How to lose weight in your legs in a week with exercise and diet. How to lose weight in your legs and thighs in a week without pumping up muscles - quick and effective exercises at home

The canons of beauty change from year to year, but for many decades the concept that women's legs should be thin has persisted. We suggest discussing how to lose weight in your legs quickly, what exercises to do to remove extra centimeters in a week, as well as advice from fitness trainers and nutritionists.

Proper nutrition for feet

Exercise is the surest way to lose weight in your legs and other parts of the body. But they alone will not be enough, because the female body tends, in most cases, to accumulate calories and store fat. Before you start doing exercises, stretching and crunches, analyze your nutrition. This does not mean that now you can only eat dietary products, you just need to limit yourself a little.

What products should be excluded or limited:

  1. Sparkling water, even mineral water;
  2. Sweets in any form, it is better to replace them with honey;
  3. It is better not to eat fatty foods in the evening;
  4. Eat low-salt foods; salts retain moisture in the body, which is why your legs often swell.

But at the same time, we remind you that during the period of intense training you cannot go on strict mono-diets. Let's say buckwheat or rice.
Video: leg workout

Exercises for losing weight on legs

Now let's discuss what to do to lose weight on your legs. Depending on the area of ​​your problems, you need to choose correct exercises. The legs can be divided into several zones:

  1. Buttocks;
  2. Hips;
  3. Breeches;
  4. Inner thigh;
  5. Caviar.

Let's start with the buttocks. You can remove fat from them only through intense exercise. It is worth noting that, unlike other parts of the body, the butt sags somewhat, if you do not engage in aerobics or fitness, tightening the muscles in this area is much more difficult than any other.

The most effective exercises are considered squats. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. You need to squat using a special technique: your knees should remain at one point. If you can’t repeat it the first time, then practice on the sofa: squat on it. But don't sit down. You need to go down slowly; hold for two seconds at the bottom point. Repeat 50 times.

If you really want to quickly lose weight in your legs, then you need to do 75 squats, increasing the intensity every day. When you get to 300, just do the workout every day. This way you will achieve beautiful legs and a toned backside in a month.

If you squat completely incorrectly, you can pump up not the back of your legs, but the front or quadriceps. For football players, it is the most prominent part of the thigh.

Photo – Slender legs

To lose weight between your legs, you will have to try - fat really doesn’t like to leave there. Leg swings have proven themselves well, and even a pregnant girl can perform them. You need to stand against a wall or table so that there is support at hand, lean on it and raise your leg to the maximum possible level. Repeat 30 times with each leg.

If a woman needs to improve her shape inner sides hips and lose weight in the legs, it is better to use horizontal swings. Lie on the floor, on your side, then sharply raise your legs up and smoothly lower them down. Another very good exercise- this is to lie on your side, put one leg on the floor, and throw the one that is on top behind it. The pose should be similar to that of men who sit with their leg on their knee, but only in a lying position. Now we quickly begin to lift the lower leg towards the ceiling. Repeat 30 times in pairs.

A jump rope will help you urgently tighten the muscles on your legs (thighs) and reduce thick thighs; it is very easy to lose weight with it. Just turn on your favorite music and jump, but there is one caveat: you need to jump for at least three minutes. Over time, the rope should become heavier for better efficiency. After giving birth, it is better to consult your doctor before performing exercises.

You also need to run to lose weight in your legs; even diet is not so effective for removing extra centimeters on the stomach, arms, thighs. You can run like gym, and on fresh air, and last option much better: the body is better saturated with oxygen. The process should take at least an hour, and the speed should start from 5 km/h. With this intensity, you can easily get rid of stretch marks and fat on the stomach, sides, arms, cellulite and even folds on the face.

Photo – Exercise for slimness

When running, a woman over 30 needs to be careful, because... The knee joints are no longer as flexible as those of a 20-year-old, and injuries are possible. In addition, the muscles require less load. But for a teenager, such exercise will be incredibly useful: it will help to wake up and concentrate.

Breeches, or ears, are a very nasty problem - it appears from a sedentary lifestyle and a love of sweets. You can remove them like this: place the remote control on the floor in front of you, stand on one leg and jump over it with each leg in turn. Repeat for a minute.

