amount of movement;
  3. moving in the direction of the impact while maintaining balance;
  4. quickly and accurately, accelerating the striking hand;
  5. relaxed, concentrating at the moment of contact and quickly returning back in the direction of attack.

Ability to correctly identify right time to carry out a strike and execute it at a strictly chosen moment is one of the main factors in the effectiveness of striking power.

Beginning fighters often believe that the success of an attack depends on striking as quickly as possible at any point in the fight. As they gain experience, they begin to understand that speed and strength are not always the deciding factors for victory. There are some moments in a fight that are more advantageous than others to attack. Over time, fighters instinctively determine the opportune moment to attack. The ability to sense the right moment to display striking power is possible only after long and hard training. This feeling comes from a combination of experience and knowledge.

The effectiveness of one’s combat operations largely depends on the combat distance, that is, the distance from the striking surface to the target. Long distance is characterized by increased psychological comfort, some security, and the ability to analyze and control the enemy’s actions. However, you will need a lot of time and significant energy expenditure to reach the enemy's range.

In close combat, the density and frequency of combat operations increases, there is physical impact from the enemy, there is a constant exchange of blows, which causes severe mental stress. There is practically no time to think about and use techniques; you can be attacked at any moment without taking a step forward.

The most advantageous range may be one in which the enemy is within your reach, but at the same time you can easily move out of his reach without changing the distance to the enemy. The optimal reach zone for a punch is determined by the shortest distance from the fist of the striking hand to the target. When you strike above or below the corresponding strike vector, the reach area is reduced and you must reduce the distance between yourself and the enemy in order to strike.

Unfortunately, we are not able to change the length of our arms and legs. But we are able to expand our reach without getting closer to the enemy. Flexing your upper body toward the impact extends your reach and increases the amount of movement. Rotating around its axis without tilting towards the target, it increases the reach area by 10-15 cm due to the shoulders. Additionally, additional body mass is put into the blow, increasing the power of the blow. Pushing off the floor with your back foot and stretching your body towards the target significantly increases your reach.

To increase the force of a strike, you need to use your body weight, coordinating the movements of individual parts of the body into a single “heavy” striking movement. To increase mass, you need to add angular momentum of the entire body to the impact. The kick should start from the lower body. The legs send the body forward with a powerful straightening. The movement of the hips increases mass and pushes the shoulder girdle towards the impact. If the movement began from the upper body, then it will not be possible to increase the force of the blow, since top part the body will work on dragging the lower body.

The formation of a powerful hand strike consists of a coordinated sequence of accelerating the speed of the body parts with a “wave” or “whip movement”:

  1. explosive push of the feet from the floor;
  2. springing movement in the knee joint;
  3. rotation of the hips in the hip joint, 15-20 degrees advanced movement of the shoulder girdle;
  4. transferring body weight to the opposite leg;
  5. the flexibility of the torso transfers the energy of the blow into the rapid movement of the shoulder girdle;
  6. the shoulder and forearm of the hand lie in the plane of development of the blow;
  7. the elbow and wrist joints are rigidly fixed;
  8. the direction of the strike is exactly at the target along the shortest trajectory.

Scheme of forming a powerful hand strike

The dynamics of striking power largely depend on the following main factors:

  1. level of development of speed qualities and strength abilities of the muscles (explosive and starting strength) of the legs, torso and arms;
  2. push-off leg extension by 40%, rotational-translational movement of the torso by 35% and extension movement of the arm by 25%;
  3. axis of rotation, which when delivering an accented blow right hand should pass through the left leg and left shoulder (when delivering an accented blow with the left hand, the axis of rotation should pass through the right shoulder and right arm);
  4. advanced movement of the pelvis in relation to the upper shoulder girdle, which leads to stretching of the muscles of the torso and the muscles of the shoulder of the striking arm, thereby accumulating potential energy of elastic deformation;
  5. rigidity in the kinematic chain of the hand, through short-term and maximum tension of the muscles involved in the shock movement;
  6. synchronization of a sharp exhalation with the moment of applying force directly during the impact itself;
  7. sharp relaxed movement of the hand towards the target and instant maximum concentration at the moment of impact with the target. To express the greatest power, you must first relax completely, and then concentrate all your mind and all your strength on hitting the target;
  8. the position of the forearm during impact to the point of impact, which should be perpendicular to the target. Only perpendicular movement towards the target allows the full impact potential to be realized. How sharper angle, the less damaging the effect.