Another exercise from athletics: kneel down, then lean on your hands, lift your legs up one by one. First the right one 20 times, and then the left one.

Bodybuilding, cycling, wrestling, weightlifting, punching bag boxing all increase the size of your calves. In this case, the women's forum simply gives advice to limit the “harmful” influence and stop playing “male” sports for a while.

Let's discuss how to lose weight in your calves so that it is effective. We highly recommend trying the “Reaching for the Sun” exercise. Remember, in school, during physical education classes or in kindergarten, you had to stand on your toes and have the strength to stretch your arms to the sky. We also do it at home, for about two minutes at a time.

If you eat right, do all these exercises and don’t skip workouts, then in a week or two it’s quite possible to lift your body. Regular exercise will help you maintain your figure and increase stamina.

Sexy legs represent the strength and attractiveness of a woman. This is the part of the body that men pay attention to special attention, which is admired and cannot be resisted. But what to do if, instead of being slim, you have become a hostage to fullness and cellulite in this part of the body? We will look at how to lose weight in your legs and thighs without harming your body, find out what needs to be done for this, and how to combine the advice of cosmetologists, nutritionists and trainers.

Girls are interested in how to lose weight in their legs without pumping up muscles. This is a completely natural question, since highly visible muscles of the lower extremities do not compliment a fragile figure. However, don't worry about sports loads. After all, in order to pump up muscles excessively, you will have to constantly lift heavy weights with your legs. If you play sports without using additional weights, this will only reduce the volume of your hips and make your skin taut and elastic.

Let's look at how to lose weight in your legs through sports.

Home workouts

But more girls wondering how to lose weight in your legs at home. Videos of exercises that will help make the lower limbs as attractive as possible are freely available. You can choose ready-made programs from leading fitness trainers by studying reviews about them. You can also independently choose the complex that you need to do to lose weight.

The most popular leg exercises:

Organize your diet

Is there a special diet for losing weight on legs and thighs? There is no specific system that will help you locally get rid of fat deposits, but there are tips from nutritionists, using which you can significantly speed up the reduction in volume in problem areas.

We will look at what you need to eat to quickly get into shape at home and enhance the effect of your workouts. We will also get acquainted with foods that are best excluded from the diet or, at least, reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Table of prohibited products

Products name Harm to slim legs
Fatty meat, lard, offal. A large amount of fat, which does not have time to be processed by the body into useful energy, is deposited under the skin and between the muscles.
Fried foods, butter, refined vegetable oils. An increased content of harmful cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels, makes them less elastic, inhibits the process of fat breakdown and the removal of toxins.
Refined cereals, wheat flour, flour products, pasta made from soft wheat varieties. Contain large number fast carbohydrates that tend to turn into fat deposits in problem areas.
Cakes, pastries, sweets, sugar, soda, high-calorie desserts. These products also contain a lot of sugar, and store-bought desserts with cream also contain trans fats. These substances are harmful to our cardiovascular system, figure and body as a whole, so it is best to avoid them.
Canned food, store-bought sauces, marinades, pickles, sausages, smoked meats. Products in this group contain a large number of preservatives, artificial colors and other harmful substances. They also contain a lot of salt, which retains water in the body and slows down the process of losing weight.
Fatty dairy and fermented milk products. These foods should not be eaten to lose weight in the legs, as they contain a large number of calories, and our task is to limit their consumption.
Coffee, black tea, alcohol. Drinks in this group are diuretics, they remove from the body healthy water, which inhibits metabolism and the breakdown of fat deposits.