All of these factors are interconnected by the principle of simultaneous execution when forming a knockout blow. All movements that make up a powerful blow, plus the concentration of physical and mental strength at the moment of striking, must occur and end simultaneously.

The power of a blow depends not only on the force put into it, but also on the direction. To shock the enemy as much as possible, you need to strike so that the sum of all vectors is the maximum possible, and so that this sum, which is also a vector, is directed in the direction of the blow. A vector is characterized by the magnitude of the force and its direction.

When delivering a coordinated straight punch with the hand, the resulting force will be in the same direction as the punch. If you strike forward with your hand, and at the same time take a step back, then the strike will lose a lot of its power, since the resultant in this case is the sum of two vectors that are directed in opposite directions: one forward and the other back.

Direction when striking is of utmost importance in increasing power.

Remembering the direction when striking, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. perform strikes in such a combination that one strike naturally leads to the next;
  2. avoid dispersing the resulting force by using correct body mechanics;
  3. use rotational movements to accelerate your strikes.

When striking, it is necessary to maintain stable balance. Stability = wide base + low center of gravity. Every time you extend your arm forward, your center of gravity changes and you need to compensate by shifting your body. To increase stability, it is necessary to increase the support area (base width) and shift the center of gravity to the bottom. However, if the position is too wide, the fighter loses mobility.

Speed ​​is the second component of a powerful blow. Speed ​​can provide both punching power and a strategic advantage that allows you to avoid your opponent's blows and hit them with more punches. Thanks to your speed, you will be able to withstand opponents that are superior in height and weight to you. Speed ​​can dramatically increase the effectiveness of any strike or action, especially when you are at the peak of your physical fitness. To implement a powerful blow, the hand must move towards the target with increasing speed, that is, acceleration, and not with constant speed. To accelerate the striking weapon, use rotational movements of the hips, shoulder girdle, by hand.

Any blow must be delivered exactly to the target. The accuracy of any movement is a direct result of its correct execution. An accurately executed strike requires less energy, is carried out faster and is more powerful. The result of a accurately executed strike is its maximum effectiveness.

Another important component of a powerful, effective punch is relaxation and concentration. Before your fist makes contact with the target, your hand should be completely relaxed. When delivering a blow, the relaxed hand rushes towards the target, and at the moment of contact the fist is compressed (concentrated) as much as possible, which corresponds to the maximum application of force. After the blow, the hand relaxes again and quickly returns back in the direction of the blow. A sharp return of the hand increases the force of the blow due to the short time of contact with the target. In the relaxation phase, the delivery of the blow is the fastest and most economical. In the concentration phase, the blow has maximum power. The return phase maintains the attack vector, increasing the resulting force.

The correct striking technique in boxing or other martial arts is a priority. Without setting up a punch in boxing, you are not allowed to hit the bag or sparring in the ring.

Today we will tell you how to correctly place a punch, even at home.

The hand has several striking surfaces that are difficult to damage in combat. This is, first of all, the base of the palm.

Try hitting the hard punching bag with the heel of your hand as hard as you can. The blow will be powerful and the hand will not feel any pain or even slight discomfort. You can also hit a concrete wall with this place. You just need to get used to this blow and practice it, improving speed and strength.

With the back of your hand you can deliver sharp blows to the opponent's face without risking damage to your own hand.

Here you can add an ordinary slap in the face. Oznobishin, the founder of Soviet hand-to-hand combat, wrote about its simplicity and strength. According to him, a well-executed slap can knock down even a heavyweight opponent.