Table of permitted products

Products name Benefits for slim legs
Lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products without additives and sugar, eggs. Eating these foods is very useful in order to keep muscles toned, since they contain a lot of protein - the building “material” of each of our body cells. However, be careful with egg yolks; you can use no more than 3 of them. per week.
Unrefined cereals (brown rice, barley, oatmeal, barley and buckwheat), durum wheat pasta, rye bread, cereals. If you don't know what to do to saturate your body with useful energy, these products are ideal. Reviews from nutritionists confirm that they contain slow carbohydrates, which the body gradually uses for useful things, rather than storing them in reserve under the skin.
Fresh vegetables, herbs, lettuce. If you don’t know what to do to lose weight on your legs, just create your menu so that 50% of it is occupied by these products. They are rich in vitamins and other useful elements. But the main “trump card” is fiber, it saturates for a long time, swelling in the stomach, contains almost no calories, gently removes waste and toxins, stimulating intestinal motility, and starts metabolism.
Fresh berries and fruits (except bananas, dates and grapes), dried fruits, unroasted nuts without salt and sugar. These delicacies are also rich in nutrients and fiber; they will not only give you taste pleasure, but will also help you lose weight quickly. These products are best used as snacks in small quantities.
Hot spices. Suitable for those who do not know how to quickly lose weight in the legs and hips, and suffer from swelling of the limbs. Hot spices remove from the body excess liquid and accelerate blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.
Mineral water without gas. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day, especially if you are actively involved in sports. Water removes waste and toxins, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes, and cleanses the kidneys.


If you want to have skinny legs, photos of which will delight both you and everyone around you, you can combine proper nutrition and physical activity With cosmetic procedures.

Now salons offer their clients various hardware techniques that have a destructive effect on fat deposits. You can get rid of extra centimeters and cellulite with:

The power of self-massage

In addition to high-tech salon procedures, you can use self-massage. Before describing his technique, let’s find out why legs lose weight. Burning fat deposits directly depends on the calorie deficit and metabolic rate.

If we do a foot massage ourselves, we will speed up blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer and increase the flow of lymph. These processes are simply necessary for efficient combustion and removing fat cells from the body.

Start self-massage from your feet, slowly moving higher. It will be useful even for those girls who have very thin legs, as it not only improves health, but also relaxes. Use light massaging movements, pinching, rubbing. Do not dwell longer on problem areas; all areas should be worked evenly.

Use special oil or rich cream for massage, so you can tighten the skin and nourish it with useful substances.

In conclusion

If you decide to correct your figure as a whole or work on certain areas, be prepared for painstaking daily work.

No toe rings for weight loss from Chinese “craftsmen” or shorts with a sauna effect will work if you lie on the sofa and overeat on sweets and pizza.

Only if you combine these fashionable devices with proper nutrition, regular workouts, and cosmetic procedures, you can make your legs and hips attractive and slender.

Slender legs are the dream of every woman. There are so many ways to get slender legs. Naturally, we will not be able to correct the shape of our legs, but it is possible to noticeably lose weight in our legs in a week. How to lose weight in your legs in a week?

How to lose weight in your legs in a week

For some women, it happens that their legs get fat first and lose weight last. In such cases, you can wrap yourself in a film using various muds, field cartilage or magnesia, use a variety of salt peels, apply creams that help you lose weight in your legs in a week, as well as salt baths with the addition of citrus essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, orange and others). It is advisable to alternate baths and wraps every other day. In combination with physical exercise and with diet you will achieve the desired result.

Exercises to lose weight in your legs in a week

The following exercises will help you quickly lose weight in your legs in a week:

Jumping rope. This exercise perfectly strengthens the calves, improves blood circulation and, accordingly, helps burn excess fat. You need to start with thirty jumps a day, gradually increasing the number. Over time, jumps can be diversified: perform them on each leg alternately, backwards, forwards, etc. Gradually increase to fifty jumps per day.

Bike. This exercise can be performed while lying on the bed.

Lie down on the floor and stretch out as much as possible. Pull your toes towards you as hard as you can for 15-20 seconds. After that, relax and repeat.

Lie on your back and simply raise your legs. Try to do this as slowly as possible and do not lift your legs too high.