If we talk about palm strikes, then we can’t help but mention palm strikes to the ears. This blow injures the eardrums and completely deprives the enemy of the opportunity to continue the attack.

Also, when setting up punches for a real fight, do not forget the fingers. They strike soft or particularly vulnerable parts of the enemy’s body, such as the eyes, throat, solar plexus and groin area.

Also, blows can be applied with the edge of the palm, both from the little finger and from the thumb.

A little more about clenched fists

Well, now, back to the clenched fist strikes that we are all so accustomed to. If you want to train in this direction, then prepare yourself for long training sessions. The fist hardens very gradually and, with some patience on your part, turns into a formidable weapon.

First of all, you need to pay attention to those places that are most susceptible to injury during impact, that is, the knuckles and wrist joint. Both are hardened by push-ups with fists, gradually increasing their number.

Also, various stances on a clenched fist, of which there are so many in different styles wushu and especially hard qigong. With such training, the fist acquires the necessary hardness and resistance to injury.

Now you can safely punch any part of the enemy’s body. But until these workouts are completed, do not injure your hand. Hit those parts of it that are not susceptible to injury.

When talking about setting up punches, we shouldn’t forget about the elbow. Elbow strikes are used when the opponent reaches a critical distance, the so-called clinch. At such a distance, a well-placed elbow strike has no value.

When practicing punches, you need to learn to punch from any position, without being tied to a specific stance. This skill will give you a huge advantage in the event of a street fight.

And of course, you should never neglect training and the correct placement of punches under the guidance of an experienced trainer. “The one who walks will master the road.”

Here is a guide to striking for boxers, fighters and anyone who wants to throw the right and swipe! Learn the knockout punch now!

Before you start talking about hard hitting, you need to master theoretical basis generation of energy by the human body. Then we will learn to place the body in the correct position so that all of your strength and all of your weight effectively “flows” into your blow. You will then learn proper striking techniques that will make your punches stronger. Lastly, I'll give you some tips on how to increase the damage of the hits you land on your opponent.

Basic theoretical principles of delivering a strong blow:

1. Speed ​​is not strength. Force is acceleration. That is, strength is not only speed. You need to have a weight that you will accelerate. A quick punch won't be powerful unless you put some of your body weight into it.

2. Move your body. Remember Bruce Lee's famous "inch punch" theory: moving your entire body weight one inch (2.54 cm) will have a greater effect than moving one arm one foot (30 cm). To obtain maximum force, the entire body must move during the impact. The difficulty is that you do not need to focus on moving the body weight over a long distance, it is important to move the body at the same time (explosive mode).

3. Use your feet. The largest muscles in the body will provide the most energy. Those who throw punches using only the weight of their arms will never achieve serious punching power.

4. Stay within your striking range. Even the hardest punch will be wasted if your arms straighten too much (you don't reach). Your punch will be stronger if your fist hits the target a little before your arm is fully extended. Don't stretch out!

5. Strike under different angles. Such blows will be stronger; There will be more opportunities for strikes and the damage from them will be greater.

Energy flow

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The heel of the back foot (the right heel of a right-handed boxer) is always slightly raised.
  • Upon impact, your feet will rotate (or twist) in the direction of impact.
  • When throwing a series of punches, your feet will rotate (or twist) in one direction or another depending on which hand you punch with.
  • When striking with the right hand, the heel of the right foot is raised while the left foot is completely on the floor. When hitting with your left hand, the opposite is true.
  • When you throw your strongest punch, both feet should be firmly pressed to the floor. (We will break this rule later when we learn how to throw punches with rotation/twisting).
  • Legs slightly bent at the knees.
  • When striking, sit up slightly (body weight goes down), bending your knees.
  • Rotate your hips towards your opponent as if you were throwing a hip strike.


  • Your torso should rotate with maximum amplitude and your punch will “fly” due to this rotation.
  • Rotation of the body with a large amplitude and a small “reach” of the striking arm gives a stronger blow than a small rotation of the body with full straightening of the arm.
  • Don't lean forward, don't try to "get" your opponent - instead, rotate your body!
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed to increase speed and strength and conserve energy.
  • When hitting, raise your shoulders higher - this will increase the force of the blow due to the work of the shoulder muscles.