The next set of exercises must be performed as slowly and with strong tension, without lethargy and for as long as possible. Do not exhaust yourself and repeat the exercises for 15-20 minutes once a day:

Run in place for five minutes;

Jumps starting from fifty times and up to one hundred times. Jumping is contraindicated in case of a disorder of the genitourinary system;

Squats all the way to the floor. In the starting position, you need to inhale, while squatting, exhale calmly. Gradually, the number of squats must be increased to thirty times;

Bend forward and to the sides, touching the floor twice. In the starting position, you need to inhale, while bending, exhale calmly;

Swallow: inhale, raise your left leg, move your arms back as far as possible, hold out as long as you can on one leg, while exhaling, lower your left leg, and then raise your right;

Lie on your back and at the same time raise your two legs thirty centimeters and, straining your legs, hold for twenty seconds, simultaneously raising your neck and head and straining your facial muscles. Repeat the exercise, also lying first on your right and then on your left side several times;

Sit on the edge of the bed, raise both legs, lean your body back and support yourself on your elbows, while straining your facial muscles. Repeat the exercise several times;

Stand straight, place your feet 70-80 centimeters wide, do a half-squat and hold in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times;

Inhaling while standing or kneeling, calmly lean back as far as possible, counting to seven seconds, then slowly return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat several times.

Diet for losing weight in legs in a week

To lose weight in your legs in a week, it is advisable to drink drinks such as milk, green or black tea without sugar, milk tea (brewed with milk green tea with the addition of honey). Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended mineral water(at least two liters per day) and juices (all except grape).

When losing weight, it is advisable to eat low-fat cottage cheese, jacket potatoes, any fruit, and boiled chicken breasts. It is necessary to exclude high-calorie and fatty foods from the diet. Eating only the above foods for one week will help you lose weight in your legs in a week.

Foot rings for weight loss

Today, leg rings for weight loss are in great demand. Their action is determined by constant exposure to certain points by a magnetic field. When exposed to these rings on a person, electric currents, which affect the physicochemical properties different systems in the body, including the orientation of proteins and free radicals, as a result of which metabolism, biophysical and biochemical processes in the body change.

To achieve the effect, leg slimming rings must be worn on the little finger. They can retain their properties for 7-8 years, and you can wear them constantly, even in bed or shower, taking them off only once a week for cleaning.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Soft feminine shapes, slender and beautiful legs. Isn't this what each of us dreams of? But not all women naturally have thin and graceful legs. Massive thighs, cellulite, excess fat and swelling in the legs - these are the main reasons that prevent us from looking light and graceful.

To get closer to perfection, you need to put in a lot of effort. How to lose weight in your legs? First of all, you need to work hard at gymnastics every day, and also get rid of excess weight.

We refuse salt. To lose weight in your legs and get rid of swelling, try to eat as little salty foods as possible: sausage, cheese, processed foods. They interfere with the normal removal of moisture from the body. Replace them with steamed meat and fish, and dairy products. Very useful, eating foods rich in potassium - baked potatoes and dried apricots.

We take a diuretic. It will help you lose weight in your thighs and remove excess fluid from the body - tea, tablets and infusions with a diuretic effect.

We lose weight in the bath. How to lose weight in your legs in a short time? A trip to the bathhouse or sauna will help here. Before entering the steam room, apply honey and salt to the dry skin of your feet. Steam with a broom for five minutes, then take warm shower and relax in the dressing room. Rinse sweaty feet with water and wipe dry.

We cleanse the body. Cleansing procedures will not interfere with slim legs. It is useful to sit on kefir and tea for one day once a month, and also do an enema with herbs. Take ten tablespoons of dry herbs: chamomile, mint, sage or yarrow and pour boiling water (two liters). Keep on fire for five minutes.

Special underwear. Anti-cellulite clothing will help burn subcutaneous fat: leggings, shorts, breeches. A special weaving of fibers creates a continuous massage of problem areas, making the legs slimmer and more toned. Metabolism accelerates and muscle tone improves.

How to make your legs thinner? We do procedures

What to do to lose weight on your legs quickly and effectively? Various massages, wraps, and spa treatments will help reduce a few extra centimeters in the hips:

  • Wraps. In the fight against overweight and cellulite, one of the most effective remedies is weight loss wraps. Seaweed wrap and massage are especially helpful. Algae suck out excess moisture and get rid of cellulite.

Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin to remove the upper stratum corneum and open the pores. Apply a thick layer of the mixture to clean skin (it should be warmed to room temperature) and wrap with cling film.

It must be applied tightly so that the mixture does not dry out and the heat remains inside. Then cover yourself with a warm blanket. After 40 minutes, wash everything off, repeat the next procedure after three days. Course 13-15 wraps. Compositions for wraps can be different, for example you can take:

  1. ten drops of cinnamon and orange oil and three tablespoons of honey;
  2. five tablespoons coffee grounds, three tablespoons of honey and a spoonful of ground red pepper;
  3. one part honey and two parts milk;
  4. yogurt and honey in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Massage with honey. Honey massage legs improves blood circulation and promotes tissue nutrition. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, tightened, soft and velvety.

What to do to lose weight on your legs?

All women who want to lose weight are interested in what to do to lose weight on their legs? Of course, exercise every day for at least an hour. Callanetics, yoga routines, step aerobics, jumping rope, stretching, running, etc. - you yourself can choose something close to you from this variety.

Here are a few simple exercises that you need to do regularly so that the question “how to lose weight in your legs” ceases to interest you.

“Shrinking” the hips is not simple task, the main thing here is persistence and systematicity. You should not expect a quick effect, but if you perform these exercises regularly, you will be able to see the results within a month.

  • sitting on the floor, straighten your legs. Grab your shin with your hands and raise and lower your straight leg. Do 20 swings with each leg.
  • Kneel down and cross your arms above your head. First, sit on your left thigh, then straighten up and sit on your right. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.
  • Standing straight, cross your legs. Extend your arms straight and carefully lean forward. Hold this pose, then slowly straighten up. Repeat 10 times.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly bend and straighten your legs. Do 20 exercises.

For slim legs:

  • stand straight, then lunge forward with one leg so that a 90°C angle is formed at the knee. At the same time, the back is straight, and the hands are on the waist. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.
  • back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands on waist. Place your feet parallel to each other. Now you need to slowly do shallow squats. - 20 times.

For full knees:

Starting position: lying on your right side, resting on your right forearm. Bend your right leg and lift your left leg perpendicular to the floor. Now bend and straighten your left leg at the knee. The leg muscles should be tense.

These bends break up fat deposits in the knee area. Do 30 repetitions with each leg daily.

Complement this exercise with a massage. After every bath or shower, knead the skin on your knees.

Jumping rope improves the shape of your legs. To get the best results from the exercise, you need to dress warmly. Wear wool trousers and a sweater. At first, you need to do no more than 20-30 jumps. You can gradually increase their number. Bounce on both legs, then one, then the other. Contraindications: heart problems.

It is possible to make your legs chiseled and slender, you just need a little patience, time and the right attitude. Tell yourself: “I want my legs to lose weight, my figure to become slimmer,” and gradually move towards this goal.

Even thin people can have legs that look too full and their pelvis too heavy. What can we say about those who are forced to struggle with excess weight for most of their lives.

This topic is especially relevant for women. Nature made sure that their hips and butt were protected with a sufficient layer of fat for a successful birth. Without physical training there’s no way around it, but many are afraid to pump up their muscles so as not to become masculine, and finding a middle ground is very difficult. And yet, professionals give clear recommendations on how to lose weight in your legs and give them an ideal shape.

Causes of fullness of legs

With the arms and abdomen, in most cases, everything is very clear - their fullness is due to overeating and a sedentary lifestyle (in 75%), but with the buttocks, thighs and calves, everything is much more complicated. Here are the most common factors that contribute to their over-rounding.

  • Female feature

Mother Nature has endowed women with full hips and a large pelvis for successful labor and barrier protection of the reproductive organs. If there is weight gain, then the first fat deposits in the fair sex will go down. In men, reserves primarily accumulate in the abdominal cavity, forming the famous beer belly.

How to lose weight: necessary comprehensive program for losing weight in the lower body for at least 3 months.

  • Swelling

Many women have a complex about their legs, considering them too thick, although the problem may be completely different. After 40, every third person suffers from age-related edema, which is caused by changes in hormonal levels (preparing the body for menopause), slow kidney function, and abuse of alcohol or other drinks before bedtime.

Signs of swelling: in the evening, a mark from the elastic band of socks remains on the ankles, shoes at the end of the day seem small, tight and difficult to remove, when you press your finger on the skin, a dimple remains, which slowly returns to its original shape.