  • At the beginning of the strike, the forearms are relaxed.
  • When you throw your punch, your arms fly towards your opponent and straighten until they touch the opponent's body.
  • Do not strike too long (do not try to reach the enemy), otherwise you will run into a counter strike.
  • Do not pull your fist toward you before striking. This is called "telegraphing", which allows a skilled fighter to see the blow before it is thrown and deflect it.


  • When you are not striking, your hands are relaxed. You can form a fist, but you don't need to clench it.
  • When you throw a punch, your fist turns into a brick that you deliver to your opponent.
  • Your glove starts from your face and ends there.
  • For straight punches, you move your fist horizontally before making contact. When delivering side blows to the body or head, the fist can stand vertically (“cup”).
  • Exhale hard on every beat.
  • The eyes are 100% ready. When striking, you need to look straight at the target.
  • Lower your chin slightly to hide it behind the shoulder of your striking hand.

Everything I just described is called energy flow. You need to feel how the energy passes through your entire body from your feet to your fists. If one part of your body is lazy or you don't feel it participating in the strike, you need to train more so that that part also becomes actively involved in the process of striking.


  • Study the distance of all your strikes while standing still and then quickly stepping forward. Try to keep all your shots INSIDE this range.
  • Shots from too long or too short a distance will not have maximum force.

Jab (straight left punch)

  • A quick step forward will make this hit much stronger.
  • Extend your throwing arm and lift your shoulder so you can really drive your jab into your opponent.
  • Don't lean forward when throwing a jab. Save this for your next shot, the right cross.

Straight right or right cross

  • Rotate your body, rotate your body and...rotate your body.
  • The PERFECT target for this shot is not directly in front of you. I'll show you where she is. Do this: pull out your left hand like throwing a jab. Extend your arm fully and leave it in this position. Now imagine that your opponent has ducked to the left of your jab and his face is now about 30 centimeters from your outstretched left hand. This space of 30 centimeters is the place where your right blow will be most powerful. Don't believe me? Try checking it on the bag. Stand not in the center of the bag, but slightly to the right and apply a right straight, rotating your body counterclockwise as much as possible. Do you feel the force of the blow? Great!

Left hook (left side)

  • While throwing left side punches to the opponent's body, lower your elbow. If you throw a side kick to the head, raise your elbow.
  • Learn to stop your side kick. You don't want it to fly through your opponent. Practice stopping this blow the moment your fist is directly in front of you. This will give that same “pop” from the blow (like from a whip) and will not allow you to “twist” your body.
  • Well, forget to turn both feet so that they are facing to the side at the moment of delivering this blow.
  • When throwing a left side kick, lower your right heel to the floor and lift your left to bring all the energy of your left leg into your strike.

Right hook

  • When throwing a right side kick, shift your body weight from your back foot to your front foot and quickly move your head, bringing its weight into the blow, without taking your eyes away from where you are striking.
  • When throwing a right hook, make sure that your head does not move to the side, but forward - directly towards your opponent. (This is not easy to do, but it will give your punch more power, although sometimes you will have to make a significant forward movement of your head for defensive purposes.)


  • Forget everything you saw in the movie "Street Fighter".
  • A true uppercut is a short and fast strike. The punch doesn't go all the way up, it actually goes forward.
  • Imagine throwing a long right cross. Now make a new cross, but only now turn your fist so that your palm “looks” up. Now throw your right hand straight at your opponent's head.
  • The uppercut does not have to be applied strictly from the bottom up, it is better to throw the arm from your waist diagonally upward. This blow is not vertical, it has a horizontal movement.


It is very important to learn how to hit hard. You can’t just strike hard when you feel like it. We must learn to seize the moment for such a blow. Your distance must be correct, not only for the first shot, but also for the next one.

When is the best time to hit hard?