How to lose weight: just normalize your diet, exclude salty and pickled foods from your diet, do not drink after 18.00, completely give up alcohol, check your kidney function, cleanse the lymphatic system.

  • Lymphedema

This is the next stage of swelling, which is a serious disease and requires consultation with a phlebologist and treatment. Lymphedema is often called elephantiasis.

How to lose weight: undergo examination and a full course of treatment.

For reference. Conservative treatment of lymphedema consists of exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and balneology. Pneumocompression, lymphatic drainage massage or bandage may be prescribed. In advanced cases, patients are sent for surgery.

  • Heredity

If all the women in the family have full legs with a relatively slender figure (often with small breasts and very thin waist the volume of the hips spoils all the proportions of the body), this is heredity.

How to lose weight: this deficiency can be partly corrected through training, but you will have to resort to it throughout your life. After you stop playing sports, the weight will return again.

  • Strength training

People who focus on training strength exercises, at a certain moment they may be dissatisfied with the final result. This is especially true for girls who come to the gym to work out to lose weight and shape their figure, but end up pumping up muscles like bodybuilders and then try to reduce the acquired volume.

How to lose weight: adjust your training plan - reduce strength training, add more cardio exercises. It is better to do this together with a coach.

  • Physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, obesity

And finally, one of the most common reasons for full legs among both men and women is unhealthy image life.

How to lose weight: increase physical activity, normalize nutrition, use additional weight loss techniques.

The problem of full legs concerns mainly women, because this is predetermined by nature. It rarely affects men. But if, nevertheless, they need to lose weight in their thighs or calves, the methods will be almost the same - the differences will only affect the training.

The reason was determined, what course to follow in accordance with this, we found out. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Now is the time to start developing the program. It should include the end goal (what you want to achieve), the timing and schedule of activities that you will carry out to lose weight on your legs. The more competently it is compiled, the more accurately it is executed, the more effective the result will be.


Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, because they spend a month on workouts and diets. modern man there is neither time nor patience. And here you need to immediately decide for yourself important question. Either you make your legs slim at the most short terms, but at the same time:

  • harm your own health: digestion, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system;
  • literally in a week (or even earlier) you regain the lost weight and, accordingly, return the previous (or even greater) fullness in all parts of the body.

Either you draw up a weight loss program lasting several months in advance and patiently follow it, and as a result you get:

  • thinner and slender calves, beautiful and seductive hips, moderately toned buttocks;
  • significant and lasting weight loss;
  • beautiful shapes in other parts of the body;
  • acquiring correct eating habits;
  • good health.

The advantages of the second option are obvious, but most make sacrifices and choose the first, because there is literally a week left before the vacation and weight loss is needed urgently.

How to lose weight in your legs in a week

  • Drink diuretics for 3 days so that the swelling goes away;
  • go on the strictest diet that you can withstand: apple, buckwheat, kefir or oatmeal (these are the most effective);
  • run for half an hour every morning;
  • perform special exercises every day;
  • drink a lot of water;
  • do fat-burning wraps every other day;
  • sign up for a lymphatic drainage massage.

As a result, you can lose up to 5-7 kg of total weight, and along with all other parts of the body, your legs will also lose weight. True, then it will take a long time to establish digestion, restore the kidneys and liver, fight vitamin deficiency and exhaustion, and soothe muscle pain after daily workouts. But you knew that such a short-term body correction would require sacrifices on the health side.

If you need to lose weight in 2 weeks

You can minimize the risk to digestion and choose a more gentle diet. For example, or. It is also better to lighten up your workouts - do it every other day, although do not reduce the intensity. We leave running in the morning, body wraps, and lymphatic drainage massage. A good addition would be taping or wearing shapewear.

But effective weight loss It’s unlikely to be achieved in 1-2 weeks. Calculate the program for at least a month, the optimal period is at least six months.

For different parts of the legs

Ways to lose weight in your buttocks:

  • the best exercise is walking on the floor on your butt;
  • exercise machine - stepper;
  • in yoga - locust pose;
  • type of sport - swimming;
  • slimming shorts;
  • wraps.

How to lose weight in your thighs:

  • exercise - ;
  • simulator - ellipsoid;
  • in yoga - chair pose;
  • type of sport - running;
  • slimming bermuda shorts;
  • wraps.

What to do to lose weight in your calves:

  • exercise - standing calf raise with dumbbells;
  • exercise machine - power block;
  • in yoga - warrior pose 2;
  • taping.

The most difficult part will be to lose weight in your calves, since there are many more ways to make your butt and thighs look beautiful.

Sample program


You need to lose a little weight; a gentle vegetarian diet and regular exercise for a month will be enough. But if your legs are very full and even thick, you will have to pull yourself together and significantly change your lifestyle.

  1. Have a weekly fasting days to cleanse the body: food - to a minimum, enemas and diuretics - are welcome.
  2. Start your day every day with light gymnastics and running, and end with long walks on foot.
  3. Follow a clear daily routine: eat, exercise and sleep at strictly designated hours. This will make it easier for the body to burn calories and not store fat.
  4. You will have to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  5. Pure water should be your favorite drink while you are losing weight (at least 2 liters per day).
  6. Minimize stress and improve results.

Correcting any part of the body (,) requires effort and time. Legs are one of the most problematic because fat leaves here very slowly. Plus, all this is aggravated by cellulite on the buttocks and thighs, and you will have to work hard on your calves. Therefore, do not neglect even the little things. It is said to drink 2 liters of water - please do so - otherwise the metabolism will not accelerate and lipolysis will not start.


And finally, the most effective exercises for slimming legs, which can be included either in morning exercises, or to the general training complex. In addition, the best exercise machines and yoga asanas will also be presented.


Morning exercise sets muscle tone for the whole day. It must be done without fail. Duration - 15-20 minutes. While you are losing weight in your legs, it should be based on exercises that put stress on them. Here is a short list (since everyone knows them, there is no point in describing them in detail).

  1. As a warm-up, you can jump rope for 5 minutes.
  2. Run in place.
  3. Squats.
  4. Lunges in different directions, forward and backward.
  5. Bike.
  6. Raising the buttocks from a lying position.
  7. Lying leg raises.
  8. As a cool-down - 5 minutes of calm, measured walking.

This complex includes the most effective exercises for legs, so feel free to start your morning with them.

Workout for men

The next set of exercises is especially for men. Despite the fact that they encounter this problem less often than women, such situations are still quite possible against the background of excess weight.

  1. Warm up - walking in place.
  2. Plie squats.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Deadlift on straight legs.
  5. Extension, bending from different positions.
  6. Cross lunges with weights.
  7. Smith machine squats.
  8. Cool down - walking in place.

Men definitely need to include strength exercises in their workouts to replace fat with muscle.

Workout for women

Without appropriate exercises, thick legs in women are unlikely to lose weight even with the strictest diet.

  1. Warm up: any stretching exercises.
  2. Plank.
  3. Gluteal bridge.
  4. Squats with weights (dumbbells).
  5. Wide squat.
  6. Swings from a side lying position.
  7. Cross lunge in dynamics.
  8. Repeat squats with weights.
  9. Lateral swings.
  10. Cool down: any stretching exercises.

Women also face the challenge of losing weight in their legs without gaining muscle. To do this you need:

  • do stretching exercises as a warm-up and cool-down;
  • do yoga;
  • alternate exercise machines with cardio training.

If the fear of over-pumping is still present, contact an individual trainer to develop an appropriate program.

Exercise equipment

Any workout should include at least 20 minutes of work on simulators. The best for losing weight on your legs are:

  • exercise bike;
  • treadmill.

There is no need to rush to all the exercise machines at once. Each of them puts a different load on different parts of the legs. Ask your coach what exactly you should work on first, and he will definitely help you with your choice.


If someone has had the pleasure of being interested in yoga and knows its basic asanas, they can take advantage of poses that are excellent for losing weight different parts legs Among them, the most effective are:

  • locusts;
  • crescent;
  • triangle;
  • flying eagle;
  • wheel;
  • warrior;
  • pyramid;
  • bridge;
  • happy child;
  • swivel chair;
  • pigeon;
  • full boat, etc.