  • When the opponent hits himself. A counter strike always causes more damage.
  • When the opponent does not expect the blow. This can be achieved by breaking through his defense or striking in a ragged rhythm. Fast boxers do this by throwing a very fast straight right or left hook.
  • At an angle. Hitting at an angle can cause more damage, stun your opponent faster, or at least prevent him from preparing another hard blow.

Most common mistakes

  • Lifting the foot off the floor. Lifting the foot during the strike removes almost all body weight from the strike.
  • Trying to reach (pulling). Such a blow will not be strong. Moreover, you become an excellent target for a counter strike. If you hit in such a way that you have to reach too far to reach your opponent, you are limiting yourself to just that one strike, whereas striking with balance and poise allows you to hit in a series.
  • They forget about the jab. If you don't jab, you'll never be able to prepare a really hard punch. Use your jab! A short, strong jab will stun your opponent (or distract him) and help you set up your signature hard punch.
  • Episodes are too fast. What happens when you get excited in a fight and start throwing a lot of fast punches with just the weight of your arms, i.e. don't put the rest of your body weight into your punches at all? Of course, you have a lot of energy and your strikes all seem quite strong to you, however, over time, your arms will get tired and the force in your strikes will disappear completely.
  • Telegraphing. Do not, under any circumstances, move your fist towards you before striking (as if swinging). So many boxers do this in the ring and their punches become predictable. Try standing at the bag without moving and throwing a punch at someone's unexpected command. You shouldn’t jump back and forth at a rhythm that is predictable for your opponent.
  • Stay away from lifting weights. Trying to hit a big shot with the bench press is the same as trying to break the sprint speed record by using the barbell to develop your leg muscles. Many conflicting articles have been written on the usefulness or otherwise of training with weights for hitting hard, but the science is simple: when you lift weights, your body becomes stronger with a slow movement (the punch is a fast movement). Moreover, training with weights will noticeably increase your strength greatly. limited quantities types of movements. The body will develop unnatural muscle sizes that will have little endurance. If it were possible to build really strong and fast muscles, a great middleweight could easily become a great heavyweight, right?

Training for hitting hard

  • Strike slowly. This is one of my favorite tips. I force my players to hit as hard as possible, but slowly - at half speed. Almost everyone I've coached has been surprised by the fact that when they hit slowly, the power of their punches is greater compared to the power of their fast punches. The reason is that no person's body can move faster than their arms. Usually the hand completes the blow before the body begins to rotate. Throwing slow punches allows you to engage your entire body in the punch and really helps make the punch really powerful. Exercise: Stand in a front stance next to the bag or opposite a partner with paws. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width and alternate right and left crosses. It is important that before each blow the boxer pauses for two seconds, as if posing in front of a photographer. Try it! There are many exercises for developing speed, however, at this stage our goal is to hit slowly!
  • Swimming is a great way to build strength throughout your body. There are not many exercises to develop strength and endurance that are as effective as swimming!
  • Isometric exercises. Stand against a wall, bend over slightly and place your fist on the wall and push your fist as if your punch is stuck. Apply maximum effort for 10 seconds; then change hands. 15 reps and 3 sets per arm. This exercise trains the body's ability to conserve energy. It's as if you force your body to become a rubber band - as soon as the obstacle in the path of the fist disappears - BAM!

To learn to hit harder, you must be willing to forget everything you know and try something new. As with everything else, there is always room for improvement in boxing. Boxers who think they know everything will never learn to punch harder. Keep an open mind and pay attention to techniques and strategies that you have never used yourself, and you will achieve results. Respect other people's striking techniques and explore the possibility of incorporating them into your own.

Find out what types of kicking and punching techniques there are and how to properly train to develop power and speed when striking.

The content of the article:

In a street fight, it is often enough to strike one precise strong blow to emerge victorious from the current situation. Some professional boxers are gifted with this ability from birth, but this does not mean that striking technique cannot be developed at home. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

What is striking technique and how to develop it at home?

If you want to develop striking technique at home, then classes should consist of two stages. Let's get to know each of them in detail.


If you have mastered the stall well, you will be able to take your opponent by surprise, not allowing him to react to the blow in time. The basis of a quality breakdown is relaxation. Simply put, your muscles should be relaxed and your head clear. You should not think that you are going to strike, because an experienced opponent will be able to predict it based on your actions. To practice a breakdown, we recommend performing the following exercises:
  1. Hit the horn- take a fighting stance and relax. Your comrade is located out of sight and at different time intervals gives a sound signal, for example, with a clap. At this moment you need to strike. To make the exercise more difficult, we recommend using two beeps. One of them allows you to strike, and the second prohibits it.
  2. Hit to touch- similar to the previous exercise, but the partner’s touch is used as a signal to attack.
  3. Working with paws- a friend holds the boxer's paw and constantly changes its location. This applies only to the vertical, but also to the horizontal plane.
  4. Strikes to the body of a partner who must rebound- you must have time to hit your friend with a blow before he leaves your reach.
  5. Hitting the newspaper- the partner must hold the newspaper sheet by the upper corners, and you strike it. If you manage to break through the newspaper, then you have come a long way towards stall training.


The second stage of mastering striking techniques at home is called fist acceleration. Here great importance has speed-strength training as a fighter. It is important to develop both components, and not focus on one of them. Many athletes believe that active weight training can reduce speed. However, a weak blow can only be useful in amateur boxing to score points. It won't be of any use in a street fight. Here are some exercises to help you increase your punching power:
  1. Various types of push-ups.
  2. Bench presses - perform the movement without pauses at the extreme points of the trajectories, and the weight should be selected so that 10 to 12 repetitions can be performed.
  3. Kettlebell jerk with one hand at a fast pace.
  4. Working with a punching bag - try not just to strike the surface of the bag, but perform the strike as if you were trying to punch through sports equipment.
  5. Pad work is a great tool for improving your striking technique at home.

How to harden your hands to deliver powerful blows?

Your hands should be prepared to deliver strong blows. To do this, we recommend that you use the following training methods.

Push ups

In untrained people, the outer part of the hand is extremely vulnerable to damage. This is due to the absence of large muscles on the phalanges of the fingers that could protect bone tissue. As a result, after delivering blows, you may become incapacitated by breaking your hand. To prevent this from happening, perform push-ups on your knuckles and knuckles. Start working on a soft surface and gradually move on to push-ups.

Working with the bag

Another great way to strengthen your fists is to work with a punching bag. Please note that most of the bags sold in sporting goods stores are designed to be used with gloves. The best option would be self-production this type of sports equipment. You will need to sew a cylinder with a diameter of 50 to 60 centimeters from a double layer of tarpaulin or leatherette.

In the upper part, 2–4 straps are sewn to it for fastening to the ceiling. Insert a sugar or cereal bag inside and fill it with dry grain. We recommend using wheat or barley. To prevent the grain from moving around in the bag, tie it tightly with a rope. As a result, the bag can last you more than ten years. Don't forget. That the cost of such inventory will be significantly lower compared to store inventory.

Correct striking technique

The force of the blow largely depends on correct technique, and it’s worth starting with its consideration:
  • The feet are located slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints.
  • The heel comes off the ground first.
  • During the impact, the foot turns in the direction of the arm's movement.
  • If you strike with your right hand, then your left foot remains in place and your right foot works.
I would also like to give a few useful tips that can make it easier for you to master percussion techniques at home:
  1. The knee joints should be slightly bent, and the body weight should be transferred forward at the moment of impact.
  2. The hips should rotate towards the opponent at the same time as the attacking arm moves.
  3. When throwing your arm close, you should make a full body movement.
  4. You cannot reach forward or turn your body sharply.
  5. During the swing, you should not move your hand back so as not to show your opponent the moment of striking.
  6. The fist should be clenched as tightly as possible.
  7. During the attack, you should exhale.
We recommend constantly improving your striking technique in order to achieve high skill.