For those who were not previously familiar with yoga, it is better not to try the asanas - there is a high risk of injury. Moreover, there are simpler additional methods:

  • running (preferably interval);
  • walking;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • roller skating;
  • fitball

The training program should be drawn up taking into account the following points:

  • classes - 3 times a week for no more than 1 hour;
  • warm-up and cool-down are required;
  • Cardio exercises and strength exercises should alternate;
  • daily morning jogging (at least 20 minutes);
  • every day - exercises;
  • daily walks in the evenings at an intense pace (at least half an hour);
  • additional interest classes: swimming, cycling, fitness, etc.

Pick up best exercises and do not forget to change the complexes monthly so that there is no addiction.


Many people are interested in the question of how to eat to lose weight in their legs. Here it is enough to know only 2 basic rules. Firstly, there is no specific product that would selectively burn fat in the lower extremities. Eating restrictions will work to reduce weight in general, and not in any specific area of ​​the body. Secondly, you need to consume much less calories than you burn - only then will you be successful. Nutritionists advise the following.

  1. Do not exhaust yourself with strict hunger strikes.
  2. Remove harmful fats from your diet - leave only omega-3 acids (olive oil, nuts, fish oil).
  3. The diet should be low carbohydrate.
  4. Ideal diet options are vegetarian or protein.
  5. Exclude from the menu everything fried, buttery, sweet, over-salted, smoked, semi-finished products and fast foods.
  6. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. It is useful to eat as much seafood and boiled food as possible. chicken breast. Eat in small portions (no more than 1,500 kcal per day) 5-6 times a day.

Auxiliary methods

Nutrition and training should form the basis of the program. To speed up the process, you can supplement it with auxiliary procedures. Individually, they are not particularly effective, but they are suitable as catalysts.


It will smooth the surface of the skin and make it elastic. And of course it will help general weight loss in the legs. The only question is where you will do it.

To carry out the procedure at home, it is better to purchase a portable massager. It can be roller, vacuum, vibration and even electric. It is easy to use and will allow you to work on problem areas without outside help.

Much more results you will achieve it if you sign up for a salon with a master. Choose either a cupping or manual anti-cellulite massage followed by a fat-burning wrap.


Any anti-cellulite or fat-burning wrap will speed up weight loss in the thighs and calves and improve the condition of the skin. It will be more difficult with the buttocks, since wrapping them in cling film problematic. Which pastes are best to choose for this procedure:

  • hot: with pepper, seaweed, cinnamon, chocolate, Capsicam;
  • cold: with vinegar, camphor, mint, menthol, agar-agar;
  • night: with clay, honey, cosmetic and vegetable oils.

Wraps must be used carefully so that the paste does not flow into the intimate area under any circumstances, otherwise itching, burning and severe irritation cannot be avoided.

Frequency of procedure: from 1 to 3 times a week.


You can lose weight in your legs if you wear a special one every day for 4-5 hours. The main thing is to choose the right size to avoid pinching the blood vessels. For this purpose you can purchase:

  • Bermuda shorts;
  • bodysuit (for buttocks);
  • breeches;
  • leggings;
  • trousers;
  • panties;
  • shorts;
  • trousers.

The range of shapewear specifically for legs is the largest of all presented. For example, you can only find turtlenecks for your arms, and even then with difficulty.

Salon treatments

What procedures can the salon offer you to make your legs slender:

  • algotherapy (algae wraps, scrubs, masks);
  • acupuncture;
  • (liquid nitrogen);
  • ozone therapy (introduction of an ozone mixture under the skin);
  • myostimulation;
  • (vacuum pressure using special trousers);
  • electrolipolysis;
  • radiofrequency lipolysis;
  • ultrasonic cavitation.

In advanced cases, they may suggest drastic methods from plastic surgery- liposuction and lifting of the buttocks, outer and inner thighs.

If you have fat legs and you have a complex about this, start working right now. Don't wait until they become thick and then even greasy. The sooner you start working on this part of the body, the faster you will achieve results. Treat the problem comprehensively, making maximum use of all the means suggested above. Soberly assess the situation, draw up a program of activities and try to follow it steadily. Only willpower and determination will allow you to achieve the desired effect and be proud of your slender legs.