Striking Techniques: Exercises to Develop Speed, Strength and Explosive Energy

  1. Kicking the ball. To perform the exercise you will need a certain free space and, if you live in apartment building, the neighbors downstairs will not be very happy about your training. We recommend using a special weighted ball used by boxers. If you don't have one, you can use a basketball one. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Raise the ball above your head and throw it forcefully to the ground. You should perform at least 15 repetitions.
  2. Jump squats. The starting position is similar to the previous movement, but you do not need any additional sports equipment. Just perform deep squats and jump from the lowest point of the movement path. We recommend working until you run out of energy. To make the exercise more challenging, you can perform it with dumbbells in your hands.
  3. Pull-ups. The hands on the bar are located slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints. Do it as many times as possible.
  4. Push ups. Hand placement is as narrow as possible. It is best to perform the exercise with emphasis on your fists rather than your palms.
  5. Reverse push-ups. It is necessary to position yourself with your back to a bench or other similar stable surface. Place your hands on it and stretch your legs forward. From this starting position, lower yourself down.
  6. Kettlebell lifts forward. Hold a kettlebell between your legs with one hand. From this starting position, make a sharp jerk forward, raising your arm until it is parallel to the ground. Perform 8 repetitions on each arm.
  7. Jerk. The exercise resembles the previous one, but the jerk of the sports equipment is performed upward.
  8. Snatch with a push. The weight is located between the legs. Take it with your hand, while moving your pelvis back. With a sharp movement, move the projectile to the shoulder joint, and then push it up. Perform 9-10 repetitions on each hand.
  9. Kettlebell raises from a sitting position. Squat down and place the apparatus on the shoulder joint. To make it easier to maintain balance, you should extend your free hand in front of you. Begin lifting the weights in a vertical plane. While performing the exercise, you must ensure that the calf muscles and buttocks are in constant tension.
  10. Kettlebell lifts from a lying position. Take a lying position on your back and raise your arm with the weight up. Begin to rise from this position. The exercise is performed in 10 repetitions.
  11. Push of two weights. Two sports equipment must be held on the shoulder joints. After inhaling air, use a jerking motion to lift them up. The movement in the opposite direction should be slow and controlled. Also keep an eye out. Keep your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire set.

Where should you strike?

No matter how powerful a blow you have, it should be applied in certain places. You must remember that the knockout is a consequence of a concussion of the cerebellum, after which nervous system shuts down the body. To knock out an opponent, a blow must be delivered to the jaw, temporal region or back of the head.

There are also other vulnerable points on the body:

  1. Liver- in the area of ​​this organ there are reserve reserves of blood, and a strong blow can cause spasm, as well as loss of consciousness.
  2. Solar plexus- located here a large number of nerve fibers and a precise blow to them can cause temporary breathing problems.
  3. Under the heart- if the blow was strong, then it is even possible to stop the functioning of the organ with subsequent death.
  4. Groin and lower abdomen- everything is clear here and without explanation.
The knockout threshold is unique for each person, but we can say for sure that an unexpected blow with a force of at least 150 kilos will knock out almost any opponent. It is only important that it be applied suddenly. Scientists often conduct interesting research. Today we will talk about two of them. The first measured the punching power of famous boxers:
  • Mike Tyson can throw punches with a force of 800 kilos.
  • Vladimir Klitschko was somewhat behind, but his strength of 700 kilos is worthy of respect.
  • Dmitry Spirichev surpasses even Tyson in this indicator - 850 kilos.
  • Michael Zambidis slightly fell short of the impact force of 500 kilos and his score was 498.
Research was also conducted on the strength of blows with various limbs in representatives of several types of martial arts:
  • The knee in Muay Thai is an absolute winner, because the force of the blow can reach 1600 kilos.
  • A leg in karate is one of the most modest indicators, equal to 450 kilos.
  • A boxing fist has similar punching power to a karate kick.
  • But representatives of taekwondo kick harder than karatekas - 650 kilos.
Of course, all these indicators are averages, but they are interesting to study. If you constantly develop your striking technique at home, you will be able to achieve good results.

How to practice striking techniques at home, see below: